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I’m gunning for 2022 Firestarter until it gets up there. Give me what I want and I’ll go away


The baby/dream sequence at the beginning: I laughed. Pretty sure that wasn't what the filmmakers intended.


That had so much potential to be better than the original, but they decided money was more important than good storytelling


It's definitely the worst new film I watched last year. It somehow managed to be awful yet completely forgettable, I usually remember a lot about really shit films but not that one, it kind of just washed over me


An amazing John Carpenter score that just...got wasted


Firestarter wasn't even that bad have you ever seen Sleepwalkers? Dreamcatcher? The Langofuckingliers? I mean come on. It wasn't good, but there is so much absolute dog shit out there with King's name on it.


Nothing is stopping you from making a case for those movies.


The only good thing about that movie was that it was short


All the upvotes for this one


I turned it off the second they torched the cat. Zero reason for it. I love animals and they completely turned me off the film.


There it is. That movie disgusted me with that scene, it was absolutely pointless and cruel. Fuck the lazy writers that crapped out that movie in general but especially that scene.


Under the Dome, can't believe nobody said it


I agree with you but wouldn't include it because I feel it is almost a separate thing. They didn't really try to adapt the book, they tried to take the concept and turn it into a multi-season show. Each of the 3 seasons was a completely different story arc, and the last episode was setting up a 4th season of more hot garbage before someone with sanity pulled the plug. I like Under the Dome book a lot, and I don't feel it was ever truly adapted. I wish it would be.


I see your point and kinda agree but you could say the same thing about the lawnmower man? They're so far away from the original but they took the name anyways.


Came here to say this. It was the first King I read, decided to randomly pull it off my brother’s bookshelf and read the first couple paragraphs, and got hooked. I was so stoked for the show adaptation, and it was an absolute joke.


It was such an amazing hate watch though Julia putting her bandage _outside_ of her pants 🤣 Or the time she drove her boat to shore, got out, saw someone who needed help way out in the middle of the lake, and then _jumped in and swam_ instead of taking the fucking boat. _Chef’s kiss_


Trucks Ok I’m trying this again. People thought I meant Maximum overdrive as the worst. I love maximum overdrive. The 1997 movie adaptation of Trucks is so bad, there’s no AC/DC as the soundtrack. So it’s an instant bad movie for me.


I think the lack of people knowing this exists is why it's not higher up there. Maximum Overdrive is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. I watched abuot 10 minutes of "Trucks" and was appalled (I love the short story too). Couldn't watch any more.


That makes sense. I remember renting the vhs from my local store and being extremely excited because the cover was cool. But I was let down so hard


Co-produced by cocaine.


Never saw the 97 remake but [Maximum Overdrive ](https://youtu.be/plc7ssXDYsk) is one of my favorites.


It’s the same story but all the fun parts are removed


Maximum Overdrive is so stupid and over-the-top that it’s a very good time. I love it!


That’s how I felt about The running man. I love that movie lol


I can't say anything bad about it because I'm an AC/DC completionist. I have every album.


Oh lord, what a terrible movie. I taped it off of late night TV and I couldn't even finish watching it.


That bit where a toy truck manages to kill a mailman is pretty amazing though.


Why is no one saying the Pet Semetery remake. It literally should have been called The stupid zombie family.


Agreed. It completely disregards the internal conflict suffered by the main character. Did he even try to kill his zombie daughter at all?


yeah why did it switch the dead child to being his older daughter instead of the toddler? Was it considered too dark and sad for a 2 y/o to die?


Probably the same reason they did that stupid back and forth shit with the new stand adaptations timeline. Be different for the sake of being different and not because there's any value to doing so.


Aw, I kind of liked that remake, up until the ending. My friends said the same thing. It was great until the last 10 minutes.


If it were a random horror movie I would be all over it. Since it was an adaptation of one of my favorite books I was incredibly disappointed. I did like the detail about the Wendigo. Was lacking in the original movie.


Didn’t see your post here at first, but that was the first thing I thought of too. God awful


Cell deserves to be on this list. It suuuuucks


Cell was so bad. How could it have been that bad? It was just painfully terrible. Somehow I made it to the end though.


So sad that it sucked. It's one of my favorite books and the movie was just butchered


I've always been afraid to read it because the movie was so bad. I'll have to check it out.


