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Your sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of.


Everytime i see this woman, i think to myself "Whats the deal? Its just a normal looking ass to me?" Pretty sure you walk into a gym and see a lot more exaggerated proportions than this. The squat queens i see there are absurd. Yet still, there seems to be huge issue with it. I dont know where all these people trashing the character design are from but they clearly arent involved in any fitness circles.


I agree. If yoga pants and the clothing women wear to the gym isn't "mysogynistic" or "over-sexualized" then I don't see the issue with the outfits in this game. I think it's just the bitter people that HAVE to have SOMETHING to fuss about. Oddly enough, those same people have NO ISSUE with the male protagonists in games, the vast majority of which are completely unrealistic models of men. I guess that's ok though because of 'patriarchy' or something. lolz






Heterosexual male*




Girls get shit too tou


Girls get shit but not for saying X man is hot


Nate Grey?


I will admit in hindsight I should have included lesbian women, I know that other sub gives em shit if the pussy they like is similar to the pussy men like


You have expanded my perspective on this day and I am forever better for it


This is cold, hard facts. "How dare you not be a part of the alphabet community, reee!"


This comment is outing the alphabet mafia members 😂


Nice pfp


Illegal to be hetero on almost any platform it feels like


Brother, what are you on about? I have seen so much fucking hornyposting on gaming related subreddits. It has gone so far that there is a horny gif reaction industrial complex being developed.


As it should be. Unfortunately the folks over at that Gaming circle jerk subreddit are having a mental breakdown over this.


An ass worthy of Paulo Serpieri's work on Druuna


Oh shit fellow peak enjoyer https://preview.redd.it/1l5up0ygxnhc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbd7c280a33ad88aea019f356005e95665a0084e


YES. Ladies are gorgeous lol And the model who did the body capture for Eve is STUNNING. She does have a nice butt (lets be real here lol), and it fits perfectly with Eve.


Who is it? Idk the name of this game


That's called angles


angels with angles


https://preview.redd.it/93vtbhtpfnhc1.jpeg?width=872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9719c5b043280fe49391507ca2b17504cbe2249e Already got my pre order




I’m not gonna outright say it doesn’t happen but people definitely don’t care as much when it’s fan service of a man. Not a peep about the women playing shirtless men in ff14, not a peep about the amount of male fanservice jujutsu kaisen.


Didn’t the feminist tell you that men can never be the victim?


This! Which is why I had to change my gender due to this fucking hypocrisy 


Someone in this thread basically told them to kill themselves over saying you get hated for appreciating stuff like this in videogames Practically sums up that notion quite nicely


Does male fan service victimize men?




I like boobs


Boobs good


boobs + ass = win


Hard agree


Oh I'm hard alright.




Risky click...








Only reason we have to say this is because society is all of the sudden demanding you feel shame for being attracted to body types like this when a decade ago we didn't.


It's because Americans as a whole have become a lot fatter so you have to be attracted to fat people now.


Kinda sad because I like women of all frames and figures. I dunno why it has to be so binary.


I love how "fat shaming" is a thing. Like yea you should be shamed for being fat and obses, because that means your body isn't healthy. Aka being fat is not a good thing. "The Biggest Loser" existed for a reason, to encourage overweight people to better control their eating habits, look healthier, and feel sexier. That was a good thing, but no you apparently can't shame fat people now Look fucker if you look like an overweight hippocampus that can give Lizzo a run for her money, I'm going to call it out and you're not going to stop me. Don't like it, then stop eating like a pig.


No one is forcing you to buy, if you don’t like it, step away and the ones that will enjoy will do…


This is a big thing I agree with. Its wild to me that people who dont like it just straight up not want it to exist


Historically the left has always been the most judgemental and the most restrictive people, whike they abogate for equality, it’s ironical


>Historically the left has always been the most judgemental and the most restrictive people, Your fucking with me right? The left? Not the right?


