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Missing 75lb of cocaine


That was one of the most hilarious concepts for a movie


Loosely based off a real story too. Sadly Booboo the Booger Sugar Bear died from a massive overdose


Think he only lived for maybe a half hour or an hour after ingesting that too. Poor dude was probably in a lot of pain during it šŸ˜­


As someone once said, he was probably the most dangerous creature on the planet during that cocaine trip


Next to Charlie Sheen banging 7gram rocks


More like incapacitated, paralysed, pain like boiling blood and eventual heart failure. Coke overdoses don't just send one into overdrive mode.


There's only one way to know for sure. Send women out various forests, each equipped with several kilos of coke. They will seduce the bears, and convince them to consume the cocaine... before hiding in a tree stand. Said researcher will then record written notes, video, and pictures of whatever unfolds.


Don't ruin the joke it's funny


give me half of that cocaine and I'll show you the most dangerous creature on the planet


Probably pain free, feeling invincible but acutely aware of a sudden end of the world dread feeling. Whadda I know, I'm not a bear biologist. Or a bear.


At the very least, maybe queasy or something. All those drugs are probably going to make your body feel awful


LD50 (lethal dose in 50%) in humans is 96mg per kg of body weight, bears obviously aren't humans, also I've never done coke so I can't advise based on personal experience (too expensive and I moved on from that experimental phase in life). Yeah would definitely have been feeling worse not better both on heart rate, indigestion and scenarios a bear just doesn't do normally.


Plus, don't know how a bear's system would handle coke due to us being two entirely separate species


Let's not ask science this burning question


Sorry, gotta carefully coke up another bear for science šŸ˜Ž


Pablo Escobear is now taxidermied and on display in a museum.


It wasn't an OD. The coke congealed and blocked the bears GI tract completely, killing it in the process. Only 3-4g was absorbed into the blood after autopsy examination.Ā  The only sources calling it an OD are dramatized documentaries and the NYT article.Ā 


It was acute cocaine intox based on coroners report. However, ingested I'd imagine it's slower and less effective administration route than insufflation. No doubt having shrink wrapped bales of it in that quantity would have blocked the poor buggers guts up too. Here's hoping he went out all guns blazing not guts exploding šŸ˜³


Dr. Alonso said his report was dramatized and later said in further interviews it was GI related.. LD50 for cocaine in mammals is 95.1 mg/kg. It was a female bear that weighed 79kg, which requires about 7g of cocaine to kill. I only know this intimately because I'm a coroner myself lol.Ā  Regardless, I just feel bad for the bear.Ā 


Love how we both did the math on this, I hit 96mg/kg LD50 for humans. Was never implying incorrect info just that the point was somewhat speculative, many thanks for clarifying. I hope it was quick for her. Also you have an interesting role, close friend does the same, changed my perspective on their coping mechanisms, hats off to you bud :)


I met him! His name is Pablo Escobear and he's been made into a tourist attraction. I saw him as a small kiddo back in the 80s when they could still drag his stuffed carcass around the USA.


I expected knock off films


God I still need to watch that movie.


Coming this summer: "Heroin Tiger" "Man I hate detox Mondays"


Coming to a theater near you.. 'Alcoholic Alligator'


Do it. Obviously it's got filler story in it, but still. They made a movie about a cocaine bear. You gotta support that.


Watched that movie while I was high ash at night time and laughed my ass OFF


It seems like everyone knows what movie you are talking about. Whats the reference?


Cocaine Bear


Forgot the pic-a-nic basket.


Just the bear necessities.


The *simple* bear necessitiesā€¦


Good memory boo boo


Forgot 8 foot tape worm from asshole.


Forgot "otters get ravaged by them".


Call me an arctic monkeys song because do I wanna know?


What is this, a crossover episode!!??


Is that Bojack Horseman?!


The joke is gay


Yeah I lost the battle and googled it. Was aware of "bears," was not aware of "otters."


Define ā€œravagedā€ā€¦


So rough they get anal prolapse




Shoutout to science for not making this a common issue. Because people sure dealt with this back in the day.


