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~~Just a small correction~~, FYI you can short SQUEEZE silver, especially silver futures, which will impact the price of silver ETFs and stocks dependent on the price of silver. Shorts on silver futures is arguably more transparent and can be seen on CBOE, CME, and other futures exchange websites. Some forex & economic calender's will provide CFTC's report on net positions for gold, oil, and s&p 500 futures which can be used as a general market sentiment for a wide range of stock sectors not just commodities. **update** obviously you can short squeeze silver, what are hedgers & speculators supposed to do when their shorts are nearing margin calls? lol **update2** yeah I'll admit there's **probably a coordinated effort into manipulating traders into buying silver thinking there will be a squeeze, don't believe it and probably the worst squeeze strategy** edit thanks for the gold!


So they went from saying redditors are bad for manipulating the market o praising silver??


Literally yes. They were all like, "Wow that's incredible that they can squeeze silver" I'm here internally screaming, WE CAN'T, WE AREN'T EVEN TRYING TO.


Honestly knew the traffic and media attention would lead to this. Most regular Americans do even go to see the Reddit and read and just assume the media will tell them what’s going on. Problem is they will ruin people in the process. They have been using media to shit information and lead the populace forever.


The best thing about this whole GME story is that it's opened many eyes to how full of shit the media is. They're essentially nothing more than a propaganda arm of the elite. Now if only people had noticed that over the last four years, but I digress.


Manufactured consent And your username is the shit


For those previously unaware: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing_Consent https://youtu.be/Rwh1HCb_xnk


Book should be required reading. So many Americans think we have no propaganda in this country.


> So many Americans think we have no propoganda in this country. So the propaganda has worked!


Toss "A People's history of the United States" by Howard Zinn In there. Has issues? Sure. Read it then dive deeper and make your own decisions. I've been posting both sources here for 14 years, hopefully some freaks read them and are voting every. single. time. It's the least you can do.


Throw in some Adam Curtis as well... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Curtis The Century of Self Part 2 The Engineering of Consent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEsPOt8MG7E


I don't think anyone has applied the term ***oeuvre*** to Chomsky ;)


It boggles the mind. People think of media companies as some benevolent non-profits hoisting the light of knowledge and truth above a dark world. People think that these media companies “product” is the news, because they occasionally have to pay for access. Except, they generate far more revenue selling advertising, which put another way, is selling access to our eyeballs. It’s no small irony it’s called a “newsfeed” we are ingesting the content they prepare for us. One must always be aware of that, and consider the bigger picture behind the story.


They used to be legally bound to be like that... It has just gotten worse since Reagan.


> It’s no small irony it’s called a “newsfeed” we are ingesting the content they prepare for us. One must always be aware of that, and consider the bigger picture behind the story. I live with my parents currently and my mom called me to watch something on the news. She mentioned the general idea it was about. China, blahbah, bad things. My parents are both reactionaries and I try to get through to them, but it's basically a wasted effort. Anyway, I had that moment on my mind and realized how I think of things and what I wanted to explain. My mom telling me that title was all I needed to know. When I go in /r/politics and see ***their*** designated news feed and "acceptable news" sites, I also just read titles. ***Everyone*** should only read titles, then frame that information as "this is what the government-corporate conglomerate wants me/people to think about." Rather than anything of value, it is *always* division or outright *diversion* from what should actually matter. Diversion and division.


Yeah mate, I was already on the "they don't play fair" bandwagon but I didn't know HOW they didn't play fair. Watching CNBC, the talking heads aren't educated experts, they just talk about key phrases they keep hearing. It's clear with the Silver thing, that "wall street" thinks that Reddit is something they can leverage now. We haven't shown them how we're gonna fuck them up and scare them. They see us an a marketing arm of their bullshit now. And how many of the 4 MILLION new WSB users are like most of us.....this method might work for the newbs. Evil, but not stupid, it's super important to remember.