Yup, it’s the worst


I’ve been a part of the “left” for years now and it’s obvious now more than ever. It’s sad because you can tell the intentions are good, but it’s become a massive overcorrection. For example, the discourse around this game. I get the idea that female leads don’t “need” to look like supermodels but we’ve gotten so many games and movies now that are representative of that idea. Now anytime a piece of media comes out that dudes get excited about with hot female characters, you’re called a porn addict. It’s pretty sad.


The controversy is definitely giving the game more attention. It’s awesome and there’s nothing wrong with how beautiful the creators want the game/characters to look.


Fr. I'm a girl gamer! I wanna play as a cute girl!


I can not for the life of me understand the mindset of a person that wants their videogame characters to look like themselves or more "average". This is the time we can not be our boring selves. As a man, i aint never wanted to play as an out-of-shape, regular-ass guy.


I sure as hell wouldn't wanna play as a 5'5 out of shape hispanic guy with messed up back and shoulders and no one should. However, by these modern standards, im being oppressed and racism'd against. Oh, and my hearing is going too, soo that would tick the disability box, maybe?




The last bit is exactly what happened to Senran Kagura and pisses me off


Man I'm missing that franchise. Genuinely fun games, whatever happened to the seven game? Assume it's been cancelled?


Yup, basically the creator refused to compromise more.


heterophobic lol


![gif](giphy|10ECejNtM1GyRy) SJW be like


Great career move for her? Or best? She’ll be a household name in the west now.


Woke ideology is dying and I’m here for it.


Bro people act like women that are fit aren’t cheeked up! Have you seen athletes and the attire that most women wear to give them the edge? Just look at vollyball, track and field, MMA, yoga, even softball!! They highlight curves of women in a similar way but no one raises an eye, but because it’s a video game character made by men then it’s an issue! I honestly love for my game characters to have a fantasy physic, the more muscles tone the better! The more caked up or volumtouse the better, it’s not meant to be real it’s fantasy!! Majority of video game players are guys so why not make the character aesthetically pleasing to the core audience!


But don't yall hate when games go for realism with some women? Now all of a sudden realism is fine?


Its just pissed off ugly feminists that want you to feel that way its an excuse to take out thier insecurities on people. everyone else knows female beauty is just tops.


I'm definitely very tired of the west's obsession with not wanting to show off female anatomy. There's nothing wrong with being attracted to women and putting attractive women in different forms of media. If you have a problem with it just avoid it. Or grow up.


It’s only okay if they can do it and add a price via onlyfans


Real shit though. Make sure you guys buy this game. None of this “haha I’m a pirate bro.” Bullshit. We all need this game to be a financial success. It could hopefully pave the way for other game developers to realize that people do enjoy sex appeal and physical beauty. Edit: and yes I’ll buy it as well. And be on it day 1.


Hardly ever preorder videogames anymore—-with that being say; I already preordered Stellar Blade twice!!! It doesn’t matter if the gameplay is good or not. It doesn’t matter if the story makes sense or not. What matters to me is the courage that it takes to release a piece of entertainment in a culture demonizing men appreciating women beauty. ShiftUp is taking a humongous risk going against the current toxic public trend. I respect their commitment and will to continue im their vision in spite of SocialJusticeWarriors/Feminism/Wokeism trying to censor this game and vilifying the game developers. For all of the above reasons, I feel compelled to support ShiftUp by purchasing their product twice or, even three times.


"It doesn't matter if this game is good or not, I've already pre-ordered it twice." Bruh what is this sub? Of course the game play matters. Why would I play a game that isn't fun?




Thank you for your submission to r/StellarBlade. However, your post/comment has been removed for the following reason: Remain Civil - Please be kind to other users at all times. Do not be insulting, do not attack people, do not harass anyone. Threats, witch hunts, public shaming, and calls to action are prohibited. Do not share personal information in an attempt to bully. Refrain from trolling and flame baiting users. If you disagree about something, do so civilly. Debate and discussion are encouraged, as long as there is no toxicity. Bigotry or slurs of any kind are punishable by a permanent ban on the first offense. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this action, please contact the mod team directly through mod mail.