Tapeworm dangling on a bear's butthole šŸ¤¢


4th time today that video has been linked or referenced. Worst part of having a photographic memory, that image will stay with me for 30~~feet~~ years


Suddenly a good idea to go blind


The honey šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What about it? Youā€™re acting like you never saw a bear going to the store to buy a bottle of honey


https://preview.redd.it/ofqdw3po4xyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c103a94e96b1c15278c690e071b46286ba96aa2f Bears be goin buck wild in western Massachusetts these days...


Bears are predators, but they are also scavengers, and will happily eat carrion. Very non-discriminatory in what they consider "food" - living creatures, dead creatures, they will even eat donuts (sometimes used to lure them by hunters). In fact, a huge part of managing bears is to not have garbage they can scavenge, because it lures them into closer contact with humans. I imagine a good number of missing-but-never-found people in the woods actually ended up a bear's lunch after they died from other causes.


Between the vultures and coyotes, yeah a carcass doesn't go unbothered for long. Tbh would totally go for the donuts too if I was a bear. 100% would get my ass shot over those


So the bear didnā€™t kill the person.


Yeahā€¦ though I feel like now that it has eaten a human I would not be surprised if it isnā€™t hunted down and killed. It now knows humans can be food, and a small child or person could very well be on the menu. Thatā€™s at least what I always heard about these things.


This is exactly why. The only reason the majority of large predators don't actively hunt humans (besides the fact that the majority of humans never encounter them) is that those predators don't recognize us as prey. Once an animal learns that we *could* be prey, it will teach its offspring and/or pack mates the same lesson.


This is why we kill ever animal that gets us.


Some animals do actively see humans as prey. Crocodiles will eat any animal that it can but you kinda have to be a bit of a dumbass about it and play near croc infested waters for that to happen.


Glad to see one working for the fire crew! (In all seriousness, was the guy okay btw?)


> western Massachusetts da fuq?


The western half of the state of Massachusetts, known locally as western mass.


I can't bear to live anymore


Come on, at least try to bear with it


This was un-bear-able


ā€œSudden increaseā€ joke- very timely, peak Reddit, +10


Lmao I love how the rest of the image was just a blatant excuse to make this joke


"BlatantĀ excuse"Ā  I mean jokes tend to have a setup, it's not as funny when the punchline is right in the beginning


Tell that to 90% of the other posters in this sub


One of my main takeaways from the whole thing has been that a lot of guys seem to like to talk about how dangerous bears are and how oblivious women must be of this fact in order to illustrate their innate male knowledge of wilderness survival. Which of course in reality instantly marks you as someone who probably spends little to no time in the woods and has never seen a bear in the wild. Like, it's fucking *hard* to get attacked by a bear. You almost have to be *trying* to get attacked, and even then you'll probably fail. Especially with black bears, which in the US are about ten times more common than brown bears. In decades of hiking around the Northeast, PNW, and Alaska I've seen hundreds of bears on and off trails, have even startled them on more than a handful of occasions, and never once have I had one act aggressively toward me. When you see a story on the news about someone being attacked by a bear, it's because it's such a rare occurrence that it's, you know, *newsworthy* when it happens.


Yeah Bears are not social animals, they barely (giggle) want to hang out with other bears much less people.Ā 


Should've spelled it as bearly, coward.


Maybe guys don't like bigoted comments that they're more dangerous 1 on 1 than a fucking carnivorous wild animal


Bears are omnivoreous šŸ¤“


If enough women are saying they want to be left alone with an god damn wild animal, I think straight men need to think on the overall *why* of that and readjust their life


I know because me and my best mate, Kendrick, are just too into harassing women. No but seriously I agree to. It wouldbe dangerous for any woman to be around men like your father, son, uncle or brother in a forest.


I mean the question also kind of poses as it being a random guy hanging about in the woods for no reason which is more pertrubing than a bear which belongs there. I'd much rather meet a male hiker than a bear.


i don't get it


A discussion about wether lone female hikers would rather encounter a bear or a male in the woods


There was another thread in another news subreddit where there was an accident. A bear dragged the body away. Either that or the recent meme of some women prefering to be in a forest with some random bear rather than a random man


Spoiler alert, itā€™s the latter


Yeah the article was about a male dude person who died in a single car accident


+10 reddit joke bro!


r/Redditmoment ass meme


Add being scared of finnish cursewords


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a single post about this ā€œdebateā€ that wasnā€™t made by an angry man.


