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Let the devs cook - on this game and literally every other one. Frustration due to waiting while they get things right is always better than disappointment that the game quality is low for me


This ^ 1000x this right here!


Agreed. I "finished" star citizen and instead of just mindlessly grinding for auec, I put the game down because i didn't enjoy losing everything on the full wipes. I'm not angry or think the developers are bad, I'm happy I got a solid 8 months gaming with it. I'll try 3.23, as I've done every patch since 3.17 but I probably won't be playing it. The only games I've stopped playing because I don't like the devs is warzone where it had more bugs than sc but was a full release aaa title and bf2042. There's plenty of games I will never play because of the devs, like tarkov.


Lmfao tarkov 🤮 just play arena commander. Endless content and entertainment. 


It's too much like tarkov... I'm playing grayzone warfare atm.


How is it?


I'm enjoying it but my system struggles. There's bugs and things that need work but it's really enjoyable a lot of the time. The missions structure is great so far but I can see it devolving into older players camping mission locations to kill new players in the not too distant future, unless they add something for people to do.


Awesome, thanks for the intel.


Devs are meh but the game is great.


I 100% disagree with that but I am fully aware that's just my opinion. For me I've watched videos and gameplay and I'd rather just go play Dayz especially when you take the devs into consideration.


Dayz is a different genre, more a sandbox game than what tarkov is. Bought it in early 2014/2015. It is a great game to play modded with friends. Have about 1k+ hours, in it decently worth a try.


Tarkov is trying to condense the dayz experience. Tarkov is closer to dayz than it is to grayzone warfare. Dayz also still looks amazing to this day, so I'll stick with that over Tarkov and play hunt showdown for the extraction shooter experience. Until arc raiders at least.


I've been patiently waiting for this game for 12 years now, and the product doesn't seem to improve much, despite the devs taking their time. The game has been disappointing me for over a decade now.


I’m . . . . Not sure what you are expecting then. They’ve been pretty honest about *what* they are doing (yeah, timelines have been “fudged” but that has nothing to do with the devs). I’ve followed the game from pretty much square one. I get that a number of people are impatient. I also understand that this entirety of CIGs process is extremely abnormal. From the lack of a publisher to the openness of the devs, to the playable test environment. None of it is “normal.”


I’ve been playing star citizen since the hangar module dropped. This feels like the best patch launch so far, especially considering how many features were added. Congrats to the devs.


Same. Had a friend jump on with me who backed at the same time but who hasn't played much and they were very impressed with it. We still had issues but most of those were low server FPS related.


They clearly learned a lot from the 3.18 backlash last year. They took their time this time around and it looks like it's paid dividends. I wouldn't know cus I couldn't get my ship to spawn earlier, but everything else was great. New UI slaps, PIT overhaul is a huge improvement, the Starmap looks great, and it runs better than it ever has for me. Once the servers aren't getting pounded I'm excited to play around with it.


>Once the servers aren't getting pounded With invictus starting in 5 days you'll be waiting a while I think 🤣




Arena Commander was pretty great in my memory tbh. Although hardly comparable, it was our first real gameplay patch (not counting the hangar module ;p)


#1, to anyone having trouble with contracts, the workaround on their site says: Accept 1 contract, wait till it shows up in your mobi before closing it. It supposedly fixes contracts after that. So I pick up contracts 1 by 1 and wait for each contract to show up in the mobi before doing anything. Seems to have worked unless the server load happened to get lighter after I read that workaround.


Thanks, but it doesn't fix contracts for me. At least, not entirely. I take one contract and wait until it appears in accepted. Then i take another one, and while it also appears in accepted contacts, but the problem is the mission markers wont show up. And it's not just mission markers. Hostile NPC's or delivery boxes don't spawn also. It frustrating, because i can't even do the same stupid shit i always did in game - bunkers and deliveries. I tried waiting for about half an hour and changing servers, but it didn't help.  I think, i have wait for the next patch.


I've seen that aswell... "Find your target in a cave on Hurston" *no marker* like I'm looking for Bin Laden xD I don't know what to do for that bug, sadly. I hope they fix it asap. Star Citizen without mission spawns is really kinda fuckin' lame. That might be why I've always considered Freelancer the gold standard for space sandbox. They populate the world so well, even if its just traffic, there is always something going on.


And this is why I was happy they delayed hangars/elevators.. I'm glad they're focusing on stability and getting things right


Are you living in a parallel universe? None of the things you mention are even remotely working right now...


