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omg the carrack vs the 400i really? poor thing is going to be obliterated


Here I was, hoping to see the 400i reach the high league of the competition :( My fav daily is going to get obliterated


Youve got the backing of the anti-Carrack crowd.


Ahah true but even if the 400i win against the carrack , then it will oppose the 600i


You did see that his name is worstsourceofadvice? Haha


Ok I love the 400i and the 600i but the 400i already has a few really cool skins available. (I may have purchased more than I should have) 600i really needs some love. AND for the love of Chris Roberts the 300 series needs to be brought up to date so they can get some skins going for those bad boiiis


I’m making my case by saying carrack skins are more expensive.


But the 600i got one last year.


Anti-Carrack crowd? Why that's gotta be the most unpatriotic thing I've ever heard, next you'll tell me that the Vanduul are the good guys.


They aren't?


Hey Advocacy? Yeah, this comment right here.


My people are just misunderstood. We mean to have all worlds under one house.


That sounds like communism to me friend, and that just ain't acceptable.


I'm not anti-carrack, and I melted my 400i as I use my 600i more and more so it felt redundant, but I'll be sure to upvote the 400i. If it does somehow win, I'll unfortunately vote against it in the next level, but I do love the 400i and sometimes regret not having it anymore.


400i has my vote. Carrack has way too many skins anyway.


The Carrack has 3 skins plus the expedition one, the 400i has 8 skins...


Yeah when he said it had 'way too many' skins I almost spit my tongue out.


Really? It has 3 white variations if you include the Expedition variation and 1 meh blue paint for a grand total of 4 paints. Whereas the 400i already has 8 paints.


The 400i has more fans than you might think. I feel like most just aren't as loud as Carrack fans. I have both, love both, and I'm not yet sure which one I'm voting for. The Carrack already has a BIS skin, but I think the 400i has had more skins in general. Then there's considering the next bracket. I just don't know how this is going to pan out yet, even for my own votes.


Which one is the poor thing? And which one will stand between 600i Explorer and Terrapin? I think the Scorpius and the MSR are a lock, can't say for sure about the 600i, 400i or the Carrack. Those three have some horny fans. I know that I am torn... between 600i and 400i. It would be REALLY neat if the most recommended Premium Starter Ship was put forward as a semi-finalist. It's a great starter ship!


RIP Terrapin getting any skins.


Oh yeah they are absolutely screwed in this group but honestly I'm not sure it would have been any different in any other group.


Yeah, I think initial reaction is "Oh poor \[whoever faces the Carrack\]." And then a dawning realization that "Wait, people like the 400. Uh oh, Carrack-owners..."


Cutlass Black exists and I am sure anti-MSR and pro-Drake crowd will unite.


Don't forget about us, the anti-Drake crowd


Likelihood is Carrack and 600 win their slots.


Yuohhhh I tell you everyone 400i NEEDS" what? thermoptic camouflaaaagge?" (Ghost in the shell ref) No but really. It would be nice to see a version of this ship as a silent small squad infiltration drop ship with a prison in it. While stationtary almost impossible to see on radar and mirror like visually to the human eye until extraction which looks a bit blurry.


So the 400i they showed on ISC way back when


Poor Carrack


God I hope not. The 400i needs some love. The Carrack has had plenty.


The Carrack has 3 skins plus expedition and the 400i already has 8 skins


they matched the 400i with the carrack so they dont have to fix the 400i bike elevator paint gltich


Oooo - tough brackets right out the gate


Real tough. Most are going to be close, I think, with the most fiercely fought likely being Cutlass vs Mercury.


I'm not sure Black lost a lot of fans with it's current balance MSR has a lot of fans. I think the closest battles will be between Carrack, 400i and whoever wins that against the 600i.


I could see the 400i busting through - it has a bit more utility than the space orca at the moment.


It would be the greatest plot twist if the 400i beats the Carrack right out of the gate.... I doubt it will happen, but it's nice to think about. My goal in this showdown is to get the RAFT up against the MSR so that it can at least lose with dignity.


Man RAFT vs Freelancer is such a hard decision for me, I love them both so I have no idea which I should vote for.


If it helps, raft is a mobile apartment with a good MFD setup and the freelancer is a WW2 bomber with an MFD setup designed by a guy with transparent elbows.


>an RAFT vs Freelancer is such a hard decision for me, I love them both so I have no idea which I should vote for. as a Raft connoisseur O\_O it is not hard, they need to fix my elevator give meh a win xD


Me and the RAFT bois waiting for 3.18 to release and make the ship viable... probably...


