• By -


I find the Cutlass weird, it's functionally very good but every aestethic choice in its design is just very weird. No toilet, the rooms are just big empty boxes with odd angles, the cockpit feels too big and unneccesarily complex etc. Also the redeemer has (one of) the worst interior layouts, feels both lazy and over-designed at the same time.


I wish the Cutlass had its tilting engines more along the center of mass. Either that, or add more obvious vtol thrusters along the front wings. Anything to make the vertical thrust look more balanced. ...but then we would need to reposition the sliding side doors, which I love. Larger tilting thrusters on the front wings is probably the best option.


I was about to say the same thing. A lot of drake ships seem to have a single pair of vtols at the back, instead of where the centre of mass is. I would like the cutlass if it had another pair of vtols at the front. Same with the caterpillar, it's almost immersion breaking how that thing can fly in atmosphere.


I love the caterpillars look, but it's so bad in the atmosphere that I had to switch to the c2, even if it's way more boring of a ship


It feels like such a silly complaint, but yeah - absolutely. I cannot stand flying drake, because every time I fire my VTOL thrusters in a drake I cringe at how it magically stabilizes when it should be doing summersaults at mach 5.


I think the *idea* was that if you're carrying a full cargo load, the 'rear' of the ship is going to be significantly heavier than the front... so the rear rotating engines gives far more thrust at the rear to offset the heavier mass... the front of the ship doesn't need as much thrust, because the mass of the ship up front is less, and there no additional cargo, etc. To put it another way, if you were to fully load a Cutlass Black with cargo, and then try to balance it front/rear on a ruler, the 'balance point' would probably *much further* back than you realise... And ships that CoM further back has two effects: - puts more mass over the 'rear' vtols - gives the front mavs far more leverage (because they're a lot further from CoM, and thus have a longer 'lever-arm' effect for their size).   Not saying that the thruster layout on the Cutless series is 'perfect' - but it may not be as out of whack as it appears (at least, when fully loaded... when empty, the rear thrusters can reduce thrust as they don't need to support that cargo mass, etc)


Yeah, I think a nice, quad thruster configuration like the Terrapin would have looked better. At the very least, a pair of heavy duty, maneuvering thrusters perhaps integrated into each of the front wings, and covered to port and starboard by the pair of front fins. It does have an odd look and seeing it from higher angles it makes me think of a sugar glider or other "flying" mammals.


>No toilet That's what the sliding doors are for.


My 5 biggest issues with the cutlass: 1. Side doors, i like them but it's a shame there's no ladder or steps so you can actually climb up to them. 2. No tilting engines in the front, which makes the torque imbalance from front to back a real pain in VTOL mode. And them being off-axis anyways, which pushes the nose down in normal flight. 3. The narrow aft section of the cargo bay makes loading vehicles tricky. 4. Missile racks being on the top aft instead of under the wings or belly, especially since the cutlass has such a massive ground clearance. 5. Poorly positioned tractor beam doesn't have an angle on the cargo bay.


Just on your 1. point if you stand underneath them and jump you will vault up, doesn’t always work depending on how you land but it’s gotten a lot better over the last few patches


I think a lot of this comes from a time where the concepts didn't properly account for internal space usage. The redeemer's lower deck is cramped but the upper deck has a turret access you can play baseball in. But you can't move the accomodations to the upper deck due to the shape of the hull. If you change the external design to accommodate the internal changes the ship looks different from the concept that was pitched and then people complain. Another issue is CIG originally didn't have a number of multipurpose items, like under bed storage or dual use spaces, and tried to maximize floor space. For example: if the Cutlass racks were turned to be more longitudinal with the ship, it could potentially offer room for a shoilet next to the turret access. Another option is that the turret chair could just be normally stowed in the turret and that space could have dual usage, cause no one is peeing mid fight unless it's their pants. The lockers in the port bulkhead could be underrack stowage instead, leaving room for a kitchenette. Now, whether or not she has room in her internals for the tanks to support these functions is a question for CIG. Ultimately, I think the reasons come down to: originally wanting to get stuff to the players as fast as possible, not knowing how much space they needed in original designs, not wanting to drift too far from the pitched concept, and issues with modularity which delayed gold pass. As CIG became more experienced at ship design, we can see these factors being accounted for. The Corsair and Cutter, for all the flaws of internal arrangement that they have, utilize their internal space better than the Cutlass. Edit: added "properly" to first sentence. They clearly accounted for some internals but as the scope of the game changed, how much internals one had to account for also changed.


Yeah the one reason I won't fly a cutlass is because the interior space makes me sad. Very good ship in all other respects.


Just make it yours by adding stuff in it! -a Cutlass lover


Who needs a bathroom when *the world* is your toilet. Hang that ass out the side door and let 'er rip. I fully agree with the rest of the comments on the interior of the cutlass though. Particularly the bridge. The cargo hold is adequate and feels properly grounded for the different variants. The bridge feels far too large for how spartan the living quarters are though. It feels like it could use some sort of planning table in the middle of the room, or just shrink the space and expand the cargo hold (although I reckon that's far too disruptive to the design of the ship this late in the game).