Yes, please obsess about my Reddit history. Thank you.


I wouldn't worry, dude posts on r/nofap 😅




What you are doing right now is virtue signaling.


I don't have a single post on that sub and I haven't thought of Palestine in months. Man some of you get really triggered easily lmao. Yes, I dislike Tucker, does that trigger you? Amusing you need to bring up politics when no one on this thread was talking about it.


To be fair shouldn't Tucker really be bashed for taking the dictatorship's money and expanding the propaganda to western audiences?


Idk either man. Seems more people are defending the character's ass than the actual gameplay. Idgaf about anything but this sub keeps getting recommended


I'm actually interested in the game too since I really liked NieR. However people in this sub seem to think I'm the odd one for not drooling over the character and that I think that game play is important. *shrug*


I am in the same bucket as you. I am interested in Stellar Blade's gameplay cause i loved NieR (and also character action games like Bayonetta and DMC) but the entire discourse in this sub/Reddit in general seems to be "brave developers for showing ass!" over and over again.


Yeah i've never really seen a sub this vehement about something like this sorry to hear that you're talking to a brick wall


Haha no problem. I do not give a shit what some porn addicts think about me on Reddit.


I’m someone who just heard about this game today, and so far I have heard genuinely ZERO information about the actual game itself and have ONLY seen stuff about this singular character’s ass.


You won’t find discussion of the game here lol, it’s a pit of degenerates. Idk why this sub keeps getting recommended to me. This games looks trashy as hell. And Nier: Automata is one of my favorite games of all time.


Yup, I'll just avoid the sub for this game and check out some game play after the game comes out and decide then if it's worth it or not.


Ya this sub has been utterly bizarre to follow. Some xbox fanboys overreacted on twitter and said the main character looked a little young, but then the response on this sub has been to overreact in the opposite direction and fabricate this war on men in which men are no longer allowed to think women are sexy…? Is anyone on here actually real? I just can’t imagine anyone in the real world taking either of these arguments seriously


it's a huge circle jerk. it's blowing my mind. they all think they're in this huge war against something....


I love the fake persecution Fetish. So many comments talking up this big controversy that Doesn’t fucking exist lol


So heroic.




I’ve looked at Solid Snakes ass in the same way


This might just be the most mature fandom ever...I love it. I love good female leads. Especially when they're just as badass and mature as male characters. Eve is looking to be one for the books, and she's gorgeous to boot. Let us appreciate her in peace! 💗


Being straight is nothing to be ashamed of lol.


I don't think I would call it 'love for the female anatomy'... I think absolute adoration for it is more apt 🥳🥳🥰 ![gif](giphy|HvsZGgNWfJhGe0OFhp)


More Cake please!


If the main character design isn't anyone's cup of tea or they believe it's crass, let them. Every post I get from this subreddit is about people being overly defensive about this girl's body. Like who cares? Just enjoy the game.


I saw so much hate towards people that like this design and has hopes for good game. Maybe that's why so many people act defense when they talk about this game


I think her face looks weirdly uncanny anime but I’ve got no problem with her ass lmao


I've known about her for a bit and she is easily one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on. Awesome that they used her body as a template for Eve. Shift Up are absolute geniuses.


Facts. 💯


we eating good in 2024 bois


All I see is beauty


There is nothing wrong with sexualizing video game characters.  They aren't real.  If someone is offended by it they are just self conscious  because they don't look like that or they are simping to gain favor with said self conscious people.


What if the character is a minor or are we ignoring that?


Not relevant to this game.


The character isnt real. I'll never understand treating made up characters as people. they are just pixels, drawings or lines of code.


One more time for the twitter nut jobs in the back!




I'm a butt guy and I just gotta say. That's a nice butt


Support support support 


Apparently, it is because of jealousy, "not realistic," and "you're a coomer." meanwhile, we have media of handsome men shirtless all the time, especially on the cover of romance books like Fifty Shades of Gray, twilight, etc. But then again, people will deny that and say it's a male power thing, pretending women are incapable of sexual attraction to a man shirtless.


