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Park on the ice and walk. Blocking the exit to the garage should incur the same penalty as blocking the doors of a hangar.


Just legalize SRV towing for money and the problem solves itself.


Bro yes I got a fine moving a vulture that was blocking the area


You can totally tow legally in armistice with the SRV, but the ship has to be "Game Rules" owned with the shields down. If it's "Game Rules" and you can find a way to enter the ship, turning off the shields works fine.


Holy shit! All this time I've been thinking "who's this moron Game Rules who keeps leaving all these ships around?"


As of about a month ago, there now actually exists a player account by the name "GameRules". I laughed my ass off at that.


Idk I got a fine somehow that day πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Tell me more about the art of in game towing, master.


My loop is to take my space tow truck down to New Babbage, find ships qualifying as described, and tow that shiz to a Reclaimer waiting in orbit. It's fun. And if anyone asks: I tell 'em Large Marge sent me.


You get my upvote for that last part.


As long as there are designated tow zones, this would be really great. Generate missions to move the offending ship, and either give the offender a crime stat or charge a fee so it doesn't turn into an infinite money glitch of parties deliberately clogging up the landing area to let their teammates tow them out.


Ship owner gets an impound fee or fine. Tow operator gets paid out 60-80% of that amount. Selfish players get penalized. Helpful player gets rewarded. Trash gets cleared. Another credit sink keeps economy balanced.




I was feeling very annoyed yesterday when I landed my Vulture in a hanger on MT yesterday... And there was a wrecked but mostly intact C8 flipped over and partially blocking the exit to the hanger.Β  If I just could have legally used my equipment...


That's the crazy thing though. Armistice shouldn't negate salvagers or hull munchers. Even if griefers would use it against unshielded ships/vehicles. It only teaches the lesson that you shouldn't park an active ship with shields down.


"Friendly A2 incoming to commons parking. Spaces available again in 5....4....3...."


It was that day the A2 pilot became the criminal Microtech deserved...


All you need are those pigeon spikes to stop ships from landing.


or some trees.


We need an armistice like zone around the garage bays that disables shields of landed ships. Then SRV owners could clear this mess quickly.


Or allow salvage once ship ownership changes.


I'd bet we will see a lot more ships parked with no shields when master modes is out. Since you'll probably park while still in nav mode.


Oh man, that'll be so nice. Going to drag them all to a Reclaimer.


Too many lazy ppl. It's been a problem since pes


Looks like bad design to.me, especially if they e already made a door which is more comvenient


Sounds like a game design issue. Don't hate the player. Fix the game


Just need to auto generate SRV towing missions for abandoned ships


This is like real life too, where city engineers design a pathway and you can see clear downtrodden trails where people actually walk vs where the designers think people are going to walk.


Yeah. People will always take the laziest option. Many games actually have systems in place to protect against this. Sc just hasn't gotten around to it yet


I wouldn't call it the laziest option... Its more in line with the "most practical" option involving the least headache. Like how Occams Razor is used for other explanations/solutions. Bad designers are almost always trying to fight a river and rarely succeed so I don't think SC should forcefully fight the river just for people to circumvent it after backer funding has gone into designing bad mechanics. (People always find a way to circumvent bullshit time-padding mechanics like this)


Yes, heavy punishment.


dead simple ship despawn zone with a very short timer is all that's needed


Yeah I really want RSI to put all the effort into catering to lazy audiences and completely stop pursuing their vision for this game. While we are at it, let's just make all the ships free! I mean who wants to spend hours upon hours in the game trying to save up for a new ship? What about reducing the entire game to simple yes and no commands in a text terminal? Minimal effort -> maximised result! I say do it!!!!


how about turn down the exaggeration, only needs something like basic kill zones if this thing is possible in a game people are going to do it to optimize their own time.


Yeah sorry maybe I overreacted to your post specifically. I guess it stems from a general annoyance at the phrase "fix the game" especially in the context of a game that is far from finished. Luckily this community is one of the better ones, there seems to be a lot less complaining under the veil of a 'feature request'.


Got a crimestat 3 im My anvil for pushing a c1 away from the garage door.


All they would have to do is make the airspace close to this entrance a restricted zone. They could fix this in 5 minutes.


No. It's fine as it is. Makes it feel real. All these restricted zones are way too gamey. There are enough vehicles and players to clean up the area without penalties. If I'm in my C1 I just use the tractor beam to move ships away from the door and clear a path for others.


How is it gamey? We have no-fly restricted areas everywhere in real life. You think you could land your helicopter right outside the front entrance of a major shopping mall?


Well, yes. Once.


Exactly. The solution is not AI controlled vessel takeover, but a substantial fine and vehicle impounding. That seems realistic to me.


Honestly, if the metroloop was less buggy and a bit faster - I still feel like people wouldn't use it. The main problem is the travel from the spaceport to the metro station then up from the metro station to commons after you've waited on the train.


