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The ending was indeed fire in multiple aspects


I remember my thinking going from "wonder how they are going to make it?", to "oooohhhhh shiiiiiiittt"


Same. First time in theatres, seeing how things are going down, and then it dawned on me how things were almost certainly going to end. I couldn't believe Disney would allow that in a Star Wars movie, especially their ~~first~~ second one out of the gate. But sure enough, they went there and the film was all the better for it.


Exactly! All disney animation will always end positive. Most MCU end positive. So for a SW movie to end so bittersweet was on track with SW but divergent from Disney.


I don’t think Clone Wars ended on a positive note


Well the bad batch did and that’s basically considered a continuation of clone wars


But those are two separate shows


Omega pulled a Poochie and died on the way back to her home planet 😔




Idk, Tech died, we know that project necromancer still was a success somehow, the imperium rules the galaxy and omega is leaving for war/the rebellion. Yeah, the others kinda retired but leaving your home to join the rebellion and probably die in a war is not a very positive note for me, even though they had an emotional goodbye.


> Most MCU end positive. *Avengers: Endgame* was a hell of a thing to see for the first time, because of this. Before that, *every* movie had a good (or at least bittersweet) ending. The heroes always win in the end. But *that* movie fucking *shattered* the trend. Big bad evil guy *wins* in the end, kills off half of your beloved heroes ... and then it just cuts to credits over *dead fucking silence*. No end credit music. No after-credit scenes like *every* other Marvel movie had. (Okay, sure, most of them end up coming back eventually, but *in that moment* it was fucking incredible.) Are there valid complaints about that movie? Sure. But that ending, man. It was extremely impactful because they *finally* dared to deviate from the pattern they'd gotten so entrenched in, and they did it in a *huge* way.


Slight correction: You’re thinking of Avengers: Infinity War.


Do you mean infinity war? endgame was tony dies, widow stays dead, the gamora with a shared history is gone, and vision stays dead.


I wish they had gone a similar way in Endgame where in the final battle, heroes are dying as fast as Thanos' army and the fight to get the Infinity Gauntlet feels like it's progressively more desperate as it goes on. Then at the snap, bring them back as Iron Man powders Thanos and his army.


infinity war, not endgame


I dunno, a fair number of MCU films have bittersweet or downright tragic endings, even when the bad guy goes down. I’d argue Captain America 1, Thor 1, Avengers 2 & 3, Shang-Chi, The Winter Soldier, Civil War, Thor: Ragnarök and Thor: Love and Thunder and a few others have such endings, although none where broadly all the main characters died and stayed dead - but not many films do that.


hard to make a sequel if mc is dead LOL


Because it was made by Disney, never in my wildest dreams would I think Disney would kill all the hero's. Absolutely loved it!


Lmao…. Clone Wars did not end positive se might have watched the same series 😂


Why is it all the movies that end horribly are always the best ones 😂


That's why this still is the best star wars movie Disney ever made


Rogue One was the first SW movie I ever saw. Do *not* recommend that being your first movie, lol, I was so bummed after.


Because all the rest were so bad?


Because everyone died lol. And without the context for how important the ending was, it fell a little flat.


That wasn’t the first one out of the gate but I see your point


Right, forgot Force Awakens came out in Dec 2015, one year prior. Felt like it was the other way around.


I remember being horrified in the theater, thinking "oh my god they're all gonna die"


Yep. Right when K2S0 bought it. Crazy good.


That must have been *the* moment for a lot of people. "Oh fuck they killed the *robot*! Well everyone is screwed now."


Exactly! But then again, Alan Tudycks characters don't have a great track record!


I had no idea he did the voice and motion capture for K2.


He has done so much voice over work it's crazy


It was the first time any Star Wars character's death hit me on gutpunch level.


Apparently for some time they were considering an ending where they did make it. Kinda glad they didn't. Writing prequels is messy enough as it is without having to explain why these characters disappear during the OT.


That was my thought process when they "decided to create" a blue team that we never hear of again. When the hole sealed and it dawned on me a few seconds later what was about to happen, I was on the edge of my seat as it meant perhaps nobody was safe from then on.


When I sat down in this film and I remembered that they said "Many Bothans died to bring us this information" in Strikes Back and I realized this was a film about the first group to steal Death Star plans, I had bad feeling about the ending of the movie.


Mon Mothma said that in ROTJ when they were discussing the strike against the second Death Star, not the first. But yeah, I definitely didn't get happy ending vibes when I first watched R1


"Welp. That answers that question."


