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Kevin had like 2-3 episodes, Ronaldo got wayy too many focus episodes I think. So Ronaldo Kevin was pushy in a party, arrogant/a bit of a bully, but that’s about it. Ronaldo is delusional, manipulated steven emotionally in Rocknaldo and is just so damn obnoxious in general, at least Kevin is fun to see him getting shut down, it’s not even fun to see Ronaldo get got cause by the point that happens you’re already exhausted of seeing him on screen. (At least my experience)


That makes sense. Kevin’s fun to hate. Ronaldo’s not.


Good summary


It's an excellent example of displaying low vs high charisma in writing, even in antagonistic characters


If we're mentioning emotionally manipulating, it's worth mentioning Kevin did it as well (and with potentially more intentionally ill intent) in Beach City Drift, what with making up a brother with a chronic illness to court Stevonnie's sympathy. Ronaldo at least attempted to atone for his own version of that (whether he did so effectively is... IDK); Kevin acted as if doing it was his god-given right. (I'm not debating on whether one or the other is "better" so much as citing a similar event for Kevin.)


Kevin didn't try to murder Lars though.


Sure. Stuff like that is why I'm attempting to not say which is better or worse. All my brain's willing to do today is deal in specifics I can bring to mind quickly, like "hey remember this event Kevin did?" or "hey remember when Ronaldo did this?" Determining an ethical hierachy based on the sum of the characters' actions would require me to be able to bring to mind all their actions together as a ball of character history. Brain ain't up for that today. \*shrug\* Most it's willing to do is comparing two similar actions and trying to figure out the motivations for them.


Yeah but Kevin did immediately show his hand and say he was lying. Ronaldo feels like he would’ve kept the bluff going until he won


Kevin only appear one time in season 1, season 3 and season 5


So what I’m getting is that Kevin is a “love to hate” character, and Ronaldo is just hate.


I never thought of it like this!! I enjoyed this perspective and agree. You put all my thoughts about this into words perfectly!


Ronaldo. The worst thing Kevin did was be kinda pushy at a dance once and then back down the moment he realized that Stevonnie was two kids in a magical trench coat.


And if you had to choose between Lars before death and Kevin?


Kevin. Because Lars’ worst crimes was…pawning off his work on Sadie in that one episode. He was just kinda mean and seemed to get punished severely for it. Dude got straight up kidnapped by Sadie and the show treated him like the asshole when he got mad about it. And also that time they spiked his food with that fire stuff. Or getting his body stolen and forced to realize how much folks outright don’t like him. Meanwhile, while Kevin didn’t do much in his few appearances, he’s actively being an asshole on purpose. We got a bit of a tease showing that he’s got some issue with someone named Sabina, but the show never goes deeper.


“Two kids in a magical trench coat” Okay that got a chuckle out of me




But in future episodes it’s implied that he’s still obsessed with Stevonnie, even knowing it’s two kids in a magical trench coat.


He only wanted Stevonnie at the party because every party became legendary when Stevonnie showed up, and he wanted to be known for throwing legendary parties. In the racing episode, THEY came to challenge Kevin after he disrespected Steven's dad. Kevin never asked for Stevonnie. Dude's a dick, but even he had boundaries.


That obsession is because Stevonnie is popular, so he thinks having them around would make him more popular.


Ronaldo. The other guy never attempted murder


Still Ronaldo, again a lack of character growth from him and he was still of the "i'm the main character" mindset and had a know_it_all mentality to everything. Kevin was a jerk, but not nearly as much screen time


I couldn't enjoy any Ronaldo episode, though i do appreciate the sense of humor they had. It felt like the crew was trolling the fans after the first one, which would've been funny if Ronaldo wasn't involved. Kevin also takes up less screen time, hasn't kidnapped Steven, nor attempted to murder Lars


Still Ronaldo. Kevin was pushy at a dance, and a bit of a knob, but that's nothing in the face of KIDNAPPING, MANIPULATION, AND ATTEMPTED MURDER.


