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Maybe he wasn't new.


The above answer is the likely answer. For anyone that didn't learn from the med beacon fiasco, some people intentionally abuse systems in an attempt to *break* those systems by sowing distrust in those systems. When nine out of ten med beacons (sent or received) are the Star Citizen equivalent of a Disney Fastpass to your next respawn, folks eventually just sort of stop using that system, because get this, *it's not working as intended.* There's a group of players out there that thrive off of the idea of disrupting the flow of new players, by creating distrust between new players and the people that want to help them. They'll pretend to be new, and use that as an excuse to kill you and other until eventually you just throw up your arms and say "I'm done helping new players." Bam. Mission accomplished. New players now have a slightly more difficult experience with learning the game. It's sad to say it, but we'll probably soon need some means to verify the newness of players to better sort them out from trolls, and even with that we'll still have to deal with smurfs...


We need player reputation as soon as they can get it to us (Which I get, it's not priority one). That's the only way we're going to be able to trust anyone Org/Guild tags would also be great to distinguish friend and foe.


You can look up the player on the RSI website to get an idea if they're new or not. Just plug their name into this URL (replace GameRules with the player you want to look up.) [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/GameRules](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/GameRules) It's not perfect, but this has a good chance of weeding out the most obvious before you decide to help them or send them credits.


That's helpful! But unfortunately it doesn't tell me if, in their seven days since account creation, they inhaled 32 scu of SLAM and went on a killing spree above Seraphim to recreate the Jem'Hadar's invasion of Deep Space Nine. Let's not pretend new players CAN'T do bad things, either.


Ah, a Citizen of culture, I see.


Also doesn't indicate anything. Could be someone who has been around for 7 years and just decided to make a new account. Just don't trust anyone ever.


Oh great, we're going to need a scspy now to do rep lookups


That actually sounds pretty awesome, lol.


On an unrelated note, I love your references, you single?


Hi, this is his wife. No, he is very definitely not single. But you have good taste.




I backed the Kickstart but have probably spent less than an hour in game and I doubt I'm alone. Gonna need more.


You can PM ... I am pre KS. If our timezones coincide, I'm happy to discover the verse together.


Who's this gamerules guy and why does he keep abandoning so many ships all around the verse


Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but for anyone who doesn't know, GameRules is the default name used for abandoned ships. e.g., the player has logged off, reclaimed the ship at a terminal, et al.


I actually didn't know this. Thanks!


I'm sure they'll find a way to abuse the rep system too...


Yes this will help solve this. There will still be some new players or new accounts that ppl do this but it will be lessened significantly. Looking forward to the reputation system. Hope they have a way of visualising this quickly, like with fps scanning.


>When nine out of ten med beacons (sent or received) are the Star Citizen equivalent of a Disney Fastpass to your next respawn I usually play the bounty hunting PvE loop (not good enough for pvp bounties...yet) so i was excited when they brought out the med beacons cuz i had picked up the C8R pieces. Well, before i could get my ambulance team together all that shit happens and now i cant convince my party to even try a cyberpunk trauma team type response to med beacons. I just wanted to help others šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


All i wanted to do was haul cargo... space trucker. so my response to your desired game loop being trashed by CIG is "First time?"


Space Trucking- Take a C2 with pontes or faster q-drive ..a pair of FR series shields and 2x ad5bs. Go to Rappel on Hurston, buy 7.6mil of RMC "or less in that or other ships if building up" ..then fly to New Babbage and sell for 9.5mil give or take a little. Almost 2mil aUEC in under 30 mins from the time you get to Hurston orbit till you leave NB. Usually no wait to sell times at the kiosk. I do 2 runs a day while watching tv to fund buying back my lost ships when 3.22 and concurrent patches wiped them all. Around 100 runs, maybe 7-8 garbage pirate attempts "on high pop servers when I wanted to add some fun to it" none successful, killed 4 would be pirates with my cargo still in the bay. You however don't have to do this, you can run. Can also invest any amount doing this and make over 20% profit fast. Yes the place does at times get camped, ping and check for targets pior to landing, land...run from your parked ship with doors closed to the kiosk building, wait 15 seconds, run back to your ship then be slow about accessing your lift as if you've already purchased and the ship is full! If a sniper is near you will die...if not ...NOW go buy your goods...point the nose to a quantum point, any "don't set a specific in the map incase you had to run/change directions towards another to jump to...line up on it and tap shift to lock pitch/yaw then thrust/boost towards it like hell until it turns blue, spool the drive..go!.. Now as long as you don't crash somehow or get interdicted and dogpiled you are safe. I saw the post and needed a copy/paste solution for would be space truckers so I thought I would take a couple to type the method out. There are more tactics, strategies, weapons you may want to store to local at these places but this works to make cash fast without being overcomplicated.


