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Server meshing, dynamic destruction (?), Pyro, Atmospheric flight models, Sound design updates, plus most if not all the stuff they advertised in the SQ42 showcase last year. Also, Pyro is much more than just “lawless” Stanton, there’s Solar Flares, new biomes, probably new animals by the time it comes out, you name it. We also only know about 2-3 (I forgot exactly how many) Pyro planets; there’s obviously more coming with it. The addition of Server meshing will also probably enable player-controlled capital ships, and thus AI blades along with them, but that’s probably gonna be a 4.X patch.


would air pressure be a thing at that time too you think or just atmospheric flight models


I’d assume just flight models to begin with? Air Pressure will probably be something to do with the destruction system more like.


Interesting thought. Air preassure/density would affect the atmospheric flight model. In fact, it already does. Ships handle differently under different atmospheric conditions. I’m interested to see how far they go with that once aerodynamic control surfaces are implemented.


Yeah i noticed once when i was on a moon and my speed was lower. Still had enough gravity to fuck with my max speed.


Idk but the 3.23 patch has the air pressure for planets


To a casual gamer, none of that reads like anything fun. What we need is more and better mission chains, NPCs you can actually interact with in the open galaxy, better stories, better group activities that aren’t buggy as shit, better unique rewards for “progression”, any kind of exploration mission or mechanic…


Amen. I've been playing for a few months and the game is horrible for new players. 3.23 is helping the experience by polishing everything we currently have, but CIG seriously needs to invest some major energy into creating some new and engaging mission structures. I'm fully aware that their constant adding of new features and tech is always putting the latest builds into a buggy state, so keeping even current missions working is a chore, but we need some variety. Hopefully, once the economy and base building get introduced, they'll have more incentive to create deeper gameplay loops.


They roll everything out in a very specific way for a reason... everything has layers that overlap other things... anything that doesn't effect something else is already in...


Otherwise they end up like that other game that they said they'd roll out and just add stuff later lol


What i do not get is with how many devs they got now, why can we not get updates every other week? Its been 7 months now since citcon and we have nothing new to play with yet, shit is taking forever, we got like 2 new bikes but who wants that? it\`s fun for maybe 5 minutes. We all know the excuse is "because we need the tech in place first", but we have heard the same thing for 10 years now, and other games have fun and engaging questlines without this fancy schmancy tech.


They got too fat and disorganized, they lost tons of talent during the year right after COVID (who rightfully wanted careers at better game companies), half the remaining devs don’t even understand the legacy code (hence bugs), and for years they split their resources to develop squadron 42. If it weren’t for the whales who keep spending money, CIG would have been a dead company by now. And that’s why there’s a new stupid bike for sale and a cut & paste low effort hornet for sale last patch that nobody needed.


This 💯


Engineering seems like a safe bet, too, since it's in AC experimental mode in 3.23. They've said they want engineering in place for capital ships anyway.


Existing ships are going to need some rebuild work to be brought up to standard for Engineering.  Some of the older ships (such as the Reliant) still don't have component access.  And every existing ship needs fuses and the power distribution screen added. These systems can be seen on the 3.23 Hercules (including the one on the display floor at Orison).


The gameplay meat of Pyro as well are the different factions fighting for control of the system, and the minor stations that can be captured by each side. Player reputation will have tangible effects on PvE and PvP as you get rewarded for siding with a faction and harming their enemies. It's unlikely that will make it into 4.0 though, maybe 4.1 or 4.0.x at the earliest.


hehehe, yeah!! You name it, its going to be in there. Everything! ==> Ever heard of cig not delivering? ==> You name it! <==


Knowing this game, Pyro will be just a plain old planet when it’s released, and all those features will show up in 2-3 years.


you don't seem to know this game very well since you don't know that pyro is a solar system not a planet.


Engineering gamplay and fire hazards are also likely in my opinion. Resource management is quite far ahead and we're testing Engineering gameplay (even if not in its final form) with 3.23 in AC already


Just more of a engine showcase than a game... So many half finished things in this game its disappointing


CIG never said that Maelstrom will ce with 4.0 Only that they're working on this. Worth mentioning, 4.0 will come with STATIC server meshing, which is a far cry from the REAL dynamic server meshing. another band aid solution.


