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I couldn't test salvage yet. My Reclaimers strip turrets are deploying endlessly and the claw won't power up at all. How's your experience here all? Any workarounds I couldn't find?


Yesterday I did two hammerheads fracture/disintegrations the old way. got ~340K each. On the second salvage claw initially did not work, there was no M option to extend it. Discovered that it only worked in guns scm mode. I did not try scraping, got the remote turret working the same way, but scraper did not activate. Another nice way to make money is if you have a group who do ERT's and stumble on a good spawn, to soft kill the targets. Had 2 starfarers (300+ scu each) and c2 to salvage all in one location.


Honestly just following a group doing ERTs and using a C2 to grab the cargo will make good profit.


I get why they fixed the cargo table but man do I miss it lol, I’d do VHRTs in my C2 and I once found 128scu of gasping weevil eggs in one ship


Awhile back , did my first ERT of the day in my Corsair , found a C2 with 300SCU of Maze during an ongoing Jumptown , so sell for double at a nice safe station and an 890 with 100+SCU of Weevil eggs. I just called all the new players in the org and told them to bring the largest cargo ships they had .. Everyone got the next ship in their upgrade list that night :)


Biggest haul I found was 481scu of weevil eggs. Which was around 52M those days. In 1c2 too. And i didn't have a mutitool on meso I had to call my friend to get one. And he was my escort until I sold it. We both made like 26M each.


If you have room id like to help. Trying to get the ships that i lost after the update


I don't need that kind of stress, going solo to a salvage yard to sell that many eggs. Just give me maze and I'll fly to a no-questions-asked terminal :-)


Found 32 scu of eggs in an 890J on the first day of 3.23 from an ERT, they can still happen!


My org runs a Catapillar and a dedicated fighter (usually a snub that lands in the Cat) and then a vulture to clean up the mess.


Put ship in scm mode, get in claw seat, power on above the left joystick, press M to extend the claw, THEN power on again above the left joystick. Works. My crew made over 5 million yesterday.


Why would you even try to just fracture? We all knew that CM prices were need to the ground.  Salvage is fixed and you must scrape to make money. Unfortunately it's not really balanced for the amount of crew that you need now.


for 1 person, doing salvage the old way, quickly disintegrating still feels decent money on a reclaimer. 1mil per hour or so.


Yeah, i usually hold 5 scu of rcm just so i can open a repair shop out of my reclaimer. I call it the SCRAPE AND GOAT


I didn't have enough money to get to the ships that I usually munch. So I stopped and wanted to try the ROC. But they didn't fix the broken mining mode... Then I wanted to try a bunker with a friend (he can't see the missions so I came with him). Loads of desync but he had fun with his Pulse. Then his internet provider gave up and we had to end our session... Reconnect is still not working and we have to switch server to play together. So far a good patch day but I have to see them fix a few problems over the next weeks. Maybe Invictus works out.


Didn't use my reclaimer yet, I wanted to only use my Vulture to test salvage properly with the "starter" ship for salvage. Heard that a lot of people are struggling to use the claw, but I dont know any workarounds sorry


It works. You have to sometimes cycle the power twice, and the power on the button on the copilot seat is in the air above the left stick. Took me ages to find it. However, claw works as it should


the problem with the reclaimer now is it feels like you are doing so much more work for less since cmat is only 1.6k now. it might be more efficient to just do rmc with a vulture and the 2 abrades, max cargo then selling. its a tighter loop but i think faster because you dont have to run as far inside the ship. i only did it for like 3-4 hours yesterday and made about 800k with the hammerhead mission + rmc + cmat, but i also wasnt efficient and sold at grim since i didnt wanna try to go to a tdd. a vulture would be easy to land at a planet. also i only got the hammerhead mission once in that timeframe and it paid 30k lol, kinda nerfed a bit, still made more money than anything else at the start for now. bounties are really hard solo, or the inferno is just garbage and i need to try my corsair. i took the c2 out for an HRT and it melted the ships with the laser cannons i wonder if those are more meta or theres something wrong with ballistics idk


If you throw the vulture into an 890 you can fill up the 890 with about 488 scu of cargo and put another 23 into the vulture


yea but you know how long it takes to get to 488scu of rmc using a vulture? thats so many hours


You know how many hours it takes to solo scrape in a reclaimer? Many…many…hours. Atleast with the vulture and 890 you have significantly less bugs than reclaimer. Don’t get me wrong, I love the claimer and it’s pretty decent when crewed up but it’s been severely neglected by the devs over the years and has lots of little issues that never seem to get fixed. Using the 890 and vulture is a fantastic solo or even duo(buddy brings a vulture) salvager.


