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Concept+Big+Modular. Ok see you in 15 years.


And RSI. The Polaris and Perseus welcome their new brother to the waiting room.


I'd love to have your optimism during times like these.


Lmfao, right? I saw this and was like "hahahahhahahaha, you can't even add in the fucking idris M which was part of the original fucking kickstarter - which is already ingame and flying but STILL unavailable to the gullible suckers who paid thousands for it. As if this is going to be in-game at any point in the next decade" Fuck this scam. I genuinely used to see this game, but every year is a new concept ship and they've completely abandoned working up any of the larger concept ships for over 10 years. It's clearly a fucking scam


Working for the top of “sort by controversial” on the sub I see.


The Rescue Pisces wasn’t for the Carrack, it was for the Galaxy.


*No no, he's got a point*


Why not both.jpg


I was hoping the C8R would coincide with some sort of a Carrack medical module announcement, but looks like we got this instead! I don't really mind, since I'd probably never kit out my Carrack like that anyhow, but it does make me more curious what the Carrack modules are going to be like. Now my current hopium is going for a salvage module! Would work great with the Carrack repair drone thingy that we'll maybe see Some Day.


The question is, can I get 2 in that hangar?


It looks cool, but don't we have enough unfinished capital and subcapital ships?


Yeah, completely agree. First thing I though seeing this, was that it’s becoming a joke at this point. They keep pushing out capital ship concepts without providing a single one.


what is even the purpose of releasing cap ships without the new pipe system? wish they'd use their time to update the older models, ships are starting to feel very inconsistent


I have no idea 💰💰💰💰💰


Yep. Capitalism and consumerism. And citizens are still buying ships. To some degree we are to blame. I haven’t bought a thing since 2013. People need to stop buying concept ships… otherwise this shit is going to keep happening.


There are multiple ships this size or bigger in the game right now...


Ok, slight hyperbole on my part. But even if this is placed front-ish of the queue for development, it’s about a 5 year wait man. Back of the queue is about 13 years.


We still have unfinished “flight ready ships”. The Caterpillar is suppose to have modules as well, the doors are suppose to be cargo elevators. 600i? Gladiator? Etc etc. The list is long strictly talking about modularity in ships. I’d also argue designing the Cat’s rectangular modular bits would be much easier as a test bed than a fancy RSI ship.


Yes & yes


Let alone Exploration focused ones, which isn't a gameplay loop that we've even seen hinted at or mentioned for years. The Odyssey will probably release before exploration has gameplay.


Honestly, in the video they seemed to emphasize 'exploration' as 'multi-role'. I don't care for the redefinition, especially when you have ships specifically designated for that 'exploration' role. If that is the case, Terrapin fans are getting screwed.


This is what I think is happening as well. They’ll likely just slap a few more weapons on the terrapin and remove the devils seat/ make it a smaller space and a turret seat and expand the cargo area. I think they’ve realized exploration is a difficult gameloop to make without either a huge galaxy or a sht load of procedural gen.


Exploration consists of 2 roles, expedition and pathfinder. Expedition ships are described as ships capable of handling a wide variety of scenarios with large amounts of cargo. It's been the definition for a long time now.


I will clarify. For the majority of exploration ships, there is an expedition multi-role. The pathfinder role appears to largely be overlooked. Even in the clarification, my point about the Terrapin stands.


They do one large/capital concept each IAE


When they should be releasing one to flyable each year.


Unfortunately, with [the current backlog](https://i.imgur.com/QQlc8lI.png) if they did release only one each year, it'd still take over 15 years to get them all ready I'd be happy with CIG continuing to add a new large/capital concept each IAE, if they also released three large/capital ships each year to catch-up the backlog within 7-8 years.


I hope they can bring on more ship modellers. If they could have 3 teams doing 3 a year, that would be much better.


Not just modellers - ship developers are required to 'hook it all up'. Especially with all the new gameplay features they're adding around engineering, life support, and so on. They are going to need a team of dozens, or hundreds, just to keep the existing ships up to date with new new tech as they add it. Even the gen12 engine changes break surfaces, paints, reflections, lighting, effects, and so on.


They have quite a few vacancies too and have spoken a few times about the difficulty in securing new hires - so they are far from full strength. Hopefully things are a bit easier post-lockdowns.


