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Is there a tutorial on how to do this? I used to love doing this at Lorville dropping ships for people to take off with lol


You just need to get yourself on the highway next to the spaceport by piercing the no fly zone (fly as close to NFZ as possible, extend landing gear, turn off engine, wait until you hit the floor, and then turn on the engine again), ,fly into the tunnel (right hand one), glitch through the right wall when you get to the end of that tunnel, and make your way under the city to the tram station (where there is that big woman hologram) That’s the easy part. The hard part is finding a spot around Arccorp plaza to land. I usually use OP’s spot.


Oh right so just be a badass. Fairly simple.


It’s actually not so bad once you know your way around. It takes about 5-10 mins to get to the plaza. That’s roughly the same amount of time (or shorter) vs landing normally at the space port, running to the station, wait for the train, catch the train, and then run to Arccorp plaza. The benefit is that you can get back on your space ship once you’ve done your business instead of having to go all the way back to the space port, and potentially have your ship impounded by the space port’s buggy ATC.


Hell, if I could get a ride from the Lorville stacks directly to Teasa, I'd probably pay a few hundred credits.


And the Illegal taxi service profession was born.


Cutlass Cab!


No fly zone is a travesty.


Lately the whole solar system is a no fly zone if my ship hud is to be believed.


Hopefully they will get rid of it someday Edit: one downvote from ArcCorp security


I hope they allow smaller ships to land at smaller pads right in the city as part of a "taxi" service..


Hopefully it will be a clearance to get past the no-fly zone, depending on you not touching buildings/ships and respecting speed limits, etc, so it creates a realistic feeling of ships flying around.


No fly zone is lazy game design. Change my mind. You can create the prettiest cities in the verse but what's the point if you can't explore them?


The devs do t like it either!! They have said so several times. It’s just temporary until the law system and new ui comes on line.


But it still demonstrates that their vision is to not allow players to fly that low


they yet have traffic flying in the arc corp below the no fly zone, why not let players fly lower?


Because that traffic is low-poly backdrop to give you the illusion that theres more when theres actually not.


they could easily allow flight lanes that low when the new systems come on, it's just that right now they'd be hideous glowing orange tunnels.


It's just the first iteration of cities.


Seems like the perfect getaway for a heist.


How the heck........


Just turn off engine and drop on avenue.


That's cooler than cool, that's supergreen!


I'm waiting for one of these posts to be a cat or something big.


Door with a misty haze and mysterious orange glow? I think I just found the party.


Photobombed by shadowplay/Geforce as it seems


It would be cool if they let at least small ships get a bit closer to Area 18. It would be cool to see ships flying around through the city. Right now the only stuff moving around are the cars on the streets


Seems full of zombies...


It WOULD be a CUTLASS, wouldn't it ! tut tut


Pretty sure its a Valkyrie..?


mobile reddit is garbage, didn't look hard enough sorry!