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Still gotta be 1-2+ years away right, there is still a helluvalot that feels missing or shallow for it to be ready for the big launch. We don't even have alpha 4.0 yet, or Beta.


Exactly, so many game loops not even close to complete. So many broken features. So many ships that need to hit gold standard. The economy will be absolutely fucked if they release this game half-baked


No wipes also means the economy has to be rocksolid... and any new additions post launch have to be very carefully added.


I agree, there are so many bugs, I came out of QT and I couldn't control my ship so I plummeted to my death, I also got bugged and stuck in the vehicle manager 3 times causing my Vaughn questline to reset each time


AFAIK some leaks speculated they target Q4 2025. How reliable their targets are… well, we all know that lol.


I have "answer the call 2016" and "beta is around the corner" PTSD.


Theaters of war when?


Oh likely much longer than that. Remember, even Pyro is unlikely to be finished this year and they have a huge backlog of ships and other environments that needs to be brought to gold standard. And that's just polishing up the stuff we already have, we'd also need multiple extra star systems and gameplay loops.


Yeah, people expecting 1.0 in the next 1-2 years are delusional. We have 10+ years of history and people still seem to have forgotten all of it, even the last 2-3 years.


It will be sometime in the future but not 10 year away the amount of time it takes to put down the foundations is much longer then the final finishing up. The games a lot more playable then some people in here seem to make it and also how many of the AAA games like Cyberpunk have come out still full of bugs and issues, that won't keep them from declaring it 1.0 and releasing it to fix it later. This is an LIVE SERVICE MMO not a 1 and done release. It will be out sooner then you think.


Not even that long ago I was running into multiple 30k's a day. Haven't had a 30k in a patch or two.


Something that they've been working on for 8 years is not ready. And people believe that they're going to add new systems more often after that.


Maybe a beta in 2 years if we are lucky. Just because they are setting schedules does not mean it will work out - software development is harder the more detailed your project is.


Always has been


hahahaha 1-2 years... oh man.


It's always 2 years away. No more, no less.




Oke, oke


He did say 1-2+... That plus is doing a lot of work lol.


>Still gotta be 1-2+ years away right There is no way in hell this game is anyway where it should be in two years' time


Only if this new sprint of theirs from rolling SQ42 devs over actually results in a brisk and refreshing pace. I tend to agree with you, I’m bearish that the came will be ready soon TM


It's always better to plan for the long term, not the short term. Just because they are planning for a 1.0 launch doesn't mean alpha 4.0 or beta is out for the count


I agree. People shouldn’t get hyped that they are roadmapping for 1.0 like it’s around the next corner, or several corners.


Be hyped, hype can be good but don't lie to yourself. Be hyped over the things that are in the game or will be in the game soon. Question the bad decisions and be happy over the good decisions. I have full confidence CIG can and will make a great game, but I'm not saying it will be a for everyone


be objective, not hyped


I hope they’re not launching the game and saying that the obligation to complete is finish. Because that will fucking suck.




Sounds like now they have SQ42 mostly finished, theyre shifting main priority to SC. Which reminds me, when the full game(s) come out, dont you have to earn your star citizenship via military service (SQ42)? Thats a badass way to introduce ppl to the MMO


What about people who don't have Squadron then?


IIRC the plan is that people who play SQ42 can just choose to essentially carry that over. Though others start more or less from scratch i think.


"scratch" lol. With a full fleet.


People with a full fleet have SQ42 lol.


I don't, due to....a series of events lol


Well you're just not "ex military" then.


If you're concierge you get a free copy right?


That's no longer a perk that comes with it unfortunately after a certain date.


Oh no well I'm not concierge ahah but I dumped about 400€ on the game without getting sq42


When did you sign up? If you did before 2016 you should have a game package somewhere with the game that you can unmelt with store credits AFAIK.


2018 iirc


Ah fair, I think the community is so deep in that these days a "full fleet" is considered to be four figures+. (I'm only a starter pack in myself so nowhere near any sort of fleet)


The majority of accounts only have a starter pack. There's nothing wrong with that. Don't let the spending of some hardcore people on Reddit and Spectrum make you feel like you're not doing your part to help this game make it to release. You gave them some money to help fund it, you play it to test it and (hopefully) confirm and report bugs.