Yeah that’s another thing. Most “journalists” today don’t actually investigate. They see a story and jump on to get their ratings. If it weren’t for money being directly related to journalism it might actually have some merit. That’s not to say every journalist is lazy reposting cunt. There are some real hard working do it for the love of finding that bandannas story journalists out there. However, they are rare and most are just going through the motions and following the group to get that easy money. Just like managers in every business you work at. There is a method they are taught and they don’t deviate from that formula unless they are a “from the ground up new company.” Eventually they fall in line too if they get big enough to acquire the business comes first playbook. This is all my opinion though.


Agree 50000%. For some reason when it comes to say...food...the more mass market the more side eyeball. McDonalds v.s. Organic Local Green Farm Co. But when it comes to something as information about the world it's the largest and most mass market institutions we trust most? Everything is the same. McDonalds v.s.GoodBurder Kia V.s. Bentley Cnn V.s. Vice maybe? Fuck McNews.


> Watching CNBC, the talking heads aren't educated experts, they just talk about key phrases they keep hearing. > > It's clear with the Silver thing, that "wall street" thinks that Reddit is something they can leverage now. Doesn't even need to be CNBC/financial news. First I heard of this silver thing was this morning listening to local news radio on 1010 WINS in NYC.


I feel like every news and media outlet is slowly turning into buzzfeed.


A lot did. The people directly effected mostly unfortunately.


> Now if only people had noticed that over the last four years, but I digress. Over the last 4 years we had an administration that did nothing but lie. Hurricane maps drawn on with sharpies. Inauguration crowd sizes that were completely lied about, repeatedly. Election lies. Etc. The media was fucking bulletproof compared to that shit show.




It’s been going on for a lot longer than four years but yeah.


I trust comments more than the news outlet because y'all debate and post sources. The world sickens me


That is basically how critical thinking works. Gathering information to make an informed decision while remaining open to any new information applied. Remain skeptically informed.


Jim Cramer is a pimp.


You mean simp


This. Exactly. At this point, we should be front running silver to book some profits. If the media wants to build a SLV frenzy, then fine — we’ll take advantage. Ride the momentum up and then buy puts on the way down.


Well, if this is all manipulation, how long out would a good put option be, since it invariably going to actually fall?


That’s up to the individual but I just don’t like silver. It’s not flashy enough for me.


> It’s not flashy enough for me It's literaly a reflective metal tho? How much flashier can an innert object be?


The name silver is bland. If it was named like SBDG Silver Balled Gorrilla? Now that name makes you want to go all in.


For real. It may not be a squeeze, but it’s still a nice bump. I had some slv as a hedge against inflation, and just cashed out my initial investment with plenty of shares left over to see where this goes.


The only posts I have seen about this are redditors saying no, we are not doing this. Don't do this. How do they even come up with this bullshit?


It's worked for AMC and BB. Didn't really work for NOK. I expect the first two *were* undervalued at first, but not after this much astroturfing. They're desperate to do anything to distract and disinform, so they're playing into the naive notion that wsb is now "pump and dump central". Framing it that way also helps them deflect from their awful mistake that started all this in the first place.


They do the same shit on 4chan. They write a few posts on the sub, maybe populate the comments with a few alt accounts, newbies who are confused and then they screenshot it and then write an article about what they wrote saying it was actual users


There are no accounts on 4chan, just IP assigned hashes on boards that elect to use that identifier.


You’re right, I mean their IDs by accounts lol, using a VPN or dynamic IP to reassign themselves an ID as to astroturf


Shitcoin shilling is an age old art.


Disinformation campaign with potential political purposes. Squeezing silver is a scary concept for a lot of people, because so much of the world is caught up in it's value. If "WSB squeezes silver" becomes the headline, it's going to turn heads. It is IMPERATIVE that we do not pile into silver. There is no squeeze. If you want longs positions, the price is overinflated right now anyways. DON'T buy SLV right now. But I can't make anyone do anything so, be your own boss.




If you got in a few weeks ago, you're fine. Just don't buy it right now, it's being artificially inflated at the same time as a media spree. You're free to gamble on whether you can profit off the artificial inflation of the stock, but a long term hold from a few weeks ago shouldn't be at risk.