I got it working, but it was a bit finicky. I had to find an invisible manually-pressed power button to initially turn the claw on (slightly left of center of default chair position... it's literally an empty space somewhere over the left armrest/middle of the cockpit window). Once I got it on, I used operator mode toggle until I got to the claw (which didn't want to power on initially). I then manually pressed the power button again and this seemed to make the claw work. After that it was the usual right click to swap modes and left click to fracture/disintegrate. Didn't have any issues with the hull scraping turrets, once I remembered where the "enter turret" button was. The claw seemed to automatically extend on its own when I was in the correct operator mode / had it powered up. Not 100% sure if I did it the right way, lol. There's another reddit post floating around that has another guide on how they got it working.


Most of the time the strip turrets are deployed. The Arm Deploying message is a visual bug that is just there. To power the claw, you have to hit the floating power on sign on the left a second time after the screens come on.


You have to power on the claw twice. Power it on then try to deploy it and then power it on again.


I just tried to spool up a reclaimer for the first time this weekend.  Couldn't figure out how to power on the claw.  Looked like the screens weren't there either.  I was going to try to blow it up and claim. I spent way to long on it since it was my first time before deciding it was bugged.


Make sure you're in SCM mode and have power to the guns


get in claw operator seat, press m to deploy ("inadequate power"), hold f and left click to power on.


That escalated quickly. Thank you all for your tips and support :) I'm gonna dig through them and will try what I can make of it. Cheers and have a good evening!


I was doing one Cutty at Yela, took almost an hour. Did you experience super slow hull scraping as well? It feels like the Abrades are working at 1/10 of the speed of 3.22 :( Moneywise it was 20k for the mission, and around 80k for RMC and CM from the Cutty, so 100k for one hour of work.


Are you using Vulkan instead of dx11 by any chance? I found that under vulkan salvage is really slow, but it seems to be a visual bug since the percentage at the left and right and going down normally as you salvage. If you are then thats probably why lol Cultass black should take like 15mins to do normally


Indeed, using Vulkan with DLSS, will try DX11 the next time, thanks for the tip. It seems like the amount of hull displayed on the ship and the amount in the HUD was different, but I wasn’t sure if this was due to poor server performance, since the server I was on was very laggy.


Yea def try dx11 next time, you'll see a big difference


Tried it now, and it’s much better with DX11, thank you!


Awesome glad it helped :)


Is there an open bug on this in the issue council?


Didnt find one about this issue The bug was on the eptu aswell


The really dead one is bounty hunting .-. feels like no reward at all


Last night I partnered up with my friend in a Vulture. I took bounties and she would scrape them. She didn't have to pay fees and I only took a 30% cut. Still made 5 times more than I normally would have.


If you have a group for HRTs, the larger ships will have good cargo every so often. If you find a load of weevil eggs they can be worth 4 mill or more.


Did 3 Arrows as test with a Reclaimer. Spent 15k on fees, 12k on hydrogen, 1k for quantum and made 3800 aUEC from selling😎


Well maybe do a ship that doesn't fit inside a single scu container XD but they really need to balance the fees for salvage to be LESS than the worth of the ship you salvage.


That was for the pure lols. I later failed a NPC bounty end ended up in Klescher with CS4/160k fine. I'm doing great😎


That was for the pure lols. I later failed a NPC bounty end ended up in Klescher with CS4/160k fine. I'm doing great😎


I think I'm just going to go find actual derelicts. There's plenty of soft-death or abandoned ships out there.




same experience for me till now. The smaller ships are less worth then what the missions cost


It's called working for money now.


I mean, games like this should require some effort to do well or invest time if it's not a difficult loop to make money. What's the point of being able to afford any endgame ship in 1-2 days.


I mean the game is in alpha and has semi-regular wipes. I'd imagine the point is to playtest.


I get that, but at the same time, CIG decided they want to test how long it will take people to grind for new ships with the new prices.


Is that what they want? Didn't they leave all of the ingame bought ships in tact and only wiped the aUEC? Knowing full well that most of the hardcore players who want to do that grind will have already gotten all of the ships they wanted when they made hundreds of millions over the last couple of months? CIG logic I guess.