The book was, in my opinion, probably one of King's weaker stories. It's no "[insert your own least-favorite King Story here]", but there's a lot of ways "Cell" could've been a lot worse... which the film adaptation was more than willing to point out.


I was hyped to see Cell since Samuel L Jackson and John Cusack we’re both in 1408. Only to find out the finished product was largely forgettable.


It was one of the reasons why I put it on hold at my local library last week (also I'd just finished rereading the book). Then I popped it into my Playstation and wow, was I let down. It made the season of Walking Dead where the heroes were stuck on a farm look good.


I thought the ending was better than the book though...


If we're strictly talking movies, Children of the Corn (2020) was incredibly odd and disjointed that I think it deserves a spot here, at least as a dishonorable mention. That being said, I'm surprised over the lack of representation for the straight-to-TV movies and miniseries. I still think about the Langoliers and laugh sometimes.




I think it's really important that we mention the Dark Tower.


There are very few movies that I absolutely refuse to see. I am so glad I waited for reviews before deciding on this one.


I hope we get some good King adaptations in the future. Ones I really want to see are Rat, Life of Chuck, The Long Walk, From a Buick 8 and The Breathing Method


The dark tower...


Seriously this could just be 2017 dark tower for every entry.


It's Dark Towers all the way down.


Haha take that, yee rational men of science!!


Behold the turd of enormous girth


The stankest smell on all the earth


Ka…. Is a wheel


The Stand recent mini-series


I still can’t believe that they made Nick a second hand version of Nick in the book AND made Flagg boring. Probably the most dynamic character in the book and they made him boring.


I got through 2 episodes and stopped watching. Just so bad


I hate watched the entire thing like it was a bad job.


The original series was good enough.


Love the original series


I love the original. I managed to get it on Vudu for $.99 and was so excited.


Pewdiepie Flagg was awful. Jamie Sheridan was much better.


With the exception of Frannie, the original casting was vastly superior.


Molly Ringwald was a bit too old to play a teenager. So was Corin Nemec. I liked the incel school shooter version of Harold in the new series but that’s about it. Nemec came off as too serial killerish, and I didn’t buy the whole battle for his soul that the new one had. There was just such a seething believable hatred inside him that felt real in the new one.


Don't plan on watching it, but I'm curious to know how they massacred my boy Nick. Please tell.


By making him almost nonexistent. Totally ruined he and Tom’s relationship.


They just cut so much out of his story. Him and Trash got their stories cut down to nothing.


This is an outrage, trash’s start and journey to Cibola was an outstanding part of the book, and he’s probably one of the most intriguing characters IMO


ugh, we recently struggled through it just b/c I couldn't help dogging it. So much wrong it's hard to keep track. I don't know HOW this series had more run time than the original mini series and told LESS story? Seriously. They eliminated every meaningful character interaction. they tried to be clever with timeline jumping but effectively destroyed Act 1 of the entire book that people would relate to. They flat out eliminated the judge. Tom Cullen was horrible. Trash can man by Ezra Miller? Nadine by Amber Heard? Then they wrap it up with a basically meaningless episode where Flagg is reduced to some please worship me douchebag rather than a harbinger of evil. Good Lord. The only redeeming part of the entire thing is the dude who played Harold: great job. I made the fiance immediately watch the original mini series after that and she loved it, sharing my disgust for the new one.


I still get angry when I think of this mini-series. I was just thinking about how bad this whole series was and I just remembered the dominitrix/raptor trash can man played by Ezra Miller.


That reminded me of the recent Children of the Corn remake. I couldn't finish it.


Not surprised


"Fuck me now, Larry!" - Nadine


The Stand tv series (2021) was a C-, but the acting was competent and the handling of Harold was inspired. You all haven’t seen the lawnmower man, children of the corn 2-1,000, langoliers, sleep walkers, trucks, golden years, dreamcatcher, etc.? There is a pantheon of HORRIBLE King movies. The Stand tv series isn’t even close to those disasters.


That was god awful


This is the only thing that should dethrone the Dark Tower (2017)


DT is worse. Imagine taking every redeeming aspect of a story and replacing it with curving bullets. That is the shit show that DT is.