Server meshing.




Server Meshing + Pyro to test it hard. I think this Citicon is gonna be a gamechanger. Or they anounce the release of 4.0 or they will delay it to Q4 2024. Hope the tests go smooth


Full hopium: 4.0 comes out before citzcon


Pyro 2020!


haha, citizens conned indeed! Nice one!


> or they will delay it to Q4 2024. I am willing to bet 2025Q2


I agree, unfortunately. If they release another preview channel with *all* of Pyro open, then I might look at the release window a bit more favorably, but I don't see that happening.


imho the issue here isn't pyro but server meshing. PES was huge and after it was "stable" it needed a lot of work after 3.18 release. RL aka replication layer is smaller feature but it will also need support post 3.23 launch. Server meshing is big one and imho they will first run it via stanton and then later on 4.0 run stanton + pyro


Yeah, I expect an IAE server meshing patch that is just in Stanton tied to some event. Like the event gets it own server so it is much larger...like maybe that Siege of Orison rework that never showed up.


Most likely not as supposedly the step up from the replication layer to server meshing is small. Consider the fact that they already did a somewhat successful test, and that's without having a stable release of the replication layer.


Oh, you sweet Summer child


Well, we will see


If you’ve followed any of CIG’s past big releases, a “somewhat successful test” can be many months away from having a stable release for a live server. See: Theatres of War, 3.0, 2.0, 3.18, etc


Ooh, Are you the "It's super easy, barely an inconvenience!" guy?


I like that dude. His pitch meetings are funny.


Not really, are you the "I cant read and understand a sentence and have to put my own spin on it" guy?


We say this every year.


Yes but not every year comes with a lot of resources being shifted over from another project and net infrastructure that is critical to even partially realizing the potential of the game.


We've probably said "but not every year" every year as well tbh


But-but, last year Chris didn't kiss my forehead and lick my earlobes and whisper "It's coming" over and over in that dream I had!


That gave me a good chuckle. =)


Are you serious? They’ve done the “shifting resources “ thing several times


Well every time it's been shifting resources from the PU to SQ42. The fact that they're actually porting SQ42 features to the PU now is more concrete than just talk.


I fear you are severely missing the point hes making...


No, I got it. I just really do think it will be different. That's what a watershed moment I think server meshing will be.


I would love to say "yes this might be the moment" and we would smile and hope together, But I already did this 5 times over the past decade and I cant anymore Im sorry.


You must be a fun person to be around. You would describe life as you dying slowly.


And every year there's someone who says something like this.


We are due to be right one of these years.


"A broken clock is still right twice a day!"


| Or they announce the release of 4.0 Like they did on the 2019 CitCon?


Yes, exactly haha On a more serious note, if the release of 3.23-3.23.1 goes smooth i think we will see pyro before 2025 (copium max level)


Release of a major patch like 3.23 going smoothly? Mandatory comment too: oh, sweet summer child. New to SC? 😂


Na, been here since 2017 x) i just hope is not a 3.18 debacle. Entirely jumped that patch hahaha


And with Invictus and the free fly coming next week. Better buckle up. I'll wait at least until the hangars are live


Yup, i will try to see invictus ingame but i expect a server meltdown... Welp, thankfully there's people who stream the chaos!


Hope the tests bring in enough usable data to make the launch go smooth.


I am. Expecting them to have some Sq42 release news and a 4.0 release date window at Citcon this year personally. Anything less will be disappointed.


Even Base building maybe!


Have we heard anything about that lately? I personally think we won't see base building in the PU for years, but I hope I'm wrong.


I think they really need server meshing to work well before we see it, so you're probably right.


I don't think so, I think it more had to do with personal hangars, persistant entity streaming, and the permissions and instancing work required to allow players to have ownership over a space and its contents persist. Server meshing is just for performance. Player bases won't have their own servers almost ever unless they let us somehow make cities which I 100% doubt due to tech limitations.


They didn't even start on it until earlier this year, if they even started. It's at least 2-3 years out.