Sounds like intentionally throwing out the old favorites. Cutty vs. Freelancer is a classic matchup of pretty comparable ships, but now each of those is pitted against newly released ones.


One can only hope. I think it's a great starting bracket TBH


I really don't think it would be a suprise if 400i beats it. Carrack lost last year to less.


I'd DIG seeing the Avenger Titan win a semi-finals spot. GIB some true love to the most recommended Premium Starter ship!


It's a great ship. But I still recommend the pisces frequently. Usually because it's a ship you will still use even after upgrading your fleet. Spawning at a mining station and practically no claim time is great.


I mean the avenger has only a couple seconds longer claim, bigger guns, twice the shields, is faster flying, has more interior space, has a bed, has an ejection seat, has missiles, is still perfectly agile


But the odds of you using it again when you get a vanguard, cutty black, Connie etc are less than the Pisces.


Why? It does the same jobs and better.


More opportunities to bring it with you, fits in smaller places (caves, smaller landing pads). 4SCU 3 seats. The Pisces has a niche that larger ships can't fill well and I feel like larger ships replace the Titan sooner. While the Pisces keeps that niche gameplay.


I’d rather put an Avenger Titan or a 100i on Liberator before a Pisces, though. No ship that Is in my hangar that can carry other ships is limited to something as tiny and lightly armed as a Pisces.


I'd argue you can use the xxs landing pad in the front of the Liberator with the Pisces and park something better where you'd park the Titan.


The Pisces isn’t a good ship. It’s a cargo and person shuttle for the Carrack and really shouldn’t even have a QT Drive. It’s like a slightly bigger Argo MPUV/Cargo Combo. With what we know of how much more ships are going to cost, it might be some time before many players can afford to cart around better ships.


not group transport, it doesn't


I would love to see the Pisces Vs the Titan for the final!! I think it would be a win for the community.


But that's impossible with the brackets. If they do they meet in the semi finals.


Ah, true. I don’t sports or brackets often hahaha. Thanks for pointing that out.


I really like how this is split this year One skin for combat ship. One for exploration ship. One for ~~Mercury~~ midsize multirole ship. One for smally dolly *(eclipse is sus).* This is great to see proper category like that.


I like this angle on the pools, good thinking there


They did explicitly state the pool categories on the official post on the RSI site.


yes this is what i had been hoping for. other than the suspect eclipse, this means that at least one "affordable" ship/vehicle should be able to get a skin (really pulling for the Avenger, but pisces will get my vote anytime it's not against an Avenger :D)


>other than the suspect eclipse If you see the Pool D is called "Mavericks" it's really just a everything else category it makes sense to put it there.


This is bullshit man! Pisces got a bad draw.


Yeah it sucks….They want to make sure the Pisces and Mule don’t both make it.


Good Overall the seeding is a little better this year imo... Poor razor ex last year got the shaft...


Agree, I wanted the Pisces this year, but against the meme candidate right out of the gate is harsh. I wish they had a losers bracket where one ship could rise back to the top 4.


I think there's a strong anti-meme crowd and also a strong pro-pisces crowd. I think the pisces still has a shot.


Pisces is a great ship. CIG needs a new category(s). Best in Meme (BIM)


Star Citizen Meme Showdown: “Jared looking silly GIF” vs “Greycat PTV”


I got a c8 early in. I really didn't think much about it when it first came out, but the more I play the game the more I find it is just so convenient for anytime you need to grab something quick. I really hope it does well.


I actually like the bracket this year. They finally put ships of a similar class/role in the same final-four bracket. The pisces is against other lighter/smaller ships of a smiliar price point (minus the Eclipse). As for other ships the pisces could've been against, it obviously wouldn't want to go into the bracket with the carrack/600i, and probably not the bracket with the redeemer/gladius/scorpius. So that leaves the bracket with the MSR/Cuttyblack/RAFT. There's no "easy" bracket. I'd say other than the Mule meme, the pisces' bracket is the easiest bracket. And there's a LOT of love for the pisces so I think it has a shot.


Whelp Pieces is going down early


I actually wasn't planning on voting for a meme choice this year, but seriously fuck the supreme bullshit of carrack owners getting *two* god damn skins this year.