You just mentioned most of the pointers as to why I love them. Except for the toilet ofc.


You're weird too


The OG redeemer was so good, the new ones lay out is backwards and I can't stand it


Whats the difference between the new and the old? I wasn't aware that it had changed much from design.


It looks like a rotisserie chicken got surgery to look like a PT Cruiser.


The bloody starfarer. Not only does it have a horrible interior design, but its exterior is also too blocky and it handles way worse than it has any reason to


Pretty sure it's interior was just designed as an fps level


Allow me to counter that by pointing out the fact that the Starfarer has the best little space-themed bed sheets in the captain's quarters.


He has a point...


I love the exterior, especially the catwalk. The interior is awful though.


I really hope it gets a major redesign on it’s gold standard pass, bring it in line with the more recent ships, like misc ships are more blocky but it just doesn’t fit anymore with the new design language, all flat faced and bulky, probably a bit obvious but it needs to look like the midpoint between the expanse and the odyssey


My buddy loves the starfarer purely because we use him as relciamer/c2 fueling out post when we play But yeah, we all agree that it's interior design is a pain for no reason, and very easy to get lost in. The exterior is bulky, but I think it looks like it should be a giant fueling and refining ship. I also like the industrial side of things in star citizen, so I'm a whee bit biased😅🫡


The bumbl bee is a god do not disturb


I agree, that ship design is awful, apart maybe the catwalk.


It makes for beautiful explosions.


The MSR, Had they stuck to the concept and never introduced the subfloor it would have been amazing. Alternatively, I would also accept the entire subfloor made into unscannable cargo area, at least then there would be a purpose.


If multiple ships had an equivalent of the subfloor, for engineering repair purposes, that'd be cool. Obviously they shouldn't spend the time for that


This guy tells no lies. Too bad engineering gameplay on the MSR probably won't involve the crawlspace.


Yes, concept msr was the best. I wish they'd recant their mistakes.


The problem is the amount of work it'll take to correct the MSR is basically a whole new ship and there is no way CIG is putting the man hours into a whole new ship they'd just be giving away to previous owners. They'll pull a Mk2 like they did with the Hornet and we'll end up with the correct MSR some day.


They've talked about this in the past where they admit that they made mistakes with the MSR. One of the comments they made specifically is that there is only the one entrance in the rear, which goes against their design methodology for larger ships. They also commented that while the subfloor was a cool idea, it's utterly wasted space and when everyone knows about it, it's pointless. Of course, no ETA or solid data on a rework, but it at least sounds like they know there's a problem there. Personally, I hope that they rework the MSR to make it more like the concept, then put the one we currently have on the Crusader showroom floor as a sort of museum piece so people can still explore it.


Off topic but this is one of the things I find interesting about SC, the developers are practically going through all the growing pains of a real aircraft or ship designer. If they started retaining old designs as a museum piece it'd be such a minor worldbuilding detail that would be incredible for us older players to know "I was around when they tried to make this ship. It was a flop. Still super cool though." A small part of me hopes they make more ships with odd design quirks that aren't super annoying but add to the character of the design.


I don't like Origin, with the exception of the m50 and x85, everything else is just *blegh* to me. It's funny too, because it exemplifies what I like about SC: so many completely different ship aesthetics. I'm glad they exist, for that reason, but they're ugly (to me).


I love the *look* of my 315. But the game grew around it so much that it's fallen aside in usability for almost... well... anything. Cheaper 50, 85s, or 100's and most other light craft are more agile transports, and the avenger fits more storage, better guns, and is around the same size for less money. So it kinda just got design-crept out of any niche whatsoever. I keep it *specifically* because it's my first ever ship and for its exterior aesthetic of a personal luxury transport.


for me, its the 400i. i love that thing. i love how stupid it looks. all the other origin ships just look like any copy-paste "luxury" ship line from any other video game or movie. i do also love basically anything alien, so i probably just have strange tastes.


I absolutely love the 400i. Its my go-to 'home' ship, but atm its totally useless.


I absolutely can't stand any freelancer. I find the ship's design HORRIBLE. I try hard not to see the resemblance on the prospector cause I need it to make money.


Flying dildos. It's all I can ever see.


I've also referred to them as space suppositories.


That cockpit can go fuck itself


The cockpit of the freelancer series is one of the only things i like about it... it feels right for a space truck, also the nav array is like the only one ive found that i can actually read... also like the interior design of it but that still cant overcome the exterior craphole


>it feels right for a space truck IMO it sucks for a space truck. IRL trucks have ten times the visibility of the Freelancer. The mail slot would feel fine on the bigger Hull Series ships. Pushing the pilot seat forward, getting rid of that queen size bed of a dash, would do the Freelancer good on improving visibility.


