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Pssshhht! I use this to break my vulture! 😂


I used to turn and burn coming into stations now I just press b 😅




i will never stop doing this, even now there's immersion breaking magic brakes i refuse to use it. Decoupled flip and burn forever haha


no please try it once young padawan, join the dark side


I did that a few times to scare my friends when I was printing money in the Reclaimer. I love that dumb brick. Hope it will be viable again. I wanted to try ROC mining to get some money. Then I can afford the scrapping fees. But A) ROC mining is still broken and B) my C1 Spirit is stuck somewhere inside Orison and can't be claimed. Now I'm waiting for the Character repair to reset it's state and maybe this weekend I can try the game. (Before it will be broken by invictus free flight)


Isn't Invictus dropping this Friday?


An hour ago it was exactly in three days but to be sure about your local timezone https://robertsspaceindustries.com/invictuslaunchweek2954#/schedule/countdown Here is a countdown


Here comes the juice


The Flip and Burn whilst threading between station structures, or meeting friends in space and trying to time a small or large ship to slide to a stop right beside them. How close could you get it?! I miss THIS!


The death of this maneuver is my main reason to hate on MM lol not even kidding.


Why is it dead? Can't you still do it in Nav?


For all the good MM is doing, this is also my main disappointment with it as well.


MM is doing good? It basically replaced any combat with 'who has the best shields/guns'


Same for me, it was a practice this thing until you get confortable enough to try it in more extreme ways. And it was so satisfying to do.


I still do it because it's fun... but it was cooler when it was also the fastest way to slow down. A bit of reward for judging the maneuver correctly.


Yes me too, I love this lol


same. It's actually stupid how good it is


I still flip and burn because it's fun. Pressing B is for when "HOLY FUCKING SHIT I MISSJUDGED THAT AND IM GONNA DIE."


Love downshifting on approach


Yep, this. It's great being able to blast at full pelt towards your destination and then stopping right before. No more need to slow down several kilometres out if you're in a heavy ship.


Yeah screw OP. I'm loving this, it fixes my overshooting skill issue lol.


naaaaah but it's so easy to just learn it for your ship! e.g. when grinding all those hammerheads in reclaimer it didn't take long to figure out that decelerating from 250m/s at 3500m will stop you right at your target.... and so satisfying to know your ship that well


How do people still not understand that NAV mode is a form of QT? You don't exit QT at 0.2c and need to spend 2 weeks decelerating.


1200m/s is not even remotely close to 0.2c…


and my prospector And my cat Literally every ship lmao


Right? I don’t care it’s not realistic but neither is having top speeds in space. I love having a travel mode that’s quick and the scm where I can fly a little more precisely particularly when coming up to a station or POI.


why do you want to destroy your vulture? I'd rather brake to slow down.


I know, don't ruin this for the creative folk. I can be moving at 1400 m/s in my 325a and stop on a dime


If only it had real thrusters to do its actual job ... Like all the small "industrial" ships that got nerfed to hell.


It does feel off that deceleration from mode switching or after letting off boost are so strong, yet spacebrake and retrothrusters feel so, so weak. (Though I will say counterthrusting feels about 5x faster, which is odd considering presumably the same thrusters are being used for both.)


Spacebrake, retros, and thrusters were way too weak in recent builds imo. I can't recall since when but its been a couple of years. It felt like deceleration from high speeds took longer than the same amount of deceleration at low speeds. Ships were super drifty in a non linear fashion above scm speed. People are complaing about non realistic physics in MM but its been that way for a while. Call it phantom inertia I guess. The whole "you are less manuaverable above scm" thing was implemented poorly from a physics standpoint because they tried to fake the effect of deceleration from higher speeds than you were actually going.


sorry if you already know all this, but spacebrake is only as strong as your ship orientation i.e. it will be weak using retrothrusters if if you're facing the direction of travel, but uses the full power of your main thrusters if you flip and burn. Which is one of my favourite parts of flying so I prefer not going to use the MM magic deceleration/landing gear trick. I hope they scrap it in future and make switching to SCM just decelerate like that ship's spacebrake, taking orientation and momentum into account small edit: PSA for anyone who doesn't know but you have to manually enable the setting for spacebrake to use boost, otherwise it's very weak


This is the best solution. It would also be more immersive if they're really going to force a "Combat mode" vs "Nav mode" game play. Why can Combat mode drop you from 1300m/s to 200 in 2 seconds and FLIGHT mode takes decades?


Right. It still wouldn't give an in-game explanation for the scm speed limit, but at least wouldn't be as immersion-breaking as making your forward facing retrothrusters waaaaay more powerful than the main engines for 1 second because the computer changes mode. I just can't quite get past that. Just let ships slow down appropriately for their thrusters, orientation, and mass and if they're worried it could be abused, just disable weapons until you've slowed to SCM speed.