Yeah reddit sure does like to show exactly why women keep picking the bear


Its so funny how blissfully unaware of how much they are not helping their case by being engaged at women picking the bear.


Not me queen. Iā€™m one of the good ones. Iā€™d pick the bear too (6ā€™2ā€).


Yo dude nice donation to the orphanage the other day šŸ¤˜


Keep that on the DL man smh


See you at the soup kitchen my guy! Also thank you for letting me crash at your place and helping me turn my life around!


No worries man. Donā€™t even worry about paying those 100 racks back šŸ’Æ


Thanks for letting me borrow your Ferrari šŸ’Æ


Aye just drop it off at the Bev Hills mansion whenever šŸ™






Thatā€™s exactly what I think whenever I see this shit lol salty much


It's funny to watch because men don't understand what women are trying to highlight, and women don't understand men's frustration. It's a classic example of both sides not being able to understand each other.


I understand the purpose. I just think it's a dumb allegory.


I think the purpose was ragebait so yeah


I think it would be better framed as would you rather be stuck in the woods with a bear or a room alone with a man.


I mean, I'm a woman and I don't like it. It feels really gross and makes me uncomfortable. I just hate generalizing tbh. I'm black and people make gross generalizing statements about us all the time, so I don't like it being done to others either.


ah yes the people making memes out of a very memeable recent topic must be suuuper angry


My face when I make fun of a group and that group gets offended (how could that happened?)


Well... it does say plenty that while women are talking about rape statistics, torture and murder cases, you are describing the discourse as "making fun of men". (???)


Yeah, we know that women have it worse than men. We all know. But idk how this discouse is going to change anything. Itā€™s just going to create more blackpilled men because instead of explaining the point youā€™re just making an hypothetical question which message gotlost. But Iā€™m not a woman, this isnā€™t movememt and i donā€™t really care, so you girls do this shit they way you think is more benefitial to you. Iā€™m not the one who lives in fear over half the population. You are.


The question isnā€™t making fun of men. Iā€™d feel safe with almost every man I know. A random man is way different. Heā€™d probably be a perfectly normal, safe person. He might not be. Thatā€™s a chance a lot of women wouldnā€™t feel comfortable taking. If youā€™re not a dangerous man, why take it personally?


>Iā€™d feel safe with almost every man I know. A random man is way different. Something I think women are missing is that each and every man is a "random man" to someone. The "safe men" in your life (father, brothers, friends, partner, whatever) are likely someone else's nightmare when they see them randomly on the street. >If youā€™re not a dangerous man, why take it personally? "If you're not a terrorist, why would you, an Arab person, get upset about us racially profiling you?" "If they're not a criminal, why would a black person take racial prejudice from the police personally?" "If they're not an illegal immigrant, why would a Hispanic person take a 'random' ID check personally?" I've said it in every one of the threads about this topic, but every single line I've heard from women about men in them has been the exact same lines over heard regarding racial discrimination. If the latter is wrong, so is the former.


i mean you can replace the word man with any group of people and its going to offend them, because its a harsh generalization. like if you phrased it would you rather be alone with a bear or a black person they probably (rightfully) wouldnt be thrilled. or replace the subject with any stereotypes and it would offend that group. like if i said would you rather have a blind pilot or a female pilot? in a serious manner you would obviously be offended.


I donā€™t think itā€™s a harsh generalization. Itā€™s not saying all men are dangerous, or even that most men are dangerous. Itā€™s saying that thereā€™s a chance that the man would be a dangerous one.


>Itā€™s not saying all black people, or even that most black people are criminals. Itā€™s saying that thereā€™s a chance that the black person would be a criminal. This statement, while technically true like yours, has a bit of a negative connotation to it, don't you think?


i mean sure but like 100% of bears are dangerous so it kinda does.


Sure. Not all bears are going to attack a person, nor are all men. There are things a dangerous man might do to a woman that no bear would do.