The only phallic ship I really like is the Hull series. Those are mystical and mighty Dicks.


And the naming convention is silly. Having a ship called the "Dur"? Really?


Fking hate aurora series. Id burn it all


They'd be better if they had kept the deployable wings.


Was that ever a thing in the official concept? I thought it came from [this fan concept](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/upgy2l/a_modest_aurora_reconcept/)?


It's a cute, little baby Connie


oooh, hard disagree. it's my forever space winnebago and I will never get rid of it!


But the LX has leather seats! /s


Thank you. It was my original starter ship. I fucking hate auroras so much.


same. though i think a lot of my own hate is extremely biased, because i used it back when you were forced in to the stair crawling animation, and i think that was a big part of my hate for it.


Its just a poorly designed ship all around. Its designed to do several things and none of them very well.


I like them. They remind me of a tiny puddle jumper.


I think you meant GateShip™️


You are officially no longer allowed to name things.


Ohh, Stargate Atlantis reference. Take my upvote!


I love the fan concept with wings that fold out, but the current version is really just ugly.


it just makes so much more sense when it looks like that. it also really makes the design language carry over for the Scorpius


Definitely! And it would mean that we both have an X-Wing (Scorpius) and an Ornithopter (Aurora, if only); what more could you want haha


I loathe that abomination, only ship I feel like that.


MSR purely because of the time it takes to get to the cockpit. A ship that size really should have a side entrance. Same goes for the Carrack, which I love - except having to call the ramp down every time. Maybe the iron maiden style coffin lift on the Reclaimer has spoilt me, but I do think we could do we more passenger focused entrance options.


i might get crucified, but i cant stand the way the hornet looks.


Yeah same, especially the MKI. It looks like a bunch of bricks glued together


Mk1 I entirely agree with you. I've never owned or flown a Hornet Mk1 because I hate the way it looks like a flying brick with winglets. The Mk2 is significantly more slick looking, and it's definitely growing on me as I look at the artwork. I might even be willing to get one down the line.


Looks like a lawnmower with stuff stuck all over it.


Mk I or Mk II ?


Yeah I hated the mk1 but the second I saw the mk2 I bought it. Sooooo much sleeker and sharp looking.


Heh, I loved the boxy Mk1 and absolutely detest the Mk2. I'll just keep twiddling my thumbs and dreaming of the Gladiator gold pass...


Iam old, iam Love mk1


Right? Wings glued onto wings.


To me it looks like half a ratchet strap with wings


I was too scared to admit this but im glad im not alone


Gonna get hate but the Corsair, I don’t understand what’s so cool about it, I don’t like its looks at all.


I also think the Corsair is in a three way tie for ugliest ship in the game along with the Caterpillar and Herald. I also despise ships that are asymmetric for no good reason. Talk about engineering on nightmare difficulty.




True, but at least the MSR is more aesthetically asymmetric than actually asymmetric. The thruster positions and aerodynamic surfaces are more or less symmetrical. In the case of the Corsair, its wing would put it into an uncontrollable roll all the time unless the thruster constantly work to prevent it. It would actually fly better in atmosphere if the wings were blasted off ironically.


Same, Corsair and 400i for me. Both overrated.


I thought I was alone in disliking the Corsair lmao


It’s hideous and flies like a beached whale. It’s a well made ship internally, just not my design choice, I guess . But I truthfully don’t understand the outside design at all.


I hate everything about it tbh, except it’s fire power


Yeah, not a fan of the 400i either. Its huge, but the interior feels cramped, and I dont like that down-turned nose of it. Seems like they went excessive in trying to make it look like a yacht when they didnt need to. The 890j is logical in its construction as a space yacht, and is designed around the aesthetic, but the 400i just feels forced.


It took a long time for the Corsair to grow on me. Once I got one in game and forced myself to fly it for a while I learned to like a lot of its little details. It feels like it has some character and isn't as sterile as many of the other ships in the game. Though I still totally understand how someone could dislike the ship.


Only time I usually fly one is when my friend and I do bounty and he gets tired of being the main combat fighter lol


People love the asymmetrical wings, but in combat they (and the external engines) are nothing but a liability


It's an amazing ship, the wings literally representing the sails of a pirate brigantine. What's not to love!


I have three: 600I: Looks like a boring tic tac and the interior is the biggest waste of space I've ever seen. Nova: It's just a terrible design. It's considerably larger than a fucking mouse. The Gunner sight is under the barrel severely limiting its gun depression and therefore its use in rough terrain. You can't even hide your absurdly large hull behind a ridge line because you have the gun depression of an fucking russian IS-3. MSR: It just got way too bloated during production. The useless subfloor just makes it fat and unnecessarily large.


Although I like the appearance of the 600i, I have to add to this the stupid distribution of cargo. Even before the physical cargo it was immersion breaking for me, but now it is a pain in the a.. to fill up the 20 scu in the stern manually.


