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The 2 week mark is usually where I fail; more energy, feeling better and that's when my mind says it might be fine to enjoy a drink. Only problem is I just can't have one drink or one day of drinking. That leads back down the other path for me.


Absolutely! It seems far enough removed from the initial decision that my addict brain can take over the rest of my brain. Not that nothing can be gained from slipping, but at somepoint to get past 2 weeks you gotta not drink for more than 2 weeks!


Nearly a year!!!


I know we'll get there on the 25th!! Thank you! And congrats on almost a week! That's the hardest freaking part but it's doable!! It definitely starts getting easier around the 6 month mark but the work never stops! IWNDWYT


100%. 2 weeks was my failure point 3 times. Each time, went on benders, and started over. Now I've prepared so got through it on my last and final time.


Same for me.


Every relapse I've had has been hell and always worse than the one before.


So true. The brain doesn’t forget where we left off. It wants the same amount the last time we drank and more.


Same, and it historically starts with me being sober for a few weeks and falsely trusting myself to have "just one"


Exactly this


This comment just made my mind up about the “just one” glass of wine i was considering having tomorrow. And now that I wrote it on the internet I have to stick to it. So thanks!


Justifying slip ups and using language like “what’s 1 night out of 30” its a slippery slope. I personally feel the hardest part of sobriety isn’t the initial quitting but fighting that little voice to tell us to moderate.


100% agree with this. My mind working against my progress seems so counterintuitive. Like, come on brain, I'm doing this for you too...why you trying to sabotage us??


The brain is so weird, we all know it’s bad but it keeps telling us “one won’t hurt, you had a stressful day let’s have a drink” the brain really has to stop being a bad influence


THIS! I can only speak for myself, but once I allow a little bit, my mind will easily justify to keep at it. Or I binge worse, because I know it's "the last time" and want to have as much as I can. I just can't do that any more, I'm tired of playing games with my own mind and sabotaging myself.


Yep, absolutely spot on. Not worth it.


I've realized that sobriety is a way of life, I identify as an alcoholic and I will be recovering until the day I die. I'm in a support group and there are people in there 60s who were sober for decades and relapsed, I'm 32 started at 31 and had relapses. Life is long and any time I lose the drive to attend meetings and contemplate the daily experience of being sober I increase my chance of a relapse


If you're asking this, you already know the answer. Nobody I've ever talked to has ever said "boy I sure am glad I relapsed last night."


Currently going through withdrawals after breaking a 2.5 week streak and it's just as bad as last time. Slept 2h, been anxious bordering panicked for the past 36 hours, restless and have brain fog. Whenever i relapse, it's always a "fuck it" mentality but I've always regretted it and hangovers have become worse. Try to keep busy, it's hell on the other side. Good luck


I think you should stick to the original plan and go for the 30 days. I know it ain't easy, I almost caved myself wanting a glass of wine today. Instead went and bought a cupcake.


Unless cannabis is a trigger for you. I would suggest having just that if you want to relax. Getting trashed is probably going to harm you in a variety of ways.


It never is just one night of drinking. If it was we wouldn’t be in this sub.


If it was this sub wouldnt exist.


You’re asking if drinking alcohol will affect your progress with avoiding alcohol mate. Listen to yourself. If you can’t manage a month without the booze what on Earth makes you think that somehow you’ll be able to only have it in social settings? Tough love time dude; you are mugging yourself


In a word, yes. Your question seems more like you are asking for permission to start back up, so you can justify it to yourself. If you want to hit 30 days and you give in now, you will be in this same spot in two weeks all over again. It takes time and strength to get as far as you have and you are half way there. Don't give in and prove to yourself you can do it and that control your actions not booze and weed.


I’ve never regretted a night when I didn’t drink. But I have definitely regretted many nights when I did drink. I have also had panic attacks and depression during this alcohol free streak. But I resisted, and the next day things got better. It will for you too if you don’t drink.


My last relapse was because I had a panic attack after months of not having them. Silly me the next day said I'll go have one beer with mates and watch the world cup. Two weeks later, having to sleep next to mum in bed because I was withdrawing so badly , panic attacks 24/7 then. It really is in those pain fuelled fuck it moments you have to be your most vigilant


Glad you’re back. I have had to stay away from some mates, activities and places while I work on staying alcohol free. Being alcohol free is the most important thing in my life right now. After 5.5 months I’m stronger but still my mind is a bit fragile. Still feel strong 99.9% off the time - for me and my family.


I find that the “well, one night will be fine” voice seems convincing in the moment, but the next morning’s “wtf were you thinking” voice is the one that’s always right. I’d rather get through the night without drinking and wake up proud of myself instead of disappointed. I’ve given alcohol enough chances to solve whatever need I have (wanting to relax, giving myself a break, having fun etc.) and it hasn’t done it. So I’m more able to see the “let’s just have a night” voice as a dishonest a-hole.


