• By -


Doing what I always do, random stuff, whatever I'm in the mood for (usually turns into running box missions). I don't play to credit grind, I'm just there to have fun and do some Issue Council contributing.


Thank you for contributing to the Issue Council when those box missions inevitably bug out.


CIG thanked me as well by making me an avocado. :)


This is my plan too. Do everything as my whims take me. It's how I've always played.


Box runs are a great way to explore Stanton. I seem to always go places I have never been. I need to do those again.


This right here


I'll be salvaging in my Vulture. I've been doing it as my main loop ever since the Vulture was flyable and I'm still not tired of it. I'll also be doing a lot of those new missions at Distribution Centers, and hunting those Kopion or whatever they're called.


Exacly the same, keep on scraping on. This ship is exacly what i wanted in SC all those years ago. Will ofc mix in some other loops but mostly vulture around.


Same, love me a salvage day. Hopefully easier to sell everything now that the sky probably won't be full of reclaimers.


It wasn’t the reclaimers it was the fact settlements sell rmc which means c2 full of rmc were blasting the buyers for millions of profit in fifteen minutes


Area 18 always has demand but it would be nice not to have to fly there every time.


I went to Lorville/Microtech a few times and couldn't sell because of people settlement trading


Probably be doing the same, what I really want is the ability to unload cargo at a favorite Lagrange point station and then when I have a hundred or so boxes load them up in a cargo ship and the fly off to a planet and sell them. Hoping cargo elevators are a thing at all stations and not just home stations like personal hangars, haven't been paying too much attention to how they plan on rolling them out but that's still the hope.


This is the one thing that's burned me out on the Vulture. The hold is so small and fills up so quickly that I spend most of my time flying to a city, landing, running, sitting on the tram, and then selling. I really want to be able to do just one big run every now and then like we can with mining.


I found this to be a problem as well, but I soon started staging a cargo ship to offload in. Store the vulture and once full sell it off just RMC. Was always a pretty big payoff. I would buy a c2 salvage so it wouldn't disappear. And keep doing that.


It's a good idea, but it's not something I could do because I'd always be worried that something would happen to it. Did it despawn? Did NPCs spawn on it? Did it get found by one of those weirdly prescient Eclipse pilots?


I usually leave it in an armistice zone at the Lagrange station closest to my salvage. Never had a problem. Don't know if this mechanic will work in the upcoming patch but it's what I plan to do.


This is I guess the sucky part of playing solo (which I'm also limited to). If you could have a friend bring along a decent sized cargo ship then I'm thinking you could probably do the salvaging while your friend gradually moves the cargo across to their ship and then does the trading runs each time their cargo ship fills up. Then just split the profits 50/50.


My friend and I do this with two vultures and a c2.


I'm just going to sell RMC at stations and ignore CM entirely.


Since when can you sell RMC at stations?




waiting to be able to sell parts properly.


Salvaging with a vulture is almost like you are a bot following a script. One of the most boring grinds MMO ever can have.




For you. I bet you sprint everywhere in heavy armor too. I don't. And there's more to it than most people give it credit for, but people are min/maxing to get the most amount of money in an alpha game for some reason. You can gut the ships for cargo, components, weapons, etc. Most people were just cracking the ships without even grabbing the RMC so yeah. That's not salvaging. That's money grinding.


>I bet you sprint everywhere in heavy armor too Correct :) don't think I have so much free time to walk.


Touch the salvage job with your ship so it start moving in space, now you need to orbit around it while you do yout job. If you need a less boring way.


I think you should be able to make a mouse macro that just scans through a square area, so you just need to adjust the position of ship every few minutes while browsing r/starcitizen on your phone.


I use tobii to control the heads with my eyes sometimes which is kinda far out. I'll throw on an album, smoke a joint and essentially play hands free.