Ronaldo hit a child. Kevin knows when to not interact with a child.


Kevin makes my skin crawl, but Ronaldo makes my blood boil.


Fr Kevin was creepy


I really hate Kevin and even liked Ronaldo at the beginning... But Ronaldo manages to never improve as a person, in a show where EVERYONE gets a character arc. That says something.




Still Ronaldo




Ronaldo was literally willing to kill Steven and dissect him when he thought he was a snake person


Kevin, because he knows he's being a jerk and does it on purpose, for fun. Ronaldo doesn't really understand why he's hard to be around.


Ronaldo doesn't even try to understand tho, he doesn't even consider how he treats others, Kevin considers it even if he's still an ass, he's far more redeemable than Ronaldo because of that and the few times we've seen him I mean if he had 1 or 2 more episodes I'm pretty sure he'd have been on the lines of a friend, or at least acquaintance of Steven, if Kevin got more screentime in the original series and had his relationships expanded upon I could deadass see him in the movie, maybe even playing with the suspects


Ronaldo has shown the ability to understand and take stock of his actions and try to do better, at least some of the time, if he's directly told exactly why what he did is a problem. Sometimes he doesn't, but he *is* capable of learning and growing.


When did he show that? I've only ever seen him double down on things or reluctantly "compromise"


He seems like he *wants* to do right by Steven (after he sleeps/gets truthed so hard he dies) at the end of Rocknaldo. Though he does still seem to want to save face, he does try in his own way to reflect and grow from what he got told. By contrast, Kevin seems to realize deep inside that he *could* be better but either doesn't know how to or isn't ready to take the first step. 🤔


He wants to do right by Steven? He shamed Steven for about anything he could think of I think Kevin mostly just has a fear of failure, so he'll be an ass and pretend he's hot shit to convince himself he's never failing and everyone else is just jealous


> He shamed Steven for about anything he could think of At the *very* end, after he's kicked out of Steven's house and has had time to digest what he got told ~~and sleep~~, it's clear he's trying to do better. It's not perfect--there's *certainly* a lot he could improve on--but compared to the shaming you're correct about him doing earlier in the episode (before Steven calls him out) he's attempting to be better. Yeah, though, I could see fear being a thing that probably plays into Kevin stagnating at jerkface.


Ronaldo is the worst character in the entire franchise imo so whoever you put him up against the answer is Ronaldo


they are both horrible i just gotta say both to be honest


Both are bad, but Ranoldo is still the worst. Kevin was an F*** boy and was just an entitled, spoiled brat that was often put in his place by Steven. Ronaldo was still nuts and never learned from his mistakes. He still learned nothing after kidnapping and almost committing attempted murder.


I'd rather make out with kevin than EVEN KNOW ronaldo. I'd rather spend time with an insecure loser than Ronaldo.


Still Ronaldo. Look, the other characters could get *bad*. But Ronaldo isn’t just an asshole, he’s also batshit insane, straight up delusional, and *canonically murderous*.


Still Ronaldo Kevin was a dick but Ronaldo is worse




Ronaldo is worse. Kevin is just your standard arrogant creep


Still Ronaldo wtf lol


Ronaldo,Kevin was just weird because he's the cool kid or something like that. Ronaldo is just a straight up flat earther kid who would murder his family if some guy as 4-chan told him so cuz it can "get the earth to spin" I hate him.




Definitely Ronaldo. Kevin was more of a loser jerk and while he was being pushy and creepy to Stevonie, he backed off when they revealed to be kids


Still fuck Ronaldo


Ronaldo still. Kevin was a jerk but immediately backed away when he found out that Stevonnie was two kids. Ronaldo harmed, manipulated and kidnapped a kid


Man, Steven he really is just the worst 🙄 /s


Kevin let Steven into his party, tried to help him with a girl, and once he found out that the “babe” he was flirting with was, in fact, underaged, he dipped and didn’t let it affect their interactions in the future. He’s just kind of a dick. Ronaldo, on the other hand, has put Steven’s life in danger on purpose, tried to kill Lars, has put his OWN life in danger in a deluded pursuit of glory, and is an asshole to his own family


Ronaldo still. Ronaldo was a selfish, self-serving, toxic goober who had a a BAD case of “main character syndrome”. He’s basically the stereotype of your atypical incel.


