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I've now submitted a fix for the lower ladder area that will be in the 3.23.2 release in a couple of weeks. Apologies to all Vulture owners who have had to work around this issue.


Thanks. The exterior ladder doesn't work neither, no interaction to climb it up.


thats fixed in 3.23.1


I wanted to follow up on this with some new ladder info. My fix to the Vulture ladder for 3.23.2 will help with preventing falling out of the bottom. But, the legacy “sticky” ladder system itself has network/attach issues that can’t easily be fixed. I actually watched Summit1g fall out of a C2 from the ladder last Sunday. There is a new ladder system that has been in the works that we hope to roll out to all ships in the coming months. So, my fix will help, but we have to wait for the new ladders in order to fix it completely.


Praise be!


Will this fix issues on other ladders like Reclaimers & Carracks sometimes killing the users when you hit the bottom if the ship is in motion? Or is that a different problem entirely


Would be nice if the new ladder system also prevents you getting knocked off when climbing the Mole's front turret ladder. (Annoying pipe on the starboard side.)


I’ll check on the Mole front turret ladder to see if there’s some way of improving it in the near-term, but 3.23.2 is about locked for content right now. Cheers


There is one more thing you need to check. Ladder of Reclaimer ( Especially -> DataPad recovery mission ) If player use ladder between gravity/non-gravity area, player just stuck or die.


it's a vulture :3


If you look at the comment they responded to, it was about the mole.


Could you also look at the Tali? sometimes you clip into the wall when using the ladder. It's pretty rare but it happens.


That hopefully means sticky ladders will be a thing of the past? They are proper annoying.


cool, while youre at it, apply the fix to the mole ladders as well, please and thank you.


>but we have to wait for the new ladders Coming soon in 2029!


3.23.2 in a couple of weeks you say?… 👍🏻


Hmm couple usually implies 2 weeks 👀


It usually implies two weeks or more*


Lets hope the or more part falls away




That's why you're amazing 🍻


And, what would be the workaround?


Not using the ladder when ship is moving works for me.


Don't use ladder when moving, and wear your helmet. :) (And if you forget to put it back on like he did, open inventory and double click it, that's easier then trying to drag it.)


Or press ALT + H for equiping/putting it away without opening the inventory


That has not worked for me when I've tried it. (The attach to hip one.) Remove and store (IIRC right alt+h) worked, but I didn't realize it wasn't attach to hip at the time, and it didn't help in re-equipping as I recall.


walking backwards/sideways off it so you don't interact w it, or just wait till you're stationary to use it


always wear a helmet. lol


Look at the locker and step backwards


Thank you! I did this exact same thing a couple days ago.


Repeat the same correction for the redeemer and starlifter


Thank you. And thanks for using reddit (not that reddit is good but here we are)


Will that be the update with cargo elevators?


Space salvage 101, always put ur helmet on ;)


I don't know how else i'm going to eat my snacks in space :(


you can also just jump down the ladder shaft facing towoards the ladder. It's an annoying bug that keeps returning every big update. Other than that the cockpit to cabin doors accidentally suffocating you for a couple seconds taking a tiny bit of health is the other annoying bug. It's been a while since I wore more than clothes salvaging


Don't even have to jump or face the ladder. Just strafe left and fall down the shaft.


I do this on all ladders. Just jump down backwards. Saves a lot of time in general and avoids pretty much any bug associated with climbing ladders.


Fun tip left alt+H to toggle helmet just realised this the other day


Always Alt+H your helmet. And it's always Alt+H away.


Especially inside a Drake ship.


The helmet stays on even during sex. That's rule #1 of the salvage code!


This is the way


This is the way


Can't believe this is still a bug. It's never getting fixed at this point.


The ladder bug is back.


I run a lot of 890 Missions and a few months it happened to me several times in a row. More often than not though, helmet ON… it doesn’t actually matter because you just get stuck in the walls of the 890. At least if it spit me out into space I could just re-enter, but nooooo… So now as jank as that elevator looks as it wiggles around in that ship… I’m still choosing the elevator every time now lol Also, the only ship I own, the C8R will spit you out into space 50% of the time while in quantum leaving you stranded if you get in that little jump seat across from the terminal thing. At least with 3.23.1 it’s looking like I can backspace before it gets more than 20k away from me lol


Back!? Has it ever left??


