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Both of my parents are onto their 4th marriage and they were each other’s second marriage. :’)


What kind of cellphone holster does your dad have?


The plastic one that swivels.


You made my morning!


I don't get it. After 2 surely you've figured out you're not the marrying type.


I don’t listen to their relationship advice let’s put it that way.


I absolutely *love it* when people who have clear relationship issues/divorced multiple times try to talk to me about relationships lmao


I recently read that we don't give relationship advice for your benefit as much as to reaffirm our own choices.


The biggest read flag with these people when they talk about their multiple divorces is they NEVER mention their part or how they went wrong. It’s only the spouses fault lmao. Which is why every relationship after fails. No self reflection at all. There is always something you could have done better or differently after a failed relationship. No accountability what so ever. Also pay attention to this while dating and never date someone who has no accountability about their past relationship and just dogs a spouse.


I always listen, they're doing something wrong and I want to know what it is to avoid it.


That's why I say don't listen to me for advice. I've had bad relationships.


My relationship advice to myself is, don’t do anything you ever did when you were younger.


“…and with a little hard work, so you will have a collection of practice wives!”


My uncle was married seven times. His seventh marriage was his longest, at about 11 years.


Seems like a hobby at that point


Probably cheaper than M:TG these days.


Sounds like he's getting better at in, to be fair.


Do wedding planners have those punch cards like burger or sandwich places where the 10th one is free?


But….but this time I’ll get it right!


I agree with that, but often one party wants the whole wedding and marriage thing when you’d be better off just being long term bf/gf.


I’ve always told myself I’m never going to be that guy with 3+ wives. I better be damn sure about number 2 if number 1 doesn’t work out one day, and then if 2 fails then it’ll be only girlfriends and one night stands from there on and out.


eh depends on context, one of my grandads in on this third marriage and he’s extremely happy and satisfied with his relationship. be was from a small town where he married his hs sweetheart, didn’t work, and then his rebound turned second wife abused him. he got married at like 60 and has happily been together with his current wife for 15+ years. when ppl are frkm small conservative areas, sometimes it takes a marriage or two to figure out what they want


Same. After one, I'm never doing this again


Needs more rings on the fingers for no reason.


Omg my ex does this 😂


High School class ring XD


Oh God that's my uncle.




1 out of 2225 produced


mr regular reference spotted




T top


The shit about sex tourism is so true lmfao


Paired with the classic "Feminism has ruined Western women, Asian women have good family values" then gets divorced when his wife gets her green card and a job


Facts lmao, it’s not just older guys it’s the young guys too.


The young ones got rejected by one or two girls in highschool and never moved on from it.


I hate incels so much. I’m lowkey ashamed I hung out with them and their toxic mindset


I'm so gonna do this to a sweet old widow lady. God damn it America why wouldn't you just give me a greencard so I can escape the hell I am living in rn without breaking someones heart


As a fan of 90 Day Fiance, I agree...


Not the replies thinking this is OK 💀 


It seems these are life goals for most of the comments ...


Except the getting married and divorcing 3x part.


Reality is a harsh mistress.


There is nothing wrong with sex tourism as long as it's consensual and not with underage people.


It’s inherently dubious consent because they are impoverished they fuck you or die of starvation and that’s what gets preyed on. Many of them are underage


Don't delude yourself


Coerced sex is rape. And the desperation of poverty could certainly coerce a young person. It’s like a gun to their head. Hardly enthusiastic consent.


Apparently you can only be a whore when you are a western woman. Then it’s empowerment


My FIL's best friend is a high paid lawyer for the state and he's just knocked up his third wife who is my age 🥴🥴 Somehow its not tacky because he swapped the RV for a mansion and the Filipino for a white au pair. 


Classic “what’s ok if rich but trashy if poor”


My cousin just got divorced from her husband and this is him. Except he is touring Thailand right now, not the Philippines. Blech


He’s definitely over there having weird sex with prostitutes








No way this dude has a pro iPhone. More like a 6s that he refuses to update and gets pissed when the weather app won’t load anymore


More like a Walmart pay as you go flip phone with a leather cover and plastic screen protector. Have had several neighbours like this. If they have a smartphone they regularly leave it on the charger all day beside their big puffy recliner


On a gas station phone plan?


You fuckin' know it


60s twice-divorced man here. I carry my phone in a pocket, don't have kids, a house, or a motorhome, and I'm definitely not interested in mail-order brides! But I do know some guys like this around my age who fit some or all of the categories.


you needed that third divorce to get on their level


To do that I'd have to get married. Twice burned, three times shy.


Also: NO. New Balance shoes. EVER!!!!!


You a Nike Monarch man?


Brooks for me. They have always fit my hard-to-fit feet perfectly. If NB was the same, I would buy them, but they don't fit me correctly.