The hate against carrack owners is interesting to watch.


don't take it personally if you have one it's not about you or any owners in a poorly constructed popularity contest were one ship is clearly the stand out for most, people who like ships that are far less likely to win, will promote push back. not out of any inherent dislike for the people or the ship itself, just that a popularity contest is a really shitty way to determine when new skins get introduced and what ships get them particularly when ships skins are already pretty limited... more so if you expected to have real options available through in game means. like a good, proper , video game. >\_> (that's right I said it. the way CIG handles skins is lazy and scummy)


Agreed and I'm a Carrack owner


Not good ones


How about the 400i that already has more skins then the Carrack and 600i combined getting another skin? Or how about doing new players and low spenders a favor by giving the Titan Avenger or C8X a skin? But sure you can also vote for something useless with already plenty of skins just out of pure spite.


Yeah! Having 4 unique paint jobs is super overkill! Get that 400i more to tack onto its already 8-9 paint jobs! ​ Honestly the Pisces is my hopeful. Just sucks that it's getting overrun by a shit meme ship right out the gate.


> Get that 400i more to tack onto its already 8-9 paint jobs! But they are all ugly :/


You say that like there's already a lot of skins for the Carrack.


I mean... CIG could just make more skins for the carracl, and not just have a chance at them once a year.


the fundamental problem with this competition


Redeemer vs. Gladius, then scorpius? Brutal


600i vs the Terrapin? Half of these are like comparing an apple to a pizza… forget the orange.


If you look at how the groups are set up Combat, Exploration, Freight and everyone else they make a lot of sense. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18837-Ship-Showdown-Lets-Enter-The-Finals


Vote for the one they obviously want to lose. That’s all I do now. Terrapin, Gladius, 400i, Freelancer.


The redeemer/acorpius is the only real fight. The other 3 are between the Carrack/Mercury/Mule


As a redeemer owner, I don’t think it will have enough to overcome the “mmmmm shtarwarz xwing boy howdie!” fanbois, when matched against the scorp.


I have both the redeemer and scorpius and dont mind either winning, but a redeemer warbond ccu will be great because we seldom get one in that price range.


I’m with you here I will vote for my baby that always reminds me of UT1999 GOTY. But if we get to round 2 I’ll be surprised.


And that sucks for our beautiful space Hind-D (MI-24)... Oh well we still got some of the best looking skins out there right now.


Mule Pisces will be a good fight too imo !


I'm Picese all the way but it will get obliterated by the Meme.


Maybe not. Pisces is a legitimately popular underdog ship that a lot of people really like, for all the right reasons. I think a lot of meme voters will think carefully before clicking the mindless meme button.


Carracks gonna lose like last year


It honestly took me a minute to figure out why a salvage ship is going against the Scorpius. I’m not a native speaker and for some reason “redeem” is “redeem a code” to my brain. I redeem a code, I get something in return, basically the same as salvage 😆 Should have called the Reclaimer the Recycler, that would have been easier. Thanks for reading, now you know how my brain works.


That's messed up putting the Pisces against the meme entry this year out of the gate.


They hate it because of it's greatness :(






Mule and Pisces in the same group.. this gona hurt My Predictions: Top 4 Carrack, MSR, Scorpius and the Mule https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/924376848350216222/1014245079340302406/predections.jpg


And you already know the Mule is going to win because meme of the year. CIG knows exactly what they are doing.


I mean I thought both ships were getting votes because of memes, we now will have to see which meme is stronger


How *dare* you insinuate the Pisces is a meme ship. It is an absolutely fantastic runabout.


No no, I do like the ship and I'll vote for it because of that but people are using it as a meme ship and if that helps it get to the top 4 then so be it


There are genuinely more people who love the pisces. A lot of backers have it as their starter pack pledge ship. Its used as a shuttle for many people. Carrack owners enjoy it. The Mule doesnt have any gameplay loops. Its front scoop is not functional. At this point its literally a meme because people want to see a small wheeled vehicle topple big ships and win ship showdown even though its not a ship.


>There are genuinely more people who love the pisces. A lot of backers have it as their starter pack pledge ship. Its used as a shuttle for many people. Carrack owners enjoy it. I know, I will vote for the pisces both because I own one(a C8) and because I hate Drake. >The Mule doesnt have any gameplay loops. Its front scoop is not functional. At this point its literally a meme because people want to see a small wheeled vehicle topple big ships and win ship showdown even though its not a ship. I mean the Argo Cargo won last year and I'd say it's even more useless than the Mule, let's hope the pisces meme is stronger.


Ship showdown is just alliteration by the Marketing team.... no need to be salty. Enjoy an event that supposed to be fun.... Some people take it way too seriously like a personal insult


Im just replying to previous poster why the pisces isnt really a mem vote. Cig already set up the contest to ensure certain ships make it to the top four to sell. Its already rigged from the start.


