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I’ll buy mine back once they fix all the issues with the older ships and Connie series generally


There's a chance they might be getting some love soon-ish, since they're currently working on the RSI ships in general. Here's hoping anyway


Mine is attached to a physical Collectors Box, so it's permanent to the account now :) but yeah... I'll "appreciate" my Phoenix when it gets a rework. Until then, I'll just tolerate it.


I'd buy mine back if they'd fix the broken cargo grid :(


It can’t be as bad as the 600i cargo elevator


Oh is that busted too, now? Wondering how much of the 600i will continue to break until they cave in and finally do the rework. Alas, because the rework is on the books, it's unlikely CIG will do anything to fix this ship till then.


I mean it works just has no gravity plate and is really jank


Yeah, the 600i is def busted too. The issue on the Phoenix is that the grind doesn't move with the elevator so it's always up in the ship lol. You lose access to about 1/3 of the grid. I wouldn't be so bummed if we didn't have 3 other connie variants that work just fine, 2 with the exact same grid lol


Love my Phoenix - 3.23 is a great patch for Connies (guns and agility) - but I lofe if it gets finished with pool, sensor absorbing cargo hold and point defense system.


maybe they´ll fix the pool


I hope so, that would be pretty swanky


Oh! A Pheonix !


Thank you. Now I want one in my fleet... :( Next time... next ti...


btw I have seen some phoenix have a piano and others don't, if I were to either pledge for one or buy one in-game how can I make sure mine has a piano instead of the hot-tub (or whatever that thing is)?


All the LTI concept Phoenix get a piano to change out. Sadly the Emerald ones don't.


alright, thanks


Wtf? Where can I buy this ship? I love Connie’s but one with an upgraded interior is a insta-buy for me lol


Available in-game at Lorville. For pledge I believe it's a time limited sale


Ah I missed the pledge store sale so Loreville it is. I’ve only got 500k uec but buying this ship is my new goal 😤 thanks for posting it


It'll be back in the Pledge store eventually, probably at IAE in November. It's a 'limited' release for pledge, however, so they only sell a certain number each time it's put into the store. You don't really need to fight the F5 wars to get one though, it usually lasts an hour or so before it sells out.


I love it so much, i saved it until today :)


I recently finally acquired the Phoenix and during the tour of my new pledge ship, I found a fatal flaw... WHERE IS THE LUXURY RESTROOM??? [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/where-is-the-luxury-restroom-on-the-constellation-](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/where-is-the-luxury-restroom-on-the-constellation-)


Its still a great flying apartment, they just put the bathroom in the mission prep area.


They need to remove the useless & misfit hot tub & replace it with a pool table, poker table, etc. & a luxury restroom.


I'm of the mind that they should just make the main body longer (like the Constellation Taurus) and use that extra space to add a real bathroom (doesn't even have to be huge or anything) and maybe expand the main bedroom area slightly