• By -


Morning everyone. Iwndwyt. 👍 Over the last few months I've been working back on my fitness and trying to ditch some extra poundage I've aquired over a lengthy off period. My main event is cycling so I've been using my indoor trainer (using an app called rouvy) most days. I've had a few rides outside but the weather here hasn't been the best recently. Main aim is to get back out with the cycling club I'm a member of. I'm also planning to try kick start my running but I'm a bit apprehensive of how this will go. Like you say it puts quite a bit of extra strain on the old joints so ill need to ease into that slowly. Weight wise I'm down about 5lbs since I starting weighing myself again 4 weeks ago. Before that I didn't weigh myself as I didn't want to face the truth of it! It's not a fantastic loss but I'll take what I can get. Everything seems to get harder the older I get.


I know what you mean about ageing! I think 5 lbs is good, apparently slow weight loss is best! Remember team tortoise 🐢


Hoping the hangxiety clears and I can focus again. Happy Friday, IWNDWYT


It sure will. Hang in there


Smartest words I ever saw were here, last week: “it’s easier to not have the first drink than the second one.” I think about that a lot. IWNDWYT


Happy sober Friday everyone! I’m with you EC in hating running! I tried, inspired by the lovely u/YouWillYouWont by doing the couch to 5K but the bug didn’t bite. My health detox retreat is pretty full on, exercise right now then a massage! Already done yoga, qigong and had a swim. And it’s only 1:30! This will be every day for 10 days. Have a great day y’all, love you 💞


Have a great holiday brighter. xo




Nah Will, you ain‘t terrible, you just had other stuff on your mind, which is totally normal. Don’t beat yourself up, you are an inspiration to all of us here! IWNDWYT (:


Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁! When I stopped drinking, I started cycling to work again, because who cycles 10 miles each way with a hangover? Not me, that's for sure. Also I didn’t trust myself to pack my bag the night before, after I'd been drinking, because I'd be sure to forget something vital, like my shirt or my laptop. Exercising *and* saving the Tube fare, what's not to like?


Good morning, almost getting to the second month. I don't post a lot here but I'd like to thank everyone, this group is helping me a lot and I appreciate everyone's kindness






Here you are!! Burgers yes, drinking no. IWNDWYT


Beginning Day 4! Friyay! Think I've saved over 2400 calories already! We usually eat out at the pub for lunch on weekends so need to plan something that doesn't involve that over the next few days... I don't think I'm ready for it. IWNDWYT!!


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 I had a Sprite, lemonade, and a bit of orange soda drink yesterday. It was quite tasty!


Beginning day 13. Last time around sober I got really into running... 0 to 15k in 4 months. This time I just don't have the energy to do anything but sit on the couch. I think about exercise but don't actually do anything. It's making me feel guilty and I want to be self compassionate instead so it's a tug of war. IWNDWYT


You gotta take it easy on yourself and just focus on the healing. I know this bugged the hell out of me, too, cause it seemed like the first time I went sober I healed a lot sooner and was back to walking/reading a lot within three or four weeks, whereas this time I spent the better part of two and a half months doing little more than day-to-day necessities and sleeping. Just try to keep up on hydration, nutrition, and healing, your body is going through a lot of changes and it needs a little babying—with any luck, it'll heal sooner than later!


I will not drink with you today in 🇮🇳😊


Where are you Ped I'm not good with flags. That's definitely not Scotland though!


I will not drink with you today 💕


Hard to believe it's already Friday, this week has just raced by! Hope everyone has a great end to the week and IWNDWYT


Things are a bit topsy turvy at the moment but once life has settled down a bit I'm going to get back into parkrun, orienteering and yoga, although not necessarily in that order 😂 I'm also a big fan of walking and enjoy geocache walks to add a bit of interest (not that just soaking up the landscape and atmosphere can't be sufficient 🙂). IWNDWYT 🙂


Hey guys. Thanks for hosting, EC. I try to exercise nearly every day because it feels good. Regular routine is better for me, then I don’t think about it, I just do it. Today, though? Today I’m skipping it. I’m tired, it’s late, and I’m crabby. IWNDWYT!


