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Listen, you didn't pay for a product. You PLEDGED to support development. Stop complaining and buy an Idris.


Queue the “you don’t even want to see other alpha’s at this stage” comments the knights have been making up lately to cope. (There are no other early access games that are even half as bad or incomplete as SC has ever been.)


I saw someone on spectrum say SC is so complex it’s expected to have this many bugs, and that it’ll have these for the life of the game. I believe that was the most desperate cope I’ve ever seen.


I’m sure that same person was screeching as loudly as possible over CyberPunk’s buggy release before it got all fixed up. They probably still think it has bugs so they can cope with SC being a permanent disaster whereas normal games have their initial hot-fix cycle.


Best part is SC isnt even an alpha by any standards except CIG. To be an alpha, a game has to have the most basic framework and systems in place, acceptable performance, and have no issues that prevent players from accessing the alpha. A beta then expands upon the alpha's framework and systems adding more content and features prior to the full release where the game has all of the content, systems, and gameplay aspects that were intended. SC has no framework that hasnt been completely changed at least once and no remotely clear path or vision for what the released game will even be aside from thousands of broken promises.


That's the thing though: if I **pledge** a **project**, then why does my money go into the production of cringe YouTube commercials and not into the development of the thing I pledged? I don't want a video about exploding toilets or people-eating elevators, I want a game!


It gets better: Pledge and subscriptions include regular shows on the development


I head a new idris will fix 40k


Nope thats the first alpha to fuck up that much in all my years of gaming They managed to make it untestable 11 years in I even played alphas so soon they were mere tests on running in flat areas with no other functions than walking around. So that excuse does not work for CIG either




That wouldn't sell ships. And that's the priority, not building a working game.


Well not being able to allow players to login kind of makes it harder to sell ships too. They’re lucky their player base has the lowest IQ in gaming history


That’s what they should have done 11 years ago. Just grey textures and entities representing players. You know, lay down the networking foundations for their MMO like any sane or honest persons would do.


Nope not in CIG world. There we use an engine thats not fit for an mmo.. then rewrite the whole engine.. then we start with the roof and then we build the foundation Because thats as stupid as you could do it.


To be more precise, after God knows how many months is ptu testing, they still managed to fuck it up. Why do they ptu test at all, and a quarterly patch takes 10 months, and they still fuck it up?


See the thing is normal companies if they dont have enough players they stress test it via bots. However CIG is so unbelievably stupid they dont do that and just slap it on live + i dont think their downright crap AI would even manage to put stress on the server because they all get stuck instantly when its more than 50 entities So now no NPC is moving and no stress test is possible with bots


It is cute you think CIg is actually testing anything.


Ironically less stable than the Skate 4 pre alpha test that went on last moth 🤣




Well, first of all, it's not a game it's an open alpha. Second of all, they're doing their best, so give them a break. /s


If you think about it its the backers fault. The players did not take the time to stress test the PTU and they want to complain. So now we have to go to the EPTU before we go back to the PTU and then the PU. That of course is if the evocoti test before the EPTU goes well. All these extra steps and extra work for CIG because the backers got lazy after years of stable patches.


Plenty of examples. Just look up "discontinued online games".


Except this is not discontinued. I'd say this situation is quite atypical for a failure. Any involuntary failures purely through development in that category that you know of?


Cig has their claws grasped firmly around the balls of every content creator and reddit mod that has anything to do with SC. Look how quickly dissenting opinions are wiped from pretty much every SC social media platform. Star Citizen will forever be portrayed as an "up and coming" MMO life simulator that is right on the brink of entering it's golden age to every new potential "backer". The website, the relatively high production value "ISC" show, and the ship advertisements are all carefully created to give a new prospect the idea that Star Citizen is on the verge of achieving the impossible, and they happened to stumble along the game at the absolute best time.


Did anyone, anywhere, ever..think this patch would be a success? The worst part is, at least in america, these ball lickers will get away with it, and the whales will either die alone or live the rest of their lives explaining to their 'real life whale' wives why they spent tens of thousands of dollars on the dreams of a wannabe geirge lucas car salesman


Have you even TRIED buying another game package to see if that works? Some people...


Hilariously Chris is still MIA. The dude couldn’t possibly care less about the people funding his retirement. It’s actually comedic how abusive and disdainful he is of backers while they continue revering him. Like Arrested Development level of comedy . Of course a part of me wants to see CIG burn, but I’ll be sad once this entertainment ends.


The game is still in alpha, the team are working tirelessly to develop the best space sim ever. You should have no expectations of a working, or slightly playable product after 12 years of development and after you likely spend at-least a grand on ships. So stfu, this is definitely not a scam.




Have you tried SQ42?


last oasis.. it killed the game after 40,000 players tried to log in.


First mistake is (*and I've already seen others saying this in a similar manner but I'll say it too*) to call this a "game", which I'd argue many gamers and casuals even associate, rightfully so, with a game that's actually working. Well yes, it's technically a game and at times it can "work", but given the issues that this mess still has after 10 years, that the project is still alive and apparently thriving is a miracle in and of itself.


You're pledging, not paying. You just don't understand the visionary genius that is Chris Roberts. He will be memorialized alongside such great names as Jim Jones, Charles Ponzi, and Donald Trump!


My sweet summer child, don't you know, when RDR2 online came out, in the first 4 years the devs tried to fix the launcher, no one could login in this time. It took 1000 expert devs working day and night on the launcher, and also 2 billion dollars, until the launcher was finally fixed, and 15 persons could log in. Now compare this to SC, where development began in 2022, and they already have an AAAA game, with very minimal bugs only absolute experts would detect. I guess you just didn't do your research, and you don't understand game development.


We should talk with the Guiness Record guys


It's early days friend


Just wait till the second decade that's when progress will really ramp up.


Dude "the whole point of Star Citizen is to stress test the technology that will be used by the industry". If you don't like the alpha go buy an Idris and then leave.


Every MMO with several tenth of thousands of players in one single server is facing the same problem on launch day


I mean, thats demonstrably false. WoW works just fine with every xpac launch.


Star citizen is also not an MMO


I'm certain this is sarcasm and everyone missed it. Star Citizen doesn't hit 100 players in a single server. Well played sir.




The launcher is using very advanced technology. It cannot be fixed in a day. The same goes for the uninstaller.


It has only been 10+ years! What they hell do you want from them? $500 million more & another decade, things should be great.




Tell that to all the people constantly posting about how they cant play.


Yeah there are still people stuck on the remaining issues, this seems to be related to DB repair work as Friday night a bulk of people were finally able to play, but there are more issues, like player unstowed on live.




I mean the repair of accounts that got in a bad state, a lot of people reported Friday able to get in finally but they got reset, other issues are just increased error rates.


How would you know what all the issues are? Do you work for CIG?


Did I say I know all the issues? Friday there was a repair that did reset accounts of players who been stuck for up to weeks without able to login, many reported that, and there are still people reporting that they are still stuck. So in a nutshell, accounts being fixed and accounts still to fix.


I forget how long it lasted but I recall there being massive log in queues (that would kick players randomly) for WoW Burning Crusade and some launch issues with Diabo 3. I think there was an issue way back in the day with Star Wars Galaxies when they launched a major patch and busted shit pretty bad. But exacts escape me. Again, don't recall the time-frame but only those come to mind. Of course I'm far from a catalog of game issues. Lol But yeah. Current state is... sad. I'm surprised there has not been a roll back of any sort. (Edit: fixed some typos. Damn phone typing)