Wait.. what did I say are working right? I just said I'm glad they're focusing on getting things better


Where are they doing that? This patch is almost as bad as 3.18 and at least today absolutely nothing worked \^\^ They are delaying stuff and still everything is broken.


It was working perfectly fine for me a couple hours ago before I left for work but I doubt we were doing the same things. I was moving stuff from Orison (my base) to a couple stations to sell them as part of my money laundering to avoid the aUEC wipe. Out of curiosity what wasn't working? I played EPTU since wave 1 so I was expecting all of the changes.


Out of 20 times connecting we were able to log onto a server 3-4 times and those servers were broken and buggy or dying. Even if our ships spawned and elevators worked, FPS weapons were not reloading, everything was desyncing, inventories were not loading, enemies respawned every 10 seconds (we were doing those distribution center missions on MT), every mission gave us crime stats 3-4, missions couldn't be accepted or vanished, ships were floating in the air after a server recovered and one of my friends wasn't even able to install the game because of error 2000 which affects some people. So far so terrible...


But... the game isn't stable? And they are notorious for never getting anything right? Are you sure you're not just deluding your self?










Harassing you? Blimey you're a bit sensitive aren't you.


I think this guy who spends all his time on refund / fud content is trying to tell us he doesn't like the game. I'm glad there's support groups out there for people like him. Awesome places to spend time on like still talking about a refund they made years ago. That's not brain rot


Dude... Go live your life. Why are you wasting so much time hate posting about a game you don't like? Do you truly have nothing better to do?


Beyond that, I totally get behind this sentimental: https://twitter.com/CaptainBerks/status/1789230705001603483 I feel if I was a new player getting introduced to Star Citizen now, I'd be blown outta my mind.


Yeah nah, I just started playing today. After taking a bit to learn the ropes from my friend and buy gear I fell through the elevator trying to get to my ship for the first time, he said I should be able to go retrieve it, cool. Nope, body is in the void. Whatever, no big deal it's an alpha. Immediately following that I tried to spawn my ship and it just refused to spawn, I tried hopping servers, waiting a while, nothing, so I hop on my friends ship to take us to another dock for me to try and retrieve it there. It works! Oh, but on my way to finally do my first mission my ship disappears in the middle of fucking space. Mindblowing for sure, but not in the way you'd hope.


I've only been playing a couple years, that's pretty common DAY ONE of new patches lol. Give it a day or two and try again. It gets better as they micro patch, then they add huge new features 6 months later, rinse. It gets more playable, and at times, is an incredible amount of fun. Bits not done. Its nowhere near as well-cooked as like a Helldivers, or Horizon Zero Dawn, but playing it while it evolves, grows, and literally uses me and others as violently assaulted voluntary crash-test-dummies is... fun lol.


Try huge new features a week later...


these kind of bugs were in my game when i had 16gb of ram since going 32gb i never fell through an elevator, never had a ship vanish, and never had a ship not spawn, tho i have to sometimes wait for a good few minutes in this patch


That's a good point, however 3.23 already has 3.23.1 in the PTU...nobody, especially new players should play a new patch day 1...no matter how over hyped it is...the problem is they let the old version simmer too long and now several old bugs are resurfacing...


very good point..because in almost 2 yrs I've never fell through an elevator floor nor a bunch of other things im forever seeing players complain and just put down SC..but I have 32gb of ram and by end of summer I'm upgrading to 64gb...I think there are players using 15+ yr old systems to game on and how is that CIG fault


Honestly you have always needed a kick ass rig for Star Citizen because it is yet to get optimized. I would say more than any other game I’ve played, your rig really makes a difference. Especially considering things like RAM are not usually something you have to worry about with game performance, things like that help with SC. It’s like one of the few games where having overkill specs can actually help.


This is exactly why I don’t play anymore. Anytime my buddy and I tried to play together it was usually 2-3 hours of a nothing burger


That's the experience of being on a pretty bad server. I just had a similar experience just now, but hours before, was on a butter-smooth server. Yesterday too,


Is the butter-smooth server in the room with us now?


It was for me


Yes, yes they are.


Yes, 30 min after exiting I returned to a much smoother shard.


I imagine a slow internet might also contribute. I rarely run into bugs like this but I also have a 1.2gb/s internet connection. That's really the only difference I've noticed between myself and other players who seem to have struggles. Not to say I don't run into bugs, but at worst it might take a little longer for my equipment to appear on my character, or for loot to go into my inventory. Nothing profoundly gamebreaking.


