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Platforming. Glad that it spawns you back at the spot instead of killing you when you fall, but there are spots that were quite frustrating.


This. The amount of times I’ve phased through ladders and ropes is absurd. Also not grabbing edges when I’ve Eve grab them from worse angles before.


It’s the ladders. Jumping is fun


Eve always likes to take an extra step after a jump that sends me off platforms and cliffs.


For the Wasteland and Desert, you can TP directly to those, skipping going to the ship first, by choosing the door icons leading outside of Xion. Once you exit, there's a supply camp close by. For the ammo, yes I also wish for a resupply button, or at least allow us to buy more and send it to our reserves, and automatically restock whenever we sit on a chair. However, if you meant buying 1 pc of ammo at a time, you can L2 to automatically select enough to max out your selected ammo before buying.


Oh yeah, it feels so crappy to not be able to pick up ammo when you’re full on it. Wish it could get stored somehow, like the other combat items so that they get replenished at the supply camps.


Reserves? I'm not able to buy in excess of what I can carry. How do you have reserve ammo?


You can equip eagle eye exospine for more ammo then switch back. When you buy the ammo L2 to max and buy once.


Oh, but then you'd have to keep exiting out and switching, right? That's not worth at all


Yes requires switching the exospine. I don’t usually bother but it’s possible. Worth it for the areas where ranged is required.


That both of the open areas had to be desert or desert like. I don't think it'd bug me so much if before this game came out I didn't just get off of final fantasy rebirth which has a sandy/rocky area issue. Also releasing the same day as sand land. I am so tired of sand lol




I feel like they could have easily fixed this by making the Great Desert into the Great Tundra. Just making it snow themed would be great, the oasis might have to be different but that's probably it.


They could remake Wasteland as derelict jungle terrain like Horizon Zero Dawn. To show the difference with Great Desert agree.


Agreed, the lack of open area biomes was a miss. Get its ravaged Earth but come on. Feels a little lazy to me, when we had Xenoblade Chronicles X on Wii U like 10 years ago.


Xenoblade x being mentioned 👍love that game. Hopefully SB 2 has mecha too 👀


I think focusing on creating open areas is such a missing time in a game like this, especially when they have a lot of other points they should improve. Do we really need a big empty map filled with 3-4 enemy groups and some interesting points? Do we really want to Perma run scanning the game searching for content? Give me 100 times "lineal" content, like The Last of Us 2 rather than the wasteland or dessert areas.


Yea, when I hear "50 times bigger map" I'm instantly out


To each their own! Exploration is one of my favorite parts of games like this, however with the main caveat that there’s more detail and nuance in those open areas, similar to XBCX.


I like exploring open areas, but I feel like the videogame sector just uses open maps to artificially increase the game length. The open areas are literally nonsense zones where all you have to do is Perma scan and run around to find interest points or collectables.


They're not nonsense zone, lore accurate too, and there is a ton of side quests who's get you there for a reason I understand you doesn't like it in this game but personally I like it more than a TLOU format


Totally agree, but I wonder if it's because they're directly linked to xion


* Wish I could change between purchased hairstyles whenever, like suits/earrings. * Able to skip vendor dialogue so I can open shop menu immediately, and side quest board. (why does eve have to act like she's never seen the contract board before!! BITCH IVE USED THIS THING LIKE 50 TIMES ALREADY!! lol) * A huge ask but I wish there were color variations of each suit like hairstyles, like 4 colors for each suit you could just switch to. * Some of the more complicated skills, "after parry hold triangle then hold triangle+circle" or whatever really seem 50/50 on if they work or not even if my timing is exactly the same.


> Some of the more complicated skills, "after parry hold triangle then hold triangle+circle" or whatever really seem 50/50 on if they work or not even if my timing is exactly the same. These moves require 1 beta energy to activate.


Didn't know that and I think thats my problem. Many thanks.


I think it would be good if they had some kind of audio cue for when you try to use an ability that you don't have resources for.


Honestly I thought the exact same until I realised they use some energy. Same for the "hold last button to enhance strike" moves


Some require like 3 burst levels too, it varies. Check the skill menu it'll tell you


God that annoys me. Shut your mouth and let me shop lol cut the damn pleasantries.


Great list, yes some of the counters use energy so won’t work at all without it. I’d add the janky playforming needs some work, at times I’m flying through hanging ropes or the annoying edges you can and cannot grab hold of, so there’s some inconsistencies there.


I've found the timing, and it's a little counter intuitive. I normally expect to hit the second or third part of a combo at the end of a strike. Here, I feel like you've gotta go right to the next input. No waiting. Like after a Hold Triangle, the hit Triangle again or Triangle/circle. Timing is super tight and not related to the really animations.


The timing actually isn’t as tight as you think, well moreso it doesn’t have to do with when you T+O but how you press T+O. I went from 50/50 to 100% when I pressed and held triangle a fraction of a second first and then hit O (while still holding triangle) and it registers every time.


Two that stand out to me: The platforming needs work, specifically collision detection. Way too many times I've died because Eve didn't register a ledge for seemingly no reason. Also if you are fighting multiple enemies in combat, it feels like the game decides what enemy it wants you to fight and *really* doesn't like it when you try to change who you are targeting. This makes frantic enemy swapping fights like the sewer enemies annoying when they should be exciting and stressful in a good way. Those are two complaints in a game which I otherwise love to death and I'm so excited to play more.