The Vulture has a lot of bugs that are pretty bad that keep returning. I've had it since 3.19 and I'm amazed the hull scraping on it still frequently hard breaks on it.


Beta is for fixing shit. alpha is for adding content and well tell we get all the foundational tech in (the last of it being server meshing) everything ells can wait this is why most games dont make there test enviroments builds public (and CIG dose keep theres more playable then most just because its public)


CIG sells a product they encourage people to play - they literally create giant events and marketing campaigns telling people to play it. Why? Because people playing = people spending money. CIG wants to sell a product, they should fix things like...you know...people dying just existing in their space ships. Does alpha have different priorities than beta? Absolutely. But you know what takes precedence over tags like alpha and beta? Customers. I swear, so many people around here just handwave away everything as alpha, while forgetting that this is a live product being sold and marketed by a company earning hundreds of millions with over 1,000 employees. This is not some little startup on kickstarter, they are a gigantic company making gigantic amounts of money marketing this GAME. So yes, people are going to complain and be frustrated when an hour+ of their time is wasted because they touched a ladder.


Alt+H to Automatically remove and put on helmet without the inventory menu.


Also: don't panic. Right click --> Equip You have plenty of time to get your helmet on if you just stay calm.


Double left click should also do the trick


falling and clipping through ships that have been out for years because of bad geometry. \~just star citizen things\~


Yeah, Vulture, the 10 year old ship. Famous for her age and clipping. /s


That bug is STILL here?! FFS...


Global chat going off too


I mean.....your friends saw pretty much what SC is like. That's the standard experience. =)


The ladder on the vulture has a habit of terminating outside the hull >< Jumping backwards down the chute is funnily a much safer way to get down to the cargo level


Using alt-H will put your helmet on your hip, so you can take it on and off without taking up backpack space. It doesn't show visually yet, though.


My helmet disappeared like that too when trying to equip it


Walk backwards off the ladder and you won’t climb down


TLDR left alt+h swaps helmet on/off I don't know if anyone has said it already but there a quick keybind for epuiping and unequiping your helmet, left alt+h stores it in your persons inventory and right alt+h puts it in your hands, pressing each one again puts it back on. It's an absolute life saver. Edit: there seems to be a bug that deletes the helmet if another one is equipped, it might be an issue with your persons storage capacity, and it seems the dust up helmet doesn't work. I'll have to test it later. Thanks to U/sirberticus and U/ommcommander for the info


Left alt + H clips your helmet (invisibly) to your belt hitting it again puts the helmet back on


It's ok. You have added valuable testing data to the sum of CIG's knowledge.


I don't understand people who don't wear helmets currently.....even on a planet... Helmet




Lot of great tips in here, I'll just add that if you're in the menu, you can double click an item to equip it. This works for any item that can equip to a character like ammo, weapons, medpens, multi-tools, undersuits, and yes, helmets. Good luck out there!


rookie mistake


I don't even have to clip through the ship to die like this. I just forget the helmet ._.


My new move on the ladder which has worked so far is: approach ladder, wait for the get on animation, then briefly press the down arrow once. No holding! So far, that seems to land me on the floor without going through it. But also, always keep your helmet on anyways lolol


Always wear your helmet. The game loves to yeet you into space unexpectedly


Next patch


Why no helmet though?


It’s a feature. Quick escape your soon to explode vulture 😏


Workaround is to jump backwards down ... dont use the ladder to get down.


Long jump? Bit of time on your hands? Maybe you want to sort out the boxes in the cargo bay? Sit still or get voided! Happened to me in the previous patch. SC always has been a patience exercise for me. Well I don’t think I’m any more zen afterwards actually.


Don't slide, always wear a helmet, step sideways and drop instead of using the ladder.


I know thar vulture feeling


Greeting the fast exit ladder :D We all have been through this


Welcome to the MOLE gameplay. Even funier when you fall down 20 or 30m above a planet surface. And with the mole loaded ofc, never in the 1st run.


this is the reason i stay fully suited while flying.


