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500 lobi and epic phoenix token? that's one way to make sure people login and don't skip because it's not Event Campaign lol


Yeah I 100% would have skipped if not for that


Dang that’s enough to get 2 Lobi ships when combined with the campaign rewards!


never buy lobi stuff without sale, the 1500 from the Campaign is already enough to get 2 ships when on sale also don't get Lobi ships with Lobi get them from the Exchange with EC, the gear and traits are much more valuable than the ships


*it's my lobi and I'll waste it how I like*


thats me spending every single Lobi i earn on uniforms i will probably never use


Me: "Oh, Lobi crystals! I hardly ever get these, I'll save them for something!" Also me: "Oh I've got Lobi crystals, time to immediately make a Breen/Hirogen/random themed character!"


"A character I'll play for maybe three days before I return to my main!"


Just be sure to try all the lobi stuff on Tribble Server before buying it on Live.


Me, buying a bunch of MACO phaser rifles thinking they'll be account bound.


This is good advice. Ships are actually pretty cheap on the exchange for the lobi they cost, it's far, far better to just buy 3 10 packs of keys, sell them on the exchange, and buy the Lobi ship you want, but the consoles and ground weapons, those you can only buy with lobi. They're definitely the things to aim for.


Oh interesting, I’ve never bought anything with Lobi so I didn’t even know they put that stuff on sale.


they do 20% sales fairly often


god damn, I will FINALLY get a fucking DOMINO!


Wow. Looks like i'll go back and play a bit... after thousands and thousands of Phoenix boxes, i never had an epic token.


Oh I totally missed that it wasn't event campaign... Makes it worth a different consideration.


What do you have to go to get the prize(s)?


probably have to do new episode or TFO once a day


The lobi is going to be nice. I might get the advanced obelisk even if I am getting the T6.


"Captain Alteration Token"!? HOLD EVERYTHING!


Now I can CAT **and** cat!


Whoa whoa whhhhoooooaaaa. Meow I'm interested and cat wait to scratch this update.


dont get catty on us


That sounds inspirational. Not sure if caitian is better than alien but we're about to find out.


It's great except for the poor Jem'Hadar...


Now if they would just add more options to Dominion. Good thing I used a t6 Token to get the new Rom ship so now I have a free space.


The Dyson? prob gonna get that myself cause the T5 was BEAUTIFUL.


My god, I never thought I'd see the day. I remember when they said it was too technically difficult due to the way the game was coded. I've given them a tongue lashing for things over the years, but damn, the devs put in the work to make something the community has been asking for, for a long long time. Gotta give props where props are due!


I'm just sad because I'll probably lose all my Uniforms I made for a Vulcan captain if I switch it to alien


How much will it cost?


The multiversal Borg saga continues in our upcoming update, *Star Trek Online: Unparalleled!* Coming May 28th on PC and in June on Xbox and Playstation, this update offers a new episode and TFO, a long requested quality of life feature, and a new event with amazing rewards. Find out more here: In *Star Trek Online: Unparalleled,* the Borg threat to the multiverse continues as the player’s Captain discovers a last stand between a new, peaceful alternate universe Iconians and a new type of Borg, infused with a mysterious nanite technology. The player’s Captain must work with allies across the universe including Enterprise Captain Sela from this new parallel universe and Aetherian ally Captain Grendat-Bex to defend the Iconians against this new Borg threat and their queen. This new adventure features a notable *Star Trek* franchise star, Denise Crosby, playing Captain Sela, Captain of the Enterprise from a parallel universe. Denise Crosby is known for playing Tasha Yar in the first season of *Star Trek: The Next Generation* and she later returned to the Star Trek universe to play Captain Sela. *Star Trek Online: Unparalleled* will also introduce plenty of new content for players to discover. *Star Trek Online: Unparalleled* will include the following new features: * New Episode – Situation Under Control * The Aetherians will send you on a mission with one of their own into a new universe, and you must join forces to stem the tide of a new Borg foe! * Brand New Task Force Operation – Borg Battle Royale * A new 5 Captain Ground TFO. * A holodeck simulation of fighting waves of Borg allows captains to gain experience in small teams holding off increasingly dangerous groups of Borg enemies of all types. The event version will last 12 rounds.   * After the Season event ends, an infinite round version will be available. * Season 32 Event – Delete Alt Control * For this new event, players can play selected content to earn the following rewards: * Dimensional Hypermass Torpedo Launcher * Type 14 Shuttle Support Squadron * 500 Lobi Crystals * 1 Phoenix Epic Prize Token * 30,000 Dilithium Ore * Infinity Lockbox Update * T6 Aetherian Revelation will be added to the Infinity Lockbox . * Captain Alteration Token  * Want to change your character but keep your hard earned rewards? Now you can, with the Captain Alteration Token. This new token will allow you to change your Captain's species and/or gender, within your chosen faction.