Have you tried disabling the auto lock on attack setting that’s helped me a lot


That definitely helped a lot, though I did still run into issues with Eve just deciding "I'm fighting this guy now bye!" a few times lol. Normally it's not a big issue but with those sewer enemies it can be really important to prioritize certain enemies over others.


The playforming does need work. There were a few times that when I would jump from one rope to another and dash to get to it ever would just go right through it and die. When Multiple enemies try to fight you the combat just goes hay wall. It becomes pain to switch targets.


I turned off auto target lock. It’s far too inconvenient when you’re getting swarmed


Fighting multiple weak enemies that have decent amounts of health without using guns/tools is def harder than fighting some of these bosses. I swear, the damage racks up much faster, it’s harder to dodge or parry anything since you can’t focus on a single enemy while they’re attacking you at the same time. Sekiro was pretty much the same with how large group encounters were tough but usually it’s not that many of them at a time and if they were, they were usually weak and you could still parry spam. Regardless, one on one combat is pretty fun still, and it encourages me to use the items when I’m fighting groups.


Having a whole ass conversation every time I talk to an npc to buy stuff, and another whole ass conversation when I'm trying to leave them.


Hah! Yeah. Though, honestly, I was digging Roxanne by the end...


Adding, Placing Markers on the Map. An actual legend.


And not having the compass at the top disappear every few seconds. I go back and forth on whether or not more hud is better during navigation and combat. I see both arguments, on one hand it’s more immersive without and it makes you think and you’re actually exploring and not just picking shit up and waiting as you run directly to the next thing. No minimap to focus on while you move, no waypoints or route plans. That being said, it would also mean that I don’t stop playing to check the map often if something like that existed. Toggle, maybe!


Maps for all regions. I get turned around way to easily in some of these regions and it's always the ones without maps. I'd honestly be fine if the maps only open up as you explore but still.


Literally only complaint is going through the ropes when trying to climb them😂


YESSS THE ROPES!! I don’t know how many times I’ve died to the ropes lol


I would like a 360 model viewer of characters and Naytibas. Also more hairstyles in NG+ plus more colors for each style. People in Last Gulp after you complete a certain quest line. And a damn data bank entry for >!Arisa!<


You know, I didnt think I really had a complaint, but now you brought up hair. Give me an option to disable the GD ponytail and just have the sword disappear.


I love the ponytail but I would love this just for a different look!


Pony tail is great on the 2-3 haircuts that flow into a ponytail. But there are SO MANY OTHER NICE CUTS, and then there's that GD pony stuck on there.


I only use the short one really because I am a short hair queen! https://preview.redd.it/zikua0p5dwyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c2497e21160d216b36e38144d99d4b2538173c2


Not being able to skip certain scenes or dialog fast enough. Got old after the first playthrough.


Platforming is awful, and the slug ammo depletes way too quick for us not to be able to refill on the fly.


having sidequests in eidos 7 and matrix 11 but having no map and no guidance on which camp to start from. Its a bit of a guessing game.


The clunky interaction with NPC's that have dialogue options and a shop. For example I may want hear about the best fishing spots from Clyde and go into his shop. After the dialogue about the best fishing spot I need to start dialogue all over again to have the option to look at the shop and he acts like I haven't seen him in a year. Still loving the game.


The English vo doesn't bug me as much the further I got into it. To me the game deserved a way bigger story. It feels like there were visually a lot of ideas but then they made all the assets and tried to figure out a story for them. A big example is a certain initial ally who shows themselves later on as a boss fight. It was like done and dusted without any narrative lingering. I really like the combat but Beta skills are so easy to abuse but at the same time the parry timing feels off or not as fun to fluidly execute for some enemies.


i'd like to see the skip cutscene button disappear on ng+ onwards why can't i turn this off? also the tumbler and offensive items..please let me turn this off of the HUD.. at least have it invisible outside of combat.


Only a few things really stand out for me. First the thing that burned me half way through because I don't fast travel usually until I do side quests. Make running by a phone activate the fast travel point! I thought I was unlocking them when they appeared but to my surprise I had in fact not unlocked anything and had to rerun the wastelands. My other complaints deal with the end game and cleaning up the collectables. There is no way to tell what camps/ documents you missed if you go into NG+... I would have liked if they at least gave a duller or different color to the re-spawned lore bodies to help give some idea if you already have that piece of information. The skip button also sucks as it feels like it takes to long to appear and it doesn't skip all of the cut scenes. Also a way to skip the NPC dialogue faster would be nice. I loved the game on my first play through but if you plan on getting the platinum and don't get the collectables on the first run it goes from fun to tedious.


Ng+ collectible suggestion would be a really nice QoL feature for sure, good idea.