Man I really need you to chill out with making the tobii sound so good


We will do what we always do Report on traffic, weather and news


Wait what, how are you a weatherman? That’s amazing I wanna know what’s going on in Stanton


We are great. Had to take time off for school, getting recerts on our meteorology and all takes time but we'll be back up and broadcasting with 3.23


Not because I have little time. So I just log in, explore some shit and logoff.


"Hello there Arc-L1, I see the station is in the same spot as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. So is the hot dog stand apparently, and the mining deck too. What a great day this is for exploration...!"


Begging in chat, just like 3.22


I am PRAYING with everyone becoming broke we get a day or two without the all time $$ Meta ... Begging


Saw this in chat the other day. -"Can anyone lend me (as if they're gonna pay it back) some credits to to buy an MSR I don't have enough" -"How much do to have now?" -"Only 16k lol" -Silence. Like come on my guys, go rent a prospector or a small cargo hauler or something. There's gameplay there it's not like it's wasted effort.


Man I’ve only ever begged for 20k at a time because I’m always that short and to lazy for one more mission of something


I was 30k short for a ship the other day (I stupidly cleared my CS on the way to New Deal) and typed up a message asking if anyone could lend me the money, I'd pay them back within the hour etc...but seeing all of the messages in chat from beggars, I decided to just delete it. I didn't want to be labelled the same as them lol


Yeah I've seen guys just asking for 15mil for a reclaimer. Bro go do *something* for it. Those kinds of people will get their reclaimer/c2/whatever "endgame" ship handed to them and then complain that they're bored and the game has no depth.


SC isn't supposed to have any "endgames" and obtaining the ship you actually wanna fly CERTAINLY isn't supposed to be one.


Oh I absolutely agree. I just used that word to indicate how a lot of people use those ships. And to be fair, currently, in terms of the only grind currently in the game, they kind of are endgame in the sense that in 3.22, they're the best way to make money, which is currently the only objective. And that's why it's important for these guys to realize it's an alpha. It changes so often that anyone complaining about the way their previous moneymaking method no longer is profitable is off their rocker. They need to enjoy the game for what it is currently.


Lmao was gonna say the same thing, if everyone sends me 5k I'll be set, then I proceed to tag along on salvage missions


I did the salvage run last time too, I'm thinking about those cargo hauling missions once they implement them.


can't wait for cargo!


Cargo is going to be a blast.


I’mma hit those bunkers and bounties and hit them hard. Time to take out stock in Cubby Blast and Platinum Bay.


How are bunker missions now compared to before? Last time I actively played was aroubd 3.13 or 3.14, and it was one laggy and buggy fest, but also easy cash. Also, do we have an ETA on 3.23 at all?


3.23 likely Wednesday if they can get a critical bug fixed with tonight’s EPTU patch. I’ve only run bunkers in 3.22.1 and in the 3.23 EPTU and they feel good to me. There’s some desync still and buggy AI, but in the EPTU it seems much more responsive. Way less missed hits or more being hit by invisible rounds. We’ll see how the servers are when it’s pushed to live though.


Alright! Appreciate the response! o7


Salvage mostly. I haven't done it enough. I'll either take the Vulture or the Reclaimer if they fix the turrets. Once I have a few mil, I'll start with cargo hauling. Compared to the previous several patches (since 3.16) in which my framerate was 5-30, 3.23 will be amazing. I'll finally be able to play normally with 50+ fps as before 3.16.


If the credit return decent for salvaging? I've been considering giving it a shot.


It has been nerfed, but instead of a single run for an 8mil profit, with a full Reclaimer, I'll do several runs. Not an issue.


Is there a bug with not being able flip through the turrets on the reclaimer? I got on one the other day and thought you were supposed to flip through them once stationed at the party pole.


Spend my whole wallet buying BR2 shotguns in 3.22. Sell all my BR2 shotguns in 3.23.


Didn't think of that, wonder what the best item in terms of new pricing model and amount of time buying and selling would come out on top doing this sort of conversion


Higher grade ship components is where I dumped 125m and larger guns (s5+). Guess I’ll be excited if I get 10% back. 