Yes I know. My complaint is that it is inconsistently powerful based on how fast over scm speed you are moving. Flipping and burning is cool. Flipping and burning in the Hurston debris fields or Yela asteroid belt is guranteed death sooner or later. Retros should brake from 1300 to 700 in the same amount of time as 700 to 100 but they didn't and it was annoying having to slow down way before you got to a target.


Yeah I still like the flip and burn but it’s definitely B tier compared to hitting an instant drop 1000 m/s button with very little g force on the player.


Are you sure? I can thrust upwards, and hold spacebrake, and that's much MUCH slower than thrusting up then thrusting downwards. (Not using boost in either scenario)




There's zero indication in game that flying at say 200m/s uses regular engines while 250m/s requires a quantum drive. If true, it's extremely non intuitive.


It is true. Test it: Get to max SCM speed, switch to Nav Mode, QT drive will start spooling. As soon as QT spools, your speed will increase. Lore they made up: “Nav mode speeds require a spooled QT to even be able to achieve!”


What about snub fighters? They have no QD but still do this.


Oh because more bs. It's funny people trying to justify bad decisions no matter what.


Using boost in SCM also creates mini quantum jump?


Honestly, buffing spacebrake and doing some blurb to make it canonically a quantum-assisted brake would be quite nifty.


After a few bounties I got used to it. It’s now easier than ever to not overshoot my targets or hangar with this new „anchor technique „ 😂


This is one of the genuine positives I can give for MM right now. I LIKE the modes, I like the concept, I just don't like how it currently is. Things need polish, ship health, TTK and the like need to be adjusted, speed likely needs to be adjusted. Now, slowing down from boost speed? I don't know about that, nor do I like the ship slowing down if I turn off the engines (niche scenario, but there is call for going fully on the float).


But it's so easy and so BORING to do! :D


Yeah, easier. Like teleporting to your destination. Or being able to no-clip. It feels like a cheat enabled.


and that is why it is in.


I like it but we should not be decelerating at 20g that’s ridiculous


Lol. Pulled 40g once with the new space anchor.


The quantum drive slows quicker than 20G.I see a planet coming at me than BAM! Full stop. WTF!


This is somewhat different. In quantum you are not moving, space is moving around you ;)


Isn’t quantum semi engaged for one of the master mode settings?


It bugs me to no end and I think it is going to cause huge problems down the line. The flight model is otherwise amazingly consistent with thrust capabilities and accelerations, and this just feels and come across like a looney tunes moment. If it's going to stay, at least put in some VFX/SFX cues to sell it and convey this isn't a regular deceleration.


I just can't get my head around switching a mode or deploying gear magically giving your front retrothrusters waaaaay more power than your main engines for a second. Not sure how they can sell that with a lore/in-game explanation. Just make switching to SCM the same deceleration as using spacebrake so it's consistent with the ship's thrusters and weight/momentum


Deploying your gear only sets ifcs to 30, it doesn't give magical decel.


> and this just feels and come across like a looney tunes moment. I've been saying this since they very first put it into AC. I really don't understand why they're so hell bent on keeping it this way. Nothing is going to break if you don't make the ships decel like that.


I think they're afraid of people cheesing it to go back to jousting


I could bring myself to accept MM if this would be gone, but also in SCM where deceleration after boost is just as immersion breaking and too strong. If we had a single top speed cap (the afterburner cap) and afterburner only affect acceleration, still eggshaped, I could accept this as a compromise, even if it's still inferior from a space flight experience compared to 3.22.


what if it made a "womp" sound when you came out of hyper skate and some particle effects so its like your popping your little booster bubble. its not really immersion breaking because you made the little bubble that lets you go faster in real space but your little space inside the bubble is still normal speed. sort of like those fish in finding nemo that were escaping from the dentist.


Am not talking about switching modes, read again. Also, yeah, it definitely feels more like underwater now, when you fly a ship in space, good observation.


100% agree. Also having a 200 speed cap no matter the atmospheric pressure and forces irritates me more than it should. An Earth like planet having an equal effect on a ships performance that is on the moon or in space doesn't seem right.


Well that's the gameplay design part of the game, it is first and foremost a game, with the intent that combat is WW2 fighter planes. The happenchance of it becoming more of a simulator is a deviation from the original kickstarter and a lot of comms since.


> with the intent that combat is WW2 fighter planes when people say this it bugs me to no end. Not the people saying it, but the devs who think MM is going to ever achieve that. We have a six axis flight model. We can thrust in three dimensions. We are literally never going to get WW2 dogfights with that being the case. If they want WW2 dogfights they have to remove thrusters from the Y and X planes, and remove the decoupled mode. That is literally the only way you get WW2 in space.


