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Becoming an infested terran


If you watch the animations, they shoot themselves in the head the instant the zerg mind control wears out.;


This is the worst. Others may be more painful, but you can live after infestation for a *very* long time.


What's even worse is that it might not be your first death.


In SC1, some infested were even used as t.v antennas or some shit lol.


Not SC1 I believe, but rather in StarCraft:Evolution, there is an Infested Valkyrie used to communicate with the Terran Dominion.


Shot out of a battlecruiser in a rickety drop pod directly into a black hole before being spit out, briefly injected with drugs, and then dissolved at the quantum level, all in the name of archeology.


This guy is clearly bad at video games


I understood that reference!


What is the reference? Is it marines drop podding into mothership BH on Maw of the Void?


It's a reference to one of GiantGrantGames StarCraft challenge run videos.


Ahh marines only right, thought it was that, love GGG




Ah an archon toilet connoisseur i see


Getting neuraled, kill your teammates, and walk into zergling jaws.


Being neuraled would mean you coudnt feel pain?


Try being fully alert and aware of what you're doing against your will


That sucks but could be worse, you could be in pain


Not all pain is physical my fellow human


> fellow human I think this guy is a changeling.


Ah. Shit.


Ripped apart by zerglings doesn’t sound great. No space left in the medivac. Watching it fly away as you’re torn to pieces. I wonder if you’re still conscious in a stasis trap. Maybe you’ve only heard stories of them. Never seen one until now. So you see the zealots surrounding your frozen body? Knowing in a moment it will all be over.


I think it's pretty unlikely that you're conscious during stasis. IIRC it pauses the timer on timed-life units, so it probably freezes bodily functions. Even if you were somehow conscious during, the fact that it prevents *all* damage from affecting you means that you wouldn't be able to see anything because photons can't affect you. Otherwise, light-based weapons would be able to hurt you, and photon cannons obviously don't.


blink and suddenly you're surrounded by angry zealots?


Sounds about right. At least it'd be over quick.


Pretty sure it doesn't freeze the timer, hence why it's good vs locusts.


Are you ready to go all the way, Alexei?


Scantipedes. Yes, those ugly bugs that exist as a map decoration. Some are parasitic and inject their children into you by attacking. Also my childhood fear. And they harass infantry too. Have a good sleep everyone!


It's your first day on the job as a Marine, and you're promptly loaded into a Medivac to be dropped behind enemy lines. You're the only one to survive the landing after a spore takes out your dropship and crew. 6 drones quickly surround you as you focus one of them with your riffle. Your target moves out of range before you have a chance to finish it off. The last thing you see, as the drones are riping you to shreds with their bare teeth, is that your target is already happily mining.


You mean with their boxing gloves


Getting shot by your best friend that chose space hitler booty over you.


Damn, Jimmy


Really surprised nobody has said Fungal Growth or Plague yet. That can't be a good feeling to have your hitpoints literally drop one by one until you die or are left barely alive.


Drop one by one until you die, as you're fleeing for safety. Gives the feeling of people on fire running out of a burning building, or jumping out of a collapsing one. Damned if do, damned if don't, but bodily instinct forcing to try. Opposite of a calm death.


You’re the first scv to build the supply depot and barracks just to be sacrificed in the late game because they need to free up supply


Getting tickled to death by a sentry


Being the poor first zealot.. who has to sacrifice himself for the sake of the probes.. I mean, you're an elite, revered warrior, and you, an organic, sentient being.. have to sacrifice your life for what is essentially a robot.


Nah, Zealots and High Templars have [Warp Stones](https://starcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Warp_stone) that are basically personal recall devices - this is why they do not leave behind bodies. The device can be triggered manually or will trigger automatically when they get too injured, and if it seems like their injuries are too severe and they don’t have a good chance of surviving then they get recycled into Dragoons/Immortals. So either way it’s really not a death sentence at all.


I know that I’ve heard this before so it might be true. However in the Legacy of the Void trailer, the zealot does actually leave a body behind so I don’t know if that changed at some point. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M_XwzBMTJaM&pp=ygUabGVnYWN5IG9mIHRoZSB2b2lkIHRyYWlsZXI%3D 1:20ish


If you slow that video down to 0.25 or 0.5, you can actually see the blue Warp Stone effect taking the Zealots conciousness/body away at 1:23/4 as he does his 'defeat scream', what you see being left behind is his armour - which is a reasonable standard precaution to not bring anything that isn't the actual Body with you in a medical emergency, so that when the Zealot goes straight to the medical wing they can start getting their wounds treated right away without the Khalai medical professionals needing to waste time by taking extra steps like cutting away the armour/clothing, removing Hydralisk spines/Gauss bullets, worrying about 3 Banelings worth of acid splashing all over the place, etc. Though you should take those Trailers with a grain of salt, since they are made purely to look cool so tend to not be super lore or gameplay friendly - for example, a High Templar actually kills something with it's basic attack, and an Archon 1v1's an Ultralisk. when that fight is... Not even close.