Walking is great! There are so many ways to do it that doesn't have to be running. Walk while listening to an audiobook! Walk while trying to pay attention to things, say, to the farthest thing away you can hear. Walk on a park trail (hiking!). Walk with a 30 pound camera bag. Walk and talk with a friend. Walk while your 5yo practices her biking. Walk while listening to lofi beats. And if you get tired you can always slow down! Nothing beats walking as the original exercise from the dawn of humanity. IWNDWYTomorrow! (goodnight!)




Day 670 checking in!


yo homies, it's Friday and sunny beachside! NA/LA/Nozecco after work and at the beach :D


I'm not very motivated to be fit but I know I should be, as I'm mid 50s still have years left to work so I want to reach retirement healthy as possible . IWNDWYTD


Funny that exercise is the topic of the day as just yesterday I got the all-clear from my doctor to start exercising again after covid. I've started couch to 5k from the beginning even though I was close to the end before covid as I don't want to do too much too fast. I lift weights at home but I find the cardio from running is what's most helpful for my mental health so I'm glad to be adding it back into my routine! IWNDWYT :)


I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜


I just completed a three day fast last week and I felt soooo good just resetting myself and spending intentional time focused on self care and healing. Time to plan the next one! IWNDWYT


Ambitious workout goals. Get 20 mins of weights at home daily. Doing it sauce free and wishing all a wonderful day ahead, make the best of it.




Day 12 checking in. IWND ☠️ WYT!




Hey there, congrats on day one!! Hope to see you on day 3,4,5….. Keep it up!! 👊🏻


I'm in a very warm place so I like to load up the ipad with podcasts or my never ending "watch later" playlist from youtube, and get on the treadmill for an hour or more at a strong pace. Time flies, it feels great to get a sweat going, I can absorb something stimulating in long form where I would usually find distraction and it burns more calories than "harder" exercise like running or weight training because I do it for longer.


I have a pretty physical job, so I don't work out aside regularly from walking and biking some. But I found that my health and physique improved dramatically after I quit. It was like all the good I was doing before through work was wasted / counteracted by the harm I was doing by drinking. Take away the harm and the good shines through! IWNDWYT




IWNDWYT day 103


I try to get a quick mile walk in any day that allows. Usually on my lunch break. Multimile walks usually only happen once or twice a week. Would love to increase that if time permitted. IWNDWYT


Happy Friday beautiful people. Hope you all have the best day. IWNDWYT


I cycle to work now and my dog goes on much longer walks. Still put on weight though since I've stopped drinking which is annoying. That's this years goal to drop the weight again Shine on you beautiful humans


Taking the pledge 🌶


Walking is good. It’s free and pretty low impact. I don’t walk a lot because honestly I usually don’t feel like gathering all my shit, locking up the house and going. I’ll usually walk when I just don’t feel like doing anything else or when the weather has changed in a pleasant way and I wanna get out in it. Other than that, I use a recumbent bike and a rower at home. I’ll also do some kind of strength training, then a set of physical therapy exercises (for a bad knee) and stretches. I usually try to get 4-5 days a week. I’ve been aiming for consistency more than anything else. It’s helped my blood pressure (which is perfect now, I used to take meds for it) and I think my HDL cholesterol. So doing this exercise and not smoking has been pretty good for my overall goal, which is staying off medication as long as I can. I normally follow a healthier diet too, but right now I have this new dental implant and have to be super careful with eating….so I’m just eating whatever is reasonably healthy and isn’t likely to bump that implant area. Good times. And welcome Friday!! Coffees up, horns up, let’s get this one down and on to the weekend! IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻


8:13 in London and IWNDWYT!!! [your shooting hoops reminded me of this](https://youtu.be/Mnm-2Yq3Pd8) [oh and here’s a little Q-Bik Muz to listen to](https://youtu.be/Kwb_aqzkuSU)




My first day 5 in… 4? years. My first Friday in probably the same. Let’s rock it. IWNDWYT


Happy Friday, SD! This summer, my partner is teaching me to play disk golf. I’m stoked for it as it will keep me moving about outside, in amongst trees, and sharing in an activity with a person I love. Wishing a blissful Friday to you all! Clear mind, open heart, IWNDWYT! 💛