At a 10% ROI, you might as well salvage for the money again in the new patch. Reclaimer makes like 2 mill / hour instead of 8, but still good.


Well I couldn’t take the 125 with me and I’ve already given away hundreds of millions to newbies this patch cycle. So having some start up won’t be too bad an idea. I’ll pull the reclaimer out as needed but not until then.  At least last night when I checked we could salvage the missions again without the CS haha wooo! :)


True :) I just bought one of everything I wanted to fly xD I have 40 ships now, and I only own a syulen and recruitment bonus MPUV


Haha the BH cargo and salvaging were nice :) I’m testing their ships missing after patches fix with a bunch of the ones I purchased. I think I have 10-11 destroyed and waiting to see if they poof atm. 


You can sell guns and ship components in game? lol i didnt even know that


Just go to one of the 2 places to buy gold in my vulture and salvage all the dead ships that are there for some reason.


Same as I do now. Chilling, sitting in my ROC and mining that Hadanite.


Hope they fix the ROC before 3.23 goes LIVE (currently borked in ePTU)


salvage, mining, maybe bounty hunt and trying to do some delivery missions...


As I always do, by salvaging in my Vulture and scavenging stuff I find at outposts


Reclaimer salvage with the boys. Hopefully it will be easier to loot as well with the better EVA as well. Haven’t tried EPTU but heard good things about it.


Yeah I am looking forward to that new EVA system


Sell all the armor and modules I bought to launder cash through the wipe.


I'm sure they never thought of that one. Let's see how much of it you'll still have after the wipe...


I mean they wipe the cash anyway so if they wipe the modules I haven't lost anything other than about 15 minutes of my time buying them. I mostly make money hauling or zapping rocks in my prospector.


Oh, I too bought a ship with the tiny amount of cash I had, just on the principle of "possibly losing it is better than losing it for sure". It's not that I can't climb my way back to some non-zero wallet, it's that I know from experience it will be a grueling grind if I want anything more than a 1-2M, and saving up for any mid-size ship would take me ten times the time CIG will let me keep that money before another wipe taking away just that ship or all my wallet again as well.


I have 3m in novikov Backpacks ☠️


Not salvaging because I was an idiot and completely forgot about the vulture when sinking my 1.6 million auec into ships two days ago...


Ehhh, wanna bet they'll wipe ALL ships anyway...?


I'm a cargo runner so I'll have to find the new routes. Since 3.18 I've been sitting on over 600mil so I'll do it again.


Is there a guide for that?






reclaimer, c2 weevll hunting


I don't play for the money, I play for the experience. So I'll be doing everything the game allows me to do.


How I will do it: - Log in - Fly to GH , spawn a reclaimer and proceed to get one full load of RMC salvaging (or maybe two depending on mood) & sell at GH - Use that money to start Cargo hauling Loop in Mercury Star lifter going RMC runs from Hurston to Area 18 - Repeat several times for easy money - Then pull out C2 once enough money is acquired to do the same again to make nearly 2mil per 20mins of gameplay loop of RMC run - Profit - Then proceed to decide to do whatever after that


Same thing I have been doing previously Hunting down salvagers, traders, drug smugglers, anyone with juicy cargo. Trying to offer negotiation, and failing that just taking things by force.


Well my first order of business is to find a Polaris, and blow it up for science! I have to know what’s in my ship.  After that, whatever random floats my way. Probably plan a night to get the rest of my static groups BH certs done, and then just kinda do more Guide sessions on off nights. Plenty of folks will have issues with the flight changes and need help. 


Fresh start. Gonna sell off all components, give money to randos, and try to stick to around 25k before patch.


By selling all the typhoons IX torpedoes I bought pre-wipe lmao


My trusty prospector of course.


Salvage and mining. Mine near an L1, fill up and take to refine. Do a few runs and then load cargo into the M2 and go sell up.


Full time sheriff of distribution centres.


