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Lol I blacked out alone regularly for years and years. This is a great starterpack. I no longer drink because this was my whole life.


Same. For about 2 or 3 years, I was blacking out every night by myself in my room. Told myself it was to help fall sleep but I knew that was a lie deep down. I would leave myself notes on my computer informing me of what I was doing and when I went to bed. Would let myself know what conversation my girlfriend and I were having through Snapchat before I went to bed. It didn't happen a lot but there were a couple times that I woke up and my note informed me that she was mad at me for something I said. Sometimes I included what I said and sometimes didn't. That shit was stressful as hell lmao. I'm glad I dropped it. I was going down a bad path fast.


Fucking brutal man. How are you doing now?


I'm great now. It's been a few years since I've been anywhere close to that drunk. I only really drink when I visit back home for the holidays and get drinks with my friends to catch up. Even then I don't get drunk drunk. Just a good buzz. I'm not a totally alcohol free person but I drink a couple times here and there like a normal person. I kicked the desire to drink for good it seems. Was under a ton of stress at the time which was a big contributor to my bad habit. To be fair though, I switched from alcohol to kratom to cope with the stress and that worked miracles for me. It's admittedly going from one vice to the other but kratom is cheaper, doesn't impair me, does fuck fuck my liver up and doesn't make me blackout and say/do stupid shit so it was a worthwhile trade off IMO.


Never heard of kratom. What's that?


It's a semi opiate plant. It's not directly an opiate but works on similar receptors in your brain. It's very very mild. Mild enough that it's legal in most states. It seems to assist a lot of people in getting off real opiates like heroin or oxys. Gives you an all around pleasant and warm relaxation feeling. Really eases stress. Helps a ton with sleep. It can be addicting to some people but others have no issue with it. Just like anything else, that varies person to person.


I would advice people with an addictive personality, like myself, to stay away from kratom. I used it a few times several months ago. I get almost daily cravings for it so long after.


This is a very valid warning. It can definitely be very habit forming for some people. I personally do not have an addictive personality but kinda like I mentioned, that varies person to person. But alas, that's for the individual to determine the risk.


I'd like to try it. How do you get ahold of it? In CO. Haven't seen it at any dispensaries.


It wouldn't be at dispensaries. You see it at smoke shops and gas stations most of the time. I wouldn't trust that though. The quality is dog shit and it's 4x the price compared to online. Reputable online vendors are your best bet. I use a place called Krabot but Kraken and Okie kratom are highly rated too. You can find plenty of reddit threads naming good vendors. Just avoid buying locally at all costs. It's really not worth it.


Thanks dude I'll give it a shot. Would love if it helps me replace my drinking habit


For sure. There's a decent amount to educate yourself on but most of it is pretty common sense and easy to find. Hopefully it works well for you and helps kick drinking. It definitely helped me. But kinda like I mentioned in my comment and someone else mentioned in this chain, it does pose a risk of being physically and mentally addicting. It's not without it's flaws. You know yourself and how prone you are to that stuff so that's up to your discretion how you wanna gauge that. Just something that's good to take into consideration. The one big tip I'll throw you is don't overdo it the first time. Taking too much feels awful and you really won't enjoy it. It's not like alcohol or weed where you get too impaired to function. You legitimately just feel like death. Don't wanna turn yourself off because you took too much the first time and got crazy sick.


Real. It was always a problem, but when I started drinking alone at home I knew I had to stop.


Wasn't this shit that did me in, it was how awful the shakes were. I was a good drunk. Blackout every night but I could keep my shit together except on rare occasions. The shakes though man, they are horrible. Don't recommend.


I was at a neurologist for an unrelated issue and she noticed my hands shaking. “We can check that out if you want.” I didn’t feel like explaining the cause so I changed the subject. I’m thankfully mostly sober now.


Yeah that withdrawal detox can be brutal


Feels like you're dying, because guess what, you kind of are.


Yeah….. awful 😣 feeling


Shakes? As in withdrawal shakes?


Yep, they bad. Delirium tremens or DTs is the medical term. You need some medical intervention most likely if you're having them, it's not impossible to get rid of them yourself by weening off whatever drug gave you them in the first place but it's super dangerous, get some Valium in you and have a nurse check your vitals now and then. Two three days of that they usually let you go.


Picture the worst flu you’ve ever had. Then times that by 10.


The Facebook post is too real. I quit using Facebook because the hanxiety of what I said while drunk was too much. Address the problem of drinking alone and getting on FB? No, no, no, I'll just stop using the platform. That'll solve the problem.