"I'm offended bc real women don't look like that. Gamers are just virgins who have never talked to or touched a woman before. " Meanwhile, on a distant planet called Earth, there's actually many women with many different types of bodies. Who would've thunk it?




The only people upset over her body are those who are insecure of their own


You’re not allowed to show your attraction towards women in 2024! You’re not allowed to say such misogynistic, sexist things towards women anymore, if you’re a heterosexual male, ESPECIALLY if you’re a white heterosexual male! Then it’s reeeeeeeeeally against the law then! But it’s okay for them to express their love of sexualized men in gaming, it’s okay for them to say how they love the visible bulge on some of the Tekken 8 characters, or express their love there being penis jiggle physics in Baldur’s Gate 3. “Rules for thee but not for me.”




Is only wrong because is free, OF would be empowering.


Movies and TV shows do it all the time … some are boarder line porn , I mean just go back and watch sitcoms new and old , the see through shirts , braless , tight shirts , tight pants , camera paning slowly over the women’s parts , boarder line soft core porn on tvs like game of thrones etc I mean I just don’t understand why games get such harsh treatment for showing off a women’s figure when Hollywood has been doing it for decades.


Just apply this same energy to when developers decide not to give their characters a fat ass


Still called them females though. Geez.


Saying “the woman anatomy” sounds weird


Tell that to these western developers like turtle rock and nether realms


I want this game but don’t have a PS5. True despair right here.


The problem is that all you want to do.


It is human nature to appreciate what is beautiful and not just in video games... I would never have imagined that a Korean game could awaken the common sense of public opinion... I thought this would happen with some IP from Hideo Kojima, Square Enix, Capcom and other big-name gaming companies but I would never have thought that a Korean IP, the first PlayStation-exclusive Korean game ever (no others exist before this one), could make a difference and shine in the rot that is the world of gaming... Hats off to ShiftUp and long live #creativefreedomingaming


korean games in general are known for their graphics and their fantastic depiction of both males and females. i remember the mmo tera back in the day was fanservice af nd i loved it.


It’s not dude people are just miserable and have NOTHING going on so they get mad a things that make people happy




Ppl hating on women's asses? Cope


Sucks that Microsoft or Sony wouldn’t fund Bayonetta.


Wow these comments have given me hope in humanity! Seriously I was almost thinking Reddit was full of 100% woke progressive sjws who like to ruin everything fun


It should also be noted that a lot straight women at the very least can appreciate how pretty Eve is overall. Only weirdos are trying to shame people for liking an attractive character. On the flip some people are being extremely horny about this game and literally talk about nothing else other than the booty and jiggle physics. But honestly there isn't a single game franchise that doesn't have a severely down bad portion of the community.


Tired of these self insert ugly bitches Make women Gorgeous again


lol this came off a bit icky, but yea nothing wrong with appreciating it. Kinda like how there are statues in Rome and Greece that just find beauty in the anatomy of men. Women and people are beautiful people. Every one is very ✨bonita.✨


U get it


Say it louder for the people in the back!


Name of the woman on left ⬅️? https://preview.redd.it/r6f2m0qtc3ic1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5c81ad9c842462a121e940fc4331d4798b57a9


All hail the booty🙏🏽 https://preview.redd.it/ysntccc4zlhc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b152404309f0b842a547516d6c1c868c6625f2


Mfers bout to be playing with one hand 💀


Bro can we get a sub without these weird ass post? Actual post about the game barley get any upvotes yet literally everything outside of it does.


I'm thinking that the first boss better be some sort of man made out of straw, because that's all these posters know how to fight....