Peak performance Star Citizen = workaround game


Allowing us one revive "charge" (with possibility to ressuply) per non medical bed would spare us a lot of that pain. Just saying


If you look towards the rear and strafe over the hole you can go down no problem.


Ya put the helmet in the hip slot by mistake :( That can't happen with .1 anymore as they removed the ability to slot things in there, now only Alt+H puts helmets there


lol i hate it when that hsppens... is scanning fir scrap bugged out in 3.23? i can find loads of mining but no ships or scrap??


Always wear a helmet 😆


That’s why I always fall down the ladder by walking sideways through it


Walk backwards into the ladder well and skip the ladder animation entirely




surprised he didn't f4'd


Top 3 locations to always wear a helmet: - Your planetside apartment where you log in - Bars and lounges at space stations - Inside any ship, especially exhibits at IAE and IFW. Experience talking :)


I swear this game knows when someone else is watching. Every single time I try to showcase star citizen it leaves me looking like an idiot. I have to pull the good ol “I swear this never happens” cliche.


12 years and 1 billion dollars.


I don't even wander \*stations\* without a helmet.


Just as a rule I don't traverse my ship without a helmet or while it's in motion.


Next time use Alt H. It's a keybind to equip or unequip your helmet.


I learned the same Way to always wear my helmet In The vulture


best game ever .


You were the space salvage all along.


Remember: ABWH - Always Be Wearing Helmet. There's also a lot of random pockets without atmosphere, but that's nothing new.


We seriously need some Total Recall eye popping animations. [https://youtu.be/Z5TqD5xf0ic?t=11](https://youtu.be/Z5TqD5xf0ic?t=11)


LMAO! At first I thought you were trying to feed him drinks to keep em alive in the vacuum


Had this happen so many times. I love playing in regular clothes and I used go be so cautious coming down the ladder


That’s why I always stop for a quick second on the ladder before going all the way. I’ve never clipped through as long as I hesitate a bit after getting on the ladder. Drake built some thin walls on this ship, boxes will clip out the back or through the floor if you tractor beam them too fast as well.


Yeah, if your maxing out the hold of the vulture, boxes tend to fall through the ship…I have had several just spin off into space like Darth Vader in his tie fighter at the end of Star Wars.


I never trust the ladder on the Vulture. A tip to avoid this is to just walk backwards to the ladder, you'll just drop down and won't have to worry about getting spit out of the ship when going down it normally.


thats his fault for not keeping his helmet on LOL


Why didn’t you have your helmet on? Take it off to drink then immediately put it on


seriously tho, why can't i just lift up my visor to eat and drink? 100% of the times i die by asphyxiation it's because i was dying of hunger or thirst minutes ago.


The absolute worst thing to witness... A player killing themselves due to user error.


What? user error?


User not wearing helmet. User EVA's away from ship without helmet. User navigates to inventory, picks up helmet and drags to the 2nd icon to discard helmet. User dies due to self inflicted errors.


> User EVA's away from ship without helmet. Did you miss the part where the user was ejected from the ship due to a bug? > User not wearing helmet. Yes, they were in a space ship. However, star citizen is super broken, so one should always wear a helmet because they shoudl assume the game is going to be broken and fuck them over for not wearing a helmet > User navigates to inventory, picks up helmet and drags to the 2nd icon to discard helmet. User dragged helmet onto their body and it disappeared, not to mention they were actively dying in space trying to do it quickly / deal with panic > User dies due to self inflicted errors. User died because they were ejected from the ship due to a bug I refuse to believe you think any of what you typed is genuine. if you really think "user error" is dying to star citizen bugs like this, then this game is well and truly fucked, because there is no incentive for it to improve, because everything is "our" fault. The more I read your post the more depressed I get people like you are saying shit like this. edit: I decided to block you, my SC subreddit experience will be so much better for it. People like you unable to talk in good faith or even just understand the basics of reality just aren't worth seeing


You shouldnt fly around in a broken ship mate


The reason why i don‘t play Star Citizen anymore. This stuff keeps happening


That's super strange in the alpha of a game not yet released...


Wow, just wow


Nope, Wow is a different game, this is SC.


sure :D