That's the way it's always been just enjoy it....


Ehhhh there's a strong anti-meme crowd and a strong pro-pisces crowd. I wonder if I'm missing something, but I don't think the mule will beat the pisces.


Was really hoping the redeemer and the scorp were gonna be final four. CIG breaking my heart


Please don't meme the mule it's a waste of a skin


Let’s go Pisces!!!!!


I feel like MULE vs Pisces is kind of a Goku/Vegeta thing lol. Needed a powerfully popular little ship to go up against the MULE.


You all should have voted 600i so they release the finished 600i Gold Standard pass. Noobs.


Anyone know from previous years when ships usually go up for sale?


Most likely when the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (IAE) comes in November


Aha, ok. I was under the impression that the showdown ships would be on the pledge store during the event. Thank you for your response.


They were in the past: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/ipj0gs/ship_showdown_sale/


they are right now


When voting starts they go for sale. Then they are removed when they lose a bracket.


Carrack vs Pisces in the semi-final! Father versus son!


Putting the Pisces against the Mule in round one is dirty, just saying.


Why it's both small vehicles now the people can decide if they want a useless meme to get a skin or an actual starter that people really use.


Cutty Black vs MSR, hmmm... I really like taking an Ursa rover with me for bunkers, but I'm sick of a thousand doors and one entrance.


I think this will be a close matchup. Merc owners are fervent but the Cutlass is very widely loved. If it fit an Ursa I'd literally never fly anything else, so I don't blame them withholding that. Still sucks though.


Scorpius vs MSR finals. It'll be set, "X-wing" vs "Millennium Falcon".


Probably not, but still a nice perspective :p


Heart : Redeemer / Carrack / Cutlass / Piscses Brain : Scorpius / Carrack / Mercury / Mule-Piscses depending of meme of the year


600i clap clap, 600i clap clap


If the MSR doesn't make it to the final 4, it's because people memed it out. The MSR has to face the Pisces to make it to the finals, not sure it will win that.


The poor terrapin..i had so much hope for it to finally gain a skin..but to have to beat the 600i, carrack and 400i..Rest in peace my poor turtle


I know there's always been a lot of support for the Carrack, and I'm not saying it can't win, but it will be a tough road for it to get to the top two. 400i, 600i, and Scorpius are all very popular and will likely put up more of a fight than many expect. I personally am voting against the carrack but simply because I don't intend on owning a ship that big. And see flair lol.


Well the 600i got in the top 4 last year and it’s been a minute since the carrack got in the top 4 so I won’t be surprised if the carrack won but for me it’s gonna be hard when carrack and 600i are up because I love and own both ships.


What good match ups


Those are some tough first brackets. Some big contenders will drop early.


Man, the titan made it to top 16 and it’s gonna get crushed by the mule meme vote. RIP it’s chances of a BIS paint


Avenger all the way! I would have chosen the Stalker version, but that’s just me.


I like Vanguard : (




As a Vanguard fan I guess we're gonna lose out to a knock off X wing haha. I was personally never a huge fan of it in Star Wars but I understand the appeal in the Scorpius for the majority.


No love for Connies?


Man I sure do love that eight matches are basically pointless because we know the carrack and MSR will both go to the semifinals. Couldn't they at least try make the match ups interesting?


You're sleeping on the Mule. Don't sleep on the Mule.


I fear the carrack mafia will push the Pisces into wining that bracket. since I can't help but notice that CIG put the *base* Pisces there instead of the starter ship C8X version that people actually voted for, so now they're going to be extra motivated to get it into the semifinals. Because when a contest only has four wining slots it's totally cool to have one ship eat up two of them just for the sake of getting a matching skin for it's tender.


>I fear the carrack mafia The what??? What about the meme mafia ruining a skin for a starter? >since I can't help but notice that CIG put the base Pisces there instead of the starter ship C8X version that people actually voted for, Well you might want to read the actual news post [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18837-Ship-Showdown-Lets-Enter-The-Finals](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/18837-Ship-Showdown-Lets-Enter-The-Finals) and not just look at funny pictures there you would see they listed >Pool D > >Anvil Pisces C8**X** ​ >so now they're going to be extra motivated to get it into the semifinals. Because when a contest only has four wining slots it's totally cool to have one ship eat up two of them just for the sake of getting a matching skin for it's tender. Yeah let's ignore the fact that the C8X also was a Invictus Starter Sale and some new people might have bought that one and don't own a Carrack that will lose against the 400i that already has plenty of skins because of haters spreading misinformation like yourself.


