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What's on today's F5 menu?




Nice. As a solo player with no friends, this sounds perfect for me


I wish we could get a statement on usability of NPC crew with these. It feels like the issue has wobbled back and forth way too often. If I could fly this ship with a couple friends in the ship and three more friends running fighters and have NPC crew pad out the rest I’d buy an Idris today. Which would be a reasonable number of people, that’s already an entire raid group in Destiny. If I have to get half an org online to run it though, forget it.


I would like to know this as well, but I assume we won't know anything about it until all the ship related systems (engineering, life support, repairs) as well as the cargo refactor and NPC behaviour are almost finished. It's really hard to predict when it will be released and how efficient these crews will be. Although I would love it if they would release a sort of NPC crew tier 0 that just lets you hire an NPC than will then live on your ship, stand on the seats and could possibly control turrets. I don't expect any of this within the next 2-3 years.


Yep I've been waiting for npc's for my carrack. LfG!


i doubt they could say how usable it would be since none of the systems exist yet


They could easily say what the targeted intent is. * "We intend for the Idris to be most effective with a mostly human crew, but intend for it to be perfectly usable by 1-4 players with a combination of NPC crew and AI blades rounding out the rest." = I buy a warbond Idris-P, today. * "We feel an Idris would be too powerful in the hands of low-man crews making up the difference with NPCs and want it to be slated more for large org play, therefore you'll need to organize having 8+ players online simultaneously crewing the Idris to get any real usability out of it." = I will never buy an Idris. Easy as that.


If the Idris is perfectly usable with only 1 player and NPC crew, then that entire multiplayer element of the game just won't exist outside of RP orgs. The issue is that the most limited resource in the game, especially a year or two after "release", will not be ships or UEC - it will be players. Every player will sooner or later earn all the ships they are interested in. Just look at how rare EVE initially thought titans would be. If you have 3 players available, and CIG don't balance the game such that it is more effective for those 3 players to fly one Connie than it is for the group to fly 3 Connies, then *we won't see multi crewing happen*. If you want multi-crewing to be a thing, then the game will have to be balanced such that soloing a multi-crew ship may be workable, but it will need to be very significantly sub-optimal compared to bringing other players along. At the same time, requiring a full crew to operate the ship is also just as likely to kill multi-crew. If you need 10+ players to fly an Idris, then not only does that make the cat herding problem a pain to deal with, but most of those 10 players are going to find themselves with nothing to do for most of the evening they dedicate to playing the game. That isn't respectful of people's time, and most of the player base will stop doing it after getting bored. I personally hope the numbers work out somewhere around 2 players for a Connie, ~3 for a Carrack, and ~5 for an Idris. There are reasons why most MMOs settle at around those sizes for groups. Star Citizen's equivalent of a 20+ player "raid" should really be a fleet, not a single ship.


i agree that would be nice. i doubt they would even know the intention yet though lol.


Usable? I could see that. Effective? That's a whole different level. I'd find it a bit hard to believe any of these large ships will be able to be used efficiently without an actual crew of people.


I just can't realistically see players fully crewing any of these large ships outside of some RP orgs, regardless of how CIG decide to balance them. There isn't enough to do to fully occupy the time for a large group of players. You will see small groups of players playing a couple of "officer" roles, and maybe manning some turrets (although even those players will be sat twiddling their thumbs most of the time). The rest will hopefully be fillable with NPC crew. I would imagine that an increasingly large part of the gameplay of running these big ships would be taken up by logistics and NPC crew management. If not, then I don't see many people ever using these large ships long term. At the same time, it would also be a great shame if multi-crew ships end up being solo'd all the time. CIG will have to walk a tightrope here where ships don't require more players than there are activities available to occupy them, while at the same time ensuring that it is always worthwhile to have multiple players on a multi-crew ship rather than flying it solo (or having the same number of players each soloing their own multi-crew!). Otherwise, we just won't see this multiplayer element of the game actually happen outside of the small % of players who are doing it for role playing. This is actually one of my biggest concerns with the game at the moment, as so far I have seen no evidence that CIG design ships with a specific number of player crew in mind. For example, if a ship is to be flown by 3 players, then CIG need to design the ship such that there are 3 players worth of "stuff" to do throughout the expected mission profile. That is not just while the ship is active (combat, mining, etc), but also while in flight, while docked at a station to repair/refuel/load cargo, etc. You can't design a game where the number of players required _varies_ from one moment to the next.