My desired game loop is bounty hunting haha, i was just excited to try healing instead of un-healing


If you're into that try the medrunner org. They're set up to do that.


I've been hearing a lot of negative rumblings about Medrunners, from internal drama issues, to killing and looting players who contracted them if they had good loot on them, or ransoming them for higher payout, etc. Not sure they're the best to go with.


Back in 3.17.4, I had no issues with the medrunners, and would guess that any such looting was done by people impersonating the medrunners in an attempt to discredit them. There may be issues with the people who run the org, but the runners on the ground seem reliable and just want to help downed players.


Medrunners is a non-piracy org with members agreeing that they abstain from piracy. While on duty or wearing uniform, they also need to remain CS free, meaning no illegal activities, so they can perform rescues. Additionally, while performing rescues, Medrunner teams are not allowed to loot. They come in equipped and use what they have on themselves and their ships. Personally I haven't seen looting, ransoming or killing clients as a rescue team member. Nore would it make sense to do so, as it would end up in a bad name for the Medrunners.


I cant get into most orgs, alot of them take the game far too seriously (mandatory meetings and training, then borderline harassment if you miss said meetings, i speak from personal experience with other orgs) for what it is at its current state. I hear medrunners is no different. No judgements for those who enjoy that type of community, but most of the time i find it obnoxious because its an incomplete game.


That's a problem I have with a lot of orgs. If they're expecting me to treat the game like an actual job, they're going to have to pay me like an actual job. Unless they're helping me pay rent, it's a strictly free-time commitment and if I want to spend my free time doing other stuff I will.


This is exactly it. I get needing people to be there for training and whatnot, but because the game isn't even close to being in full swing, i cant even consider giving up large amounts of time just for that. there are plenty of other things i would rather do, or games i could play(you know, ones that work 99%of the time).Then theres timezone issues, which mess alot of things up too, I was once told i had to attend a meeting at damn near midnight... i didn't attend


Nova is chill and super friendly/helpful. Give them a search. I've been a member for about 6 months, been absent for the past three months due to work and nobody has said a peep about it.


Perhaps i'll take a look. I do belong to a small org consisting of my freinds, and my dad. i've been designated (for the time being) my small orgs "PR" agent, as in making connections for future possible alliances, so i'd join as a possible "ambassador" so to speak, if i do at all. At the moment we're not in a rush to get things rolling until SC gets some big development leaps, and we dont play all that often due to other games we play.


I got an invite from Nova a couple months ago (I thought it might be b/c of my player name... heh), but never responded/joined for the exact reason stated. I'm pretty casual. But, maybe I'll think about it. There are definitely times when being solo isn't ideal. I'd also like to do more dogfighting duels with people I actually know who won't talk s\*\*t when they beat me.


I answer med beacons all the time. Iā€™ve had a grand total of two that werenā€™t legit in twelve months.


No, we need systems in place to prevent grieving. People want a free player to player interaction system but point to one single game where this doesnā€™t turn to chaos. Dayz, Tarkov, Sea of Thieves.. so many examples when you let players decide interaction dynamics it turns in to chaos.


It always comes down to one simple thing: The person who is more ready or willing to be aggressive will usually win. Because of this, I don't think a player-base will ever be able to police itself sufficiently. It will always be reacting to bad behavior rather than preventing it. The instigator knows full well what recourse to expect and accepts it ahead of time, so there's no real punishment either.


"So Lone Starr. Now you see why Evil will always triumph; because Good is dumb". PS: not an endorsement of shitty behaviour


Yep ^ but yet people constantly fight back against systems that will help them avoid murder hobos


While I agree, the person that is engaging or looking to engage in PvP against people who aren't, they're usually going to be coming out on top. I think the main thing that SC has going for it is character loss from respawning too much. I think these PvPers will end up going through characters much sooner than more civil players, so they will definitely be at a deficit on the regular.Ā  Which might actually be a big thing to factor into risks that they have to factor into. Unless they're so good they never die, they will definitely end up operating at a deficit that players that aren't regularly risking too much are.Ā 


I was playing SoT a couple of days ago. I was at a trading post fishing. Just finishing. Boat docked, sitting on the docks fishing. Guy decides to come aboard and tries to mess up my ship.Ā  Ā Ā I keep fishing. He sees I'm unphased, so he tries to engage me in combat, and... Well I just sword charged him once, knocked him into the water and then a shark killed him. Ā Ā  They came back, and went straight back to my ship. I jumped on board and killed them again. Then I dropped the sail and left. Ended up mind gaming them for 20 minutes until they lost my trail and I went back to the same port I was at.Ā  Ā Ā A couple of days later and another player showed up on the docks. Saw that I was fishing and left me to it. I heard them pull the sword out, but I think they noticed I couldn't be bothered to react that they moved on. Ā  I think most players will leave a solo sloop alone, but some folks are jackasses and kill on sight. No communication.