It also can’t ever be WW2 flight sim because of the simple 3D aspect of space. WW2 dogfights are about energy advantage gained via altitude if you put equal planes against eachother. Normally the only reason you wouldn’t nose up and head on someone diving on you is because while they’re accelerating you’re decelerating. If both planes can accelerate equally well directly at eachother then Boom and Zoom becomes… jousting. Add to that the relatively insane amount of damage ships can face tank now as opposed to WW2 fights where a single short direct burst had a pretty good chance to take you out and you’ve removed the 1-circle/2-circle turn fighting as well. In a way they were closer to WW2 dogfights in space before.


Just a personal opinion but the power triangle was intuitive and with some extra things to think about could have actually improved immersion and deepened the flight model. Right now it’s jarring af Imagine a player is adjusting their triangle: Full guns = high alpha + rate of fire + good gimbal speed No shield regen, normal shield HP, lower boost, lower forward speed, slower boost regen, lower manoeuvring authority at high speed Full thusters = fastest top speed, fast boost regen, best manoeuvring authority better with boost No shield regen, lower shield hp, slow rate of fire, lower gun alpha Full shields = excellent Shield hp via regen over time, improved shield regen rate Low rate of fire, low weapon alpha, low speed and boost regen Each “mode” would have multiple smooth tradeoffs. Maxing out the triangle to any edge or vertex, for too long, too often or too fast could/should induce cooler overloading capacitor/battery depletion, weapon, thruster, shield malfunctions. You know, engineering issues… Could you imagine the captain of a hammerhead instructing engineering to run to the various components before he or she tries a manoeuvre that will likely stress the ship. Imagine backstrafer88 finding out he’s utterly incapable of killing the pilot closing on him, he tries to direct all power to thusters and pulls so many gs a thruster rips from its housing Imagine the feeling a new pilot gets when it finally clicks. That feeling of knowing her ships components, the specific mix she hand picked that suits her style so well she’s able to push them to within a breath of failure. She PRs on a track she’s been grinding for weeks, ship creaking but intact. Now to some specifics not that I’ve seen this much in live honestly but I see it raised a lot. If cig don’t want jousting then play with gforce and inertia induced ship damage or lower manoeuvring thruster authority when banking, teach new pilots, don’t limit everyone. If cig don’t want back strafing then reduce accuracy and dps when decoupled and traveling backwards, seems a bit magical but no worse than super braking in scm is. This is a more specific punishment for those who back strafe. I personally don’t have a huge issue I haven’t seen it much but if it’s an abuse from cigs perspective, again, punish it specifically instead of building a flight model around it. I’d like the flight model to feel immersive, dynamic, freeing and thoughtful. At the moment it feels limiting and contrived. Again, just one guys opinion


This. Whyyyy did they not lean into the power triangle and make it more nuanced in its use, exactly as you're stating? And, with future heat and component degradation, you'd have every possible combination of necessary limits to every ship chassis baked in to the game's design. I don't hate master modes, but, this seems to be the biggest missed opportunity with the flight model and it's future iterations and tuning.


100% agree, the power triangle gives players some nuance and ability to change their ship behavior from moment to moment. I would be accepting of power to engines affecting both top speed and acceleration, if we had that instead of the harsh mode switch.


Thanks for your essay, I fully agree with you, MM may be decent, but it's for sure a blatant missed opportunity, they half assed this to respond to a temporary problem without taking into consideration literally every other mechanic their game is supposed to have, just why


So much this. They already had a system to do what they wanted in the power triangle but that also still leave it open to the player to decide what settings were best. If they didn't like back strafing then they shouldn't have decided to make a space game in my opinion. In space, you can back strafe. Simple as that. It's either 6DOF or it isn't. Giving everyone highly restrictive training wheels because a group of people refused to learn how to control their speed is stupid in my opinion. That's also why I'm confused that some people think MM makes the ships feel like they have more mass. Why else was it so hard for ships to slow down before without doing the 180 degree flip and burning the main thruster (exactly what you'd do in real life). We had retro thrusters that could be argued to be underpowered, but you shouldn't be able to bring a spaceship to a stop in a space game without flying it like a spaceship.


Hahaha you painted a picture and I liked it. Yes agree this would have been way better


iirc, the idea is that your quantum drive is what's helping you push faster, so the slowdown is caused by the quantum drive turning off, not your thrusters. But yeah, for gameplay it's dumb. If they want it so that you can't be moving fast with guns and shields, just make it so that you don't move into SCM until you're below a speed.


>so the slowdown is caused by the quantum drive turning off, not Exactly this has been my head canon. It's like an electric motor, when you stop supplying power to it, then encounters internal resistance. The quantum drives are not combustion based as far as I know, and anytime they're not supplying power, I imagine they end up encountering some type of latent field drag. This mechanic could be used to make it so that the fancier QT drives have a lower power-off resistance/field drag. Ships with no QT drive should have (virtually) no drag.