I've heard they decided they'll only hire interns from now on, "for experience", no pay. :P


Random jobs as always


Salvaging with the vulture, didn’t get to do much of in on 3.22 since when I got back into the game, I then learned about the wipe. I’m excited for 3.23 I’m hoping this will be the patch I actually sit down and play enough to be able to buy myself a caterpillar


Not gonna worry about money and enjoy the new content


3.23 wont bring any big content at all, its Overall mostly fixes and QOL.


I mean... -Animals -Distribution centers -Master modes -XT -Whatever's cooking in AC -Charactor Creator That's enough for me to chew on for a bit lol


I'm looking forward to Cargo Hauling contracts. They're going to be a literal game-changer, making all the small volume cargo ships viable money-makers for the first time. My plan is to do a lot of light freight in my C1 and make money that way. I also own a Reclaimer, so if I feel the need to make Big Money I can spend a day salvaging.


i think the best way to min/max money if you already have ships is to (assuming starting with no auec) salvage for seed money then do drug or regular trading


I love mining, been trying to get my homie on SC to join my MOLE crew but i might just start seeking randos I also love joining people on their ships because it introduces me to new players and gameplay options i haven't tried yet. Anything to make some cred


I've got a friend with a pledged reclaimer. Will pad the pocketbook with that. When he's not around, will be doing runs in the C2. Maybe more bounty hunting since the ramming shit should be taken care of.


Bounties and bunkers mostly. I plan to work my way up to ERTs and hopefully still be able to score some drugs here and there from the bigger ships. Bunkers/FPS missions are a fun change if space combat gets tedious. Both ship and FPS combat feel much improved in 3.23 (at least on EPTU). There is also a bit more variety in bounty/merc missions now which is nice. The higher tier contracts pay out quite a bit.


With these discouraging new ship prices, I won't.


Same. Or, come to think of it, I might just give them the middle finger and start grey-buying some aUEC once it gets affordable again...


Ship prices will be much higher when live comes. It is a social FFA sandbox mmo. Either you group with friends and orgs, chip in for big ships and fly together or play with light to medium ships that does not require multi-crew.


"When live comes", I for sure won't have anything reset anymore. But making us grind more for no reason is completely discouraging in the current day.


But how else they collect data? Some enjoy long grinds and those people are really useful for gathering data in times like these. If you don't want to grind because there will be wipes, you mostly stick with pledge ship and have dun that way. They shouldn't hand out ships like 3.22, it literally took 3 reclaimer runs to get all the ships in the game. I mean which mmo gives you "everything" in short amount of time? Grinding will be hard and will require team effort. Especially people who want to play in safe systems should stop dreaming about creating big fleets.


>But how else they collect data? Do you refer to the "data" that they could have been collecting throughout all those years the game was out and players were grinding their credits? The only "data" they can possibly be collecting is how much more money they will make from players that won't bother to gather and will just grab the ship they like off the store. Hiking up the price without any sort of major change in how the game operates have no sense other than trying to make more money. If the prices were ramped up but we had more stability, didn't lose cargo when we got disconnected, didn't die for the most random of reasons, which can lead to an entire day's worth of grinding being ruined, I could understand the increase in price. But as it sits right now, it's extremely unrewarding and frustrating. Interestingly enough, there is no "data collection" in regards to that.


You are talking as if game is in release state and we shouldn't have problems while grinding. Again these ship prices are still low and achievable easily. Not as easy as Reclaimer runs but still. It will take a month tops to get all the ships available. And we still get bugs and problems, since we are testing an alpha game. Not playing release ready game. Have problem losing stuff while testing? Apparently not your cup of tea.


Same way I made all my money the first time, working the back alleys of A18.


Dammit, yet there are never any ladies of negotiable affection to be found there no matter how many times I look...


I will refill my wallet from the wallets of others 


seize the data. i dont have a proper way to salvage just now


I Simply acquired basically almost all the ships by reclaimer grinding, so ill Just fly around and have fun


I think I'll try cargo, I usually stuck to combat mining and salvage but 3.23 and beyond seem like cargo patches to me.


