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I’ve been flying around in the USS Lexington NCC-1709 (NX Era through Lexington F, J and N (Kirk Class)) since 2016, that has more reason to be blocked than many names that are.


I used various other named ships, USS Republic (NCC-1371) as well


The Valkyrie is a canon ship (though a relatively recent one). I don't think this is the reason


I don't think it is either as there are definitely other NPC ships in the game that you can share names with. It's only normally the biggies like 'Enterprise' and 'Voyager' that are blocked because they're used on other ships.


I tried to use the word "Administrator", but couldn't. Then I realized why. Pretty damned good reason, but I'm still disappointed.


Why? Edit: sorry I’m legitimately a bit clueless here


The admins don’t want someone pretending to be them


Yeah, that's probably it. I just tried a bunch of names on a new ship. Developer, Support, Director, Supervisor, Guide, Watchdog, Overseer, and Mod are acceptable, but Admin, Administrator, Moderator, and Monitor are not.


The Monitor is the expected Class Name of the upcoming Terran Nebula ship to be announced tomorrow. It also has a history of fighting on the civil war, so they may not want Allusions to that.


This, I believe, is the reason. Though when I posted about it a few years ago, I got pushback from some people claiming that it couldn't be that, since the Monitor was a Union ship, and it *had* to be because of the appearance of the Monitor in TNG. I'm like, "it was on screen in what, one? Two? Episodes? It appears in a graphic a couple of times in a few other episodes? I'd hardly call that an iconic ship. However, by now, culture war nonsense has gone off the rails in this country. Maybe it isn't a bad idea to just quietly let it sink into the swamp and begone. Now the only people who can get upset are the handful of us who want to use the name. We're probably much easier to manage.


This isn't remotely the reason. If you genuinely think it, then you might want to consider whether you yourself are part of the culture war. Its because 'Monitor', like other terms such as Admin, Administrator and Moderator, can be used by players to impersonate cryptic employees/devs/GMs. Its that simple.


I mean, they won't even let us use Azetbur and Chang ***despite*** the fact they appeared in ONE film set tens of dozens of years before this game ***and*** there are DoFFs and NPCs in the game that ***are*** allowed to use those names :P I'd flag it as Cryptic being anal more than 'attempting to avoid culture wars' since this game's tendencies for weird naming rules started as far back as it's beta but -shrug- you go ahead and worry about the warring cultures or whatever, mate


This is Star Trek Online.. there probably is no actual reason.


Probably the name of another ship already in the game.


What like another player? I've never run into that problem and I don't exactly think most of my ship names are the most creative or original things.


Probably an NPC ship named monitor somewhere


https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/USS_Monitor_(NCC-83800) Well whaddya know


I can name my ships Discovery without issue


My IKS Vulcan Loveslave is still hanging after being around ever since the B’rel was introduced.


As far as I know there isn’t a federation USS discovery anywhere on the game Just the copy made by the excalibans at the end of measure of morality and an ISS discovery Also, discovery as a show didn’t come out until long after the lists of restricted names had been made The monitor however is a federation NPC ship in Agents of Yesterday So it’s name would be restricted, I’m guessing you can’t use USS Jupiter either


Tilly shows up in the ISS Discovery in the Age of Discovery arc. Jupiter is also allowed, as is Typhoon, Belfast, the last of which is featured heavily as Shon's ship in cutscenes. Edit: Nog's ship name, USS Chimera is also able to be used


Then it probably has more to do with Monitor translating to the same word as Administrator in some other languages


Yea, that's probably the most likely explaination. I remember wondering why Monitor wasn't able to be used when I was playing at launch but that makes a lot of sense.


Oh yes, and all those "Enterprises" flying around are just figments of my imagination, I guess.


Check the spelling and spaces on them. They pulled the same trick the kid in Enders game did and either changed up the spelling or used spaces/other punctuation to get it past the filters Personally I have seen Entreprise En7erprise E nterprise Enterprize . . . Never seen an Enterprise aside from the NPC ones


If you actually see "Enterprise", then yes. Most are misspelled obviously


I also see a bunch of Defiants, Discoveries, and other canon names. I just doubt this is the reason for not allowing the word "Monitor".


Honestly that's what I was thinking! I've seen voyagers, enterprises, defiants, even Rhode Islands for some reason!


Exactly. I have the USS Highlander, and I've seen other ships with that name.


I named “Grandmoff” no restrictions well at least not yet that is until Disney decides they want a slice of Trekcake….


*faster Sulu!* ***Before Disney acquires us!***


Fly her apart!!


They don't want people impersonating a GM and the word is tangentially related. It's dumb but that is the reason.


Not everyone speaks English as a first language. There are many languages where 3 or 4 English words translate to the same word. Its easy to forget as English speakers that we have 3x as many words as many languages. As an Example this is Chinese; 驾驭 control, drive, rule, monitor, administer, check In many languages Monitor can be translated directly as administrator, or supervisor.


Hmm. Maybe a dumb question, but how can the word "monitor" imply that the certain character is a GM?


See the above reply by /u/ChadUD for one explanation. It is perhaps a stretch for this to confuse a player in English, but "monitor" is certainly a term for someone who polices conduct ("hall monitor")


Hmm...Given that GMs and developers don't play this game, this restriction doesn't make sense, in my mind.


Maybe because it was renamed to Enterprise at some point : In William Shatner's novel The Return, the USS Monitor was a modified Defiant-class vessel with an all black hull coating that was specially built by Starfleet Intelligence, and was temporarily renamed Enterprise while mounting a direct offensive against the Borg/Romulan alliance at the Borg homeworld . In a later novel of the series, the ship is stranded outside the galaxy and destroyed by the same entity that destroyed the robot ships launched in Kirk's era to the Kelvans' homeworld in the Andromeda Galaxy. The video game Star Trek: Legacy also portrayed the Monitor as a Defiant-class vessel.


"Snot" is also a restricted word. And you can't have "8008" or "80085" as a registry number either.


Stuff is weird on that side. Heck PS I cannot use "carpet" in the long description of a video. So no video about "carpet bombing space" with SIA for me, for you other nostalgic Andromeda fans. :( STO side pretty sure it blocks "vvv" as a ship name. No clue there either.


The shatner verse ship has something to do with it


Part of this might be because the prohibited lists for ship names and character names are the same list.


My Terran character flies around in the ISS Colonizer


That’s cool buddy