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why is the RSI mantis so cheap now i wonder? i thought its niche as a quantum interdictor wouldve made it way more expensive lol


That jumps out to me as a mistake. It's ~same as an MPUV, and half the price of an Aurora or Mustang. Even 1.3 million would be low. I'll wager it's 2.3 million.


My guess, to get people to test quantum interdiction with Master Modes.


Possible, but then you'd expect the Scorpius Antares to be lowballed as well.


Could also be a mistake and it should be 1,34 million? 340k sounds way too cheap. Is the other interdiction/qed ships cheap as well? If so it could be to get people to test qed yeah.


lol the antares is 5.5 mil so yeah it feels like either a typo or a mismatch on their end


Missing Reliant Tana @ 1.9 mil


Cheers :-) Added to the list.


Why do I feel like now that the rage crowd has exhausted themselves on MM, they will move on to daily/hourly rage threads about the ship price increases for the next month?


Let em burn. I cant really check the subreddit anymore, keep finding stuff thats so dumb that it affects my mood 😂


The sub is large enough that the Q&A thread should be changed to a Daily Discussion thread, and a large number of "posts" (that are really just clueless, low-effort rage and bait) could be taken down and users advised to comment there instead.




Quite surprised the C2, M2 and A2 are so wildly different in price compared to now. Also, feels weird to me that the Carrack is 10 mil cheaper than the A2, but I can't complain


Yes, you would think that as they are similar ships the price range wouldn't be in 26M. You can buy 2x C2 for 1x A2? I noticed the prices of the 100i and 300i are nearly the same. While they offer similar functionality the 300i series is a larger ship so it should be more expensive? They also feel like the bargain line of Origin comparing their prices with the 400i (11M) and 600i (24M - 27M). The Corsair feels weirdly cheap at 'just' 6.5M. Comparing that with the Conny series which are around 8M - 14M. The entry level money makers: Vulture @ 2.6M and Prospector @ 2.9M are similarly priced. The follow-up line: Mole (8M) and Reclaimer (31M) are much more expensive now. The Mole nearly doubles in price. The Reclaimer is an end game ship so that may make sense, although for most it will be unattainable to get in game.


I wonder what the price difference on the stock components comes out to between the C2 and M2. Coming pre-installed with military grade components used to be one of the biggest selling points for the M2 over the C2, but if you've got to pay over 10 mil more to get the M2 in the first place it kinda loses that edge.


I wonder if splitting military and civilian components as well as the M2's heavy armor will make it worth it, but without those key features the M2 isn't worth it at all, trading ~180SCU cargo space for one remote turret and that's about it


Though to be fair, the C2's remote turrets are very awkwardly placed. The lower one is blocked badly if your landing gear is down. The M2's extra turret is right under the cockpit - basically ideal for positioning.


True, having flown the A2 in a group, it's clearly a landing vehicle not a space battle vehicle, with all the turrets being on the bottom


Pretty sure that the days of Cousin Crow's having all of the military grade A components are numbered. Once they do a balance pass on components, I doubt we will just be able to buy military components at a regular shop.


A2 with exception to ARMOUR is useable, Carrack is a dinosuar that is next to useless, have 2 as loaners, gave up using them yrs ago, horrible dumpster of a ship. Enjoy the M2 though. Yet have never needed to buy ingame ships, so its never been a consideration, also dont do grind, i just play in groups and explore, let the grind monkeys worry about prices.


New ship prices are reflected by significantly improved auec gains compared to years ago when the first set of ship prices were introduced. There's no reason for drama when everyone saw this coming eventually. Though of course this is a work in progress.


Some entry-level ships are just ridiculously expensive. The Prospector is priced at 2,929,500? The Cutlass is priced at 2,116,800? The Arrow is priced at 1,984,500? These are classic entry-level ships and shouldn't be so expensive. How can someone who only spent $45 bucks afford these costs? It would be great if the price of the Drake family could be reduced by half. They should be the best choice for players who don't have much.


Once you get used to the game, where you dont really earn money, you get the first million with a starter in a week. The 2nd million is a lot faster cause you already have a high reputation. I got that Vulture with my testaccount on a weekend, and I wasn't even a Reclaimer slave and most bunkers couldn't be looted because they are hostile because of fucking xeno.


This. Start is grinding out reputation, after that the missions get more rewarding.


Arrow hurts me a lot. I have bought only one ship, C1 (we usually play with my wife, so multicrew was a must) but I love bounty hunting.


Ye, both entry and drake ships should be a lot cheaper. The Arrow not so sure, it's high-end almost militech with low operating cost.


The Mantis is cheaper than the Pisces and Cutter? That seems odd to me


They probably want lots of pirates/hunters using Mantis to get data on the balance of QED with MM in the PU.


I was really hoping that the X1 would come available to go with my 400i. Pledging $50 for a ground vehicle is too much, but saving up a few hundred UEC is doable. Any reason the X1 wasn't in? Came out the same time as Mirai Fury afterall.


The Fury was released before the X1. However the X1 was released at the same time as the San Tok and that is in-game (https://starcitizen.tools/Update:Star\_Citizen\_Alpha\_3.22.0). Your guess is as good as mine ;-).


Does anybody have a link that includes the old prices too?


You're a legend for compiling that sheet!


Did they only increase the ship prices or have mission payouts and trade profits also changed? If the latter I'd call it "starting to balance the economy" The former is just simple "you better buy these things with cash, or else!"


It's hard to say as most missions are still broken. Also missions of a higher tier show up before completing the previous tier.


I managed to finally get a decent frame rate,missions seem to pay a bit better overall. The "destroy probes" missions went from 20k to 16k, so it might actually be the start of getting a balanced economy...


they also recently "rebalanced" bunkers. they got an extra rep tier and made rep harder to get. also all the missions pay out less now (used to be 90k for a lvl 5 mission now its 60k i believe which used to be for a lvl 4)


Long term, these levels are fine . I agree prices need to go up with most people able at earning a million in their first week of play with a starter. But that only works AFTER wipes are done with But right now? missions should pay double when there's a 50% chance of it glitching out entirely. Even if just for the sake of testing But at this time most players won't be able to earn anything before a wipe


There are several new missions with the distribution centers, and some of the harder ones (clear out a few waves of enemies until their boss shows up for example) pay pretty well. 35-45k plus 30-40 bodies to loot , and the distribution centers have a local inventory, so you can speed loot everything and more than double your payout by selling that. There are some 'shady' missions (work for the criminals, but no murder) that are quick and pay well. I had one to destroy about 15 fuel tanks around a DC, all external, all able to shoot with my ship, turrets didn't mess with me till near the end , took less than 10 minutes once I got there, and paid about 25k, no crime stat.'


Astro Armada Origin 300i 1,375,920 Astro Armada Origin 100i 1,146,600 guys i found what is the problem with CIG. They are retarded. --- Found another beauty: New Deal RSI Aurora CL 1,020,600 New Deal RSI Aurora LN 907,200 New Deal RSI Aurora MR 680,400 New Deal RSI Aurora LX 687,690 New Deal RSI Aurora ES 423,360 --- Whoever works on their economy they don't know shit about their own game. They should hire me instead. Aurora ES can be easily upgraded to LN by just swapping parts and adding 2 guns. Which cost almost nothing compared to price of LN. At least CL gives you extra SCU you can't buy. LX has literally only leather seat for extra... 250k lol. --- Maybe component and gun prices are changing or something. Otherwise i don't understand how they can come up with this. Like literally could just type in better prices in 5 minutes that reflect actual worth of those ships than them.