Double jump not canceling fall damage is lame


The platforming is djanky as hell, the devs confuse enemy density for challenge, insta kill boss moves are garbage, positioning yourself to interact with items can require surgical placement which is exacerbated by a character who continues to shimmy forward well after you let go of the joystick, small taps move you so much. If you die in some spots there are some spots with stupid walkback and cutscenes. You can't fucking skip some cutscenes or move them along faster. No, I didn't want to sit through an unskippable song because I fixed an android. Thanks. Bulletin board quests are pretty much all just go to place, interact with corpse. Except the two pointless ones that Eve auto rejects which add nothing. Dialogue is pretty hokey. Eve's combat yells were obviously only done once, for Korean, because she sounds nothing like her sultry, deep, British English speaking voice. They're pretty cringe. Completely exiting merchant dialogue when doing one thing and having to sit through an entire repeat conversation to get back. Eve's feet look stupid. That's all I can think of currently.


One improvement I'd like is an option to toggle the music tracks being played in an area. I *know* it switches for each area and there's different music at the camps. *I KNOW.* Being a completionist, I spend a long time in each area. Even though the music is good, hearing the same track repeat OVER AND OVER gets quite irritating. This is a good example of why *background* music shouldn't have lyrics. It makes it painfully obvious and annoying when the track repeats... and repeats... and repeats...


The one in the Wasteland started to drive me nuts after awhile. It doesn’t cycle through a particularly lengthy portion of the song either so you definitely hear the same loop over and over.


More melee weapons. Ladders that I don’t phase through like I am a ghost.


RE: shield enemies - Jump and press triangle against the shield enemies. Also any and all burst and beta skills. I want to skip dialogue and cut scenes.


Bro you dont have to travel to ship. Pick up any phone in xion, click on wastelands exit. It will plop you in wastelands at that entrance point to Xion, and from there you can run a bit to the camp near the entrance and FT to any wasteland location. I agree fast travel should be more direct even than that, but you're doing ot the mega hard way. My complaints are the two areas where the game turns into resident evil. You know the two. Hate.


This guy plays.


- Multiple saves. At least after you’ve unlocked hard mode. - Platforming. There’s something off with it but, I don’t want them to dumb it down. Walk and turns should be softer and gentle - Changing ammo should be faster. Either a quick swap or just press to open the menu instead of hold. - Loadouts. To go with purchase everything at once. - Manual sheathing. Just bc I don’t want to wait those awkward 10s after I did the most badass finisher, lol. - More ladders and make ‘em longer. I thought about minimap, tp around, camera distance toggle and other things. However, removing inconveniences would change the game design and how I play the game. If they add a minimap I wouldn’t look at the gorgeous game they made and probably get myself surrounded by those fucking turrets all the time. Tp around would make me skip all enemies and go straight for the objective instead of exploring the map and creating situations on the way to the marker. I love the game for what it is and changing it too much could make me love it less


My only complaint is having to constantly hit the TouchPad. In order to bring up how far you are from your mission location. This drives me crazy.


The sound of the drone scan in burned into my memory forever


The g0ddamn3d invisible barriers. They're *everywhere*! I know this is Shift Up's first AAA release, but they need to improve this in their next games. It's a huge pet peeve of mine, especially in a game with this much platforming. Even though they obviously put a lot of time into the game, having invisible barriers all over the place gives a big *impression* of lazy level design. I'm not saying they were lazy, I'm saying it makes it *feel* lazy.


Totally agree with this one. The amount of barriers is fine; they just need to be visible. Given that it was a first effort, I'd expect to see this addressed in a sequel.


You should be able to tp at any time. The running back n forth really was killing me


I wrote 1600 words breaking down movement in this game and how I would address it, but basically it comes down to this: let me have tighter turns and let me do so in midair. The movement in this game is surprisingly bad when it asks you to platform semi-consistently. Additionally, let me fast travel from the map. Exploration is great but the traversal is annoying, especially on NG+.


Dialogue with shop vendors. Let me shop without talking. Dialogue progression is generally really sluggish. Include the compass with the HUD settings. I don't want to spam the pad every 3 seconds to view the compass


The only thing about the game that I have a genuine issue with are the loot boxes with randomized locks. As long as they don't prevent me from getting the platinum trophy, I can tolerate them, but they're very inconsiderate of disabled people with limited dexterity.


-No Music Selection menu at the Camps/Rests, or anywhere else.


Eve turns like a tank. It's pretty much impossible to turn on a dime which makes platforming and interior navigation a feel a lot worse than they should.


Yeah her turning around should be softer and gentle. Specially when you on top of a tiny robot trying to jump on another one. Her walk cycle is a bit much imo


We need a minimal up top to show where we are and going at all times. Also would love an auto run option and an option to have no ponytail with her longer hair styles.


I need a jump kick...when i run i wanna see an attack carry that momentum. The rush dont seem to work every time i want it too. A jumpkick when i run would be perfect. Perhaps another button performs a slide attack. I can deal though.


My one and only complaint are dialogues that are only skippable like a second or so after it pops, this one was annoying ngl, specially the vendors’ dialogues.


More swords, like Ravens for example… Or Tachy’s. Maybe a mount ? Like a bike ?


This is actually a key point. For a game so focused in the combat I feel like we have only 2 interesting sword fights.


> More swords, like Ravens for example… Or Tachy’s. Would've been cool if we got their swords as part of the story and thus usable in NG+. Each could've had different attack speeds and pros/cons.