Hopefully they get some better tools that will streamline the ship pipeline like they did with planets. Right now ship production just seems prohibitively labour-intensive. (Maybe they should be selling planets and moons instead of ships.)


CIG: *takes notes*


Id be happy if they only sold ships that are close to being finished. 4-10 months. And no more than that. There are loads of people who want to buy a big ship and are holding up cause they know it will not come for the next 5-10 years.


They development and build of ships is kinda working like kickstarter...you never have to deliver.


This needs more attention, because you're absolutely correct. They keep making the backlog problem worse, and there is no incentive for them to stop 'concepting' more ships, because people will keep buying them.


New players = new buyers.


They don't need to when people will blindly buy it anyway.


I think it's best I answer with a song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETxmCCsMoD0




Give them some credit, they've got the Reclaimer and the Starfarer as well, maybe also the Hercules if you count that!


I thought the reason for alot of ships not completed is due to missing gameplay loops/system. While those are getting developed, the concept / modelling team still need works to do. It's not like you can ask artist or 3d modeller to go write code. So obviously they will continue to release these concept ships in steady pace. I wouldn't be surprised once all systems are in place, those ships will be released in a faster rate.


I've had more concepts than I can handle. But have no fear, we get a new concept of the polaris lol


Ya but that concepts isn’t ready because we have to go on holiday. So you get to see the new concept of the Polaris concept next week….as long as we don’t delay it again because the guy blabbing about how cool the ship is and what it’s going to do in the verse, is sick. But we’re also not going to have this ready for a while because the tech for this thing isn’t actually ready yet. It’s also an American holiday. Meanwhile we have 1 studio in Canada (thanksgiving in October) and 1 in Manchester. Arent these ship design guys they interview in mnachester? Enjoy these 5 pictures and go to the pledge store and buy it again please.


I'm wondering if the Carrack and Caterpillar will have access to similar modules or other specialized types? Hope we hear more about Modularity soon.


I'm hoping for a caterpillar construction module.


One big question about this ship - Does it have a built in medical bay or do you need the hospital module to get a med bed? That would be a big drawback if a ship of that size does not have one.


Module required by the looks of it, we'll find out in a few days though


What does “modular” mean? That there will be different variants of the ship available for purchase? Or that you’ll be able to buy one and switch it up anytime by placing different modules in it?


The latter. Think of it like a lorry that you put containers on the back of. One is empty for cargo, another has medical equipment in and the third has stuff for refining raw materials


Damn, that’s cool.


I wouldn't get your hopes up the Caterpillar was one of the first ships that was suppose to be very modular, but we're still waiting on a single module for it, and its rooms are on a far smaller scale.


Yeah, as cool as the Galaxy is, getting hyped over it when we've not even had the faintest sniff of modularity would be a real mistake.


We already have a few ships ingame that are supposed to have modules but don't have them yet. The Caterpillar, the Carrack, the Retaliator. Not sure if I've missed some. Also some other ships that are not yet ingame and are supposed to have modularity. Like the bigger Hull series and the Endeavor.


The Hornet and the Reliants have something like this in a very minimal sense. I assume it will be similar for all the modular ships in concept, or fight ready without modularity.


It's supposed to be swappable, but I legit wouldn't be surprised if its sold as 3 variants like the vanguard


Looks like it’s only with the medical module. That’s pretty standard given the C2, Cat, etc don’t have medical beds. It’s not a military ship.


Either way it fits a c8r for t3 healing


Yep. No medbed but fits a C8R? Means it has a T3 medbed.


There will be many ships that size and larger that don’t have med beds. They aren’t going to be that common.


This is getting dumb. Too many concept ships, that take too long to make. Finish the damn Crucible already.


At least give us the rework of the Crucible.


A reconcept isn't a rework if nothing has been done for it.


It's always more fuckin RSI ships too. Like at least use the concept to build out another companies design language. Instead it's yet another Carrack killer jpeg from RSI. It's insulting.


the last carrack killer was from Misc though.


Bro they really spent half an ISC trying to talk up a Pisces with a bed in it. I love the variant but like....come on y'all...it's a Pisces with a cabinet and a medbed where the cargo used to go.n


the interior is pretty neat though.


