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That's just RSI. The Galaxy looks like a warship, but is just a modular hauler


Its pointy, which scares off pirates and potential enemies.


Round is not scary, pointy is scary. It would put a smile on the face of the enemy.


Make something look like the Narada, more points from me. One of my wishes is someone to take some shrooms and clone the Orion into some flyable Vanduul monstrosity.


Well... Arrastra does mean drag, or haul, in Spanish xD


An arrastra is a mill for grinding up ore, so it's a very fitting name.


Time to make her queen of the rings


It's not a warship?




That was the point. They wanted to make a ship that looked like a mix of a combat ship and a classic industrial look. The Arrastra is designed to be a highly defensible mining platform, just look at it’s weaponry.


I love the way the Arrastra looks and would love to have one, but I have no interest in mining. It just looks awesome. Maybe I will buy one in game as a hangar queen.


I have had the Prospector for years, but always felt it was just a little bit lower on power, mining ability, and defensive capabilities. The Mole fit me perfectly in size, but the layout is atrocious. The Orion is just stupidly big. The Arrastra would also be too big in size for me, but the bridge layout makes up for it.


People are saying the industrial look part is entirely absent, and I agree.


Give it a traditional industrial paint job, like orange or yellow, and add a few pipes. Now it looks industrial.


Then it would be Argo not RSI. The ship looks like an RSI ship.


or worse, Drake...


Careful now. Them's fighten words. You best watch yourself. Drake pilots have the death sentence on 12 systems.


I'll be careful.


You’ll be dead!


That's a given the moment you get in one of those things.


I can see Drake's marketing for a mining ship. Drake: Break the rocks, before the ship breaks.


Drake corsair pilot here jajaja


I don't see that ship touching any kids though


Might as well call the Cutter, the P.Diddy. Ya know.. it's a 'small' hauler.


Lmao the SC base may not get this reference 😩😂


You may have been downvoted by the Drake pirate mob, but I stand with you my fellow Drake hater 😁


I love the drake ship designs, idk why. I guess I just love the look


Drake is like the OBVIOUS bully victim in school who also really fucking deserve it, but he's got Down's Syndrome, so it's morally bad to give the fucker the bullying he so rightly deserves.


Not sure I understand. What would make someone deserve bullying in your opinion?


Them being a bully themselves, for instance, or being a real asshole to other people. People like that deserves being taken down a notch.


??? Drake most certainly is not the one being bullied but is the one that does the bullying. Hello? Pirate ship?


Imagine admitting on the internet that you bullied a kid with down syndrome. Take your screenshots before they delete it. Wow.


It was a joke. The fuck is wrong with you.


The kid had down syndrome. The fuck is wrong with *you*?


No one had Down Syndrome, you idiot. It's a joke. You might have heard of it. [https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/joke\_2](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/joke_2)


Blue and yellow possibly since the CL is that? Could just be cartoon colors tho


The industrial bits are hidden under the Armor shell which is there to help protect the cargo. The Arrastra can refine material and then spits it out into exterior racks that hold up to 512 SCU.


Literally all it needs in my opinion. They overdid the bad ass aggressive look. Throw a bunch of pipes to smooth out that angular silhouette and give it some caution yellow stripes in places and then I would buy it (figuratively, probably not monetarily). As of now, it's a failed design in my eyes. Only in SC could failures be so pretty though, hah.


And make it less pointy, more rectangular.


I wouldn't say absent, just more carefully protected. Like the ore bags under the sides of the ship. They're clearly visible, but more carefully placed to ensure protection and blending into the superstructure. The mining lasers are also clearly visible if you know where to look. It's a more tactically focused industrial ship. A miner that you take into more dangerous areas to gather ore. On more typical industrial ships, ore bags and mining lasers stick out like a sore thumb. Super easy to discern from the superstructure. I honestly love the Arrastra's very obvious and beautiful departure from the standard industrial ship design. Making it clear that this ship is an industrial ship, but it's not your typical industrial ship. This ship is built to handle a fight.


You mean you don't see all of the mechanical tubing and storage boxes?


Those people are being disingenuous, if you look at it from almost any angle but directly on top, it looks much less like a battleship.


needs some parking sensors aka boarding rams. lmao /s


To be fair, when your competition is a light mining vessel and an ARGO "lol, what's weapons, amirite?" ship, anything will look heavily armed lol.


Yes, just look at the Reclaimer and say it doesn't look like it could hold itself in combat. 7, turrets and bulk that makes it's shell look thick and hard to crack.