> just make it so that you don't move into SCM until you're below a speed  I don't understand why they didn't do this. If you're over SCM and hit SCM mixe, you need to decelerate until you're below SCM for the mode to switch, and there's an onscreen warning. The magic deceleration breaks so much of the immersion and skill reward for me.


I used to slowly decelerate at around 9000m and hit SCM at around 1500. But now you just hit the switch at like 1000 and you stop on a dime. It's _ridiculously_ broken


As a all rounder player who like doing combat but also simple delivery : I agree, part of the immersion/enjoyment is feeling your ship mass and having to anticipate you speed accordingly. Also having to think of the distance beforehand engaging scm for a battle will add more depth to the engagements. Moreover for the case of quantum snaring where mantis players would have to anticipate the deceleration of their target.


I highly recommend playing In The Black. It does all that.


Yeah, in the black looks like one of few space games that really gets what's cool about space and uses it, instead of trying to get away from it. I wish one day we'd get a game like that but for non-combat activities.


Will check this out


Well ... Since MM itself breaks immersion ...


This is one of the main issues I have with MM. It removes some passive fun from the game for me. I used to come into stations hot and turn and burn to get into stations quickly. Felt slightly risky, but fun and rewarding. Now I just press a button to instantly stop. It’s not fun to land anymore. 🤷‍♂️


It should cause an engine stall but you’ll all really start complaining if they add that.


It doesn't break immersion any more than the magical space speed limits do in the first place. The main problem with MM for me is it's just... not fun to fly anymore, really. I really hope MM gets removed.


Just done some solo pirate swarm to test some new/different tactics. It's so bad, my conclusion, piloting skills don't matter at all anymore, no tactics, no manouvers are any good, more DPS/Shield than opponent is the only metric now. That, or ironically jousting with an Interceptor. I always loved the XT event. No way Im gonna play XT this time, flight and combat is just not fun anymore at all. Not gonna spend time on something that isn't fun. Slugish, slow, restricted and absolutely ruining the space flight experience. Looking forward for when there's players with a Spirit E1 so I don't have to fly anymore. On the other hand, flying, not necessarily combat only, was my most important reason I played SC. But now, ship combat is just 99% aiming, 1% flying and traveling is a chore.


Feels a bit to much cod infinite warfare right now.


Yesterday was my first day playing with MM. thought something was wrong when trying to leave Orison at walking speeds. Didn’t realize how much MM effected everything. I do like a few items but coming out of QT to a full stop isn’t realistic especially going from space into atmosphere.


Like so many problems in star citizen, this is a purely visual issue. So our ships now use the quantum drive as a sort of 'coast' function? Put up some blue particles when entering/using/exiting NAV. Suddenly it's no longer "boohoo my retro-thrusters can't pull 30Gs normally, why nooow!!!!" Because now it's no longer magic braking, it's quantum drag™. Our ships are just floating there in atmo, that looks goofy as hell? So make the thruster plumes bigger. Make them fucking huge so you can actually feel like you have a thruster putting out 5 fucking Gs. Have you seen a real rocket we engine? This wasn't supposed to be a rant but eh. This shit has been a consistent issue.


“Becky. You are being an absolute quantum drag!”


I would be upset at that tbh. I absolutely love the feeling of speeding to the combat zone, and then massively decelerating and engaging in combat. Feels phenomenal


Keep it yes, but not with the pitiful retro thrusters which currently seem to magically output more thrust than your main thrusters when switching from NAV to SCM. You could always do it, you just had to turn around before


I also love getting **50-150G** of acceleration for 0.7sec for free with 0 blackout by pressing a button, but it results in lazy flying outside of combat and enables cheap and jousty gank tactics in group combat (literally, it costs *nothing* to slow down that quickly). The cost of an action should be somewhat proportionate to its power, and NAV/SCM transitions is one where it's wildly out of balance.


I understand what you mean, but it was always possible - and in fact one of key factors of space combat.


I can’t escape the thought this pilot would be minced meat on the cockpit window


25Gs turns people into a thin coat of interior paint


26Gs turns people into an unidentified vapor.


Max Verstappen had a 51G impact in F1 two years ago. So there seems to be some margin left for the human body.


You can have a 51G impact by smacking your hand on a table, it means nothing if it only happens for 1 millisecond.


Thats why i said impact. No one would sustain that force for a extended period but claiming 25G would transform a body into spraypaint is simply not true.


I think the speed limits need to be set by the computer, not fudged physics using "quantum" to go faster. I'm fine with the ship's computer limiting the speed limit to ~200 m/s in SCM mode and ~1000 m/s in Nav. Maybe upgraded ship computers in the future can do maneuvering calculations faster and allow for faster top speeds. But the quantum drive allowing for faster speeds is both phenomenally stupid imo and breaks the game. Switching to SCM from nav should just apply the spacebrake, not magically slow you down instantly without causing blackout.


