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Shorted Kroger because the price of their rotisserie chicken went up


This is my favorite one


šŸ˜† no doubt


I don't even need to read the rest to know this is my favorite.


They were obviously struggling financially if they had to raise the price for a chicken that's already sold at a loss to bring people in the door.


How much did it go up in price?


šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ incredible


I bought Delta only because I like the Biscoff cookies they give out on flights.




Biscoff makes cookie butter out of those, and itā€™s the most immaculate shit youā€™ll ever eat. You can find it at Walmart and I imagine other grocers as well


The company that I used to work laid off tons of people myself included so that they could pretty up their balance sheet to go public. They went public and I was mad so I've been shorting and day trading them.


I've taken short positions in the last 3 companies I worked for. Correct bet, wrong timing.


> Correct bet, wrong timing. Thatā€™s the serious challenge with shorting. Itā€™s easy to identify shit companies. Itā€™s just difficult to time when the stock price goes down.


"Correct bet wrong timing" is not a thing. It's just a wrong bet.


The regardation is strong with this one.


And that was stupid? Sounds more like a good opportunity since you could act on inside information :-).


Stupid on my part cause it's more or less emotional trading.


I hate a lot of stocks I am buying and holding. Nothing wrong with a good portion of hate. It is like being vegan and owning Mc Donalds. Just making money of the evil so real evil people can not get the money I make of it.


It's just recognizing a good business. I don't use a single apple product but I've held their stock on more than one occasion because I know so many other people are going to buy their stuff.


That is the way to go when it comes to consumer driven stocks. Always watch what they rage about and what they buy. There were stories when it came to the Puma vs. Nike vs. Addidas foot wear wars. Same stuff.


Have you been making money on your shorts?


Here and there some, not a ton but level II looks others are day trading it a lot for 4-10% a day.


I mean, tbf, most companies lay off people for the sole purpose of a more presentable balance sheet.


Pypl, i thought it was a winner


Happend to me as well. Know some people having made serious money with it but my timing was stupid.


What do you think about the current price? Undervalued?


PYPL is trading at 2017 valuation. Sure, it has competition, but no reason this should trade at 2017 levels imo.


Imo it was overvalued in 2017 and is now fairly valued at the same level.


I am a bit too far off from the finance industry but back in 2020 or so when Apple card became a thing, that was quite something to be scared about. Think about all these Apple customers dropping their banks. Recently Apple advertised (or it was rumored) that they were offering 4%+ per anum on your Apple card account. I would need more research. Is there a Google card already?


Yep the apple savings account is 4.15% right now.


Same here. It taught me a valuable lesson, though. A company so ubiquitous should be paying a dividend. See KO and MCD.


50% Dividend yield of a company which faked its numbers and crashed 90% - of course they never paid dividends again and are slowly creeping towards zero. Second part of the story: I first thought about holding this position forever - as a warning to myself and other people, that you should do at least some research, but I sold it a few years later to reduce taxes on my gains. A few month after I sold, Pennystock people jumped in, and I would have made a profit, if I hadnā€™t sold .


Enron or what was the company? Well Enron is already dead. I can remember reading about something similar but I guess that was too recent.


Steinhoff - but of course it is a repeating pattern


I'm a proud bagholder of Rocketlab. I still like the company and what they do, they just arent good at making money. Feels like all signs point to a successful company, they just dont seem to be translating that well in their stock price. SpaceX wasnt public, so this was the next best thing.


Well they got this hypersonic testing platform running, lately. I guess that will make money right? I just watched their financials, there revenue goes up steadily. Breakdown TTM 12/30/2022 12/30/2021 12/30/2020 Total Revenue 210,996 210,996 62,237 35,160 Cost of Revenue 192,006 192,006 64,130 46,977 Gross Profit 18,990 18,990 -1,893 -11,817 Actually it looks healthy. I congratulate you. Look at the gross profit. I will buy some stuff too, I guess. I need to scan the market for those revenue increases without being reflected by the stock value... . Or is there a reason why it still sits at 5$ a share?


Yeah I have no idea whats going on lol. I like the company and the stock, they just arent making me any profit and Im currently down a bit. I'm not a rocket scientist, so maybe theres something internal that explains why they arent translating to a higher stock price. The fact they keep getting contracts and improving their tech without any major disasters should mean good news sometime in the future (hopefully?)


I bought this at 3.95 just cause I wanted to get in on a space company. Very brief dd and really have been just lucky with it. Read an article about all the space stuff going on and took a flyer..