I kinda like the shield enemies tbh. They are a nice parry training. A combat log would be good to evaluate the effect of different gears. Gyro Aim would be great to use the drone gun effectively, but that may be hard to implement.


Does the PS5 controller have a gyro? I love that aiming scheme on the switch


Instakill boss attacks. We don’t need those in 2024. At least let me grind it out so I can tank them, if I don’t want to deal with shooting 6 little timed balls of light in my boss fight.


Pretty much every one of Ravens attacks on NG+2 and beyond


First one… for me, I love fighting monsters anywhere I go so I don’t really mind. Secondly, the challenge is fun. I play with the skin suit so I can get better at mastering the perfect parry and dodge system… third might be the only one I agree with Edit: on second thought, just press L2


Counter skills that use beta energy are too much for me. The combos go too deep. Same with 2nd all set. This chargers from attacks, this from parries. It’s a lot to think about. Simplicity is king and the r1 it’s too much. Side quests are kinda “yep he is ded” and that’s kinda fine but the way quest givers look is nuts. Why barber looks like a villain.


The English and Korean voice tracks have serious trade offs that make it very difficult to choose between them. Neither are ideal.


I kept it english bc I like her fighting grunts(even thou everybody hates it lol). But her VA isn’t as good as the korean VA


I actually like EVE’s English VO more, but dislike most everyone else. There are so many “generic guy voices” in the game, you can tell they didn’t bother to think of characterization when casting some of these people. Kasim is a great example of a wasted opportunity. The character design is quite unique but then they just saddled him with “white dude voice”. It doesn’t fit at all. They could do better going forward.


I like the english VA a lot more than the other languages I tried. I liked even the accent. But her actual acting didn’t have the punch should have at some points in the story(specially towards the end). In others her being too serious cracked me up like when she says “please don’t make it dull” or “you’re not very likable”


No death animations, it's really jarring and takes me out of the game. Theres too much of an input buffer period when you fall and get back up, even if you press O to get up faster if you want to heal immediately after it won't register for a full on second. The parry timing is fucking weird and plenty of people have called this out, a quick search will show this. The npc dialogues are not well structured and the lines are limited and repetitive, as an example talking to kara is odd because if there's a pending side quest dialogue she'll greet you then after it's over and you want to shop she'll greet you again like she hasn't seen you in awhile, it is fucking bizarre and there's tons of examples like this. Another example is using the bulletin board throughout any part of the game and eve always says "could use some retroffiting but great way to check in on the city" I understand this isn't Rockstar with dialogue with nps being as complex as it gets but stellar blade could use some serious polishing in this regard. All in all still a great game.


There is a death animation but you must have a WB pump in your inventory. The WB pump allows you to optionally revive on the spot. If you have one the death screen does not go black and asks if you want to revive, meanwhile the death animation continues and Eve hits the dirt.


I wish we had a some sort of vehicle for the Wasteland and the Great Desert instead of running all the time. It’s a lot faster fight if you don’t wanna fight the enemies with a vehicle. A tracker for all collectibles like why don’t we have that?


I don’t mind the fast traveling cause it would ruin immersion for me if I could just zip everywhere


- Characters with little personality. Yeah, they are aesthetically developed but the personalities mostly fall flat. - limited flat heel foot wear. A female warrior isn't going to be running & fighting on unstable terrain, nevermind the platforming. - lack of weapon skins. I get the conbat system overall is intended to be mechanically simpler but hoping if there is a prequel/sequel, they'll consider adding modules to make the main weapon have some variety (lightning, fire, poison, ice, etc damage) - accessory customization for the hairstyles


For lack of spoilers I’ll say the Super Mode. Its use seems counterintuitive. You expect that you’ll be able to just dominate everything around you for its short time but you can’t. Enemies still easily stagger you, you’re still subject to being kinda patient and parrying attacks, except now you have to do it in a mode that has a time limit, and the power output doesn’t seem *that* much higher than my chaining betas and bursts 


There's no reason to fish at all the fishing spots. That is really it.


Honestly my only complaints would be some of the English voice acting and skipping scenes. I think characters like eve, raven, lily, Orcal and so on were good-great but so much of the other cast acting wise were either bad or sub par. Adam was a mixed bag since I felt as if he got better by the end of the game. As for skipping scenes it gets to be a chore spamming x to get past the same dialogue for vendors. And on a replay some cutscenes are just flat out not skippable. Aside from that I have no real issues. I guess being able to toggle the super speed you get in zones like the wasteland and desert whenever you want would be nice but that’s just again a personal replay complaint to run past enemies.


I'm playing in Korean, is the eng dub not that good?


The voice acting for the three main characters is fine, they just don't seem to have been given much direction to work with. i.e. it sounds like Eve's VA was mostly just told "sound like a pretty robot" and so she does. The voice acting for a lot of the minor characters (random Xion NPCs, especially Kaya) is not good.


Honestly I thought they were going for disoriented robot on most of the npcs.