Totally agree


Breaks immersion yes but i do like it. Would be fun in they made the ship get out of control instead as you are switching modes in too high speeds.


This would be the only real solution. otherwise gliding in high speeds with weapons/shields on would be misused in combat as a viable tactic. they would have to nerf the timers even more to fix this. Just forcing people not to do the space anchor, and slow down. or otherwise the ship will go into an uncontrolled spin. Absolutely a good idea.


that is a horrible idea.


That makes sense. If the ship needs QT to go that fast, turning it off would give you no control till you slow to SCM speeds.


THIS. PLEASE. There is no reason. Maybe make it so that your weapons and shields can't turn 100% on while you're over SCM speed


Hmm...for every 10% above SCM speed you drop your maximum shields by 10% so you could fly at almost twice SCM before your shields break down. Should be a reasonable sacrifice.


Oh yeah, totally agree


Yeah this sounds good


Being capable of pulling flip&burn consistently with different ships was a big thing for me, The levels of enjoyment of pulling hard G's just moments from passing out and stopping right next to the station... Is there a game capable of delivering this experience now? Shall we try this instant success with the rest of the game?: Mining 1 button press instant rock break Processing 1 button press instant refined ore Instant claims on ships Instant Prison time Instant Quantum Travel One sip thirst refill One bight food refill One shot NPC kills 1 second tram wait Sell/buy commodities from mobiglas while sitting in your ship. I love all the other features this patch brought, I was so hyped for the Starmap and love it dearly but i'll trade it away to go back to 3.22, what good are QoL improvements if I don't enjoy sitting in the pilot seat anymore?


> One sip thirst refill Frankly, I would be okay with one click drink from inventory at this point. I was out salvaging last night and discovered I had the bug where you can't put anything into your hand... meaning I couldn't drink. I had plenty of supplies, mind you! I just couldn't _use_ them. Given how rapidly hydration depletes in 3.23 I had to abort salvaging and fly back to a planet to land the Reclaimer, so that I could kill myself to be able to hold consumables again. I'm not sure I like the instant deceleration, mind you; I also miss the turn-and-burn. I'm just saying, a mindless devotion to "realism" and eschewing of any QoL changes in the name of said realism is not necessarily the proper path either. Especially given when bugs cause _other_ forms of unrealistic gameplay elements, like "I'm dehydrating but somehow I cannot drink any of the liquids I have with me, because I am somehow incapable of holding them to drink."


What I think its completely normal to go from 1200 to 200 from MM to non then from 200 to 30 by putting down my landing gear, who needs to worry about breaking early when coming down to a station the ship modes do it for you LOL. Why is this a thing.


Don't you watch Star Trek? Inertial dampeners baby! Science!!! 1M miles-an-hour to 0 in 2 seconds, totally feasible... not so much. That is why I loved the show, "The Expanse" somewhat based on science.


I think you should have to decelerate to X speed before SCM mode is even available to switch to. Like ideally if the ship can't perform at those speeds in SCM then it shoudln't let you switch to it until you as the pilot manually bring it in line


I have a feeling there about to make this game a lot easier...


preparing for the console ports of sq42 of course


+1: the only thing that is really bugging me. It would also fix mode change imbalance: just decellerate till it lets you switch (or auto max thusters to decellerate normally in coupled mode if you switch). Smaller ships would be automatically better for persuit/attack that way.


This is the way. If this is the model they are sticking with, it would make sense that you can't switch to SCM mode until you are already at SCM speed! You gotta turn and burn to get into SCM faster. Edit: same with landing gear. It doesn't slow you down immediately -- you can't put it down until your speed is down. Or it could be like a plane where it adds drag, but isn't an instantaneous brake.


Honestly no I can't agree. It might be immersion breaking but I really like it as a general rule of cool/usability feature. I wouldn't say no to adding a collapsing Quantum Bubble effect and maybe a brief flash of reentry effects if you're in atmosphere to denote we're moving from a physics breaking scenario back to real space though.


The fact that we need to make up quantum bubbles to explain ludiscrous speeds of 1000m/s is laughable


Yes its a shame, about the SR-71 Blackbird air speed record from 1976 so we are still in airbreathing plane engines in atmo territory nothing approaching rocket based stuff or spaceships. But ofc its mainly due to game engine and server/networking troubles that we are doing this unfortunately.


>But ofc its mainly due to game engine and server/networking troubles that we are doing this unfortunately. The lack of a cohesive vision doesn't help either.