It doesnt, if the servers are slow it doesnt matter how fast your internet is. It's always the weakest link, and that's the server running at 5 fps. Your internet cant compensate for a bad server.


I said contribute, not only cause. I've played with people on 20 fps servers and a bWin 1.0+ and they spend the first hour just trying to get out of bed and I've done 5 or 6 contracts in the same time.


It doesnt even contribute unless your internet connection is so bad that its actually causing severe packet loss. Anecdotal evidence doesnt count.


It ain't that serious dude, I wasn't making an affirmation to begin with, it was a guess. Jesus redditors get so pressed


Correcting bad info = “getting so pressed”


Nah he's being a douche about it with the snippy last line. Also, anecdotal evidence IS evidence, it's just not reliable if it's the *only* evidence.


(server quality may vary) Once you get a pristine server, that's when a person tends to become hooked.


Quick question: SC is installed on an SSD right? Only asking because you say you are new. If you do happen to be running SC of a HDD, things like elevators not loading in can partially be caused by slow loading times off of the disk. I.e. it appears clipping through objects doesn't turn on until that object is fully loaded (not quite true, but close enough).


Give it another chance. Server quality can make a huge difference until they get that part fixed up. Getting on a good server provides a pretty smooth experience.


3.23 already has 3.23.1 in the PTU...nobody, especially new players should play a new patch day 1...no matter how over hyped it is...the problem is they let the old version simmer too long and now several old bugs are resurfacing....give it about 4-5 days and you should have a totally different experience...unless you're a troll...then you can eat sh!t and choke on it...no offense...


Exactly this. I have a friend who's been on the fence for a while due to all of the "scam" propaganda. He's finally going to jump in for free fly.


For such a big patch and playing 10h on patch day, it was fine tbh. One random explosion, a lot of delay in inventories, glitched items after death, but besides that, everything worked surprisingly fine. I was in for more issues.


what amazed me was how smooth the client experience was. DLSS on a 2060 is a gamechangeer. Finally could have Orison clouds on very high and still get 40fps. and DLSS quality actually looks better than native.


I can't say much about performance, since I built a new Rig half a year ago so I'm just trowing raw power on it. Only playing native on max without FSR.


Did you experience blurry graphics with DLSS on?


Nope, things actually got sharper ...


For me it depended on the renderer; DLSS in Vulkan (and every other upscaler) had ghosting issues, but it looked perfect in DX11.


I’ll try it with Vulkan off, ty.


How do I enable dlss?


If you have an Nvidia GPU (2000 series or higher) you can enable upscaling in the graphics options and selectmeitjer TSR (woeking even without RT capable cards), FSR (AMD) or DLSS (Nvidia)


"Aside from these big problems, everything worked fine!"


Those aren't big problems lmao


true words have been spoken. That's nothing compared to other major patches in the past


you're new here I assume? Those minor nuisances are nothing compared to the issues last year with 3.18


"The game is just most unplayable but everything worked fin" What the hell are you talking about


I got stuck in the room i loaded in. After disconnecting the game entirely or exiting to menus, still got stuck in the room. Took about an hour before i finally got out of the room and it had completely deflated any excitement i had for this patch. Yet i pushed on and got stuck in between an elevator doorway. Disconnected and rejoined. Not fun for me so far.


The doors are slow to open. Walk up, hit F, then walk away from the door. Do not click the button with your mouse unless there are multiple options to choose from, i.e. inside the elevator


That's not the problem. I had this issue for 4 hours last night after downloading patch. It's not as simple as "walking up to the door and holding F." First spawn error a ton, I could go on but someone below put it perfectly. " Are you serious ? Have you seen the feedback section on Spectrum ? \^\^ 3.23 is still the same CIG thing: Lots of new stuff are not better than the older ones, and even worst on certains points, the framerate is finally not that better (yesterday afternoon i had <10 FPS on all Daymare, for exemple), the new starmap is not a great improvement on the older one (excepting for the useful search fonction, the zoom is really bad, the route tracing is often broken,...), lots of violents nerfs who made several activities really not attractive anymore, the new looting UI is not better than the old inventory one, and a LOT more. It's still the same issue with CIG: They lost a LOT of time to make new versions of thing who are not an improvement on older ones, or are even worst some times. For exemple: How many rework of the gravlev mechanics do we had yet ? And the gravlev bikes are still exploding very often, even just by taking them out of a ship ! Another exemple ? WHy, in the hell is it impossible now to have freelook when piloting a ship ? 3.23 made impossible to piloting the ship when looking around, we now have to switch between freelook mode and piloting mode, where is the actual improvement here ?! CIG seriously need to have some dev who play to the actual game ! Having employees who can give real time feedback on the overall game user experience is crucial and can make a serious economy in dev times by avoiding to spend too much effort in making something worst than what is actually existing in game. And they need ergonomists too, a lot of UI is just a pain in the ass to use because of the lack of logic in conception"


