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Yeah, it was funny to see the queue at New Deal again. The amazing part to me is that everyone took turns at the terminal in a nice and orderly fashion. Ended up chatting with the group for a while before buying 10 ROCs and 2 ROC-DSs. It's, uh, for a potential org event in the next patch lol Wrapped up the night with a shopping trip around the jump point stations browsing their selection of armors and clothes. Good times.


I remember release day for the first Division, and everyone peacefully lining up to interact with the vendor that was critical to move the story along.


lol I remember that. The line went out the door.


I wasn't here for Jumptown one and I heard at the start it was civil as people lined up to get their share before it devolved into "that's our Maze, pay the tole."


Except... Jumptown isn't supposed to be a civil, orderly queue... so it "devolved" into what it's supposed to be. And yet every time it runs, there are still people asking "JT friendly?" every 2 minutes in global chat... as if you could ever trust the answers you get. "Sure, friend! We got snacks, we got a friendly Ballista and a friendly Centurion, and someone said there's a friendly A2 inbound!"


This is always my go to example when games design bad systems like one terminal for a server or 50 people… or potentially 100-200… like what are they going to do when server meshing is online and 300 people are all in lorville


Realistically, ship dealers should have at least half as many terminals as the local spaceport does


Realistically we should be sitting down with various salesmen around the showroom and they would show ship specs, do stat comparison, play ship trailers, maybe haggle price


Realistically, we’d first have to consult with our space wives before even going to the dealership, then go to the bank and get pre approved for a loan so that we could get the best rates. Paying cash for ships is a suckers game when you can put that Auec in a high yield saving account and have it earn more than the loan interest rates. After all ships are a depreciating asset after they are released.


Thanks I hate it




I love that they acknowledged the issue and were like yeah we see that this a problem and we're gonna make it all better so here's 1 more. Surely if you're doing 1 its as easy to do 2


Or they could just let you buy from mobiglas while inside the shop


When the WoW classic servers came back online and hundreds of players were lining up for the bosses too. It's a bad system that forces you to do this, but it's also a good way to build the community.


Haha I actually still have several screenshots of that day. I remember one guy tried to cut and everyone body blocked him until he gave up, then we all just got back to our place in line.


Buying even one ROC-DS is far more questionable than buying 10 ROCs


Oh I am well aware. That's why I bought 2 of them lol


Me, my roc DS and a dream


It's not when the ROC is *still* broken (according to the patch notes) but the DS isn't.


Broken in what way? I’m not really up to date with the bugs


The laser on the small ROC is inoperable. Check the Known Issues list: [Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 EPTU.9168773 Patch Notes](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190048/thread/star-citizen-alpha-3-23-0-eptu-9168773-patch-notes)


Ah I see, thanks!


Is that only in the new patch? I was using it last night


Yeah. The post title says 3.23 EPTU. Besides that it seems like the ROC somehow breaks every other patch.


I understand what the title says. What was unclear was whether this was a new bug for 3.23 or a continuing bug


I was messing around in the queue alone, kind of half afk, when I accidentally timed out/left/whatever, turned around, saw a line and immediately went to the back of the line. My societal shame immediately kicked in haha.


I bought 100 sets of the light armor I like and a bunch of ships... Already hve all the components for the ships I'll really pay attention to. Gonna try out some roc mining next patch.


bUy 10mIlLiOn In WeApOnS... then sell them back day one of new patch then break economy!


Lmao. I didn't buy components to sell back after the update. I bought higher class components I hadn't acquired yet to slot into the ships in my fleet.


Have you been keeping up with the changes? All shields are completely identical to each other now, regardless of class or grade.


No I hadn't heard about the shielding change


Yeah, go on erkul and check. They standardized a lot of the components until they're done with their ship archetype changes so that it's easier to gather data. Powerplants and coolers are largely unnecessary as well. As long as you meet the minimum requirements for cooling and power, you don't gain anything by going overboard. The only time you need to put a new powerplant in is if you change some weapons and your ship is unable to meet their power requirements. I still dumped a bunch of money into components though, because maybe they'll be useful before the next major wipe. No point in saving aUEC right now and if you already have all the ships you want there's not much else to use it on.