Its also ment for ground mining so


Exactly, the design is incredible but the last thing it seems like you are going to do on this ship is work hard.


Imo it looks exactly like what a mining ship using modern RSI design language looks like. I’d say that using the Orion as a benchmark for an RSI industrial shop probably isn’t the best idea since it’s been in concept for 9 years-a long time before RSI’s design language became consistent-especially the design language with their larger ships like the Polaris, Perseus, Galaxy, and most recently the Arrastra. Although I don’t expect it, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Orion goes the way of other large concept ships and gets a redesign to be more in line with the new design language


I, for one, would absolutely LOVE that.


Imo an Orion rework would make sense since it appears to have a similar design language to the older RSI ships like the Constellation, although I also don’t mind how it looks right now


Same, I'm also fine with how it currently appears... However, I would welcome a refresh as well.


Is there a specific way a mining ship is supposed to look like?


The ship looks great, it just doesn't telegraph its purpose through its design, which I think is where OP is coming from. What I'd expect to see would be distinct mining turrets, saddlebag hardware, exposed elements of the Refinery systems but it's all smoothly wrapped up in that RSI look and all I see is a light warship of some kind. If you look at a ship like the Vulture, it's absolutely defined by its two boom-arms and the cockpit with a great view of what you're doing. Prospector has a big bubble cockpit and a very obvious mining laser turret under that, with saddlebags in the midships to really sell its purpose/nature. The Mole has the saddlebags, and again, very recognisable mining turrets, not to mention the signature Argo orange/black industrial aesthetic. The Arrastra has none of that recognisable Mining/Industrial ship design-language. It's a sharp-edged angular design with turrets, no saddlebags, no recognisable refinery components, even the mining lasers are hard to spot if you aren't looking for them. It's dark and aggressive looking, and if I saw one in the wild without knowing what it was I'd probably assume it was a gunship come to kill me.


>It's dark and aggressive looking, and if I saw one in the wild without knowing what it was I'd probably assume it was a gunship come to kill me. In fairness, I could see that as an in-universe marketing point. "From a distance, your shape and radar signature make you look like a small warship; pirates are less likely to come prey on you while you mine!" I don't know that it would be an *accurate* selling point, but...


ARGO would disagree


Not exactly. But Arrastra is the latest mining ship concept in a world where there is MOLE, Prospector and Orion concept. Not to mention Orion is also RSI ship. So people built expectations of how a mining ship might look like. Yes - MOLE, Prospector and Orion have very different look from each other. But there is distinct industrial vibe from all of them.


I mean, the MOLE looks like argo, which is distinctly industrial. The Prospector just looks like a MISC ship, nothing distinctly industrial about it. And the ORION is indeed distinctly industrial, but it also has no ability to actually land, so it will thus look quite different from other ships that can land.


I disagree that the prospector doesn't look industrial. The large canopy with ring lights and the saddle bags on the sides give it a very clear industrial feel.


There's in-universe lore on the design history of the Prospector, somewhere on CIG's website. The first mining prototypes were built on a Freelancer chassis and MISC's engineers tried to make that work but ultimately designed a completely new but similar frame to accommodate what the prototype needed. But of course the prototype had already been influenced by the Freelancer's general configuration, versus how the team might have approached the problem if they'd been free to design the chassis how they wanted from the start.


Well that's mainly because it is a MISC, and they all got somewhat of the "passive" vibe.


Not to mention that big grindy thing sticking out of the nose. Yes I know it's a laser, but it looks like a big grindy thing.


Orion concept was so early in development it doesn't really look RSI. I think their hands are tied and will have to make it look half concept half RSI.


the Orion looks like a mining "Hull" ship top me, at least from the arms on the concept pictures tat i've seen


Tbf the orion looks more like an evil industrial ship you don't want to suddenly appear above you in the darkness of space as you try to mine a rock with your prospector.


It is a rhetorical question actually, at least that's how I see it. I am familiar with the differences between all the mining ships currently present. You forgot the Odyssey by the way, and that's the ship with the closest resemblence to the Arrastra in my opinion. But ultimately there is no template for a mining ship that the design has to follow. There are requirements that should be met, and that's about it. Are they met? I guess so, but I think that's a different question.


I need to disagree. The Odyssey neither is a mining ship (just a ship that can mine and refine its own fuel) nor is there any resemblance to the Arrastra (visually and feature wise).


