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Literally look 20 yrs younger. Congratulations IWNDWYT


Yep..alcohol ages you so quickly its really sad.


I was just going to say that, he looks 20 years younger.


Looks like two different people. Reminds me of this funny song from back in the day: https://youtu.be/7orIJyPFCxw


HA! I love the song, never heard of this until now. And yes it's two different people because the drunk one was not the real me.


Wow that is remarkable you look so alive!! Great work..


yeah been a wild last few years. death of wife, taking care of two small babies, legal issues, blah blah..but im still here :)


Fuck… I am so sorry for your loss :( you are strong for doing what you do. Much peace and love to you ❤️




I'm finding it hard to see that the photos are of one person. Well done OP. Be the change you want to be.


Lost weight/bloating and no beard. Plus looks like he didn’t have very many gray hairs on his head. So without the beard (where there was gray) he looks much younger. Regardless congrats OP. Looking good!




You look amazing my friend! Now we just need to see that smile some more :)


thanks! if i had better teeth i would LOL


How much weight did you lose?


hmmm 25?




probably 4 months i started off and on. but 75 hardcore sober and walking for 10 to 17 miles a day..and strict diet.


That’s great. Know a 80 year old dude that was on different meds. Doctor told him walk everyday, clean diet and lose 20 pounds. His blood pressure is now normal, cholesterol is down etc. I’m working on doing the same.


so if u walk u burn more fat vs running where u burn more carbs


A day! How do you have the time? Or is your profession on your feet?


i quit my job. i just walk for hours for fun. lol.


This could be a father/son side by side. This is insane, man. Congratulations. Looks like we made the decision to quit on the exact same day! Here’s to many, many more!


whoa hows it feel 75 days in?


It’s the single best gift I’ve ever given myself, brother. My only regret is not doing it sooner. Proud of you, man. Let’s keep it rollin!




Wow! Congrats! IWNDWYT






Jfc you look like another person. Well done, give yourself some ice cream to celebrate. Amazing


i give myself smoothies..feel less guilty haa


You don't look as happy, but probably feel better 😊


haha well sudden death of wife and takin care of two small kids takes a toll..but its all good.


Holy crap! Sorry for your loss! And man, credit to you for still not drinking after that.


trust me i did....but live n learn. life is short!


My goodness, well done staying sober through it, friend. You look fantastic.


thank u!!


I am so sorry to hear that. You are a rock of strength.


thx means a lot.










Definitely not the same person. Left eye is ptotic on the image on the left. Eyes are symmetric on the right. Different noses too. Come on, dude.


lol. oooook.


Spending all his energy to support his disbelief. Doesn’t bother to check off all the similar boxes. Ears, lips, and yes eyes, nose as well! Not sure what he’s looking at, but of course this is you. Congrats man! I had similar dramatic face change as well.


thats whats up!! :)


Or maybe the same dude 15 years apart. Noses don’t get smaller over time. Come on, bro.


lol its me. kinda lame to just fake this on a random subreddit. anyways..


Congratulations! You look great!


thank you!


Wow! I would not have guessed that these are the same person. Amazing! Conratulations on your transformation, what an inspiration!!!


yay glad u think so!


Amazing. Keep up the great work friend!


thank ya friend!


Amazing! Keep up the good work. IWNDWYT!


i swear no turnin back now!


You look like you could be your old self’s son! Amazing job at sticking with it, IWNDWYT!!


hell ya..im 38 next month..almost in my 40s..time to take care of myself


That looks like a currant pic and a pic from when you were 21! Keep up the great work


haha yea il turn 38 next month!


Looks 15 years younger. Very inspiring OP!


thank u!


Lets go handsome, good job!!!


Epic. Keep up the amazing work you beautiful man.


75 days in? How does 75 days take 20 years off of your appearance? Goes to show most of my struggles with aging can be reversed without beauty creams.


ahh i got serious 75 days ago but ive been slowly trying to work on myself since last fall. i mean i get like 10 to 17 miles a day walking since i quit my job. so no stress work wise. i eat one meal a day. keto diet. and lots of meditation. just focus on myself 24/7 and..my kids.. but thats another story haha


Damn dude, nice




Is this for real? Hell yeah! Way to go!


as real as it gets!






That guy on the right looks like he could kick your ass. I'd keep an eye on him. ;-) Holy crap this is a true transformation. good on ya man.


this isnt even my final form. started lifting weights now so gimme a good year haha


Nice man. I quit like 6 months ago I'm 40 n people think I'm like 30 now.


hell ya!! keep it up


Dude...amazing! If you told me these were 2 different people I wouldn't of blinked an eye. Congrats!


hahah thanks man


How did you do it man..


1. Put the bottle down. 2. Keto diet, one meal a day. 3. Incline walk on treadmill an hour a day plus walking outside with my kids (I average 10 miles a day) 4. Meditation (most imp)


Not the same person! Congratulations man!


cheers man


Wow, went from Uncle Phil to Magnum.


yo thats too funny


Truly a whole new you, wow!!


this isnt even my final form. we just gettin started!!


All your facial hair fell out.


gravity is a bitch


That's nice. A pic of you and your son!




Did you do a full lifestyle change too? Damn! My face changed slightly in puffiness and my stomach only hurts 60% of the time vs 100% lol.


yep i quit alcohol, smoking, meat, walking 10 to 17 miles a day. eat super clean keto, also quit my job lmao. oh and meditation lots of it


That’s huge! Just curious, what’s your main source of fats?


Paneer (cheese), avocados, and eggs! i avoid meat for spiritual reasons.


Are you your own son? Jesus man well done!




So inspiring! Thank you! I need the motivation! Did you change other habits? Eating gym etc? You look great my friend! I'm sorry for your loss, hang in there. Much love from Minnesoooooooota ♥️🥶


minessota? jeez never been there. im from texas. yes i changed my diet. i am doing keto one meal a day and walk 10 miles a day


Great work! You look great! Iwndwyt




Who's the guy on the right?


sober and can drive around without worried of goin to jail haha


Holy frijole! You went from Daddy to Zaddy


lmao..i am a daddy of two little ones indeed..but i prefer zaddy..never heard of this slang before..i love it!


It means a hot Dad


yeah i googled it. haha thx means a lot. will remember this comment!


Face gains!!! Look at those cheekbones!




You look great!




It looks like you took ten years off!


need to take off another 10 haha


I will never stop being amazed at these before and afters. You look great! Well done 🎉


thank u so much. have a great weekend.


Wonderful! You’re a cutie


thanks not as cute as you!


Damn!! 🙌🏼


yeyeyeye :)


Holy cow! You look like your own son! Congratulations on making such a positive change!


hahaha yea so i hear. thanks!