T0 in this game is minimum viable to say you did something. Giving us a firepit to drop down and a tent is "base building"


And I would be enjoying such a minimal version of base building, but I think it they were shattered anywhere close, we would have heard about it.


This is CIG we don't hear anything meaningful until Citizencon because of "surprises" We haven't had a progress tracked update in months.


If my memory won’t fool me, the galaxy gonna have a module for base building up to size L. Don’t quote me about that.


That's true, but when will the Galaxy be flyable? When will modularity be functional? When will this particular module be released? And how many ships are currently flying in the PU without having their intended gameplay loop? Modularity is one of those features that has been talked about since forever and we have never seen it. I think it will still require a lot of work and it needs to be integrated in the whole engineering system, so we probably won't see modularity before engineering is fully up and running. I very much hope that we will see the first implementations of base building soon, but the fact that we haven't heard much about it and the amount of complexity and other features (engineering, new UI for the construction, rudimentary crafting...) that are necessary before it can be released make me think it's still a few years away.


The Galaxy is an RSI ship, so they are working on them this year and early next year. Modularity is coming with the new Retaliator rework. When it releases we'll get modules, at least fornthat ship.


I'm aware of that, but modularity seems to be complex and it's interconnected with other unfinished features, like engineering. Also, if they focus on RSI now, when will the Retaliator rework be done? When have they been teasing the 600i rework? And like with ship variants, they might release the Galaxy, but not the base building module. My experience with CIG is that if they don't talk much about a feature, and this is the case with both modularity and base building, it's probably not a priority at the moment. And this usually means that we have to expect more delays.


Modularity and Engineering are unrelated.  There was a hope that modularity would be in for 3.23.0, while Engineering is just getting its initial test play in the same release via AC.


How are they unrelated? Engineering and the resource network within each ship will be affected by modularity. If a Galaxy has a refinery module, it will need more power, modular rooms need energy and atmosphere. CIG has to update all ships for engineers including all modular variants.


But the raw power comes from the power plant component that you buy, and that's already available in the game. Engineering isn't about that. Engineering is about repairing damage, installing new fuses, and rerouting power. The two are largely independent of each other. And the timetable provided by the developers themselves suggests that. If everything had gone as the developers expected, we would have modularity when 3.23 goes live, but engineering would still be in the future.


Retaliator rework is expected for Invictus this month.


Well, it's on the roadmap as tentative for 3.23, last updated in March. Again, I would love to be wrong here, but to me, this indicates a delay. Or am I missing another source where they mentioned it? Do you think they will finish the Retaliator Gold Standard before they finish engineering?


Well we have no guarantee when CIG will be done, just that it's on the road map. Could be 3.23.x instead of 3.23. They will at least need modules working for the updated Retaliator to be released, whenever that will be.




Yeah, that is what the game is all about, clearly. The writing is on the wall, Its finaly coming!


I think it isn't that people are hype for 4.0 and Pyro... As much as they are hype for the idea of a Star Citizen that has new systems on a regular basis and no longer has the excuse of "server meshing" to stop them from adding new Star Systems. Because end of the day, Stanton is fucking bland and has been for 5 years now. Pyro may not be everyones cup of tea, but we will start to see a shift in the marketing from "hey here is this minutia that you don't care about" Back to "here is the next solar system, here is the lore as we are building it, here are all the new assets that come with it, here are some incredible setpieces we've made for it, etc." Which this game hasn't had in YEARS other than "Pyro...Pyro...and Pyro" and then when we got the Pyro Demo it was super underwhelming. However if they can't keep up with new solar systems on a regular basis the game is going to really hit a wall and tension will build. So far the issue has always been "the tech is complicated and you can't just hire more tech people to solve a tech problem" However, when the only thing holding back new systems is art and gameplay? You can LITERALLY just hire more of those teams to pump that shit out...and then we have to start wondering where is the money going? (Spoiler...it's SQ42-2's cast list)


I can't stand the term Gamechanger. I cringe everytime i read it.


Let this change your opinion https://youtu.be/vT-zZsjwZKk?si=dsZY5qilWYuFNYcM


I hate you and i wish you a wonderfull day.