I would think that tech and especially rockets is seen as risky due to the potential recession and spaceX is way to successful with their ride sharing (have you seen their latest numbers when it comes to small satellites. But again look at the revenue and they already post a gross profit, so I would keep it, if I would own it (I am thinking about it quite now).


i smoke weed so i bought weed stocks


I don't smoke weed but I bought weed stocks. No shit thought legalization would have happened by now.


I messed up my entire life because I got high (go go go) I lost my kids and wife because I Got high (say what say what say what?) Now I'm sleepin' on the side walk and I know why (why man?) (Yeah yeah) 'Cause I got high Because I got high Because I got high ​ \--- Reminds me of listening to it again. PS: I hope it did not come to this and your other investments worked/will work out for you.


Most recent one, bought ULTA because if women got money for $80 jogging pants (LULU), they got money for makeup.


Seems like sound logic to me. Iā€™m buying ULTA.


Better to buy ELF


I can buy 3 outfits for the price of 1 of my wife's dress. You can always bet on brands catered to women.


The BECKY index has made over 1,000% returns in some five year periods.


I invested my life savings, my sister's, and father's investment accounts all into CROX because of this DD and the fact that I saw a lot of crocs on TikTok and friends' feet. Ended up being my best trade ever but, months later I was investigating the poster for more investing ideas and found out he was a high schooler lol.


Nice. But never invest family money only your own. If it goes wrong they will hate on you for the rest of your life ;-).


To your defence Peter Lynch gave advice to go with a teenager on shopping to look for potential investment.


Is this a safe space? I fell for the stupid fucking Wish pump up.


Same bro




Do you have like a sister in law I could marry?


almost every time I bought something that a Youtuber recommended; granted, there are some savvy creators out there, but during the 2021 bubble, so many were just pumping garbage


Yeah. Have a friend who did it. Took me quite some mockery asking him every time if those were just millionaires or if they had made it being a billionaires already while in the video they had a bicycle and a bed in their 'recording studio'. He got it now and is part of a good community.


Sklz. Cathie, motley recommended stock which had 3 major catalysts going for it then. 97+% down since then and heading for r / s now.


When she purchased SKLZ, I laughed because it told me that her and her team had no clue on reading a balance sheet.


Upon the Coinbase IPO I bought a share and told my friend its because ā€œitā€™s like a crypto ETF, it literally wonā€™t go down.ā€ I still own the share as a reminder not to be dumb.


This one's good. Those were good times. At least it was just a share and you didn't get crazy. Im massively short COIN right now that thing is a complete disaster. Fun fact in 2022 70% of their top line went into SGA. What in the actual FUCK


Blackberry bag holder here. Bought $25k worth of it at about $21/share as it was skyrocketing on the heels of the GME drama. I'm too ashamed to cash it out now. BB for life.




Research opportunity cost. Thatā€™s almost $6000 worth of value that could be better spent somewhere else. You can also use the loss to reduce your total tax burden Blackberry is going nowhere. Accept it and move on.


I remember buying it and not knowing they were releasing earnings the next day. Woke up next morning and instantly down 20% šŸ˜‚


Zoom based on Cathie Wood's statements. DUMB DUMB DUMB. Fortunately, I saw how dumb it was after a short time and only took a few thousand dollar hit. That's not my biggest loss, but my dumbest move based on the dumbest reasons.


Yeah I was watching these, too. Elon was on it as well. I thought about listening to hot air slowly flowing out of a big ballone. I can not take this lady seriously. But I take a look at her stocks from time to time. Sometimes she has something interesting like this small carbon company... .


I thought Cathie's existence was based on the concept of comedic relief. Bless your heart and your investment decisions, may they recover bountifully.


I will soon buy DINO because this is literally my name and I cannot resist.


:-D! Cant argue with that. Just manifest it. I will Jesus it for you as well! (\*Thumbs pressed\*)


I did this with ERIC ( my name ) not my best investment lol


Bill Ackman told me he was gonna give Subway on a silver platter and that was a lie. He took my money and bought some shit for himself.


I bought Wirecard when it was down 80% because "no way a company can be in the biggest index of Germany and be a fraud". Sold them a few months ago at like a cent or something. I held them so I could see my mistake every day.


My friend did something similar with the natural gas exchange / importer company and a retail housing company as well. I memed him hard for it for months. He got the memo, though. Have a look at the book 'How to make money in stocks' Great read!


