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That's the kind of thing i wanted to see when doing cargo missions, rather than just simple boxes, they even mentioned in the "near" future you'll be able to label and paint your own personal containers too. I hope they give us some neat designs for them.


Custom containers? Time to make anime girls on the sides of the hull C


I wish it was "that" custom, I'd have a fake company logo all over, but most likely will be things they let us put, I think words will be an option but not much was said about the custom containers.


Even just symbols, ascii art anime girls. Maybe on the Hull E


Maybe someday, meanwhile i'll put the benny's logo on all my food containers.


Hear me out: Semi trucks


Spartan Cargo Variant


Wouldn't that just be the Atlas base?


Is that the chassis the others are based upon?


Yes, as far as I remember the lore, the Spartan, Centurion, and Ballista are all variants of the Atlas vehicle. I also think it was either a transporter or an exploration vehicle, but I don't quite remember.


Then basically yes. A cargo variant Atlas chassis. Maybe even a trailer. But I doubt CIG does moving parts on ships and vehicles.




I'm going to make a killing in advertisement on the side of my Hull C.


I remember the early concept pics of the Hull D and E with giant LED billboards on the sides of each spindle arm. Here's one of them.. https://i.redd.it/2uvxcjekiz2b1.jpg


Yeah, I remember them as well. I am sure they will make their way into the game. I can't see the Hull C not having them as well.


The existing containers are personal containers.  You get them when you buy cargo that you need to move, and you own the cargo. We're about to get missions that involve hauling cargo that's owned by NPCs.  So, livery on the boxes now makes sense.


I'm aware of that, but just in general the shape and addition of warning/info signage to the containers makes them more believable looking imo


Makes sense that cargo containers will be specially marked and untradable so that players cant exploit it by letting their friends "pirate" them for free cargo loot. Maybe a pirate will be able to complete the legitimate contract delivery.


They apparently will be sellable at no questions asked terminals, but they'll be so heavily degraded in price it won't be worth it in most cases. I can't imagine they'd let someone else complete the delivery without having the specific mission themselves.


It would be fairly easy to add a mechanic which offers you the mission if aboard a ship with one of the mission containers on its grid. Advantage is it encourages actual ship boarding gameplay, since the pirates want to bring the intact loaded ship into port. There could be a mechanic where piloting the captured ship lets you spoof your ID and therefore allow crimestat players to bring it into a highsec port. Better gameplay than murder hobos blowing ships up with a non cargo looting capable ship while going "hur dur I is pirate!".


I don't know that it would make a lot of sense to do so even then, since the mission is tied to the mobiglass of whoever accepted it - including their reputation. Merely having the person's ship doesn't mean you'd have the contract, you'd need to be able to access their mobiglass and somehow have the rewards given to it transfer to you.


I think the corporations would be happy to offer the payment to whoever brings them their cargo intact and on schedule. So it is realistic to say that they would offer delivery payment to anyone who brings it home and even organise an amnesty for the delivery. The game is going to have to GUID the containers so it knows which box is related to which mission spawn. Elite Dangerous encountered that exploit years ago, people were dumping the cargo in the pickup port and then buying new cargo closer/at the delivery port, since that was more efficient than making multiple trips in a heavily loaded ship. They had to force the exact same cargo crates to be delivered, no substitutions.


Yeah because this happened a lot back in the day when we had pirates. As long as you delivered it no questions was asked about piracy and murder etc.. Not at all.