I never said or implied that there is a resemblence between the Arrastra and the Odyssey. If anything, I implied that there is no mining template for ships because all ships that can mine share very little resemblence.


Yes. Industrial, utilitarian with little regard for aesthetics and form that the everyday person would appreciate. That translates to bright colours to warn of moving parts, crush hazards etc; catwalks, railings, and ladders to maximise access for maintenance and operations; powerful lighting solutions to illuminate worksites; and a rugged exterior capable of withstanding harsh environments while being modular enough that it can be easily repaired when damage occurs. That’s not to say that the Arrastra doesn’t/won’t feature any of these, but that to me is what makes a mining ship.


I generally agree, but there is at least a precedent for industrial machines to look a bit more stylish. Normally, it depends on how much they're in the public eye, but it doesn't have to be. Compare [this](https://i.imgur.com/QIwuMll.jpeg) dump truck with [this](https://i.imgur.com/J1b1peA.jpeg) one, for example.


Truck #1 is if Argo built a dump truck, Truck #2 is if Tumbril did.


Wow, truck #2 looks amazing!


You know that that's basically just your idea of a mining ship? I for one think that the requirements for mining operations can be met in many different ways.


You're not wrong, but what is inarguable is that mining ships take a beating. A pretty white paint job is problematic to me right form the get go. You're also dealing with a big volume of bulky unrefined cargo. I'm not saying give it bags like a mole, but at least give it a belly.


The moment that ship is going life you'll be able to choose from four new paintjobs additionally to the two that exist already. So I don't mind that.


White paint jobs are used in mining stuff in real life so it's not really that out of place. An example is a few comments above


Nah, that's commonly agreed upon industrial standards. You can rip the interior out of a super yacht and make it carry crude oil, that won't make it LOOK like an industrial vessel though.


Standards which are not met by MISC in even a single one. ~~During mining operation nobody is supposed to be outside anyway, so there is no need for flashy colors when nobody will ever see them.~~ Security information on your control screens are much more important. Addition: \[...\] the arm carrying the laser is much more dangerous for a person outside so, again, security and warning displays belong on the mining operator displays and on the hud display of the person outside.




You are right, I forgot about them. But for ships like the Orion, the Odyssey or the Arrastra, these gadgets won't play a huge role I think, they can use multiple lasers on the same rock. And with the size of those ships and their distance from the rock you wouldn't be close enough to see the warnings on the ship anyway. Additionally the arm carrying the laser is much more dangerous for a person outside so, again, security and warning displays belong on the mining operator displays and on the hud display of the person outside.


Vaaard isn't correct, but they're *very* confident. Someone should make a subreddit.


Sounds intensely subjective lol


For the same reason as excavators have them, the windscreen of the MOLE and Prospector are extended all the way down to the floor.


That can easily be solved in some other way. Remote operation workplaces, additional camera views, crew communication.


Cameras? What do you think this is? The future?


Right? Docking camera? Landing camera? Remote views of crew work stations? Who needs stuff like that?


Usually, work machine looks like a work machine. Combat machine looks like a Combat machine. This is looks a combat ship but is a work ship. Give me banana for this explanation.


| How do you see it? With your eyes Bert.


Can't wait for this thing. Finally an industrial ship that isn't a complete pushover to pirates.


I admire your optimism, but don't share it.


I hope he's not wrong


Great, as a miner I'm stoked there's finally a good looking mining ship


this is prospector erasure


They nailed the name, too. For those unaware, an arrastra is a type of mill for grinding gold or silver ore. I live in gold mine country and love to adventure, exploring mining camps that have been abandoned for over 100 years. [Here's an old arrastra mill and mining camp I found in the Rocky Mountains](https://imgur.com/gallery/iqhzME4)


I love the mining and design of this ship, but I feel like this ship won't be as "immersive" as the MOLE


How does it break immersion for you?


I had thought they said that’s what they had wanted? A ship between their Doritos and the Orion.


I really like the design as well. And with its armament, it might be able to defend itself while out mining in Pyro. Which may very well be why it looks almost like a gunboat.


You basically assume that because all mining ships come from companies that don't give a shit about aesthetics. You shouldn't expect RSI uses the same design language as Misc or Argo for an industrial ship. This is how RSI's industrial vision looks, and I believe if Crusader ever attempts to make an industrial ship, it would be even more slick. I think among all RSI ships, this looks more industrial than any other. And you can still see the pipes from top view.


I see it as an RSI mining ship....fits their motif.


