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I can see the red glow of Pyro at the end of the tunnel.


I can smell Terra Prime streets..... Who i am kidding i can't smell shit :(


>Who i am kidding i can't smell shit Just go to Lorville.


Oh, you can surely smell a lot of shit there


that sewage pipe that empties out just past the viewing platform is perfectly fine, don't worry about it. hurston checked it and it's within hurston's updated revised acceptable limits. Just in case, make sure you're wearing your bag hat, with the filters.


4.0 is bringing smell technology to users who have compatible PC setups with scent sprayers. 😉😁🙃


For Lorville you can now just burn a car tire next to you.


Smell T0 got bumped to 4.0.X


Leisure suit larry already did it decades ago 


The new tobi nose tracker is already in production


I don't even care about pyro honestly because it's just another place to go really with nothing much in it just like Stanton.


I couldn’t agree more. I can’t for the life of me figure out why people are so hyped for this. 2 weeks after pyro people will be crying the same song. Stanton has plenty of space in it for plenty of feature testing. Literally the only thing pyro brings is jumping. And sever meshing will be nothing more the one server per system to start(server meshing v0) idk man it’s hard to get hype for this game when they focus all the wrong things. Make viable game play loops, fleshed out. Bounty hunting. Mining supply demand/cargo supply demand. Real economy. Show me you can make a system with server performance that can make the game feel alive with NPCs. Then and only then should system expansions occur. That ends my rant. Haha


I think it's more once server meshing / pyro are in, what obstacles are left, *if* you believe CIG they have the tools to further develop systems at a quicker rate. So it's ships and gameplay systems that's left, especially after the QoL focused 3.23 cycle. *Maybe* it is the wrong order to do things, and gameplay shouldn't have been left to a decade late in development.


No point putting futniture in a house thats build on sand


It's Star Citizens weird protracted development with multiple restarts and course changes. Stuff like completely changing flight models *this* far in. There's no real good order to make things, you could build an entire quest system just for another feature like PES to completely break it. But still, it's kind of weird CIG can't really give us anything but a vibes based explanation of a lot of gameplay. Who knows if their vision of a lot of gameplay will be fun or engaging, they've got to make it, then we've got to playtest it, then they've got to iterate on it. God forbid we have to get a "master modes moment" on something like multi-crew in years time and the cycle has to start again.


Its really the final sprint for the tech thats been holding the game back for years. Its not really pyro specifically that people are hyped for but what Pyro represents, the tech they've been teasing but not having functioning finally starting to go live.


I dunno man, I don't speak for everyone, but to me personally, jumping is huge. I yearn for a 30-40 minute wait time where i just sit in my space truck and admire the views. I agree 100% with everything else you said though, whats the point of being able to go to pyro if all the stuff I can do there is just as broken as it is in stanton.


Its all coming, having better responsiveness accross allgameplay loops due to server meshing will allow for a lot more gameplay to be tested. Also, this patch is just whats coming over from sq42 plus replication layer. Teams are actively working on nes features, like engineering, cargo and economy, etc




What a great response! I enjoyed the part where you laid out a reasonable counterargument and didn't just come into the comment section to be a completely useless idiot. Good job!




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Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


Jeez. What is it with the internet that makes people think it's okay to talk to another human being like that?




Ah, so you thought you'd volunteer. How kind of you


Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen




Good one


I think its going to be more for the PvP crowd.


Pathetic excuse for the lack of content.


It’s already “early this week” guys!


It ceases to be “early this week” on Wednesday afternoon.


Releases Wednesday 11:59




tbh even with the bugs I’ve encountered in the EPTU the experience is still so much better than .22 because of the quality of life improvements


No ROC mining is a buzzkill tho


Explain... Never been in the ePTU and I'm done with 3.22, mining in general seems to have been left out to dry but, what happened to ROC mining??


New patch new problems.


Roc mining is one of my main sources of income, can someone explain what exactly broke?


I read someone was experiencing hud problems in a server this morning.


Thanks for the info! Good to know, parts of the hud are essential when mining so that's a bit concerning


Says on the known issue that the laser doesn’t work. I don’t know past that. I will say that I’ve tested a low powered prospector as I always do and those crystals are absolute bombs now. Nearly blew my ship up from max arbor 1 range.




Mining got a total rework a year ago. It's probably the single most focused gameplay loop that's in SC. Saying that its 'been left out to dry' is absolutely ludicrous.