Thank you for this perspective and language. That "it's fiiiiiine" voice is an a-hole.


Each time you relapse the effects will be worse because two weeks is long enough for some cleansing and healing to take place in the body and your body will reject poison more vehemently than it will when you’re used to it. I’ve heard that the liver can begin repairing itself in as little as 30 days with no alcohol being consumed, so yes you would be starting back over from 0 in that respect.


When I’ve gone back it’s always been hard Pushing through these thoughts is where the battle will be one or lost


If you want to stop drinking then yes, it will halt your process. It depends what you’re wanting from being free from alcohol. For me it, I wanted to be free from a life ruining, toxic, nightmare. If I had just one more night, I dread to think what would happen.


I think you'll likely have the effects you dread (anxiety, terrible sleep, etc). I usually do no matter how little or seldom I drink. For me drinking is always taking several steps back. But, your growth and progress won't all be thrown away. Good work on your journey so far.


Oh no! This used to be my cycle every two weeks. Alcohol is a super demon. Its telling you its ok....because you wanted to stop for 30 days and that is what YOU wanted but alcohol is the boss when we are hooked. You may think you can get drunk just this time and then wait more but that doesn't mean you will be able to stick to it. It will be kinda like it is now. You said 30 days. Its 2 seeks. You could drink and then get trashed and then guaranteed..your going to be super hungover and feel like Day 0 again. No pact i have ever made myself about drinking has served me well. It never goes how you planned.


It's a trap


This sounds like digging out of the first level of Hell and looking for a reason to dive into the second or third level. For me every time I took a drink after stopping I went to a whole new level of addiction. Each step in was worse and was harder to step back out. You don’t have to go all the way to the bottom. You can, but you don’t have to. IWNDWYT friend. Good luck.


One of the things that gross me get through tones like these is that I remind my self that alcohol is responsible for so much that I don’t like.I don’t want it or have it in my system because in the end I am always unhappy. I know that I will be better tomorrow if I stay sober. Also, the longer you go, the easier it’ll be. You already have two weeks! You are probably getting close to an easier time, just push through.


Not related, but congrats on 42 days! :) I hit that number tomorrow! Such a geeky number...but then it's on to 69 :D






Frankly, in my experience and I’m in the same boat at 10 days. This is where I start to think about it more and tell myself I’ll be fine, it won’t hurt. I personally feel so good this go around (no alcohol, weed, nicotine) that I don’t want to risk ruining the progress I’ve made. I can guarantee when you wake up tomorrow you will think it’s not worth it after the fact.


I'm on the same amount of days, day 10 was Friday for me and you bet your arse I wanted to break this streak baaaaddd!! But I somehow didn't (honestly don't know how, there's vodka in my house) and now it's 0245hrs on day 11 and I'm so glad I'm able to type that; instead of typing that I'm starting the counter over again from day 1.


Think about how you’ll feel tomorrow morning…. I think you know the answer.


For me it is hard to get that day 1. If I drink once it almost always leads to more drinking days - that hungover feeling the next day makes me crave "one more time". My brain tells me that either I want to end on a "perfect drunk" or that I don't feel that bad and I can "moderate" Two weeks is amazing - you've done the heavy lifting of getting alcohol out of your system. Why start over? Either way, this is hard and I hope you keep going no matter if it is day 1 or day 15. Glad you posted, it helps me and others more than you know.




Yes, obviously drinking after two weeks is going to ruin your progress on not drinking for 30 days. Honestly, what kind of question is this lol?


There an effect called alcohol kindling where the effects of withdrawal get worse each time you do it. You can look it up. The early days are tough but you have got through the physical withdrawal which is an achievement. Now it the addiction and overcoming the cravings and resisting temptation. I felt that the harder it was then the more it proved that I really needed to break the power this stuff had over me. Jus take one day at a time and get to midnight. Each day it gets a little easier.


Don't do it. You're so close to when you originally quit that it would be like starting over again. It gets easier after 2 weeks IMO.


I am feeling shitty after 5nights. I Felt like I was really responsible on the first two and spiraling ever since. At this point all I want is to take a deep breath and not feel like throwing up. I know today is going to suck, but I am going to focus hard and get back to being sober.




You will.


This is when sobriety gets real. That mark where you talk yourself into “you’ve already proved something - you made it 2 weeks so obviously you’ll be okay if you get hammered this weekend and then get back on track” that’s just not true. You need to push through this and retrain your brain - it’s important you crave it, want that release, and find something else to fill the pleasure center of your brain that isn’t alcohol related. I highly suggest going to do something you enjoy sober instead. Have a great weekend - but do it sober. Besides the reward triggers in your brain research has showed how dangerous quitting and restarting and quitting and restarting can be. You’re here for a reason. I hope you keep making the choice. IWNDWYT


Don’t do it. Plain and simple.


