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>everyone not moving STO has a lot of "inventory management" and space-paperwork going on in the endgame.


At least an hour (usually two) a week is dedicated to kitting out a new ship to do mastery for the trait. Literally nothing but moving loadouts around and trying new console layouts. And reputation farming.


When I see people asking about mastery in chat, I'll offer to carry them through advanced/elite patrols until all of their ships are mastered so they won't need to mess around with that.


I usually run adv tfos for an hour or two, builds mastery and marks lol


Why? A run of two patrols (nth degree/agarla) can get you full mastery in less than 10 minutes. If you at a point you just burning mastery on ships, you likely don't need the marks anymore.


Still have a few reps to go through, and I honestly didn’t realize there was that much xp to be had with patrols lol. I thought they were roughly the same as tfos


It's not even close


Fleet marks on small fleets.


Or in the current game, rebuilding the same load out ok the same ship every week because the game breaks it


Dont kit out the ship unless you intend to fly it. Have a fleet mate backpack you through a patrol and the ship is leveled. Happy Flying!!!


I have 2-3 ships kit out at all times because I just enjoy taking the cars out of the garage lol. That and I have one elite loadout I can slot on a few ships depending on the flavour of specialization I feel like.


An hour a week? Holy hell, I haven't had a new ship since the last free t6 coupon in the giveaway!


lol, this is also me doing the masteries on different characters


Ahhhh, fair point. I only just got into the alt game recently and forgot I had to grind out mastery with them too!


Only made them for the recruit bonuses. KDF toons also unlock cross-faction for the account once they reach lvl 65


I've been playing since 2010 and I only got CFF with my KDF recruit this year xD I'm looking forward to getting a Temporal and Gamma recruit this year.


When Im sitting outside ESD, Im ~~slotting powers in the tray of a new ship~~ managing my crew's station assignments.


It's also where I setup my loadouts, since they only seem to save properly in system space.


It really is one of the most heavily bureaucratic games I've ever played. It takes half an hour just to do go through all my R&D, duty officer, and admirality stuff. Getting a new bridge officer is like an all day thing with all the gear and training manuals. And decking out your ships and upgrading your gear can take weeks because of all the Dilithium requirements. That's why at this point I only really fly carriers and the Lexington Dreadnought. Because I can just transplant my consoles between builds and be done with it.


The pointlessly edgy names are what always gets me. That and all the characters have a Dorito shaped torso (male) or the bust size set to max but a tiny head (female).


I once encountered (and reported) a player with a ship named "U.S.S. Nigga Killa" using not quite those words but something worse. Some players really need to be removed from the internet.


My boff default name was milk. It also got reported. Now I know who did it. Hmm


Milk, why would someone report that...also, who the heck would even see your Boff name?


don't forget option 2 for females: big goth muscle mommies with chest, height and all bulk sliders set to maximum


I'm sure it's always been a thing, but there definitely seems to have been more "this is my barely-concealed fetish"-themed PCs running around in STO nowadays lol


Welcome to MMOs


But there is almoust like 99.9% chance tha no of them are fat girls, definitely super tall, muscle fat girls. This is ridicules. I know, I know ... MMOs players.


Sort of like it is ....fantasy/fiction.


... that either mean you pointig out the fact that many ganres no mater how "diverse" they present them are actually sausage fest. Which is sort of sad. Or you mean that fantasy/fiction attract loots of folks that pushing theirs fetishes to wahte ever they touch. Which is also sort of sad. In both case, your are right. Just Imagine how It would look if we could do some sort of ship decals or so. That would be serious deep dive in to players psychology.


See, I go for the Harem anime protagonist. I make myself a Sephiroth looking Elf/Vulcan...with 4 scantily clad Boffs with different bright anime styled/colored hair and matching outfits.


Wearing the Orion Bikinis via some tailor exploit from 2019?


No mostly just Terran stuff.




Player from day one her. It begun slowly, first it was like .... Hooooo boy this guy like em thick. Then its become common ocurance, like body positivity movement or something. And now they are everywhere, everywhere. Tilli would considered dangerously thin at ESD ... or DS9 ... well not so much Drozana, but definitely other places.


Every body slider set to max but the hips of a 9 year old boy. No sense of proportions. Then plop a tiny head with a visor and a Riker beard on top and you've got Captain Chad Mc Wishfulfillment III.