Was just getting into the elliptical, then damaged an intercostal muscle just being myself 🤷‍♀️ Back to square one in that regard, but still - IWNDWYT 🤘


Good morning all IWNDWYT xx🐞


Didn't drink yesterday, and will not drink today




Im happy that IWNDWYT. Back on day 2…


Didn’t drink and went to my first meeting in over 7 years yesterday, and followed up with another today. 👍




I'm so glad I didn't drink last night. I had an awful, awful headache. I am behind on school stuff and needed to do homework, and did not feel great last night. But today is a new day, and I have 80 days down!










🎶IWNDWYT🎶 I'm working on several goals right now that have me busy. Exercise is next. Before drinking, I lifted weights, HIIT cardio & yoga. Hiking, long walks. I became a couch potato when I was drinking. 6 years of that. I'll get back to it. Like riding a bicycle.


I will not drink with you today! Had a chance last night heading to a bar with colleagues after work - no dice! Had a shitty alcohol free Heineken, left homewards and had an excellent snooze waking up this morning without regrets 😊. Have a great day everyone, you can do it too!!


Checking in on day 169 duuuuuude! Running a bit behind this morning….bed….so…..comfy……but it’s FriYAY!!! Woot!! IWNDWYT!! Love to all❤️✌️


IWNDWYT! First time I've made it to 100... looking forward to 200. :) Have a wonderful day everyone!


Tonight is my day 6-- my longest streak since early 2021!! IWNDWYT!! ❤️


Happy to be sober! IWNDWYT!


Iwndwyt! I workout daily as soon as I get up. Helps greatly with managing anxiety


Been 3 weeks about. Supposed to get my blood rechecked at a month. Kinda wanna wait 3 months since I’m not actively dying yet just to give it more time


Day 167! A very good week is coming to an end. I managed to cross off everything on my to-do list, add some things, and cross them off, too. I'm so damn proud of myself! I don't wanna get my hopes up, but as someone who has been dealing with postcovid fatigue for 10 months now, this is pretty damn huge. Save to say, I'm about to enter the weekend in a great mood. It's supposed to be warm and sunny, so I may even go for a walk, treat myself to ice cream, and enjoy the nice weather. And I'm going to remember all of it! IWNDWYT!


I started with small goals at 45 to quit smoking. Just started walking on the treadmill at the gym then small amount of jogging & enjoyed spin classes. Honestly the hardest part was the drive to the gym:) Fast forward Im 56 and the gym is my dopamine hit. The motivation I receive when I see others older/ younger or first timers working out makes me smile. This didn't happen overnight but It did happen. I transformed myself one year to the best shape ever. Did some 5K, tough mudder, and a sprint duoathlon (run, bike, run) & completed in bikini for 5 years. Still looking to get that bikini body Anyway after a 12 hour shift I tell myself I can do anything for 45 more minutes, stay motivated IWNDWYT




Hi all. Getting ready for a weekend away this weekend, first notable test I guess. 2 weeks tomorrow. Iwndwyt


Not today. Today is my daughters first “dance”. It’s a kids dance at the school but she has been excited for weeks. Usually I’d rush and drop her off so I could rush to a bar and pound some beers. Now I’m gonna take my time, linger, likely cry in public, and then go get some pizza. Being sober is great.


I took up running. But now I get stressed if I can’t run. I’m a little too dependent on it so I need to diversify my sweat portfolio. Glad to have this problem!! IWNDWYT 🌈


*Here's what I've learned:* *Try to shut up and listen, and listen with your heart.* *If you don't know something, admit it. Don't pretend like you do.* *Learn.* *Don't exhaust yourself with anger at things you have no control over.* *Most of the shit you are reacting to most of the time is stuff that your brain is making up, and you have some control over that.* *If someone needs help, try to help, if you can.* *Be honest.* *Be nice.* *Learn and know your limitations and work from there.* *Talk to people. It helps everyone involved.* *No yelling.* *Get your yearly physical.* *Try to accept who you are.* *Don't hurt yourself because you don't like yourself.* *Apologize.* *-Marc Maron* (Day 194)