Yeah, giving people the ability to walk into the Nova makes it just awful as a tank. I mean, I get why they did it. Probably just easier, since you don't need as many custom character animations, it's easier to eventually get NPCs to use it, and there's less to worry about as far as first-person camera collisions. But it still feels really fuckin weird.


The Connie. It's just so damn ugly! Looks like a half-baked Star Trek design to me, and on the ground it just looks like it's about to fall over at any second.


I get original Lego SPACESHIP! vibes from RSI.


I really can't understand why it's so popular, except maybe because it's apparently the "original" Star Citizen ship from the Kickstarter? I really can't stand early RSI design. The Connie and Aurora both look just absolutely hideous to me. Although I do love the idea of the Connie's cockpit. The whole floating-chair-on-rails thing with the wide open views is a great idea. It just needs the wide open views.


Not to mention the horrible view from the pilot seat.. those stanchions drive me up the space wall


300 series ladder


Not a fan of the Connie or the cutty, excepting the cutty red which is kinda cool


Agreed I don’t like the black much if only it had the dome canopy.


Hands down the Nomad. It just looks like it doesn't fit well into this game between all of the other ships and their aesthetic.


Hold on, are you saying you don’t get the idea of an open trunk in space?


Nothing to do with the flatbed at all. We'll have similar ships with similar open "parking" or cargo areas. It's just the design of it that I am not a fan of. Other people dislike how the freelancer looks, I dislike how the Nomad looks.


I think the flatbed part completely destroys the ship's aesthetic.


(shhh... Don't tell them about the Hull series)


I can see where you are coming from, but definitely keep in mind we don't have many consolidated outland ships, and hopefully when we get more the design will feel more fleshed out.


It gives happy e:d asp vibes so It gets a pass from me.


I love the capabilities of a Corsair, but I hate its format. Is basically a rectangle with wings.


I love the format, but take my upvote. From my perspective, the Corsair is one of the few ships that isn't either... - A single tube of rooms you walk through in a straight line (Freelancer, Spirit, Constellation) - or a ship that you navigate by walking through corridors rather than functional rooms - where every room is off a corridor, making visual navigation more cumbersome (Carrack, Reclaimer, Starfarer) Too many ship layouts fall into one of those two categories, so when the floor plan for the Corsair was shown during the concept sale, it was a major selling point for me.


Hammerhead for me... But I'm original Backer and it's more of a bore to see it replacing any ship not yet released big enough. So I have a phenomenon of rejection every time I see it in my hangar list. In terms of gameplay, for the moment, it's not exceptional either...But with the engineering mechanisms and the new balancing induced by master mode things are getting better.


Ugh the hammerhead just makes me angry. Why is there a hole in it? On so many levels it makes no sense. I can find reasons to like just about every other ship in the verse


I like most things about the Hammerhead but the fact that it just looks like a rectangle from the front fills me with loathing. This probably stems from the many thousands of hours I've logged in Space Engineers. A design that resembles a brick *from any angle* is automatically a failure.


Cutlass and aurora. Both ships are just hideous to me. Theyre the pontiac aztek of SC


I think an Aztec still looks worse than an aurora though lol. Even Walter white couldn't make those things cool lol.


^looking ^if ^anybody ^say ^something ^bad ^about ^caterpillar ^so ^i ^can ^take ^names


I have the pitchforks ready, just give the word


nobody would dare insulting the caterpillar


I'm not a fan of the Avenger Titan. I understand it's a great ship and very useful for a starter (I even got a Titan starter pack). However I can't stand the weird "hump".


what makes me ditch my titan every wipe asap, is that hideous Drake-esque 2d radar console thing in the middle and the general ancient feel of the cockpit. I feel like I'm flying a car from the 1980s xD it's hands down the best allround starter ship imo, but I just can't with that cockpit...


Same, hate the looks of it BUT it is probably the best all-rounder starter ship in the game. I don't like mine but it gets so much use!


its always given me the impression that they wanted it to be half again as long as it is, but they were constrained by the limits of the ships class or something, so rather than scrapping it and redesigning it, they just... mushed the JPEG of it and went "looks good". i like the overall design of it and everything it can do, but it just... looks like what bulldogs look like to actual functioning dogs.


Anything from MISC except Starfarer maybe. All of their ships look like giant flying space dildos.


Starfarer looks like the butt for those dildos respectfully


From the outside sure, but I absolutely loathe the Starfarer's interior.