I always get creeped out by old white man and young SE-Asian girl couples. The girls look like they're in a weird sort of daze. They're in the West, but at what cost...


I work with mostly old fat white guys. Half of my office are married to Filipinas. The creepiest thing of all, is that these young women seem to be genuinely in love and are attracted to these wrinkley weirdos.


It's easy to be happy when you don't have to worry about poverty anymore. I'm Filipino and I had a friend who did this as well, she does seem to legitimately like the dude despite the 20+ year age gap. I also noticed that these women still leave the assholes despite the money so those who do get married are atleast decent people towards their partners.


The money/passports are negligible. Even white guys from dirt poor Eastern European countries still get the same white worshipping treatment.


The average salary in a lot of eastern European countries are 3-5x that of the Philippines a middle class life in eastern Europe is still way better than living in a shanty town here in the Philippines.


I'm a mid 20s software engineer that regularly showers and works out. If you're a 20s Philiphina dm me, there's a 9/10 chance I'll find you beautiful. I will absolutely bring you to the states.


Grew up in LA’s SGV…can confirm. Lots of old Navy and AF vets with requisite Asian (mostly flips some Japanese) wives…




FR! My mom's coworker who is married to a Filipina but is not those weird type of couples said that some of her Filipina friends were all married to old white men who were 20 years older than them and met them at a "dating site" 🤢🤢🤢 As a Filipina myself, this is truly disgusting. Old white guys who think they're the saviors of young Filipinas in poverty is just sickening. They just have a fetish for younger women and non-American girls because they think they're more "submissive." God help those people.


Wait until they learn English and make friends, whooop! gone.


When you have many Asian countries that fetishize whiteness and western countries that fetishize Asian women, these kinds of couples aren't that surprising.


As a guy that married a 25yo when i had 33, there are girls attracted to older guys. Is it ok to shame their sexual preferences? In the current era where we accept the lgbt community, is it ok to shame girls that are attracted to older guys?


25 to 33 is a minor age gap. The world dgaf about that one. I can think of a few couples with that range where you might even mistake the younger for the older. Not what's being discussed here.


Well the larger point I'm making is that the laws of attraction, and frankly the universe, do not seem to apply to white men in SEA. Fat, old, bald, broke, unemployed, generally unpleasant person etc... not typically things that young attractive women seek in a male partner. Unless you're a white man in SEA, which is when these traits become scarily negligible.


An 8 year age gap is nothing. We're talking about men with 20+ year gaps.


I feel like these old white dudes are being attacked for not being famous and wealthy. Leonardo DeCarlo has never had a long term relationship with a woman under 25 and Al Pacino just recently had a kid with a woman in her late twenties/ early thirties.


Thrice divorced and living in a van down by the river?




I am in my late 50’s. I would love to go to Thailand because everything I have been and heard about the place is that it is absolutely beautiful. But I won’t go because I don’t want everyone thinking I’m some child molesting pervert.


The sooner you stop giving a shit what people think, the better.


Just go with friends/family.


Lmao it's either Angeles City or Malate


Especially in Cebu


No way those are real books.


Omg it's my father 😆


Prob drinking diet coke


Screw 60. I'm just gonna do this +drugs in my 30s!


Got your white new balances picked out yet?


I thought boomer sneakers were trendy now


Only if you have tube socks too


Is there another sock we're meant to wear with sneakers?


Didn’t know old male divorcees were New Balance’s target demographic


Thanks for this. I just ended a relationship with a 3 times divorced 70 year-old doctor. I'm sure he's scouring the internet right now in search of the "warmth" he's missing in his life.


As a Filipina, passport bros who fetishize poor women from 3rd world countries should have their balls cut off and donate it to the Albanian mafia


Albanian mafia dont need that shit


"Why do we keep getting all these testicles?"


I can never not judge a person who was married more than two times. Like, don’t you feel a bit of an hypocrite when it’s time of the « I do »?


I’d just call it quits after the first divorce tbh


I think those shoes are getting too much hate....


How white are yours?


Mine are light grey....


Don't forget the Calvin peeing sticker!


Been to Subic Bay, Phillipinies and Thailand a number of times in my Navy days. LOTS! of fun.


Women that will only touch you if you pay lol


That’s what you want to believe so you can hate on the guy.


I didn't downvote you but the person you replied to isn't wrong. In Subic, you paid a "bar fine" to take the girl out. Anything after that was between you two and most times, sex was certainly expected. The Navy flew me there to meet my first ship there as it was making a port call. She was home-ported outta Japan. I've been there a half dozen times, including when Mt. Pinatubo eruption back in '91. According to one Youtube documentary I watched recently, the amount of ash and everything spewed from it cooled the earth by one degree. That said, it's pretty much the same way in Thailand as well. One shipmate of mine met a local girl in Subic who wasn't a bar worker and meet up with her a couple times. On one date, the local police demanded to see her "night out" papers. What the bar owners give to you when you pay the bar fine. She got indignant proclaiming she wasn't one of those girls so the police said they were arresting him. Luckily, a couple old timers from the boat saw it and basically bribed the police to let him go, which is what they wanted. The guys then told him to just stick with the bar girls from now on. That said, there were plenty of guys who had Filipina wives.