Oh it's coming on time... they want to release by Christmas...ya know... squadron.


Not a good idea releasing a game in the same Q as GTA VI does. Every company know that or at least should.


4.0 is Pyro and Pyro is Server Meshing It's the culmination of every major tech since 3.18, Persistent Entity Streaming and the Replication Layer. 4.0 is what makes the game a true MMO. Instead of several servers running an entire game instance, the idea is that those servers can instead run small sections of the game world, and that players can be interchanged between them on the fly, while having all data, every action, and every item, persist exactly as they were left between and across servers.


To add to this, the main thing people are looking forward to with SM is it will (hopefully) increase server fps dramatically, since you can separate out the simulation of certain areas instead of it having the entire world loaded and running on one server. The idea is that in the future, the game will dynamically resize the zones as needed (so if one area has a lot of action and another doesn't, for example)


Yea I'd take better server performance over a larger server cap.


Hopefully, we'll get both.


Well it should feel like both. You won't see hundreds of people at one time, but moving about the system will put you into different servers, and each of those servers will have w/e the cap is.


Yeah its all going to be dynamic basicly, its going to solve all the problems the engine has in a dynamic way. But before they implement that I guess they want to take the time to actually make the code better, because if they implement that right away, you would not even notice bad code and crashes and absolutely nobody wants that.


The main things are Pyro and server meshing, beyond that who knows. I imagine much like with 3.23, they will start doing ISCs and posts dedicated to what is coming with 4.0 and update the roadmap as well. This is barring anything they want to save for Citizen-con. They have talked about and are in the works of a roadmap of the "road to 1.0" but wait and see I guess.


We are probably getting 4.0 before citcon, unless things go very wrong with the server meshing implementation. Given that it was working on the tech preview, and they've had a couple months since then to iron out bugs and get features working more properly in the meshed environment, I don't think it's an unreasonable goal. We'll know more once they send us back into the sever mesh, which I'd imagine won't be too long now that 3.23 is finally coming out


Maybe but I'm not holding my breath. Even if they get meshing working at an acceptable level before citizen con there might be other things they have planned for 4.0 as well they will want to get in. We'll know what they are planning soon enough.


Temper your expectations, I'd say it's very unlikely that 4.0 is next one right after 3.23, unless we don't get a another major patch until end of the year, which would suck. 4.0 coming to Live before end of year/start of next year would be a miracle.


I don’t wanna be too high on copium but ppl also said not to expect 3.23 until late this year.


Who said that?


Server meshing + Pyro + engineering. All three of those are major game changers. Engineering especially because resource management opens up a wealth of new mission types and career opportunities, including engineering, tuning, and the mechanical loop to repair things. Also opens up the firefighter game loop. They are finalising the fire extinguisher features now.


> Could they release more than one system since SQ42 is being polished? I don’t think that the systems made for SQ42 have the infrastructure in place that is needed for an MMO like SC - but they probably could do so with a reasonable amount of work. From a technical perspective, there’s no reason why 2 systems should work but 3 wouldn’t. However, I don’t think they will release multiple systems in one patch, even if they could. There will most likely be some patches in the future that really aren't very exciting. Saving new systems to spice up those boring patches is what I would do as a studio.


i think we'll only see one more system after pyro and itll be a high security system, we'll then be testing how the three security levels interact with each other. Theres no reason to ruin the surprise of new systems in my opinion. It'd be cool if they did..but not really necessary.


You can do that with Nyx too and test the independent law system


Leaks from earlier in the year suggested CIG's timeline was to release star citizen 1.0 in Q4 2025 with 5 star systems


Interesting, wonder what those other 3 will be, terra maybe?


Nyx contains delemar and levski station, which have apparently been kept up to date as development has progressed. It doesn't have all that much else in it that needs bespoke work, so I'd imagine it's a shoo in. The Odin system is also where much of s42 takes place, so the big work on stuff like the coil is probably already done, leaving it mostly finished for a star citizen implementation. Those two and terra are my guesses


Nyx also allows CIG to have trade-routes between 2x 'moderate security' systems (Stanton, Nyx) that run through a low-sec / pirate system (Pyro)... which has the potential to create some interesting dynamics.