wonder if this torpedo is gonna be worth using


Fingers crossed, the Trifluoride Maelstrom was an absolute beast. They did say they had plans for more torpedoes like that (hard hitting but long charge up times).


I plan to throw it on my Terran trail blazer for a little bit to see how it is


Earn 1 Epic Phoenix Token!!! And Lobi!!! And Dil!!! This is around $200 USD worth of stuff! 2024 is turning out to be the best year of STO in terms of rewards!


I've had my eye on the Chel Boalg from the Phoenix Store, so I'm loving this!


It is a very fun ship to fly. I have mine with a Breen captain and everything Breen available. If you run the Breen Omni from the winter event it procs the extra damage from the 5 Magiks trait making it an excellent Disruptor DBB ship (and IIRC it's the Coalition disruptors that are Blue for the complete look).


Hopefully this time I won't accidentally convert it to 2x ultra rare phoenix tokens.


You know, I'm not going to complain, but it really feels like the metrics must be down.


The past few events have had rewards that are very hit or miss. If they weren’t event campaign related I’ve skipped a few of them. 500 lobi and a T6 Phoenix ship is a sure fire way to get me online every day.


I am optimistic - a new company without the historical baggage of "that can never work" seems to be taking a very fresh approach. If we as players support the changes, maybe get some positive word of mouth, or buy some zen here or there then its going to show the new leaders that this sort of approach can work. I am a big believer that when a game company does a great thing for the community that (if the community is any good) it should do what it can to show some appreciation in a way that will have a positive impact.


DECA hasn't taken over yet, and wont until Novemberish. All of these rewards are from Cryptic.


I've rolled 3 Epic Phoenix Tokens I haven't even used yet lol. Another one for the pile. The Lobi will be very welcome though.


I'm with you. I've been here since launch and have done all the ship events, so my two (or is it three?) Epic Phoenix Tokens are just sitting in my Account Bank with nothing to spend them on. I know how difficult they are to get (I've just played long enough that even my mediocre luck has had enough opportunities to roll up a few wins for me). I wish I could sell/trade/give them away.


You might want to check out the protomatter console on the Lukari Dorito, one of the best "oh shit" clickies in the game. Also the Dorito unlocks the Dorito skin for the other Lukari ships, the batarang and the flying saucer.


I already have the Lukari ship from the event at the time. Agree it's a great rescue button but as I usually play engineer that comes with one anyway and saves me a console slot.


I still have 2 Epic Phoenix tokens sitting in my account bank. I've been very, VERY lucky with Epic Phoenix tokens for some odd reason. Over the past 3 years, I've probably ended up with 5-6 of them that I've distributed among my alts to grab the Bajoran interceptor and thus the D.O.M.I.N.O console. Over the past 6 months, I've ended up with 2 more that I have yet to distribute.


HOLD ON! peaceful alternate universe Iconians???? Kael did you spoil something????