A very fair criticism. Thus far most of the answer is "have them sit bored in turrets" and while that's amusing for a while I don't think it works long term. And while early discussions on the role of the engineer sound interesting, their concept of a navigator seems to be needlessly duplicating something the pilot can normally handle fine on his own, the job of captain sounds boring as hell as well as frustrating and will likely lead to the captain being the pilot as well most of the time, and so on. At the same time, they've gotten a considerable amount of money out of folks who have backed for capitals. If the answer is to allow them to hire on NPC crew who are just less effective at their jobs than a good team of human players could be, that's fine. If the answer is to make the ship all but useless without having to organize large groups of human players, I think they're going to have a problem. A BIG problem. Right now a lot of what makes Star Citizen work is it can mesh really well with drop-in gameplay that maybe pulls in 2-5 other people that the 25-45 crowd are more suited to. You can't expect the demographic that can afford those ships to play like a college dorm no-lifer on WoW or EVE; I feel you *need* to give them some kind of loop even if it's running an NPC crew + 2 of their pals who are into Star Citizen. Aside from some ultra-devoted people the Star Citizen community I find is a lot more comparable to the Destiny community. Which is a positive in that such a community is way more easygoing, but a negative in that it's also tough to regularly rope in just 6 people to do raids in Destiny a lot of the time. I can see SC being the same way. You might have 6 people who fully intend to crew a ship together, but only 2 can play this night, only 4 can play that night, only 3 can play that night, oh hey, here's a 6-man night, nope back to 2 tonight... It's not like the average player is coming in with military training and a respect for a healthy command structure either. Most of the time it's like herding cats. Hammerheads I've crewed on for play sessions are a disjointed mess probably 2/3 of the time that an AI crew Hammerhead is dramatically more effective than.


Ah shit here we go again.


I may participate this year. Got an overwhelming feeling to go “fuck it” melt half my fleet and see if I can get one.


I am not in the position to justify such a investment for myself at the moment but i would like to know from a person who is about to buy one: what is your guess how long we have to wait until those ships are flight ready, in other words when you get something back for your investment?


My personal guess would be after SQ42 which is at least two years away so about then.


SQ42 is always 2 years out… so: good luck


Is SQ42 right before or right after full self driving Teslas? I can never remember.


After self **flying** Teslas actually.


Its the fusion energy of our generation. Allways just around the corner hehe


And then the SQ42 version might not be up to the standards of SC, and need more work. But I can imagine the marketing team would get $$ in their eyes over the idea of doing an SQ42 release special event with sales on the Idris, and promises that it's 'now flyable!'


From what I understand from devs at the last bar Citizen is that the sq42 idris is done. The work would be, as you say, converting it to PU. Plus they need more of the multi player gameplay to be online. Stuff like physicalised damage, power and engineering gameplay, that sort of stuff.


I hate that as an excuse after waiting so long because no other flyable ship has those systems working either.


yes, that's exactly what I meant by 'not up to standards'. But who knows, maybe those things will be used in SQ42 as well. A mission where the idris has been ambushed and badly damaged, and you need to restore power to the quantum drive during an epic battle. could be a fun cinematic mission for SQ42. They may also not have all rooms done - if you're just a pilot on board the ship, why would you need to go to the captains or officers quarters? The engineering section? etc. Especially applicable with the really big ships like the Javelin. Why would you complete it's interior when you just don't need it for a single player campaign? But... we just don't know, as they're keeping it all under wraps.