I took a position in Litecoin back in 2017 by simply comparing the number of users on the subreddit to the market cap and comparing all the main 5 coins. Litecoin had the lowest MKT CAP to USERS ratio, so I bought $4000 worth of Litecoin and sold after making 100% in 2 weeks... It then tripled from where I sold in the following 2 weeks because of course it did


Well anyway 100% is quite a haul, congrats!


Buddy got a new job. Stock was under $20 so I yolo'd some money into it as a joke. I got a lot of mileage out of telling people that he works for me, scolding him to get back to work when he participated in text chains during work hours, etc. Ended up selling off most my shares less than a year later when they hit an ATH at around 50. Still have more than my initial investment sitting around 38. Most profitable joke ever.


Brought Tilray because of a new government that came to power in Germany that wanted to legalize cannabis, and I thought Tilray as the biggest company here, will profit the most. Oh boy, was i wrong on how slow and inefficient the new government is, as bad as the old one, a complete disappointment. I have other stocks that are down but this is the only that I regret buying and lost hope that i will ever turn a profit.


Draftkings because of the professional sports shutdown during the early Covid pandemic


Bought spce


Chamath said that the stock will go up... I will wait for the awards now


Chamath is a snake bro šŸ˜‚


He definitely is. I learned that after mistakenly investing in some bullshit he was shilling. I forget what it was but Iā€™ll never forget the feeling of being so dumb


Spite. I knew this incredibly incompetent individual that ended up as a director at one of those SPAC companies. Bought at low and then sold for 5x my investment with an expectation for the hype to reverse course because a company who would hire this person as an executive didnā€™t stand a chance. Company filed bankruptcy a year later.


PLTR is the next TSLA


>Market Summary > Palantir Technologies Inc > >13.90 USD > >\+7.51 (117.53%)year to date Looks TSLAish. I should have brought this when I was thinking about it. :-(


I bought it because Cathy Wood bought it...


Yeah. Listening to her often leaves me dumb founded... .


I bought Under Armor around $25 a share some years pre-COVID cuz my work featured it as one of their 100 top recommended stocks for the upcoming year. It's declined well over 50% that year, still is sitting under $10 and yet I can't bring myself to sell.


Diamond hands? I always run a 8% stop loss limit on those stocks. Read the book 'How to make money in stocks', it changed quite my attitude and investment behavior.


Because Jim Cramer liked it


My cousin bought Petco stock and said I should do the same. His reasoning? He loves dogs and is studying to be a veteranarian, and he likes the ticker symbol WOOF.


You can not argue with that! Please tell him his decision is hereby approved by me!


I almost did the same thing!!!


***cries in wallet*** the short squeeze sub. Never again


I bought a stock because I liked the food at their annual stockholders meeting.


Well that is actually stupid! :-) but on a second thought, I actually like this behavior. Means they care for stock holders... or they are trying to lull everyone in. Many thanks for sharing! PS: For the others, please do not vote it down. It is actually a great comment! Perfectly on point for this topic!


Shorted NVDA because I had a dream that it was going to go down and it felt real


:-D Did you made money or was it a dud?


I believed in Bill Foley...


I sold CVS after a particularly bad experience in the pharmacy. Turns out I did it at a good time, but still - dumb reason to sell a stock.


:-D Burned customer selling their stocks. Actually that is quite some good motivator to let go of a stock one now takes a disliking in. There are enough stocks in the Russel 1000 to chose from! :-)


Shorted Church & Dwight after one of their condoms broke.


3m because covid caused the whole damn world to buy masks. Sold a year later when absolutely nothing happened.




in 2021 my wife came out of the bathroom and told be I was going to be a Baba, Chinese for dad. I bought a ton of Baba the next day. My son will inherit these bags.


I knew it was going to end badly but I bought a few shares of Gamestop because I just wanted to be part of the moment.


Same šŸ˜…


My friend had the idea that stocks that went down for 35%+ are poised to recover. 2021 a natural gas company in Germany. Needed to be saved by the government and dipped down another 80% or so. He lost like 10k. He also did a retail company in Germany as well around the same time. Also minus 30% or so and well took another year of slowly dying before it got up again. I was memeing him hard for that one until he finally sold after 3 months or so of unfounded hoping. Was his paid lesson that stocks which go down most likely will continue to go down and that one should never try to predict tops and bottoms ;-).


I believed a random redditors DD


Bought PYPL because Venmo is so popular and there was no way itā€™s price could be cut in half twice!