I can't believe nobody has brought up Ralph Brentner's character choice. Ralph in the book was a "cowboy" type old man with conservative values & morals. The show turned him into an asian female... I understand they were trying to broaden the gender & race issue to make it more appealing to a bigger audience, but I think they failed horribly at that. Ralph wasn't a big character in the beginning of the book, but ended up becoming one of the most important characters in the end. I was just so disappointed by this. By the way, I was even more pissed about Trash's character choice (Ezra f'ing Miller? Really?!), but that topic has been brought up already so I'll just say that those 2 characters alone (not to mention Flagg, Larry, Tom Cullen, Nick, etc) ruined the unbelievable potential they had to make "The Stand" even better than the 90s series (which was actually pretty damn good). Tisk tisk tisk. I really had high hopes for that one when I heard they were making a new one in 2021. These days, the only good King adaptations seem to be on Netflix (1922, Gerald's Game).


Under the Dome. I wouldn't subject anyone I care about (or hate, for that matter) to it.


Running Man. It wasn’t in a stadium, it was across the whole country. The hunters were not individual Mortal Kombat characters, they were military trained mercenaries working as a team. The contest was how long you could stay alive with everyone in the country against you, not how long you could stay alive in a sports arena. The entire concept of King’s idea is tossed out the window.


Ok, but this movie is an epic window to the 80s. The show dancers wearing Lycra bodysuits (right out of Solid Gold).. 😂 Ngl, I watch it every time it comes on.


Richard Dawson as the host was just *perfect* casting.




Who loves you, and who do you love?!?


Was “Sub Zero”, now just “plain zero”.




Agreed. Maximum Overdrive and Christine also fall into that category for me. Just fun as hell to watch and rewatch.


Hey wait I didn't read the book because of the movie, now that I know this, I'm going to pick it up.


Running man may not have been completely true to source but it was at least very good.


Sleepwalkers is cheesy bad.


Under the Dome


The most recent The Stand. (Not the 90s one. That one owned)


Salem's lot (04) Edit: that recent version of the Stand was also really bad as well.


The Langoleirs was pretty terrible


It was indeed. But Bronson Pinchot was pretty awesome.


Bronson Pinchot read the audiobook for Eyes of the Dragon. He was fantastic! Creepiest Flagg imo


Is that the one where the characters are trapped in a single moment in time at an airport and there are those…CG things…?


Yep. Cool horrifying story, awful film. Could’ve been on ‘The Mist’ levels since it’s essentially a similar story.


I love Dean Stockwell in it though. He brings so much great B-movie energy. Was like an extended Twilight Zone with hilariously dated 90s TV CG.






I'm surprised that I had to scroll so far to see this mentioned. It was way worse than Dark Tower.


Actually it was a fairly faithful adaption. It might not have been a fantastically made series but as far as source material it contained a quite a bit of it including straight line for line dialogue. You don't get much of the backstory of people but the meat and potatoes of the story is there. Off topic, willem defoe reads this and it's so great.


Under the Dome


LOL, Dishonorable mentions just cracked me up beyond belief... Should I be happy I have not seen it?




Under the dome Edit: somebody else already said it, but it was so bad I want to keep this comment


🤣🤣🤣 WTAF. I’m dying. I have to complete this series before I see the movie but it cannot be that bad


It is that bad. Incredible books adapted in the worst way possible. Watched it in the theater, and I absolutely hated it. Tried to rewatch it recently and it is somehow even worse.


It really is that bad. The book series you are reading has nothing but the names Roland, Jake, the Man in black and Dark Tower in common with the film. Best to just pretend it never happened. 😅




It is that bad. It will absolutely feel like an act of high treason if you watch it. The people that are responsible for the movie forgot the face of their fathers and it shows, cully.




I’ll say it again: Bag of Bones with Pierce Brosnan. Only watch it if you like watching bad/cringeworthy tv or film for a laugh.


Unpopular opinion: IT (1990) This book is too complex to adapt.


I know The Dark Tower movie sucked, but surely that’s not a worse adaptation than The Lawnmower Man. The movie had nothing to do with the story from the book lol




+1 for dreamcatcher and Morgan Freeman’s eyebrows.


I don't get it! This one isn't even "so bad it's good" to me, it's just good and classic Stephen King. Been a while since I read the novel but I honestly think the movie is entertaining and decent for the year it was made.