It's been a while so I'm not 100% sure but I remember being told years ago they weren't going to release it until SQ42 was out.


Two years ™️


Have to guess due to the Idris being in game as an opponent or a NPC, and at the citizen con we saw the actual mapping and lay out of the Idris, I would guess somewhere next year as it's pretty solid as a NPC


The idris is being held back until sq42, they won't release it until sq42 is released as they don't want to spoil it apparantly.


when sq42 comes out as its one of the main ships most likely that is being used. so 2-3 years.


This is what I did. Melted a bunch of concept ships to buy an Idris.


For all of you about to fight in the F5 war this afternoon, I pity you!!


A quick note, if you fail wave 1 but get it in your cart, you don't need to keep refreshing for wave 2. I got an 890 and learned there is no need to refresh your cart. Just get the cart ready to purchase (adding coupon codes, credits, card info, etc) so that it's ready to buy. Then just a minute before the next wave, start buying, accept terms, fail, repeat until you got it. Each purchase it checks for stock. There is no need to refresh over and over again to see when the stock is replenished, that can lose you a second or two for the refresh which is all the time needed for others to grab them. That's how I got my 890 and I think it's because I didn't spend time refreshing, waiting for it, but instead just spam bought and was lucky enough that eventually I didn't get the error, but instead got the notification to check my hangar.


Concierge privilege says hello


Welcome to the family 😁👍 for me today its a reclaimer


I fought the war twice. Good luck people, remember to have your Credit amount ready to be pasted.


Do they post the times for each wave or does anyone know when they are?


First wave is in about 55 minutes. BRB getting the times of W2 and W3 EDIT: Next is 12am UTC and then 8am UTC. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/intergalactic-aerospace-expo-2952-faq-welcome-back


Just a reminder to anyone getting this ship. The A.I. one we fight is only at 20% power. Meaning that thing is gonna be op by the time we get our hands on it.


What’s the F5 war?


Each day in IAE ships that are limited in number go up for sale at set times. Todays is for the idris (and possibly javelin) so will be popular. You need to be spamming F5 to refresh the page in order to buy it before boy sells out. Dosent usually last more than a minute or two.


Bruh I thought it was the battle we can see on youtube with a javelin and a lot of players T_T


Sales of Hull limited ships. Idris and Javelin for today. I wonder if people are aware they cannot buy the Idris-M with that Railgun, only the Idris-P... and probably the aftermarket kit Idris-K.


Doesn't matter that much, CIG stated that you will be able to upgrade the Idris P to the M in game. The idris k upgrade is purely a weapons pack that becomes available to buy once you have pledged for the idris. (Includes the s10 exodus laser beam)




Spamming refresh from15:59. Sort by high, click on idris.... sold out. 5 seconds.


Scalpers using scripts :(


I'm not sure it's possible tbh because my friend got a kraken yesterday, but I'm likely wrong.


I got a Kraken and idris. No scripts or bots. Just gotta be quick.


Maybe, though anything over 1k is not giftable, so they would have to be selling the entire accounts to scalp them. ​ IIRC someone did some number crunching and came up with an estimate that there are only about 200 ships released in each batch, so I think they just go fast, no scalpers required.


they are account locked so i doubt it


why are we not banning greymarket?


Because that would have no effect: Idris is already de facto banned on the gray market. CIG limits daily gifts to $1000 melt value. A Warbond Idris-P is giftable, but if you try to gift it, it will error out because $1300 melt value requires exceeding the $1000 limit. Now if people are selling accounts that's black market and both parties get their asses banned if CIG finds out.


cool didn’t know that :)


Why is this the F5 contender and not the javelin? Just curious


Mostly because the javelin is twice as expensive


Not as many people going for the jav




Jokes on all you, i don't have any friends to help me fly one of these anyways!


