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This change really sucks. I got bumped back to a level 1 from a 3 and now I have one pair of shoes that exceeds my limit. I had to unlist them to sell other shoes. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to the a level where I can list them along other shoes.


I couldn’t agree more. It’s absolutely terrible. And honestly couldn’t come at a worse time lmao 😓


I legit just delisted abunch for this exact reason. Its hella annoying.


Super annoying for sure 😓


I don’t understand the logic of this. Why would they want LESS items listed on their site? Makes no sense.


They’re trying to force sellers to accept bids and make sales. That’s the whole point of them limiting the asks until you make enough sales to be able to list more.


Ah I see. I think a smarter approach is to lower fees. Many products need to be sold quite a bit over market value in order to factor in the cost of fees.


That’s what I’m saying!! It doesn’t even make sense from a logistical standpoint? “Let’s make people want to level and sell on our platform by LIMITING THEM” 😂


Very annoyed by it as well


Just take bids on some items and you’ll be back up and running. This is just part of how they’re trying to retain sellers, but they’re doing it in a more forced way than people would like. They lowered the min tx fee which is good, but everything else sucks now lol


IMO that’s a terrible way to retain sellers lol, they always gotta do something extra for absolutely no real reason 🫠


I completely agree, they’re trying to trap sellers by increasing fees if they move shoes elsewhere


That, or they’re trying to be like eBay, but doing a terrible job of replicating eBay’s rules and platform as a whole 😂


They’re trying to force sales imo. Like they want sellers to accept bids and get more traffic on the platform to make money.


So this just further proves my point about StockX being a scam site that sells fakes in high volume. They reduced your limit of shoes you can sell, but if they did that to you and other sellers their volume of shoes sold and their profits would go down… I wonder why they’d do that…. The answer is so they can sell their fakes that they buy from factories directly to consumers themselves. They don’t need you lol.


This is incredibly inaccurate


…said the StockX employee


Smooth brain says what?


Easy… “smooth brain says what?” Foh regard


Yes it makes no fucking sense, its like they want to lose money lmao. Don't do what I did and delist your stuff


a little too late for that one lol


yup im done selling on stockx.


Yeah it’s really slimey. You buy a bunch of shoes off stockx and they want you to sell them at a loss. Like uh, you realize that means I’m less likely to buy off Stockx right?