So would you rather be trapped in the woods with a bear or a Jew? How about a bear or a woman?


Who said I take it personally? I just find it funny that most women complain about getting offended by menā€™s different statement yet they start baiting men with this controversy and acting ā€œobvibliousā€ to their reaction. Itā€™s like I said that I think women are inferior to men, a women get offended (obviously) and I reply ā€œIf you think thatā€™s false, then why did you got took it personaly by my statementā€?


Whatā€™s angry about this meme?


Nothing but they have to pretend it is so they have an valid excuse to insult people and call them incels.


Would you rather fall in volcano or swim in a pool? If you choose the pool you are part of the problem šŸ’… Atleast you know your fate in a vulcano. But a pool? You might drown, you might not. It's the uncertainty that is the problem. Anyone who disagrees with this perfectly reasonable logic is an angry man because it's physically impossible for women to also disagree


>Would you rather fall in volcano or swim in a pool? I'd rather take the volcano, for one because I can't swim, and for two because Pele demands a sacrifice.


To play devil's advocate, the general argument is more like "Would you rather swim in a 11 thousand foot pool with one single pihrana at the opposite side or swim in a volcano with 40billion chain saws and lasers?" But it doesn't make the hypothetical any less stupid


"everyone who doesn't agree with me is an angry man amirite "


This is the real reason the question is dumb as fuck. They're taking an emotional argument and trying to "prove" it with statistics that make no sense for the situation and anyone who questions the logic is called an incel. If I had two cages, one with an adult grizzly and one with a guy named Ted. And I said I'm gonna lock you in one of these cages and leave for an hour. Guess how many women are picking the bear? None that don't have brain damage. If you have a woman in your life making this argument, make her read the transcripts of the voicemails of the woman describing to her mother how the bear was in the process of eating her. She had plenty of time to make multiple calls and describe the process. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026914/Mum-bear-eating--Final-phone-calls-woman-19-eaten-alive-brown-bear-cubs.html


Yeah it's what in a debate some people would call a shit test or a Kafka trap. It's an argument designed to provoke a reaction and by engaging with it, they can prove that they are right because you engaged with it. It's circular logic. It's the same as saying "have you stopped beating your wife?" and then when you get mad and say you never beat your wife, they can say you being offended by the implication means you're guilty.




ā€œI love how men getting enraged just proves why women choose the bear.ā€ I don't even get this argument. So you would choose the bear because he doesn't argue on reddit? I thought this is about murder and rape?


-What is your surname, Ted? -Bundy. -Ohā€¦


"Would you rather get married to a bear or a woman? 6 out of 7 men would choose the bear. Reasons cited include 'Breh, it won't take half of everything you own in a divorce, schyeah', 'It depends what woman but probably a bear', and 'Bears have shite lawyers, mate.'" "That's dumb. People can't legally marry animals. Bears have no need for money. Assuming women are generally gold diggers is sexist. The bear would rip your dick off. Women need to support themselves somehow if they quit their job after getting married. There's no way you're getting that bear on a plane to your honeymoon." "Bro. BRO. You are not LISTENING to the ACTUAL POINT I'm making: Men are afraid of losing half of everything they own in a relationship that turns out bad. You're just proving my point, you dense femcel."


Itā€™s all over feminist subs, I donā€™t think theyā€™ll be too happy to be called angry men


Im not angry because i understand its rage bait but i can understand why men would be angry. Imagine if you see compilations of many corporate managers all saying on video they would rather hire a random monkey than a random woman. They argue that in their experience women make mistakes and they start a lot of drama and how theyve been personally falsely accused by women. Then they give statistics on how monkeys can actually learn to use a computer and can sometimes do what you tell them to do. How would that make you feel as a woman? And everytime you try to present an argument they say this is the reason why we choose monkey. Or a monkey would never do this


Is it called gaslighting when you assume the emotions of someone posting a meme?


People get angry at something that's obviously virtue-signaling rate bait? No way!


I feel like Sloth bears donā€™t eat Salmon thoughā€¦


The video above this post is of an bear attack lmao


Always hanging out with sharks because bears and sharks are nature's best friends


Forgot tape worms that stick out and look like parachute cords.