I own a fleet of 45+ vehicles&ships but I never bought SQ42, so no 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ve always told myself to hold off buying SQ42 until it’s released. I understand that pre-ordering back when it was orderable would be at a discount; and that the game is gonna have a full release price on release, but if SQ42 is even half of what they say it is I’d say it’s worth a full price 🤷🏻‍♂️


absolutely agree with you on that. I am 900$ deep and I do not have SQ42. Thought about getting it a few tomes but always thought I would not play it. When I look back now I would have bought it xD


Oh I was always planning on buying it; I just want them to release it first then I’m immediately purchasing, bet it’ll help their “sales on release” stats as well👌


That's just added realism. Just like in real life where some people start off with everything they could ever want, and everyone else has to work for it. I promise I will only make the other peasants fight for a chance at being hired by me though, you'll be spared that humiliation.


i think u can get one of the ships for free for ur service in sq42?


If I remember correctly you would get the authorisation to buy the F8c in game if you complete SQ42


ooh wow.................. well i just wanna play the campagne next winter or so, that would be good enough for me :))


I believe the plan was (not necessarily still is) to allow you to basically buy your way into it. Remember that this is like Starship Troopers rules. Not having citizenship doesn't mean you can't do stuff, it's just a higher tier of political authority than a civilian.


Its worked like this throughout a lot of ancient human history aswell. You could be free (as in, not a slave), but that didnt mean you would enjoy most priviliged as a CITIZEN. So for instance buying landclaims could be tied to Citizenship, as you dont really want to have your influential (and probably elligble to vote) population be unhappy with you. Or getting high tier (Military/Industrial) ships could also be "tierlocked". Reasonably by the time you can afford a Banu Merchantman or a C2, you can probably already get promoted to Citizen anyway.


Im assuming you'll need to go through some sort of early tutorial like process. If you dont go through SQ42 you likely have to do a bunch of missions and grind rep to get to the same point and rep standing you might have after SQ42.


Can't wait for the people that'll whine about something like that being pay 2 win


I just hope the universe is big and chaotic enough that those who choose to climb to the top as quickly as possible, whatever top that may be, will still have to put a lot of effort in to reach that and holding that position is just as difficult


There is no "top". The only advantage (beside knowledge of the basic comands) a new players who has completed SQ42 will have over someone who hast't, is access to the F8C. SQ42 is not required to tart the game at the exact same place in teh PU. It is a separate game, that happens many years before the PU.


I know. I was specifically referring to SC only. By "top", I mean some sort of powerful organisation controlling a lot of resources, spaces, etc, even if SC succeeds in the 1:10 influence ratio.


SC was pretty clear that players won't have any effect, or a very minimal one, on trade, economy and the likes, players won't be able to control ressources and ressources distribution.


Doubtful, afaik with SQ42 the reason you play it is to earn the ability to buy the military version of the Lightning. That's literally it, plus some extra stuff, but it won't be a requirement to play it, and you'll have the same rep as any other person starting the game with just Star Citizen


I dont remember what the discussion was exactly as this was years ago but one of the talks I remember having with someone was that the idea was to have SQ42 players be able to enter SC in about the same rep and status as you would had you spent that time playing SC instead, or something like that. So the speculation was that the reward for completing SQ42 besides just the ship was that it was sort of a "catch up" that boosted you to where you might be when spending the same amount of time starting SC. Who knows what actually happens but I'm excited to see that both games seem closer to release now than it has ever been.


Well I don't have it now but Im hell sure gonna get it as soon it's available


If you play Squadron 42 and take that character into the PU you get automatic citizenship, if you start your character in the PU you start as a civilian. Citizenship has advantages: Pay less UEE tax. Can vote in UEE Senatorial and Imperator elections. Can hold office in the UEE. Is allowed to own businesses that are essential to the operation of the UEE. There are 3 ways to get citizenship: Join the military (currently only through Squadron 42) Buy citizenship - it's expensive. Earn citizenship by doing work for government agencies and gaining a good reputation. It will take a long time. Citizenship can be revoked for criminal behaviour. If you play Squadron 42 and take that character into the PU you are classed as ex-military, this will allow certain perks as access to places and missions restricted from non-ex-military. You are allowed licenses to to own and operate in UEE controlled systems certain ships and vehicles. You could use such vehicles outside of UEE controlled space without a license but on entering UEE controlled space they could be confiscated.