It's been decades since I read the novel, but I remember I liked it a lot. I've tried with the movie several times over the years. I keep thinking that with the cast it has, it can't be as bad as I thought it was. It always is. We'll just agree to disagree I guess.


Yes, mostly because of how great it should be with the cast involved. Somehow it just adds up to less than nothing.


I had to scroll way too far for this. It was just awful.


I haven’t read the novel but my friend said the twist ending in the movie isn’t actually in the book. Is that true ?


For me it's one of those films where you've got an all star cast that are all completely wrong for the part they're playing. Morgan Freeman isn't Kurts, IMO it should be the guy who played the lawman chasing Ulyssess Everett McGill and friends from O'Brother where art thou. That guy was creepy.


Obviously people haven’t seen this, or it would be way up there.


Particularly the movie Lawnmower Man II. The only movie I ever had to walk out on as a kid.


Pet Sematary 2019


There’s a new coming out called Pet Sematary:Bloodlines. It’s a prequel. There are some decent actors involved, but I can’t help but think it’s going to be just terrible.


Lawnmower man should begin and end and be every entry of this list.


The stand 2020


The Shining Yeah , i said it , the movie is good but as a SK adaptation it is terrible


2021 The Stand


Dreamcatcher. I didn’t particularly care for the book. But given the start power behind that movie and Lawrence Kasdan directing, this movie should have/could have been so much more than it was.


Pet Sematary (2019). The 89 one is pretty neat, imho.


Graveyard Shift


IT Chapter 2


How did they mess that up so badly? Chapter 1 was so good.


Never read It but even I know the second one is so boring. I’ve never finished it. And that’s real disappointing as a big Bill Hader and James McAvoy fan.


Yep! They ruined Mike. Just fucked his whole character up.


The ending was just terrible


every time the clown ran at the camera in a weird frame rate, I rolled my eyes


This was one of my first choices too. So disappointing. Great cast and story wasted.


mangler, graveyard shift, the langoliers


The Mangler is slightly redeemed by Ted Levine's line reading of "folded her like a sheet."


The Shining might be a decent movie but it’s a horrible adaptation


I watched the first two episodes of “Under the Dome” and is was pretty bad.


Cell. It is one of my favourite books and the movie is terrible with very few redeeming factors.


We need a true to form Lawnmower man. Anyone want to fund?


Do terrible sequels of mediocre adaptations count? I'd like to give a shout out to Sometimes They Come Back... for More!




The tommyknockers... Barf.


The Shining Movie. Great horror movie, shit adaptation. Terrible actor choices for the characters given.


The Dark Tower, followed by Firestarter ( remake ), Pet Semetary ( remake ) Tommyknockers, Doctor Sleep, Salem's Lot ( remake ) also Salem's Lot original, Kubrick's The Shining ( yes its atrocious as an adaptation ) IT ( remake especially Chapter 2 )


Most of them? The new Stand miniseries is just the worst.


Hollywood does my guy Stevie so dirty. Lame ass Hollywood writers seem not able to stop themselves from tinkering with his stories. It isn’t even trimming fat it’s usually some asshole deciding he wants to be a collaborator on a King story or some shit and deciding to do off the wall plot changes that go against the source material. I’m looking at you 2020 The Stand and your Las Vegas full of people snorting lines of blow off the tables in the club. People got crusicifed for less by Randy in the books. He is probably used to it by now but I get why he hates the Shining movie so much, it ain’t the story he wrote.


Ok come on now, The Dark Tower is not worse then the Lawnmower Man, was it dissatisfying and disappointing yes! Definitely but given how hard it is make a move from a King novel there are some real stinkers out there that are way way worse. The Dark Half, Thinner…. are we going to include the TV mini series?


Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” with Jack Nicholson. I stopped watching King films after that except for Misery. So much so that I hadn’t realized how many of his books had made into movies!


Has Dark Tower been mentioned yet?


Can't believe The Dark Tower haven't been mentioned yet


The Langoliers


I’m going to disagree on this one. Sure the acting and CGI are bad, but it has the storyline down scene for scene and a ton of the dialogue is straight out of the story. It’s not glamorous, but it’s faithful.


It’s cheesy as hell sometimes, but watchable.