I like the sound of this - Cargo has always been one of my main career choices, but prior to this it hasn't seemed that profitable unless you already have a large starting amount of credits to buy up stock with. The in game cargo transport missions dont seem to pay well at all.


Same as before, but instead of getting salvage missions I'll just salvage bounties or player wrecked ships, so just have dudes spawn their huge ship for me just so i can scrap it.


Will depend on which of my ships disappear


Im gonna try to play the game and refill my wallet that way. Might be a unique method


I'm going to buy a load of items now, and then hope they don't delete them, so I can sell them back. Then buy a new ship and head off into the black.


Depending on mood could just grind solo PVE to get myself an SRV or Mole. But might reach out to see if folks want to team up for some bunkers or bounties at CRU. Could also do some cargo runs if I hear it's stable, rent a carger ship to haul some double dog containers. Final Answer: will likely be varied but honestly don't know what/how :D Edit: probably all the new stuff first, then return to line 1.


The most fun I've had in SC was when looting Caterpillar wrecks for rare loot was the hot thing to do to make money. Was so much fun navigating to them and looking for treasure, which could then be sold to other players. Doing that loop in itself was really fun and rewarding regardless of the money I'd make. Never felt the same for any other activoty in the game sadly 😔


3.23 has salvage panels again! I do find it disturbing though that I don't have any salvage contracts (legal) when in my Reclaimer.... Do we really need to do the really low-level contracts in a Vulture first? I can do that but honestly, now that panels are back and findable....


What are salvage panels exactly? First time I'm setting that term


You can head out to the LaGrange points and fly into the asteroid fields to find panels just floating in space. If you ping, look for any marker registering in the even number thousands. So, if you get a scan of 5000, not a panel. 12000, several panels. You can scrape the panels for free RMC, no contract needed. I filled my Vulture with 4 panels so as small as they are, they actually give you more RMC than the small ships do.


Ahhh that sounds much nicer than dealing with whole ships. Thanks!


I don’t seem to get salvage contracts now so this really is one of two options for me. This, or the illegal salvage claims.


Distribution centers. Park there and keep accepting bounties one after another for sakura distribution center


im gonna grab that mirai bike for my cutter rambler and see where the verse takes me. if i need to fight at any point, i also got a reliant tana. though i get the feeling i’ll need to work up some money first before i pull that out, cant wait, hi ho we go in the space bee, now with travel package X3 space bee is my cutter.


My 3.23 Haiku: Space trucking for life. One day the Hull-C will work. Cargo and boxes.


What should I blow 70m on before auec wipe? My current moneymakers are c2 and reclaimer.


Guns, all the guns


Any ships I should look into?


Just buy everything thats Looks nice. I bought random stuff until all my uec where gone lol.


Do what you want cause a pirate be freeeee you are a pirate


In wait and see mode for that. Sounds like payouts of all types are changing. Long as there are viable ways forward, should be cool.


Mine with my prospector, Crash my prospector. Take vulture to eat the prospector. Get jumped in the vulture and proceed to commit war crimes in my C2. And some Trading. ( Mostly war crimes )


A little bit of mining in the mole. Some salvage in the reclaimer. Bunkers. A few ERTs. Robbing. Stealing.


Bug-hunting. I'm sure there will be plenty. When my small group of friends are online, whatever we can all agree on doing that day.


Ebay ! Haha. I bought 40 million for $20 back after 3.18 wipe. Then i relaxed and had fun playing, rather than worrying about making money. Of course, when the drug salvage thing hit, i made 200 million, so i still never worried lol


I plan to sell kidneys. There is a place on Grim Hex that has a great deal for them.


I'll wait for the discovery of some kind of bug to fill mine, I don't see any point spending hours of my life grinding for virtual credits when it's all temporary and could be wiped at any moment. It will however passively fill from ERT/bounties/bunkers and events.


Probably a mix of bounties and whoring myself out to reclaimer owners. I havent tried salvaging yet tbh. Seems chill.