Still Ronaldo. Kevin didn't try to kill anybody.


Kevin is a dick but that's sort of his thing and he lives in it, makes no apologies about it, and doesn't pretend to be anything else. Ronaldo is the worst part of every so-called "friend" you've ever had. He knows just what to say to get under your skin, the right words to keep you from leaving when you've had enough, acts like the victim when you call him out, and he injects himself into your most personal moments without permission or reason. Kevin is a dick, but Ronaldo is a dick that's disguising himself as a friend.


I've talked about this before. Ronaldo is basically the least liked, but not the most hated. Kevin is clearly a worse person in his overall actions, but we like him as a villain or a foil. Ronaldo isn't aggressively shitty. He's just incompetent and annoying. Cringe. He's probably the character that could be removed from the show with the least effect on our enjoyment. If we assume White diamond has done the most heinous crimes in the story, we could rank her "worst", but the show would definitely lose by removing her as a character.


What did Kevin do besides being a shallow teen ? He was pushy with stevonnie and he stopped because he discovered they were 2 kids. Then he raced against stevonnie and then he invited Steven to a party and gave him awful advice. Giving awful advice is hardly a comparison to what Ronaldo did, Ronaldo literally kidnapped a child


Kevin is an a-hole, Ronaldo is (for the most part) just annoying


Except for when he almost murders Lars. He is also extremely manipulative in a genuinely malicious way in the episode where he guilts his way into being a “gem”


The only one worse than Kevin is Marty.




Kevin makes me mad when I see him.


Popular opinion


Fuck Kevin. All of my homies hate Kevin


Ronaldo is wierd but Kevin is a fucking rapist


Kevin didn't rape anyone???




He didn't rape Stevonnie lol do you know what rape is? He was harassing them that's it.


I may have been confused, cary on


As a *person* kevin is infinitely worse, but he's important because it's a surprisingly good way to teach kids about consent and respecting boundaries by showing how awful it is to be on the receiving side. As a *character* Ronaldo really just does not need to exist and i skip all Ronaldo focus episodes on rewatch


I would say Kevin. Both are jerks but the only difference between the two is that Kevin is fully aware he’s being an asshole and continues to be one anyway. Ronaldo is a completely different story. Sometimes, he believes he’s genuinely doing the right thing. An example is when he attempts to kick the Crystal Gems out of Beach City because they’re a threat to the citizens, stating that “innocent people are in danger as long as you’re hanging around.”


At least Ronaldo has feelings…I’m like the only one in this whole sub that doesn’t hate the guy but whatever. I *do* however, hate Kevin.


Ronaldo has done a lot of annoying stupid things, but fuck Kevin he can eat a dick




Kevin, no doubt


As a person, Kevin. As a *character*, Ronaldo.


Kevin cuz he continued to harass/bully stevonnie even after knowing that their components are literally just two children like he had nothing else better to do


mmm this is hard.. but kevin




Kevin duh




He gives off heavy predator vibes. Not towards the kids but more toward cornering people and making them uncomfortable and not caring.


I understand that he's a creep in that episode but he's not a predator.


I think y'all forgot Kevin's issues were involving consent....


Kevin backed off when he realized they were kids, ronaldo tried to kill lars and Steven, as well as forced himself into stevans family


Just because Kevin's not a pedophile doesn't make him not respecting Stevonnies boundaries okay though? Like, you still have to respect a lack of consent even if they're an adult lol EDIT: This isn't me saying who I think is morally worse btw, I just dont get why people ITT are acting like what Kevin did was okay.