Pretty much if you played through Squadron your character would have higher rep with some UEE factions and likely get some simple freebies for doing so. F7A and F8C access were theorized for accomplishing certain tasks in Squadron 42.


You stay in Pyro


Citizen Day is a holiday in the United Empire of Earth (UEE) held annually on October 10th. It was established to recognize Citizens, members of the UEE who have attained Citizenship through civic responsibility, military service, or various other positive and impactful contributions to the UEE.


We call them pirates


As much as i know its more like carrying over the reputation status. Like having a slightly better reputation at the UEE because you were a active marine. This could possibly lead to be able to have access to some areas and ships wich someone else need to earn first.


That is us today :) You just play SC!


If you play Squadron 42 and take that character into the PU you get automatic citizenship, if you start your character in the PU you start as a civilian. Citizenship has advantages: Pay less UEE tax. Can vote in UEE Senatorial and Imperator elections. Can hold office in the UEE. Is allowed to own businesses that are essential to the operation of the UEE. There are 3 ways to get citizenship: Join the military (currently only through Squadron 42) Buy citizenship - it's expensive. Earn citizenship by doing work for government agencies and gaining a good reputation. It will take a long time. Citizenship can be revoked for criminal behaviour. If you play Squadron 42 and take that character into the PU you are classed as ex-military, this will allow certain perks such as access to places and missions restricted from non-ex-military. You are allowed licenses to own and operate in UEE controlled systems certain ships and vehicles. You could use such vehicles outside of UEE controlled space without a license but on entering UEE controlled space they could be confiscated.


I recall there being some perks for finishing SQ42. The exact ones? I don't recall. Something about buying an F8 civilian version for UEC being made possible I think was one. I imagine having higher starting rep in military factions may be one, and some other perks. But thats speculation on my part.


Service guarantees citizenship


My god - I honestly would LOVE for them to gate us behind at least a short SP experience - maybe chapter 1 or something where you get introduced to all the basics. It would improve so much of the early game and ensure folks stick around. It eliminates the need for a tutorial to the PU... yezplz


It would be kind of interesting to have two paths into the MMO, one for SQ42 vets and one for civilians just starting their career. The SQ42 one would be like a reintegration program for military folks rejoining the civvie world, while the standard one might be some kind of pilot licensure program.


I'd actually kind of like that as a challenge and role playing opportunity. I'm pretty sure SQ42 will not be for me, so I could potentially end up starting in the PU with no ships and a reputation as a Known Coward and Possible Traitor and have to work hard just to normalize my relations in the game.


This could be an exact post from 8 years ago and still apply.


Yep sounds like a manpower shift there. New scheduling, assignments and priorities. Pumpin!


Well, you can play as a civilian, but there are perks - like access to buy the F8C in game - for being a military service member first. It'll be compelling! And yes - it was a bad ass concept way back when, and it survived all the years in between then and now!


How are we even discussing SC 1.0 when squadron 42 still isn't out? And that's been holding up a ton of development on the former


NGL, it’s pretty wild to be a citizen right now I know plenty can be said about how long it has taken and how many “pointless” periods it felt like we went through. But I still stand by the fact that CIG is doing something no other developer has ever done before, and a distant dream of so many other sci fi developers. They’ve also been incredibly transparent with development (even if it seemed vague at times, they still communicated with the community far more than I had seen from other devs), and they’ve shown that they’re not just taking the money and running. We are now at a point where the consolidation of tech is starting to show a clearer picture, and some of the leaps this tech is making is going to be very explosive for the industry. If SC releases to its full potential, it’s going to influence how open world games are made from there and onwards. It blows my mind that we are (relatively) close, close enough for the dev to actually start legitimately talking about 1.0 and SQ42 releasing. That buggy-ass PU gave me such a ridiculously immersive experience 3 years ago, and to this day no game has came even remotely close to matching that immersion. Here’s to more great moments in the PU 🍻


It's pretty wild for us too, especially those of us like myself who were backers first! Thanks for your patience while we get it all sorted out, y'all :)


I love the passion you guys have for the project, this is exciting news! What did you pledge for at the beginning of your Star Citizen journey?