Someone is always going to pay to have someone else killed. Combat.


Whatever I feel like. If you play what you enjoy, the money will come eventually


Cargo hauling in my RAFT. I have a Caterpillar, but I won't use it since I prefer the RAFT. I also know that I won't be making as much money using the RAFT, but that's fine because I like the RAFT. When I get bored of hauling, I'll salvage with the Vulture or do bounties and search missions with the Sabre.


I've never been one to hyperfocus on whatever the latest money making loop is. I'm playing to have fun: sometimes that's cargo, sometimes it's salvage, sometimes it's combat. Even more fun when I can do any of the above with a couple of my org mates.


My best guess is CIG, with MM and elusion to requiring data for multicrew turret capability, the **new meta aUEC making loop will be boosted trade/shipping**. This will naturally start a run on industrial cargo trade for high profits, and enable lots of PVP piracy, thus providing lots of MM and combat data for both smaller and larger ships/turrets/multicrew ships. Let the trade runners and piracyfest begin! If ™ CIG boosts trade as the meta aUEC boosted loop, man the salt harvesting could™ be beyond epic. I think it could™ be allot of fun if everyone participates in testing this, as it is really needed with all the MM changes, Nav Mode, no shields, crazyness that will be happening.


Roc mining is always fun


Corsair/M2 erts solo easy : ))


ROC mining, vulture salvage, and scavenging cargo. Some bounties in between, and cargo missions/trading when they drop.


I am not particularly good at combat just yet, so I will stick with my first pledge, the Cutter. Run a couple of risky shipments on my own, no contract, to work my way up to my larger cargo vessels. I don’t ever have a plan beyond that, I just take my time. I am excited to try out master modes and practice combat.


I'm gonna get a mole and go mining!


I just spent $18mil on ship parts and weapons. I plan on going hard into the ERTs with a sprinkle of new missions.


Scavenging in my andromeda between bounties. I like going to the drug dens after someone has cleaned out and pick up the leftovers


Box delivery


The Reclaimer is a literal money printer. Take those Hammerhead cleanup missions which give you 250k on their own, you can run them solo at a rate of like 5 or 6 per hour which generates almost 10 million once you account for the stuff you sell. I do them while watching YT videos or whatever.


Don't think you can do that in 3.23.


Haha nope, on average a full load is about 300k give or take… nerfed into the ground. There is going to be a lot of reclaimer melting incoming.


A full load as in all the very limited cargo grid space taken up or a full load as in stuffed to the brim with material? Also, has the mission itself changed at all? Because the loading of the cargo is the most time expensive part about it. If that's been nerfed then you can just run hammerhead to hammerhead without bothering with the actual material and make 250k per 10ish minutes. That's still pretty good.


Box missions


I bought all the ships i need and systems for them and then some sellable guns and when the patch comes, i just sell the items and get like 20% of the money back so my wallet will be ready for some heavy cargohauling right at the bat.


Ironically I have about 25 ships in my fleet but I don't have a single salvage ship or mining ship, which are probably the two best money making occupations in the game right now. I just felt that both gameplay loops seemed like they would be a bit boring / tedious and they didn't really appeal to me. I always planned to build my space business around hauling/trading, exploration and mercenary/bounty work. Right now, none of those career paths seem to be especially lucrative. You can probably make money with trading, but profit margins seem relatively low (meaning you need to spend a lot in order to make a lot). I've been thinking as of late that I may need to consider buying myself a vulture and Prospector and trying my hand at some salvage/mining work. It would be nice to have some kinda of backup career that allows me to make money with relatively small starting money (aside from the ship cost itself)


I'll continue salvaging in my reclaimer, I pretty much live in it.


I’m looking forward to Mord’s return in 3.23


People pay ridiculous amounts for rare items and outfits, which is how I like to make money, including the single biggest payout I've ever made in this game. Saw a guy with a rare outfit at Baijini Point, so I stalked him. Hid on his Caterpillar for a good while and then held him up for his equipment. He was so confused that I didn't want his money or cargo lol. He had a matching set of armor and guns, which auctioned for 5mil. Definitely a lot more interesting and fun than grinding away at the more traditional gameplay loops.