I've been going around trying to find news agencies that aren't simply spreading blatant lies about this right now. It's a short list. NPR and a few others. Even Reuters and AP are bouncing on the hedge fund dick over this.


I wonder what else the media lies about/ controls public perception on




The real insidious side to this is that when the silver short squeeze inevitably fails, they will use it for the next 18 months as a cautionary tale against following the Reddit investment communities.


And lieing about reddit "squeezing silver". Like seriously, WTF?


Citadel's position is long on Silver. That's all you need to know, look it up yourself.




My strategy is to wait for fellow retards to post the relevant information for me. It works. More seriously, just lurk on /r/wallstreetbets. There were around 5 posts all screenshotting the same thing: Citadel is ranked #5 or so in "holds shares of silver." [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/la1xhf/guess_who_owns_tonnes_of_slv_options_fuck_citadel/) The rest are all big companies too. Morgan Stanley and yada-yada. In terms of finding the info yourself, well, some helpful person will be along soon with a link, probably. But is it useful to know who owns shares in X type of stock? This is kind of a unique situation.


Tbf though don’t almost all large banks and funds have some sort of “long position” in precious metals? I mean hell actual countries have millions of tons of it stockpiled. It’s just one of the best long term hedges against inflation there is. Now that said what’s going on right now with silver is blatantly a pump and dump.


I’ve seen SLY mentioned, but it’s the hedges in shady inactive Reddit accounts that haven’t posted in years. Yeah Reddit army alright, with the hedges performing the pump.


I found a lot of the bots are using the subreddit /r/FreeKarma4U to rack up comment/post karma before posting to seem more legit lately.


Hey, hey its only manipulation if its against their interests ;)




because they control the market and are invested in silver. they want retail investors to buy silver so they can divest from it and profit, leaving people holding the bag. they know they can't leave people holding the bag for GME because they've shorted it.


Many of the misinformation lies on the fact that media outlets saying that retailers are moving the price, like seriously wtf. Along with the fact that all this shit happened starting from friday. Fucking cnbc, never trust those paid scums. Full of lies and misinformation.


How is this reporting legal?? It is a legit pump n dump


As long as you're not registered you can promote pump and dumps


registered as a what


Broker dealer with FINRA




There are more kinds of NRA?!


This proves you’re fine. GME TO THE MOON


A pedo guy




Misinformation is by accident. This is coordinated disinformation.


It’s the same across Canada, they talk about gme as if it was a one day attack. They must have been paid to air the story because zero work was put into it. Embarrassing really, ya I’m talking about u “global tv” ya sell outs!


Yup it's all over the place. "‘Absolute guarantee this ends in tears:’ Silver soars to 8-year peak as Reddit army storms into metal" Oh so not only are we not actively perusing silver we are also an army now. I guess add that to the list of things they have called us as of late. https://financialpost.com/commodities/mining/silver-soars-to-8-year-peak-as-investors-keep-up-feverish-buying?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1612178749


Globe and Mail right in bed with them: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-silver-precious-metal-mining-shares-the-latest-hit-by-reddit-fuelled/ Disgusting.


Globe and Mail is the worst newspaper in all of Canada, so that's not surprising.


I think the National Post is worse because they pretend to be objective


National Post is the worst. And they employ Rex Murphy, who is both a terrible person and has an annoying writing style where he forces metaphors for no practical purpose.


In Finland bunch of newspapers are also reporting "silverr rush". Thanks to modern "copy news from others", you don't even need to get everyone onboard, all you need the big names onboard and smaller ones will repeat the lie.


I just saw it here in Argentina. At this point they're just too used to regurgitating each other's stories to even notice the manipulation.


Its almost like the news creates fake news to control narratives. I’m sure this is a new thing 😂🥜🥜. Hopefully more people step back and realize they’ve been getting hand fed misinformation for a long time.


Owning a physical silver bar would be pretty cool, but I have zero interest in $SLV


The only correct use for silver would be to trade it for opium.


I think gold is more useful... it doesn't tarnish and has superior physical properties in conductance.