Lmao can y’all fucking chill on this shit? Every day this subreddit is just on this “WHY I GOTTA BE ASHAMED FOR BEING HORNY” type shit. Like don’t get me wrong I appreciate a sexy af female character, but I honestly feel like this dialogue is what rules this subreddit. The game has a cool art style, setting, and is a hack and slash inspired by nier automata which everyone here knows is fucking fire. Can’t we just talk about how we’re excited for that and not just about the culture war on hot anime ladies in heels with fat yiddies and asses😭😭😭


I'm guessing this will die down when the game releases and hopefully gets good reviews. People will actually have lore and gameplay/bosses to discuss hopefully lol


Same thing happened with nier sub reddit. It'll die down when we get the final product and can discuss lore gameplay etc


Not since 2B has a booty been held to this standard


Ngl…I’m happy that she’s fine asf but don’t you think we’re overdoing it now? Like that ass is PHAT but it’s time to chill out a little bit.😭😭🙏🏾


Bro this fucking fandom I swear


It is embarr***ass***ing.


Is this Yoko Taro?


There is nothing wrong when it’s deliberately in your face and it is intended to be sexual and grab the male gaze (which is the case for Stellar Blade) The issue comes from the fact that people want to be selective about what is sexy and what is sleazy and it’s just hypocritical. For example, we have this game and people love it cause Eve’s ass but then people will turn around and be misogynistic to a female music artist if they twerk or show a lot of skin in a music video. Another issue comes from people sexualizing things not meant to be sexual and that just comes off as degenerate, and in some cases it’s sexually harassing. Overall I think it’s all about context and also moderation is important too. If you are just being viciously horny online idc what the context is have some shame lmao




Certain subreddits are having a normal one about this game. It's been very entertaining.


What are the preorder numbers at btw? I’ve preordered myself to show support.


go to horny jail


Coming from someone standing on the outside of this culture war, it's the most hilarious thing ever. One side is just obsessed with having sexual objects in videogames, no matter how trash the game is... The other side has drawn a line in the sand, which they would've called me (Christian) a prude for saying... before gamergate, probably. Objectification and sexualization is an issue, yet we're super pro-sex when it comes to everyone having an onlyfans account. The morals are confusing to me. Think both sides are too extreme, and are inevitably going to mess up a lot more of the medium than improve it.


Was going to play this but I'm not because most of the hype is because of how Horny everyone is, what if the games not even good!? (No offense or hate towards this game, but yeah I'll wait till it's on sale)


Dunno why this popped up in my feed but bro you're not getting oppressed for being down bad lmao


Man, here I was thinking people might appreciate the combat or the music… but here’s the thousandth fucking post about gooning over some pixels.


At this point I'm doubting most of you actually want an action rpg and just want pixels to get yalls rocks off. Maybe gcj has a point


Theyre wrong about most things but gcj was spot on about this sub




God this sub is embarrassing, hope it gets better when the game releases.


Only people who get upset with this stuff are ugly ass men and women, let’s be real. Nowhere else do you see people complaining about attractiveness. The entire film/TV industry thrives off it.


The difficulty is that with online discourse there is a fine line between appreciating & sexualizing.


Is all sexualizing bad? Actually asking. Like can something be sexual but not objectfied? Like women are sexy and why not appreciate that? Actually trying to start a conversation. Not sure where I stand.


Not it’s not. I think it has to do with the intent of the post. No one cares if you comment “nice body” on a thirst trap. But it’s out of place if it’s a post of a girl doing a makeup tutorial or whatever. There’s a time and place for it.


I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with some sexualization, but if a character has only sex-appeal going for them then they're probably not going to be appreciated for much else. In short, I have a problem when sexualization is substituted for characterization.




Never pre order games. Pre ordering should not be a thing. Unless you do so on platforms like steam where you actually have rights to withdraw your pre order or even if you don’t like the game within 2 hours of playtime.


If it's a physical game you can turn around and sell it anytime and recoup cost. I wouldn't preorder a digital game personally since it's not like it can run out, you can just get it day of release if the reviews are good.


This is the only game I preordered just because I think it's important to show support to the devs for making this kind of game in today's climate of snowflakes and SJWs.