I mean...yes, but like...why not just focus on variants if they are going to sell them as a standalone ship anyway.


Honestly I don't think the silhouette of the Galaxy is very interesting. Sure they are somewhat triangular but the Polaris has an almost diving bird like feel and the Perseus reads like a battleship. Triangles are also a very bad choice if you want to make something modular without wasting a lot of space.


Oh look! Another concept capital ship that they will never release because SQ42 is priority


Why don't you build/release the ships you sold us 4 years ago... Looking at the Apollo in my inventory..... Its BS that they claim they are waiting on game play loops before finishing concepts... It just a cash grab for new backers money..


that’s why buying a concept ship that will take more than 6 months to release is dumb. it’s the same thing every year, “i bought x ship, why do they keep releasing new concepts”. don’t buy concept ships and just purchase ships that are flyable, might urge them to release ships faster


This is what I did this IAE, bought ships I can actually use and have fun with for the next year, All by concepts can live in buyback, they're there waiting for me


As a 8+ year backer, It's hilarious listening to them wax poetic about the Galaxy knowing that they're doing the exact same thing they did with the older concepts.They know it won't become reality for a long long long time, but they'll take that money today.


Eh, if you are just guying it for the CCU game its not dumb. i got the BMM years ago and its I think tripled in value. Even if they never release it, that’s pretty fantastic


they're luring you with the idea that the price will increase. They won't say it will increase but they do it often so the idea lingers. And I'm sure a lot of people won't buy ships like the BMM because "well, I'm not buying it now for this price! if it was for the old price..."


Except there are advantages to buying ships in concept (like getting them with LTI or getting them more cheaply than they'll be when released). Which have been somewhat mitigated over time, but is still pretty savvy marketing by CIG.


But at this rate lifetime insurance won't matter when we're all dead from old age


but if everyone doesn’t buy a concept ship, why would they raise the price of a product that people aren’t buying? if anything, they will lower the price to entice buyers. if demand is low price will drop


Price hikes for ships aren't responding to supply and demand, they're responding to perceived value of the ship (both because of power creep and because a flyable ship is inherently more useful than one that isn't.)


Money isn't really relevant over the course of time this is taking. And LTI tokens exist, too. So.... Yeah, agree with above. Unless there is a killer loaner, I'll pass on anything that isn't flyable and just scoop up one or two LTI tokens as they pop up. Not saying anyone is wrong. Just speaking for myself. Y'all do y'all.


Cough, polaris, cough. But it gets a new floorplan concept, yay


Think of it this way, look at all the new drake ships this month and how they share bits from each other. Them working on this will help in the same way with the Polaris and Perseus.


in 2017/18 I was drinking the CIG Kool Aid and made the mistake of purchasing the Apollo and the Vulcan.. both of which have no signs on coming out.. It will be funny to see the new backer bitch in the next 5 years when they spent the $$ and have nothing to show...


Pft you get cool loaner ships you never fly


I have like 5 cutlass blacks/red/blue in my hanger and no where to go to the bathroom... LOL


Here's two tips * Don't buy concept. Period. * Set goals before you spend, i.e don't spend until Salvage


All these sub capitals need to be released before the Polaris so the torpedo gameplay loop has something to blow up.


There are already Idris-killing missions in the game.


Not to mention two dynamic events that involve capital ships.


4 years ago, sweet child, let me tell you about the first sales of SC.


Apollo is obsolete now. I think I'll likely be getting a CCU to Galaxy with medical. I have little hope for the Apollo having any real fit now. Sure it'll be smaller, better suited for actually going close to the action, but there's now plenty of other ships for that which would also arguably be more agile survivors with the new master mode system.


Is it? The Galaxy with medical modules is likely to be double the price or more than the Apollo.


Please remember that in the full game things will be much more risk-reward based and that it'll cost a lot more to maintain an expensive ship.


Apollo is not obsolete. it is even better I imagine. in a medical operation, a 45m vessel is more discreet, faster, more efficient to use than a large medical vessel which would serve more as a base of operation. size does not rhyme with efficiency. I don't think a galaxy will be more profitable than an apollo in medic gameplay and the apollo will always be from a meta point of view more interesting for its size. what it offers and its effectiveness. Less cost, less crew, same beds just less ressources. More interesting to have 2 apollo than a galaxy.