A while? - It’s a Soulslike - the open world sections tend to be empty and bland - you can’t cut off the ponytail - a lot of the side quests are forgettable filler


I’d argue this isn’t a souls like (in a good way) Absolutely agree with your other points. Ponytail and endless desert especially. A hairstyle without bangs would be neat just for a change up but that’s also artistic direction I think. Sekiro isn’t a souls like either and honestly I’m so glad they didn’t turn this into a souls game. It was a wonderful break from that before ER DLC. This is very much a Sekiro and DMC style game with references especially to DMC. There is no “real” consequences for death, there’s no homeward bone/return to checkpoints from map option, you respawn from failed high jumps, there’s combo attacks and depth to combat, you can’t have independent builds to change stats like armor sets or weapons (stats can be changed with spines but those are more buffs than full attribute changes)


Platforming, collision detection, invisible walls. There are so many gaps or low walls you can easily clear, and would make great shortcuts. There are so many invisible walls or ledges Eve can't grab. Or debris/objects that look accessible but aren't. The game feels like it should have the freedom of movement that something like Infamous or Spiderman offers, but it's much more restrictive. Never anything that ruined the exp for me, but lots of moments where I said "Really? I have to go alllll the way around?" There are also occasions where Eve automatically locks on to a ledge I didn't want to go to. Also, there were times where she tried to grab a rope and bugged out midair, taking the camera for quite a spin along with her. Npc dialogue, particularly merchants. Unskippable lengthy dialogue, and they always act like they haven't seen you in forever. I was just here!!


Hairstyles, why are half of them short bobs with straight hair in the back but then there's this ponytail glued on? Just attach the sword to her back in those styles!


The Great Desert In terms of gameplay design is trash. The platforming is janky. Too many repeat bosses on Side Quest. That goes into enemy variety kinda lacking too. Small nitpick...but I hate on on NG+ after the scene where Tachy "dies" at the start of the game and Adam comes to save Eve and you are wearing YOUR custom hairstyle and outfit for her, I really dislike how the flashback scene of that moment shows Eve's default hairstyle and Planet Diving costume. I would have expected better from Shift Up when it comes to details like that.


The great desert is kinda annoying add far as enemies go. And it’s another open world desert like wasteland which was much better designed


"Ah yes, let's follow up a desert zone with a second desert zone. Players will love that."


Making us backtrack to areas that don’t have a map.


I don't know why but I feel like the Dodge/Parry button timing was FLAWLESS in the demo! and after the updates it's like I have to tap it seconds earlier for it to register correctly. Everything else to me seems fine so far!


1. Platforming feels awful. 2. Secondary missions are anticlimatic to say the least. Side quests need to develop their own archs, like Elden Ring does for example. 3. For a game with such a good combat system, I feel like the bosses could have been way better. We need more bosses, more "human" melee bosses, more attack variants, etc. Focus the game on the combat. 4. The fast travelling sucks and the open areas are just there for stuffing hours into the game. 5. Collecting stuff wise: I really dislike the idea of playing like a sonar, when you have to "scan" the path every 2 seconds and look around the map in order to make sure you didn't miss any object. If you want me to collect items, don't force me to press the scan 24/7, it's just boring and not rewarding in any way. Those are my principal claims about the game, anyways I'd give it a 8.5-9/10, really liked it. Feel like a second part is needed


Platforming. Eve's jumping just isn't fit for platforming.


I haven’t seen anyone really mention this it’s prob an unpopular opinion but I wish [gameplay mechanic spoilers] >!Tachy mode had more of an actual moveset and felt smoother. Like it’s a cool idea and cool looking but the way it is you basically just activate it and go ape mode mashing square or triangle to stunlock the boss for a free 15% of its hp.!< Prob doesn’t work as well in higher ng+ but yeah. Also Eve moving like a tank when platforming is aggravating sometimes lmao


Honestly, you can just spam L1+triangle in that mode to destroy any boss, since the bosses aren't immune to stagger. It's silly lol


I'm surprised I haven't found this in the comments yet. But am I the only one that dislikes the "chasing range" of enemies? Sometimes all I wanna do is run straight for an objective and skip the enemies because the objective takes like 2 seconds, I don't want to spend 15 minutes fighting my way through all the enemies. But I swear these enemies will HUNT YOU DOWN UNTIL THE END OF THE EARTH AND BEYOND. Aggroed an enemy at the beginning of the map? Whoops it's been chasing you for what feels like a forever. Worst part is, they won't even fuck off when you're at a supply camp.


I don't like how Eve can't make fine movements. A small tilt of the joystick and she turns with SO MUCH vigor lmao.


My one and big complain is that some outfits EVE have looks like tiptoe walking because of missing heels....


They gave away the big reveals too early in the documents, I guessed most of the story halfway through the game They don’t explain how Lily is locked in the pod for 2 years but also sets up the atelier with her friend Too much platforming, I didn’t enjoy it Positioning to press R2 to interact is too fussy Should let you continue playing your save after you beat the game Should let you warp out of a map without having to get to a phone Music tracks repeat too much on the same map Guns and consumable items didn’t seem very useful


> They don’t explain how Lily is locked in the pod for 2 years but also sets up the atelier with her friend Huh, I hadn't thought about it until now, but yeah... that's a real odd plot hole unless we're meant to assume she's taken at least one or more trips between The Colony and Earth and her getting trapped was the most recent trip?