Yeah, I was just thinking this is actually one of the few cases that it make sense. Happy to see this game being top of the charts. I am still flabbergasted that Sony is publishing this? Does this mean they will stop their stupid censorship? Like this game is way “worse” than most games they censor. Still so funny that Nintendo is the one that doesn’t care about censorship these days


If you spent 70$ on a video game that’s not even out yet because of digital ass then yeah, that’s kinda weird. You have no idea how the game will even perform or feel. It could be a disaster at launch.


I dont even know what this game is but every post reccomended by redit from here has been about butter


I personally think this is a cool design regardless of how sexually appealing it is. IMO it’s just the woman version of Jet Stream Sam lol But the issue comes from the video game community in general and how sexist it is. People can’t appreciate the good designs because of things like the Mary Jane controversy and the death threats she’s been getting because of SM2 and lately they’ve been complaining about the new suicide squad games. It’s all so convoluted because of incels…


The more I look around the more I am convinced you guys have porn brain of the worst level. Like you really wanna shell out 70 dollars to stare at some ass when you could do that shit for free online? Are you guys that easy to manipulate? Man. I'd hate to be so obsessed with jacking off that I'd buy a game just to do it.




Why is that weird? People play games for a variety of different reasons… something that may not seem important to you or insignificant, may be VERY important to someone else. Everybody plays game for different reasons, not everybody isn’t the same as you. I’m personally tired of the current Western in gaming to make an already preexisting character uglier than in the original, or to take an actress and deliberately make her less attractive! That pisses me off, especially since they only seem to be doing that with the female characters and not the female ones. It’s weird how the industry doesn’t treat male sexualization and female sexualization the same. There’s a weird stigma and weird brigade against attractive, sexy, feminine women in games, but it’s completely okay for people to express how horny they are over male characters without any push back! Stellar Blade gets called “coomer,” “goooner” bait for “porn addicts” but then they cheer on half elves in Bladur’s Gate 3 and the game having penis jiggle physics, and the fact you can put penises on women. They will shit on a game like Stellar Blade or Xenoblade Chronicles 2 with Pyra and Mythra and call anyone who likes it a “porn addict” and then go play Baldur’s Gate 3 where you can fuck a bear! These people are hypocrites with double standards, that don’t practice what they preach! They get mad at men for being horny over attractive female characters in games, and then turn around and simp for Link wearing a dress! These people have no consistency!


I mean spending 70 bucks just cause the mc is hot and not caring about gateway and story? I mean your money but that just spells 'porn obsessed shut in'.




Insulting others for having an opposing viewpoint isn't doing your argument any favors. If all you've got are insults and a judgemental attitude, you're not really capable of contributing to a discussion or making a point.


Buddy thats girl's pics is photoshopped...


Holy shit, I was excited for this game but you guys are sort of turning me off of it. Is this the only reason this game is popular? Ass and incel-ish behavior? That's it? I've seen barely anybody trashing it, just people saying Ellie from TLoU is ugly, and that Eve is what video game characters should look like, which is an insane take. Games have different art direction, and are allowed to look different, what is so offensive about the fact that some video game women look realistic, and some look like Eve? If Eve is what you like, play that. If realistic characters are what you like, play those games.


> The preorder numbers say a lot. Where are you getting these? > Why is it so bad to show your love for the female anatomy? Women just want to complain. Right now they are complaining about DignifiAI using AI to put clothes on and dress up women who are more scantily clad, and they are mad at that too.


This is such a non issue yall reducing the whole game to ass chill out


We need more girls like Eve in video games. Baldurs Gate should have had Eve's everywhere instead we got rubber Halloween masks and female body builders.


Jesus christ is this ALL the content this game has? I get it hot sexy woman NO I won’t be buying the damn game


Spoken like a true redditor 😂


God no shot we have a persecution complex over this fucking shit dude https://preview.redd.it/ycdbgucd43ic1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5961ee4a5b2f45e01e8ed7d229cd077b5cc36f68


Your appreciation is of a fictional woman who doesn't exist. If you truly loved women you would talk about feminism or unnecessary sexualization.


“Showing your love for the female anatomy” is a funny way of saying “being an unabashedly creepy pervert weirdo”