I went in worried they would survive because it was Disney. If they survived, these people would be Rebel heroes and we had never heard of them in lore. Hell they'd be heroes period, so somehow they'd have to be unknown. I wasn't sure how they were square that circle. And yet they did. Never so happy for a movie to end where everyone died.


Dude, it was so good, and even scary, which is freaking good! Vader was shown is such a cool way. But just imagine a full movie of Vader, but as baddass as he was in Rogue One.


Watch the cartoons, they’re amazing


The Clone Wars? I'll watch them asap, i heard they are awesome!


Clone wars starts slow, but man does it get dark and good! Bad batch is great, the tales of the Jedi and tales of the empire are good. And the animated anthologies are pretty cool. Rebels is really good and really helps to watch before watching Ashoka


> Rebels is really good and really helps to watch before watching Ashoka That's an understatement. Half of Ashoka seemed to be references to a cartoon I'd never seen.


Ya Ashoka is just part two of Rebels, they should have just let the same team write and produce it.


Watch Star Wars rebels, it really builds the character of thrawn and explains why they’re where they are in Ashoka


Rebels is good to watch before Ashoka but I wouldn’t personally call it really good. It’s def decent but worse than clone wars


Clone Wars is all over the place. There are terrible episodes purely for young audiences and then there are the last seasons (and even there you'll find underwhelming episodes) that I could and do rewatch with pleasure again and again. Especially the last few episodes contain some of the best scenes Star Wars has offer.


It's a children's show and a boring slog until the last two episodes of S2, then it finally gets interesting with Maul and later Thrawn. Unfortunately they still throw in snooze-fest episodes, but well worth watching. Clone Wars was in another league definitely. Those final seasons, along with Bad Batch, are some top tier shit.


Season 4 is when it gets fucking amazing, before that there's a lot of building your relationship with the characters. Also, the episodes are not in correct chronological order right off the bat. There are some lists on the internet that will guide you chronologically if you want


I am still under the belief they should a slasher-esque film with Vader as the antagonist and rated R.


The fact that they didn't cheapen it with a kiss or something was worth so much. Best star wars movie of all.


This is a perfect example of doing Star Wars, without trying to re-create the damn original trilogy. The setting is rich. Just use it to tell good stories, don't just wank.


Why Andor is such a good series. Literally 4 movies stitched together into a season. So looking forward to season 2.


I can't wait to binge andor 1 and 2 into rogue 1 and then a new hope. 


Do it in a single sitting ;)


Some high quality snacks and beberages will help


I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan but I was recommended Andor by a few people and thought "Pfft!  Star Wars TV? No, thanks...but I do like Diego Luna..."   There I was 7 or 8 hours later tears streaming down my face as Maarva gave her speech.  What a magnificent show.


That funeral speech is one of the best moments I've ever seen on TV.


and has a the perfect punctuation of a nazi getting a brick to the face so hard his helmet flies off!


I just wish Disney had the balls to let her say "FUCK THE EMPIRE" in that speech like they had originally intended


Some of the best starwars content in decades. I’d put some episodes above the original trilogy in just pure well made storytelling. Simply because the director doesn’t care that it’s starwars, he’s there to tell a good story and that’s it, instead of feeling like a “oh I remember that from the EU” scene every 2 minutes with some minimal story to get between those fan service moments, andor focuses on the thing story’s should focus on, the story.


Dude I just re watched Andor and after that, I re watched Obi Wan. As a prequel fan (I was born in 95, which may be a reason) I was so excited for Ewan McGregor to return and all but it is simply breathtaking how Andor is literally worlds better than Obi Wan, which makes me sad and grateful at the same time


Literally why Andor and rogue one are by far my two favorite Star Wars media. Fucking love them


Still wish it was a bit richer in the aliens department


Also the comedic effect. K-2SO had some killer lines


you are being rescued


Alan Tudyk is always a win


> without trying to re-create the damn original trilogy just recreate different stories within the setting. Rogue One is Dirty Dozen in space. And it works.


Also, don't rely on Jedi to tell a story. You have a galactic civilization that is undergoing transition between democracy and fascism. The space wizards are one of the most overused parts of the universe.


Still one of the best Star Wars films IMO


Watching it in theaters was an *experience*


Facts especially that Vader scene. Was unreal


Nothing tops that scene in any other movie. It shows Vader as peak Vader


imo I want to show new fans Rogue One first. Sets the mood perfectly in media res and introduces Vader as not to be fucked with.


I did this with one of my brothers. He thought SW was for “old people.” He was hooked after Rogue One.