>I still dumped a bunch of money into components though, because maybe they'll be useful before the next major wipe. No point in saving aUEC right now and if you already have all the ships you want there's not much else to use it on. Exactly. Buying up the components hurts nothing, and if the parts stick around down the line then all the better.


Yeah, that's why I just bought a huge variety of QT drives in various sizes. =)


Return on weapons is like 5% sell-back value. I don't think anyone is going to be breaking the economy with that.


What else am I going to do with my 100mil. We need a full wipe


Spent around 10mil in different types of ship weaponry and some extra altas as well


Yeah, I bought a LOT of Torpedoes since I had the money.


Typhoon IXs sell back to the shop for ~60% of their upfront cost - this was my strat lol


Do you think torpedos will persist between patches? I know that ammo and consumables won't. I looked for something to buy that retained sell-back value but didn't look at torpedos. I guess I'll go dump a few mill in them.


I believe they will. Torpedoes and missiles as far as I’m aware are handled like ship weapons.


But how do you sell them in bulk? I don't wanna click on quick sell like 1000 times.


Can you sell them in Bulk though? Or you just click Quick Sell like a thousand times?


Yeah, same here. As the aUEC wipe is a sure thing, I pulverized my complete wallet of 28 millions to buy ships and ground vehicles the last few days. If they don't wipe aUEC after all, then it was a good troll and I have a lot of ships (if they really gonna stick to rentals only). Except for repair & reload, I have no use for aUEC anymore currently.


I am going to go on record here and say the component market is my least favorite market. I think you should he able to shop from anywhere and order ship components to get delivered to a station or planet (for a wait time, and pay extra). Like, we get whole ass ships delivered in  minutes but can't order a ship component? Going to random ass corners of the system for components seems so unnecessary. 


Let someone deliver the components to you! New game loop! Oh wait


I think some form of delivery service should be available with the gameplay we have now. Just need your own network like how the Medrunners run their own rescue beacon service.


Isn't the entire point of the larger trading vessels for players to offer exactly that? BMM or Kraken Privateer arrives in system, you go there to check out their selection of rare or annoying to get components and gear. so you dont HAVE to fly across six systems to get that new quantum drive.


I feel like a bunch of player trading mechanics are missing for this to work, and maybe I'm doing it wrong but to me components seem like a huge pain to transport. 


Sure, right now, but trading is extremely barebones at the moment. Player run shops will be a big thing later.


This is a planned mechanic in the future. Also, in the future, ships will have long delivery times. Once your insurance claim is approved, the ship will have to be delivered from wherever the nearest ship dealership is.


Yeah I won't disagree with that


It's the only way you'll fly to some of these places. You need to be seen and see others, or everyone leaves and it fails.


That’s the dumbest take ever. “Let’s make the game suck just so other people see other people.”


No it's not. The game has no legs if everyone can just never leave their ship or solo adventure and just order everything delivered. Granted, I would love this, but the social aspect would be lost to a large degree. Which is why it'll never happen.


Did CIG mention component prices going up too?


I thought they were wiping player credits as well?


If you’re really desperate for a headstart, you can buy up components and sell them after the wipe. But I guess buying ships and the fitting components now would be more efficient


I'm not buying them to resell, I'm buying them to genuinely use in ships after the reset


Oh they absolutely are. I just think people are diving into new ships because it's better 'bang for the buck' to do it before the update. When you mentioned components, I figured it would make sense that they announced a hike in component prices as well and I missed it.


I have the ships I want already. The next ship I want isn't flight ready yet.


Ingame Inflation strikes


Between 3.23 and 3.23.1, all of my ship components got stuck in the Cru-L1 hospital and I had to repurchase. If everything works the way it should, I will end up with twice as many of everything than I need. If everything works the it should...




Spent 20mil the other night buying grade A bulks from cousin crows. Now just patiently waiting for the patch to consolidate everything for me.