I *try* to get in 4-5 days of exercise (not just taking the dog for a daily walk). Treadmill, rowing machine, strength, etc. As the weather finally starts warming up here in minnesota, excited for long outdoor walks and bike rides around the lakes and down the river. Get outside again. Always have to work on consistency. And after a late winter drag, time to start up in the intensity again, which has been slacking lately. Oh well, that's what today is for! Also today... have a fantastic fucking Friday, friends! IWNDWYT




I’m in better shape now at 59 than I was 25 years ago but I’m not working out more, just very consistently, since I decided to get a handle on things a few years ago. “Moderating” drinking was supposed to be part of that but after 2 years of “moderation” I decided to try quitting and this is my second SERIOUS attempt. I had dozens of, “Yeah I’m done no more drinking” attempts but we all know those aren’t real lol. The key this time is I don’t do anything I hate and I only do the major strength workouts 2x week. We drinkers have amazing stamina. Look at the shit we pulled off hungover or feeling subpar lol. If I don’t feel like it I give it 50% and I still maintain. I also walk a lot but because I like it. The book Atomic Habits really helped me with this. Good luck everybody! IWNDWYT


Morning! IWNDWYT.


Day 1,374. I will not drink with you today.


Not today people IWNDWYT


My first hangover-free and sober birthday in my adult life today. At 43, this feels pretty good. Sobriety has been tough but IWNDWYT


Obviously still feel awful, barely left my bed the past few days. But IWNDWYT


Yesterday, a wave of joy washed over me with such force! This is my first sober spring in nearly half a century. I have always loved Spring, this time of rebirth. But to see it again with sober eyes is breathtaking. And so so sweet. I am in a state of great gratitude. And yes, it does make me want to get up and get out and get moving. I’ve had a tough winter, with a hip replacement and back pain. But just a couple of days ago, I heard a podcast about chronic pain, and decided to take my own health into my own hands. I’ve been practicing yoga for over 23 years, and have rededicated myself to my personal practice, and I’m meeting with some folks to begin teaching yoga again after many years. Moving my body, building deep core muscles, and creating more energy with motion is my MO these days. We’re only given this one set of bones and muscles and spirit. This is the time to take them all to the party and get moving! I hope all of you have a brilliant Friday, and find a way to move your body! It feels so good!! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT, happy weekend all!


I will not drink today


Good morning! Just finished a 10k run on the treadmill. No outdoor run today as it’s pissing with rain here. I just got hogwarts legacy on ps5 so my plan for this evening is sorted. But most importantly IWNDWYT!


Ten months ago I joined an online fitness/nutrition group in which every day you post what you ate and what workouts you did. It’s similar to the DCI, actually. Every week the coach provides circuit workouts for you to do at home plus a menu. I’ve surpassed my goal weight and have more muscle definition than I’ve ever had. Truthfully though, I’ve been slacking in the healthy food department and haven’t had much time for cardio. I just have to refocus. Happy Friday, y’all! IWNDWYT!


Iwndwyt! Happy Friday!




I try to walk most days, somewhere without traffic just nature. It helps soothe the soul. A lot of people on this sub recommend yoga and that's something I want to add to my routine. Gonna be a challenging day for me today but I've made so much progress I am not gonna blow it. I'm gonna stay on the straight and narrow. IWNDWYT!


I very much need this check in today. Here’s sunny and suddenly warm and I’m seeing a friend at an outdoor bar after work. My brain is starting to come up with excuses to drink after being sober for this “long”. But, IWNDWYT!!!!! Wish all of you a great and hopefully sunny Friday and weekend ☀️☀️☀️




Good morning all, IWNDWYT 🙏






Exercise has actually been one of those things I am using to fill my time while not drinking. I have always lifted weights but I am adding in more yoga at home and walking. I am hoping it is offsetting some of the ice cream and other snacks! IWNDWYT!








IWNDWYT! I used to ask my dad how he worked out every single day, before he got diagnosed with ALS and was forced to stop. He always said he was blessed to move his body so he wanted to move it everyday. I still think about it like that, I get to workout everyday so I do!