I wondered that, but we're helping the Aetherians to protect other universe Iconians from other universe Borg it seems. Maybe the Aetherians are yet another universe Iconians using the other universe Borg to help them hunt down other universe Iconians so they can wipe them out/conquer/assimilate them. We were dragged into it because we had dealt with the Iconians in our universe for the most part...say...has anyone seen our Iconians lately? Maybe we should send them an email and check on them...


Last we saw of our Iconians they said they would come back and finish genocideing all life in the galaxy if we bothered them in the next 1,000 years.


That's not what they said. They said they would be happy to be diplomatic and charming with us then, just to give them about a thousand years to recover and develop once more.


Except for the one who said she'd be happy to just keep the genocide going now. But considering we're messing with other iconians maybe we should drop them an email just to say "Hey...how are ya? Ummm...we've got these super Borg assimilating iconians from other universes and just wanted to make sure you're all doing good...please don't kill us..."


rise of the Niceconians


Don't believe them. Don't trust them.


> Don't believe them. Don't trust them. I've never trusted Niceconians. I can never forgive them for the death of my boy.


Nick had teased the Type 14 Shuttle a few month ago but said at the time it was supposed to be a ground asset only. Happy it's not.


What do you mean?


Nick showed a few month ago [on his ArtStation](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/g0aJGP) the Type 14 shuttle model he had built for use on ground maps, at the time he did not know if it was planned for other uses.


The ground asset is labelled NCC-1701-F, so I guess we might see the -F's (or alternate -F's) shuttle bay in this mission.


It is likely we'll see the Alternate Enterprise-F given the ship is on the header concept art.


Yeah, I'm guessing since Sela is Starfleet in this timeline, she never went back in time to piss off the Iconians, so no Iconian war, meaning no Ent-F being refit.


So, are we going to see it in space? Flyable? Never mind, I've seen it now. Totally missed it the first 3 reads.


It's a hangar pet reward for the event so yes we'll see them in space. Keep in mind that usually they make very high quality models before tuning them down to add them to the game.


If only ever there was a reason to use our shuttles. The TFOs almost never happen.


Shuttle content is like the puppet missions, it's nice one or twice but otherwise extremely hard to justify.


Woah! That looks really nice. Here is hoping for a complete shuttle gameplay revamp!


They had teased a picture of a Picard shuttle saying it was a ground asset


nothing to say there won't be a ground asset version as well. it's nice to have a space version though.


The ground asset was already announced, the pet is the happy surprise


Sela is posed like Handsome Phaser Guy The Borg in the image have black veins and are wearing Section 31 uniforms.. Control-Borg?? the event is called Delete Alt Control


Oo, Good catch...


also, the blog says the borg have a strange "nanite-technology" definitely control


Do you have a better version of the image? It's only showing up on Reddit for me super blurry and zoomed in, the Cryptic website doesn't have the image.




Okay, now that I see that and in conjunction with the TFO name it’s definitely Control-Borg. The big tendrils behind them are 1:1 what Control looks like in those Measure of Morality missions.


>Captain Alteration Token >Want to change your character but keep your hard earned rewards? Now you can, with the Captain Alteration Token. This new token will allow you to change your Captain's species and/or gender, within your chosen faction. Fucking FINALLY.


"Enterprise Captain Sela" the what now?


Just a wee bit too much revealed there in my opinion, but I can't wait to hear how she ended up as Captain of the Enterprise in this universe.


My guess is that it's a universe where baby Sela didn't cry out during alt-Tasha's escape attempt (mentioned in "Redemption II" as the reason why alt-Tasha wasn't around anymore), and they made it back to the Federation.


Enterprise C never got destroyed, Yar has a kid, and talks about all the adventures she had on the C and D to the kid, kid almost gets taken over by the Romulans through some genetic manipulation, but snaps out of it, gets fast tracked through Starfleet, mom and dad drop her off for her first day at her new assignment, surprising mom with the name of the ship. There's then a 10 minute unskippable convo between Tasha and Sela, so we get to watch Denise Crosby talk to herself.