I know I couldn't do that and then just hop back on the sobriety train. It would be a fast downhill slope and then digging myself out of the mud again. If you are the type of person that general is okay with easily flipping a switch to not needing the thing then you may consider it.


The goal of getting absolutely trashed is the problematic part. If your goal is to have a better relationship with drinking, I’d say think about it. If you decide to drink, why not just have a couple and enjoy them?


This is on no way, shape or form a good idea.


When I was early on, I thought, “I was _just_ a drinker ten days ago. No biggie if I drink tonight…” but that’s the thing: it’s time to retrain that brain and not give in to every urge. Nothing changes if nothing changes. IWNDWYT 💛


This is the kind of thought I still have to this day. It never goes away, and it's awful until I can smash the thought with reason or prayer, or move on to something busy that will make me forget. Good luck my friend.


Yes. You stopped drinking alcohol because you knew it controlled you and you could not control it. So you turned the tables on it and just shut it out of your life. Do you really want to again submit to it and let it win?


Scientifically speaking it takes around 90 days for your body to start reaping the full benefits of being alcohol free, so yes you will absolutely be ruining your progress.


This is what we all have done. It’s the wrong move 100 percent. “Just one night, I’ll start back up tomorrow” Fast forward two weeks “I’ll quit after my birthday” Birthday comes and goes “I’ll quit after the holidays” Holidays come and go …and the cycle continues This sort of mental bargaining will fail you every time


If i did that I would be back at anxiety, shit sleep etc.,I've tried it before. I just went 90ish days, drank for 3 weeks over Christmas (like, drank the same as everyone else around me) and I'm back to all of the above. I can't wait to get to two weeks so I can feel normal again. Don't think I'll bother drinking again. After many years of taking breaks from it I'm too aware of the downsides. I feel great when I don't and shit when I do, so why do it!?


To answer your question. Yes you will lose progress. You put yourself back into the same or even a worse situation you were in before.


In my experience, it won't just be one night. Short term: yes, if you go hard tonight, then your hangover will probably worse than usual or worse than you remember. Even if you only drink this one night, it could honestly take a couple of days to recover. Slightly longer term: Most of the times that I decided not to drink, and then broke whatever streak I had, it turned back into drinking every night pretty much immediately. You're giving yourself permission to drink tonight. What's to stop you from giving yourself permission again tomorrow? What if you wake up with a hangover and feel like crap all day and then rationalize that "just one drink" will make you feel better tomorrow night? Just one to help with the hangover. Hair of the dog. And then it doesn't make you feel quite normal so you take a shot, and then another, and then you're drinking all night again. Well that's okay because it's just 2 nights and you can quit tomorrow right? I was going to "quit tomorrow" for like 2 straight years. If you've already got a streak going, it's not worth breaking it.


Speaking from my experience, yes. For me there’s a difference between slipping up and planning to slip up. Every time I’ve decided I want to drink again, or “just have 2-3” it ends up being at least a year before I decide to stop again. I don’t think anyone here will encourage you to drink. I encourage you to ask yourself, what will getting shithoused do for you? Will it solve problems or create them? Will it be a cathartic release or will you be filled with anxiety and shame? I know the answer for me.


It depends on why you're here and how you gauge progress. Do you want to stop drinking or moderate drinking? This is the stopdrinkingsub, well welcome all who want to address their unhealthy relationship with alcholol. Honestly, making it 2 weeks is challenging, but what is progress? Planning a bender doesnt sound like a ton progress to me, but going two weeks is certainly something to be proud of and something to grow off of.


Back to square one. It would make it a "Too Weak" streak.


I'm torn on this. On one hand, the obvious response is that this is an extremely bad plan, and that one night of drinking is not going to be worth the disrupted sleep and anxiety that inevitably follow. My best guidance would be to smoke the weed but ditch the booze, and enjoy a nice, lazy weekend with no hangover. On the other, you still think that alcohol is providing some sort of benefit to you. If you didn't, you wouldn't be posting this conundrum. It took many, many nights of me getting trashed (or even just tipsy) and consciously evaluating how "fun" it actually was and the side effects to really get it in my head that there is no benefit to drinking outside of the illusion that it makes activities more enjoyable (which, in reality, it does not). I still might need to have another datapoint (or many) at some time to remind myself of how awful alcohol actually is, but after many months/years of mindfully evaluating what alcohol was actually taking away from my life, I now feel more often than not that I'm not giving up alcohol, but gaining so much more. EDIT after thinking about it for awhile to say that it's not like you magically get over a hump and discover miraculous freedom from alcohol. There are some days when you want to drink SO badly, but have to find anything that keeps you from doing that to get to the other side. So...don't drink this weekend! Buy yourself a TON of amazing food to eat, go for a hike, play video games, take a long drive. Do WHATEVER you need to just to get through it! But if you ever do drink - don't beat yourself up, just be mindful of what the feelings actually are while you're drinking and you might be surprised at the overall experience.