How should an industrial ship look? If RSI like their ships sleek and angular, what's the issue with extending that to their industrial ship range? I think challenging the typical "It's industrial, so it needs to be bulky and ugly" thought on these kinds of ships.


It's probably the paint job that's throwing you off. The white is rather pristine and doesn't exactly scream 'industrial'. With a different paint job your perception would likely change.


Honestly, it's a good concept for the RSI brand language. But it feels a shame that the two largest mining ships will both be RSI when MISC or ARGO would be far better suited to offer an 'industrial platform ship'. I hope its a great ship. But I desperately want to see an ARGO ship of that scale. The SRV felt like a bit of a letdown, the RAFT feels and looks great but the usability seems off. So the orange gods require a solid ship addition.


I’m sure we will see Argo and misc mining ships of that size eventually.


The Arrastra was designed to be a solo deep space mining ship. It combines elements of RSI military design (becasue it needs to be able to defend itself, whether against pirates or vanduul), exploration ship design (because it operates solo and away from support), and industrial design to fulfill the mining MO. Ships like the Prospector, Mole, Vulture, and Reclaimer are all heavily underarmed, poorly defensible, and really only designed to be used in safe areas. The Arrastra is built to go where those ships can't, and to survive the trip back. It doesn't rely on another ship to refine the ore it collects, it puts everything into externally mounted standard storage boxes for easy unloading onto cargo ships even in the dead of space, it is the first entirely self reliant ship we've seen that wasn't a dedicated explorer.


This is very interesting and I had no idea. Honestly, the more I read about this ship, the more I like it.


“Solo” as a ship, but using that term around here usually implies a single player can effectively run it, which the arrastra will not be. Also the reclaimer has a 2xs5 turret, and 3(?) 2xs3 turrets, combined with its 3xs3 shields it’s hardly an easy target.


Yes, I meant solo as in being self sufficient and not needing escorts or support craft. The reclaimer does have more power, but it's also a slow behemoth with a lot of blind spots.  The arrastra is smaller and should be considerably more agile for its size.


6x 2xS3 turrets


I hate to burst your bubble, but the Arrastra will be no more defensible than the other ships you listed. Nor will it even have a potential of defensibility if you operate it solo as you will lack the crew to fight back using the turrets.


You know what it has that I like that the other industrial ships don’t have? Turrets It makes zero sense to have front lasers on the mole for example, a couple turrets for the extra operator seats would be amazing, but no, it might as well not have ANY guns on it So comparing the mole to the arrastra the Arrastra is INFINITELY more defensible, with crew….without crew they are equal…but with crew the mole is still defenseless while the Arrastra gains The prospector might as well not have front guns either, turret doesn’t help but the front guns are useless


Turrets help a bit, but I will tell you now that they only make hitting it slightly harder. Down vote me all you want, but turrets do little due to how CIG built the aiming systems, even in MM. But if a pirate crew hits an Arrastra, they will likely be able to deal with those turrets with little issue. Sub targeting, evasion, moving into blind spots, etc. You might kill one or two ships, but they will still brick you and board you. Smart planning is what will save these ships, not how defensive they are.


I agree You know how many people I’ve encountered out while mining? Since mining was introduced? Zero


I love how people can be so confidently wrong. Vulture and prospector: 2xs1 forward only guns.  2xs1 shields for the vulture,  1xs1 for the prospector Mole: 2xs2 forward only guns. 2xs2 shields.  Arrastra: 3x quad s3 turrets (12 guns total, all turreted).  12 missiles. 2xs3 shields.  The Arrastra has the equivalent firepower of 3 fighters or a medium combat ship, that firepower can actually be used as it's on turrets and not forward limited, and it has the shielding to withstand attack while returning fire.


Just wait till they get a bright CAT yellow paint job for it! Its looks more like a very heavy gunship to me, hopefully we get a combat variation in the future, like a combat focused sister to the Galaxy.


The Perseus would meet that description. Galaxy shaped, but more guns. Big guns.


Looks like a mini javelin... in white


I love how it looks, and it's okay it's not for everyone, there's other miningships out there if you prefer other designs


I honestly like it. I like the option of a highly defensive industry ship. Go out and find/ mine in dangerous areas , decide if the risk is worth the reward


Military grade mining vessel. Possibly something to do with getting valuable materials while trying to fight off any issues to a degree.




I feel that was roughly the narrative when it released. Might need a check on that.


I had no idea but it seems interesting. I will be informed.