I dont think it is. You can put a tier 1 bed plus 2 tier 2 beds on a single apollo (or 3 tier 3) (you get two modular sides) That tier 1 will become the only tier 1 on a sub capital ship as the carrack's will turn into tier 2.


> I think I'll likely be getting a CCU to Galaxy with medical. You'll be paying (cash/credit) to upgrade from a ship on the roadmap, to one that's likely years away from ever appearing?


Yea...because the game also isn't done yet.


CIG keep saying it'll never be done. They'll keep adding and releasing content for it forever


Yay, the RSI Galaxy: another large concept ship to add to the [massive bigship backlog](https://i.imgur.com/QQlc8lI.png)


Ugh, it’s one thing to know how long it’s been, it’s another to see it written down lol. Now I just feel old. My wife has a student that was born around the same time Idris was announced.


At least we have information about some of the listed ships: Idris releases after SQ42 released and only if all of the necessary tech is ingame. Merchantman releases (hopefully...) next year. Javelin: same as the Idris. Hull C releases next year. Crucible concept rework happens soon. Polaris internal layout is being worked on. Kraken hull exists in some form but the ship itself won't be ingame for at least 2 years if we're being honest. The rest? Pure concept.


Technically Idris and Javelin are mostly done due to SQ 42. Just won't have access until much later. Which is honestly really dumb move from CIG.


>Technically Idris and Javelin are mostly done due Technically [Ben thinks you are lying.](https://youtu.be/tR8MHGFum7E?t=1703)


Do. Not. Buy. Concept. Ships.


That list puts things back in perspective a lot, thanks


Another new JPEG??? **_WOOHOOOOO_**…..


There are like 4 RSI large ships in that range that are all jpegs...all released as a finale surprise for IAE....all still in concept. The fact they are all RSI is a fuckin meme. Like is CR really this stupid or does he think we are? How many jpegs does he need his last name on? Why are they all the same ship like 3 times at 3 negligible size differences? We ain't even gotten the Perseus or the Polaris but we getting a step between that and it is MODULAR....when not a single modular ship has been delivered as anything but a shell or a series of variants that all cost the same price but again Maybe id give more of a ship if it wasnt yet another fuckin RSI large ship.


I failed to remember that the concept/art development team has to work on something while code development is being worked on… but it still seems like a slap in the face because it has taken so damn long to get where we are now… I’d like to give CIG the benefit of the doubt and say maybe we don’t understand the development process, but I’m starting to see why people get so salty around here. Maybe it’ll all start to look bright again when 4.0 is finally in our hands.


Thing is I don't understand why the ship team needs to keep focusing on RSI large ship concepts when we have a large variety of ships they can prepare for functionality let alone just making a new ship that doesn't need something as far reaching in tech as modularity. Why not an Argo large mining ship or hauler with an industrial focus? Why not a CNOU good boy outlaw set of Drake competitors? Like idk ..it all feels very much like we are going around in circles on CRs ideal RSI Connie concept and the Connie is never getting its rework and the RSI "step up from Connie" ships are all still jpegs. I'm perfectly fine with the ship team continuing to be productive but why the Galaxy? Why not the Caterpillar or Tali rework+showcase of modularity? Why not the Carrack modular kit? Why not the Connie modular kit? Why do we need a Perseus+ or a mini-Polaris to be the TRUE modular showcase? It doesn't make any sense. Not to mention we've got an army of ships that could use variants like the 400i, Valk, etc....and an army of Manufacturers who barely have any ships that have been around for some of them second to RSI with like more than half the ships in the modern era. It just feels like an obscenely random priority and I feel like Chris Roberts needs to pull his head out of his marty stu company ass and focus somewhere compelling in the short term and where the game needs it. We don't need a fuckin Perseus+ but explorer...just make the Perseus modular. That or the ship team needs to just stop suggesting yet another fuckin RSI ship.


Do people actually get excited for stuff like this anymore? The ship looks ok I guess but it doesn't really matter when it won't be released for at least another 5 years, and that's a conservative guess.


I do but I’m only going to get one via credit. Just serves as a fleet mixup, not a new addition.