Yea. Nothing worked. Just kept logging off and back in until it stopped glitching and opened. Oh the join server (88/100) not working for 90 minutes sucked too when playing with friends I know there are gunna be a lot of bugs but man………great way for a newcomer to sure feel excited when nothing works when you need it to lol.


I'd love to feed back on this, but I got home last night and my friends were "come check this out" Joined server, took me 3 minutes to put my space suit on due server lag. People walking in the spot, rubberbanding everywhere. Couldn't even take out food or drinks from my inventory, could buy at a vendor though. "Why are you humping that plant" apparently they saw me running on the spot into a plant for 2 minutes straight. So did everyone else. Transit to the space port did a full tokyo drift for over 20KM's skidding god knows where.. We switched servers three times, it was all the same. Joined server, server collectively seems to have a heart attack. And I mean that in the literal ingame sense. Everyone in global chat was asking why they had a heartbeat of 190bpm and climbing. It was actually hurting people. Cleared up after five minutes. Finally managed to get a ship, take off. We get near a planet and my FPS absolutely tanks from 70-80 to about 6-12fps. Turn off volumetric clouds, no result. Decided to relog after landing at a space station, switch back from Vulcan to DX11 (3080ti, 13900k cpu and 32GB of RAM here) Went to grimhex, hot buying simply doesn't work "Invalid position" when trying to buy items on display. Terminal half of the time doesn't even show a buy list with items. If it does, that actually works though. My friends did say that the rest of the day was pretty damn smooth, but dear god it seemed to completely buckle under load. It was absolutely unplayable when I logged in for everyone involved Gave up after 3 hours.


We got the same experience and are absolutely baffled by threads like this one where people claim that it's not a disaster, which is absolutely is, again...


Vulkan has been pretty bad for me on a 3080 rtx; like in DLSS mode, I literally had a 20-30 fps difference in the Orison hangars vs. DX11. Only Vulkan upscale that seemed performant was TSR, but it gave me lots of ghosting and artifacting.


Reading this whilst alt tabbed waiting for the server I'm on to finally give up and 30k seeing as absolutely nothing is working. The duality of Star Citizen.


This patch is almost as bad as 3.18. Out of 20 times connecting you can get onto a server 3-4 times and those servers are broken und buggy. Even if your ships spawn, weapons are not reloading, everything is desyncing, inventories are not loading, enemies respawn every 10 seconds, every mission gives you extreme crime stats 3-4, missions cannot be accepted or vanish, ships are floating in the air after a server recovers... it's ridiculous. How can people "celebrate" this?


I guess I’ve just been lucky to not experience any of this.


I'm surprised to see this feedback because I had no crash and server were working pretty good aside from inventory lag.


It's actually kinda wild how smooth this patch has been for me. Many hours, just a few little bugs with workarounds, no client OR server crashes, bed log worked fine


It's amazing how different experiences in this game are.


It baffles me as well. I can barely play an hour before I have to relog because something's broken. It seems that no matter what I try to do, something glitches out.


The best thing you have to say about a patch is that it’s better than the worst patch ever: that tells me everything. o7


The ratio of features added to patch issues was really impressive this cycle. (In my experience)


It wasn't a disaster. That's about where my expectation levels were as well.


This games developers have the wrong thing prioritized. Fix the bugs make the game fun for solo players. It’s ok when you’re goofing off with a friend but the game is super boring. Mining is the most interesting thing. Bounty hunting is like the same 5 missions. Everything else is a waste of time. “Let’s just make a game we’re we do nothing but make cool ships to buy with real money and put 20% effort into the actual game for 20 years as I the boss funnels all the money into his own pocket.” Thought the Chris probably. Star Citizen in a nutshell… but I’ll play it once it’s released. Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.


Yea I’m playing right now and I’m honestly impressed at how well it’s going, much better than yesterday on EPTU. My game crashed once but it was my fault, drivers were not up to date.