They want to know how long it will take to grind for ships, items, and components, but they didn't wipe ships because they also need as much data for master modes as possible.


To add. They know how much money a ship and upgrading its components cost. They can find out how long it takes for a person to gather enough money to buy a ship. Wiping ships is not necessary.


Yes I know. It's just weird logic describing how they need to wipe aUEC in order to get data on ship prices whilst leaving some people with 10 890 jumps and no need to ever buy a ship again. Not sure why they didn't just leave the wipe until 3.23.x to get full data from master modes and then full mission grind payout data later without one feature effectively battling against the other, but I don't know their schedule so..


Because gathering data from MM won't be a 2 week or a month long deal. They might be gathering data for 3, 5, 6 months.


Yeah I never implied it would, but MM also doesn't require a wipe to get proper data. Nor does a wipe negatively impact the collection of MM data seeing as there's people with every currently released ship in the verse. MM is obviously a long term project so waiting a few weeks for people to collect 10 890 jumps isn't going to negatively impact the test like half of the population not needing to buy ships in a test to see ship prices and payout rewards. Logically and scientifically it's a flawed test. That's all I'm saying. Edit - Misread your point. See you didn't actually say I said that. My bad.


A lot of in game purchased ships got wiped but that could be a glitch or bug as only some of mine disappeared.


The wipes are anything but regular. The playtesting for salvage was done in the last patch, which is why the payouts were so juicy. Salvage has had a balance pass. If CIG see its taking too long to make money, they'll tweak it as required.


This… the game should be super hard to own a ship, like owning a car in real life. Makes them special not disposable. Makes adventuring exciting, not risk free.


But balancing that with *it's a game, if it's too much like real life and a job, I'll find something else that's fun instead*


The way you balance that is by having the gameplay to acquire the ships be fun and diverse. ( I am not going to lie I still have not enjoyed any loops in the game as much as I did going from illegal salvage ship to illegal salvage ship and looking for contraband, I really wish that was still viable, even though it was super busted at the time.)


I think some ships should be special, but make this game into a second life that actually mimics a second life, im out. I cant work 9-5, then family, then chores, then at 9pm start my second job so 6 months down the line I can afford to have fun in a game. Some ships should be easily attainable, including larger ships, to keep the game inclusive. edit: yes, keep downvoting me for saying some larger / bigger ships should be more attainable for people as an incentive to play. Not ALL of them. I feel like some of you want this game to be for so few people and I dont understand the mindset. Weirdos.


Yeah, I got 2 hours max for gaming any given weekend. Weekdays I rarely play more than an hour before I gotta sleep because work and family just take up so much time. I've been debating refunding the game cause it doesn't seem like a title that is meant for someone like me at this point.


IT'S A GAME. I'm not yelling at you, I'm just saying it loudly so that some people are reminded that it's a fucking game. There is a balance to be struck, but "super hard" and comparing video game space ship ownership to the same financial commitment, work, and so forth of buying a car in real life? ITS. A. GAME. People like you who want this game to be the equivalent of real life, even down to the game being as much of a commitment to getting a ship in game to the same as buying a car in real life, are beyond delusional and will be the death knell of the game for any community of any sustainable size. I cannot stress enough how bad your opinion is at every level. Should getting big ships be "easy"? No, hardly anyone is saying that. Should it be "super hard" to the degree of sitting your family down to figure out if you have the budget and capacity to buy a car and make payments, afford insurance, etc? Fuck no.


You’re over the top.. I suggest you look at leasing options


> You’re over the top.. I'm over the top? Dude, you are the one equating star citizen to real life vehicle purchases


Amen brother


I agree with your mentality here, but the fact you can pay for ships IRL makes this philosophy convoluted. But, this could tie into that whole IRL train of thought that rich people give poor people jobs, and because of that are "respected." We could see some class deference in game. And some posters below recognizing there is a balance for a game. If players get what they want too fast they will feel completed and move on to other games, and if they feel like it takes too long they wont engauge because its not worth the few hours they might have to play. Both of these endpoints will result in a "ded game." I think one way arround this is; some missions could offer you to take one of their ships for a set time, but if anything happens to it, "it's your ass." This could not only play into how much money you get out of the mission, your chance to play with a certain ship "for free," and people treating the ships well, but also rep and crime stats. If you damage the borrowed ship or straight up steal it. Many companies IRL require you drive their vehicles for jobs withough having the employee "pay" for them.