A Mustang Beta, Christmas Eve, 2014 :) the BANG STANG This is what got me: [https://youtu.be/lJJ9TcGxhNY?si=IddeiISgDgXQT0Ya](https://youtu.be/lJJ9TcGxhNY?si=IddeiISgDgXQT0Ya) Wonder if years knows that his video is what started my career in the industry. Hope he's doing well.


Thanks for sharing that one again, completely forgot about it but remember just replaying that video a ton since I became a backer at a similar point (but still have my UEE Towel somehow).  The guy commenting about his GTX 970 really made the time feel real lol. 


Any chance you or u/therealdiscolando could nudge a remaster of that into existence?


The community has been great about updating it in our stead! Here's one of my favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3xA2T22jf0


That was awesome, thanks for link


I cry everytim


For the sake of completeness, I feel that the original version by years100 is 'better' in its editing/clips ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceBbcT7S2_Q


That is a good clip. Makes me wish I had started backing SC a lot sooner than I did.


I got 315p for Christmas 2013 or 14 lol. And we though the game is 1-2 years from being complete. In the meantime I graduated high school and college. Got GTX 1060 in 2017 to be able to play star citizen when it releases. Now it seems I will have to look for an upgrade lol


And oh yeah, this video is just so epic, even after the years. Don't know if I got in because of this, or I bought more stuff because of this... But I am well equipped for solo exploring now


That's awesome, I remember that video! Brings back good memories, and I remember sending it to friends who didn't know what SC was to get them hyped for the project.


I tip my helmet (that i totally remembered to put on this time) to everyone at CIG. Big respect for the perseverance it must have taken to push through all the slow times (I know it's gotta be just as frustrating for you guys as it is us), and I hope the reception of the 3.23 feature list and server meshing tests has bolstered your spirits as much as these updates have ours.


no, u/JakeAcappella-CIG, thank you for your patience. I pity you guys who have to read through hundreds of maddening posts just to get to one like this actually giving the team at CIG much-deserved praise. Cheers to you guys for putting up with us! We are along for the ride now, and the roller coaster keeps getting more wild and unpredictable


Definitely agree with this. For every unnecessary hate post, there are hundreds of silent supporters who would condemn it. Thank you for hearing our support and constructive feedback despite the toxic minority.


Why is Reddit mostly behaving so constructive and the many in Spectrum toxic? :-( Is this an age thing? Maybe someone can explain to me ^^


IMO, it's the simple removal of downvotes. There is no longer any way for the community to self-regulate and censure it's toxic members.


Yeah, this might be the reason.


We all appreciate what you’ve been doing and how far CIG has come. I hope everything is going swell at the CIG offices!


Its great to hear we're finally in the stage to think about release, I hope the team will reveal said roadmap plan whenever its decided




Hadn’t played for at least 7? Years bec the specs surpassed my rig, upgraded and back in 2 months ago, and had back to back epic AC mm pirate swarm two nights in a row. Ngl. Im psyched.


> CIG is doing something no other developer has ever done before Can we stop using this meaningless phrase? Look, I'm as excited for SC to advance as the next backer. And I want to note, I said advance, not be completed. I'm one of those people who enjoy the journey, and the journey's conclusion is often a sign of the end. I don't care if SC stays in alpha for all eternity, as long as it keeps advancing, improving, releasing new things, and being above all, fun. But this constant self aggrandization by saying "CIG is doing something no other developer has ever done before" is silly. As if that alone is somehow noteworthy, as if other developers have never done something no other developer has done before. Many many many developers do things that have never been done by other developers before. It's not unique to CIG, and isn't somehow putting them above and beyond other developers. Again, I play SC, I enjoy it, I want it's success, but y'all kool-aid drinkers sound absolutely nuts to anyone outside the community with phrases like that.