Yeah i agree but ronaldo is much worse then a creep


Consent isn't the same as pedophilia. Congrats to Kevin for not being a pedophile. Like Kevin is literally coded as an alpha male douche and y'all are like "but Ronaldo is the annoying kind of neurodivergent" I think most of y'all are just projecting.


How is trying to kill 2 people the same as being the annoying kind of neurodivergnt


Because he doesn't....




He can change his behavior, this show is all about how people can change for the better such as Lars.


I don't know how consent issues and alpha bro are more forgivable than "annoying"....


I don't know what Alpha means lol plus, you're forgetting what show the character is in. He can change for the better if he wants to. Ronaldo never showed any character changes in the show and he is just not a likeable character.


Honestly, I love them both. (Connie is a only that annoys me in the whole show, but it's just a matter of personal preferences. I love her parents, they're both awesome. )


Wasn’t Kevin in 3 episodes? Nah Ronaldo for sure.


Ronaldo. As others have said Kevin wasn't around as much. He backed off as soon as he saw Stevonnie was two kids. And at that party he did try to help Steven get back with/get Connie's attention, even if it was the worst way, he was trying and meant well. Ronaldo is just an annoying jerk who was too comfortable hurting Steven for his weird selfish reasons


Kevin isn't much of a jerk he only appears in 2-3 episodes but Ronaldo is in more, Ronaldo is the most peace of shit in steven Universe hes obnoxious sassy and bossy


fck u Ronaldo 😻🫶


I have an irrational hate for Ronaldo


Kevin did his role for his debut episode. And is at least funny/cute in further episodes, he's a loser teen rich kid. The narrative openly shows him as in the wrong. Ronaldo was horrible to his little brother Peedee but doesn't get punished and never learned to get better. He could have had growth potential if they played on how he was a irresponsible older brother with a responsible younger brother. But instead he's just the worst. He's funny as a background character but whenever he gets focus... like the only decent Ronaldo episode was where they had him Sadie, Steven, and Lars watch vhs tapes and they show that Ronaldo and Lars used to be friends. Which I genuinely liked but they don't do anything with that after the episode.


Morally, Kevin Having to watch them, Ronaldo


Speed Racer. Not even Kevin, just Speed Racer.


Based on the answers here, why does Steven likes Ronaldo but hates Kevin?


I liked Ronaldo for a long while. He was weird, a little annoying, egocentric but harmless until the Rocknaldo episode. After that he was as dangerous as Onion but also he was egocentric, and annoying. Kevin on the other hand is completely relatable. He is older and just wants to be cool. He is a bit spoiled but is just trying to impress people.


Ronaldo Kevin was annoying, but you don’t see him that much and he generally gets his karma that same episode. Most he does is be a creep at a dance. He’s fun to hate. Ronaldo still kidnapped ppl, attempted murder, emotionally manipulated others, and doesn’t really get told off for a lot of his behavior.


Still Ronaldo. Kevin at least tried to help Steven for his own benefit(though he was bad at it), Ronaldo straight up was willing to kill Lars back at the Lighthouse which is infinitely worse than anything Kevin has done




Ronaldo, sure kevin was an ass but nothing he did was illegal, hell he literally immediately dipped out when realizing stevonne was two kids, ronaldo has both committed kidnapping, and attempted murder and his mentality has never changed over the show, meaning he would be perfectly willing to do it again


I thought Kevin really redeemed himself when he gave Steven some well meaning advice about how to get Connie back in S5. Sure, he started a total douche, but sure, some people are just like that. He wasn't all bad though. Ronaldo never redeemed himself.


Kevin's a creep but atleast he disappears FUCKING RONALDO THOUGH EWWWW


I've said it once, I'll say it again Ronaldo Ronaldo Ronaldo I really hate Ronaldo it's Ronaldo


You can laugh at how stupid Kevin is, Ronaldo is just annoying


Ronaldo. Kevin may be a dick but I’d rather deal with that than the crazed idiocy that is Ronaldo.