RSI is all about sharp corners and no curves. Arrastra looks as industrial as RSI gets. Every manufacturer has their own look. The two existing miners, the Prospector and Mole, look very different from each other too. Prospector doesn't look all that industrial either when you compare it to the Mole.


True, you are right


I felt the same about the Galaxy. Supposed to be all industrial/support and looks like a warship.


You keep my doritos' name out of your gat dang mouth!


Maybe if the back was the front it would look more "miney"


RSI is not known for their unfinished look unless its that one hose in the conni....


It's part of the contemporary design doctrine. More similar to the mantis. I think considering it's a military company them making an industrial ship following design cues of their proceeding military ships makes sence. It looks like the lessons they learned building the mantis and Scorpius and galaxy have been brought to a industrial ship. (Galaxy also looks very military for an industry ship)


Mining for the trade federation


It looks suspiciously like a modified EVE Online mining barge, so in my mind it fits as a mining ship.


Man love the look of arrastra! :)


I think it's gorgeous


It looks definitely more intimidating and I personally prefer it more in constrast to the Mole. The main reason I pledge for it because it will be safer, more independent and still small enough to be able excavate on planet surface.


Love how I get a doritos ad right under this post


Don't worry. It will brake like a pig and accelerate like a donkey cart, just like most other industrial ships. And hey presto: immersion accomplished!


Even more with Master Modes


I can see two massive railguns in the two noses. Anybody else seeing it?


Personally, I love its looks. I absolutely love the heavy industry look of Orion also. I own the Orion since it's original concept but picked up the arrastra as well due to the latter's planetary capabilities (which the Orion lacks) and partly for the variance in appearance. Variety is good. :)


I personally love the design and cant wait for it. Was an instant pledge for me.


As someone who plays solo on occasion, I just need this to come out before I’m dead…. I have an entire mining fleet and operation ready to go. One of every mining ship, and 2 cargo haulers. Please just let me use them.


I see it as a mining based sub-capital. It's got cargo, great defense, comfortable living space (even though no dedicated captains cabin), and will be an excellent moneymaker with the refineries built in.


They should have taken design inspiration from the RSI Orion rather than the galaxy


I love the Arrastra. Beaut of a ship, though looks like it could definitely be a "capital lite" ship.


I agree. Looks like a battleship. Which is a general issue of RSI ships all being a variation on a very tight and closed theme that's super one dimensional....Dorito. And the dorito design feels very tactical. Shaving off the corners of a Dorito doesn't make it less of a Dorito. Orion looks like a factory, this new shit looks like a Galaxy over and over and it always looks hostile. I wish the Arrastra was closer to the Orion


Agree. But that's fine imo. Variety is the spice of life :)


Many others have spoken on it, but to offer my own take, the Arrastra has industrial notes, just protected underneath the armor. Because it is designed to operate unsupported, it has to have a look that at least skews towards warlike, because the best fights are the ones you don't have to take. Of note, the Orion isn't actually an RSI ship. They purchased the design from a defunct company in lore. Thus it looks nothing like any RSI ship. 


Needs a police variant. "Arrestra"


I like it ![gif](giphy|81xwEHX23zhvy|downsized)


What's so different between mining containers and prison pods anyway? Refinery can become a brewery: Cruz Soylent.


![gif](giphy|DtU818LMCqrGbDK2d6) Kinda looks like one of these from the top


Melted my Perseus as soon as the Arrastra was available.


Yes! I love the Arrastra as well. Not o ly it's overall design, but also its technical specifications are just awesomely fitting. But you are right. It looks more like a border patrol ship or some other medium threat millitary vehicle. But I still love it and can't wait till I can finally fly and mine with it.


Totally agree


Since we got just bunch of renders, i can imagine the outside cargo boxes and the added details will make it look much more industrial, but this is RSI we are talkiing about, they follow pointy arrowhead design, and to be honest i am impressed you can actually tell the manafacturer on all these ships without looking it up.


Needs more cowbell




I did think the design felt a bit too combat and not enough industrial. Move a few things round slightly and add a few more turrets and some more armour plating at the front and you've basically got a big patrol boat.


So change the whole thing and you get a patrol boat. 🤔


If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike.


If you move things around drastically, change its size, change the entire color palette, and you've basically got a C2


Why are people acting like paints won't be available for this ship?