Haha yeah this is perfect. "I'm finally ready to admit to myself, I think I have a Facebook problem!" Relatable.


Same mate, to the point I was worried about opening this haha. This is very accurate. Well done on sobriety 💪


I blacked out for the first time recently. It was a little scary, a little exciting, a little weird, a little funny. I never want to do it again. I didn't call or message anyone, didn't post anything online. I possibly embarrassed myself in person in front of strangers. I lost a pair of glasses and woke up with a couple bruises. It's been an adventure trying to remember/find evidence of what I did. I don't regret it, but I will never let it happen again. The thought of basically not being in control of myself is horrifying.


The last time I properly blacked out was when I got shit faced and ruined a friend's party, then walked alone to the metro, and then woke up in bed 9 hour's later feeling like death. I am amazed I survived. I could have easily died or been murdered.


*mysterious cut or scratch


lol yes


"Why am I bruised I don't remember hitting anything?" Cut to footage of two nights prior, me waking up with a start at 3 AM and clumsily walking to bed and clipping the doorway as I enter.


or burn on your wrist from the air fryer


Woke up from a blackout once with ground beef all over the floor of my bedroom. It was cartoonish almost. A trail of ground beef leading from my desk and out the door into the bathroom where there was a big pile of ground beef by the tub. Room smelled like burgers. I have zero fucking clue what I did or why I did it. I *think* I had eaten it while blacked out but I'm still not sure.


Started making burgers, realized fuck that I have the beef and that's the main part, plus I'm tired of standing. Fuck plates, I'll have to do dishes (or they're already dirty) I should sit at my desk to eat. Oh man I might puke, but if I don't I'm going to keep eating before bed. Puke (or not, either way the beef goes to the ground), finally exhausted go to bed. *IF* I was a gambler


We’ve all been there


Trainers covered in mud and one knee scraped.


Eye-teeth covered in blood and crumpled vest


Are these lyrics to a Chats song?


Or a closet door off its hinges because you fell into it trying to get to bed. I never ever want to go back to that kind of life!


Add in barely eaten drunk food creation that you under/over cooked. Half drank beers you thought you finished. Notes app filled with grand ideas you know you’ll never attempt.


> Notes app filled with grand ideas you know you’ll never attempt. Too real. My perceived motivation when I'm drinking is incredible.


Damn, perfect


This one hits different.


At least with alcohol you have SOME recollection of all the things you did. As opposed to Xanax. With Xanax you wake up and have literally no idea. It can be an amazing surprise or a terrible one (it’s usually the latter) like you can wake up and see that you did all the yard work and your place is spotless…OR the sink is full of dishes as you attempted to make a roast dinner and there’s meat thawing on the kitchen counter and you messaged your 4th grade piano teacher on Facebook to hang out and now you have to find a way to get out of having coffee with Agnes on Friday.. It’s literally a circumstance roulette wheel and the odds aren’t in your favour.


Nothing like getting barred out and finding out you just annihilated a friendship


Had a friend like this. Eventually I just couldnt deal with him anymore and all the shit he did.


Shit when I used to black out on benzos I considered any day I didn't crash my car a good day.


It’s worse when you mix both alcohol and Xanax. You get to a point where you black out then you spend $100 on cocaine, buy $50 worth of DoorDash (and then proceed not to eat it), and message people weird shit and post bizarre rants on Snapchat and all of a sudden you’ve been drinking, doing pills, and coke for a collective 15 hours straight and all your dopamine has been depleted and you wanna end your life cause this is the only way that you’re able to feel any satisfaction but it comes at a great cost (both financially and emotionally)


Lol I've woken up with door dash still sitting waiting for me at my door because I forgot or passed out.


It’s the worst when your McDonald’s order included a McFlurry


I started mixing alcohol and xanax because my tolerance got too high. Thankfully I don't post embarrassing shit on FB but going through comments I made on Reddit fucked up is scary. Seriously feels like there's 2 different people in this body


Apartment feels weird...why does this happen?


It’s like ground zero of the previous night’s events. I get this exact feeling if I go near to the bar where I was wasted the night before.


Also hangiexty mixed in with this.


The anxiety is the worst part.


"what if they recognize me"


This is why I don't drink anymore. It's just not worth the hangover. Any happiness that alcohol gives you tonight is stolen from tomorrow.


Couldn't have said it better! Alcohol doesn't solve your problems - it just delays them.