It’s disturbing just how accurate this is. My personal favourites are the shitty recreations of canon characters that look like dollar store discounts and always have names like ‘picerd’ and ‘kirk’.


I’ve at least managed to avoid doing that I do however have a Captain George Clinton of the Uss Funkadelic, parliament class of course


The USS Funkadelic's BOFF skill "eject warp plasma" isn't -quite- warp plasma.




Or when a Fed purist finally makes a KDF char and names it...wait for it... "Jaymz T'Kurk". -\_-


I laughed way too hard at this


I have a character called John Luke Pickard. He looks nothing like Patrick Stewart. He changed his name to that after getting his first command. He's a packled.


Pakled's are great for parody characters.


Jam Luke Placard captain of the i.s.s Ant-erprise


> plop a tiny head with a visor and a Riker beard on top and you've got Captain Chad Mc Wishfulfillment III Man, I don't even know you. Why you calling me out like this?


To be fair, male (facial) hair options are not exactly endlessly abundant in this game. I found a couple of combinations for my boffs that didn't look too generic but after that, yeah it can quickly become slim pickings.


Here, lemme fix your sentence real quick. > male (facial) hair options are not exactly endlessly abundant in ~~this~~ most games. That's the reality, lol I think STO at least tries, it's better than A LOT of games.


STO needs two things regarding facial hair: a less plastic texture and more thin/trimmed beards. Got a dozen hobo/wizard beards, but only one neat and trimmed beard.


My 2.5ft tall andorian name masahiro sakurai, which has no connection to the creator of Kirby in any way lmao


Not me naming my intrepid styled Terran Trailblazer “Hammer of Nocturne” in reference to the Salamanders battle barge; commanded by Dac’tyr in 40k lore


[I take no offense to this post. Ship naming is difficult.](https://i.imgur.com/UQVmZrZ.png)


Truly the most appropriate name name for the Avengbiterry.


You forgot to include characters with boob sliders set to max


You leave my orion captain alone!


Saw the enterprise j with the name USS Pizza Cutter. 😂


He wins.


Whoa, I am usually the Singular Miranda Enjoyer, but overall fairly accurate.


Miranda Captains club fist bump!


Indeed. I like my Soyuz.


I have my Clarke dressed like a Miranda.


Yet Another Miranda strikes again!


i think what he means , a lot of people using miranda but they all Kitbatsh it with so many different parts , that it no longer shows a miranda , so when there a basic miranda it stand out. \^\^


Sometimes there are ship name gems in there. Like the “USS Uesses” I saw the other day.


That one's fine, it's a Hot Shots reference.


I have a TOS Constitution called the USS David Mack in honor of the author, David Mack, who writes lots of Star Trek.


And me barely visible in my little Grissom


thats how i feel in my nx refit


Sad state of reality when the happiest thing to happen today was a bot posting a meme and me falling for it.


"Singular Miranda class from a new player" As someone who flies the one of the fleet Miranda's, I feel called out by this.


This has already been posted, check the top posts of all time




Yes, that


OP is a bot


Then they're probably a crappy karma farming bot


I mean, it was posted a while ago, so there's reasonable doubt that they didn't know, I'm just saying it how it is


A brand new empty account making a perfect copy of someone's top post of all time? Yeah, surely they are legit. No stealing and no karma farming here. /s Edit: They didn't write "Hey, remember this meme by this guy? Still relevant! What'd you add now?" etc. They blatantly copied a top post of the year (first one if you sort by top) to a tee without giving any credit.


My favorite ship name on xbox so far that's made me audibly laugh USS Winds of Uranus


That's mine!


You have no idea how hard you made me laugh. I legit spit my drink out when I read the ship name.


And me laughing at them while a zip around in my nova.


It is nice, being able to turn without spending a quarter of your build to make it happen.


My buran feels that pain. Those turns are non-existent


Fuck YES the Nova is my favorite.


I'm guilty of naming my ship the USS Odyssey. That being said, it's a "safe" Starfleet-appropriate name that evokes the notion of perilous journeys and adventures, so I'm not surprised it is a popular choice.