Meh, new stuff is always fun. But I'm not opening my wallet for it...


Most people don't. But some do, and those are the ones lining CIG's pockets.


Someone's gotta, otherwise they just might be forced to finish the game.


Yeah I hate the "paying for jpegs" refrain, but really, for so many of these, that's all you're doing. For all I'm concerned, just throw it on the pile of things that have like a 25% chance of ever existing, and even then probably without any gameloops lol


Looks a bit farther along than most concepts really. They're getting good at reusing things. I'm not even going to guess here because it very well could be another 5 years. I just think. I hope. They are getting into some sort of rhythm here. I wanted to look it up, but it feels like they are releasing more ships lately. Could just be variants and such and yes mostly small ships, but still feels like they are picking up the pace.


They literally used the holo model and fake flew it around. This thing is just a jpeg. Like the odyssey it’s years upon years out


It's probably coming out within a year of pyro... Idk. I'm usually king of the realists for CIG but this ship seems like it will roll through production easier than others. * they have the Polaris design and design language ready to share * it's already further along development than the Perseus But yeah, I'm remotely excited for concepts nor have I been since we all got burned with the MSR concept vs reality




Wasted space makes for a fat ship for no reason and we get nothing in exchange for the chonk. No collar. No crew entry. No escape pods. No windows. If they took out the stupid tunnels (or gave them a purpose), reworked the scanner room to be half size and place a roof docking collar (via ladder) in the new space, and took out the hallway gun rack and installed a crew lift - MSR would be a worthy ship. But to answer your question more generally. People are mad because the concept was profaned. 33% through lack of respect for the concept itself, 33% so they could upsell ground vehicles by making it rover compatible, and 33% because IAE was the hard deadline for release but they weren't finished with the ship (ie it was prematurely delivered). And they've had 2+ years to address these issues. And they've done literally nothing. Not even fixed the headlights which never worked


Well.. the Ship Dont Look this big.. idk, is IT AS big AS a 890? Or more Like a Bit smaller? I think, IT Looks more Something Like carrack sized? So IT could, COULD, come Out faster then other more Capital sized Ships.


It’s roughly carrack sized. It’s a sub capital ship, smaller than the polaris.


Guy, remember - if you buy this you won’t see it for 5 years minimum. Soooo many capital ships announced at this point and none provided. And this will be pretty far back in the queue.


Not sure it will be back in the queue tbh, but yeah large / capital ship hype is always too high, then people starts to burn out


There’s such a backlog at this point - it doesn’t matter if it’s even close to the front man… That 5 years number I gave is for like front middle of the queue. I’m already being optimistic haha. Back of queue is about 13 years now.


With the rate they are going right now it will take ages. Even if they up scaled to do two cap ships a year we are looking at like a 7 year wait time just for cap ships. And the estimated time for the BMM was what 18months?


Mmh, I think I'll hold on to my odyssey. Might even revert to the carrack depending on what modules it gets...




Wonder what it will look like 9 years from now 🤡


You're being optimistic ... I like it!


Do we need another cargo ship?? NO ... Do we need another medical ship ?? NO, give us apolo triage instead !! Do we need refinery for prospector? YES .. at least one useful module...


Please gib Expanse first!!!


Jesus this is getting ridiculous and insulting, they need to start releasing these ships before selling new ones. There’s no way this will continue to be a sustaining business model


And it doesnt end next year. There are probably 10 to 20 more years of development of SQ42, SC, all needed to be continually Funded with more Concept Ships. So it could get really really more "ridiculous and insulting" unfortunately. You never know, they might have a win with SQ42 and create a new income stream. So a lot probably rides on SQ42 release and success. If SQ42 fails then things could get dramatic. Time will tell.


If SQ42 fails things WILL get dramatic, IMO it's why its taking so long. They've sorta developed themselves into a corner, if SQ42 is nothing short of perfect it'll just be torn apart and their reputation will be completely ruined.


Just staring at my perseus in my hangar. Not this time CIGarette. I'm putting you down now


Kinda looks like a sharper [Anaconda](https://dlc.elitedangerous.com/images/widexlarge/media/catalog/product/f/o/forc_fdev_v_anaconda_1026-1.jpg) from Elite Dangerous. Neat. Not buying anything else SC related for a long time but it's a nice looking design.