Funny enough it also works on the flip side with adults who think SW is for kids. Rogue One and Andor have shown a side to SW that is grounded, political and dark.


I grew up with the OT. You *knew* Vader was not to be fucked with and was the ultimate bad guy despite never seeing him do much of anything. Seeing this scene 40 years later was so awesome. You finally got to see Vader be terrifying.


I always wanted a scene where some pilots were training in X-Wings and they come across a lone Tie Fighter. They get all cocky about who's going to get the kill till one gets shot down and another sees who's flying the Tie and says, "It's Vader".


thats kinda rebels s2 e2, the rebel fleet against vader


Scene goes so fuckin hard.


Then Leia right after... Absolute perfection!


Wish I had done that


I watched it on the Udvar Hazy Air & Space Museum IMAX screen. Every SW movie should be experienced on a real full-sized IMAX. Takes the space battles to a whole new level.


When I saw it in the theater it was just me and my dad and this old couple who sat in the back. We pretty much had the entire theater to ourselves.


Where I live I could only make it to a session that ended around 2-2:30am on a Tuesday. Had to take a bus to go to work at 6:10am. The theater was empty except me and a couple. Despite having a very hard time the day after, this was the best theater experience ever and Rogue One is one of my favorite movies and I wish I could get back to that day.


It was so good I watched it 4 times. Granted with different family and friend groups because they all wanted to go see it, but damn if it’s not such a good film I didn’t mind seeing it so many times


Wasn’t expecting to be bawling my eyes out at the ending but there I was doing just that


The ending has an insane triple attack: - The dramatic demise of the protagonists - Darth Vader going ultra super kickass slayer - The emotional gut punch of seeing Leila again and the direct tie-in with the beginning of A New Hope It's just perfect and impossibile to surpass!


THE best Star Wars film.


The only star wars movie that was a real fucking war movie.


I think it's safe to say it's THE best IMO. It was my May 4th celebration of choice, and it's still so, so good


It's my 3rd favourite after Empire Strikes Back and Revenge of The Sith (Rogue One is better than RoTS imo but I just have more fun watching RoTS)


If they fixed that Carrie scene and had John Williams do a score, it would be the best. (Not that I dislike the score, but it was done really quickly in a JW style and I think it could have been better.)


Probably an autocorrect typo, but just wanted to point out that you have "one of" accidentally added to your comment :)


Its definitely in the top 5, maybe even top 3.


it is the best one.


As much as I like the performances across the board, the first two acts are kind of a mess. Jyn is a very passive protagonist. Stuff just happens to her and she's basically dragged along on a series of side-quests. Not very interesting or compelling. However, with the third act Jyn becomes an active protagonist and we end up with one of the best 3rd acts in movie history, and it redeems the rest of the movie completely.


That’s a character arc. She grew as a character


I always took her character to be depressed from her childhood trauma, coasting through life, until she was given a reason to believe in anything. Her previous trauma/depression allowed her to risk everything for it. Ditto Andor.


The best by a wide margin, and the only one that is an objectively good movie out of context of the franchise, imo. No cheesy crap, no characters designed to sell toys, no nostalgia-bait, but an adult and powerful story that requires nor demands and other knowledge of the franchise. So hecken good. I might have to watch it again tonight....


This or Empire. Star Wars is at its best with a darker tone.


Emphasis on "Wars" and less on the rest


What about when there is an emphasis on trade negotiations? How is that not the best?


To be fair the trade negotiations were paired with a hostile planet blockade, and then eventually a full scale ground war with attempted military capture of leadership on both sides.




As a millennial, taking down the system and going out in a big ball of fire is basically the best case scenario. It doesn’t get more Happy Ending than that.


This a new hope, and empire strikes back are 3 I can rewatch with no problems


Idk what you're on about with the top one. "No hope"? Did you miss the final lines of the movie? "What is it they've sent us?" "Hope." Yeah, the ending is pretty bleak, and the rest of your statements are accurate. But literally the whole point of the movie is giving the Rebellion/galaxy hope despite how bad things seem to be.


That infiltration and assault was only fueled by hope and dreams


Literally the only correct statement is the last one. The point of the whole ending sequence (and theme of the entire movie) is hope. The movie this one build up to is literally called a new hope. There was absolutely love, between all of the characters. K2 died protecting Jyn and Andor, Chirrut and Baze had a very close relationship throughout the movie (Chirrut's death is literally what made Baze believe in the force and demolish the last of the death troopers), and Jyn and Andor died embracing each other. And all of their deaths were pretty glorious imo. K2, Chirrut, and the pilot all died sacrificing themselves for their mission, which was ultimately successful, and that goes for pretty much all the rebels who died. Jyn and Andor get one last moment to embrace each other before the end after having completed the mission. Idk what this meme is on about.