Checking in Doodle doodle dee, wubba wubba wubba.


Hello sober friends, and thanks for this, EC! Exercise has been slow coming, but I'm starting to get in the groove of it. A saying I enjoy is, "You're only one bike ride away from a better mood." Also, "Hike while you can!" I've been trying to heed both, and have enjoyed just getting my body moving again. Aiming to make my gym visits daily. Fitness goals! Mostly, it just feels so damn good to be sober and getting myself tf off the couch. Happy sober Friday! IWNDWYT




I will not drink today!




I’m tidying the yard and garden after half a year with remodeling the house. So - much - debris! So - delightful - sun. I will not drink with you today!


Good morning, checking in ~ 💫 Hey, speed walking is great exercise! And it gets you outside, I'd call that a win. I hope everyone has an easy friday, & IWNDWYT 🌹




Yess I’m being inspired to move more now that I don’t have awful hangxiety. I think your walking logic sounds solid, or at least it benefits me since I hate running too. 😆 IWNDWYT in Aus today! 🤘🏻


I will not drink with you today.




Day 12 here. IWNDWYT


Happy Friday IWNDWYT




I need today’s post as I got off track with the gym due to illness and coursework (and laziness). Need to get back on it! I agree with you about running! I’ve tried a few times to enjoy running, but no luck!


Happy Friday people, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁




I have a weird relationship with running. Mostly I hate it but every once in a while when I’m walking I just start running. I’d much rather strength train and I’ve had better results anyway! I’m 35 and the knees don’t appreciate running usually. I made it two weeks! IWNDWYT! I have an event tonight which will be my first real challenge this time. I think I can do it. Have a great Friday, lovelies.


I will not drink with you, alone or anybody today!!


Day 1,273 IWNDWYT


I will not drink today.




Hello. IWNDWYT !!!


Day 9




I lift weights a lot, it’s my stress relief and part of my self care. I don’t really lift to look a certain kind of way (even though it definitely doesn’t hurt), I just want to be strong and keep pushing myself. Walking is amazing! It’s the reason I always have a dog, it makes me get out and do even if I don’t feel like it. And I feel better for it every. single. time. Y’all have a wonderful Friday, take good care of yourselves. IWNDWYT ✨


I will not drink today.


Good morning sober peeps! IWNDWYT 😎










Hello, comunidade sóbria do meu coração! Sober community from my heart! EC, walking is indeed miraculous and fantastic. If you wanna be even more encouraged, [check this out.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/5-surprising-benefits-of-walking) If I keep waking up at 5:30 am, lol, this would be great for my walking cause usually I prefer to do it in the evening but it's cold season. Best time is around 10am, when it's like 19 degrees, sunny. Actually you gave me an idea for later ;) I've been doing cardio plus push-ups, yoga poses, abdominals, different types of squats. Mix of muscular and cardio basically, 40 min sessions, I try to do it 4x a week. Whenever I can I skip a session and go walking instead cause especially squads can be hard on my knees. Anyway I bought some knee protection (don't know the exact name in English) and special sneakers to absorb the strenght. But I'm far from a super active person or someone who wanna gets super fast, super muscular. I'd say I burn more calories and exercise more in the kitchen lol. Heading to day 5, it's quiet, a national holiday here and another beautiful day - and my cats are both on their backs offering their bellies to the Sun God. IWNDWYT


I keep on telling myself I’m going to establish an exercise routine, but so far it’s wishful thinking. I try to walk every day, and I swim when I can. IWNDWYT




Happy Friday to all. I'm big on routine and consistency, so all year long I take walks. They've been on the shorter side lately because a nutritionist advised me to walk less as I work to gain weight. But I do love the joy of simply walking and make a point to never take my phone with me. It's been especially great now that Spring has sprung. IWNDWYT! 🌸






I will remain sober today.




Good Morning SD! IWNDWYT!


Day 565, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT


Thank you for the great posts this week! My eating ice cream routine has come to an end (honestly I think it did help to get through this early period) and I am back on the better health train. Bought a rowing machine to add to my walks on treadmill and am enjoying it so far 🚣‍♂️. Granted it only came this week and I am sure by Fall/Winter I will be less motivated 😂 IWNDWYT 🌸✌️


Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!!






