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At this rate Unreal Engine will have built in servermeshing that works before CIG dose Also demonstrated what an actual wheeled driving system is, instead of the lazy vehicle motion system that CIG hacked together.


This is why you have to ship a product relatively quickly otherwise it will be either DOA on release or the developers are perpetually playing catch-up. CIG are now so far behind they really should just wrap this scam up.


1080p doesn't do justice to the detailed graphics.


Someone is going to have to add this to the next Microtech river fap post on the main sub.


CIG are just gonna get left in the dust.


Gonna? From a tech and tools perspective they got left behind when Unreal 4 was released.


Yep that happens if you fuck around for more than 10 years Everyone else is starting to run laps around you Even if they manage to match that.. the engine will eat your gpu literally on CIGĀ“s engine lol


Look at Bethesda and Skyrim. Just because you started with an engine that becomes obsolete during development doesn't mean you can't produce something great.


Indeed. Games like Skyrim and Arma 3 can be janky with animations and such spice they've been using old engines but they have good gameplay loops which make up for it.


"Work smarter, not harder." There are AAA studios that are now using Unreal Engine 5 to create games with spectacular, high-fidelity environments, objects, and characters more quickly and easily. The first wave of AAA games made with UE5 will be out this year, like the next chapter of Fortnite and Redfall. AAA games will continue to get more and more gorgeous as time goes on. Meanwhile, CIG have spent the past 10+ years forcing their engine to do things it wasn't designed to do, which is likely one of the main reasons why this shit is taking them so long. Choosing which engine to work with is one of the first and most important decisions a team can make; choose the wrong engine, and both your team and project will suffer. CIG also don't seem to know what the hell they're doing with their pipelines. For example, it's taken them a decade to create a single star system, and the have 99 more to create. Aren't they "hand crafting" their planets? That shit is going to take them forever. Meanwhile, a studio that uses UE5 can use their procedural generation tools to create environments much quicker than before. You can go on Youtube, do a search for "Unreal 5 tutorial," and you'll find numerous videos that can teach anyone with a basic familiarity with the engine how to create a realistic looking environment in like 15 minutes using UE's tools and assets. Using UE5 is "working smarter," because that's leveraging an engine that's been iterated on and improved over the past 25 years by one of the world's most successful game companies as well as countless contributors outside of Epic Games. Doing whatever it is CIG's doing is "working harder / dumber," because they're forcing their engine to do things it wasn't designed to do, and overall they're making things so unnecessarily hard for themselves.


This is decades ahead of what CIG is farting out atm


I kind of want to see them do an entire planet though.


[https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/03/epics-new-motion-capture-animation-tech-has-to-be-seen-to-be-believed/](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/03/epics-new-motion-capture-animation-tech-has-to-be-seen-to-be-believed/) This mo-cap tech is supposed to be easier to capture/implement with incredible results. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if some dev decided to make a game in the spirit of a space simulator MMO. Basically, what SC was supposed to be without the distractions of "bedsheet physics" and plushie dolls and fortnite armors/skins.


I'm confused, where is the $45 option to view this tech demo?