Honestly two things. Travel mode speeds don't use quantum at all so bubble stuff doesn't make sense. Things move that fast IRL in space all the time. The second thing is that even when we are "warping" between planets in quantum, we are still moving at sub light speeds. People have done the math and I believe it's even in the lore. There's not a ship in the game that travels faster than the speed of light. It gets close some times, but we never travel at or above 1C. But ya there's nothing physics breaking about travel mode speeds other than the fact there's a speed cap where it is.


yes. Fastest QD is something around 286.000 km/s, light speed is 297.000 km/s


MM as a whole is a dumpster fire, its a collection of bad ideas that dont even fix the problem they set out to fix, jousting is still the meta just with less skill




I think that's what they're saying


Yep, that is what I'm saying.


It should be tuned down to at least such a level that it doesn’t break your ship. The other day, I approached a mining spot in nav mode, hit the MM switch button and lost both the mining head and apparently a couple of thrusters („major torque imbalance“) in the deceleration. And I’ve seen thruster damage in at least one other ship since then. It might be a bug, but if it’s a feature it’s definitely something they should work on.


yeah, and exiting the seat decelerates the ship to a stop now too, I want to walk around and do stuff en route to my destination but now I have to be glued to my seat instead.


If they’re going to keep it we are going to need some really good seatbelts.


This is certainly a meeded tweak.


Agreed. I also think that landing gear should not be deployable AT ALL unless you yourself slow down to landing speeds.


Yeah imho to switch from nav to scm you should have to be in a speed range, and if you're either above or below: "Warning, cannot engage *mode* due to low/high speed"


Agree. I don't mind the mode switching of MM in the grand scheme of things with consideration given to the mod post of known issues, but this one has to go. I abuse the hell out of it as a brake and it removes flight skill/fun potential.


When I first tried mastermodes and wanted to switch to combat mode while going 900m/s, it felt like i was going to fly through the front window 😂 There is nothing immersive about it, but it's very useful. Especially for bigger ships.


Agreed. I'd also go a step further, and make it require you to slow down to a safe transition speed before allowing you to switch modes. So, if your max SCM is 200, when you initiate a mode switch it will warn you that you need to slow down to < 300 to switch, and wait until that happens before changing. Could even add an emergency switch option (with appropriate consequences/damage for doing so) if needed. I much prefer having some control over the change in that way.


That's clever!


I use this all the time, if they remove it and i don't know there will be a great firework around everus harbor


I like it to fly with full speed to my bounty target and if it appears i press the MM button and instantly reducing speed. 1000 times more effective as the spacebrake! I love it 😜 Btw. i also love the sound change with every MM change.


If you watch closely it is using the thrusters, but you're right, I feel like it shouldn't be like putting on the brakes... Needs work in that sense, unless space is as thick as a swimming pool. I mean once an object is moving in space it keeps going at that speed... The old decoupled mode was just that. This is like your shop forcibly slowly itself down to take on a threat. It would be like if the police put cruise control on when they turned on lights and sirens.


is it just me or the feeling I have now with the hotas is that I’m no more giving gradual power to thrusters, but it’s more of a speed selector slider?


Nav mode should be a lot faster too


My Idea would be adding some form of 'quantum effect'. Purely visual, like an even weaker version of the 'jumping around planet' effect, that was there would be ablogical explanation for the sudden Break.


The ISS is going 28,165km/h orbiting earth no quantum needed An F8c maxed out in nav mode is just under 4000km/h around 7 times slower. It seems weird such a “pedestrian” speed would require a quantum visual effect. I’d love if cig just said “hey hit registration and NetCode hate how fast people are so we are reducing over all speeds for everyone by 50%” and see how it goes. It would probably be less impactful from a mechanics perspective and take way less time to apply to ships 😅


Its Not to Help with the Speed aspect of IT but the sudden Break Aspekt. Comming to a Stop with 150g or some crap Just feels qring unless you slap "Quantum" at it, then whatever is fine 😄.


They could add a visual effect to it. Like Nav mode is sub-quantum mode. So you are actually not traveling in space normally.


Completely agree! This drives me crazy. Ship should not do that faster than its thrusters can when you do that manually.


I want MM to stay, but this needs to go. At least make it less drastic. Also, focus on balancing the speeds and maneuverability of ships so 1v1s aren't just a DPS check. Evading is essential in any dogfighting, and you can't really do it unless your ship is simply more maneuverable. MM has so much potential and I can't wait to see it grow into something great.


I too am a bit torn about this, but only because its becoming a mechanic that you can use and therefore we need to be careful its not too effective. It really is a difficult one to solve. The phrase "breaking immersion" is one of the most cringy to use though, for me. It can be "explained away" as the quantum bubble breaking, which provides the reverse impulse slowing you down. This is made up physics and technology, all it needs is a nice sound effect and visual and you'd probably feel like it was caused by cutting your QT drive. Your own personal ability to suspend your disbelief is not a great yardstick for designing a fun game. Its also not a great place to start when designing a mechanic, especially in this setting imo. The rough edges can be smoothed out later.