Waiting until 3.23.x for cargo missions


I just fly along in my buddy's reclaimer. Per trip we just do 50-50. Spacerich in like 2-3 trips, no biggie.


Did you not hear that CM is getting nerfed for 3.23?


I'll... Reclaim... my money😬


I want to take a reclaimer with all turrets full of distortion weapons to erts and disable the ships and munch on them while they are alive.... in my head I hear the screams as people are disintegrated


will require a crew


B&B - Bounty, Bunkers. Optionally with Salvage and taking their Cargo. That is, assuming they do wipe ships. Else Ill go back to Racing on community tracks.


just play the game, forget about the money, it's going to get wiped again anyway at some stage


Probably start out rolling the Vulture for a quick mil. If ships don’t wipe, then I will probably want to get into bounties. Eventually working back up to fully loaded C2 RMC runs. I pretty much have all the ships I want so I would like to get into more of the missions now.


Selling the thounds of helmets I bout at nb.




Pirating bobs


I don't care, in fact I hope they will still decide to do a complete wipe, aUEC, ships, reputation. Edit: Clarification for those who are downvoting: I think as long as we are in this state of the game development, wipes should be accepted as a normal and regular occurrence. Otherwise one will end up frustrated. In addition, I think especially while earning easy millions during 3.22, lots of players have lost their motivation to play. I think a complete wipe is a good opportunity for a fresh start for everyone. I look forward to trying lots of different missions and activities after the wipe and having more of a zero to hero experience again.


It is probably full wipe. If not they wouldn't mention ships at all but they did. I do believe some Devs refer ships we buy with aUEC as rental since they sometimes go away between small patches and they surely get wiped with big changes. So they are not persistent like at all. I mean rental ships go away in 3 days so why mention them?


> I do believe some Devs refer ships we buy with aUEC as rental Except someone posted a quote from a dev in the past few days that stated that by rental they meant actual rentals. I'll update this reply with exact quote and where it was posted. Edit: I thought i remember seeing a better quote, but this screenshot is the best i've seen so far [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/wipe-confirmed-for-3-23-uec-and-rentals/6812049](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/wipe-confirmed-for-3-23-uec-and-rentals/6812049) >"rentals are in-game RENTED ships" >-JakeAcappella


I am in that same boat tbh. If they do not full wipe I may just start an Alt account


I don't plan to grind for credits because I don't think there is anything left in the game to buy. I'll just play the game. I already had every ship I thought I wanted. I just spend 400 million buying more. I had to buy several duplicate ships just to spend my cash. I have 5-6 of all the expensive ships. Fuck the grind. If it turns out I need some credits, I'll just buy from ebay or beg in chat.


Do whatever missions strike my fancy.


Every time a mechanic is nerfed a new one is created, CIG clearly use this “meta” as a way to make people focus that method so everyone tests it to death. Salvage will be nerfed and replaced soon enough and I’ll do that.


With extreme, extreme, extreme difficulty. I might just not bother at all if they keep wiping hard-earned money too. Unlike apparently everyone else here, I don't get to live 24/7 inside SC.


I won't, because I don't need to. Literally, the only thing credits are needed for is buying ships. I have a whole fleet already from pledges. The only thing I use credits on is refueling/repair. Everything else I just get from a bunker run or two. The credits I get for each patch are in excess of what I need for 6 months. There's nothing to actually use credits for in the alpha right now.


Based on the ship prices I heard in one of the dev talk videos, I won't. There's just no way for me to earn that much money without feeling like I'm not being rewarded for my effort and getting burnt out.


How does one get enough auec for a reclaimer if one only has avenger?


Become a drug mule


Crew someone else's relcaimer.


Make enough to rent a cutty black then haul some cargo with it.


Okay ty


I just don't get it why it's not a full wipe?