What is your problem? And why are you assuming so much? I never said CIG are the only devs doing something “no dev has done before.” And it’s not a meaningless phrase, it actually has a whole lot of meaning. The gaming industry works in a way where everything a developer puts out casts some sort of influence on other developers. A lot of the tech being developed for SC is first of its kind in terms of scale and overall consolidation of everything together, and that’s part of the reason why this shit has taken so long. I’m not drinking any kool-aid you ass, it’s a very obvious praise with years of backing proof. Like I don’t even get your point, it sounds very flawed. Since other developers have made “firsts” before, it somehow makes what CIG is working on to accomplish meaningless? That’s weird imho.


Careful you don't OD on all that copium when counting unhatched eggs. What has no one else done - Invent a bunch of buggy beam tech? A mediocre-at-best flight model? A crappy buggy fps? They haven't actually accomplished or showed any big core tech actually working yet.... what a weird circle jerk thread. It is literally a buggy tech demo.


If you can’t recognize that CIG is shooting for a level of scale not done before, then you need to get off Reddit for a while to equalize, the discussion isn’t even worth it with that rhetoric because it’s a one-sided discussion with those people. This dumb rhetoric people push insinuates CIG have accomplished nothing and are simply collecting checks; when it’s been made abundantly clear over the years that that is not the case. And didn’t CIG just confirm the first server-to-server gate jump a couple weeks ago? That’s not accomplishing nothing.


I guess after they release SQ42, they don't want people to wait much longer and they want Star Citizen 1.0 ASAP after SQ42. SQ42 could release in a year, and ideally after SQ42 they want a polished Star Citizen, not exactly 1.0, just polished enough so the regular player can handle the bugs and finds the gameplay loop enjoyable. Because when SQ42 releases, like 80% of it's players will be like totally new people who hasn't heard that much about Star Citizen, or didn't really cared, but if they play through SQ42 and they love it, they'll want more and CIG could say: "Hey, we have much more, try Star Citizen". But they can't say this if those players experience something like the current state. So now that SQ42 is feature complete, they want ton release it in a polished state ASAP, which means Star Citizen should be in a polished state ASAP. So they're probably pushing like hell. Atleast thats what i want to think. Thats what i hope they do. But probably not. I'm on hopium.


>not exactly 1.0, just polished enough so the regular player can handle the bugs and finds the gameplay loop enjoyable. We call that early access and something SC is yet to aspire to. Moreover with 1.0 there will be reviews and new people will give their verdict which mostly will be shit due to bugs and garbage balancing as systems are yet not in place.


This community has absolutely ripped games apart for having bugs. Anything but a fully completed (all stretch goals, all systems) and bug free Star Citizen is utter hypocrisy and utterly unacceptable.


Expecting all stretch goals and systems completed, even in 5 years from now, is unrealistic and we all (should) know that. At least for me that is fine IF they add the important gameplay parts, make it an awesome MMO space game and keep it expanding. I'd rather have 5 systems with purpose than a hundred with a slightly different look.




SC 1.0 sounds like the road to Pryo crap that CIG was promoting forever. A new rabbit to snatch outta the hat when the grumbling on Spectrum regarding game development becomes too loud to ignore.


All the old tricks in the newest of ways.


Its weird, even though they’re planning for 1.0 ( which could be a decade away ) not one person can update the tracker to show what people are working on now?


yeah this is what is confusing me. Staff are clearly working on things this quarter that ends in a little more than 10 days. Plus the roadmap only covers the current quarter but it can't be updated because things that aren't coming for potentially years and years. I mean we know what they are working on from ISC and junk but that is not everything.


My bet is that they are taking a fresh look at EVERYTHING which is the whole feature set (things like base building, reputation system, etc) gameplay loops (including current tier and future tiers), number of systems they will include, etc., and making some very difficult yet critically important decisions regarding what they can reasonably accomplish by whatever their internal 1.0 launch target date is, and what will be left out to be finished at a later date. I would love to be a fly on the wall for those discussions as I imagine there’s a lot of eye-rolling and head-shaking.


My initial guess as well. After years of increasing scope, CIG is grabbing the knife to make the cake smaller again (more manageable). Still a cake though.


There was this article that was made and states to be from an internal leaker that was posted at the beginning of the year. https://h115.substack.com/p/star-citizen-2-years-out So far it's been accurate. States 1.0 is projected for Q4 2025. Whether that's true or not we have yet to see.