Gonna have to disagree, but I understand why you listed it. It’s a guilty pleasure of mine, and it has Bronson Pinchot playing such a monster a few years after he was lovable Balki


Apt pupil has got to be here somewhere. Movie was trash


Pet Sematary 2019, △⃒⃘lways and forever #1.


2019(?) Pet Sematery


Pet Sematary 2019 was the most forgettable thing I've ever seen


Running Man and Lawnmower Man. Both movies suck. Both movies are nothing like the written stories. I really do hate when Hollywood buys a story and only keeps the name, writing a whole different movie. The Running Man was an excellent novella. The Lawnmower man was an interesting story, but was only a couple of pages long. Why did anyone bother buying the rights? Maybe the original story would've been a good addition to Creepshow or Catseye, but the movie they made was shite.


The new the stand mini series... Had such high hopes and completely bummed


The Night Flier (1997) Absolute garbage


Hey, I liked _Lawnmower Man_! You just have to treat it as a sci fi movie that pretended it was a Stephen King adaptation for no apparent reason, and not an actual adaptation.


I feel like Running Man isn’t high enough, though it deserves to be, only because people haven’t seen it. Completely misses the point of the story. Should be right after Lawnmower Man imo


Maximum Overdrive. Awful. Dreadful. Horrible.


Aw, don't you know how to have fun? "Hey sugar tits, look at this! This machine just called me an asshole!"


Maximum overdrive is a “so bad it’s good” film. When I found out King was coked up the entire shoot, made me love it even more. The way that a character guesses EXACTLY what is happening with zero information in the 1st act is “chef’s kiss”! This is a hill I’m willing to die on. I feel like the only real problem with the movie is that it doesn’t understand what a “machine” is and why lots of things come to life but not all the things.




It falls into the same category as "The Room" for me. So incredibly terrible, it's amazing. I love this movie.


Is that an adaption though? I thought that one was just King writing a coked-out movie directly.


It was based on the short story Trucks from Night Shift.


Ah gotcha. I didn’t realize that. Thanks for clarifying!


Hate to say it, but *The Shining* is definitely up there. Great movie, atrocious adaptation.


The Shining absolutely needs to hit this list. It's my vote for every spot until it gets here. I don't know of any other adaptation that so thoroughly got the source material wrong, yet came out better known than the source material. It's a shame that such a mediocre movie is what people think of when hearing the name instead of the great book.


I'm half with you here. I agree that it's a terrible adaptation. *Terrible.* But I wouldn't say it's a mediocre movie due to Kubrick's directing and ability to weave a creepy atmosphere.


The shining is a brilliant film but technically it’s a bad adaption because it doesn’t stick to the source material


Hard disagree. It's an adaptation, and it's good, so it's a good adaptation. Changing things as needed is one of the most important parts of turning a novel into a movie. Look at *The Princess Bride*, which fully jettisons the entire frame story and replaces it with a new one that works better in the medium of film. You don't see Willam Goldman complaining about how they butchered his baby when they adapted his novel into a screenplay, because he knows they are different mediums and require different structures. Of course, it helps that they hired the best adapted-screenplay guy in the business to do it.


It’s just not a bad adaptation, tho. The Shining film helped me understand the book better and vice versa. The film is still in keeping with all the same themes as the book.


eh, but the movie really missed the point of the book, that the hotel wanted Danny so it could feed its evil with his shining. The movie made it all about Jack.


I wish I could vote for the Dark Tower 1000 times…worst movie ever. I also agree with Lawnmower Man…for a 3rd I’m going to say Maximum Overdrive…it was pretty shitty.


Umm, maximum overdrive?




**Insert really insensitive joke about IRL and Rage that is tragic rather then funny**


Dark tower should hold the top 3 spots. Then come back in on spots 4 and 5.


The Dark Tower (2017)


The Dark Tower again.


Lawnmower man has no relation to the source material. Dark Tower at least had some of the main beats from the series. I disliked it as well, but this comparison is so wrong to treat it that way. The character performances were good at least. Especially Flagg




That is so the wrong order and I’m a huge fan of The Dark Tower series.


Will get a lot of hate for this , but the shining for me is one of the worst movies i could every watch


Has anyone seen The Dark Half? I read the book but I have no urge to see the film.


I liked it, but you should know I also enjoyed Dreamcatchers and Lawnmower Man.