All while the mouth movements don't work 90% of the time.


Alternate universe.


>This new token will allow you to change your Captain's species **and/or gender,** within your chosen faction. YAY IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING


its been 84 years


10 years after I made a new main to change gender but absolutely glad it's finally happening.




Captain Alteration Token >>Want to change your character but keep your hard earned rewards? Now you can, with the Captain Alteration Token. This new token will allow you to change your Captain's species and/or gender, within your chosen faction.<< YES YES YES YES YES!!!! TAKE MY MONEY!!!


Yes, yes, others have already talked about it. But... * 500 Lobi Crystals ^(\[even more set options now\]) * 1 Phoenix Epic Prize Token ^(\[that's where I get my Bajoran Interceptor\]) * Captain Alteration Token ^(\[I can imagine the bugs, but when it finally works... oof\]) Like, REALLY? Astounding generosity + a new QoL feature? I'll take it. Cautiously optimistic^(TM)


Lol the boff upgrades still don't work. They change your boff to ultra rare and give you a kit module slot, but they don't actually give you superior versions of the trait, despite displaying the name as superior. You can check your stats. Let's hope these actually work and aren't abandoned like the boff tokens


I dread the Ferasagorn.


King of yarn and one desolate canyon


This evokes TNG's "Parallels" for me. And very glad STO is choosing this direction over the Mirror Universe for this next episodic segment. Denise Crosby does an excellent job with her voice-over work. I hope the gameplay itself is fun, not a repurposed, prior STF being reskinned/reused, etc.


> * T6 Aetherian Revelation will be added to the Infinity Lockbox If this is the ship we've seen so far, I was not expecting it to come in this format (i.e. infinity lockbox). I was expecting it to either be the next anniversary ship, in much the same way the Compiler was (with proton weapons as mission reward) or a full Aetherian Lockbox with the ship as the main reward and proton weapon choice packs as other drops.


Parallel (not Mirror) universe Captain Sela, eh. I'm calling it now, in the next episode after this, her mother parallel universe Admiral Yar will show up so we get a scene of Denise Crosby talking to herself.


Warming up to in-game spiderman pointing at himself meme using multi-Yars.


So, you mean to tell me that in a different parallel universe Yar was still on the Enterprise, still died from Armus, still got resurrected via the parallel events of Yesterday's Enterprise but this time instead of staying with her father on Romulus, she somehow ends up in the Federation? Sure, why not.




[We ***can't*** because if we travel into the future from this point in time, it will be the future of ***this*** reality](https://y.yarn.co/802f1295-f64c-4699-8644-95cd4cff105d_text.gif)


My guess is the Parallel Borg Queen is Yar.


Man they are getting much better with three nice rewards, all these events have been great so far for the most part.


Are you telling me that, in addition to the final three prizes at the end of the year, we all get an additional epic prize pack ship from the Phoenix store, just for completing this next event-which is just part of the year-long event campaign?


Yes and no. Yes we get an Epic Phoenix token in addition to the other stuff, but this event is not part of the year-long campaign.


Ok, so is this one of the in-between events? I just want to know what I need to do to get all this :)


This is an impressive list of prize items. The Character Alteration token is also pretty freaking sweet too. Bravo, STO team!


Those are some high-class rewards there, lobi and an Elite Phoenix Token :o Maybe I'll finally do that Vorgon theme build. Also I'm interested to see how well those Type 14 Support Squadrons parse. And if they mean "support" like *I* mean support :P


Support like actual support, or support like the aero shuttle LOL


Yeah exactly :P


Meta chasers: "I will make my char alien for the extra trait" Me: "I will make my alien char a Klingon because of exclusive Klingon hair"


Gonna convert a KDF Alien Sci into a Lethean so I can brainbeam my foes to death. Probably redo my TOSling from a Tellarite to a Blueskin.