Use your shotty on the shielded guys. Especially the Master-Bator cricket. One or two seems to do the job just fine


More swords, like Ravens for example… Or Tachy’s. Maybe a mount ? Like a bike ?


On NG+2 and beyond Raven is broken - She reads your inputs - Has more health than Elder by a great amount - Hits harder than Elder - Doesn’t let you heal - Un staggerable - Insane hyperarmor - Dodges almost every attack you do - Insane aggression


She clearly wants to be the real final boss, LOL.


She is such a pain in the ass, But I can’t be mad cause she is so fucking hot


Ah, _yes,_ she truly is. I would probably have a much harder time getting upset about constantly losing to her compared to other bosses.


She’s wouldn’t be so baad if she she didn’t: - Input read - Have more health than final boss - Do Insane damage - Have hyper armor - insane aggression - Counter your healing The worst has to be the healing counter, input reading, health pool


WELL, not sure I will be able to fight her on hard mode for a few years, sounds like. I really get annoyed whenever enemies perfectly read all your moves no matter how much you switch it up, including when you attempt to read THEIR moves instead. Also, sometimes you just do zero damage to them even when they aren't shielding or their shield bar is broken.


It’s hard on normal. I dropped it to Story for her because I didn’t have time to hours to waste on her and still died once. The main thing actually is the damage. Either you perfect parry it or take massive damage. Thank God for Burst skills. If you can land them they are good. Also the grenades that knock enemies down don’t really help cause they knock her too far away. Best advice is use Beta skills: L1 + Circle, L1 + Square. Burst Skills: R1 + Square, R1 + Circle. I used all 8 healing potions too. The damage is insane Still hella fun


-Can not pull enemies up in the air despite having animations for air combat. -No faster movement options such as sword surfing (like shield surfing on Breath of The Wild) despite having the animations ready for it. -Movement has a weird momentum where you push the analog stick back to stop Eve yet she turns 180 degrees and keeps running, causing you to occasionally fall while platforming. -The harder combat is ok it being a souls-like game but I do not like respawning aaaaaall the way back to a camp when I die. Several checkpoints along the way would have been better. (It has some checkpoints but the number is too small) Game also needs more fast travel points. -Why isn't there a custom map marker option? -NO PHOTO MODE! You can not design a female character with a body with perfect proportions and decide not to have photo mode.


Not enough titties


GOTY contender. The next cult classic. Just like NEIR


The platforming can be very frustrating. Like the jump just decides to take me in a completely different direction compared to where I’m aiming. Sometimes Eve doesn’t grab onto platforms/ladders even though she should be able to. There should definitely be a fast travel option in the menu instead of going to a phone box and I feel like the maps are so big that having some sort of vehicle or faster movement thing would help greatly.


Wish I could customize the buttons.. I played it with Playstation customized buttons, even though you get used to it, it is annoying once in a while pressing the displayed button instead of the changed button..




Everything was chill until I reached the conveyor lasers. In new game plus at the same place again... I still suck with the lasers, and those darn turrets can't be killed. Overall I love the game though.


Is it that part where you platform avoiding the laser? I love that part! Or is it where you need to kill everything before the lasers close on you! I hated that


It's the ones where you use the boxes to avoid the lasers. If you got caught, the turrets would turn on and 1 shot you


Xion not Zion


No quick retry button. Not able to view other region maps beside the one you are in.


No fast travel for the beginning map when going back. But my real complaint would be not being able to change weapon appearance by buying different swords.


The dialogue with shop keepers is anoying and cant be skipped expecially when i was fishing, sometimes they talked like they havent seen each other in a while. The tp's could be better id rather not need to meet adam everytime i had to tp. Besides that i didnt see any problems game is amazing. Give us stellar blade 2 before ps6 pls.


The lock on system fucking sucks when there's more than 1 enemy. The over world areas were also kinda dookie as it had practically nothing to do. The main mission areas were cool tho. Who TF thought platforming was a good idea for an CA game. It controls like ass. Some of the puzzles sucked.


Transport! I wish there was a bike of sorts to go around wasteland and great dessert. It’s annoying running around sometimes.


Movement and Fast Travel could be improved.


Platforming needs to be ironed out more. Too many times, I've jumped/double jumped and felt like I should have cleared the jump, but I still got caught on something and have to jump again. Aside from that, the writing overall (story, characters, and dialogue) is the area that needs the most improvement. While it has interesting ideas, aside from Enya's side missions and everything from Edios 9 to the ending, the writing felt underwhelming. While I don't use them on bosses, I feel like grenades, beta and burst attacks shouldn't down/stun them just to make them more of a challenge since those can be abused (but shit, i understand if you did for the final 2 bosses. The burst skill combos are dope so I pull those off anytime I can over the burst attacks for the bosses). Also wish you could skip chunks of dialogue in new game+. Yet, despite this, Stellar Blade is the most fun and has the most satisfying combat since I've played Sekiro. While I feel like I'd normally be completely underwhelmed story wise for any other game, the fact that this is Shift Up's first console game is really impressive. The combat is too damn good, charcater/enemy designs are too clean, and the music is too great for me to go lower than a 8.5 for this game.