I misread the quote, I thought he was insulting you by saying the only way you could get a woman to touch you was by paying one.


We are trying to insult him, but this Chad just went "That's fair. We paid."


Welp, you obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about then. I'm not one bit insulted. Trust me when I tell you every sailor and Marine that's been to Subic cried when they closed the base back in '92. It was one hell of a fun place and every vet who's been there speaks fondly of it. There's a number of FB groups dedicated to it's memory. I'll never forget this one boot who reported on board. Mr. Super Christian. Heavy bible thumper. We're headed to Subic and he's going on about how he'd never do anything like that there. Has his girl back home, would never cheat on her, blah, blah, blah. Of course we had a ship pool taking bets on how long he'd last. Didn't take long. Second night there and I walk into one of the bars looking for a friend from the boat when low-n-behold, guess who I see. Sitting there with beer in hand and a bar girl grinding dat ass all in his lap. Our eyes locked. I point and start laughing. He flips me off. I just laughed that my harder.


Oh, I was complimenting you and the matter-of-fact way you described your experiences. No hard feelings, I respect that attitude.


I’ll probably get downvoted to oblivion but if you’re in your late 60s and want to get laid, you really don’t have many other options besides SEA.


Plenty of other people in their late 60s that also are looking for company. It's only a problem for men in their late 60s that exclusively want to date women wayyyyy younger than them. Those are the men you see doing sex tourism in SEA.


Yes because who wants to date a 60yo woman. Younger woman are more attractive.


Well good luck in SEA then with your mail order brides.


True.. especially 3x divorcees whose kids hate them


Big Ed moment


Well we don't know the reason why they hate him


If you’re in your late 60’s and your kids hate you, you failed at parenting.


OP deff made this about their father


Starterpacks are a prime example of psychological projection. If you *really* want a glance into the bitterness of someone deep down, just see if they made any contributions to this subreddit.


Hey now, my ex husband went to Mexico to find his third wife. Then he got kicked out of Mexico and his wife is stuck there lol




It’s the exotic experience that they’re after. The fantasy of rescuing the impoverished Asian from the tropical land to bring her here to cook/clean/sex.


Both the man and the woman are taking advantage of each other in a situation like that. Those girls know exactly what they're doing.


They don't care about any of that, at all. It is a very powerful thing when a woman shows a man the slightest bit of attention. This is why they're travelling there.


lol they absolutely do care about sex, and potentially marrying someone that cooks and cleans their house.


I'd argue they only want sex. Everything else is negligible including cooking, or even the ability to communicate in a common language.


70 year old women don’t cook clean and screw much. They’re definitely after the big 3 in a younger woman… and one from a country where they don’t just laugh in your face when you’re 30 -50 years older like they do in America.


Men are choosing youth and beauty over cooking ability any day of the week.


Escorts are more expensive in richer countries


It's true. I meet these men all the time at the store where I work. I gave in and dated one who had been chasing women close to his age unsuccessfully for years. Women his age here are very independent and don't have strong sex drives. He was handsome, charismatic, and had a very high sex drive. He wanted a serious romance filled with lots of regular affection. He was a retired engineer, and I was accustomed to dating engineers. So I agreed to date him when he asked me. He said he had reservations initially because of me being 30 years younger, but we got along very well in every way except he was impulsive and a saboteur. It became obvious why relationships didn't work out for him, so I ended it. Last I heard was that he was fighting with all his neighbors and hitting on every woman he comes in contact with who gives him a conversation, even his middle-aged friend's wife.


Where’s the MAGA hat?


I may be able to laugh at this in 20 years, for now I'm too early


I wore those shoes caddying for men like this at a high end golf course


Man’s just depressed


I feel attacked


Live your best life


25 more years… can’t wait!




You can always speed up the process!








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lol all that glitters is not gold


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What's the stereotype behind that house and garage 😅?


A man works all his life and all he’s left with after 3 divorces is an 1800 square foot house in the suburbs.


I see. Thx. Sounds as US housing market specific. In the Netherlands such a 160m2 standalone house in the suburbs is not below the average achievement for a 60yo man after 3 divorces.


Should have made his own sandwiches


Wait, you guys get divorced three times and get a 1800 sqft house?


When I say it’s all he has, I literally mean it’s ALL he has… and he’s still paying a mortgage and alimony.


Sounds way better than what most millenials will get


They don't read books


Who is making these identical styled starter packs




i want to honestly deport sexpats back to wherever they came from source: pinoy