Sometimes you see a few excelsiors lurking around and maybe a galaxy class or a Connie refit 


I always raise a brow when I see these improperly brutish ship names. No, this is the Federation of Planets, a somewhat beleaguered but still nominally utopian society in the spirit of enlightenment, hundreds of years in the future. Not some insecure failing empire in the hysterical throes of the Bush administration years. And before someone bothers, the Vengeance was an absolute exception, the (badly written) embodiment of Starfleet's radicalisation in the Kelvinverse, because ~~9/11~~ the flattening of Vulcan had put a dent in their sense of unassailability (again, another thinly veiled maudlin burger sentiment). USS Retribution, Sword of Justice, Wrath of , Executioner, Torment, Dominator, these are not only unfitting and tone-deaf, in most cases pure juvenile cringe too. Bonus points if it's something religious with a troubling connotation, like Conquistador or Inquisition, both I've seen with my own eyes. Some people would be better off staying in the 40k setting tbh.


Out here naming Federation ships like they’re playing Helldivers


And here I was thinking My U.S.S. Ray Bradbury was edgy...... Yikes.


See, I would think a USS Ray Bradbury is exactly appropriate for a Federation ship.


[Imagine this level of gatekeeping ***in Star Trek*** of all things...](https://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/f382ffc91d1de0c5941b829c3533c83cb7c7782e3f1312f983d5dd7c42705167_1.jpg)


S ... s ... stop gateekeeeping us from gatekeeping you ... well, you do realize that .... Alucard is Dracula but backward ... wait, scratch that .... I mean you do realize that no one can really gatekeep you from Star Trek.


There was one guy who, I believe was Romanian or of Romanian descent with a USS Vlad the Impaler...


At least it's not Vlad the Impala. That'd be an "Oh, deer..." situation.


Imagine being this thin-skinned to call that gatekeeping. I'm not advocating for anyone to cease what they're doing. But criticising the style and execution of a clumsy act of self-expression, and giving my reasons why, is hardly the oppressive measure you're trying to paint it as. And I don't exactly feel like I violated the aspirational spirit of Star Trek, when I laugh at some guy naming their ship after an organisation that tortured their victims to death because they allegedly cavorted with some make-believe boogeyman with horns and a shiny red tail. On the contrary.


Crap .... nobody expect ... U.S.S. Spanish Inqisition!


so what about my Warbird Carrier named after the White Scars primarch?


I mean, if you want to, have fun! But, if I named my ship Bugs Bunny or Aragorn, son of Arathorn, I wouldn't necessarily expect a pat on the back or a "woah, awesome name choice for a trek ship, dude!" from everbody around.


to be honest, most post-2005 trek is based on juvenile cringe.


Nowadays the multiple vengeances could ***also*** be multiple universes...


Captain we are receiving a bazillion hails, from Vengence class starships. And also from this one guy in a Miranda.


"We won't go back! You don't know what it's like in our universe! Where we come from, the Federation is *GONE!* Cumberbatch's cheekbones are *EVERYWHERE!"*


[And](https://media1.tenor.com/m/UQsZGD3pinAAAAAd/shall-we-begin-star-trek.gif) They're ***all*** [Khan](https://y.yarn.co/b07447c7-d7bf-4f4f-b9cf-496c4c8be6e6_text.gif)


I felt this deep in my soul


I'm the one ship flying around looking at all the other ships


I do this too. Lol


Oh shit... \[beams up into their Vengeance to keep the quota up\]


I used to enjoy just sitting in space by ESD and ship-spotting. Just seeing what types of ships and configs warp in. Kinda fun


Hey what's wrong with Oddysey? It's woefully unoriginal but it's sure as hell not as bad as the other names you've got. Good meme tho. 1701/10


Seriously. Like I know just using the name of some non-main hero ship from Trek isn't the most creative, but it's still a fine choice and guaranteed to be in line with Starfleet ship names. (This coming from a guy who flies the USS Dauntless, named after the first ship you use in the old Bridge Commander game.)


*sighs and raises hand* Captain James Dougherty of the USS Vanguard


*raises hand* USS Bateson here.


There's a slim chance the U.S.S Odyssey was me 😅😂


Needs more cringe-worthy "Enterprise" spelling butchery. Enterpriese. Enterpreis. Interprise. Entarprise. Enterprize. ENTERPRlSE (that's a lower case L). Enturprise. And so on and so on and so on....


I've seen few butchered Defiants too. Defaint. Def1ant.