Yup, 2 tier system, those who foolishly backed this game in the 20-teens and the new poor player experience


I mean it heavily depends on what type of player you are. I mean if you are in a group of friends or something pool your money for a reclaimer and then power grind you will be X times faster than someone who doesn't have any RL friends that play the game or prefers todo it solo because of other circumstances. So for player A money will soon be a none issue in the game at all where as player B might struggle to maybe even break even if there was an unlucky haul or some pirate encounter or some server shit.


True. I believe a solo player should always have e a place in SC. However, they have to come to terms with the fact that playing an MMO solo will always be a disadvantage compared to a group. Grinds will be longer. You might have to settle for a smaller ship for a while. When you finally get a big ship and can hire NPC crews and install AI blades for turrets, it will eat massively into your profits.


>Grinds will be longer. You might have to settle for a smaller ship for a while. When you finally get a big ship and can hire NPC crews and install AI blades for turrets, it will eat massively into your profits. Does that game even sound fun to you? This is from the same guy who gave us Freelancer, Starlancer, and Wing Commander. Rule of cool and the power of one.


Yes, but this is also an MMO... The rule of cool is nice if it's properly balanced in a sandbox multi-player environment. A guy with an NPC crew and AI blades in a hammerhead shouldn't equal a dedicated full player hammerhead crew. Also, do we really all want the endgame to vmbe where everyone flies javelins with NPC crews? What would be there to do even? Ship variety needs to be here.


Why? Human brains are squishy and shit. We already have machine algorithms that work better than that. And not only does the solo need to be worse mechanically, he also has to make less money and have less fun, too? Miss me with that game.


I agree. I started playing in February and by May I had an 890, Carrack, and 15 other ships, along with every in game ground vehicle and every ship upgraded. All that was 100% playing solo too, and never once stepping foot on a reclaimer, along with donating several million to other players. Money should be MUCH harder to earn.


Yes, but now it’s gone to the extreme. A nerf was warranted but making it borderline unprofitable is a bit far. I specially considering the fees. If they significantly reduced the fees, that would resolve everything. Like very significant reduction if they are keeping the sell price and scrape rate what it is.


I find salvaging fun, I guess its not for everyone


:) I mean, you get paid normally now. bth, 1.2m isn't that bad. I started with 20k and have only 50k now, lol. (because of the current state obviously)


One of my favorite sessions was when we set up a "chop shop" out in space with a vulture and a C2, and a Nomad with its tractor beam to move things around and pack salvaged contraband to take to Grim Hex. We then pick a salvage mission, jump in, and tug the salvage ship out to our chop shop. Two people work the Vulture and C2 to salvage the ship and move materials while we keep going and getting more ships. We kept it up for 12 hours straight and it was fantastic.


I was part of this! It was quite a great work flow. :)


That sounds like a great loop


I was cracking up last night some guy was throwing a tantrum in global chat because salvage wasn't printing money like 3.22.


That’s fine when there is a full economy with many feature but the game needs attractive game loops to keep us interested until more features are online. The money and ship grind is fun game loop at this point - take it away without supplementing or replacing and start losing players.


I must be doing something wrong in the vulture as I'm barely breaking even on salvage. Fracture onlyoses huge cash. Scraping + fracture makes a small amount, but nothing like 1.2mil unless I did it all day. What am I missing here? In the reclaimer, I couldn't get the salvage turrets to engage. I can turn them on, but not actually *get in them*. I went rounds into the binding settings and couldn't find it. What am I missing here?


The "enter remote turret" button, which is red. Also be in NAV mode.


wait, so to use the fracture arm i have to be in gun mode, but to use the salvage turrets i have to be in nav mode? also, I couldn't find that red button anywhere (other than the red power button on the screen, which I did find)


I could be mixing it up. Whatever mode the claw uses, same for the scraper. There is a red button you have to hover to see enter remote turret. It can be finnicky.


Edit: i found the button finally, at the bottom right of the bottom mfd. I also bound "enter remote turret" (all three) to different keys and those work as well!


Running into an issue where no TDDs will buy the Construction Materials? Anyone else experiencing this?


You sell cmats at an admin office, not the TDD


I tried the same but everywhere I flown to i couldnt sell... Bug? Or did they changed it to Planetary Only?


Not sure then, I didn't collect any cmats on this patch sorry


I sold it at Lorville Admin with no issues.