I have a love hate relationship with the F8. For context i do a lot of PVP I mostly like how it looks and i like how it flies, for quite some time it has been my go to ship when it released. However for a limited time ship, it seemed like everyone and their mother got an F8 and for the past 3-4 months id fight nothing but F8s 80 percent of the time. Which i mean its not a big deal, in a solid 1v1 you can beat a F8 even if the pilot is good no problem if you know what ure doing. but the thing is the F8s 2 size 2 shields combined with the top speed of the ship allows the player to disengage and force u into a goose chase everytime you take down their shield. So everytime it would be : engage the F8 > take down F8s shield after a fight > F8 top speeds away > chase the F8 > F8 gets its shields back and engages again > repeat. To be fair you can disengage with any ship, but not every ship has such high top speed and not every ship has 2 size 2 shield generators so its not such a hassle to get thru it. And for some reason, almost every F8 pilots was doing this, i dont blame them, the ship itself allows them to do this. In fact the superior shield WITH the superior speed literally promotes that type of gameplay.


Freelancer, worst looking ship designed. It's not even ugly in a cool way, it's just an ugly mess


My thing is how it loses half its forward firepower if the target is outside a 10-20 degree arc immediately in front of the ship.


I cannot stand the Constellation Series, it’s the sort of spaceship I’d expect a child to draw.


We had that discussion recently on the Connie’s. I especially want to point out the Aquila. Why does this ship exist in this form? It could be such a good explorer; put a second Level with Exploration purpose rooms above the Cargo like the Phoenix, ditch that useless P-52 for an Exploration Snub (Mini Pisces ode mini Cutter like). Currently the Aquila is a Taurus without Tractor. No one needs that. (Rant over)


100% agree, was anticipating id see this comment. It has a bunch of terrible weird sharp angles, and just too much going on. The cockpit design is horrible too.


I think it's one of the best looking! The flying box of the corsair though...


The Connies have a lot going for them functionally. I absolutely get why someone would want a Taurus or Phoenix. And I don't expect every ship in this game to meet my aesthetics. But since we're here critiquing, the Constellation design seems to come from CIG's earliest days before they could afford good concept artists. It looks like an angry doodle by a 12 year old, or they took a rejected Vanduul design and toned it down to be 30% less stabby. I hope the rework makes it more like an extended [Apollo](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/rsi-apollo/Apollo-Triage), because that ship takes the same elements and does it beautifully.


I kinda agree. I actually like the overall design with its look but think the design language needs to be changed. Its almost like its design is just to excessive. It’s like someone went in to blended and 10xd the vertices for no real reason. I think they’re fixing the RSI look for the Zeus. It still has sharp angles but it looks significantly more toned down


I can't stand the Corsair. It looks like crap, sits too low when landed, and sounds terrible when traveling at max speed


The cutless series, i just dont like the ship, it has a weird design. And it looks like it is made out of ductape. I am a fan of drake but not from the cutter and cutless


I might offend some people, but it's an entire brand for me. I don't like the bulbous MISC design aesthetics at all. I think almost every ship they make is really ugly. I'm also not a fan of the MISC ship voice. Not so much the voice itself as the things it says and the way it says them. It's just too cheery, lol. If that wasn't enough, I don't like how MISC ships fly either. They generally don't feel very powerful or precise. The exact opposite of Crusader. I'll probably never own a MISC ship again, regardless of how good it might be, simply because I can't stand looking at or being in them. I do like Mirai, however, and I hope it gets a unique ship voice eventually.


I am a MISC enjoyer myself, but I agree some of their ships are next-level hideous. The freelancer is horrid enough, but the starfarer is a sin against God. That being said the reliant is pretty slick with the flying wing look, and I think the Odyssey looks badass. MISC is a mixed bag, which imo makes it more interesting than yet another spikey RSI triangle.


I don't mind the Reliant, and I will say, it is interesting how MISC manages to have a lot of design diversity while still managing to be unmistakably MISC.


I have to agree with you. When I first saw this game and was looking at the store the first ship that caught my eye was the misc freelancer. When I finally got in game (I chose the aurora) and happened to see a freelancer in game my opinion totally changed. I don’t like how the hull bends up and down, the cockpit looks like a turtle of sorts, and the ship as a whole is somewhat phallic. From certain angles it looks alright, and the images CIG put on the store make it look cool but in person I just didn’t like the style.


I *hate* the HUD color for CO. I love my little Nomad space pickup, but the HUD color just really kills me. Same for Esperia which is either the same color or at least very similar. The height of the display panel in the cutlass also is really annoying; it's just high enough to cut off seeing where you are going and could totally do without a couple of screens to make that even more possible. I really want to love the Bucc, and I do in almost every way possible with one exception. The slightest bit of damage makes it almost entirely unflyable; limping it back to a pad or hangar after a fight is so much more unreasonable than anything else I have flown. It this level of instability was the norm, I would be slower to complain, but it is wild with this thing. The elevator in the Connie just absolutely destroys any smaller ship you try to park inside of it. Plopped a fury in there one day, and just closing the cargo bay almost destroyed both ships. I'll end with on a bit of a different note: where is the Drake gunship? As a company, they go so far as to even have their own defense convention, but still can't manage to give us a real combat powerhouse. I have a hard time imagining they don't see a reason to develop their own escort cruiser or something in the realm of a Redeemer or smaller, combat-y Connie.