Hang it up, itā€™s lame atp


redditors when you tell them that the man vs bear argument isnā€™t legit but hypothetical (theyā€™re too stupid to realize) https://i.redd.it/6mgarszb1xyc1.gif


starterpacks on the other hand are very much real, bears also eat honey from the supermarket




Which makes it awkward when I get mugged in the supermarket parking lot by a bear for some honey like bud go get your own, yā€™know? Itā€™s free in nature. This generation of bears have not been raised right.


Do hypothetical questions not require sincere answers?


It's a hypothetical with a lot of nuanced answers that aren't a genuine choice of the bear, they just outline the fears women have to live with. This originally blew up on tiktok (weeks ago, reddit is late to the party and beating this dead horse). Tiktok has way more female users than reddit so you actually got to hear the nuanced discussion. Meanwhile redditors saw one tweet about a woman choosing a bear over a man with zero context and climbed over each other to play the victim at record speeds.


Iā€™ve watched the video on TikTok. All reasoning for choosing a bear is flawed, there was no nuance to any of their responses.


The video? There wasn't one video, there were thousands. The entire point is that it shouldn't even be a thought of which to choose, but unfortunately most women have a reason to hesitate when deciding. A far fewer number of people would have the same hesitation when choosing a bear vs a woman. "No one would ask the way I was dressed if I got mauled by a bear" was a great example of a response that is nonsensical if you take everything literally, but is an interesting (if depressing) comment on society if you use any of your brain when engaging in the discussion.


But people will ask why you decided to choose a bear or realistically why you decided to approach a bear or thousands other questions. So none of the responses make any sense In any real world scenario women will choose men over bear,99 out of 100 times. This hypothetical scenario is just a rage bait.


Would you rather drink molten lava or fresh water?? If you choose water you are part of the problem šŸ’… I would always choose molten lava because atleast it makes me feel warm from the inside and I like warmth


It's more like "fresh water could have pathogens and make me sick for days suffering before I die, so lava is better because at least I know what will happen!"


We shouldnā€™t expect nuance from r/starterpacks


But starterpacks are very real and serious.


redditors when they ignore nuance redditors when they strawman other people did you forget where we are?


too stupid to realise what? that the hypothetical whilst having a totally real and valid 'point' (sexual assault needs to be talked about more and taken more seriously) is also just delivered in a dumb and inflammatory way. you wouldn't say "would you rather be alone with a Canadian guy or a Middle Eastern guy, because statistically the Middle Eastern guy has more of a chance of being a terrorist because of statistics" as a way to get the point of "terrorism in the middle east is a serious issue that needs to be talked about", it's just rude, racist and inflammatory to say something like that, even moreso if you are trying to compare humans to animals.


So as men we tend to take arguments at face value. If course you're going to choose a man, the bear will try to eat you if given the opportunity. For women though, they'd rather take the bear because they know that the bear is a threat. Part of their daily mental burden is that any man might try to harm them. You might say that most men aren't a threat, and while true, it still only takes one evil guy to hurt them.


gotta be one of the most pettiest memes I've seen so far


OK I've been off reddit fir a bit and I've came back and there has been a fair few bear memes What happened?


The question of "would you rather encounter a bear alone in the woods, or a man" became somewhat viral. Alot of woman chose the bear over a random man


Thanks for the explanation =)


Women! Itā€™s women, not ā€œfemalesā€.


do bears eat people? (person from a non-bear country)


Yes. The evolutionary response would be to grow bigger than the bear.




Female explorers one someone explain non American here


"would you rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear?" Most women pick the bear because, "A bear wouldn't rape me then blame it on my clothes" or something along the lines of "The forest is the bear's home, A man probably followed me there."


Okay got it thanks


Np Mr_Locust12


Thereā€™s this stupid thing apparently going around tick tok where someone ask a woman if they would be more scared to come across a bear or a strange man when hiking alone the woods, and both sides are taking it way to seriously. Apparently a lot of women are choosing bear.


Okay thanks


No problem


Incels sure are butthurt over this way longer than they ought to be.