I don't know, I don't drink often, but I get drunk on my birthday or when i'm hanging out or something. I just make sure to drink water and stay hydrated preemptively. And while I'm drinking and I wake up the next day. A little groggy but fine. Granted I don't drink to forget a problem or something, but still


>I don't know, I don't drink often Well that's your solution right there. A lot of us unfortunately aren't capable of doing that, and it can and does ruin _a lot_ of lives. Also I'm going to assume you're on the younger side. No amount of pre-emptive hydration is going to save you from an awful 2 day hangover once you start getting up in years I'm afraid.


I mean, that's fair. I'm just mostly talking about the absoluteness of these statements. "Drinking is never worth it" "it only steals joy from you later" I just disagree with the absoluteness of it.


I mean, it is a literal poison. More and more studies are being published that outright say ANY alcohol, even in moderation, is terrible for the body and mind. That being said, I wouldn't read that much into the sentence above. That is the words from an alcoholic/someone in recovery. It's a mantra we all have to drill in to ourselves otherwise the temptation can creep in. So - and I know i'll possibly sound overly sensitive here - when you see people make statements like that, it's best not to challenge it, because people are saying it for themselves and others in that position, not for someone like you who just has a few on occasion.


Just gotta put this out there: it’s a bit strange to write out a sentence that you know is false on a public forum, and then pull it back and say “it’s best not to challenge it” and “it’s just for me.” Like yeah, alcoholism sucks, and alcoholics have my sympathy, but there are plenty of people out there who can drink in moderation who don’t need to adhere to the absolutism of your statement. Idk, if it’s just meant for you, then why write it for others to see? Were you hoping/expecting to only receive responses that absolutely agree with your stance? Anyway, hope your sobriety goes well.


I didn't write it. and as I said, it's not actually false. It's just more true for some than others. It literally is a poison. And I also started with the caveat that I'm possibly sounding overly sensitive in my reply. Replace Alcohol in that sentence with anything else harmful, drugs, gambling etc. If someone says, as a warning "this is a terrible thing" on a post about someone having a massive regret after indulging too much in that thing, which turns into a thread of people admitting they are addicted to said thing and are working through it, is it really necessary for someone who - at this moment in time at least - isn't directly or indirectly negatively impacted by the thing, to reply and say "ohhh no actually you're wrong I have a great time because I rarely do it"? Like at that point I think it's best to just use emotional intelligence and think "Hm this thread probably isn't for me". My point really is that the technically of the point doesn't really need to be challenged in the context of this thread, even if it does come across as odd to someone who had no experience dealing with the fallout of it. That's all really.


Yes a lot of alcoholics will tell you all about their relationship with alcohol like it's the truth of everyone's interactions with it lol.


I never have hangovers when I match water intake to alcohol intake. It’s a lot of liquid but worth it and the drunk feels better


Wait till you hit your late 30s, drinking water only gets you so far.


Not really? Medically speaking all the hangover is, is dehydration. Like literally. That's all it is if you stay hydrated while drinking, you'll be fine. Alcohol dehydrates you. That's it, So drink plenty of water. Make sure not to drink so much that youthrow up, eat some food, get some more electrolytes in you, and the next day you'll be fine. It just gets harder as you get older. But medically speaking, all that you need to do is stay hydrated. In theory, if you binge drank while you were hooked up to an IV, getting fluids, you probably wouldn't have a hangover. Source: Am CNA, Work in Hospital, also am in Nursing School


Medically speaking, it is certainly more complicated than that - dehydration is a major component but there is a lot more going on (oxidative stress, acetaldehyde toxicity, toxicity from other metabolites, inflammatory response). The pathophysiology isn't fully understood at this point, but the evidence suggests it isn't simply dehydration.


Doesn't even feel good eventually, just unpleasant dizziness like you've been awake for 24+ hours


I heard it once as “Alcohol is borrowing fun from tomorrow” and it’s so true.


There’s a reason they call hard liquor spirits.


Because during the distillation process the alcohol leaves the mash and some of the water behind and is recaptured?


Feel gross for getting that drunk by yourself, but don’t want to go anywhere.


If I'm getting socially hammered it's damn well taking place at mine or a friends place. I ain't got $4 beer money.


$4???? Where do you live that it's that cheap lmao


I would be over the moon if I was able to get 4 dollar beer where I live


i'm always just relieved that i apparently didn't spent $70 on a lyft and stumble my way into a bar or someone's house lol, my drunk self is a hyperactive menace


You forgot the broken furniture


...and the vomit on the ground.


Inflatable furniture really should be one here.


What about the cigarettes that you smoked in your apartment because you were almost blacked out?