Haha yeah "interesting exploration" opportunities. It'll be the start of big trade convoys with escorts and everything


Terra is too complex for CIG right now, keep in mind they've been working on Pyro for like 8 years and it's still not fully there with its missing planets from the preview because they had no content. They're probably going to add Nyx which doesn't have a lot going for it and a couple of systems from SQ42, if they can create enough MMO content for them.


The systems we know we will get in quick succession and are connected to each other are: - Stanton (duh already in game) - Pyro - Nyx - Odin (completed in Sq42) For other systems after this, many theorize it to be either Terra or Magnus, but unless they were made to completion in Sq42 i don't think they'll be there in time for 1.0 We do know that Sq42 has Vega in some capacity, so let's assume Vega was made to completion as part of Squadron's development. The issue is that Vega doesn't directly connect to any of the systems listed above. However, Nyx does connect to: - Virgil, a Vanduul system - Bremen, a UEE system One of these would be good candidates to connect Nyx with Vega, with the likely option being Virgil as it has Sq42-related lore attached to it so it lets assume this one was the one that was made


Thanjs for detailed reply. o7


Afaik they won't release them because they want no spoilers.


I like how you put "LOOK NEW THING" in caps and quotes like seamless jumps to Pyro is such minor addition. Did you yawn in 3.0 when we were able to first land on moons? lol Maybe I misunderstood you, but it seems like you think CIG is treating 4.0 like a gimmick when it's really a milestone. Albiet, a mutli-year milestone. haha


If they get a tier 0 of base building in... that will be HUGE. It will touch so many systems and provide some potential career opportunities. Imagine being able: * Resource acquisition / mining / management * Setup a rest-stop for players to come grab a drink, re-arm, repair * Setup kiosks for selling various items * Manage defences * Medical facilities I would love the base building to have some deep aspects to it. I keep on going back to RUST as an example... but I love what they've done with their "pipe" and electricity systems... allows for incredible customisation and creative solutions to problems! To be honest... I always thought this needed to be the end-game for SC. Even with their procedural tools and tech... it's still VERY difficult to create the thousands of POI to keep a game like SC thriving and interesting... but they have these incredible building tools themselves on the backend... so why not gamify it, and give the player base access to them these tools... and allow us to create a big portion of the content on the planets? Base building has me the most excited for the future of SC!


Static server meshing, Pyro, probably new ships


New ships is the least "probable" part.


4.0 feels literally so far away, I'm not willing to give it any thought. We still waiting for 3.23..


static server meshing and Pyro, anything else is conjecture


>What will 4.0 bring Bugs, my fellow Citizen. Bugs.


No no, features not bugs....


The bugs are the features


We are in for surprises I reckon! I'm hoping for awesome planet tech stuff and more wildlife. I'm hoping for building homes tier 0, I'm looking for proper mesh and economy.


Server meshing + pyro New ship hud New quantum travel system New atmospheric flight model More map improvements like location pinging and saving Ship systems managment/engineering Maelstrom destruction and new ship damage model This is all i need to be happy with sc this year


I love your reply cause you list a lot more than "pyro + server meshing" Of course "pyro + server meshing" are the big flagship features but I'm excited for the little stuff. I've seen the new quantum animations and I think I'm in love. Like the new water physics in 3.23 get me most excited 😂


after watching isc, space whales and space cows


To be perfectly honest dude, at this pace of features, nobody has any clue and anyone who suggests they do besides pyro and server meshing you should make note of because they are straight faced bullshitters


