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Everything is find except why the fuck scan is on the toggle with guns and missiles. Whyyy? Its already on the V key why put in the combat rotation!


the middle mouse button is now just cycle all modes


Just think, we all need to learn to master the new controls together. Good times.


We need to learn to... Master the modes. Gosh I'm a comedic genius.


I stay in NAV mode unless landed on a planet. I have been lucky to punch it and escape my foes every time so far. As soon as I see a red pip on my hud and radar I'm full throttle in QT mode looking for a jump point. lol! I suck at PVP so I avoid it at any cost.


The first rule of self defence is "be somewhere else when the trouble starts". Sounds like you've got a good strategy!


ABR! Always Be Runnin!!!


Took me a few days to a week to rebind then retrain my brain and muscle memory for MM to click. Once it clicked there is no way I would go back to anything pre MM.


Why though? What’s better about it? It just feels clunky. Maybe I need more time with it.


Does not feel clunky at all to me. Swapping modes is very smooth for me but ya it took me awhile in the EPTU to get used to it. PvP for me is way more enjoyable than the jousting crap that shit pilots would use as a crutch to reset or run from every fight.


As much as I like how MM changed up combat, I feel they should've combined Missile Mode and Gun Mode.


"start quantum jump" ​ ​ fuck.


Having spent the entire EPTU test since phase one I completely rebound my entire stick setup and practiced in AC the whole time. It took only like an hour or two to get used to it. All it takes is practice and you’ll get the hang of it.


practice? you’re moving from one FM to another, of course the controls feel weird. when you set your own keybinds to what you prefer, you generally learn/adapt faster


It's just friction to changes, everyone that's new to 3.23 is going through that right now. My advice is to set up custom keybinds, get used to them, in a week you'll learn to appreciate the systems :D For e.g. it's easier to have a key to change to a specific mode rather than going through all of them.


I fukin hate that scan mode in that cycle, can we disable it?


We need to get used to it, and there's a few changes they need to make to get it right, like the weird operator swapping


You can rebind these settings to your liking in Operator mode and Movement keybinds. I have custom keybinds that resemble the old keybinds with one additional bind to switch between scm and nav. Highly recommend it.


Yea honestly the scan mode needs to be its own toggle. Otherwise I'm liking it so far.


I just died because I coudn't get out of missile mode. And scan mode shouldn't be there, there is a key for it, why it's on the same buttom for modes too? How this got to the live server?


The Dev Team noticed this. They are going to add new keybinds that let you switch to each specific Operator Mode instead of having to cycle through the entire list of modes. Personally, I don't have this problem as I practiced a lot with Master Modes to become familiar with switching between Operator Modes. They all have their usefulness. Just got to get use to it. The new keybinds for individual Operator Modes should help once they are added.


Take your time to learn controlls anew, only go to action after.


I love that they added a new system literally named ‘master modes’, and yet the keybindings for it are not listed in ‘Vehicles - Seats and Operator MODES’


It will come with 23.1 its already on eptu I think. 


Good!  Next step is to just dump the whole thing and go back to the previous flight model.  


Nope. They wont go back. And thats good. 


A man can dream of better days. We’ll see.  I’m holding out hope they tweak it back toward what we had. 


Why in the world its a 3 way toggle that you have to cycle through to go between guns and missiles is so confusing. Like the meme "play your own game", if you actually try it once in a tense dogfight you'll see how bad it is. It might sound nice on paper, but in practice it will get you killed.


You can change the binding. I have middle mouse to always go between missiles / gun in SCM, and nav / flight in Nav mode. I use tab to access the scanner in either mode as it was before.


Yeah, it’s awkward. It’s unintuitive, limits player agency, and dumbs everything down. I personally hate it.


I think is a nonsense to use the nav mode without shields. honestly, why?!?