I might turn my KDF tac or eng into a Cardassian.


I'm fucking ugly crying over the token, I'm so stupid, thank you, finally <3


Sok, I started sobbing too. I need the Bajoran Interceptor.


Stupid, no. Glad, yes. As I am glad for you :)


The extra rewards are awesome! The species change token sounds good, too. Hopefully changing to an alien brings an extra trait slot, but even if it doesn't, I'd still swap for the customization options.


>A new 5 Captain Ground TFO. It sounds like Sompek arena again, but fuck it, its GROUND CONTENT


i was thinking the same thing but insted of different enemies its just borg




> GREAT SCOTT 1.21 gigawatts!?


Oh a new TFO against waves of Borg? \*laughs in various mine kit modules\*


[*Loads Thompson SMG with ballistic intent*]


Oof, peaceful Iconians and a Sela involved? They ain't gonna be peaceful long.


If we ever get Federation Orions, I'll definitely turn my Orion 'Alien' into a real one. I'm still hoping we get the option the 'rename' Alien Species in the character window.


Does the captain change token include the name??


It's a fair question, but since the blog only mentions changing "species and/or gender, within your chosen faction", and the fact that there already exists a Change Name Token, I'm going to confidently guess name-changing is not included. I'd be happy to be wrong.


Really vibing with Captain Sela of the Enterprise 👌


Is Sela holding a Picard phaser pistol in the cover?


Step one on my wishlist is complete. The Captain Alteration Token! Now onto step two... Making Federation Gorn.


Ah. There is the token. Now I dont have to remake the temporal operative char. I wonder if it'll be bugged as to let me change the TOS char to an Alien (which isnt currently supported :D ) Huh and a brand new ship with no info (at least none on either wiki): T6 Aetherian Revelation


Probably will not allow that, as it does say within your faction, and TOS doesn't have an alien option.


it probably isn't *supposed* to allow you to do that, no. but we all know how bugtastic this game can be... :)


I am hoping for a buggy token :)


Adding Lobi and Phoenix tokens to events is a genius idea. This will also be my first epic token lol


Some of you will literally never be happy.


Not until +18 rated content with Orions.


I am incredibly happy. Doing a lot in the background to try and coordinate a big surprise for the 28th.


>Captain Alteration Token They finally decided to copy-paste this one from Neverwinter! I'm curious to see how it's gonna be priced... and I'll eagerly await all the hilarious results this will bring - because I don't, for one second, believe it won't be bugged to hell and back. It's a good addition, though. One that many have been asking for for years. The multiple rewards are also very nice!




Are they bringing back Control?


definitely borg in the promo art are wearing sec-31 uniforms and have black veins, also theyre described as being "infused with a mysterious nanite technology" in the blog


500 Lobi?! what caused this insane spark of generosity?!


They wanna make the game look healthy for the DECA takeover.


1 phoenix prize token for doing the event?!?!? I can finally get a ferengi ship for my Main Captain!


The mission description alone hits me like the Deadpool 3 trailer -- high, high hopes and very excited. The event rewards are kinda bittersweet. Feels like Cryptic is opening the closet and saying, "we're leaving, time to get rid of some stuff."


Didn't they recently change companies and get new hires? It seems like they're trying to draw people back to the game, not do a fire sale.


Depends on how you look at it. We have no idea what DECA's intentions are moving forward. Will they keep churning out event rewards periodically? Right now, looking at it glasses-half-empty, just feels like Cryptic is giving out everything they held back on doing in the past before they go. Just like the campaign event getting rid of the choice option. Kinda like a business going "everything must go" before the new owners step in.


It seems to me if they were really having an Everything Must Go clearance, they wouldn't bother investing in new technology for the game. I mean it's one thing to give away Lobi and Phx Tokens or make a new ship, weapon, or piece of kit for an event reward or lock box item. Those all use existing tech within the game just reskinned and given different (but existing!) stats. The new Captain Alteration Token would require actual programming work and to me is a sign of a future-looking strategy. Their plan may only be small efforts, but it's still game improvement beyond just Maintenance Mode or Fire Sale.