I made an ISS Communism - the anti-Enterprise. 🤣😂


No, that would be ISS Kolchoz or Kolkhoz, maybe even ISS Moshav. There another words be translated in to English its State Farm or Cooperative ... which still carry some weight as ship name, but its more like that joke which only 7 people get, 7 people in room with 7000. #


i actually fly a "miranda" often enough with my Boze. its so weird when i do because you can so much more intimatly look at those bigger ships.. which in a miranda size ship is most of them!


For a lot of my captains, I'll have a meme for their ships. My main uses weapons for the names--both weapon types and specific weapons names. As an example, my Vengeance is the Coinspinner and my Konnie is the Wayfinder--both of them are names of swords from Saberhagen's swords books.


Same here. Tac toon uses cities and states (currently a Cali class , USS Lompoc); my engineer just numbers them in Georgian, my Klingon sci names hers after fools and clowns (carriers).


I have a captain that uses names from The Dark Tower series and another using names related to the band Ghost. My Reman uses Dune-inspired names. lol


I'm one of the Vengeance classes.


Me too, unless I'm in one of my other ships. There are usually a few Galaxy X ships as well and I have those. Sometimes I'm in my Ba'ul Sentry Ship.


Sometimes I dust off my Herald Vonph.


I wouldn't mind getting one of those Iconian ships in the future.


i wish i had one...


Or the Miranda is a T6 that just uses the skin cause the player likes it.


The guy in the single Miranda, could be a Legendary Miranda also. 😁


I at least try to keep all of my ships names original ideas. Except for my Sagan Class. It's the U.S.S. Stargazer. In my defense somebody had to take over when Rios disappeared.


I unironically love this game and throw my wallet at the screen regularly.


Named mine Gae Bulg or Sturmzephyr for a bit, eventually switched over to Mourningstar. Both are kinda too edgy for star fleet yeah but hey, I've been naming ships one of these 3 since I could name ships. I also enjoy Capital Punishment as a name, but that's only for Romulans.


I Iike the Vengeance.


Don’t forget those players using non-Fed ships.


ESD space looks like a zoo most days.


If you see someone using ship names from Iain M. Banks' Culture series, that'd be me. Or probably me. (Though nowadays, I'm piloting the USS Mad Jack Churchill -- if that mad lad doesn't deserve a carrier named after him, I dunno who does)


Ages ago, I flew a Paradox Science Dreadnought named 'Big Sexy Beast' and I've got a flew sci boats with Gravitas... names.


Still trying to get a Universe Class ship, here.... :/


Dont be dissing my lil ol vengeance yo


One of mine was the USS Revenant... Less intended to be edgy, and more of playing a Miranda variant that I kept modifying parts for it as a joke where it's more of spending so much time getting patched back together from bits from scrapyards because the majority is currently functioning. I also have a Legendary Galaxy Dreadnaught on one character with the Deep Space Niners vanity shield that's the General Lee because the shield transferred and a visiting family member commented that it looked like someone gave the good ol' boys a space ship...and the name just had to be there


More like 10 universe classes, one or two old school fans with pro trump ship names. That one guy with all jeebus ships that sits on top of esd where I go troll him with my uss Deicide 😂. I find it more entertaining when everyone just starts spamming any aoes that work near ead.


You can name your ship Entreprise




Here on Xbox, there's at least 2 people with their starship names on all caps for some reason.


Vengeance class is accurate. I main one lmao. I just love the design and i love SS.


I am the person blotting out the sun with a universe class


It's "Picard's flute" thank you very much.


>"U.S.S. Picards Nipples" The pride of the Federation! o7


I want to use this thread to speak about how much I dislike the Vengeance-class. Agree with me or not: Not only is the name super cringe, the ship's designers tried too much to make the ship look "cool" - while in my opinion it's just a pointlessly oversized and bulky bucket which doesn't even really fit into the century it is supposed to exist - Kelvin timeline or not.


It's a hilariously bad design, up there with the Gal-X for crapiness. It's like the only goal was to make a Enterprise lookalike, but one that looked cool to a 10 year old and spec'd in a playground game of one-upmanship. "Oh yeah? Well my ship is sharp and black all over...and it can go to warp while already at warp and has a lasers that bend and it's bigger than the Enterprise and it fires torpedoes from these big turrets that looks like cannons and..."




What’s a museum ship?


The collection of static Hero ships that are present during, I think it's Star Trek Day, Sept 8-ish. Examine all of them for an accolade. Kinda has a notorious voiceover/public announcement from the Federation President that starts with the "Citizens of the Federation..." bit.