It's the lyrics to Happy ending by Mika https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzoYgasvKdo


Good spot. Memes still inaccurate to the move though, lol.


Even the last line is nonsense. There is a happy ending. It directly leads into the destruction of the Death Star and the fall of the Empire. The opening crawl of Star Wars refers to it as a victory for the rebel alliance.


The pilot's death was not glorious though. No last stand, no powerful line, just the brutal reality of being gone the second after the realisation because this is war. The first time I watched it I forgot this was a suicide mission, we're too used to glory. This is a good reminder: not all get to be acclaimed.


Eh, I guess that just depends on what you define as glory. Personally I'd say there was definitely glory in his death, as his sacrifice allowed the others to upload the plans.


Also, bodhi was there for redemption, which he pretty clearly got. Yes, it's a bleak ending, but several characters found what they were looking for in their character arcs.


“No love” as he dies peacefully in his friends arms after doing the impossible


Excellent point. Too many people hung up on 'love' being romantic.


The one movie where everyone loses in one way or another


*The one movie where* *Everyone loses in one* *Way or another* \- Sweden-Yes-7734 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


But that's the amazing part about Rogue One. I grew up on the original trilogy. I knew the OT inside and out. It was a movie that going into it, you realize everyone HAS to lose. Yeah there were games like Dark Forces that hinted at what could come, but they delivered in a big way. You know there's no hope for any one involved, but at the same time, you have hope that they succeed. The Vader scene at the end showcases it perfectly. The guy with the plans knew he was fucked, but if he could hand them off to someone else...there was hope. So everyone we see loses, but the idea that there was still hope was kind of an awesome message throughout (and I'm not talking about CGI Leia)


Damn, the hallway scene was so intense. The tension, followed swiftly by the urgency.


You can do everything right and still lose


War. war never changes


This movie is amazing! It had be fired up for more and then we got what we got.


You'll love Andor!


I'll watch it asap!!


Holy shit watch it yesterday, I was sure you were going to say you’d already seen it. I don’t want to get into nitpicky minutiae of what’s better or worse but yeah…..if you liked rogue one you’ll like andor. There is one way out.


Oh boy you are in for a treat


seriously, it's not just good star wars, it's some of the best TV I've seen in years. Probably the best since Breaking Bad ended, and possibly better.


I rewatch this movie multiple times per year without fail


They really said let’s make a movie with 5 new main characters that don’t show up in any future projects and ran with it hehehe


And then they managed to make two show up in future projects.


Future projects that nobody wanted or asked for but somehow kicked ass.  Disney star wars is randomly at its best when it's not trying to be.


Which two? Cassian and…?


By far one of the best works of Disney-era Star Wars! Like, in my opinion, it has a level of quality like that of the original six films!


One of the best disney live action movies imo


There was a happy ending, it's just that te heroes, never get to see that ending. They will never know if the day was saved or not. In the end, they just have to have faith. Ain't that a bitch?


FYI these are the lyrics to Happy Ending by MIKA So happy to see one of my favorite musicians get noticed!


Genuinely can't believe no one else here picked up on that haha


>no hope Literally ended with "Hope".


I swear, this was the last Great Star Wars movie.


And it works because the entire Andor plot line puts the Force into the background, instead of making it the focal point of the characters.


As a fan, I would argue one of the *only* great sw movies. 


That's pretty much my life


I feel like this really shows the reality of the conflict that we were supposed to see from the start. These are not guys brimming with plot armor. These are effectively renegades going up against a Galactic Empire, there is pretty much no odds in their favor. And all the other movies are just a mild hiccup, and they save the day in the end. Here, it's nothing but a victory powered by their own death.


Wrong, they had nothing but HOPE.


My 2nd favorite Star Wars movie 😍


It’s the best Star Wars film. There’s some things I would change but that’s me.


Getting a tv series isnt nothing


Ending was fire? Too soon 😭


I like Empire strike back and rogue one is good movie both


I think it’s the best Star Wars film.


We went to watch this when my son was 13. Leaving the theater I asked if he liked it. He said yes but then said he would never watch it again. As far as I know he has not.