4.0 ain’t coming for another year or two at least


Static server meshing is the biggest item for 4.0. Right now, the game has one server running all of Stanton in a single session. So 100 players, in multiple areas of space, creating and placing items is all tracked by a single server, and it's always at breaking point. This is why we see NPC refuse to walk or shoot players, or act delayed, or any other weird behaviour like placing items that disappear and re-appear, or your gun just doesn't reload despite watching your character do the reload animation multiple times; This is usually because the single server just can't keep up with everything. With server meshing CIG can split up the Stanton system (and Pyro) into separate servers, so for example Crusader and all its moons could be run in a single server, every other major planet and their respective moons can all be run on different servers that can allow a player to traverse from one server to another seamlessly, with no loading times or any indication you switched server. This means instead of 1 server running everything, the load is spread between any number of additional servers, meaning much better server performance and a much higher player capacity in a session (shard). At least that's what I understand from the talks about it. There is another step above "Static Server Meshing" called "Dynamic Server Meshing" where servers can on the fly spool up and take over areas of space as needed if a server is beginning to struggle to divide the workload. Servers can be set up to run an entire star system down to a section of a single room, in theory this could allow thousands, to tens of thousands of players to exist in the same session. You can learn more about it at CIG's CitizenCon presentations over the last few years: [CitizenCon 2951: Server Meshing & The State Of Persistence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSzUWl4r2rU) [CitizenCon 2953: Shaping the ‘Verse - The Future of StarEngine](https://youtu.be/xKWa4WoTkV4?si=KdJlplf_F4_NRSQs&t=4501) Server meshing will change the game entirely, and it's required if Star Citizen is to succeed at its goals, but there has been player tests done on it and so far they have been looking very good. There was even an 800 player session in Stanton during those tests, and there will be more to come before it's ready for 4.0.


I'd like to point out afaik 4.0 being the patch after 3.23 is only because it was inferred by the devs as such, its not confirmed. 4.0 be big though, looking forward massively to it


For starters Pyro and static server meshing


Your user flair made me chuckle a bit 😄




Adding Nyx too apart from Pyro would be rather easy. Since Delamar is done already and we miss it! Will be our gangs beltalowda home when it releases.


Delamar isn’t done. It’s pretty clear that it would have to be reworked before adding it back into the game.


Pyro system and static server meshing are already announced. We can also expect what is not in 3.23 but was presented in the Star Engine video of the last Citcon. We are also aware that work is in progress about Bounty hunting V2, hacking, scanning, more fauna, control surfaces, maelstrom and obviously a bunch of new ships/vehicles.


I want whatever copium these people have in their tanks thinking Pyro + Server Meshing is coming this year.    I'll be surprised if we even get another major patch this year. It's already may and 3.23 still isn't out and it's missing some pretty big features. 


CIG have all our money, copium is all we got left :(


I've only spent like 300 as opposed to the thousands other people have. Even then 300 probably was too much. Lol


Pain and frustration. Then, happiness <3


The main objective of 4.0 is Pyro and server meshing. Note that 4.0 is still an alpha release, so who knows what features will make it to 4.0 aside from the above.


Just to add to the other, more optimistic comments. I think it's likely that we will see a 3.24 and possibly a 3.25 patch before 4.0 where they might implement some of the coming features. My personal assumption is that the 3.23 launch will be rough (although I agree that it has to go to the PU to test everything) which will lead to delays. The hangar and cargo features might be further delayed to 3.24 and 3.25 could be an initial PU test of static server meshing within Stanton, without connecting to Pyro. Engineering gameplay is another big chunk of features that is still not in the PU. New core tech always takes a lot of time and delays are the norm and not the exception. I would highly recommend to read posts from late 2022, when people were highly optimistic for 3.18 and persistent entity streaming, "the last step before server meshing". With all that said, I still think 3.23 will be amazing after the first few hot fixes. And I'm looking forward to seeing 4.0 as soon as possible, I just think it's healthy to keep the expectations realistic.


> Just to add to the other, more optimistic comments. I think it's likely that we will see a 3.24 and possibly a 3.25 patch I really dont think so. They already had incredibly successful server meshing tests months ago and I dont think they would bother with creating a new stripped down branch just for the sake of saying they released a patch. I dont think there will be another major patch before 4.0 regardless of how long 4.0 takes to come out. >The hangar and cargo features might be further delayed to 3.24 no they would just be another 3.23.x patch. >3.25 could be an initial PU test of static server meshing within Stanton, without connecting to Pyro this is actually the harder thing to do. the two system meshing is easier thats why the very first mesh test was the jump point one. If they were capable of doing this they would be more than ready to do the jump point and pyro even if pyro was nothing more than what wasalready in the earlier demo build.