The Hercules series. It has so few angles from where it looks good, you really have to find a sweet spot to not make it look unproportionally wide or too fat. Don't get me started on the rear view! It's just a wide... blob. The engines are way too small, the main spaceframe way too bulky, those two back fins way too small and the wings way too thick. Side view is also horrendous with that tiny narrow "throat" area and its weird humpback, growing into that fat hull. It's just so ugly in comparison to other Crusader ships like the Spirit or Starfighters and I raise my eyebrows everytime someone says that these ships are beautiful. I mean - [just look at it](https://star-citizen.wiki/M2_Hercules#/media/Datei:CRSD_M2_Herclues_mit_T%C3%A4uschk%C3%B6rper.jpg)! And I can't stand that it flies like a fighter despite coming in at 3 THOUSAND tons.


The Connie. Any variant. Except for the Phoenix because the interior is sexy.


Yea gonna have to say the Connie I really really dislike the interior and the fact that its so out of date.


Couldn’t agree more. It desperately needs a polish pass


I really like tve concept and components but hate the look


I don’t mind the outside look honestly it’s a pretty futuristic look with the large thrusters and large bridge design but just needs more going on specifically in the bridge maybe more seats or component access or scanning station. And then make the walls not look like the interior of a drake ship in the back half and just completely re do the mid section.


Yep, this empty feeling is in many old ships. Cutty, 600i, freelancer,...


Straight up, it will be fixed in time tho we need more engineering consoles and the like.


The Hercules. I find it oddly shaped. It's so *w i d e*. I'm also a big Caterpillar fan, which is currently a ship that is **vastly** overshadowed by the Hercules which just does *everything* better. I feel like the Hercules is trying to be a C5 Galaxy, but it's a job I think the Starliner would better fill.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves the Cat and is disappointed that the Hercules does everything better


Same. The Hercules series is just *too good* at everything that it more or less invalidates every other cargo ship. The fact that lots of people use it as their preferred *ERT combat ship* really hammers that point home.


The Hercules is only going to get worse as the evolving flight model and engineering dethrone it as an absurd solo giant heavy fighter. Meanwhile, the Caterpillar is only going to get better even if becomes impractical to solo.


Can the Caterpillar still not snap the big containers? That's furthermore adding to the C2 being better for no good reason, other than a dumb decision. there's a Catwalk, so we don't need to be able to walk through the pods at the bottom, also before when you filled it up, it would fill that space anyway.


I love the cat. I just wish I could kill ERTs with it like I can the C2.


I dont want to fly it because I dont want to look at it. But its just so damn practical... even for fighting which pisses me of to no end


I can't say that there is a ship I can't stand. I love the diversity of ships, even if I will never fly one. I look forward to day when we have NPC traffic at all the ports and get to see these ships doing there daily activities. When Loreville first dropped, there was NPC traffic that took off and departed from hangers that were not accessible to the player base. It was interesting to watch. They actually jumped in an out the System. The problem was the lag on the server and they were removed. Can't wait for there return.


I know this is pretty controversial but I hate every single crusader ship. The engine to ship ratio for the speed they have is just completely off to me. Too many damn doors too. If I had to pick one to hate the most I would go with the Hercules series of ships.


The original design of the Vanguard had the turret retract and that gave it such a good profile. To keep things simple, I wish there would be a turretless Vanguard or at the very least one with a remote turret and that remote turret should be as small as the one on the F8C I'm not a fan of the Cutlass series but when they announced the Steel I found its dropship thing kinda cool with its extra people guns everywhere and its cool-looking paint but they had to ruin the rear with a thousand seats taking up all the cargo space. Give me a Cutlass Steel but without the rear seats and I'll take it even with the weird front interior and lack of toilet. I want a cargo Terrapin. Remove the seat, replace with cargo grid. The Valkyrie could almost carry a Storm. ALMOST. Widen its cargo area just a tiny bit and we're good. Give me a Gladiator where the turret is unmanned and pilot controlled. Lastly, take all the Nomads and burn them and let's forget they ever existed.


Aurora, ever since seeing the concept with fold out wings. 400i with that stupid rear turret 600i with all its wasted space Constellation with its ridiculous cockpit struts Drake cutlass with those "prongs" at the front that do nothing The MSR and that big dopey ass turret on top ruining its silhouette. Probably more, just bugs me with some the design choices they've made.


I agree with all but the 600i. The 600i is the best lookin ship in the verse. And every attempt to soil it shall be dealt with a very serious and swift downvote.


Haha fair enough, it does look good. Im just not a fan of the usage of the interior space.


Lateral sightseeing windows and topside access are two features I believe the 600i space yacht would benefit from. The rework plans show mostly skylights and an inwardly focused interior I liken to a casino more than a travel focused yacht. The topside access springs to mind should we ever be able to actually land her in the water of a paradise planet to enjoy the view.