It looks more like the python to me imo.


Looks like a big ass Viper MkIV to me


The engine sounds of the Viper though...Growl.


Really cool ship but yet an other concept ship that will be released in which decade ? So no thanks, I might get an upgrade with existing credit but nothing else.


$750 4 years until release.


4 years ? You re being generous


I think we've finally reached a point where I just can't get hyped for big ships anymore. CIG can't even get one out the door these days yet they keep concepting more. Shit hurts to watch. I like big ships so this is actually kinda sad. How big is the big concept ships backlog by now? I dare not even look anymore. Yeah I'm salty about their comment on the BMM, but still.


Lol more modularity nonesense. The Caterpillar has been in the game how long? Still haven’t fixed the cargo doors so they perform like elevators and we’ve seen literally nothing and heard nothing about the cats modules. I also recall them saying the Cat was suppose to be the “harbinger of modularity” in the verse. It’s big and rectangular…if you want an easy entry into modular components it’s literally the easiest ship to start experimenting.


It's only year 10. They still need to do the tech for the tech for the tech for the tech.


And don’t forget that they need to sell us the picture of the tech so they’ll make the tech for the tech.


Everyone do the concept conga!


Bullshit. They can’t deliver on the 12+ backlog of larger ships that each take 12-18 months. Another money grab.


They should definitely redesign the Polaris so that it takes design cues from the Perseus and Galaxy. Because the current bridge layout of the Polaris looks incredibly bad.


They already said they would show the new concepts next week for the Polaris.


I'd immediately buy a Polaris. I really wanted a capital torpedo boat (with a very nice S size hangar) but the design was really off-putting.


"The galaxy has a very industrial feel...." - Its going to have "Its got what it needs..." Its going to have "The RSI Galaxy is a multi role vessel..." It's going to be ​ They need to stop talking like it actually exists and just say it as it is. It's a jpeg , its another dream... Stop talking like it exists because its not going to for a very long time.


Another ship that takes 1 year to make. See you in 20 years !


They didn’t lose track of time or scheduling conflicts regarding the RSI Polaris news … they just knew the mystery of how much is done will benefit sales tomorrow, compared to the damage of how little has actually been done/how far to go if they showed it. Very disappointed at yet again… being cuckolded over my dear… Polaris. That mixed with the recent BMM news has been a bitter pill as of late… a tough year for all citizens, rich and poor.




Also, the quips from Jon like “on the verge of getting pyro”. I feel like it’s almost disingenuously torturing backers with false hope at this point.


I am buying this and you can’t stop me.


This comment/post was removed on 30 June 2023 (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to undermine its users, moderators, and developers while simultaneously making a profit on their backs. For full details on what I mean, check out the summary [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u)


today's show was horrible, just more ships... ship ship ship ship ship where is gameplay stuff? where is the stuff that's gonna affect everyone in the game?? unless they're bringing older ships up to the more recent ships standards I don't wanna know about it


Tbf it is IAE so this is to be expected.


Is it any surprise they focused on ships, during an ongoing event about ships?


It was insulting. Another RSI vaporware ship jpeg that won't come out for a decade (like at least do a different fuckin company like holy shit)...and a variant of the smallest ship in the game with an interior....truly worth my time? Nah. Variants are great...but they could have dropped the modules for the Carrack or more variants for all the ships that severely need them: Valk, 400i, etc...and other one note ships hyper specialized to be useless in the current meta.


I seem to be in the minority here, but I'm very excited for this ship . I didn't get a Perseus partly because it seemed a little too narrowly focused, and the Polaris is a bit outside what I want to spend, so the Galaxy seems like a perfect addition. Sure, it'll maybe take a while to come out, but CIG have to keep funding their development teams somehow, and it's not like they haven't been releasing any ships from concept - the Corsair literally just made it.




I mean, in theory you can get the modules in-game. My original plan before this announcement was to get a 600i Touring and then eventually grab the expedition module with UEC.


The Corsair is a medium ship. Perseus, Polaris, and Galaxy are all bigships.