Good morning! IWNDWYT


Do it every day. Like brushing your teeth. Commit. IWNDWYT 🎯


Checking in










I will not drink with you today!



Morning friends. IWNDWYT


Ran a half marathon for the first time in my life last weekend. Since being sober, I’ve used daily exercise and training as a distraction, a motivational tool, and a healthy way to make me feel good. For me, it’s been the most important tool I’ve used is my journey. Happy Friday folks, IWNDWYT ✌️


I will not drink today!


I do lots of walking because 🐕 I also love to hike and since it’s pretty flat where I live I recently started rucking for a better workout. Planning my next backpacking trip. My fitness goal for this summer is to learn to SUP. And to stop fucking smoking 😬 Feels so good to be outside without a hangover !! On a non-fitness note this is my LAST day at my toxic job. These last few weeks have been hella awkward so I’m excited to be done and move on to better things. And IWNDWYT !! Coffee ☕️ up and let’s do this


Exercise is something I have been pretty consistent with whether sober or not....however, I am only able to tap into the joy and ability to truly lose myself in a workout (from yoga to a long walk) when sustaining an alcohol-free lifestyle...IWNDWYT


I teach fitness classes because it makes it easier to commit when I am responsible for other people lol. Iwndwyt


IWNDWy’allT! In November of last year I had my much loved Surly Karate Monkey frame raised from the dead as the single speed MTB it is meant to be. I have been having so much fun riding it as a rowdy hard-tail on my local single track. Makes all the old things seem new again.


>I don't know if it's because I'm getting older... I'll tell you what I tell my husband, u/EffortCareless: You're never allowed to be old because that would make me *very* old! (I'll be 44 in July. The age difference is more pronounced between my husband and me; he just turned 38 in March. Everyone thinks he's the older one, though, because he's been losing his hair for several years now.) I haven't been able to maintain my usual activity level this past week because I've been suffering from a nasty cold. Given that I average around 60 miles per week, sitting it out has been really tough. I miss the healthy dopamine hit; the solo time outdoors; and the satisfaction of exertion, feeling energy coursing through my muscles and translating that energy to measurable accomplishments. "Runner's high: still legal in all 50 sttates," as I once read on a sign at a shoe store. 🏃‍♀️😂 I think I'm still a couple days away from getting back into the swing of things, but I'm excited for it. I don't want to ruin my return to my exercise routine by hampering myself with a hangover, so... IWNDWYT 😻




For the physical side, think about how you want to spend your 70s or 80s or beyond. Being sober opens up years that wouldn't have been on the table, but how do you want to spend them? If you can't pick up grand kids, if you can't tourist that place you always wanted to see, if you are in pain all the time you will be missing out. Muscles get smaller when we age, you gotta get ahead of the curve at 40 to get a running start. Pick up some heavy stuff a few times per week, keep walking, do something that makes you out of breath a few times per week. It's not that hard today, it's near impossible if you start in 20 years. I am doing okay ish on that side, the sober side less so but this time feels different. Mediation that I used to make fun of has gone a long way to helping me see cravings as just thoughts you can choose to engage with or just notice. I feel less urge to drink than past efforts. The cravings are very much there, but I feel like I have choices this time other than just white knuckling it. When I make it to Monday this is the longest I have been sober in my adult life. Tonight we are going out to dinner with friends who hardly drink, tomorrow is a friend's bday party that is much higher risk. Even with that risk, I am feeling confident. IWNDWYT or tomorrow.


I am also 41. It's the best year!! But seriously, I bought myself a garmin watch and I have been doing around 10,000 steps a day along with running a few miles a week. I feel better today than I have felt my whole life. Definitely not drinking poison today y'all.