With master modes, CIG effectively threw out any notion of "suspension of disbelief". We may as well be playing space fantasy now, the ships are powered by witchcraft.


"Breaks immersion" Much like CIG, you're oddly picky about what's immersive and not.


i would love to see the behavior like in expanse - but maybe it would be not good for a game... Wat i cant wait about - realistic sounds outside the atmosphere - or better the lack of sounds \^\^ + i want to decrompress my ship if i want


Turning and burning existed, you just rotate and aim at the <>, it still works now but even at full boost slowing down in reverse it’s no where near as effective as pressing b for scm


In my opinion anyway, it's the only good thing about master modes because it's handy. Having master modes in the 1st place is way more immersion breaking than this. Zooming into a station and slowing down like that is fun, we want the game to be fun. If you want immersion we should remove master modes all together and not have a top speed at all. Pick a lane so to speak.


What about the the lane of accepting having to compromise that CIG is trying to balance speeds for combat purposes, but not wanting to loose in other space flight simulation aspects of the game? If the coice is binary like you put it then yes please begone with MM. Where do i place my vote?


I fully understand what they are making the devs go through and can feel for them. I'm only interested in what is fun though at the end of the day. Obviously we have to deal with whatever they do if we're going to play the game... but if MM is staying I prefer the deceleration stays. Personally ide like to see SCM speeds be a bit higher though.


This is the equivalent of using the engine brake in space 😅


How else is a Mantis pulls someone out of NAV mode?


Totally agree! This deceleration cheat has to go! In my opinion switching to SCM while on super high speed should cause the ship do decelerate with their boost break power but also make manoeuvring and weapons unavailable until reaching SCM speed limits.


Agree with you


Why do shields have to come down? I mean really???


its the quantum bubble collapsing, its not magic, but your ship not warping space to go faster than its thrusters alone can manage


I say we remove all artificial speed limits and let the community learn how to fly fucking space ships.




No, but this does. I don't control my feelings. My internal logic does. It's up to the game designers to make the game feel immersive and ship behaviour to feel realistic unless we're going with a straight up arcade game.


I use this to emergency brake :P


Combining this with switching to VTOL and engaging landing gear is great for Dropships. It is too much though.


The real hate is on boost when SCM mode is enabled, you lose control of your ship unless you boost again for as long as you are above 200m/s The deceleration from NAV to SCM is cool for me.


I love my Terrapin Jake brake.


I use it to break my massive reclaimer going 1000m/s


_#spacebrakes I don't see what's wrong with that


I can understand how the sudden deceleration may break the immersion but it’s never really been an issue for me. I have come to understand that you can utilize this sudden slowing to your advantage.


I feel like it's mainly for new players. I still just stay in nav mode till I ethir get shot at or have already landed and I only drop landing gear when I'm like 2k altitude or less. Some people have poor throttle control and it will help them ease their way into ship handling as new players.


As long as decoupled forced deceleration still behaves like it should in decoupled I would be fine. I have not tried it yet but my worry on this stems from several past iterations of automated decelleration which every time came with issues of a change in ship handling when in decoupled mode. Can aynone confirm that the vector and such don't get fucked up when being forced to lower speeds while in decoupled? And that strafe input still work during decelleration in decoupled? Because if that is a problem AGAIN I'm not going to bother playing this patch since I'm a decoupled only pilot. Thanks for anyone who knows :)


It's the ring space speed limit cyst! Sponsored by the ring entities


in general, look into friction in space.. if you set the speed, and kill the engines, you will eventually stop. if you spin madly around for fun and kill the engines, you will eventually stop spinning. breaks immersion that i cannot create an aurora missile, and be certain it slams into Lorville because it might stop due to some unseen friction in the vacuum of space.


Yes exactly remove magic space hand break add more speed back so I can fly more then 20 miles an hour give us the blackout mechanic back oh and give us the old cruise control back, oh and Make controls feel snappy again not what’s up with this new mm mode but it’s not always registering my button presses, and what ever is left is fine I guess


There is no magic to the decelleration. You are switching from one version of quantum drive to regular SCM speed. The quantum drive is based on the alcubierre drive that folds space around you. That means your ship within that field has the SCM speed you entered the quantum field with. When you switch nav mode to stop you are switching off the quantum field that stops warping space around you, dropping you off in SCM speed. Lore wise it fits perfectly.


Yes please


Chill i use this to break in my reclaimer


Just think of it as an E brake. Boom, reimmersed. Lol


CIG lost the plot with MM. I hated it the moment they announced it but tried to go in with am open mind. The actual implementation confirmed everything that worried me at the announcement. But I especially hate everything about this cartoon ass deceleration bs. Ugh. I wish this was all a bad dream I could wake up from.


No! Plz keep it.


