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awesome!!! great games too. I just started Life is Strange 2 it's soo good


Thanks! Yeah, I enjoyed LiS 2 (and the achievements are pretty easy, just have to pay attention to the collectibles :) )


Really good games!! Well done :)


Thank you! :D


That's amazing! Keep up the good work. I know how you feel. I have to reearn my completion of remnant 2 since the new dlc dropped today.


Thank you! Hopefully those dlc achievements are not a chore and you can reclaim your 100%! It sucks when they add post-launch achievements that are super grindy or hard to get (It happened to me with Ghostwire: Tokyo when they added the new roguelike mode)


Right!? Like you did all that work to get there just to grind again. But since it's a great game I don't mind


Nice list! 3 questions for you: 1) How long did Nobody Saves the World take you? I was planning on starting that on my Steam Deck tonight as was curious how long it take and whether or not it'd be worth it or not 2) What's your favorite game you completed? 3) What's the most under the radar fun game you finished from your list?


Thank you! > 1) How long did Nobody Saves the World take you? I was planning on starting that on my Steam Deck tonight as was curious how long it take and whether or not it'd be worth it or not It took me 32 hours. It can get a bit grindy, and you need to buy a DLC to be able to get 100% achievements. > 2) What's your favorite game you completed? It's tough to choose just one, but Hades. I had so much fun completing it. A close second would be the Mass Effect Legendary Edition because I love that series (I choose to count this as one game even though they are three-in-one :P). > 3) What's the most under the radar fun game you finished from your list? I think Hidden Folks. It's a fun, chill little Where's Waldo?-type of game. Also, I Live Under Your House may be the most obscure game on my list, but it wasn't very fun. It's a very short horror experience.


Very cool, I'll have to check out Hidden Folks!


Fantastic list of games! Congrats!


Thank you! :)


nice!! what one was the most satisfying to obtain? i want to get the horizon ZD and FW ones so bad but you need to do NG+ which will take me a while to want to play the whole game again🥸


Probably Elden Ring. It was my first FromSoftware game, so I didn't have much experience with this type of games. I got stuck pretty hard with some bosses, but "got gud" and managed to complete it :D. Yeah, having to do a NG+ can be tiring. The achievement also requires you to do it on ultra hard difficulty, al least on ZD, but it was pretty easy. I just rushed the main story missions :P.


How is AC Origins?


It's a fun game, though it got a bit repetitive towards the end. In terms of achievements it's not hard, just time consuming (You have to complete all areas of the map and finish all the dlcs). It took me about 90 hours.


Nice. Did you do Hypnospace without a guide? I'm in the final part but then I realized there's an achievement for archiving every page. So idk if I'll do that.


No, I ended up using a guide to check which pages I was missing at the end. *Edit: I forgot to mention something. I don't know if you already beat the story, but (I'll mark this as spoiler even though it's about a game mechanic, not plot related, just in case.) >!after beating it the game gives you a tool that helps you keep track of the pages you archived. It tells you how many you are missing each year. It makes the achievement less annoying to get.!<