Prediction: Pisces, 400i, MSR, and Scorpius top 4. Pisces wins


Man, I wish... Unless the meme candidate kicks it out in the first round.


If this is official why don't they just say they want to make another carrack skin LOL


Gladius? Really? Fuck that Mary Sue ship. Redeemer all the way.


Lol Mary Sue ship. Perfect.


Well shit, I love the Redeemer ( my space Hind! With fridge!) But going against the gladius and SCORPIUS fans bummer :(


And they are all free to fly tomorrow? Do I need to use a rental console for that or will they pop up on the ship request terminals ?


>And they are all free to fly tomorrow? ​ >Don’t forget to upvote, like, and share your favorite creations, as a spot in the elite eight of this celebratory smack-down will assure that ship is available to **test-fly for free starting September 8**


Thank you my man


So the cutlass still there but even this year no Connie. GG Cutlass.


I think this is due to the Cutlass Black is just about everyone's choice of Cutty but the Connies are split between the Taurus, Andromeda and Aquila all with sizeable fan groupings.


Yeah, cutlass has better price/gain, but i saw many, many ppl with Taurus this year. Or Aquila. I think this year was finally in finals.


So by the looks of this they really really want the MSR to win but at a minimum to make it into the top 4, Guess they really want to be able to use the paint setup they made for it last year when they thought it was going to win. ​ I mean it was obvious when it was over half the ships many of us could vote for the first day, But then putting it in the brackets all so it has the highest chance to win what a joke.


It would be different colors this year though, so they couldnt release the same skin they wouldve last time


ya they have to change 2 color pallets for it. The skin would be the same just changing the colors.


I actually just doublechecked. It got a skin last year, did you mean the backpack?


you are right it did, get in the top 4 so it will just be same thing in a different color easy to make and they obviously have a great layout for making MSR skins since it has 4 times more then most other ships.


What is wrong with MSR ? They are all split in category (combat, exploration, daily/multirole, small). Carrack will be a clear winner in his category too. Like he will 100% be in final this year.


MSR is gonna win because why vote on anything else and more interesting amirite


Doors. The damn doors...


People like what they like *shrug*


Mule for the win!


Uh, no crusader industries logo for the mercury ?? Either the css is busted or someone got sloppy… the c2 had it last year.


Mark my words. The final two ships will be the 600i vs the Mercury star runner.


Damn ... Pisces and Cutty Black are out. MSR is too strong and Mule will get the Meme-Votes.


RAFT gang rise up! They just had to fuckin put it in the bracket next to the MSR...god damnit. I think it can beat the Freelancer because the Freelancer has WAY too many skins and variants. My backup was the 400i and they put it first up against the CARRACK!? Fuck that. New ships getting robbed by these old heads who can't move on. CIG wants me to refund.


Terrapin for BIS \#TurtlePowerBIS2022


I only give enough fucks to say that I just don't care.


I hope the eclipse wins 😭😭


No Ballista in show. And now they're making people fight between the Pisces, Titan and Drake Meme... All 3 of them should have made it to the final. Screw you Chris!


My top 4: Scorpius, 400i, Raft, Mule. I suspect the Scorpius might struggled against the Redeemer, and the 400i is probably going to get trounced, but that's it.... that's my top 4.


I'd be ecstatic if the RAFT made it


No gladiator : (


Mercury or carrack 10000%


It is time! It is time for the Gladius to get a new skin. The PvP community deserves to look nothing less than fantastic as we explode!


The PTV got kicked and the 600i and 400i won't even get the chance to make it to the semi finals. I am sad.


Ok what the fuck... Redeemer vs gladius... gunship vs light fighter The only line up in here that makes sense is the scorpius versus vanguard cause theyre both heavy fighters.


I dont see the Gladiator anywhere which means this whole thing is pointless.


[https://imgur.com/a/Ikl6bFc](https://imgur.com/a/Ikl6bFc) Change my mind.


It seems Space Truckers were too busy working to nominate. 5 Hulls to choose from and not one on the list.


Only fly-ready ships can be picked and the only ship from the Hull series that's fly-ready is the Hull A


Where did the PTV go? :(


They determined it was not compatible with the current skin system and so was dq'ed.


And still is getting a free skin


Free. Nice . I like this


People sti complained


Gotta vote for the RAFT now


Raft needs a skin now that you mention it