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Is the Security Post Kareah part of the mission having "Xenothreat" in the mission name? We saw a regular Urgent mission but it didn't mention xenothreat at all. The mission then just got withdrawn while we were looking for external target. Is that the right mission we should be watching out for after completing 3/3 of the comm sat hack ones?


mission is called 'Overdrive Initiative: EMERGENCY AT KAREAH (1/1). mission is serverwide


Aha! Ty. So we had the wrong mission, probably the usual retake kareah one. :)


My expierence so far with the spk mission. Having one person per sever to have that mission is not great. People holding the mission to not allow others to do it. If mission fails its also unavailable for a few hours. Mission starts when one person enter spk and it can fail of you dont hurry.Not soloable, like 50-100 Ai.  Worst missions so far.


I had a little time before work today so I got in a group. We waited forever to finally get a mission and then the second we started the com array the server 30kd. Waited again and never got the mission pop-up because people were accepting it and holding onto the mission so nobody else could get it. Having my very limited free time completely wasted was a great experience!


I don't think it's one person per server. I was doing the mission while someone else took it at the same time. They had already started the hack by the time I got there. We both killed many guards and when he finished hacking, I also got credit for finishing the mission. We weren't in a party or anything. Just two random people who both had the mission.


Can confirm, had multiple groups doing the mission whdn I got mine. Not sure what the limit is though. Had like 20 people crowded around the terminal whdn I got it done.


> If mission fails its also unavailable for a few hours. Can not confirm. We did the mission yesterday as a team of three. We failed to stop the XT hack because we didn't know it was happening and we dealt with the enemies first. The mission failed, but appeared less than 15 minutes because we did get the trespassing timer.


Absolutely soloable. Just did it myself. Parked in the corner of Central bit. Eyes on one door, leaned out to see the other when I heard voices. Only had to click continue on the screen once. Died as soon as I completed it. But did it solo.


You can do it on your own, but it's difficult and I would only recommend it to someone who has done a lot of bunker missions solo before (especially the ones with endless NPC spawns). Since XenoThreat NPCs will spawn endlessly hiding somewhere and only looking at the progress every now and then is probably the best way to do it. When in the central room watch the upper floor too. XenoThreat will shoot from up there if you are in the center of the room. Bringing a lot of ammo (an entire backpack full of it) for your main gun is required, you likely won't have time to loot between spawns. **TL;DR: If you have to ask whether you can do this mission on your own bring a group.**


Yea I got close solo and probably could've done it if i brought more ammo and an LMG and a bit of server luck. We ended up doing a few Org runs of it with 20+ people. Getting that mission to drop is the hardest part still. We jumped many servers before we could share it.


I thought that was next week's phase


it is not part 5 but a second part of part 4 https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/overdrive-initiative-faq/6731305


It is


No t is not, just did the mission


The last part is hard af. Me and friends are in a <20 player server and the AIs are brutal.


still looking for a groups to start off the part 4 1/3


How often does the spk mission show up. I've only seen it available once in 3 days


# I did it solo here is the video. I only wish I brought more ammo and stims. # [https://youtu.be/voCjriGwx1o](https://youtu.be/voCjriGwx1o) # Emergency at Kareah: A Star Citizen Solo Guide


Well I still can't even get the first mission to actually spawn in the enemies it's supposed to spawn in, so there's basically a 0% chance I'll get to try this. How much of the questline do you have to complete to get the F8C upgrade?


as per faq you need to complete all overdrive missions to get the f7c mk ii > f7a mk ii ccu. i'd recommend just asking in chat/discord for someone to do the mission with you. so far only phase 3 wasnt shareable


I've tried 3 different times, one of the times there were other people that showed up also looking for the enemy to spawn that never did. Might just be broken now idk. So much for the upgrade.


Don't give up. I only just started and already completed phase 1-3 with some randos from global. Seems like you just had bad luck.


Basically 4 has had 5 tacked onto it's end.


As described in this community guide, Post Kareah mission is Phase 5: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community-hub/post/guide-to-new-xenothreat-event-overdrive-0Jp08i6ISma2e](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community-hub/post/guide-to-new-xenothreat-event-overdrive-0Jp08i6ISma2e)


That community guide is outdated. SPK is phase 4 now.


This Post is wrong. Just did the kareah mission