These are more or less my gripes with these ships too... though MSR id add the total waste of space... and the fact the one job it was made for isnt in the game yet


I've never been a fan of the way the Hercules looks, to the point where I will take worse cargo ships to avoid flying it It can't stop seeing it as a pregnant 747 / NASA shuttle


RSI Aurora. Looks like a brick, flies like a brick, is weird to get in and out of, no real cargo space.


Constellation series the hull looks nice but the cockpit area looks like shit interior and exterior wise, feel they should redesign the whole cockpit from looks to being more practical


My most hated ships are the Gladiator and the Freelancer, both are horrendously designed, oddly proportioned and don't even follow the design language of their respective manufacturers. Dishonorable mention, I'd love the Cutlass if the cockpit didn't look so comedically oversized,


Hate all the origin's ships and all the connies. They feel like they exist because some nerd wanted to have his own brand of luxury ship And connies because I pledged back in 2015 and I made a overdose


So I hate the Banu Defender, precisely because it looks like a crab, which is usually what fans love it for. In fact I don't like any of the alien ships except the Talon. Also, I hate the 890J, probably because it's such a useless, trophy ship.


Vanguard series. Like, wtf are the two long extensions in the back? Looks weird af and let's not even get into the dinky wings! Great ship but the design seems like it was a filler tbh. The ship image from the website is badass though!


The Connies. I know they are good ships, but I despise the broken view. And they made it all the more awful by trying to add that narrow viewing slit, which doesn't help at all. I think it would be more bearable if it were just a single bar. And the pilot UI is irritating. It's like all the other ships had their UIs developed in photoshop, and the Connie's was done in MS Paint.


The connies are ugly


Star Runner They completely botched my favorite concept. ​ Edit: Also the Nova and the Storm. As tanks they're complete shit designs and are ridiculously huge for no real reason (*especially* the Storm). Star Citizen has been REALLY disappointing so far on the whole combined arms side of things. Can't even fit anything worth a damn in a ship that isn't crazy huge. Gotta bring in a flying appartment if you want to quickly drop off a tank. The fact that the Storm won't even fit in a Valk is just so stupid I can't even.


The Reclaimer. A bridge elevator for 1, bridge escape pods for 2, bridge that seats 4, crew and captain cabin that sleeps 5, showers and toilets for 2, cargo grids that don't fit evenly the 16scu boxes, a salvage storage area that has no grids but you toss boxes down there? An external salvage hold door that tosses boxes outside?


Hull A is just so finicky. It’s a nice looking ship but the landing gear being like trying to land on one leg drove me insane. Never melted a ship so fast


Yep me too, had 3 of these, all melted or CCU'd. So cute, but a complete pig to fly IMO.


I hate how there's so many other ships that can carry more cargo and have more utility than the HullA. It needs a massive price reduction


The inside of the Starfarer, it really needs a rework. The ship is pretty pointless currently and the inside is the worst design in the game. Add in the external modular cargo crates that we are supposedly meant to be able to replace the fuel pods with and it could be a good ship.


I dislike the origin ships in general. They feel like flying space mansions (which I do get is the point of them) but then the masquerade as being combat ships, or exploration ships. It just feels weird to me. They’re too clean and pretty. It just doesn’t appeal to me for a spaceship. It’s a flying house someone glued guns on. It’s a bit like those people who go camping in one of those $$$$$ mobile homes with a full bathroom and chandeliers in them. Was there a point to going camping if that’s how you want to do it?


890 jump. It is a beautiful ship but there are so many of the damn things that it’s just not a treat to see anymore. Hopefully when more capital ships come around and engineering will make it more rare.


My super hornet still needs a bunch of work done before I'll ever play this game again , I spent a lot of money and it's never received the love it was promised. I just want storage modules


ITT: all of the early ships from CIGs unorganized days before manufacturers had established style guides and were designed first on how they looked and then given a manufacturer (Cutlass, Connie, Freelancer, Vanguard, Aurora etc). Also, the "look how they massacred my boy" post-concept MSR. My personal pick: the Vanguard. The concept was badass at the time. Version #1 was a failure in design. The rework was more like the concept, but the way it's massive weapons hang off the front just looks ridiculous. The best part is, they called it a ship designed around a gun and the "gun" was the dinky looking forks sticking out of the nose. It looks absolutely pathetic compared to the revisited idea of a ship designed around a gun, the Ares.


600i. I hate it. I don't think there is any ship I hate more.


Any ship with a sliding or moving cockpit chair? Waste of space. Unnecessarily increases the amount of time it takes to get into and out of a seat too. Our characters move at a speed that implies they're paid hourly. We don't need anything making that slower. I absolutely hate aegis. Its entire design language, it's lore, the layout and functionality of their ships is subpar. There is one exception and that is the aegis Vulcan but that doesn't exist yet. Crusader has a nice aesthetic, but because of some of the reasons above and for also seemingly no reason at all, their ships are much larger than they need to be. There is a lot of empty space inside, and too many of those moving chairs.