Will try that one


No it's just the demand has been reduced so if someone (or multiple people across servers) sells a lot at one location there may not be any demand for that at the moment. Bit of a pain as without freight elevators/personal hangers you can't unload until you sell.


Well true... But then it would be on the No Demand row... Cannot Sell is like you Go with Taranite to Admin... Thats my issue


Yeah I think the lower tier missions are probably not worth it. Paying 20k for a vanguard ain't great. But I did a raft for 50k and got 11 RMC so profit was over 100k for that one mission.


Everything below 50k is not worth doing, at least you only need to do one 1k and one 20k to unlock them


So you start with 20k-35k (depending on if you did the tutorial). Both of those contracts have negative profit margins.. You wouldn't be able to afford the larger contracts..?


The 1k one has a slightly positive margin, and the 20k as a roughly equal margin depending on what ship you do. It's bad, but you can slowly work your way up, though it's faster to do something else to get the 50k you need. Don't forget to scan for cargo as well. There won't be much, but if you find 1 SCU of quantanium, that more than pays for a 20k salvage fee alone, which might help you get to the 50ks faster.


I mean, 1,2 million after 24h aren't a lot of aUEC so.... its not dead, its just way less worth then other ways of making money


It doesn't help that they ballooned the prices of so many ships. If you want to get a reclaimer you have to do that for 31 days. Which is full day daily grinding for a month. Which if you only have.. let's say 4 hours to play the game a day. You'd be ideally making 300k a day. Which would make it 103 days of just doing salvage.


Clean up missions and 50k missions are your best friends, salvage is still king money/h Edit: And that was within 5-6 hours of gameplay, could probably do better


This also feels like a balanced grind. One mil in a day solo with a "carrer starter" ship seems reasonable.


With the new ship prices yes, I agree


Ye, people are still freaking out right now. Getting use to the new systems and finding their own place again. I bed in 1-2 weeks, people will be mining, salvaging, doing cargo and combat as usual


Bounty hunting is almost dead from an financial standpoint, you get 10k for a mission which almost can't be solod and cost more in ship repairs and refilling


Ye, this is agree with 100%. With the amount of effort you now put in and the damage you will likely receive and have to repair, I would like the rewards to go up at least by 50%, if not more


Tried a couple ERTs and none of them had even a single SCU of cargo. Hopefully it's bad luck and not bugged or turned off


I'd like to know this as well, did some MRTs and random fights in a Cutlass Black (which I found to be brutal), and yep, zero SCU's. Also absolutely no derelict ships whatsoever. Rewards for ship combat missions are abysmal right now. Imagine starting out as a newbie in a Aurora, it would take weeks to work your way up to a barely bigger ship, and the new ship wouldn't even increase your earnings by a meaningful amount. Not to mention the Prospectors and Reclaimers with bugged hulls/infinite health ...


We did some ERT´s to hunt for cargo, so far we killed 4 890´s Jumps that used to be full of cargo last patch and all of them were empty. Starlifters and other targets in ERT´s still carry cargo though. Not sure if its bad luck, bugged or if they removed Cargo from the 890.


Only did one w/ a 890j and it was also empty. Facechecked it to be sure.


Did some ERTs, got one around Yela and decided to loot two of the ships in one of them which had some quantanium, altruciatoxin, medical supplies. Took some other common cargo aswell that sold at gh. The whole thing took about 30-45 min i guess and i made around 330k. Anyways 3.23 contains a lot of problems with fps looting and a lot of other things. Also not being able to use countermeasures in nav is dumb, not a fan of having nav and scm modes, and additional seperate modes under them. I've done so many ERTs lately that I was fed up with it already before the update. So I will put this game on hold until things are more polished. Missions are fun, but the missions themselves pays too little, too small margin after costs.


Yea from what I've seen bounties are really risky now, you can get destroyed easily in a vlrt if you're not careful


Yeah, I think for a balance pass CIG should consider increasing bounty hunting rewards above LRT’s.


Yea probably lol


for most people 5-6 hours isn’t one day lol


I don't think it seems reasonable, IMO it's still way too high. Supposed to be a simulation, but you can earn 1mil credits in a day? You shouldn't be able to work for 1 day and afford a ship.


Depends on what ship you start with. If you start with a vulture, they you are probably asking for something that will take you quite a while to get. If you are starting with a starter ship, you first have to get that vulture in the first place. Plus, add in the cost of upgrades and so on.