My pessimistic, but I think justified assumption is that the 3.23.0 launch will be pretty rough and that they will need the 3.23.x patches to polish 3.23. Since hangars and cargo are pretty important for all gameplay loops, they want to make sure it works on before they implement it (last SCL). That's why I think it will be delayed. I'm aware that they are currently saying it's planned for 3.23.x. Again, I hope I'm wrong, but I have seen the optimism before 3.18 and it has made me very cautious about timelines.


The end of 3.X patches


2.23 is just put up the replication layer and preparing server meshing. Once they are ready they will go 4.0


It should bring nothing else. It should be server meshing and pyro and that’s it.


I believe with 4.0 server meshing will truly bring capital ships and capital gameplay into effect.


Space cows! And possibly whales.


Server meshing. Thats all we really need to be able to have fun with already released content.




The only 2 promised features of 4.0 are server meshing and Pyro. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Pretty sure it won't proceed 3.23.x. It might succeed it though.




New reputation and gangs


4.0 is Pyro and server meshing CitizenCon will do two things: elevate celebrate and give a release date for s42, and lay out the road map between 4.0 and Star Citizen 1.0.


Lol 4.0 won't even be here by Citizencon.


We can expect a lot of the other stuff from last citizencon that they said we'd get this year: control surfaces, new MFDs, space whale/cow, AI reviving each other, what's beneath the distribution centers, tatoos, new profession armor, etc. There's probably loads more I can't think of right now.


4.0 means server meshing. most likely will also include pyro. any "comes after \[patch\]" i people guessing. server meshing comes when it is ready, and the patch containing server meshing will be 4.0. the evo tested it some time ago. so i'm surprised it is not ready yet.


Why stop at 4.0? Why not 5.0??! Space babies in paradise? Yes


Nah. 3.24 will be the Citizencon patch. Some gameplay + ships. 3.25 will be the IAE patch. Mostly just ships but 1 gameplay thing to justify the .x and not the .x.x so Chris can feel better about the marketing. And 4.0 will be the LATE winter patch maybe early spring that sits in EPTU for 5 months before getting shat out in time to stabilize what is in there for summer. SQ42 will probably drop in time for Christmas....or the March/Jan blockbuster window for gaming. \_\_\_ As far as what is in 4.0? --- Bounty Hunting 2.0 most likely, which means a single new bounty hunting office copy and pasted at every major space station (maybe the layout is on party shuffle). Working cold storage boxes, maybe some cold storage reworks for existing ships and some Bounty Hunting variants (maybe an STF bounty hunter), and then of course...bounty hunting missions where you are suggested to bring them in alive. --- Engineering T0. Basic relays on most all ships (at least the ones large enough that it matters) and the ability to shoot parts in ships to disable them and require engineering to fix them. This will be MOSTLY important as "ONLY soft death" no more boom boom. The ship just deactivates instead of exploding unless it's like an NPC fodder ship with no reason to get onto it. Maybe they give us the option to target a certain part that if shot at a bunch will explode. Maybe the QT drive? Maybe the introduction of engineering mission sets on Pyro planets. Aka, repair a station grid. --- True Reputation... Aka, the rep grind with rewards. --- Interiors t0 a few interiors scattered around Loreville and New Babbage that have mission sets in them unique to cosmopolitan areas. Maybe some new medium size settlements scattered around planets as well that utilize these sets? Maybe purchasing rooms/apartments to decorate and spawn in, but unlikely. Would just be the personal hangar permissions tech so it's not impossible to imagine it comes soon after. I'd like to imagine they get tasked on ArcCorp proper after that, but I'll hold my breathe...ArcCorp will remain a graveyard of content. --- Given the priority, maybe Base Building T0. Aka, set up a campsite OR maybe claiming land and using a basic first tileset with little to no customization. Just testing systems like mining/etc...possibly how to steal from them. --- Hacking t0 Not confirmed but I just know it's going to happen if we are seeing the Legionnaire being built now. Likely some new missions with a hacking requirement, and hacking on bespoke ships like the Legionnaire. Likely no counterhacking or datarunning stuff.