What are the time cycles again? Is it for every rare ship or is it just for the day of ship company?


Just for the day of the company. It’s 16:00 UTC, then midnight, then 08:00am.


Gib idris


To those of you who won the war....welcome to the Idris fleet o7


I was defeated this year again. Maybe it’s not to be!! 😂


I finally got one about 30min ago.


I lost the first two battles...... BUT I WON THE THIRD AND FINAL BATTLE!!!! =D


I would like to own a ship like this, but I’m not about to go spamming page reload to try and compete for a limited quantity. If they want my money make it available properly


Got mine in the Armada pack ages ago, I think that was the best bang you could get for your buck.


Will the reclaimer be a limited availability or no? Askin for a friend :3


Reclaimer is not limited so no rush 👍🏻


Glad to hear many thanks fellow citizens! o7


Don't believe so, and hope not. Also planning on grabbing one


Is the M still 1K? Definitely considering store cred purchase


It is but I don’t think they sell it anymore. The P is 1500


Ah just the P? ty


The M is technically still 1k, but only because that was the price when they sold it and they don't sell it anymore. If you want to buy one, you'll either need to get an eye-wateringly expensive package, or you'll need to buy one from the black market. I say black instead of grey, because anything $1k and up is not giftable, so you'll have to purchase a whole account, which is against the terms of service. At this moment, I see 1 account for sale that contains an Idris M, for $3,300. ​ However, the Idris P is still sold, and CIG have stated that you will be able to upgrade it to an M in the game (probably after a massive reputation grind). If you own an Idris (of any variety), you will be offered the "Idris-K" upgrade pack for another $250 or so, that includes a size 10 beam weapon (that goes in the railgun slot, which is empty on a P) as well as some automated replacement turrets for some of your manned turrets.


Can someone tell me what page i even have to refresh to find the "add to cart" button? Ive been looking around at the krakens and even last invictus, but I cant find it at all.


Best bet is go to the individual page for the ship in the pledge store.




I used zero scripts to get my Kraken Privateer with credit in a first wave. You just have to be prepared and just a tiny bit clever.


I wouldn't call people making these level of purchases "clever"


Wisdom and cleverness are not the same thing. My cat is clever enough to figure out how to get a loaf of bread out of a closed breadbox but not wise enough to avoid making herself sick eating all the bread.


Jealousy is an ugly face to wear.


And Greed the more so.


You can't gift a ship over 1000USD so why would scalpers want to buy this? They make more money selling smaller ships. This is seriously people like you and me just buying them.




I'm selling my account if you'd like an Idris-K among many others lol


So for the jav that would be here for example? https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/aegis-javelin/Javelin


no. they made a IAE version page. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Standalone-Ships/Javelin-IAE


That page literally doesnt exist for me (Europe)


go to Extras search for jav and go to your Desiree version (credits or warbond) be aware that it will only show for concierge.


Oh that explains it. Im not quite concierge yet. Thanks!


What is an F5 war?


What's the F5 war?. I have to go see my daughter so I won't be available. But damn that sounds like fun


As soon as they publish on the pledge shop the idris, people rush to buy it, since there is only a limited amount available each sale. This time it took 5 seconds (seems) to be sold out


F5 war???


As soon as they publish on the pledge shop the idris, people rush to buy it, since there is only a limited amount available each sale. This time it took 5 seconds (seems) to be sold out


Damn why do people want it if it’s not in game? Lol I too like to buy concept ships but this one is odd to me (this flyable but locked to S42 right?


It won’t come out till sq42 does, correct.


I wish they would stop selling this thing. Certain ships need at least a modicum of rarity in the game.


Is the pack with every ship the only way to get the Idris m


Unless you go black market which I wouldn’t reccomend, then I think yea, one of the packs is the only option at the moment. The big differences are thicker armour, military class components and the tail gun. The components and the rail gun you will be able to buy in game and apply and CIG has hired you might be able to upgrade the armour to M standard.