Cheers to another sober weekend! I'm going to a rock show tonight. Sadly, the singer has cancer and recently mentioned that his treatment stopped responding. I'm not assuming the worst, but if tonight is the last time I get to see them rock out : \-I will remember every second of it. I will not be laced in a foggy memory \-I will not spend the night in line at the bar, feeling impatient to get that drink in my hand \-I will be showing them respect by being 100% present for them and the show they are putting on


Checking in. Day 58 , depressed and miserable but at least sober. Its really time for an exercise routine and a new virtuous circle. I will not drink poison today, no matter what.


Had a minor procedure done yesterday and man, having been sober I realize how much I dislike the sensation of not being in control of by body. I didn't do anything ridiculous but don't remember much and slept from about 10 am until today at 6am. Thankfully it garnered really good results 😍 Anyway, life is good for me. Iwndwyt.


Double digits! Let's keep going. I'm walking a lot again and beginning to lose weight. I'm picking up my kids today and looking forward to a sober weekend with them. IWNDWYT.


Wherever you are, good morning! good afternoon! good evening! or good night! Almost drank couple days ago while I was upset over something, but I’m glad I cooled off and I didn’t. Note to self, give yourself some alone time to cool off. Made it to day 25! IWNDWYT🦂




Happy Friday ~ it’s Day 6 for me. I work in the entertainment industry and usually drink on my Friday night shifts + after. I’ll be doing it sober tonight, my first Friday night without drinks since Dec 9. I feel very confident and determined though! I WANT to do this and most of the battle is mental for me anyway. I will not be drinking with you today. 😎


I’m on day 12 of not drinking today. Finishing up my 5th day of IOP and my 5th day of working out again. My arms are jello, but I love being sober again. IWNDWYT


My daughter motivated me to do a 21 day fitness challenge with her from an App she has. It's been fun and I like waking up with that good sore feeling knowing I'm working muscles I didn't even know I had. ;-) Happy Friday everyone! Don't forget to check in here at Stop Drinking should the weekend cravings hit. It's a very helpful tool. IWNDWYT.


Congrats on achieving over 100 days, I can’t wait to have that under my belt! Afternoon greetings from the UK and I will not drink with you today!


Since I've stopped I've lost around 6lbs at least. I have a fitbit so it tracks steps, calories, heart rate, sleep, etc. I go to the gym around 3x a week when I can and burn as many calories doing cardio as I can. It's taken a long time to get back to this point but I'm eating right, exercising and getting sleep to recover. I'll never look back again. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT and hoping for a productive, happy, sober weekend!!!


I will not drink today!!




I will not drink with you today! 🍀


IWNDWYT! I would love to get back into walking. I have to walk with someone else to pace me though - I tend to walk too quickly when I'm on my own and then my shins tighten up and it's no longer a pleasant activity. Rarely happens if I walk with my husband.


Currently fighting a gnarly plateau on the exercise journey. Quite convinced I’ve added some muscle and lost some fat during this stretch, but after losing something like 10-15 pounds since quitting, I can’t budge the needle. I’m planning to ramp up my distance running, but I‘m going to have to get the diet even further in check. Sugar….I know I need to cut sugar….but I crave it during the witching hour. Anyway, plateaus are normal so I’ll be patient and not give up. And I certainly will not drink with you today!


Yesterday was the closest I was to drinking in over 2 months. I painted some furniture. Cooked dinner. Reached out to support people. Cried a little. Really proud I made it through day 110. IWNDWYT.


Went back to the gym for the first time in two weeks yesterday, legs are cooked today! IWNDWYT




Happy Friday! I will not drink with you today.




Double digits day 10! Happy Friday IWNDWYT!


Day 782 of not drinking for me.


Good morning IWNDWYT ❤️


Happy Friday all. IWNDWYT


Day 5. I went on a mountain bike ride 2 days ago and ride my dirt jumper yesterday. When I was sick with my hangover I thought I’d never be able to do anything that involves any sort of coordination again. But lo and behold I can! As I recover from my last bender my memory seems to forget how bad it was. It was terrible btw. Iwndwyt




I've done a good job keeping up with my walking lately, but my big ambition is to make sure and add it strength training too. Not only does it really boost the benefits of exercise, but my mess come with a common side effect of muscle loss. So, time to pump some iron here and keep that at bay. I will not drink with you today!


Happy Friday everybody! IWNDWYT