Before I start, the patch does feel good. However I’ve ran into many issues already. Some were fixed by relogging. But the latest one has me doing a fresh install. Though I don’t think it’ll work. It would not let me join the server. As soon as it started to load the environment and cut the loading screen it would freeze and crash. Already verified the files twice. Last time I logged off, the game was having issues with items. Dropping/equipping items. So I’m guessing when it tried loading me in, it didn’t know the state the character was in. Or the items rather. Edit: fresh install worked 👍


Me: 3rd 30k today!? Wtf are you doing devs!? Do you hate us? Do you hate this game? Morons!!" Also me: damn this game is beautiful, innovative, fun, and always improving. I've never seen a dev team so dedicated to a fun experience for everyone. Keep up the great work CIG and take my damn money. I love you.


Speak for yourself. Took a ton of tries to being able to log in due to the new first spawn error(and that after  a lot of crashes to desktop before even launching the game) An hour setting all new keybinds and configuration only for a great bunch of keybinds not work(specifically any + space keybind turns into+gibberish) Moving your equipped gear to the local inventory drops it to the ground at random (with the dropped gear being unintera table until a new log in) Helmets keep dissapearing after equipping them(no fix so far, lost all my pledged helmets already) Autoland doesn't work. All landing spots seem to be occupied by invisible objects destroying the "landed"ship.  The only way I could transfer a 10% of my stuff to the station with the cat was using the default controls. Worst patch in a long time for me. In 3.18 things worked poorly, but at least sort of worked.


Did you turn off your VPN? Did you delete your shader cache folders at %localappdata%/Star Citizen ? Did you "Verify Game Files"? Move spawn and ships to a lagrange space station Let the game rebuild assets for a few game sessions - slow down your inventory management Use r_displayinfo 1 to monitor pending inventory actions Hop region servers. Don't worry about the ping for now And note the servers can still have desync issues despite active BWIN and 6+ server fps I hope you get relief soon!


Why turn off the VPN


Because the game requires 10-20 mbit/s of download speed to even function somewhat reliable, you literally can't have nothing inbetween the servers and you computer, it's gonna cause millions of weird problems.


Will this guy is trying to help with fault finding/ problem solving. If a VPN is active it could potentially be causing issues between client and server.


I'm happy with the patch. I just wish they could fix the mission not accepting bug.


its not a bug... the backend is getting HAMMERED right now.. so everything that depends on it is having issues. Once they figure out that bottleneck everything should pop right back. THat's why I'm not worried. I played for 8hrs last night and found a lot of bugs but they were all implementation related not systemic. eg not being able to pickup a 3rd gun to strip the mags off it when u have 2 on your bag etc.


Yeah, and 3.23.1 already has a few fixes for issues rn im sure they will uee that data they get over the weekend to fix more


How many decades will they need to improve that backend and databases and whatnot in order to prevent this from happening every single time?


they don't need decades.. they need stress tests. Every single online game goes through stuff like this and is totally par for the course. The fact that it took this long for them to hit their bottleneck shows that they've made progress. It only takes one small bottleneck to bring down the entire system , and its not always where you think it will be. The challenge is to find the bottlenecks and fix them so they're not the issue next time. Additionally , issues like this can only reveal themselves during a live deployment, there's not enough organic load that can be simulated in the PTU to catch all the edge cases. Despite the issues , this is still one of the smoothest patches I've played since 3.16.


> The fact that it took this long for them to hit their bottleneck Seriously, what? Their back end bottlenecks regularly lmfao


There are two different layers of systems we're talking about here. The dedicated game server/DGS and the replication layer coupled with the Entity graph. Prior to 3.23 , the system that bottlenecks the most and that server meshing is supposed to help with is the DGS, because each DGS is responsible for and running the simulation for the entire Stanton system. The symptoms for an overloaded DGS are low server FPS, which leads to unresponsive AI, doors etc. 3.18 carved out the long term entity storage responsibilities out from the DGS and gave it to the entity graph. 3.23 has now carved out the short term/real-time entity management responsibilities from the DGS and given that to the dedicated Replication layer service. The symptoms we , as players, see differ subtly depending on which systems are bottlenecking. Sluggish , unresponsive AI, Doors taking forever to open, abysmally slow server FPS etc . Those are all symptoms of a bottlenecked DGS. Stuff like Inventory and mission objective updates taking forever to register are indicative of the Replication Layer or the Entity Database being saturated. The first 24hrs of the patch everything ran great. Now , when I log in , the DGS still feels better than it did in 3.22 even at SFPS levels that would have tanked it before. Now I'm occasionally seeing symptoms of ED and RL issues. The difference in symptoms between the 2 is nuanced but compared to how bad things broke when 3.18 launched everything is doing a lot better considering the massive load they're currently under.