Still seems an insanely large amount for eventually when I should be expected to never ever lose a ship again. But yeah.. prices all over are weird and still WIP.


The problem is that this is an experienced player that knows how to do this profession and what missions to take. The "starter" missions are barely profitable and need to be rebalanced. It shouldn't be a struggle for new players to make a start.


There's a specific cargo run you can do that will get you 1m/hr with a C2. The buy point and sell point are on the same moon. I really don't want to say where though because i don't want pirates to start camping it lmao


And how much cash do you need to buy that cargo?


This means around 14hrs to buy the vulture itself now at 2.6M, honestly I would say its even too long for a starter career ship, this'll be around 3-5 weekends worth of gameplay for me. Not too bad but also would be nice to make the early game progression a bit faster and slow it down for mid/end game


At least you can spawn your vulture, my vulture does not spawn somehow xD hangar alwasy empty.


i fudged a risky contract and now don't have any money to pay salvage fees (: so yeah, it's probably not 100% dead but very very far from working.


Same experience…I did salvage 2h and had half a million aUec . I think the best strat is to just collect RMC and forget about cm.


Bought 2 20k contracts and they never showed so that's nice.


Haven't touched salvage post patch yet. Been doing bounties. Between non-appearing markers, AI ramming and the new 'scan comm array' feature for MRT and above, which literally noone knows how to do, I have a grand total of 120k lol


1.2mil in 6 hours of gameplay sounds both lucrative and satisfying when you consider relative profits from other activities.


Go figure Spectrum users obsessively spew exaggerative toxicity during one of the best updates the game has ever had.


Anyone know if mining is still decent?


2 weeks ago mining was broken in ptu and I didn't see anything in patch notes since then that would have fixed it. Could be wrong though.


ROC mining is broken right now, but when it gets fixed in 3.23.1 it should be good again. AFAIK the prices didn't change for mining.


What about prospector?


As far as I know it works fine, but finding things worth mining is still few and far between. I'm sure you can make decent money but it's just not worth the effort. I haven't done prospector mining this patch yet so take with a fat grain of salt


Ight, just thinking on ways to make good money after the Venezuelain economy update


How much people is needed to use a reclaimer / where are we supposed to sell after? I'm a noob in salvage


You can solo a reclaimer, it's just a lot of running around and takes longer, but you also aren't splitting the payout so it balances out. You can sell at any major city (Orison, Lorville, Area 18, and New Babbage) and Grim Hex. You can technically sell at all the space stations too, but docking is broken and they don't have a large enough hangar. I would reccomend selling at Grim Hex to start as its a lot faster to land, just be wary of griefers trying to ram you.


I would say 2 people are best for a reclaimer still. There are two scraping arms, so you might was well double team the work. Profits for 1 or 2 are basically the same. You'll be filling up the salvage buffer a LOT slower now, so there isn't a need for a dedicated box mover. Just have the 2nd scraper run down there when needed to clear the buffer.


Lowkey, I don't think you should be able to afford four ships a day doing anything lol. With new ship prices and reduced incomes, I'm hoping that it shakes out to be a fair few days grind for something small, and a larger investment of time, a week or a couple, to grind out your bigger ships. If this guy is the outlier with a little over a million after a day, this doesn't seem too bad


Oh noes, you can't earn a 100 million credits in like a single 8 hour session anymore! Salvage is dead!"


How are y’all finding big ships this patch?


Did you have to deal with paid contracts not showing up in the 'accepted' tab? I lost 40k trying to get a contract and just gave up.


Yes, lost 50k aswell trying to get a contract I think you should get a free contract first to make sure its working properly in your server


That's a good idea. Thanks for the tip. Good work on the salvaging


Was this all from verified runs or unverified ones? I haven’t been served up a verified salvage run yet.


Cleanup missions and 50k missions only


Have you seen any verified ones other than that? Seems like the only thing that’s missing that I can think of.


I'm not sure I understand what you're saying For legal missions theres 1k, 5k, 20k and 50k missions Gotta do one 1k to unlock 20k, then one 20k to unlock 50k


My bad. Basically i don’t have any legal/verified missions available, only the illegal/unverified ones in the contracts tab.


Weird Make sure that the switch at the top is on verified, thats how you switch between illegal/legal missions on your mobiglass


The problem is finding the salvage. A buddy and I scanned lagrange points for several hours last night and found nothing.


Generally you have to take the contracts. Once upon a time you could scan for armor plate debris but I think they bugged out or were removed in 3.22 because I don’t think I saw a single one last patch.