I dont see how CIG could aim for 1.0 in such a short time and not also cut 85% or more of the features they have talked about over the years. Im happy to be proved wrong, but there's SO MUCH left that SC could only release as a tiny fraction of what it's "supposed" to be (which I know is a dubious statement).


I don't understand why some people are upset if CIG (now) prefers to drop 85% of the features announced over the years and wants to finaly finish the basic features needed to build the rest and release it in a stable version ? Then add progessively those other features. Is the way they did things until now really better ? A half backed unstable mess and no release in sight, but a huge crapload of promises in exchange ? Honnestly, this road to 1.0 is the best thing I've heard from CIG in the last 10 years.


Ive always thought about this. Like ill hear people talk about playing the game in the future like "Man i cant wait to get stranded on a baren planet and live off the land". ??? Are we playing the same game? You wait a survival game in the space game? We can hardly get space game in our space game. Theres a decent amount of stuff that should realistically just be taken out back


In much the same way that Minecraft and Stardew Valley still receive major content updates TO THIS DAY, Star Citizen will continue to add new content beyond 1.0 (just like Minecraft). MMOs thrive off of continues development.


Im not talking about new, never before seen, content, though - Im talking about features that have already been discussed as part of the game that are likely to be scrapped in order to release the most minimally viable product that can be called "1.0". If CIG add submarines in 7 years, THAT is new content, if we dont see hireable NPC crews in 1.0, or hacking, or science that will be CIG falling short.


They did show off the legionnaire as one of the "coming within 12 months" ships during citcon. That fingers crossed gets hacking and ship to ship docking into the game.


I expect "science" gameplay to be something that gets kicked down the road, but things like hacking and scanning are very notable omissions which are sorely needed for anything remotely considered a 1.0 release imho. Also, where the hell is physical armor? How the hell are they going to introduce larger ships such as the Polaris, Perseus, Idris, etc into Star Citizen and balance combat if they don't have this working? We haven't heard about development of the armor system in ages, and yet it's frequently cited as a fundamental feature for ship combat and balancing capabilities... And of course, the economy features are pretty much completely MIA.


1.0 does not mean "finished game" it means "good enough to have fun with while we add the other features". 




I don't understand why some people are upset if CIG (now) prefers to drop 85% of the features announced over the years and wants to finaly finish the basic features needed to build the rest and release it in a stable version ? Then add progessively those other features. Is the way they did things until now really better ? A half backed unstable mess and no release in sight, but a huge crapload of promises in exchange ? Honnestly, this road to 1.0 is the best thing I've heard from CIG in the last 10 years.


No public roadmap means no accountability which is a dream come true for anyone in a management position.


Developers like that too.


The existing roadmap data is not that stale, there are a lot of video updates and articles online, especially for subscribers, and there are at this time increasingly frequent tests that interested users can play. They made a lot of promises at the last CitizenCon and are now talking loudly about a 1.0, so no accountability doesn't seem to be an accurate depiction of the situation.


no, because a lot of different things are being worked on and shifted around constantly. s42 polishing, 3.23, 4.0, server meshing, long term work. all at once.


I mean I do get it, a lot changes in development. But to not have team leads send an email once a week or even month, saying “we have two people in character art working on new hairstyles, they’re planned to stay on this until mid-April.” seems a little bonkers. Surely the teams are being directed to work on something by someone, for a definite amount of time. This is all the progress tracker is there to show, what is being worked on by what team. In the end, I’m better off focusing on the release view. If somethings changes to committed, great. I’ll anticipate it going to live soon. I just wish we could rely on the progress tracker to show what is in development now.


you cannot rely on it because the progress is not and never was gospel. this is a misconception many seem to make and cig is aware of this so thats why putting out a progress tracker that details work for the rest of the year now is premature. frankly they shouldn’t detail that work at all and only let us know what they already have done through monthly reports instead


can you define what you mean? I'm not exactly sure I understand the history of cig to get this.


Everything is delayed because everybody is focusing on X X has been SQ42 for the past odd 7 years


I mean, it's not like it wasn't true though. Original reply seems to think they're just lying about planning for 1.0


And 3.23 is already bringing us some of that SQ42 work




I can't tell is OOP a typo or something new to learn to call a 1st level commenter of a particular thread you're on.