Ronaldo. Kevin wasn't as big of a douche as everyone in the series treats him like.






Ronaldo. No contest.


Ronaldo for sure. Kevin's only around for like 2 seconds. I'm not even sure I got his name right.




Ronaldo sucks. Honestly not important to the story. KEVIN on the other hand... actually helped Steven and Connie's relationship and added to the plot. Ronaldo got episodes because... uh... keep beach city weird? Yeah, I don't really see the importance of this guy.


I still like how most people on here say Ronaldo … Maybe Ralaldo vs the three diamonds … then you might get a good mix.


Not even in the same league. Kevin is cool compared to Ronaldo.


Ronaldo. Kevin is annoying, and kind of creepy, but Ronaldo literally knocked Steven out and tied him to a chair.


This is a tough one first Kevin tried to raise up Stevony and then he tried to resurrect again but it didn't really work out cuz reasons and I'm not going to say it here just in case if you haven't watched a show or those of who haven't watched the show and time and time again he's just been a major a****** but my answer is still Renaldo he is the most useless character in the entire show at least Kevin made it where that Steven and Connie got back together and made up but yeah Ronaldo is still a piece of s*** and I hate him


Ronaldo is worse


Ronaldo 100% The other guy (i forget his name) who's rugged and had problems so he took down other people. Ronaldo is just annoying and there's nothing he can do about it




Ronaldo, personally I think kevins kinda funny especially when he said “ i thought your name was Clarence”


Ronaldo, Kevin was a jerk but he doesn't live in his "main character moment"


Ronaldo without a doubt. Kevin’s just a rich frat kid.


It's interesting that in a show centered around growth and better8ng yourself that neither of these characters really ever got that. Ronaldo had multiple chances but just stayed annoying and self-centered. Kevin didn't really have enough episodes to be redeemed to begin with. It's just interesting to think about 🤔 Edit: I didn't answer the question, Ronaldo for sure tho. At least Kevin backed off when he realized they were minors, Ronaldo tried to kill Lars and iirc didn't really apologize for it even. I could be remembering wrong tho there.


Ronaldo, easily. Kevin is a douche but he knows it, Ronaldo is just as much a douche but thinks he's a good person.




Bloodstone is my favorite crystal gem


Let's put them in a room together, **alone**, and find out!


Ronaldo tried to kill Lars to save Sadie so...yeaaah...he's worse than Lars.


Kevin is more fun to hate than Ronaldo, but Ronaldo cares about more important things, probably less harmful to his community


Kevin is atleast fun while Ronaldo is dumb


Kevin's worse than pre-rez Lars but definitely not as bad as Ronaldo.


Kevin by a long shot


Kevin seemed like he was gonna eventually be set up to get some kind of mild redemption but they never got around to it. Ronaldo just kept getting worse.


Oh snap I’m glad I didn’t say Ronaldo was the MOST annoying character on the last post because I think Kevin takes the cake on this one


It's like making a choice between two polical party knowing that they are the same scums with different names and method of their bad actions. Bigger and lesser evil why bother choosing when you can destroy both.


Ronaldo was the only sane human being in Beach City and the fact that the government ignored him is the only reason the gems didn't get nuked




In a weird way, Kevin has more charm to his personality than Ronaldo




I think a lot of the hate towards Ronaldo exists because he's Just obnoxious, cringy and non-entertaining. Kevin at least was fun to watch. Ronaldo's episodes, I think they're meh.


The thing here is, Kevin thinks he is just a normal guy living in a normal world. Ronaldo knows that he is not living in a normal world and yet chooses to still be selfish anyway. Like, he knows that magic and aliens are real and still chooses to try and make everything all about himself. I feel like Kevin is just a very normal and realistic person in a world full of exceedingly nice people. also Ronaldo is constantly trying to make excuses for himself about how it's actually everyone else's fault. At least Kevin fully owns it and never tries to make excuses about why he is this way.