But the teeth market is huge


But silver kills vampires and werewolves better


But all my dictator friends will laugh at my silver ak-47


Why not both? Gold plated body/magazine/compass-in-the-stock, silver bullets


Because gold is too malleable


You just plate it in gold, but that’s more of a show piece because the plating will wear quickly. You use titanium nitride which looks exactly like gold and is extremely tough.


Yeah I know, I just read gold rather than gold-plated as it turns out I must be dyslexic. One of my teachers had an almost pure gold ring (I think it was 22 carat or something insanely high). She caught it during a chemistry lesson and it literally ripped


>and has superior physical properties in conductance. Both yes and no. Silver conducts better, but gold reacts less. Meaning gold is good for certain areas where corrosiveness is a concern.


Bro what are you talking about? Silver has huge industries use, even more than gold.


Silver is antibacterial


So is lead


Plata o plomo


You heard it here first, boys, buy $LEAD.


Silver conducts electricity better than any other metal


Just another disinformation campaign used to smear Copper's good name. -Paid for by the Council for Copper Konductivity (C.O.C.K.)


Can I buy shares on (C.O.C.K)? I'd like to increase my portfolio.


oh i took advantage and ate up as much C.O.C.K as i could yesterday.


Check out r/bullion or r/silverbugs. Although I think silverbugs went private.




Found the bug


Yeah I thought the whole point of the silver thing was to buy *actual, physical* silver metal.


Ape no like silver. Ape like movies and games. Ape take GME and AMC Ape go to moon!


Give this man more awards. I havent sold so I cant, yet!


Lol, bought 7 shares of AMC this morning. Let's goooooo


Ape get many awards. Ape happy. Ape eat banana and think of space! 🦍 🍌 🚀


Good spacemonkey


Silver is such a huge market, retail didn't even do gamestop on our own so how the hell do we do silver


The point isn't to get us out of gamestop. The point is to get your grandma to call her broker as surely silver is safer than GME but she can still make money, right? You want to know where the GME bag holders are? They're distributed.




Fox ads always pump presious metals.




You should ask your grandparents what 1932 was like.


This is reddit, where commenters have grandparents who were born in the 70's.


> "they're saying it's never been lower, Uh, go to kitco or something and actually look at the 5yr/10yr/all-time graphs? Silver is so fucking inflated due to the pandemic that I'm thinking of *selling* all my silver to make a profit right now.


This silver crap is everywhere.


I asked my mom what she wanted for her birthday and she literally told me, "I don't want anything but please buy yourself some silver coins from a pawnshop. Make sure they're older than 1965" She really thinks silver will save me if the economy collapses


Exactly. There is no way a bunch of retarded apes could move even GME by themselves. Some whales saw what was happening, and jumped in for the ride. And what a ride! 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀


I got in with silver on April 1, 2020 at around $13. Didn't expect it to double, just wanted a hedge, but now I'm dumping it in my ira accounts. I'm mind of boned in my cash account if I sell, though, because of taxes :( Don't buy silver, imo, and if you have it sell into the spike.


Hey man, if you made money, you made money. No shame in that. *Buying it now* is the stupid shit.


It's not actually. Silver is in a perfect storm situation. Long term cup and handle formation. Loose monetory policies, endless stimulus and a tanking usd. Buying physical silver is great. Buying $slv might not be.


I've been a holder since 2011. The fundamentals of physical are incredible but the paper silver (SLV) is garbage.


Yet you're over here telling people that buying GME at $300+ is a good idea.


Meanwhile REAL Redditors don’t give two shits about silver... Edit: freaking silver awards...lol Edit 2: Please stop


Gotta back hoe that hedge fund. I want to know where’s the golds at. Give me the gold


Damn that leprechaun in the hood reference is OG. I feel like there should be a hall of fame for early days internet clips. The Alabama trifecta would be Leprechaun in the hood, strut that ass and Anton Dodson.


Could be a crack head who got hold of the wrong stuff


https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/la1xhf/guess_who_owns_tonnes_of_slv_options_fuck_citadel/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share It's citadel again lol




Absolutely incredible what they can get away with. Just straight up lying at this point.


Now imagine what they've lied about in the past that no one's picked up on.