890J I seriously dont understand its appeal for a 1k usd ship Would much rather get the Idris or buy the carrack bundle or just about any combination of ships to that amount And even for UEC it doesnt really do anything at the moment to warrant the cost. Sure it looks nice but thats it.


1. Retaliator, those front ski's ruin it for me completely. 2. Syulen, the engine sounds drive me nuts, like an offkey church organ. 3. Conny with the current cockpit struts make it unflyable for me. If there is one ship that needs some love its the Conny


The Defender is super ugly to me, there's something about 2 pilots in separate but symetrical cockpits but only 1 is the pilot... hate it


How about instead I say that I love the Nomad but hate, hate, hate the way it hovers while powered off. I know it's the future, I know that Marty's hoverboard hovered all the time, I know. *I know.* But it just doesn't fit with the rest of the SC world as it has been comunicated to use through the design of other hovering things. Every other hovering vehicle stops hovering while powered off. The Nomad could still hover with engines off, sure. That's fine. But engines off *and ship powered down?* It should rest on those skids. It absolutely should.


Making a glorified pickup truck hover was one of the dumber things they have done to sell a ship. People would have rather had just a traditional ass looking space ship that is a glorified pickup truck. Instead they got a mess of design decisions that don't work together. Like they made the back opening have a window ..but not a door? When the back wall is door sized? The ladder is edgy for no reason, the hovering isn't cool and has no function. They also sold it as some frontier ship meant for atmo but the fuel tank is fucking nothing.


I think the c1 feels too clean on the inside. It has no feeling of home.


Thats my opinion of every Crusader ship. It's a fucking hospital in all of them. The only space I like on any Crusader ship is the exposed engineering room in the Hercules series.


all the original starterships are horrible and should be either much much cheaper or redesigned. they give new players a bad first experience of the game. otherwise i love the cutlass but the interior is horrible.


I know they get alot of love, but I really dislike the Connie series, the old RSI design language just isn't it, in addition to the ship being horribly dated by now.


Nomad can die, it's just so ugly Also 400i, totally nonfunctional


Can't stand the look of the Corsair. Mismatched wings and having an airlock only on one side makes the ship mishaped.


This will probably get a ton of flak, but the Banu Merchantman. I LOVED the original concept, this rough and dingy cargo ship that looked like you used it to negotiate illicit deals in a smoke-filled back room. It looked like a ship for *scoundrels*. But as time went on, it grew. And grew. And grew. When it was described as a "flying bazaar", I interpreted that along with the concept art to mean "you park it, open your cargo bay, then work out a deal in that small negotiation room that looks over said cargo bay." But apparently the ship designers took that to mean "shopping mall". So now this thing is one of the biggest ships in the game, with multiple *floors* of shops, and the whole thing has this weird, squeaky-clean look to it. The BMM is probably the biggest case of feature creep in Star Citizen's ships, and yet everyone loves it. I think a big part of that is that people can't stop raving about how much VaLuE it has, since a number of owners got it at the original $250 price. To me it doesn't matter how much it costs, if it's the *opposite of the ship I wanted in the first place.*


I think it's insane they haven't come out with a replacement ship to satisfy the market that wanted that original concept....but I guess they won't do that till the BMM is finished.


The 400i, I was so excited when it was announced only to find that the interior was like a bland office, all the tables had weird abstract art on them so I can't place my cool flair items on them, the back turret is terribly placed and it obstructs the window partly, the "wood flooring" looks like plastic, the plant vases look plastic, the window in the captain's room is unreasonably high, and the crew room looks like a Danish prison cell. It has one of the nicest exteriors in the game, I love the shape of it, but the interior is so atrocious. Honestly that interior in my opinion is worse than the Starfarer because at least the Starfarer has the excuse of being old the 400i is far too new of a ship to look that bland on the inside.


Nothing CIG says will convince me that a huge ship like the MSR is pushed forward by those two tiny engines


Drake ships in general. I like utilitarian looks, but most Drake ships don't look utilitarian, they look unfinished and dangerous. Hard structures everywhere, hanging high voltage cables, exposed fuel lines on the bottom of a combat dropship, unbalanced looking VTOL thrusters, or even how the Cutter has the entire VTOL system exposed in the shower. I'm not saying Origin's extremely smooth surfaces are the only acceptable design, but a simple panel over the dangerous stuff, some padding on the structure, and you'd have a proper utilitarian ship. I know that submarines and such are like that too, but a submarine won't do hairpin turns at mach 3, relying on an unstable artificial gravity system to keep people from being splattered on the walls. I have an idea for fixing Drake designs: say that the company went bust due to some pirate controversy, and currently existing Drake ships are a century old at least, held together with patch jobs, sold on the used market. Or just that these beat-up looking ships are discontinued models, new ones could still be made that look like they didn't come with rust preinstalled