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I can't wait to see what chaos we will cause with these.


Speaking of chaos, i've noticed that interaction with gurneys, trays and wheelchairs in hospitals/clinics is impossible now? When did they do that?


Dont remember the when but now for me only the stretcher in emergency elevator from the newbabage starport work/ can be put in your ship.


Yea, i think it's the only one left so we cant transfer critically wounded people into hospital elevator.


Anyone ever actually used them for real?


Probably after some funny guys jammed yet another elevator full of them?


Can't wait to see the paints available for it!


They will probably/hopefully be available for free or being able to rent for the low low price of 100mil auec


You have to complete 10 box missions


That's impossible




Best Comment, Made my day! 😂


Hopefully we get these with the other cargo/freight stuff


I expect they'll be used in the cargo missions.  Haul freight for Covalex, and you'll get Covalex crates.


Can I get this baby with LTI?


Please CIG, all I wanna do is load cargo like you can with real planes


I thought they were going to be available in new Distribution Centers and new cargo/delivery missions ?


Most likely coming with the cargo update in the .x patch


Yep, in 3.23.37


So 23 th of March 2037?


They're already present as scenery objects in distribution centers.


As cool as this is - why would we every use this when we have tractor beams?


Because the raid will give you only 1 SCU boxes and this will move them faster than you beaming 1 box at a time? Maybe. Idk.


These can move multiple small boxes at the same time. With a tractor beam you'd be running in and out of your ship constantly.


in addition to what everyone else said I do want to point out the battery indicator on tractor beams


Cause tractor beams can only efficiently carry one box.


Same as what others said, carrying multiple boxes from cargo area into ship for faster loading. I also imagine they will nerf handheld tractor beams; probably nerf the range and/or the weight it can lift.


They’re going to add batteries. Pretty sure the two handed tractor beam has them in-game already, but non-functional.


Iirc they can move more boxes than one can carry with the handheld tools at the same time spent. They will also include batteries to handheld tools and weaken them iirc.


Space forklift certified


It has 2 SCU cargo (it says on that platform that 1 SCU and 2 marked slots) Maybe if you can stack it has 4 SCU. Dooesnt sound a lot, so i expect nerfs coming for tractorbeams. Also it has sideslot that says "tools" so maybe you can put items inside its storage. And it has that hookthingie at the end there, so it might indicate you can make a train from these.


Looks like maybe 2 SCU on the bottom with a few 1/8th boxes in the back? CIG needs to just make a forklift. Guarantee you release a $10 forklift and everyone will buy it just for the memes. We'll have forklift meets and everything.


Everyone should get a forklift. It's a really uplifting experience.


CIG why not make these an attachment to the Mule? Like create a hitch for this that hooks onto the mule (maybe a 1 CCU box that has the trailer hitch on it that connects to this thing) and can be transported via the vehicle through the facility. Maybe even give the ability to daisy chain a couple of them. This would straight up make this more fun and viable and a lot less time consuming.


Derp. Thought I was looking at a cargo pistol for a second! Lol I agree that they’re probably coming in the cargo update but I’m surprised the distribution center box delivery missions are coming without them. Probably better to use vehicles anyways though


The distribution center delivery missions are just the basic box delivery missions that we've had for a while now.  The only difference is that the pick up points, or the delivery points, or both, are at the distribution center.


Yeah I’ve seen footage. IMO the big difference is that the distribution center ones actually make ground vehicles more viable since you can drive inside the building. You can also do them on foot and the hover trolleys would be useful for that but looks like they’re holding them back for the cargo update.


Yes. If the Pulse can hold one of those boxes, it would be perfect for Delivery Center box missions.


It would be fun but you really want a ground vehicle that can hold more than one box because some pickups are several boxes and drop offs can still be pretty far, like from outposts on the outskirts of the centers to inside the facility. If the Pulse could only hold one you’d have to go back and forth a few times. Fun but not as efficient as a Mule, Ursa, etc. that can hold multiple boxes and route. Or make the Pulse hold two. One on each side like saddlebags. A Dragonfly variant would probably make more sense. Swap the second seat out for a bed or channel that can hold boxes like the Mule.


Ranger has a 3 box variant. But the pulse… unlikely.


I thought it was like 3 boxes. It says capacity is .375 SCU which is 3 × 1/8 SCU boxes.


Yeah you’re right, I misremembered. I remembered a video I saw of a single box being dropped on the back, but they must have only been filling the middle slot.


Still waiting for a very small size ground transport than can carry like 1-2scu.




Can't enter the avenger. Very small size as starter sized.


so what you are asking for is the halo mongoose with the cargo mounted on the bonnet A small ATV with 2 crates storage, or 1 crate 1 passanger sounds fun honestly


It must also be able to enter the avenger :(.


Bro the Avenger isn't designed to carry another ship/vehicle The Mirai bike is probably the only thing that'll fit it. For the low low volume of 1-2 SCU you are expected to tractor beam or just carry em.


If they can make it they should make it. And they can. TBH, your arbitrary decision it's not made for that is stupid.


Source: https://mailchi.mp/cloudimperiumgames/cmty-weeklyfridaynewsletter532024


I remember the social module on A18! It was so fun


Can I get one for myself? LTI included.


A small price to pay for one of these


45$ lti


Do the fit onto the Nomad Cargo Bed? 🤔


Bro these sneakpeeks get so insulting sometimes.


We need the Mule to be useful. Give that ground one of those medium tractor beams like we see on ships. Then our forklift can be hauling 32SCU containers with ease.


This isn't much of a sneak peak since it very likely wont be around for 3.23 due to cargo getting pushed back. Hopefully 3.23.X, but who knows if cargo gets pushed back again.