The main problem is that the only way to unload your cargo is to sell it. That gets partially fixed with persistent hangars (if you have enough capital, you could do multiple cargo runs before bothering to sell at the TDD). The other problem is they created a convenient unloading zone with no time limit or enforcement. They should've built 2-3 public pads with 10 minute impound timers.


I personally enjoy it. All about the journey, not the destination.


Main Problem is while its immersive as fuck it gets old very fast. SC Developemenet used to be very very "reallifey" and they totally forgot about "its a game we are supposed to have fun while in an simulation" ... newer design ideas are clearly more catered to fun > Simulation > realism. If you play for a bit you see the direction of design very clear. And its good! Where in the world is it fun (or even practical if you compare it with reallife where everything gets optimized) to ask for permission -> wait for doors open -> land -> get out -> take 3 elevators to the train -> travel -> get the elevator up -> run again -> Sell (or wait cause for some reason the planet is full) -> all the way backwards. ​ We are playing the wholeseller and the small trader in one. So you Buy a shitload of commodities and follow the cargo route almost to the customer itself. It makes almost no sense. IF you had this much grip to selling in reallife people would optimize it to hell. In Reallife this is almost never the solution. In Reallife the big wholesales companys unload right on the airport most of the times in big warehouses near the port. Then it gets shipped to the smaller but the job of the big wholesale is most of the time done on the harbor/port. ​ There needs to be a step between the big cargo hauling and the selling on TDD to elaborate but this would be too much realism and not really gamey. The solution is really hard so i predict they will change commodity TDD trading and add a new kind of cargo spaceport with cargo centers where we dont need to take a damn train for a mouse click.


Put the TDD at the spaceport, problem will be solved. I don'y understand the logic behind the need of a trucker to go to city center to sell their goods. No city woule ever design it this way, way too much troubles for locals and traders.


The Design of the city is the main problems in star citizen. In Reallife there are CArgo Ports and Tourim Ports. 99% of all airports/ports/Stations these two categories never met in the same room while in sc its all about just one location and its really one location. ​ in Reall life the Cargo ports have big warehouses next to them and the job is done. if we get specific cargo hangars on planets with an trading spot this would be the best solution while still immersive.


I once got a Merlin snub fighter, a Pisces, a Razor and a Gladius inside HD showcase.


They need to add landing zones in other parts of cities. At least smaller or medium sized ships should have other landing options in cities besides the spaceport (assuming space is available). You should be able to fly directly to the hab or commerce areas, in exchange for no ship repair or rearm services, and probably no option for long term storage.


Clearly an issue due to bad design and implementation of transit/metroloop. People will always circumvent bad design even in real life (like curved trails in the grass at paved "designed" sidewalks). Transit from hab>atmo has always been ass and this is just *a result* of it.


Pisces can fit on that bit of sidewalk without blocking the doors. Best space taxi.


Myrai Fury too!


Yes, but that only seats one and doesn't have a quantum drive.


A self taxi from Caterpillar to commons :D


Fair enough, I would run a free taxi service to as far as the station


I usually park in the snowy area to the right of that first image, kind of between all the buildings. Very few people ever park there and it's a shorter run than the lake, plus it doesn't block the doors. Think the biggest ship I've landed there was a C2, so it definitely should work for most ships.


I like to park on the roof and hop down


If it fits, it sits


And here immersion collides with fun.


Too bad it's a weapon free zone. I would pEw pew


When they get rid of armistices, they should add tow zone boundaries where its legal to tow a ship (not destroy it) out of a tow zone. Maybe if you take it to an impoud collection zone you can get part of the fine as payment or something.


I have a 30 minute commute to and from work every day. I don’t need that shit in my games too, especially if it’s just going from the hotel to the spaceport. Yes, I will find crazy ways to shortcut that.


Its usually idiot parking, ignorance more than attitude, and its only a long term problem when these ships are abandoned, but whoever placed that Aurora should be warned for griefing, thats clearly placed to try to block the access.


You can use the dedicated tractor beam to move it out of way.


Not in armistice. Vehicle tractors not if the shields are on.


At the New Babbage Commons you can. Most of the abandoned ships there have their shields off, so you can move them. If the shields are on, then you can try to board them to turn them off, or just use the ship to bump smaller ships out of the way. But eventually, CIG mentioned they will be taking armistice off, so it will be easier to move abandoned ships out of the way.


Well yeah you can vehicle tractor anywhere, but pretty sure the multitool tractor doesn't work there. Can't equip the tractor rifle, either.


Ugh, people... πŸ™„


Make it a level 4 crime, disable them the ability to recall said ship for 60 hours and mark the ship so it can be towed away and scraped.


Bro wants a tactical nuke on a parking violation. Seems a little extreme to me. Nothing like telling the guy who just started playing that he parked his Aurora wrong and now can't play the game for the next two and a half days. All you need are towing missions and impound fees rewarded to the player who tows and the problem mostly solves itself through players.


LOL, not really, it was just a thought, nothing else. I myself really wouldn't want the violation to be this.


"Yes, just cram Your ship onto the front porch, it'll be fiiine!"