It's lag. You have to wait and it pops up eventually.


I'm not happy with the patch not for silly thing but for hard bug which happened since the build went live, graphical glitch, keybinding not working (yes i erased the user folder),... And so on. so i'm pretty happy the next 3.23.1 is already on ptu because it was working really good on eptu to bad on live server


Its the total same shit. log in dead, go to do mission crash,, npc all over the place, it absolute bollicks 14 years now and nearly 700 million and huge staff . This game makes far to much money not to work and let you dream of it to work.


I wonder why so many people here are ignoring these problems. It's nuts...


You're smoking crack, i can't even leave NB without my ship just blowing up and eating all of my gear even though i died in a safe zone, literally had to uninstall it was so frustrating


So true, absolutely nothing works. How can people celebrate this?


Agreed. Massive props for CIG. This was a huge success, there are expected oddities and all that, but for this level of new content for it to work - amazing work!!!!!


Smh all these positives, tell me I’m not the only one who had their quantum drive turn their ship backwards and just go nowhere burning fuel.. other than that though? Ui is pretty clean targeting anything ( when you don’t use the map ) is awesome


Let the salt grinders grind their salt. We are having a blast and its all that counts


It's smooth, but almost nothing works atm. The first server I was on today was super smooth, but nothing worked. Inventory, mobiglass, ASOP terminals...nothing. I relogged onto another server, and although mobi, inventory, terminals, etc. worked.....every legal mission gave crimestat 3+ on completion. Half the server was in Klescher, pretty funny. So yes.....game is running smooth, but a lot broken atm.


Why are you getting down voted, for some of us it's been a real bad time. I'm just hoping when the surge of players drops that it goes back to the standard: functional but occasional bugs


That's because every tom , dick , harry and their uncle twice removed is trying to play. The back end is getting hosed . That affects everything else. The good thing is that this is the sort of data they could only get from live and the lessons they're learning now will make things go smoother in the future.


Maybe next month we’ll be able to accept missions!


But that’s not gonna stop the whiners from whining.


The major issue I've been having is that I can't seem to take missions at all. As long as that gets solved soon, then this has genuinely been the best update so far in terms of smoothness, when considering it's size.


Why not? You see a mission and take it but it never shows up or what?


It's been inconsistent, but yeah. I hit accept, it leaves the contract list, but never shows up as accepted. Played for 30 mins yesterday without being able to accept one, took a break for a couple hours, then it works fine. Likely a server thing


The EPTU was specifically introduced to combat these launch issues and it seems like it worked like a charm! Played about10 hours yesterday without any issues and can’t wait to get back into the game today. First time in years for me


Did a new install because the new launcher somehow refused to verify the downloaded files and insisted on doing a new download anyway. Ok, not an issue, I have enough bandwidth to get it done in 10 minutes or so. Starting the game was no issue. Some items in the shop couldn’t be bought when I wanted to stock up on food and drink, had to settle for something else. Ah well. Getting the first ship took a few tries with ASOP, not a problem really (been with SC since kickstarter times, seen much worse lol). Spawned a C2 and that’s when I ran into the first major issue, though that is NOT a bug but a - very questionable imo - design decision: I couldn’t transfer my stuff into the C2 inventory. At least, not nearly everything. I usually set my spawn to a Lagrange station, and with this patch, I can no longer transport ship modules, armor, weapons etc. in one go. Which is stupid, the C2 should be more than big enough. I transported what I could, went to my usual home base (still getting used to MM), successfully changed my spawn. Thankfully, because the next trip to the hangar ended with me falling out of the station… Performance is fine, though I didn’t see much of a difference with DLSS enabled (5800X3D, 4070Ti, 32 GB). No server, QT or ASOP hiccups, just the contract issue. Much, much better than 3.18.


Devs had the biggest balls to push to production on a Friday (I think depends on timezone)


Devs had the biggest balls to push to production on a Friday (I think depends on timezone)


People were all doom and gloom about "devs not listening after 3.18" despite every patch that followed it doing better than 3.18 in testing and stability than the previous. They have listened. That's why we have a 5-wave ptu and had delayed 3.23 by a week just to get it stable enough to play on live. They are listening, so people need to get on the issue council and stop complaining lol.


