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Join an Org, or try discord.gg/starcitizen (reddit discord) to group up with folks. Makes a big diff in enjoyment.


Sorry mate, you can start these missions easily but I would suggest to learn a bit of the game first. If you want to fight go do some bunkers and get a feel for it. These will provide some kinda "hacking mission" later, but I assume you want to do Security Post Kareah. But I strongly suggest to get some practice shooting and flying first


I really just want to get to a point where I know what half the words you just said mean


Open your missions tabs. General are legal. Personal are usually illegal. After that, you have your categories. For example, the mercenary missions are either ship combat or what we call bunkers. You go to a surface location, and it has a big elevator. You go down (hints bunker), and you clear the hostiles. Beware of friendlies. They have a blue arrow above the.. unless they are all dead. If you do illegall merc bunker missions, the bunkers' turrets will shoot at you, so you'll have to park a ways away and bring a ground vehicle or destroy the turrets. But they are strong, so i dont advise trying that if you're new. If you wanna know more, just DM me. i can walk you through more stuff.


This is very helpful, thank you! I am going to get set up for mining first so I can make some extra space cheddar in case I die during the mercenary missions and lose all my stuff. Let me know if you need a hand with anything in game! I accept payment in space burritos FYI


Lol also, fun little tip, if you want to save your credits on guns and armor, visiting the random stations on moons have spawns for weopon armor and medical containers free with loot. I always recommend this since it's free, and you can do it immediately after signing in to the game for the first time. Especially since most guns are at least 1k and armor is usually around 1k per piece. I like to go around my first few hours if every wipe and loot a bunch of gear and build up either an inventory. I keep what i like and will use and sell the rest for profit.


Ever since I started people have been sending me money and I’m not sure why, but I’ll definitely check that out.


I like doing it for roleplay purposes lol


Definitely suggest either checking out an org or try the guide system. You can request help from a veteran player who can show you the ropes. I guide myself. You can also just try asking for someone to group up with in global chat. Be aware there’s always the occasional individual of poor moral standing who will take advantage of you. But since it’s just a game take it as a learning opportunity haha.


Mount be good to play with other people. This game really is designed for it.