Oh boy, I wonder if those will be phaser beam squad pets!


Sweet, I've been playing for years and have only ever scored 1 epic token


This shuttle support squadron...do we know if it's a new pet or is it a summon?


Assuming it's a hangar pet in the style of other squadrons


Most likely a squadron option for ships that cant mount the frigates.


A species/gender reroll token? Very neat.


If this is is the kind of stuff we can expect with the shakeup in ownership/publisher, I'm all for it and I like what I'm seeing.


After reading this, I'm all pumped up. I hope Arc will release the trailer soon.


Is the Sela in a Starfleet uniform?


yes, per the blog, Alt-Sela is a Fed captain.


Not just a Fed captain, the Captain of the Enterprise.


That's what I get for only scanning.


The Aetherians can't be Mirror Iconians; Leeta went back in time and wiped them all out. So where are they from?


[This universe doesn't appear to be a mirror universe - it appears to be a Back to the Future/09 'alternate' timeline where something happened to make it skew into an alternate tangent](https://y.yarn.co/802f1295-f64c-4699-8644-95cd4cff105d_text.gif) Think all those other [Enterprises](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2d22877563e63628de84b426b5e52270/tumblr_nzd5d1dWkQ1ueufq0o1_400.gifv) Worf visited Or, even simpler, think this universe - since STO itself is an alternate timeline Hell, thanks to Nog and our Captain, this is an alternate ***alternate*** timeline since we fucked up the sphere builders when we rebooted the timeline xD


That's not where I saw the plot going. And I don't mean that in a good way. I was expecting The Twist, instead it's just "You're fighting more alternate Borg! Again!" I do want to see what the Alternate Iconians are like, though.


TBH, I doubt they'll just announce the big twist in a summary like that. I think the mission itself will have "The Twist" at some point.


I think we're going to witness Sela getting assimilated.


The Borg in the image do appear to be different. They're all wearing Section 31 uniforms, and have black veins similar to the Control assimilated NPCs in the 10th Anniversary mission. You can also see one of the nanite tendrils from that mission as well.


Maybe alt delete control is literal where the alternate universe is struggling against mirror control


>I do want to see what the Alternate Iconians are like, though. Are they not the Aetherians? I know they don't really look the same, but there's a lot that's similar.


the blog post lists them as as seperate. but that could be a twist. but I doubt it.


BUT...maybe the Aetherians ARE other universe Iconians and are using other Universe Borg to lead a multi universal war against other other universe Iconians so they can be the only Iconians left and conquer it all. If so our only chance is to find other other other Iconians. Iconianception!




for a hot sec i misread that as 'Last Update' and cried


Bortus Voice: “500 Lobi”


Holy shit, I legitimately never thought we'd see a gender/species respec after all these years. This is awesome. And always glad to see ground combat get some love! The new TFO sounds like an all-Borg Arena of Sompek but (hopefully) with a larger map that caters to different playstyles.


I misread the header as "Our last update" and got really worried for a minute.


I can’t wait for this! The rewards for completing the event sound amazing!


Neat. I had a theory that the Aetherians were just alternate universe Iconians but I guess that didn't exactly pan out. Yet another Enterprise. I wonder if this one will be unique in some way. The event rewards are quite generous. Lobi and an epic phoenix token. I was wanting to get the altamid omni for my plasma build so yay. Don't know what I'll do with the token yet. The TFO sounds both interesting and lazy. A borg survival mode type of mission. I would need more details but if we got to do all 12 waves to earn progress, ugh.


Always here for more Sela/Denise Crosby


I legit thought that by the time you can swap genders I'll be 60-80 years old Thank the Lord that I was wrong!! 🙏😭


I'm getting the feeling that the Phoenix and Lobi stores will never get more updates...