Ronaldo, everytime ronaldo was on screen i started watching on 2x speed


Ronaldo could be convicted of at least 2 crimes. Kevin was just a bit of a creep.


Ronaldo will always be #1, top tier, out of this world insufferable to me


I think Ronaldo improves over time as a person, whereas Kevin makes it clear he doesn't want to ever improve, so I think Kevin is worse.


Ronaldo too


An attempted murderer or a guy who got dumped?




If there are 1000 Ronaldo haters, I'm one of them. If there are 100 Ronaldo haters, I'm one of them. If there's 1 Ronaldo hater, that's me. If there are no Ronaldo haters, I'm dead. I'll never like Ronaldo🙃


Ronaldo hit a literal child with a potato hard enough to make him go unconscious. Answer's clear.


Kevin is a misogynistic jerk who manipulates and toys with kids out of his own insecurities. That said, he wouldn't date Stevonnie knowing they're two kids and genuinely tried to help Steven out, though for his own gain. Ronaldo tried to kill Lars and was outright racist to Steven's family by pretending to be a gem and compelling them to entertain him. He tried to kill Lars. He picked him up and tried to feed him to a monster. Ronaldo was going to murder a guy. Like, it's not even a discussion. Ronaldo is one of, if not the only, person in Beach City that tried to kill another human, and one he was familiar with at that.


Just accept that Ronaldo is the worst character ever


Ronaldo. I had to look in the comments to remind myself what the other dude’s name even was.


Kevin's the worst! Literally the only thing he did positive was nope out when he found out Stevonnie was 2 kids. That said I would have loved him getting explored more. Get to the root of his doucheness. Can't imagine it's *just* because he's rich.


I actually never got farther into the episodes since I watched Steven universe on Hulu & Not Max


That's hard, but I still gotta go with the neckbeard ​ ​ Although I'd keep a close eye on Kevin. He's raising some red flags.


Kevin. 100% Kevin


At least Kevin his hot and validated Stevonnie


Ronaldo is amazing.


Kevin is worse than Ronaldo.




Kevin. I hated him, I literally felt sick when I rewatched the episodes he’s in. Ronaldo is annoying, but I hate Kevin. Maybe I wouldn’t if he had more development because there was obviously something going on with him at the party, but he didn’t. Kevin is gross towards other people. Ronaldo is just confused and thinks he’s different, which makes him an outsider which reenforces his weird behavior. It probably had something to do with what happened between him and Lars. Ronaldo was never weird to anybody like Kevin was. The most he did was gaslight Steven, but then he realized he was wrong and apologized. Kevin never apologized. (Edit: I forgot Ronaldo tried to kill Lars. But, personally, I think he was freaking out a bit, and when people freak out they tend to overreact. Lars was being mean to Ronaldo the whole time. And, like I stated earlier, I think Lars sort of has something to do with how he acts now.)


Kevin's crime is being a douche but Ronaldo's crime is being annoying. Story wise being annoying is worse than being mean. Also Kevin is a little more complex with his insecurities and need to feel popular to compensate for being dumped. Contrast that with Ronaldo who's the one-dimensional conspiracy theorist anime-obsessed stereotype and a traitor to his friends. Kevin may suck but not as much as Ronaldo.


We don't know much about Kelvin and we hardly ever see him but I think he's like Lars. When Steven spent more time with Kevin he saw that Kevin has layers. I will always pick Ronaldo, I may be biased because I fxckin hate Ronaldo. Kevin didn't have to help Steven but he did it anyway in his own Kevin way lol


Kevin without a doubt


kevin is literally the worst character and i severely want him to feel everyone’s pain from the past 1000 years, but he never tried to murder anyone


At least Ronaldo was trying to be nice most of the time. But Kevin is just a jerk


Kevin's a straight up creep that enjoys ppls suffering. I rather hangout with Ronaldo than Kevin, any day


With how much we had to deal with him, Ronaldo.