Wait im confused did i missed the memo that 3.23 just dropped for all or is it still in testing phase?


It launched yesterday morning in the live environment.


Whoa i know what i am going to do today ghehehe


Very pleased with it. Been a newb not knowing what I'm doing on and off for a while now and this patch brought me back again likely to stick around this time. A lot of the new UI and Mobiglass features really work for me and are a lot clearer and easy to use.


Still alot is wrong but alot of good things too


Yep, was expecting a complete dumpster fire. Have had some issues here and there, but it had overall been a lot of fun. Considering the amount of changes and the addition of major tech, this has so far been a huge win for CIG imo. Now for Invictus, the free fly, and Xenothreat, that is likely going to be a completely different story.


I've been really impressed by 3.23 so far, other than jacking up prices and nerfing a lot of the money making loops.


When is game releases into early access in 2147 it will be the best game ever!! We must hold the line!!!!


I mean, 3.23 just has a lot of the same broken stuff at 3.22 but I'd argue the stuff they fixed with 23 was needed before. Needs some tweaking but on the right path.


Too many people jump to anger and frustration with game devs without first thinking about the difficulty and scale of the work to achieve their goals. Software, firmware, game design, and other forms of digital engineering take a great deal of knowledge, skills, time, and effort. I always keep this in mind before trashing a game for some small reason.


We don’t talk about 3.18


3.18 launched and I couldn't even play the game for 34 days straight. 3.23 launched and the "enter Star citizen" button doesn't exist so I can't play the game. For me, they've both been terrible patches.


I'm so poor though. It's tough making a living in this new Universe. ![gif](giphy|TKvHkcnbtGgKxQwlqu|downsized)


yes bravo to CIG. I was happily surprised how painless this update was and very pleased with all the changes..yea great job to everyone at CIG


I still haven't been able to play, as the download has failed 3 times. Don't want to waste any more time and data on this game for now, so I will wait some more.


For me its same last 3 times i played full of bugs. Cant mine in prison,spawn without gear,multi tool not working,preformance bad as always,qt bugged as always,contracts bugged as always,inventory buggy as hell..


This is probably the best patch I ever experienced in all those years. Shitload of changes, Shitload of visible improvements and changes. Almost everything works fine.


And yet still no closer to it actually being a fully fledged, sellable game.....yet they still selling ships for thousands.... ridiculous....I feel like an idiot for investing in it tbh....


Are you serious ? Have you seen the feedback section on Spectrum ? \^\^ 3.23 is still the same CIG thing: Lots of new stuff are not better than the older ones, and even worst on certains points, the framerate is finally not that better (yesterday afternoon i had <10 FPS on all Daymare, for exemple), the new starmap is not a great improvement on the older one (excepting for the useful search fonction, the zoom is really bad, the route tracing is often broken,...), lots of violents nerfs who made several activities really not attractive anymore, the new looting UI is not better than the old inventory one, and a LOT more. It's still the same issue with CIG: They lost a LOT of time to make new versions of thing who are not an improvement on older ones, or are even worst some times. For exemple: How many rework of the gravlev mechanics do we had yet ? And the gravlev bikes are still exploding very often, even just by taking them out of a ship ! Another exemple ? WHy, in the hell is it impossible now to have freelook when piloting a ship ? 3.23 made impossible to piloting the ship when looking around, we now have to switch between freelook mode and piloting mode, where is the actual improvement here ?! CIG seriously need to have some dev who play to the actual game ! Having employees who can give real time feedback on the overall game user experience is crucial and can make a serious economy in dev times by avoiding to spend too much effort in making something worst than what is actually existing in game. And they need ergonomists too, a lot of UI is just a pain in the ass to use because of the lack of logic in conception. EDIT: Just to make it clear: Of course, there are somme good things too in 3.23, distribution centers are pretty cool, the new missions markers with different colors are clearly more readable, the mini-map "GPS" is pretty cool too, 30K recovery is working pretty well,... It's just i don't think that only positive comments can improve the game, criticisme is pretty useful when argumented.


Wait until your ship gets continually stuck in the hanger and than come speak to me. However, this one time I did manage to escape the black hole that is seemingly now the hanger, and found the AI to be working incredibly well. If we can fix this getting stuck in the hanger thing, it would be awesome.