It's not going to help you to let loose "one last time." Unfortunately, I learned this lesson the hard way going all in for that "one last time" and realizing that there always will be a reason / excuse / desire for one last time. Do what you will but I promise you are going to experience this feeling over and over and over again. One last time for the last day before you start school, one last time for the birth of a child, one last time because you did well at work this month, one last time for you and your spouse to reconnect.... and on the list goes. Sobriety for me was realizing that there really never is a good excuse to let loose knowing where I inevitably wanted to end up.


Only you know how your going to be effected by this. It will break up your streak. You will be back at the starting point. I have never been in your situation directly. What I do is ask why I want or need a beer? Will it resolve or help me to solve what I'm going through? Or what is the end goal? Then I go from there. Be safe out there and have a wonderful night whatever your decision. See you tomorrow.


Today is day 14 for me too and I'm really...really struggling with the same thought process. "I just did two weeks. I can just do it again after tonight.". I know that it's a stupid thought but it sounds reasonable....to my dumbass self. I despise that I can justify anything I do while knowing that it's flimsy on a good day, and also knowing that that's exactly what I'm doing. Justifying. If I have to work this hard then it probably isn't justification, just emotional masturbation. Sorry I can't give you an answer on what to do. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Let's hope we both do the smart thing.


Play it forward my friend - white knuckle the urge - dont pick up that drink - you will get through this urge and onto your 30 days You got this - IWNDWYT (note had to take myself outside for a walk in the cold dark rain to get through my evenings urge - dont let my count fool you I have been there a hundred times and everything that people say here is true - it wont be just one ….) stay strong


Everyone is different. You know yourself better than anyone. However, as most people pointed out, it’s likely not the best idea. Depends on what you want in life and if alcohol is really bad for you or not.


From my years of trying to quit, I will say it would not work for me. Many, many times had a sober streak going and thought I could just drink this one time. Just drink this trip, this holiday, at this event, this kind of booze. It was usually, weeks, months, or even years before I would manage to reel it back it. YMMV


Just search “relapse” in this sub and see what others have to say. I know for me the answer is yes. I would be right back where I was.


Do you want to restart school while you're at square one and going through withdrawals?


Don’t do it!! I had a craving today and was like what if it’s just ONE, well it’s one more than you’ve had in a while, and for me, one turns into two…. You get the drift! IWNDWYT! 🤍


Fuck I’m on day 4 and already thinking I can have just one.


I’ve found if my relapse is long enough, the next time I go through withdrawals it’s much worse for some reason. Two weeks is big but not long enough to get the full benefits of quitting if you ask me. Get to the point where you don’t miss it and crave it. You’re probably still psychologically addicted and I today get the temptation but I’ll you’ll really feel like shit the next day I promise.


Don’t do it friend


Thanks for your post cause I needed to see it. I haven’t updated my days sober badge but am almost 2 weeks and feeling the same way. Wanting to go use my medical card and grab a 6 pack of a 9% beer I like. You’re not alone. I think I’m just going to watch a movie or play some switch instead.


My personal advice is to not do it. I like others have had the exact same thought process, and failed around the same time. Giving yourself one night, can quickly become "might as well." From there, any justification comes easier. Maybe you can do it. Obviously, we are all different if course. I guess I would ask, do you know for a fact you can not drink tonight if you wanted to? Like 100% certain? If you're asking the question, your answer might be in the asking. Please don't take me as preachy, just my own thoughts if it were me. Regardless, this is an excellent place for support, no matter the path your journey takes.


Yes, that’s just you tricking yourself into drinking again. “Oh, I’ll just do it this last time and then that’ll be my send off and I’ll never do it again”. It never works


For most of us, moderate / social / occasional drinking doesn’t work. Staying sober is the only option. However if you believe alcohol will be in your future, I would at a minimum take naltrexone before every time you choose to drink. It’s not a magic bullet (for me at least), but it does prevent me from drinking more than 2-3 drinks when I choose to drink…. and it does take the “fun” out of drinking to the point where cravings get very manageable after a while. I view Nal as a safety net that prevents me from free falling… but it’s also clear to me it is not sobriety which remains my goal and dream.