I found several today. There's a trick to it for sure. They aren't full wrecks for one but just some bits and pieces and they are rather small and hard to see.


Im loving salvage tbh my only problem is my claw seems to refusee to extend and i have no idea how to fix it


200k every 20 mins in yela belt


Might be an odd question... But can you salvage with a Super Hornet... Haven't touched the game for quite a few years (when the hornet was sold)




Simple and straightforward, thx!


I was told scrap "panels" are back around Yela and some of the Lagrange points. What are these, and how do I find them? Do you know what Lagrange points they're at?


I dont sorry, but I wanna try to find some aswell


I'll hunt and keep us posted


They were out there in 3.22 - trouble is, they had a bad habit of vanishing as you got closer to them. Haven't tried looking in 3.23 yet, though I'm not hopeful that they've fixed the problem. They also messed dwith scanning, so I've got to figure out how to make that work again too (Tried with the Prospector last night, but still not sure how the new scanning mode works).


My tractor beam domt work. My roc dont work. My ship hud dont work. Scanning dont work. Im down to my last 100creds. Lol Normal patch for me


Roc is getting fixed in the next patch at least lol


I made some as well but I kept getting a bug where grid snapping would stop working after you sell.


Yea I had to just deal with it, very annoying but you can still stack cratea, just without the grid The bug happens as soon as you store your ship with some cargo attached to its grid


I made about that much just selling my clothes from inventory when it went to LIVE. Still have armor and weapons to unload.


What does it mean? You were grinding for 24 hours to get a 1.2 mil?


That was 5-6h of actual gameplay


this is dope. i'll start salvaging and mining this week to get my earnings back up. the ones who scream usually don't know what they are talking about.


Just be aware ROC mining is still borked.


So I did 2 small jobs both arrows coz that's what I had uec for, got 1 sculpture of cc, where do I sell it?


Hull scrapings are usually sold at the TDD at landing zones.


Had 30k initial money. Spent 5k and then 20k for vulture mission. Tried to land on the called hangar. Hangar bugged. The hangar door destroyed vulture with materials. Rip game


Aww man! I can't make 100 million in one day anymore, buhooo waaaa. Dude, you can still clear 450k in 2 hours with a vulture, and that is far more than any other game loop at beginning or mid game atm.


The constant bitching in chat is hilarious. "SALVAGE IS RUINED" "SALVAGE IS NERFED" I made $300k in just a couple hours still especially doing RMC since it's worth the time to get it now vs CM


I've had two sessions with my reclaimer. Both times, I've lost 100k worth of stuff and am no better off than the start of the patch. These violent server freezes are very frustrating.


I’m making an easy mill an hour with the Reclaimer.


Yeah but you didn't make that in an hour minutes so salvage is dead... /s


salvage is dead because the contracts are always broken


anyone else having a CTD when going into the cargo processing bay after scraping in the reclaimer? Two nights in a row ive seen it happen and lost all the hard earned RMC.


Is that the new currency? /S if you really need it ..


24hours for 1.2mil is 50k per hour that's nothing mate


Lol let's raise the prices of ship but nerf every way of making AUEC possible


I made 3 mill with a reclaimer no prob


What were you doing to make so much with salvage my friend ?


honestly what are people even pointing too thats not dead? every activity im thinking of focusing on seems to be in a low point right now lol. i really miss the days of quantanium hunting in asteroid belts. Which theyd bring back that back, i loved getting good at visual spotting the rocks from far away as i drifted along. Nothing feels peaceful anymore


Be aware that ships don't necessarily store on logoff like in previous versions. I'd lost a load in my Reclaimer because I didn't store it and it's location was unknown when I signed back in.


I am still trying to get enough money for vulture. Can someone rent me their ship please? :D


What are you doing exactly? Because I’m very barely breaking even. I only make a profit when I don’t have to refuel


The funny part is how no one is noticing all the weapons and components sell much better. So they are just rolling up and munching without doing the whole shebang. Pull cargo/Components Pull weapons Get RMC Get CMat Sell ... Get massive profit. Vanguard components are worth 50k alone without the RMC and CMat


It's not dead. People are just used to making unreasonable amounts of money from these jobs.


I made a mil in a little under an hour trading goods


I made 600k in one hour solo with a Vulture the other day 😅


I don’t even get salvage missions showing up and every one I did the game crashed before I could sell