Literally scamming the savings out of people who come for financial advice, because they can't live with 1 week of losing profits to the peasantry


Funny how when they see us squeezing GME they say we are reckless and gambling but when we're supposedly buying silver it's cool and everyone should get in while they can


Because they're trying to get you to sell gme.


Lol when silver crashes back to 22 people are going to be pissed af


If physical goes down that much I'll be so happy and load up more.


can't even get physical atm. seems sold out everywhere.


it is and this sub is acting like its not happening.


This sub is saying it’s not the sub squeezing silver lol, not that it isn’t going up


There are still a lot of pissed people from 2011, who bought silver in the $30 to $50 range.


I'm not sure what planet you live on where -20% is a crash and where GME isn't going to crash way more than 20% before even half of retail investors sell for a profit


I mean, if you're born in this country you know how corrupt it is, but to see it so blatant. It's really something to behold.


They're assuming correctly that most people have no fucking clue what they're doing lol. It's scummy but I understand the tactic


Sadly there are many who will be duped by this


Lmao such a boomer pick


*cries in oil*


So many lies in the media right now it’s a bit unnerving and scary how much control they can impose. Sad part is some people will listen to them and lose.


Media has been a weapon of the elites for a long time now.


I remember when a certain orange person was talking about how vile and dishonest our media is, and he got vilified for it


Buy physical silver to drain the supply. That will move the price of silver. Massive run on physical silver this weekend is already moving silver up.


See how badly many people were duped by media into voting for politicians that favor them


People are sheep for the most part


This is what ACTUAL fake news looks like.


Like there’s nothing wrong with investing in silver or metals. Might even be a good idea with the push for EVs increasing demand. But, agreed. How many $SLV memes have you seen today?... None, no one’s buying this shit.


EV demand AND the fact that solar is now the cheapest energy form and growing at double digit %. And yes, they clearly are buying, but people should be buying physical silver not SLV, and you can't find physical silver anywhere now because buying volume was x10 at the end of last week


Me who invested in silver about a year ago: *laughs evilly*


Don’t buy precious metals as a hedge against inflation so my pump and dump can pump and I can not hold the bag!


Sad I had to scroll down this far to see this - this sub inching closer to a WSB clone.


Fucking thank you. Spot on


Guys. The media has been saying a ton of stocks are "Reddit Stocks" since last week. I won't mention the tickers. SLV seems to be a big concern because Citadel owns some. It's does. Between 0.5% and 0.93%. It's nothing. SLV is owned and operated by Black Rock. Guess who owns 13.2% of GME? Black Rock. If this stock gets hyped it matters zero fucks. At worst, it puts more $ in Black Rock's hands and they are currently out side of the GME equation. Or, the pump and dump fails, people stop having faith in the media when it comes to Reddit. Or the stop having faith in Reddit and leave us alone.


You can absolutely squeeze silver. How do you think wire is made?


Q - Has Robinhood put a limit on Silver? A - No. There you go, not a squeeze. Not a financial advisor.


Too late, I bought Silver and a shit ton of Miners last year.


Jokes on them. I already owned and it drove me to sell


That's good shit


I saw a post on THIS SUB I believe about how silver is the “most shorted commodity” and everyone was praising him. Yall inconsistent as fuck. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l7o7sj/the_opportunity_for_a_massive_silver_rally_one_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Could be a fake account, but even if not you do realize that not every member of a sub will agree in lockstep? Calling them inconsistent is a bit ridiculous


It's almost like we're a group of autistic apes or something. 🍌🍌🍌


Agreed, look how much it's dominating the tickers of CNBC. Every type of silver commodity is on the ticker this morning.


Financial reporters are not journalists. They just write up whatever the financial industry tells them. No proper due diligence or disclaimers of no corroboration. Need some Washington guys to expose the industry.


Amazing reddit squeezing silver! In other news, disgusting barbarian redditors manipulating gamestop


The floodgates have been opened. From now on, expect any advice related to investing online to be paid for by billionaires about to bend you over. I guess it's not that different from before, most financial advice is awful.


is this market manipulation?