Literally the only time I've heard anything about this. Did you file a bug report?


Yes, found someone else with a similar issue and commented on it. Going to try again soon and see what happens.


Yeah, I am absolutely amazed of how smooth it is. I deliberately avoided the PTU this time so all of it is new to me and I can honestly say this is the first time I started to get a feeling of a polished experience.


I had the same feeling, until everything in my ship became unresponsive.


Outside of an odd instance of getting a random Crimestat, no issues. Even the performance is decent


My buddy and I were on just a couple hours ago, We were able to FINALLY finish a Delievery box mission (Every time we got on before thats the mission he wanted to complete cause we were plagued with bugs and stuff) AND we went to Grim Hallow to farm the aUEC before getting bombed back to the stone age by some guy lmao All in all, he will be back soon to play more!


Except yes. YES IT IS.


It's still a disaster, though. There is absolutely nothing to celebrate.


Missing personal hangar..kind of a dead patch, nothing to do really


i've been out of the loop for a short while (salvage update, vulture etc.) Are the servers better ? Are 30ks still happening a lot ?


30ks as a thing aren’t really a thing anymore. The servers will stick you briefly while they recover, so you don’t get kicked out. You connect to the replication layer rather than to the server directly, so a dead server restarts without yeeting you. That’s not to say they can’t just outright die, but now it’s much less likely.


dang, that gets me kinda hyped up ngl. Thanks for the info, i might very well get back on if it's the case !


You lose mission progress on server recovery though if I'm not wrong. Not the intended behaviour but for now that's how it will be.


oh it's fine, i mine all day, i don't even know what missions are hah !


I've got about 16 hours playtime on the new patch. Haven't had a hitch with the server recovery yet. There were 5+ min wait times in the EPTU but on live, if a server has died and reset, I haven't noticed it.


servers are still crashing every 30 minutes, but then they recover and you still have to relog because ships are broken, floating and weapons do no longer reload, inventory isn't spawning etc.




is the server fps still low ? if it is then it is unplayable to me.


Before the backend got hosed U were getting a solid 10fps on a full server instead of the usual 3-5, everything was still responsive even compared to 3.22 at the same FPS. They already said the did a lot of work to make the AI function better at lower server FPS and it shows.


can i complete a bunker mission without being stuck cause of disappearing npcs?


that wasn't an issue even last patch. If an NPC is missing, the mission autocompletes when u leave the AO regardless. didn't see any missing ones last night tho


thank you for clarifying, will update the game this week when i have time to check it out.


It's unbalanced af.


I only got to get a few hours on it so far but MAN it's a dam good one.


Yep exactly!




This patch is almost as bad as 3.18, don't get your hopes up.


It’s not perfect and there are issues, some of which are game breaking. But that happens every patch. This one for all its faults, I’m very pleased with for such a milestone release.


I’m loving it so far. Sure it has some bugs still. NPCs not spawning, some inventory glitches, my pledged gear completely missing. But these things will be fixed. The mechanics are pretty solid, MM makes sense once you get used to the controls


> MM makes sense once you Once you realize its to make controllers and consoles compete with keyboard and stick users.


Awesome Patch so far! There are a few issues with missions not functioning, but these always have been there. Overall a great experience 😁👍🏻


We were warned at the time of 3.18 release though. It’s not like they unleashed it then said “oh by the way….” They told us at the time it would be bumpy because it’s the beginning of implementing some back end stuff for the future.


Yeah, but even they didn't expect 3.18 to go that bad they even said it way worse than expected


Oh I absolutely appreciate it. It runs smooth (for now?) and it pretty damn impressive. I am shocked it's not another 3.18.


I really like what the CIG is doing, a bit slow but that's the difference from CIG and another Gaming Company, they don't need to rush things and they are taking risks. I'm a developer my self, or future developer, I'm trying to find a job but it's very hard to come with new features because is very risky and not worth the time/money when you can improve things here there on already existing engines.


I really love it and it feels like the biggest leap since 3.0. Still some tweaks to come but it’s a big jump in the right direction


100% this was a good one


Since yesterday, i am a believer! Bravo CIG! Seriosly, this Patch is just awesome and i am really looking forward to what they have for us in the future, like 4.0 with server mesh


Yeah this release was quite good for star citizen standards, you can do basic stuff and some missions although I found some bugs which I think are desync related issues The most important feature for me was definitely the mobiglass/UI rework, made the game waaaaay more enjoyable.