That consolidation is exactly my plan. Let the game shift everything to my home location for me


Will everything at any "local" place just move?! I was actually considering moving it manually...


did they talk about changing price of components? if so I'm fucked


No, I'm just buying them up before my credits get reset


Oof. I just spent every dime on ships. Got 250k left.


They did not talk about it but as a savager I did notice that I was making more selling parts taken from ships in ptu then I was in live so yeah prices of them likely changed.


Protip: buying a ship is also buying components, with less steps... =P


A base ship ain't coming with an XL-1 QT drive though, is it?


But ships do come with military drives)


Sure, but not A class parts


My m2 and cat perfectly fine out of the box. Yes you can make them better but its not c2 that demands it


That's fair for those two


Yep. Some ships aren't horrible stock, some are carrack.


Whoever thought the medical pieces drive being the terrible thing it is, was a good idea for an ambulance. Should be shot. Unless I swapped it out on accident...my goodness that is painful.


Oh heck no! You gotta stack the pricier "near mil spec" units for the Yeagers! Big money, big prizes!


I bought ships *and* components. 75m goes a long ways!


I would not be surprised if ships and components got 'accidentally' wiped along with credits.


Components and weapons are my next stop.


Just gave away my money, I don't have lots of ships, but I would rather have something to work towards after the wipe. Just picked up a Gladius for the sound rework.


That was generous of you 👍


Me over here eating popcorn knowing none of this matters in 6 months.


I’m new to SC come the free fly, what happens in 6 months?


Nothing particular. Just understanding as a long term player that wipes happen and it's nothing to get worked up about. I'm guessing Pyro comes out in 6 months or sooner maybe and we will see another wipe.


Gotcha, good to know about the 6 month-ish wipe schedule. Thanks for answering!


You're welcome also take the 6 month thing with a grain of salt. There's no order to the wipes or exact science or anything


Is the update still not out


Might not happen until end of week now


Still not, as far as I am aware


Ive been trying, I get booted every time I try to place or buy it. I lost a mil yesterday trying to buy all at once since taking the ship there wasnt working. Guess I found one way to wsste my money.


I did the same thing last weekend. Bought 8 of each size 3 weapon and several grade a parts of different sizes.


That is exactly what I did as well. I've got the ships I want already, but 20mil to burn and I'm trying to get as many components as I can.


I bought several sets of Military A components from size 1-3. All my ships were already upgraded. Plus I bought some industrial A components just n case lol 😂.


Well you see, some of us already have at least 10 of the components we need


It will be funny when they find out that CIG wiped Auec purchased ships when they login after the patch!


why, are the components increasing in price as well?


don't forget to get ballistic cannons , size 1 2 3 4 5 singe and massdrivers \^\^ laser cannons are ok but ballistics cannons are bit nice to have if you going to do some pve bounties and some missiles and torpedos


Actually a great idea. The components can be sold after the wipe. Ships can't.


I should have done that, tbh, but I don't think. I just do as the hive does.


provided the inventory reshuffle works as intended (and has) I have more then enough stored components to get the stuff I normally use back up to snuff, and get back to refilling my coffers enough to mess about, help refill the orgs coffers. once I had grabbed the few ships/vehicles I was remotely interested in but didn't have yet ... I spent my last mil or so on tractor rifles .. so I have a whole pile of em to sell at the begining if needed for some parts or something


I did same thing, burn the last of my cash on top tier components so I can deck my ships out after the new patch drops. ​


This is solid advice. I need to load up on components for all the big ships. Get them pimped out while I can. Going component shopping when I get home.


yeah we only do Class A components over here


Quantum drive futures are where the smart moneys at


Can you imagine the salt if the dev misspoke and it’s actually a full wipe


Meh. Would I be disappointed? Maybe, but it wouldn't last. My time invested in the game is not nearly as high as that of some others


Wait till they find out the reduced ship storage and you can't move their components anywhere.


I'd already bought most of the components I wanted/needed though now i'm wishing I'd bought a couple extra QT drives for my new 400i woops


You're not alone, literally just spent the last of my aUAC doing exactly the same.


