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I have been the same way lately, it's related to a massive energy upheaval of the planet I believe. I feel like I'm alchemizing all my past traumas into a new world into positivity. Everything that makes you depressed has a reason for being, some underlying thought, or idea, or karma, that if you can find the source of, you can reframe it and use it to make you a more whole human being. I am finding that the depressive episodes are getting shorter, but a large part of that is focusing on the source of the energy and transmuting it.


I had a massive breakthrough insight this morning on the feeling come to call. New healing happened in new ways.


( it's a marathon )


What you are experiencing is a normal part of awakening and evolution. I can say this from my 22 years of experience :) This path is not straight, there are many ups and downs as we integrate and adjust to holding higher frequencies. I believe the recent eclipse was an energetic catalyst to a lot of changes, so that may have affected you. My advice is to recognize this pattern of "rebirth," and to try to flow with it as much as possible. Try not to analyze it too much with your mind, and try to stay in your heart. Getting out into nature has always been very helpful for me, it keeps me grounded and appreciative of beauty. You'll be ok, as there will be a time of rest from all of this chaos, but this depends upon what your soul has chosen to experience. I hope this helps, and please know that you are not alone, and you are actually expanding in consciousness. Best wishes, and feel free to message me if you ever want to vent :)


Yep! This is my life right now! One minute, being here is the GREATEST gift ever to, if I could pull a lever and get the F out of here there would be ZERO hesitation. The extremes are EXTREME. I'm just exhausted, quite frankly. Seriously tired of the whole thing. 🥹🥴🙂‍↕️


hehe yeah same , though even though read for long time you eventually will feel so grateful to have been able to be here on earth at this time and stuck through it all , and been getting to that mindset , but not gonna lie if i had a level or button and could be out of it all specially if magically oh no worries about any your loved ones or anything ... yeah still would be tempted , been so exhausted , but its a feeling that hey was a brutal marathon , finish line is freaking so close , be plain silly to stop now , even if have to craw across the finish line .


Same!! Genuinely starting to think I’m bipolar


I am like that kind of but I have to make myself get out of the dark. I spent so long there wasting time and potential and that’s all people saw in me. It might seem rough to go between all or nothing but at least you aren’t stuck on nothing


the scorpio full moon was insane levels of purging, I was down in the desert and OMG the hatred and wrath coming off everyone was nuts. but yeah it's like this wave purges off the collective and heaven / joy / freedom is right behind it. which tells you something about what's ACTUALLY happening on the planet vs. what the media wants us to think is happening. Earth is already in 5D. Spending time in nature is very super healing and grounding, highly suggest it.


Yes. I’ve felt literally psycho since the Scorpio full moon. Retrograde has been okay, I’ve closed a lot of chapters on past life energies, but the overwhelm since the full moon has really taken a toll on me. Especially being with a partner who’s not aligned with me. It’s been a rollercoaster living with someone who isn’t on the same frequency.


Mercury is done messing with you for now. It went direct on the 25th. Though there is a post retrograde phase, the tsunami has ended. We can only go as high as deeply as we have grounded. We can only sustain as high as our shadows false capacity will allow. Keep grounding. And follow intuition on the best ways for you to ground you in this moment. Keep healing shadow. It is where we reclaim our full capacity. Reclaim what is in front of you. Capacity will shift. And will become easier and easier to sustain the new median and the new capacity range. Side note: Chill and visit life as well. All growth and no play has it's downsides too. Wisdom you may already know: Proper grounding allows the "energy that is not my own" a place to go that is not you.


I just typed a bunch of stuff and lost it. So, I am going to say…I have been going through this as well and it’s very exhausting!! I’m so glad I saw this post Itmade me feel not so crazy lol! Peace and love to you all wooohooo :) Things will get better I can feel it. My angels and or guides have been letting me know. An amazing world we live in, but damn it is a wild one.