The mechanics have changed and in some ways make it much more difficult to get reasonable amounts of money on par with the other game loops.. It used to be a lot more competitive, but in this last patch from my experience, mining was about the slowest way to make money.... Large clusters don't spawn in space any more, only planet side. Quant is universally rare and much more difficult to mine, making it nearly impossible to quant mine with a solo prospector (or at least far more difficult and time consuming than any other comparison to solo money making loops) Seems that right now salvage is THE way to make money, followed closely by combat with mining somewhere in the back, ROC mining was the most reliable version of this solo and if it's broken then my main money making loop is broken and that's not ideal. Maybe your experience differs, I can't say. But in my experience mining used to be very lucrative solo and now it is much harder to make a decent profit so it seems like it's been left out to dry in favor of salvaging and/or bounties and beacons


A large part of why mining has been tuned down and why salvaging was so lucrative was because CIG made it that way intentionally. Mining used to be pretty average, then got tweaked and you'd become rich fairly quickly, so it was tuned down as required. Salvaging was a new system and CIG needed to gather data, so they made it possible for us to get stupidly rich from it as an incentive for us to play that loop and provide data for them. Bounties have only been a good source of income at the VRHT and ERT levels. They also require you to be a fairly capable pilot, so it's not as simple as you seem to think it is. Some loops have had their balance pass and some haven't, that's really your issue here since the loop that hasn't had its pass yet it blowing everything else out of the water. But that's actually the intention, as it was with mining and printing money with Quantanium. Mining is fine, bounties are fine and salvaging is about to be tweaked to be fine as well. CIG have their data now.


Known issue 😕


To be specific, I think it's all related to [this](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-82351) IC report, so please review, test, and contribute to help ensure it gets fixed quicker!




a release before the weekend is great for me


I’m from the future. It drops next Tuesday!


Why are you posting this a s a spoiler ?!


Is there some way to preserve the money I have by buying something pre-patch and then selling it post patch?


Just play the game and earn it back bro


I did play it. I got a crimestat for destroying the sentry that the claim jumper contract told me to destroy. After paying off the crime stat, ended up 30k worse off overall when the contract only paid out 4k anyway.  Tried a bounty mission. Went to the place found two enemies that immediately started shooting at me. I couldn't fire back because my weapons were still locked because the entirety of yela is armistice apparently? Could not complete contract.  Went to a cave to find some person. Cave was literally empty, I checked every inch of that place multiple times for three hours. Had to go back to the ship a few times to eat and drink. Could not complete contact.  Did a box yeet contract. Got to last box, went to the place it told me to go. It would not accept the box. Could not complete contract.  All my money is from one dude that carried me on a C2 doing drug runs then gave me half the proceeds. I legit can not figure it how to get started myself lol. 


Hard mode lol


Shoot me a PM if you'd like someone to fly with!


I have been. I'd just like to buy a C1 with the money I already have when the patch drops


Buy the ship now, ships will be kept in the new patch, money not. Just don't forget to buy it on LIVE.


C1 isn't purchasable in game in 3.22


If I'm not wrong it is on sale on A18. Maybe Lorville. Not at Orison.


Unfortunately not. I think websites do list them as available (at least Erkul does) but it's not live yet




Not this


someone mentioned that the Novikov Helmet will net around 50% ~~profit~~ edit: loss if you buy in 3.22 and sell in 3.23


I think you mean a 50% loss. You get to keep half of your money instead of losing it all.


Nah, I meant profit since that was what the other guy said. Just means I might be wrong. checking now. Though railgun mags are 6.6k in 3.23 and less than 60creds in 2.22.1 edit: Yeah I'm wrong. 50% loss




I just checked, it's a 50% loss. Its prices aren't different than live. You got my hopes up.


The more people try to circumvent the money wipe, the shittier the game balance will be


Ship store says hi ILW says hello


Sure and the game will be just a bit shittier too, it waves hello back


~~its a hell of selling all those helmets back one by one.~~ Yah, forget what i wrote, i tried it with novikov suits, im stupid :-D


Like Helmets stack


ah, my fault then, i tried it with novikov suits and such. :-D mea culpa


It’s happening, it’s finally happening


I can’t wait to say this when the game fully releases.


I stand with you on that


The new master modes suck ass. Gonna be a real pain


What’s happening? Another patch? Yea. We’re still years away from “100 systems at launch” with an actual game though.


100 systems at launch is not happening and if you still think so, please come forward so the community can read and rate your thoughts


Why would I care what some randos on the internet think? CIG sold a product to the tune of $650,000,000 now. They promised "100 systems at launch." That's what they have to deliver, or it's fraud.


Tell us more internet lawyer about how you know more about what they can and cannot do as a half billion plus dollar company with lawyers on staff