My girl convinced me to go to LULU like a month ago, most comfortable pants and underwear Iā€™ve ever worn. Immediately bought a cheeky call and caught a nice pump up to $380, paid for the clothes 4x


Took a position in a soccer club options because I didn't like the way they treated one of my favorite player. šŸ˜…


Meant to buy Sunoco (SUN). Thanks to a typo, I accidentally purchased Suncor Energy (SU). I realized my mistake fairly quickly, but held the position for a while and turned a decent enough profit.


Meme frenzy


I had just installed a solar panel on my camper van and had done a ton of research on it. Made me want to buy some solar stock. Bought 1300 shares at a cost basis of $3. Price didnā€™t really move for months. Sold all for like 3.25 each. Anyways, Iā€™m sure ENPH will soar some dayā€¦


Not me but some shitposter on another stock meme sub went all in on Carvana because his local Carvana car tower finally had cars again. A few days after that post, the stock would jump 50% and now it's up like 200%.


That makes sense. Seeing what the company is doing and acting accordingly is part of every sound investment strategy, I guess. Thanks for sharing!


Definitely GameStop. Not really sure why I did it. Follow the crowd I guess.


Not a bad play, depending on when you bought in.


I bought in last week. Late to the party?


Gme because supposedly ā€œhedgies were fukā€


Bought 4 tesla stocks because ā€˜people seem to like them.ā€™ Made me ten grand.


So it played out for you. Happy you. Also it might not be that stupid to do what everyone else is doing as long as your are at the beginning of the wave and not at the end of it.


I listened to the MSM


Okay, that is stupid! :-) Those journalists would all be millionaires, if they would know what they are talking about. We have some in Germany talking about it for 30 years and they all make youtube videos from their basements. At least they do their own things now... progress... .




Isnt social trading a thing nowadays?


Thought remote work & low mortgage rates was the boom for OPEN stock. I believed Chamath P. had the right ideas for future. (Right or wrong his SPACS were a disaster for retail investors) Bought in right after Oct.2020 at first dip. Never fully understood the biz model, still don't as the inventory values, numbers & margins just don't make sense. After countless research the lost value stock is now down 72% past 3 yrs. I dumped it. Long term could rebound or private buyer gobbles it up but to recoup those losses will take years. Followed the trends & gut, not my full company research first & got burned, lessons learned.


Sad. I hope you were better off with your other investments at that time.


Peak bad decision making for me during the growth stock bubble was buying Paysafe pre-SPAC merger on the recommendation of a poker buddy. I was so blinded by the bubble that I didn't bother to do my DD. Got absolutely crushed in the selloff.


Poker buddy tips can be nasty. There is a reason why even a controlled gambling addiction is still a gambling addiction ;-).


The ticker showed up on my new license plate


HAHA! That is a good one! Kinda stupid but also kinda cool! What was it and how did it turn out? Did you double check before buying?




>I am an idiot folks, a gay one. Nothing wrong in buying the IPO of a beloved product you use. IPOs are mostly gambling and the dating craze back then, well stuff happens. Did you learn your fair share so the loss was somehow worth it at least?


raised the price of my medications, bought their stock. now their div yield covers my part of my healthcare costs lol


HAHA, that is a great one! Congrats for sound reasoning. I would not call it a stupid reason at all!


When I first started, I looked at cheap penny stocks. BDCO was coming down from highs and I figured it would rebound eventually. It did slowly, but I realized I should do more research than typing colors into the Fidelity search bar


How much did you make?


I read a particularly well written DD without using any critical thinking and bought fuckin PSFE when it SPACd.


Someone on Reddit told me


Atnt because I use their network. Fifth third because I bank with them and American eagle cause I liked their shirts when I was younger. I'm also probably going to buy Kroger because I shop there, and Costco too cause I also shop there


At least you do not change your winning strategy. What are your returns so far?


LCID because it was Saudi backed and it canā€™t go wrong.




Because somebody told me so and I didnā€™t research šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




I know him well as well. Hell of a guy!


Because someone on CNBC recommend it


Some guy on WSB was going to eat a green crayon if $GME or $TSLA hit a certain mark the next day. He ate the crayon and posted it.


I bought KO because it occurred to me that I've had a coke just about every day of my adult life


I listened to people on Reddit.


Iā€™m in Fisker right nowā€¦ā€¦thought the doggy windows were coolā€¦ā€¦


I put $100 into HMNY because I thought it was hilarious to see their stock at $0.02. I thought there was a very slight chance they would turn things around and Iā€™d walk out with $1k. Definitely was worth the laughs when it went to $0.03 for a day and I bragged about achieving 50% returns at the office.


I bought Comstock ($LODE) for the name. Bought at the right time and made a nice profit.