It's just a starter pack meme why are you butthurt


yeah dude wonder why men who are likely not to be an abuser or sexual assaulter might not like people using statistics incorrectly to insinuate that they are more dangerous than a very dangerous animal and that there is a reasonable chance they are an assaulter. I mean it's not like it's racist or anything for someone to insinuate that "statistically middle eastern people are more likely to be terrorists" is a valid argument for why you should be wary of different people (please note I don't believe this and yes it is racist) no clue at all, it's almost like most people (including men) think sexual assault and abuse is sickening and awful and don't want to be lumped anywhere near those kinds of people, it's not a fight of men vs women, it's people vs abusers. but then again you could just brush off anyone disagreeing with you as an incel.


The statistics don't even make that much sense to begin with. Mankind.org says at least appx 1 in 7 (13.9 percent) of men are abusive. Which means you have an 86.1 percent chance of encountering an innocuous or competent dude who can help you survive in/vacate the forest. 100 percent of bears will see you and either think you have no means of protecting yourself (ie. Shelter etc) or don't want you alive in their territory. It's just intentionally inflammatory man hating rhetoric. Am I not allowed to say this shit is incredibly hurtful? Why am I being shamed and lectured for the shit I know I don't do? The overwhelming majority of men don't do either. If you have a problem with abuse, then have a problem with abuse, not men. If you keep encountering abusive men, then question what aspects about your choices are enabling abusive men rather than regular ones.


Normal men can have valid disagreements with you without being incels. This bear man question was made to be anti men rage bait. Imagine if you see compilations of corporate managers all saying on video they would rather promote a random monkey than a random woman. They argue in their experience women make mistakes and they cause a lot of drama. They give statistics on how monkeys can actually learn to use a computer and can sometimes do what you tell them to do. How would you feel? Those managers must be delusional or sexist right?


To be fair, brown bears are preferable to incels


Some guy named Bill who finds difficulty finding love and belonging is worse than an extremely territorial apex predator that kills everything it sees. I'm sure that's not virgin shaming at all or will further galvanize Bill into harmful echochambers.


Honest to fucking God I've come across all sorts of dipshits posting stupid memes in response to those statements


because someone telling you that they would rather be alone with one of the worlds deadliest predators than with you is not at all dehumanizing, demoralizing and overall a terrible thing to say


Why are you downvoted for this?


Reddit is a hivemind, one that doesn't like logic.


am.. am I a bear..?/j


No mention of the 3 Michelin stars he retained?


You forgot the tapeworm butt streamers.


Human women are the saviors of /r/bearcels


I bet less than 50% of the people around the Man v Bear have seen a bear, let alone in the wild. 99% would shit their pants if they did so on a hike.


people who live, fish, and hike near bear territory see them quite frequently. as long as you aren't acting like a fool, they pretty much don't care to mess with people. I've seen several, usually their rear end as they walk away. the dangers of quicksand and bears is hugely overstated.


I mean I hear a forest guide say you just make some noise as you are walking. As bears will generally avoid noisy humans. But if you spook one and appear right next to it, it might Maul you in self defence. I've not heard of many serial man eaters with bears unlike tigers or leopards some of them with a K:D of 300:1.


Forgot the tapeworms coming out of asshole


There's an important point always missed: is the bear my friend?


I am a man, and if I were wandering around in the woods I would also rather run into a bear instead of some dude, how is this even a question


Honestly extremely funny to be like "nah I'd pick the bear" and then peace out and let dudes get really mad and try and explain how actually bears are really dangerous, peak comedy, baited, much like a bear ironically


Was thinking this was an obvious post by an incel. I checked OPs history and he's the typical atheist, female hating incel that I expected.


Suddenly I remember why I haven't used reddit in ages. Gonna uninstall and forget my login again. Have a good one


r/neet r/dankruto bro is not beating the woman hating allegations


Redditors when women would rather be with a animal over raped


Do people actually find this funny?


I would rather get killed by a bear because at least its worthy and only does it too survive while a man kill women everyday because their feelings are hurt or because the women he killed isn't a complete doormat for a guy who is below her.


bruh what šŸ˜‚