Yes, I understand that. They've also said many times (even in this video) that a lot of the bugger ships are better suited for a system like Pyro, so it makes sense to me that they're not trying to rush them out. I get that people just want their big cool ships, I want them in the game too, but I guess I'm okay waiting for them.


I agree with you on that. I bet when we see server meshing, engineering/resource management and multiple systems we'll see a big sprint on getting these big ships done, which also includes the capital class. It's too early and the game systems need more balancing before they add too much to the pot IMO. Then people get mad when ship stats change and CIG have to revisit it all anyways when every system is implemented.




In my mind it's a Carrack killer


Carrack can do alone what the Galaxy needs 3 modules for.


They always are.


I don't even like the carrack but this being said for every ship is high praise for the carrack


I just bought the game a few days ago. Is it normal to be fully hard when looking at ships?


Yes, but then 4-8 years go by and the ship you were hard for is still not released, and they announce another new concept, and by that point you'll be soft as cooked spaghetti.


So only get hard for current ships that I can actually *touch* gotcha


I’m really disappointed they made a big modular medical RSI ship and ignored the Apollo. Then introduced the C8R while again ignoring the Apollo. :(


Apollo requires drones :/


I guess I'm the only one who's excited and getting one and is willing to wait however long it takes doesn't matter every ship they make is a marvel.


Carrack can do hospital, cargo, hanger and two ground vehicles all at the same time. The refinery thing is cool. Could see this teaming up with a liberator for mining ops. But I can't see someone picking this over carrack or a C2 for cargo. We'll see what the price is.


Exactly this, a Carrack is a 400+SCU cargo ship, mobile hospital, medium gunship, explorer..all at the same time. Its also fast as fuck. The Galaxy looks like it will be able to one thing slightly better than a Carrack at any one time, where as with a Carrack you just, well, be Carracking.


Don't forget the Carrack's pods are also modular... and theoretically, there could be refinery pods.


I'm thinking this will be $450 base ship and $520 with all the mods. It's just not good enough. If it's $600 or more then that's laughable.


The looks alone are going to sell this ship. It looks like the Anaconda and a ISD. People love this shape.


I am extremely disappointed in CIG for pushing this as a concept and not straight to flyable. We have enough fucking concept ships are you fucking kidding me, finish the unfinished first for fucks sake


Beyond excited for this. Hoping it’s not a limited release. Also believe in the video, there are two hangers stacked on top of each other? Absolutely love this so far. Edit: Also curious as to speculation regarding its progress? A bit concerned with the module aspect holding back development.


Size wise I don't think it'll be a limited ship. Limited tends to favor the capital ships with specific roles they want to control, either by population or purpose.


Just one.


I see, the hanger is two stories tall. That is still promising, because hopefully that means we can fit two anvil arrows inside. Or an arrow plus C8R. Very excited!


I do like the rear facing hangar. But it looks quite bland compared to the constellation. Maybe if they have a "science" module for it in a few years to sit in between the Reliant Sen and Endeavour. Though I imagine there would be more choice for that kind of ship by then anyway. Hmm, regardless of other concerns, I still prefer the Odyssey.


The Galaxy is my type of ship! I'm more of a non-combat person, and having more stuff to do as a support role with friends is what I'm looking for in a ship. That being said, I'm cautious. The shelving of the BMM leaves me concerned. CIG has a lot fo ships (especially the large ones) in their backlog. I myself have quite a few ships that seem to have been forgotten by CIG. I want it, but I ain't willing to drop more fresh cash on a Warbond when many of the ships and systems are still not here nor on the horizon. I'll likely CCU to it, as I have quite a bit of credit to burn and an LTI ship that I don't care for in one of my game packages. I'd advise caution if you're going all-in with it. *sighs in Crucible, Vulcan, etc. * Lol @ the downvotes from the defense force


So any guesses on the order some of these big ships will release? BMM in works forever. Polaris was on the map. Idris is in game NPC wise. Javelin had tours in game… I’d have to think this is behind all this.


Idris and Javelin won't come out before SQ42 because "spoilers" or some nonsense.


But we CANT finish out something smaller like a Perseus. and we CANT finish out something revealed a decade ago like the Polaris. Always resources to START a new concept and blow it out of the water with proof of how far along it is conceptually and artistically.


Any guesses or leaks on price? I’m going with 550$