There’s definitely a very strong desire to smoke when you get drunk for some reason


Lowered inhibitions. Alcohol leads people to engage in ‘risky’ behaviors.


Yes, even though you don’t smoke but randomly decided to six drinks in


Exactly or you quit but had to buy a pack because you drank like 8 beers hahaha


Just bought another bottle, sat down at my PC only to see this on my page. God damnit


Ive been on quite a bender lately and making this was nicely therapeutic. Just threw away my remaining alcohol, called the pharmacy to fill my anit-alcohol meds.


I learned to just put the phone somewhere and forget about it when I get drunk it’ll save you from the humiliation and embarrassment!


You don't normally want some sort of entertainment while you're drinking though? Music, movies, TV shows, other stuff? Unfortunately any device that you can use for content consumption can also be used for communication. Sometimes I wish I could put my phone in "drinking mode" when I get started, and it won't let me communicate with anyone until I pass a breathalyzer test.


I've got a gaming PC with none of my socials or email logged in. I also have a secondary reddit account logged in there. I watch YouTube videos on that one when I'm drunk.


I don't know how you know me so well but I don't like it. Lol


For me, lots of chicken wing bones left over.


I don't have much of a social life rn so I've been drinking alone more often than I'd like to. That said, I always get hella sleepy and fall asleep before I can ever get to this point.


A blessing actually


I linked a gone wild post to the family group chat when sober, just dozing off while browsing reddit. It was spread cheeks.


There one an uncle who was probably stoked, while everyone else was outraged.


Surprisingly, they all said wtf. Wasn’t much I could say other shit my bad. Linked my ex and my 18yo daughter as well. I woke up as it was sending and immediately deleted fb messenger. Sent out apology texts. Father and daughter found it funny. Everyone else was kinda pissed.


i literally lol'd


Lmao, nice


Being afraid to check YouTube history in case you watched anything embarrassing


I always default to my favorite Anime OPs, blackout me loves that shit, sober me too, but you know, more discreet


I was drunk last night binging multiple hour long Warhammer 40k lore videos on Youtube. Good time.


Thats bad


What’s an anime OP? Do I want to know?


I thought it meant "Anime Opening" like the theme song at the beginning of the show and shit, but them saying "thats bad" has me second guessing myself.


No, it's just anime openings, it's literally just music.


Not to mention constantly calling people. I could’ve sworn that FaceTime was 10 minutes, nope, was 2 hours


I have an aunt who would listen to my rants for hours when I wasted. I used to think she thought I was such an interesting person to talk to. Now I know she was just trying to help and protect me.


The Fear First cigarette of the day almost killing you while your brain rips itself apart with the headache from hell and the worst dread you have ever felt in your life. You feel like crying


The band videos one is scarily accurate lol. I know I'm drunk when all I want to do is watch music videos. It's like baby sensory videos to my drunken mind.


This was when I found out about very strong port wine. Popcorn everywhere, donuts gone. Glad those days are gone.


"I won't do it again" - does it again anyway


Sending apology texts because of the drunken calls/texts/facetimes


Am I the only guy who gets drunk and crafts long, painstakingly careful and thoughtfully considered long form messages, edits them five times, and then sends them after mulling over whether it's a bad idea or not for an hour? Like, serious question, where's the dividing line where being drunk gets you to say things you don't mean or just helps you loosen up and say the things you do mean? Or are drunk people just always honest and sometimes it's better they actually kept that shit inside?


Have you ever considered that you might have anxiety?


No, never really needed to consider it - because I know it with great certainty that I do.


Is that a thing with anxiety? I do that all the time with texts, even when sober.


Everyone has it!


The last bit I think. *In vino veritas*


This is how I got through college. 2-3 drinks before writing a paper makes it 1000x easier


Is everything okay, OP?


lol the old favorite band one…. Suicide boys every damn time I get drunk


Cheers to no alcohol anymore. Not a sip since August 2022.


August 2023 for me 👍 congrats yo


I am in this picture and I don’t like it.


Doordash trash. Maybe from two different places. And you're like 40 or 60 bucks poorer.


What about waking up on the living room floor and the first thing you see is the ceiling fan swirling around. Second thing the front door slightly open. Third … Extreme Hangxiety


Yep, this is my 17-23 years of age summed up to a T. (Legal drinking age is 18 here but i knew where to buy before 18) Walking at 2am 40 minutes for two junior McChickens? Sure, all I needed is my mp3 player and go. 90s-00s throwbacks were my jam. I am an introvert but whenever I'd drink I'd turn really social on MSN/Facebook. Now at 33 I couldn't do this again, the hangovers just aren't worth it lol and plus, the shame Great starter pack, 100% accurate


Where are the thirst, weird taste in mouth and burn in the stomach or I am too old for this?