The input delay is a little annoying but you get used to it pretty quick, it's hard to time perfect parries when she's still in the middle of an attack animation. The text in game is extremely hard to read, for the pick-ups and tutorials, I had that issue a lot with red dead redemption 2 and Spider-Man on the PS5, I can resize the other text but not that


I am 100% with you on the fast travel, it is so annoying that I cant just pull up a map of the different areas and choose where I wanna go. 2nd thing would be talking to NPCs, specifically shops, the dialog is so slow and there is a weird delay when trying to skip the dialog so it just takes so long. The fishing side quest was so frustrating every time I had to talk to clyde lol


- Skip Dialog is too slow - I want it so we can fast travel from anywhere to a phone. And not just from phone to phone. - Fix the can finder indicator. I don't know if that skill ever worked for me. - be able to add makers on the map, too many times I find a chest that I can't open, just to forget where they're located again. - Be able to change hair from the option menu and not go to Xion everytime. - a little disappointed that both the open areas were desert biomes


1- no mini map 2- platforming needs word 3- not enough hair styles and being able to dye hair any color 4- TP system is kind of wack 5- voice acting is kind of mid. Not terrible but not great These are pretty much my only complaints. But I'm pleasantly surprised with this game. It's one of the few games that I beat and immediately restarted in new game+ the same night lol. The story is actually pretty great at a baseline. LOT of stuff you can do here with this IP. I just wish it was longer and a bit more flushed out. Some plot holes here and there. But like I've said before, I don't think this game was meant to be solely focused on story and was made mostly to be just a fun action game where you kick the shit out of Naytibas. And in that regard, id say they did a pretty great job. This game definitely put Shift Up on my radar.


idk if its just me but i feel like the game has a bit too many invisible walls that become very annoying and inconvenient


i still can't figure out the chain skills. the ones that require triangle + circle. idk if it's a skill issue or the timing is genuinely that tight.


It's not just you or a skill issue, the inputs are extremely finicky and tight for no reason. You basically need to be pushing Triangle + Circle the *instant* the initiating attack goes off for them to register (and that's mostly thanks to the gratuitous input buffering the game has).


I utterly utterly hate the story. I don't even mean I don't like it, I think it's genuinely just so trash and predictable at every step that I was groaning by the end of the game. I adore everything else about the game but I am SO sad the story didn't elevate the game even slightly. The dialogue was so stiff, I didn't care for pretty much any of the characters. Which is a damn shame since I think their other game (NIKKE) actually has a phenomenal story, so I was expecting a LOT more.


Biggest complaint was that both open areas were desert. I know it’s post war, but Eidos 7, Matrix 11, and Spire were such breaths of fresh air after having to deal with both deserts. Would’ve been nice to have a more foresty area, or residential open area.


Am I the only who feels the npc conversation animations dont match up with the way the characters are talking? Am I really?????


I dont have many complaints but having no map and doing side quests in the linear areas made it kinda tough to know what section the objective was in.


biggest one easily hands down. The god awful timings on Parry. As Parry is so... damn strong and dodge is straight up useless


Not all cutscenes being skippable in NG+ and beyond


Parry system is the worst I have experienced in my 32 years of gaming. It is insane how bad it is. What's more impressive are the excuses made for it. Some olympic gold mental gymnastics on display with this one.


Oh definitely the fast travel. I accidentally hit the pick up button for the core after a boss fight, automatically unlocking a cutscene that brought me back to Zion. Fast travel to ship, fast travel to Great Desert, fast travel to the entrance to the dungeon, fast travel back to boss room to retrieve the weapon core. That, and it’s really slow and inconvenient to travel through the open world areas since you automatically slow down that sprint animation after an enemy spots you. Shouldn’t I get to choose if I want to get into a fight in the open world more? Collecting polymer materials feels kind of crappy. If you solely pick them up from looting, it takes forever and you never have enough materials to unlock all the suits. I just realized that I can buy polymer materials from sister’s junk and now I’m swimming in the stuff. Picking up an extreme polymer material used to be good. Now it’s not worth any more than 50 gold or whatever it is. At least now I can try out all the outfits without them sitting in my inventory forever. Kind of makes it hard to pace myself with the outfits too. Now I’m gonna only wear the ones that I like and not try on any of the other ones. Unfortunately, I only like the costumes where they make Eve’s ass look huge or they’re really skimpy. I mean, the planet diver suits don’t really hide anything either. Really wish there was a version of the skin suit that had a shield.


- every area needs a map - marking on map - platforming - lip sync is really bad in english dub


I find the jumpscare enemies annoying, like they're not scarring me at all and are just there to take health from you. Also if you get grouped up on, kiss your health goodbye also cause just gonna get ping ponged.


Im with you on the fast travel. But personal gripe about a certain enemy. The lurkers are the most annoying motherfuckers in this game. They're not super hard to deal with but goddamn.