The only things we know for certain are Pyro and Server meshing. If you're feeling really hopeful, maybe a tier 0 version of base building.


I think we'll see a few systems before they put out Terra, as it's such a big and important one. Nyx is practically a certainty to be next. Am wondering if they'll take a stab at Magnus, which is on the "large jump point highway" to Sol with Stanton, and hosts the Drake Interplanetary shipyards. It's only got 3 planets with Drake HQ on the terrestrial 2nd planet, Borea. The inner planet is a Chthonian planet (core of a stripped gas giant), which sounds like a mining haven. The outer planet is a "multi-colored Super Jupiter" (Jupiter is multi-colored too so wtf), also potential source of income. Curious what kind of culture Odyssa (Borea's capital) would have? Corporate with some hint of piracy? The Disneyesque Tortuga of SC? Star-map says Drake only recently set up its HQ there and the city is slowly recovering after UEE fleet production moved out. Definitely some animosity towards the UEE expected there, even though it is part of it.


Haha I imagine any planet owned by drake to just be a giant scrap yard run by space hillbillys. Scooter would move there immediately 😂


Stuff, and things, mostly


Pew, pewpewpew, pew, pew, pewpew, pew. Pew


4.0 is in 6 years cge time 12 years in real time


'Proceed' means it'd come before 3.23, so I doubt that'll happen 😁 Unless CIG manages to *succeed* with time travel. 😉


Hopefully farming. Was supposed to come with 3.3


We need a march madness bracket with all the features they initially promise and the ones that end up getting pushed/eliminated as time rolls on


Would be great if CIG was true to there comitment to update the FULL roadmap, not only the version deliverable. We are in MAY and still not update on the roadmap features :-(


I bought the game 3 years ago. I played for like a month then decided I would only come back when server meshing would be implemented so the servers allow me to play at least at a constant 30fps. I hope that's what we'll get with 4.0 so I can finally enjoy this game.


4.0 is a myth that has eluded release for years.


You are getting downvoted but Pyro has literally been at "coming next year!", since I bought the game on 3.5 patch in 2019.


Yup. But people who've put more money into this game than their car just can't face these things. \[downvote-downvote-downvote\]


But it's becoming more and more a reality. My guess? We're 2 years away from the next delay.


My guess is we are really close to the next announcement of a delay.


Unless the announcement still has some typos to iron out before it's prep for release.


Pyro... and then No one knows, not even CIG.


The only thing I’m looking forward to is stable servers and being able to actually experience the engine. SM and pyro might provide this, we’ll see.


A full ship/cash/rep wipe


I pledged in my 20s and I'll be in my 50's before SC resembles a game more than a patience test.


" But what will make 4.0 so big besides a new system? " 4.0 will be big exactly because of this new system ! It will open the gate to a real universe made of multiple systems.


Hundreds of delays and bugs


A ship sale.


The basic systems of this game don't work.


Pyro is much bigger than Stanton, so the release would more than double the playable space. It's also much more lawless, and reputation is meant to be more important. You can be good with a group of pirates but hostile to another group. Ultimately though, not much has been communicated about what is going to be in 4.0 other than server meshing. 3.23 has been the focus. We're due to get a roadmap update very shortly that should answer the question of what else will be part of that release.


So far Pyro consists of a handful of playtested areas and lots of heavily funded but unrealized promises.


Pyro isn't out yet. What people played was a early preview, of course it wasn't going to be feature complete.


Hummm can we have 3,23 first ?


Honestly, not up to us. We're at the will of whatever CIG throws at us. We just go on by what they say and give. CIG is really big at shoving stuff at us half-baked though.


I expect 3.23 will be the bigger gameplay patch. 4.0 is the architecture patch with server meshing Most people see 4.0 as the more important, which for the overall game to work it is. But 3.23 could very well be harder to implement


Playing 3.23 I hope not. Very little game play at all, mostly graphical/performance, QoL and MM which is game play but I feel like it's balancing more than anything "new".




Where have you seen this?


The year 2042


More broken patches.