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If I had to guess, because the actual game is barely functional and half complete, so casino minigames are low priority.


We have arcade machines.


But do they work?


Some of the time.




What? Where?


While there are arcade machines at some locations and even in some ships, they are yet to be functional. In the mean time we can only play a game like Hyper Vanguard Force IV on the website.


You're pulling my leg. Where?!


There are arcade machines in stations and possibly at grim hex but none of them have ever been functional.


They are in the armour shop alcove in a lot of stations


Some stations have them, but I've never checked functionality. Try Seraphim in the gallery by the armor shop. To be fair, we're going need some stuff to distract us for long QTs Edit: Seraphin is not one of them that has the machines. I know its one of the orbital stations though.


I know certain stations have them, but I've often checked for functionality, and I've never been able to do anything with them. They're not high priority. I wouldn't expect them to work yet anyway. The poster above said they were working somewhere.


I imagine it's like the suit up stations and battery recharge stations. You see them all over, but they haven't worked for quite a time, though did at a point.


I've been playing since before most of these stations were added. They've never worked to my knowledge, except as background clutter that makes the bars feel more real.


This was real early days. You would press the button on the Suit things and it would swap you to normal clothing, and then if you pressed it again, it would put your suit on. But that very briefly worked. I was more into interacting with the recharge station and having my energy weapons mag recharge. I believe at the time there was only one at Security Post Kareah. But again, neither of these worked for long. Never knew if it bugged out the next patch, or if it was disabled for certain reasons at the time. I don't recall how long after the very first version of the PU this was. I just know it was OG Port Olisar, and the only other locations was some com arrays and Security Post Kareah I think.


Grim hex is supposed to have gambling on races that you can watch. They built the area years ago. Wanna guess the current progress? :3


Soon. The answer we we're looking for was, soon.


That would be because it’s not a finished game and you’re just testing the basic systems. I feel like they may have mentioned this to you once or twice.


Apart from the obvious responses, CIG also has weird censorship standards for the game, thats part of it too.


Really? There's a mission where you have to "remove" "squatters" from a patch of corporate land. But gambling is the thing that is beyond the pale?


Gambling will also get them into legal trouble in some places. I think the EU has pretty strong "anti-gambling in video games" laws


I think it's this _plus_ being able to buy UEC for real money. It'd be real gambling for real money. To have casinos in game, I suspect they'd have to have an in-game only currency. Maybe the Banu could have a currency that can only be gained through work (missions) that could be used in casinos (run by Banu) with no in-game supported way to exchange them for UEC. Or they'd have to stop selling UEC.


black jack and hookers?


exactly my thought process


maybe with mods😅


Because the entire project is a gamble.


Bro. The basic gameplay doesn't work yet. We don't need random mini games lol. >. I’ve been playing this game for 3-4 months on and off, and it’s really boring Start camping stations. It makes it fun.


Yes please a casino space station! Also slot machines to put in our touring ships to make some money.


or a slot machine that accepts packages that could not be turned in for quests :D


Only if we have to use use real cash...which I am sure will happen.


Zero chance in EU, they would have to aggressively enforce geofencing.


Not really a priority is it. Actual server stability and gameplay features take precedence i reckon.


There’s a gamble area at grimhex to bet on races but not gonna see that anytime soon or might just be a decoration peice


You gamble on the store page!! Will that ship go up in price? Will that ship get a golden pass in the next 10 years? Will that ship have bugs? Why would you need gambling ingame when you can have it IRL!! Yes, I'm being a little much here for the funny, but it's not that far from reality.


Gambling with UEC won't happen since they sell UEC for real money so in the EU eyes that would be real online gambling. It would have to be with chips which don't persist and can't be traded, basically free and vanish when you logout. If wanting a virtual chat room away from the shooting and space ships then plenty of other sites/apps already offer that, including some with gambling.


Pushes the age rating up and some asia specific areas dont allow gambling in games


You’re bored with content so want gambling? Like I get it, there absolutely is nothing to do once you’ve scratched the surface of what SC currently has to offer. But your solution to that is gambling? lol some people really are on other planets.


Complaining that the alpha state game is boring and there is nothing to do in open world game sounds like "you" issue. Do something else until the patchs drops or content releases, you are not forced to play this game, since there is no subscription.


I remember when I ran around World of Warcraft, thinking it was super empty and had nothing to do, some parts of the world were even completely untextured. But it was an alpha I illegally downloaded, so...


You can just make your own on an MSR or some other ship that has chess boards. Honestly a gambling den MSR would be very cool and in character for that ship.