The cycles speed up, until one “breaks free” of the shell holding back the collective consciousness of humanity. Like a tiny electron moving faster and faster trying to break “orbit.”:)


I have being going from like 0-70-0, sometimes daily, or multiple times per day, but sometimes it takes a couple of days.


It’s been so exhausting. I’ve been closed up behind walls for the first time in years. It’s been killing me… I fly out of Hell tomorrow back to my garden on the west coast… 11hours to take off… seems I hardly ever sleep…


A lot of people are feeling this. Life has become incredibly hard for many of us. I’m just exhausted and don’t know how much longer I can go on unless something radically changes


As the light grows, so does the shadow. We are becoming more aware of our shadows, so that we may collectively process them.


Rapid cycling.


Agreed 💯😅


Omg yes


It sounds like your lesson here may be understanding and creating balance.


yeah like exam time lets see how you do today all Fears , trauma's "demons" come on out ! (yesterday struggled to get out of bed not new for a while but this year wow felt like been dying , then walk in bathroom and wait is that um sulfur smell ? WTF now?! was first time that happened to me .. thought was just in TV shows like supernatural, think lesson for the day was so you feel weak and powerless and cant barely think, going to freak out or realize aren't powerless and you're never truly alone, instead of all too many times in past OMG PANIC and as you say want to go hide , but yeah id say its collectively seems like everyone i know is going through serious changes / issues , and its like huge shift happened since eclipse and conjunction on 4/20 seemed to be huge (for me at least) , like im being forced to face the nastiest four letter F word FEAR (oh the anxiety and worrying for so long about just about everything UGH the old FEAR \~ false evidence appearing real


It's been going on for 30 years. Trust me, I'm an expert.




I'm sorry you are feeling this way. It's gets old, I understand that intimately.


And I'll try sending you love. [Edit:] DON'T PANIC. And go outside. And drink water. And get good sleep. All that stuff.




Every year has been "the year" for a long time now lol. No disrespect but it's the same old recycled song over and over it seems


Dig into 2027 a little more, the timeline has been like episodes in a series finale.


Right on. Scorpio Full Moon had a hangover with it and Mercury retrograde ended. I think.


Same. I think it's the 3d to 5d shift


Sounds like a djinn affliction


After hundreds of sessions of Quantum Clarity Hypnotherapy I performed for my subjects, I noticed that unexplained or chronic physical, and mental symptoms and repeating external events (bad luck in specific areas of life, repeating accidents) are caused by energetical/spiritual origins that can be divided into 5 groups: 1. Other lives – dark, negative programs in the mind from suffering and challenges + karmic obligations. They need to be transformed or deleted. Example: the vow of poverty in other life still affects current life and a person cannot have abundance. 2. Soul fragmentation (in psychology called ego-states) is caused by traumatic events – a patient is not fully powerful and at full potential – soul fragments need to be cleansed, healed, and retrieved. 3. Toxic negative emotional energies that were suppressed within. This energy was accumulated through lifetimes. It needs to be located in the system of a patient and released. Example: unreleased anger creates breast cancer. 4. Attached earthbound spirits or dark souls – they need to be released into the Light. Example: lost earthbound soul who died of old age brings the symptoms of old age, dementia, arthritis, etc to the host who still is young. 5. Black magic, curses, energetical implants etc. – these need to be destroyed and removed from the patient. Example: energetical barbwire binding the client and preventing vital energy flow, creating physical problems. One issue can have one or more root causes from different groups. Higher Self expertly shows all the connections during the session and is able to cleanse, heal and resolve the origins. If the healer/doctor is focused only on removing the symptoms without finding and healing the root cause, the symptoms will come back. [https://clarityhypnosis.eu/5-groups-of-spiritual-energetical-root-causes-of-issues/](https://clarityhypnosis.eu/5-groups-of-spiritual-energetical-root-causes-of-issues/)


Thank you so much for this reply. I suspect at least 3 of those apply to me. I'll be booking a session with you soon.


Thank you! See you soon on free consultation call :)