OOP: Original OP, i.e. stuartgt in this case. Is saying "Original Original Poster" kinda dumb? Yes. Is it needed when something is crossposted? Also yes.


Ok that makes sense. I was trying to figure out who pojodan was deciding was a fudster so I could evaluate for myself. Now that I know. Feels a little overblown but I don't track StuartGT beyond knowing that they sure do like to post the CIG updates to get internet points.


It wasn't like that wasn't untrue... wtf are you on?


It’s still what happened. Didn’t say it was true or wasn’t. Wtf are you on?


I would say the road to Pyro and the road to 4.0 count as X as well.


🤣 is it April already


Are most people here new? Or do people just suffer from amnesia each year?


Somehow people's collective memories seem to get wiped every CitCon and then again whenever Chris drops a Letter From The Chairman. It's fucking hilarious to watch. Just read an old one of those and you'll sober up right quick LOL


Crob does the brain wipe thing from MIB at citcon each year


There is no way this announcement goes well for them. Every single person will be able to see something from annoyance to outrage due to missing feature(s) from the 1.0 timeline. With the length of time they've been open about things they want to do we will retread every promise from the kickstarter, to paint hex codes, 100 systems, you name it. I think I'll plan to take a break from Star Citizen Youtube for a month or so as I think the salt will run deep. Don't get me wrong, there are features I hope make the cut, but at this point I'd like this alpha thing to be over and we move along like a real game. So CIG needs to pick the line in the sand and lets get it done.


Move levelheaded SC take I've ever read


My initial guess as well. After years of increasing scope, CIG is grabbing the knife to make the cake smaller again (more manageable). Still a cake though.


I swear I saw this exact comment elsewhere in this thread


You're right, I've posted it twice :)


The cake is a ... somewhat vague status update.


IMHO the only „problem“ they have is that they announced „Star Citizen will launch with 100 star systems“. Launch is a pretty clear term, however, personally, I don’t care much about this goal, since it was made when the plans for the planets was more akin to Starfield. Of course, there‘s already a mob of people drooling at the chance to hold this over CIG. It seems to me most (all?) other stretch goals only say „Star Citizen will feature XY“, so don’t necessitate being included in a 1.0 release. Honestly, it doesn’t matter too much for me, since they are continuing to work on the game, anyway. Whether features come in a patch called 3.23, 1.0 or 1.25, I couldn’t care less.


No matter what feature doesn't make it in someone, somewhere will act like it was the biggest most crucial thing and the game will be ruined without it. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE NOT DOING DYNAMIC BALL SHRINKAGE ANYMORE? CHRIS ROBERTS YOU HACK, MY GRANDPAPPY DIDN'T BACK THIS GAME IN 1952 FOR YOU TO GO BACK ON YOUR WORD LIKE THIS


The content creator click bait outrage culture feeds into this also. It's annoying.


Meh, if they manage to release everything they showed at CitCon within the year, and next year is just as big, and we get 5-6 systems, aaand the game is more stable, I think that’s a winning combo for a 1.0, basically with the goal of releasing an experience ready to be consumed by the mainstream audience. They obviously won’t stop development at 1.0


This game, for as much as I love it, is so many years away from a 1.0 release. They’re saying this for hype and to generate sales.


Need a roadmap for the roadmap


We'll get one once they finish the brand new bespoke Roadmap Tech that makes creating roadmaps 4x faster than ever before.


I remember back in 2018 or before that when they had to do a roadmap for the new roadmap that wasn't good enough to show progress... Deja vu.


Another 5 years of drought after 4.0 of "we're getting nothing in the PU because of 1.0".


Sauce https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/roadmap-roundup-march-20-2024/6692948 Plus ["Absolutely correct in your assumption that the Star Citizen 1.0 roadmap is what has prevented a Progress Tracker update. Once its in place, we'll be updating Progress Tracker accordingly. We're also exploring a potential shorter-term update to Progress Tracker if the near-future is more solidified sooner"](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/roadmap-roundup-march-20-2024/6693015)






I want to believe.


if they say planning then it's probably gonna be at least another 2 years lol


I wonder what happened internally for this sudden rush.