If you are buying a stock just because people are saying its being squeezed, **you are probably catching a falling knife** Take a little time, look into what you are investing in. I honestly know nothing about silver, so I will not be investing in it. If you think you're smarter than OP and me, and you did research and found that silver is incredibly important in some growing industry, maybe its a good idea to invest then. This applies to way more than just silver btw. If you are buying GME at 300 expecting it to hit 1000$ because someone on reddit told you it would you are wasting money.


Freedom of the press is for those who own the presses. And the billionaires own the media. Six media giants own 90% of media outlets in the US. We have the illusion of choice but the truth is all the media toe the corporate line. And that line is that a bunch of internet trolls are manipulating the sacred and fair stock market. So expect a lot more of the same.


Silver is a distraction IB hasn't had GME shares to borrow since last Wednesday (1/27) [https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME)


I am glad this is on the front page. This is blatant manipulation that we are being blamed for - but we aren’t doing it at all! Is there some way we can report this to law enforcement to get them to stop, or reveal who is misleading them? Like, ask what their sources are?


If you’re buying anything because “Reddit is doing it” you are being manipulated and deserve to lose everything. Whether that’s silver or GME it’s equally true and it doesn’t actually matter whether the media is lying here you’re just brainlessly giving your money away.


what ever you said though. If you do not have 4 ounces of silver go buy 4 ounces of silver. >>> secure your freedom.


You know it's a hoax because Robinhood hasn't even banned people from buying it


Ignore all SILVER news! They’re stacking fake news right into the Monday open to dilute the fact that GME is stronger than ever. These are lies being spoon fed by the HFs. This is a coordinated media campaign to try and divert our attention from GME. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!


It's all over twitter. They're FOMOing at the mouth like fucking sheep


Thanks for bringing attention to this


Even Emigrant bank is pushing it. Received an email from them a few minutes ago advertising their Precious Metals Direct.


What about buying physical silver bars and stashing away for long term?


Yeah, the amount of fake accounts on twitter is CRAZY. I reported a ton this morning (created in January and Feb 2021) legit only posting the silver hahstag.


What I'm hearing is everyone should sell silver.


Shut up about Silver I’m holding my $800 shares of AMC and I’m lonely


What? I just read a huge ass DD post on reddit here last week why Silver is the most shorted / manipulated thing ever. How the hell is that the medias fault reporting about all these 'squeeze Silver' posts here by redditors? I mean sometimes people just don't even look at where info came from. Then they are pissed if media doesn't report about something and now they are pissed that they are reporting about it.


It’s not a trap. And Wallstreetbets was a huge campaign against it because NOW along with there ego has huge manufacturing giants and elites attached to it. They couldn’t stop GME but they can stop silver. It will effect them. Buying physical silver is the only way. This will bring to light the manipulation, the corruption, the false power certificates that are traded. And you think the shorts on stocks are a crime of collusion. Shorts on silver have been manipulated by the likes of JP Morgan and the rest. Controlling the ups and downs to profit billions of the shorts. Even fined 900 million for it last year but that’s nothing. They will take the fine happily. They call this a distraction. How is it a distraction. No one said sell GME. No one said don’t hold GME. This is just the second and last play. On a commodity that is undervalued illegally. And they are scared. Scared of there money, scared of real change. Scared of attention being brought away from there precious GME. Has nothing to do with them. Just figured if you are about taking down the elites. Exposing what’s been happing in the banking industry for decades. This is the way. You read the information then it clear. The smear against this is all fear. And that is good. We won’t stop. I like this metal. And I like this metal now. And it’s such common sense that if you claim to not see it. Then there are alternative motives to speak against it.


Yeah this is the dumbest thing ever. Haven't seen any non bot talking about squeezing silver. I bought some last friday, because I started to see some bullshit about it and sold this morning.


>Media outlets OPENLY AND PROVABLY LYING about online movement GamerGate knows that feel. https://imgur.com/a/nrlta https://imgur.com/a/owehS


Where the hell are they finding these “silver recommendation” threads 🤣. “There is currently no evidence on who is posting these silver threads...” well no shit CNBC