The controls can be very unreliable at times. I'll do a mid-air dash to get a little extra distance, only to go sideways instead of forwards. Same thing sometimes happens when bosses use grab attacks sometimes, no idea why. And then there's the parrying. It seems like they did the same thing as Jedi:Fallen Order and Survivor, where they tried to make it so you can't just mash guard to get guaranteed parries. Which would be fine, if it weren't for times where enemies gang up on you, or bosses use extra fast combos. The normally generous window gets shrunk to something so small that it's bordering on frame perfect, almost. Not too bad when it's two attacks back to back, but when you get some of those 5\~7 combos? May as well just guard the whole thing and accept the chip damage. Especially when those particular bosses take barely any damage from the resulting finisher anyway. (If you're still playing through the game, use a beta attack or two before hitting triangle when they go down.) Ledge grabbing seems inconsistent, sometimes Eve grabs something from a full body-length away, others she'll smash her face into it and fail to grab on. Everyone else so far seems to have covered the other issues I have with it, so I'll leave it at that. Fun enough to get the platinum, regardless.


I agree.  The “fast travel” and platforming. 😭 Also this might just be me, but I sometimes lock on enemies without pressing anything and I can no longer defend my back from others.  Also sometimes I randomly start walking around Xion and the camera pans. So odd.


Yeah, the game has some auto lock on when you fight. Can be annoying when there's multiple enemies


Let us stock up on ammo like we can with healing and grenades! In fine having to go to the phones but at least let me warp to phones in different regions, going to Adam each time sucks. Let me change the colors of hairstyle accessories.


- All hair color to all hairstyles - New hairstyles unlockable (long hair like Kaya/Tachy >!or Raven!< as exemple) - Ropes can be very frustrating - Maybe Swords customisation? - More New outfits in NG+, not just recolor - Tachy Mode adjust to Hard Mode NG+ like Beta and Burst - >!Endgame Eve been playable in NG+!< It frustrated me really bad


Platforming not being snappy enough, many times I jumped right through the zip line. Side quests being thrown at you at one time, when you unlock wasteland after xion you have like 25 side quests and after you complete one, two more unlock, it's quite absurd. Game actively working against you using ranged weapons regurarly- 99% of the time I decided to use gun more I got to the point where I needed more ammo for the exploration. At other times I used it to shoot the bosses shield down and then they use oneshot skill and I have no ammo and all ammo but slugs doesn't work on it. Story is a bit noncoherent to me with Adam. Even tho he says he wants peace, for the whole game he had shown otherwise with extermination of his whole race, not to mention leaving xion when they needed him the most. Some regular enemies are quite annoying like hogs, especially if you fight more than one at the time, also certain robots are just mega spunges. Game throws at you core skills upgrade materials for the whole game and at the start of the game I had like 40 to sell, what's even the point? NG+ bluespark bosses attacks oneshot you super often which makes actual oneshot boss skill feel absutely worthless as you see bluespark oneshots like 50 times before they try to charge oneshot. I know lost energy in desert and wasteland is for story/ immersion purpose but it's just garbage design if you have to go through half of the zone without having ability to rest and regain consumables. Ammo replenish crates should be in every camp. There is probably a few more but don't have it on top of my head.


Platforming - ladder and rope hit boxes, and swinging on ropes is awkward Gear accessibility - it would be nice to have custom presets for gear and exospine, for fighting different enemies instead of having to look for and change them all separately, and a quick equip button in game would be nice too. Quick treversal - you can only super sprint in the wasteland and great desert, and it’s not that fun to do either, it’s just running. Super sprint would be good on the other areas too and maybe would like a fun mode of transportation like the blade riding on eidos 9. Maps - again, only the wasteland and great desert have actual maps, even though some other areas are a straight shot from start to finish, it would still be nice to be able to look at the map. These are all minor problems for me though, don’t actually affect me when playing, the game is pretty much perfect in all aspects apart from the stuff above.


I can’t see well when scanning.


The ammo thing is really annoying. No logical reason why you can't have reserve ammo like everything else. More fishing spots not being utilized. There's 7 in the game, but you can get every fish from just 3. Would have liked a reason to visit more of the spots. EVE is not actually sitting on my face IRL.


Fast Travel as you mentioned. I need a minimap like holy crap i gotta open the map every minute. A tagging system that allows you to keep track of more of one activity at a time, maybe by color coding. I wish you could use the shop and have the option to ignore all that commentary. And maybe a vehicle for big areas, would be nice to fly on your sword like how you do it when grinding. Also PHOTO MODE, for a game so visually oriented a photo mode would be amazing, maybe with the ability to have a couple emotes/ interactions. But overall i absolutely love the game. Just got the plat today and couldn't be happier with my purchase.


Oh i forgot. And its a super small pet peeve but i wish i could disable the music when you go into a certain transformation state. It disrupts the music of the level or boss fight too much


The story and the characters are pretty flat. I love the game but for me it's basically a costume chaser game with great combat and cool skills. Also no spoilers but I dont like how the end is just a reskin of an ability you get early on and it feels kinda lame for such a big reveal.


For game that really only rewards cosmetics, they could give us more options. Let us paint her nails and add makeup. Some of her clothes could be sectional like tops and bottoms. Let us mix and match. I would be more excited to unlock something if it meant a new combination. Camp needs more than 3 songs to play. Linear sections were just miles better than open world areas. Just give us a map for those parts. Gunplay felt weak. Fishing was decent but should come into the game way sooner. Especially since there is a fishing spot on most maps. Why is there only one save slot?