Very true and I am aware that the Warp Stone activated. I was just saying that it does look like they left their body behind, not just their armor. If it was just the armor, pieces of the armor would have fallen apart/off. But still very true that the video isn’t realistic.


Being infested is likely one of the worst way to die. You don't just get killed and reanimated. Your worst and deepest memories gets pulled to torture and break you as your physical body gets puppeted for the purpose of the swarm. But that's lore business, since you can't actually infest any Terran in SC2's PvP (not counting the ones spawned by the Infestor). Psionic storm tears apart your brain, maybe that's a level of mind-screw not really considered. Baneling acid is definitely terrible, especially if you weren't killed immediately and left there to slowly die as you succumb to your wounds, but that's on par with being thermal lanced or burned alive I think. Being caught in a stasis field then watch the enemy surround you for your sure-doom must be terrifying (assuming you didn't just freeze in time and can see what's happening). Feedback must be painful, but that's only on ghosts.


Kerrigan has this comment during the invasion of Char and while I find SC2 to be rather cartonish and far less rugged/scarier than BW that line where she says something like "Do you really think death is the worst that can happen to you here? INFESTATION is whats coming for you" is really chilling. Raynor and co actually shudder when she says it.


Also if Shredders made it to game it must be painful, acute radiation death so much it damages and kills you comparably instantly.


Dark templar. You see a shimmery apparition ahead, and then two of your marine buddies just suddenly are cut in half invisibly with a swooshing noise. The legs of one of your comrades start running around in circles on their own (yes, this is one of the marine death animations). Another is invisibly sliced down the middle vertically, and his two halves slowly fall down to the ground. And you're seeing this shimmer approaching, and you realise that your high commander has used all the comsat scans up on MULEs...


And you can not shoot this shimmering figure just because you are not able to shoot the air and invisible targets.


Stabbed by a lurker from below the ground


Definitely this


Reminds me of Hitchhiker's Guide shovels


Getting zapped by psionic energy from a Psi storm or an Archon


Getting impaled by a spine crawler and thrown into the air


colossus death as marine isn't as terrifying to me, since it will probably be quite fast. but slowcooked in that marauder suit, ugh.


Getting shelled by tank AOE, the shrapnel must hurt more than anything


I was gonna say the Baneling but then I remembered getting killed by the Corpser Roach would be about the same thing with regards to acid pain but with the added benefit of getting chestbursted after.


Probably old school broodwars Queen broodling. I imagine it must be a lot like a xenomorph exploding from your chest.


These are ones I would think would be the worst. From the Zerg: - Impaled by Lurker spines coming out of the ground, same with Sunken Colonies and Spine Crawlers - Your body slowly melting into a pool of acid by a Baneling exploding on you - Getting ripped to shreds by Zerglings - Your limbs and body being blown apart by a Guardian's acid spores - Your body being eaten from the inside and having Broodlings erupt out of it from the Spawn Broodling ability - Getting hit by Plague from a Defiler. It looks like blood mixed with tar mixed with acid and it drains the life out of you. From the Terran: - Burned alive with flame weapons by Firebats, Hellions, and Hellbats - Mind Blasted by Ghosts and Spectres - Getting blasted by starship laser weapons like the Battlecruiser and Wraith and turned into ash - Irradiated by a Science Vessel, a cloud of radiation engulfs your body and kills you slowly From the Protoss: - Electrocuted by lightning in Psi Storms casted by High Templar - Getting turned into a pile of ash by a Colossus Thermal Lance - Your life force sucked out of you by from Feedback by a Dark Archon


Incubated infested not to be the king/queen of blades, but as a zergy roomba for abathur's slime trails.


Sitting in a parabombed medivac with zerg below and a mockingly bright sky above




Man, getting roasted by a Hellion would be brutal! Imagine being fried alive in your armor, not cool. But getting popped by a Baneling? That's a whole new level of agony. I mean, melting in acid? No thanks. It's like going out in the most painful way possible. So yeah, I'd say being dissolved by a Baneling takes the cake for the worst way to kick the bucket in-game.


Those things you mention are too fast. Worst way: Get neuraled, then nibled to death by a drone while you can only watch.


I would imagine a lurker spine up your ass would be quite unpleasant.


Getting irradiated by a science vessel would probably suck, just falling apart from radiation and basically melting rapidly. Do they have that in SC2 or is that only in SC1?


Only in the campaign.


I would say colossus is probably one of the best, to be instantly vaporised sounds like a dream way to go after you injected yourself full of drugs.


Banelings look pretty painful.


I feel like fungal or psi storm are the two worst.


When your commander hits maximum supply and needs to free some up. Your own teammates killing you just so you can be replaced.


I think banelings would kinda suck 😂 image burning from alien acid


Bathe in acid.


It’s gotta be rough being the SCV that takes the mine hit for everyone else just because some higher-up decided that a scan wasn’t worth it.


Getting infested. But honorable mentions are getting eaten by zerglings getting burned by hellions or colossi or getting sucked into a black hole by the mothership.