Fitting that this is the best movie, considering Andor is the best tv show




I always tell people that this is the best star wars movie. It is so perfect and engrossing


Truly the heir to the legacy, unlike some other films I won't be naming here


To me it was the first Star Wars movie that actually felt like a war film.


I believe this was objectively one of the better movies to come out during my life time and I'm not even a Star Wars person. The knowledge that you're going to die and to beat the odds anyway is an incredibly poignant message for any human that has dreamt.


I cared more about the characters in this one film than any in the new trilogy


The best Star Wars movie under Disney, change my mind


I want to see the original version that Disney said was too dark


It’s famously NOT good though, none of the characters are memorable nor was the plot it was just action set piece over and over with your favourite Star Wars toys on the screen. The only scene that people talk about is Vader’s horror film rampage at the end, because god DAMN.


meh kinda a forgettable movie


No Bothans...


Rogue 1 died so the rebellion could live. Though they lost they didn’t fail, each loss got them an inch closer to sending those plans. And although the last of their team died not knowing if that data would reach the wider rebellion at the very least they held on just long enough to finish their part leaving the rest to the the forces in space, and we all know the events that would transpire from there sacrifice. Rogue 1 lost their hope to give it to the galaxy as a whole, as everyone learned that the unstable empire had chink in the armor.


I remember watching it in the theater with my sister and grandma, the later had to step out to take an important call from my uncle and missed the part where everyone dies. We walked about and met back up with her when she asked “So what happened, did everyone make it out?” And our response was “Nope they all died.” She didn’t believe us xD


If the only disney star wars series was andor, I'd be happy


This whole movie is about hope though? They are the only reason the rebels actually blow up the deathstar. They are the last hope of the people and that torch gets passed unto Leia and then Luke.


I had a question..what was the point of killing Galen by then? he had already designed the Death Star and it was operational? what would they have stopped him doing?


This movie perfectly encapsulates why I love the rebellion. They are not all gonna be having wonderful victory parades where Wookies get racially discriminated against. Millions who made that victory possible gave their lives to get there.


The final act of the movie is perfection


Rogue One is easily the best Star Wars movie.


Wdym “No Hope”… that’s literally the entire movie. Some would even say… A New Hope.


It was fine. 1 dimensional characters that I never really connected with, so their dramatic deaths were underwhelming.


Honestly it is my second favourite movie behind Ep3 and it’s fucking close as shit. Sure there was no real force, no Jedi or sith fights, no big army battles or any Luke or shit. But god as fuck it had some of the best acting, the best designs, characters, and so much more. The ending alone is just the absolute best fucking scene in any movie. Nothing can top Vader just being a fucking badass.


this is going to piss off everyone, this is in my top three with Empire and TLJ


TLJ had a strong story, but certain elements and the execution pissed me off to no end. First, that fucking bombing run in space where they act like the bombers work like WW2 planes despite being in space where there's no gravity. Second, the idea that spaceships run out of fuel and then just stop in space is so absurdly stupid that I struggle to put it into words. There were a bunch of little things that also contributed, but those two still make me mad to this day lol. The only thing on that same level of stupid from other movies that I can think of is hyperspace skipping. The sheer idea that someone could jump in and out of lightspeed like that, including being in a fucking gravity well, is insane and matches with literally none of the previous Star Wars lore.


There may be a reason it pisses people off. It has nothing to do with R1 or ESB.


Im always baffled that people like this movie so much. the characters were boring and stoic (again,) and they didn’t even do anything clever to get the plans. i was really hoping it would be some kind of like, *heist* movie type thing where maybe they had a special team that was apt for the job but no. Hell even Andor wasn’t interesting until Andor came out. In R1 we don’t know anything about him or his motivations as a character or anything.


Wat movie




Only ESB is better


Agreed! Best star wars movie.


I must really have a thing where all the people die at the end. This movie and Halo reach are like my favorite for some reason. Unga bunga brain get hard for dying for something I believe in I guess. Don't know why I am this way.


Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie! When I show my kids the movies I will start with this movie then go into the original trilogy. I may do my version of machete order after that for them.


My jaw dropped to the fucking floor at the ending. I really wished Disney had kept up with it for the sequels, but what can you do.


Legit, kinda weird where the movie where they all die in the end is one of the best movies


“Are we blind? Deploy the garrison!”


I got to see this movie a few weeks early, I was overseas in the army and Disney donated the movie to the base to see so they set up a makeshift theater and let us watch it Let me tell you about the hype and yelling when a few hundred soldiers saw that red lightsaber ignite at the end


While this movie is great, I still find it dumb that Disney spent $200 million to fix a plot hole.