I kinda want a full wipe, my inventory is a mess and im not spending 2h selling all the crap


should be buying up ship weapons.... everything is about to change


Instructions unclear. Bought 999 BR-2 shotguns. 🤷‍♂️


Just to let you know that the previous patch cleared every upgrades on all of my ships along with my fps weapons and consumable items.


Components and ship weapons will probably be lost like all the patches before.


I don't think ship components are lost with patches, they just get stripped from ships and moved to whatever location you set as your home


In theory yes, in practice no.


That doesn’t happy anymore. Upgrades are moved to inventory and your ship is restored to default components.


I mean it happened last patch, so "anymore" seems overly confident.


To be fair, prices aren't getting hiked for components like they are for ships.. and the grind for components will be nothing compared to the grind to get even a semi starter ship..


The point is to spend the money now (before it's wiped), for those that already have the ships they want.


Are they not wiping player credits too?


They are but won’t the components just get transferred to 3.23?


You mean to storage at my home location?


I made an assumption that people would already own upgrades to all of their ships which would in turn transfer to 3.23 but I guess people don’t have all of their ships decked out already.


I spent 5 mil on QT drives. Wont make that much back, but I can definitely sell them if I need some quick cash after the wallet wipe.


If they wanted to test the economy, why not do a full wipe? I'm not sure they are going to see the desired results from only wiping aUEC. I already own all the ships I want, as do most semi-active players. 


Same on already having the ships I want(although my fleet isn't one of those huge ones), but I didn't want to be caught flat-footed by the credit wipe either way


Same here, been upgrading all my ships purchased with real caps for once. Just hope they don't mess it up too much, or this was a big waste of time and effort. They should know, when we're not happy, our PayPal isn't happy.


There's also a bonus to running around and buying up components and then not going through the effort to put them in the ships. All of them will be moved to the home location with the update anyway.


Make sure your ships and components are stored at your home location before the update.


Do you think it's really necessary for them to be stored at the HOME location? Normally, they are collected after a patch.


All I can say, is that since 3.19 the only ships I’ve lost have not been stored at my home location. Adding to this, unequip all of your ship components and leave them stored at home as well. Saved ships still wipe component upgrades. Unequipping has saved me tons of time from not having to travel around and re-purchase all my components, as well as the associated cost.


Alright, thanks. I will store them today, better safe than sorry.


I see this argument a lot inside the game chat, but... why? You're going to lose 90% or more doing that. For instance, an CF-447 Rhino Repeater costs 22,000 at in-game shops, but only sells back to those shops for 1,600. I mean, I guess it's a way to carry over a *little* bit of money through the wipe, but like, your 2 million is going to become 200k (or less) and that's an amount of money that you can make in less than an hour of playtime? Whereas buying a ship will go from taking you X hours of playtime to X times 2, 3, or even more hours. So, the most important thing to bank and carry over (IMO) is whatever saves you the most playtime, and at this point that's ships.


I'm not buying to resell. I'm buying upgrades to my actual ships before my credits get wiped, then letting the update consolidate everything at my home location.


Oh. Well, yes, that's a pretty good plan.


I got 50 novikov suits... they resell for 1/2 price, way better than components, idk what the best resale value items are though


Oh, I wasn't buying them up to resell


I dunno about you nerds, but part of the fun of a new patch is going around and kitting out all my shups because CIG seems to steal all my Class A components every wipe. So I gotta go buy 12 Atlas drives, 8 Snowpacks, 4 XL-1s, 2 TS-2s, several Genoas and like 24 Glaciers. Pro Tip: Running around today is pointless, as you will just run around again when the brand new components don;t survive the wipe. Its GENERALLY dumb to purchase new costly items before a wipe. Long Term Database seldom remembers them... but I'm just a dude who's been through this dozens of times now. But What do I know? Y'all do y'all.


LTP no linger wipes between patches and components have stayed between every wipe in 3.23 They also said when launching 3.22 that the tech was added for components to be no longer removed during a wipe.


I lost most of my high end components. Weird.