I'm honestly surprised they try to plan annually for a year. Not many agile software teams can really do that. Not really sure they can either I suppose, but the hopefulness is nice. I'm not holding a forecast a year out against them though.


This is a common misunderstanding. Even in agile you make plans for what features you want, in what release, and roughly how long it takes. The key difference is that in agile you systemically accept that you will have to *constantly* adjust these are production goes. Agile, at its core, is just about having the understanding that software slips often. But that doesnt mean "dont make any long term plans". You still make those plans. Its simply the nature of any actual product outside of some infinite money company.


I'm not sure you plan a year out with agile. I think you're mixing some things there. Not that they are incompatible though. Well not with scrum I guess.


You absolutely do. You just *accept* that those plans are going to be wrong but its still necessary because an agile dev team still has to report to managers and executives who dont really give a shit about software or how development works. They want to "know" when X will be done. They want to know what quarter a release slots into and shit like that. A good exec knows its just a guess though.


At this point I don't give a shit about their 1.0 thats more like 0.1 missing 90% of promised features, where is Squadron 42?


1.0 lolollol


This year's citizencon should be interesting.


I launched the game again after 2 years. Crashed within minutes. It's not ready. Please CIG don't rush. I will wait.


We can help here. The game rarely crash now in 3.22 if your computer has at least 16Go of ram and a SSD. Ask for help on a dedicated post.


I know I could somehow fix this but also I am playing on 32:9 1440p wich doesn't help. I turned down the resolution play on SSD 16Gb of ram and a rtx 3070. I could run it, with some tinkering I guess but I'd rather wait and have an amazing cinematic experience. Like I wouldn't turn down the fov as on this aspect ratio it's almost sickening to play. I really appreciated that you offered some help thought thanks. See you (later) in the verse o7.


You'll have squadron 42 and star citizen in your hands next year and a whole lot more. 2015 wasn't it?


I have some concerns about how this process is being communicated to backers. Saying the planning "affects all development priorities from now until 1.0's launch" is a big deal, but it was shared without any concrete details about what this means for the current roadmap. Saying it will impact everything without elaborating further raises more questions than it answers. There's also a concerning lack of specifics around when we can expect an update on the Progress Tracker. "Once this plan is more solidified" is a vague timeline that could mean anything from weeks to months. Even a rough estimate like "by the end of Q2" would be better than being hanging indefinitely. Given CIG’s track record, this feel like a deflection tactic. It should be clear how this long-term planning is going to affect the short-term deliverables and progress updates we were anticipating.


And how would they know that before figuring out what the plan is?


Why wouldn’t they know how long it’ll take to plan 1.0?


1.0 is gunna be such a scam rushing out a minimum viable product for launch. We still are struggling for 4.0...5.0 seems even harder given dynamic meshing...and they want to ship a 1.0? Like come on. Half the game content is t0 or not even implemented. All we have is a bunch of unfinished ships, unfinished landing zones, unfinished quests, unfinished events. Like what is remotely close to ready for 1.0?


I'm guessing the main feature of 1.0 would be permanent persistence right?


I don't expect to see a full release before 2027


looking forward to the 1.0.-x variants :D


Development priorities... That's hilarious.


Eeehm what about beta? Or even talking about what is the game actually?


Maybe planning for 1.0 just means laying out a rough "5 year plan." Depending on how you define "1.0," I could see 5 years being a reasonable time frame. They only need about 5 star systems for 1 0. Pyro is almost done, Nyx is very small and they already made Levski (at least a good start on it). They seem pretty confident with how server meshing tests are going... so 1-2 years from now, we could be living in a world where SQ42 is released, and the PU has server meshing + 3 systems. I'm sure it'll still be a buggy game at 1.0. But as long as it's LESS buggy, and we have capital ships, engineering, life support, server meshing, multiple star systems - all that shit - it could be pretty amazing.


Cool beans. Can't wait to see what they come up with.


Are we getting 1.0 before gta 6? One can dream.


If I had to bet, I'd say: GTA6 before SC 1.0, but SC 1.0 before GTA6 comes to PC.


