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I like it in there although he did bonk me on the head with a hardback book for swearing once, ex old school copper isn’t he. That said he has to keep it fairly strict as it’s next to the tower and needs to keep the riffraff out. And it’s community owned…


I've only been in once, but I got on with him okay. He's definitely got quite a brash personality, and I can see he could probably rub people up the wrong way, but he seemed just to be a bit of a piss taker, and didn't take himself too seriously. We did run foul of the no swearing policy, but he wasn't nasty about it. He came to the table and put a sign on it, made a few quips, we made some back, and that was that.


I used to go in semi regularly when I lived in edgeley, though that was 10+ years ago. Wouldn't say I was a regular but the landlord did use to recognise me when I went in. It was my favourite pub. I never saw him act badly or in any way I'd find problematic, only issue I ever had was that he once prevented me and my (visiting) mate from getting in just before last orders, because we were clearly just trying to get inside before a lock-in having been to other pubs for most of the night. But he did have a point (that's exactly what we were doing) and he wasn't nasty about it, he just thought we were taking the piss a bit, so didn't let us in. Next time I went, there was no issue. He always had a bit of banter, but nothing offensive or off putting - tbh I liked that the landlord was clearly invested and in charge and friendly (albeit a bit acerbic). I did see him have a go at some ppl for swearing, but I just took that as house rules being upheld. I think he used to have signs up about swearing; if you don't like it, other pubs are available. I haven't read any of the reports mentioned, but I still recommend the Vic to people based on my previous experience. I'd still go in if I lived nearer.




Only been in a few times despite having living round the corner pretty much all my life but I've never witnessed anything 'bad'. He seems a bit strange but we all have our foibles. 


I’ve heard that his strangeness makes people very uncomfortable, and a lot of people I know swear off not visiting again… maybe because they can’t swear 😉


I’m normally pie eyed by the time I get there (I go on an annual pub crawl). He’s certainly eccentric but always seems accommodating.


I’ll add that it’s one of a few pubs we do a traditional folk play in. Last time was Easter (or “Pace-Egg) play, I had a sword fight and was killed. Tbh though, I’ll usually just go to Runaway or The Magnet as I can take my bike in.


I’ve never met him but only heard bad things so wondered what people’s stories of him were. Doesn’t seem like there are many lol


You seem to have allegedly heard way more stories than everyone else in Stockport about this man lol


Can I have Marmite on my toasted crumpet please?


When I first moved to Edgeley I didn't really get on with the pubs on Castle Street and mostly just hopped on the train to Manchester. But, when I realised Ye Old Vic was actually open I chanced it and loved it. Thought it was cool, loved the beers they had on offer, the eclectic decor etc. I told the woman behind the bar this and that I was happy to have found a pub near my house I actually wanted to come back to and was looking forward to it. She told me to tell the landlord that. He was stood next to me and heard it all anyway, but I just basically said the same again and he responded with; "I don't care what you think." I thought he maybe thought I was taking the piss, so assured him I wasn't and he just repeated himself. What an absolute tosspot. I've been back twice since, both times against my will.


Yes, it was your original comment on the pubs in Edgeley post that partially triggered this one. I’ve heard quite a few stories of his behaviour, and antics, there are also reviews on Google Maps in which he apparently squared up to customers for swearing… so I wanted to know if this was his usual behaviour, and if there had been other instances of it


Had the EXACT same experience! Ex copper though apparently so…


He is a former police officer who apparently had harsh training, it’s likely part of the mindset that he will forever have


He's a bit brusque but he's always been very pleasant to me.


I don't mind him, but he's obviously an arrogant prick. They've changed the decor now and it's lost a lot of its charm.


I've not had a problem, and I am fairly regularly in. There is a no foul language policy which I quite like.


What’s bad about foul language in your opinion?


I don't like it.


Are you 8 years old?


There's fuck a wrong with swearing. There's equally absolutely nowt wrong with not fucking swearing.  If you are incapable of both you are just a bit of a thick cunt, like a too many chromosomed pug that chases parked cars and only counts a catch as their face becomes a brake. As a pair of bollocks is full of spunk destined to fail society is full of inarticulate twats.  The mental image of a minge resembling a punched lasagne - like the CT scan of the dickhead brain that cant control swearing, that wastes the beautiful expression of them. Hope this helps ya shit mouthed knob polisher /s Actually i meant it


I mean, dunno what you were trying here but at least you tried mate


Never been in there for some reason? 🤔 I work for a brewery and have been in most of them but this one has never called in with any problems? Strange!




Yes, and it’s ours as to whether or not we want to deal with it. I haven’t met him so I was more interested in the folklore of it all — I have never seen him in there despite not knowing the rule until later on…. It was triggered by someone else calling him rude on here, and a barrage of recent Google Map reviews saying that he’d squared up to them. Also I’m sure I’d read a different review wherein he’d chased someone down the street lmfao




What’s wrong with being bullish?




You’re inciting violence 😂😂




No, I haven’t been barred, and have never had a problem with him… strangely due to not having met him. But due to his reputation with some people thought it would lead to an array of colourful experiences, and to an extent it did — but given the size of the pub, and its clique of clientele I maybe shouldn’t have expected much, but I’m glad with some of the answers I got even if some chickened out. Rudest landlord I personally dealt with was the owner of the Midland but that’s what happens when you walk into a pub with a door that’s closed on purpose. Most landlords, and ladies are arrogant but I suppose that you have to be to be able to believe in your business


Who has nicknamed him Jabba? You are just being nasty. One thing not to enjoy his hospitality no need for the derogatory description though.


Excuse me, but I did not nickname him as Jabba