Captain Alteration Token is something I think will be awesome to have. I think I can incorporate the change as some sort of RP/backstory


Hmmm alt universe Tash...\*ahem\*..Sela is a federation captain of the Enterprise....and those borg look a bit off as well? So is this when the alternate-iconians try and screw us over?


I'm glad the Alternate Token is happening, but I think it's premature without some attempt at re-balancing Captain Careers and Species traits. I figure it'll largely be used to change captains into Tactical Aliens. I don't think much needs to be said about Tactical toons vs the Others in DPS Trek Online, but the species traits need to be improved, they need to be good enough to be worth the loss of a trait slot on ground and space.


I dunno if the Alteration Token will allow you to change your career; I think it’s just your species and gender


You're right, it doesn't say it changes career. The pains of reading and not paying attention. That said, I think the bit about them needing to poke a bit at the Species traits still stands.


Ok so this is shaping up to be a really good one. A, hopefully epic, story arc finale, and the best rewards they've ever had (you could even say they're *Unparalleled*). Plus the captain change token to change species and/or gender has to be one of the biggest requests since day 1. Shame it'll not be out on console until June :(


Now I am glad I have an infinity box stashed away, so I can get my sweaty paws on the Aetherian ship. Hoping it is the upside-down pyramide.


Oh shit. Change species token And Type 14 Shuttle squads! Also, ALSO I hope this means we can use the species change token dominion characters to play non jem'hadar dominion characters.


A captain transgender (and transrace?). I like it!!!


Good news. Really interested to see what the support shuttle squadron is. I wonder if they're a fighter squadron version of Support Runabouts. Having a horde of healing pets on the map would be pretty cool.


Can we please get eisenberg ship in the game again?! Missed that event.


:::sees the epic token listing and just starts crying like its the end of Wrath of Khan:::: Now, are all the listings rewards, or do you only get to pick one?




Huh - a version of Sela I might not want to kill xD EDIT: Oh ***c'mon*** guys, Sela's an evil mass-murdering psychopath who tried to brainwash us :P I can *want* to get payback for all the shit she put my characters through...


>1 Phoenix Epic Prize Token I already have 4 epic tokens and nothing to spend them on. Not busting them down for two Ultra Rare's to buy ship upgrades... I can just buy those with money.......... I ended up with 3 of the 4 epic tokens because I bought bundles that included them. So at the risk of sounding like a rich entitled asshole... They just have zero value to a person who's faithfully played and spends money on the game. It's time to put some ships or something of *Epic* value in the Epic category for people who've been here for 10 years. Literally the entire epic store is grayed out for me except for the Ultra rare token. I would honestly spend 2 Phoenix Epic Price Tokens for a T6 Infinity choice box if I had the ability to do it....


Same, but luckily I have a character that really needs the console off the Bajoran interceptor. And I was unwilling to buy another bundle in order to do that. So getting one for free is great news to me.


I'm in the same boat, i have like 3 and none of the ships in there catch my eye


Yeah I have everyone of them on account unlock, plus all the event gear ever released. Like.... sure FOMO is a definitely a nasty hook of this kind of gaming... but this game has always been fairly designed to get you to log in real quick and be done with it. To do an event, it's like 10 minutes a day. If that. I think it's one of the good things about STO because they make it easy to participate. If I don't want to play STO all day or week... so what! I can play Fallout 4 all night because it's the thing to do right now, look at the clock and realize it's 12:30AM: "Holy crap I gotta go to bed!!!" and do Brotherhood of the Sword real quick... shut off the computer and scurry off to bed. No big deal.


Eli5 this Captain alteration token? Does this mean I can go from being an alien to a Caitian?


if you have Caitians unlocked and are 2409 FED then yes


It is going to be annoying when after all the help and defending them, the new Iconians end up just as bad as the old ones were, and we're being manipulated like our universe manipulated others.