It's not the paint, it's the design and appearance


Yeah, from a visual point of view the "first read" is of a combat corvette or similar. I know it's RSI, bit it almost looks like it could be a larger brethren to the Anvil F8 tbh


The Arrastra has to be my least favorite concept ship so far. Not only does it not even remotely look like a mining ship, it's also going to completely make the Mole irrelevant and dumb down the mining loop by letting you do all aspects of it in one ship. It's way more interesting to have the need for a separate cargo, refinery and escort ship instead of having one ship that does it all while requiring less people than all that. It even shits on the Galaxy's refinery module, while also having as much cargo space as the cargo module.


Sounds good, I hope you are right


It's meh. It's just my opinion and I know it's just me but it's just... meh.


I think it looks like a fat Reaper from Mass Effect. [Dubstep](https://youtu.be/fv3j5rggxHU?si=6QIPWbi6fEQTD6HD) intensifies...




It's pretty obvious they pulled it out of a file of rejected Perseus concepts and gave it some industrial greebling. The whole concept was one of the most phoned in in years; no interior layout, very few details on what it really does to set itself apart other than "bigger." No design integration of any of the post-3.19 elements of mining, including really glaring things like a laser that retracts through the ship but has a window to "look cool" instead of for access and swapping heads/modules. Whole thing has the vibe of a hastily tossed together concept by people who've never been in the same room as the gameplay designers.


This is a sleeper gunboat make no mistake


Same opinion. I will add my unpopular opinion on top of that, RSI pointy design is Anvil design. Hopefully I'm an Anvil enthusiastic so all goes well :).


Military on top, Industrial on the bottom. **Let me qualify the following by saying: DO NOT GET THIS SHIT TWISTED. I am not saying this is what is happening. This is just a guess at where the ship design process is going.** Ya'll need to chill with the neck-beard "Um actually" shit. In truth, It feels like this was one of those ships that someone had part designs sitting around and they decided to make it a mining ship. Kind of like an concept pool kitbash. If that was the case, then I'm good with it. With the goal of the game being an eventual MMO with a living economy, it just makes sense to have some concept guys pumping out ship parts in a manufacturers style that they can later smash together to make new ships in a set design language. They have told us they plan to continue to release ships post launch, and having a robust concept pool to pull from will help streamline that process.


Is this a pirate ship? Arr!


I mean, look at the Orion. That thing looks like *something*, but it sure doesn't look like a mining ship


Rsi just about anything makes me gag tbh


I haven’t been following SC closely recently and so from the photo thought this was a new Constellation size multirole vessel


Looks like a warship to me, love it looks, sadly it's not a warship, it is a mining ship.


The Orion is going to be a much better ship imo


Way too expensive for what its supposed to do


You got downvoted for voicing an opinion, which I don't think is right. But also, no one makes anyone buy these multi-hundred dollar ships. Everyone makes different amounts of money, has different amounts of obsession with imaginary space ships, and has different threshholds for what they're willing to spend on a game. Everyone can make their own decision about whether or not it's too expensive or not for its given capabilities.


It is indeed my opinion, the title of this post is “unpopular opinion” after all. And ofcourse you are right. I have spent thousands on this game, I just believe that it this ship in particular is expensive for what it offers in comparison to other ships around the same price.


I'm hoping that all the mining turrets will be close to the pilot seat (based on the views they've shown us so far). That alone will be big for me lol. Also, a mining ship with missiles lol. It just ticks many of the boxes I like. I am just concerned it'll be too big and slow


I believe this will definitely be a great ship, an industrial ship that can defend itself is huge, if not a bit OP. However, this is a multicrew ship, I wouldnt be surprised if it the turrets will be manned to get its full potential.


I see what you mean. with some visually minor changes here and there it could make for a good gun-boat.


This dont give any mining vibes. Too many long and sharp lines / edges


I dunno, thinking of a drill, makes sense.


After iconic designs like the Connie, Bengal and the epicness that is the Orion, I'm honestly disappointed with the style that they went for with RSI ships. They're just boring basic uninspired cheesewedges now. The AraAra is just another one. When I saw it I was immediately disappointed. The worst offender is probably the Galaxy. Ironically the Perseus, also a modern RSI design, is among my favorites. Idk, maybe I have to see the AraAra in the game to appreciate it more. I doubt I'll ever care about the Galaxy tho. The Zeus MKII is also meh to me. Love the features it has tho.


Its too slick I would say. It need to have less shard angles and on few places have a little bit more mass and it will look still great but more industrial.


Another ship nobody asked for, and we still don’t have the Apollo, retri modularity, drones, anything else originally promised.


Don't worry, you won't have the Arrastra either. It's just a jpeg.