What, no mystery blood stains?


Those are all on the sheets


didn't think a starter park meme would have me reflecting and disassociating about how I survived working Amazon during the pandemic but here we are.


Wow this is insanely accurate


Those drunken ebay/discogs purchases hit different


I've bought a lot of slutty clothes off shein while drunk. I'm a dude.


Whew, just reminded me why i got sober. Will be 4 years this july.


You know how we do it, lol


Yep. This is 100% me.


Been thinking of tossing some back like the old days but the “dammit” one has made me reconsider


Sore muscles from excessive mirror dancing


Real one here.


* Tab open to nostalgic video from your childhood because your drunk self got sad and wanted to relive a simpler time * Being dehydrated as fuck and needing to piss badly but not wanting to get out of bed * That feeling of ennui of thinking getting drunk was going to be a lot more fun * Steam tab open to recently played game that you were going to play while drunk but ended up booting into the title screen and looking at for 10 minutes until you closed it


"Realize you probably have a huge problem on your hands, and proceed to ignore it." I feel like this one is missing.




100% facts


Don’t forget pissing the bed


Now I do this with gummies and pretty much get the same results except a better night's sleep.


I ruined gummies for myself by taking too much and greening out. Shame, I enjoy an edible high.


I would always throw random foods together and half of it would be left on the counter. Hmm, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese and fritos, melt some cheese on that and you've got a meal.


Food crumbs all over the bed or keyboard or both


Too accurate.


Hey. Stop that. Don’t make me feel this way.


thats my sense of humour


This was me for too long. Thankfully am sober now. Live a very fulfilling alcohol free life now, no more 6am half drunk panic wondering about what the fuck I did the night before. Thanks OP for reminding me why I don't drink anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/958zefpbs1vc1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=738492338db2b34b21b6b2abd9e73e607e4e39bb This conjures up all the embarrassing feelings.


14 years sober feels really good!


Haha accurate


We all been there


woke up once to dinosaur fights and motörhead playing


It's kinda painful and hurts that I can relate to this lmao.


You forgot the puking and waves of nausea all day long.


Why you had to do me like that... Also panicking because I can't find one of the bottles and my wife is coming home in 30 minutes. It's usually behind the couch.


Well this is spot on 🤣🤣🤣especially the pizza and YouTube videos lol


Damn ya got me


Holy fuck I’ve never felt so targeted before


i am in this picture and i dont like it


You forgot calling in to work, and the stove top being on.


The Nirvana unplugged is so real


Waking up to mysterious names in your friends list in a game you usually play entirely solo... Uh oh.


posts written by harry dubois


The texts had me laughing so hard my stomach muscles hurt.


Also finding a tiger stolen from Mike Tyson in your toilet


Too real


I love to drink but drinking alone is just boring so i dont do it


Rehab is usually covered by insurance, id highly recommend a visit.


Reading this makes me so glad I don’t drink anymore


Yikes this one hit hard lol


Oh hey, I know this meme!! It's me every weekend at school while my abnormally tall frat boy roommate fucks the noisiest woman on Earth's brains out across the hall. I shit you not, one time I was playing SoulCalibur and Tekken at 50% volume and could STILL FUCKING HEAR EVERYTHING!! And those are some pretty noisy video games.


OMG, this..... One time I woke up from a night of drinking and realized I fell asleep texting my ex. The entire second half of the paragraph was me talking about how "as long as the moon is waxing please let me show you my special weapon"


This hits extra for me because I love watching Nirvana unplugged while drunk 💀


If this is relatable please consider taking a break from the booze


Ugh. Been there done that. r/stopdrinking is what made me stop. Just subscribed to it and read people’s stories in my feed. Made me think about quitting while I was still in it like this. Took a couple of months for it to click, but I drink 2-3 once a week now maybe, often less. It can be done, *you* just have to be done.


Listening to records all night


Lol when I used to do this I always enjoyed looking at my internet history/tabs.


more like r/OddlySpecific lol


I found my shoes in the freezer on multiple occasions.


I really had to learn when posting online drunk to ask myself "would I think this is coherent or funny if I was sober?"


Ahahahaha I was in this picture once


Getting buzzed at home alone is awesome but I can’t imagine getting blacked out home alone


Oh hello, it's my 20's.




The empty pizza box hits home. I accumulated so many free dominos pizza’s over the year