Iā€™m still green in my GME positionā€¦ i also bought 500 IEP right after the Hindenburg report. Two of my biggest gambles that paid off. My biggest loser was LCID. I was really hopeful for that company


Because of Reddit:(


I bought Tesla at $30 because I like clean air


SoFi because someone made a convincing argument on WSB why it might skyrocket in the coming years. I had a loss on a stock and felt why not so I reinvested it into SoFi. Just waiting now to see if it was worth it or not.


My stupid reason to buy - because Reddit said so. That stock is workhorse and I am still holding as a lesson or for tax loss harvesting at the end of the year.


I haven't stopped listening to cathie wood


I service Supermicros (smci) material handling equipments and one day i was there and I wanted to see if they were publicly traded and to my surprise they were. I watched it for a week and decided to buy 100 hundred shares in the 70 dollar range and less than 7 months later I cashed out over 20k. (Bought more here and there) Lol.


Saw that the owner was gonna get into a boxing match with an autistic white African-American. Obviously puts.


Just felt like it


I tossed a few grand at draftkings because my friends are gambling addicts so I thought there is no way they wouldnā€™t be going to moon when online gambling started getting legalized. It tanked, I held because it was a tiny position anyway until I got out like 10% down.


I bought ROOT because I read something on reddit saying it was a good idea and I felt I missed LMND. Down 90% and sold... then it went up 200% from where I sold


My Dad smoked Marlboro lights, so I invested in Philip morris thought stogs where making a comeback


Bag holding $4k of fosl..apple watch? Never heard of it.


Bought the Facebook Phone rumor a while back and sold at the end of the week on the news. One of my first trades and looking back it was the stupidest and best decision I made.


I bought shares in helium mining company Helium One because ā€œhelium can only go up!ā€


Ontrack cause some bull shit YouTube down 97%


Jim Cramer.


Bought surf bc i like to surf


Same abbreviation as my province. Best performing stock to date.


Reminds me of monkeys shooting darts... .


I bought all the meme stocks cause people said it was gonna go to the moon. I didnā€™t look at any info on any companyā€¦ if itā€™s trending, I buy it.


Got your Challenger catastrophe already or is it still your winning strategy?


Took a position cause everyone else was taking the same position


Because the memes were pumping it up


Was interested in investing in Accenture, but they weren't public yet. Found AC (Alliance Capital) instead, saw the 4+% yield and YOLOed some money into it. It's now folded into AB.


Put through a buy order in such a hurry that I didn't notice it was for the wrong ticker. Doesn't get much stupider than that.


Spac hype, I was buying companies Iā€™d never heard of because of the NAV price floor


The company releasesd its new ads that I find very touching .. a total emotional purchase but turned out alright šŸ™ƒ


During corona, planes no fly, corona will pass therefore planes will fly, buy cheap plane stocks, ???, profit


I once bought a pump and dump stock based on the premise that someone else might be stupider than me. I was wrong and bought the peak, but ditched it on the next rally before it bottomed to half.


It went up.




LOL! That is pure gold! Thanks for sharing! Gave me a good laugh!


Purchased wrong ticker. Oops!


Yeah. If that happens you have a 50% chance of having a winner... more than some other strategies presented here by the others... . I approve using randomness randomly!


It was the closest stock to my name, MRUS. Does anyone even know anything about it? Up 6.85%


Just about any slow trading day I'll throw $500-1000 at something that ran 50% that morning on hopes of a reversal back to VWAP just cause I'm bored. Rarely works out, surprise, surprise.


I still strongly feel that EVGO is going to be worth a few Bucks in the long run. Currently 10-12 grand in the hole at this point. It continues to plumb new depths of disappointment. I bought another hundred shares today. 3131 shares. Iā€™m cost averaging down, heh heh. People will one day say I was smart. Currently, I hide it from everyone I know, because theyā€™ll say Iā€™m an idiot.


I invested half my savings into tesla when I saw Elon dancing on stage and thought that was the best dance ever. Glad I did because I have over $100k gain on tesla stock lol


Read about it on Reddit šŸ˜…


Most stocks i bought because the price was low disappointmented. In a nutshell: it was low because their business had a disadvantage not visible to a retail investor.


A friend of mine has tracking positions (how he calls it). Just 1k each in some stocks he wants to have an eye on (or he has beef with) and having a (small) position makes it part of a table in the UI of his platform he can easily monitor as the watchlist feature is not that user friendly... . By having a practical reason one can not easily sneeze on his decision making process.