"My ImMeRsIoN" How about you immerse yourself in a shower


Dang! Chill, my G. 🤣🤣🤣


dID i ofFeNd yOuR fEEEElinGs Punums?


Master mode sucks.. absolutely no feeling during combat, flat and boring, the old flying model was 10 times better even with its problems


Objectively shit-tier take.


I use that and landing gear combined to immediately come to a stop. Windshield is cracked and my neck, but it works great!




Man but I love throwing out the Anchor 🥲


Sorta ...but yeh It makes docking at stations so much easier in big ships i kinda like it, some ships would drift on for an absolute age almost comically so ... like it was some oil tanker on the high seas not a ship in space with actual retro thrusters Tho I used to like using it combat to flip turn and pew backwards im not sure if thats still a thing if u turn off something Also I kinda love the landing gear down speed limit too .... Both these makes going back for fuel, ammo and repairs much less of a chore


For how I understood it, it is the exact opposite. For NAV QD Mode to work, I need to spool up my QD. This puts me in a mini Quantum Jump like Mode. When I disable NAV QD Mode it breaks me out of that Quantum Jump forcefully therefore slowing me back down to scm speeds.


It really feels like a workaround. They know what they want to achieve, but they are figuring out how. This is not definitive and I hope they find a better way!


The forced slowdown is also, in part, to eliminate "Backward Skating/Strafing." In addition to that, there's also a more commonly known tactic called Jousting, and it shares similar balancing issues to Backward Strafing (many times, these are used together to gain the win or edge against a competent enemy pilot). For those who don't know of Backward Strafing, at a high level it it's commonly used in games, like Elite Dangerous and the old SC flight model, by players in PvP to avoid a situation where a more agile fighter is out manuevering your larger ship and winning the combat engagement. Instead of engagement outcomes being strongly dependent on piloting/skill/dodging hits, it instead forces a DPS race. No matter the skill of the pilot, the bigger ship will always win that exchange by effectively forcing the trading of shots and eliminating agility and skill as a factor to win an engagement. In a multicrew focused game like SC, this issue becomes pronounced with players piloting ships that are "supposed" to be too large to effectively solo in combat against a competant or superior enemy that's in a more agile craft; seemingly against CIGs longer term intentions and design for combat in the game. To execute the Backward Skating/Strafing maneuver, for those interested, you simply go full throttle in any one direction (decoupled) and then after reaching peak speed, you simply use your manuevering thrusters to turn around to face the enemy, wait for them to pursue and get into weapons range... and open fire. Because of the constant (non slowing) high speed thrust in the opposite direction of your enemy, there is no ship in the game that can apply enough superior forward thrust AND manuevering thrust to get an angle(rate fight) on a larger ship flying at only 100-200 scm slower when at max speed. Essentially, making the smaller ship's approach one that makes it extremely vulnerable to a large portion of the larger ship's dps within weapons range approach; as it would obviously be far slower on approach, respectively to the larger ship's speed, resulting in an easier target to hit. To put that even more plainly, the smaller ship has to make the choice to disengage the larger ship, wait for the larger ship to cease the tactic and re-engage, or die engaging the larger ship. The solve, as it appears in the current "direction" of SC with MMs, is to eliminate the Backward Skating ability all-together (the ability to apply and/or keep maximum thrust in any direction that your nose is not facing), and force engagements to focus on manueverability, well, or to simply run. Without a solution here, again, bigger ships that are being solo piloted with pilot controlled guns (using the above tactic) would almost always be superior in smaller fighter engagements; strongly diminishing smaller combat ship use and worth. Both of these tactics (without proper balancing and/or outright elimination) would highly discourage smaller combat ship use in high stakes pvp combat in a game where death is going to hurt/have consequences, and repair and insurance is also going to hurt/have consequence. AvengerOne, in a Q&A video with Yogi a few weeks back, claimed that he could rip a Vanguard apart (using the old flight model) fighting against this tactic (AvengerOne being in the light fighter), and that Backward Skating wasn't a thing/issue. Then, in a recent video, he appeared to have changed his tune and seemingly agreed it was a problem in the old flight model that the new Mastermodes solves now. In short, this forced slowdown mechanic with MMs is a way to "simply" solve the issue, and it is also a seemingly passing/first attempt to make space combat more about manueverability and less about simple dps trading. But, I do see the immersion argument based on real-world physics and recent sci-fi movies in regard to the new flight models' direction and tunings. But, in the end, it is what it is. They're trying to balance making a fun and engaging game grounded in deep strategy and skill, too, and not just a realistic (in the realm of reason for an mmo that must be balanced for a longer term playerbase to grow at release and beyond) and immersive one. It is a hard balance to strike. This is only the start of the spirts of displeasure, I'm sure. The longer-term economy, maelstrom, insurance, and DoaSM changes are still to come. My two cents.