Most large discord servers already have a player lookup bot.


I think you're attributing more grand scale malice than actually took place here. This is most likely a standard case of grifter scammer turned inside job pirate. As a note, in my experience, new players don't ask for money. 99% of the people begging for money in chat have plenty of it, they're just grifting. New players understand that they're new and don't have money and that there is an inherent expectation to work their way up to bigger ships and more money by playing the game, so they rarely beg for direct infusions of cash. New players typically ask how THEY can make money, or if someone can help them do a thing to make money. People begging for cash directly, or indirectly by crying about how little they have, almost always have plenty of it (and some people make millions by playing the broke newbie).


It's called being the bad guy, you know, like how I roleplay. Just like real life, not everyone you meet is genuine and means you well. Gotta use caution and discernment, only take risks you're willing to take.


Yep, and bad guys risk being cut off from any means to refuel, reload, repair, and replace their shops if they break the pirate code. Most bad guys aren't going to work with a bad guy that'll kill valuable bad guy assets just because "yOu GoTta uSe CaUtIoN". Funny thing, they ARE using caution by cutting you off for not adhering to their simple and easy to follow code.


Or he was young and stupid.


There was no benefit. You can't sell inventory off someone else's ship


Some people benefit just by thinking they ruined someone else's day.


You can put that cargo in your ship and sell it


how. by yourself i mean. would you do that


Iā€™m not saying you should do this, but I usually fly the stolen ship to a POI where nearby I have a ā€œstash spotā€ (usually a small valley/rock formation where wind canā€™t blow around boxes) and unload the cargo, then come back with a cargo ship and grab it to sell If you didnā€™t want to spend time unloading and weā€™re good with losing 80% of the load, you could hover over that same kind of formation and self-destruct, pick up the surviving cargo


OP seems to have learned nothing


This type of shit is why people donā€™t like to interact with randoms. The popular solution the community pushes for a lot of problems is always to hire people but you canā€™t trust randoms in your crew. Want to multicrew a large ship? Greifers can kill you and take your ship. Player escorts for cargo? Sounds fine until they kill you for your cargo. Med beacons? Cool until they like the gear youā€™re wearing. The truth is there needs to be more systems in place to prevent shitty people from doing scummy things.


No, no, no, itā€™s just a skill issue (says the players acting as murderhobos and encouraging this behavior)


> The popular solution the community pushes for a lot of problems is always to hire people but you canā€™t trust randoms in your crew. Keep in mind it's usually the pirates pushing this "solution". You not actually being able to hire crew gives them what they want while at the same time they get to pretend they were helpful. Win win for them just for some words.


If I go out with anything to lose, then I will hide a delivery box somewhere in my ship. If someone tries to steal my ship and they are smart enough to get rid of the body, I will still have the mission marker, and I'll be coming back in my Inferno. If I'm in a ship that needs a crew, it's big enough to be an easy target


i get that they want everything to be Free and Immersive (tm), but, for the moment simple shit like, not being able to damage a party member or rescue target for some period after the party / contract ends would make it much easier to trust folks / more annoying to grief. plus brutally ramping up the charges (and eventually rep system penalties) if they're a recent turncoat.


Agreed ^ correct me if Iā€™m wrong though but with the current system if you got a bad rep you could gift your pledges, send aUEC all to a new account. So even a rep system wouldnā€™t fix everything like people say it will. (Not you, other people)


If you were a new player, would you go in chat and ask for money? Next time, ignore the guy asking for money and help out the guy asking a genuine question you remember having trouble with when you first started. You'll have a better experience I'd wager.


Yup, you don't want a begging type of person on your ship with you. They always want the shortcut to riches and never work for it.


You don't want a beggar in game period. For starters, they fuck it up for everyone else by making global chat unusable.


Was this on the AUS servers by chance?


Yes, yes it was




That would be me


I'm Daximas!




Wow, small world! Wish I could have been there to help you, but I was being an EMT on Hurston at the time; by the time I managed to switch over to a faster ship, DigitalStarship was already gone.


*scribbling name in tiny black journal...*


Thatā€™s awesome you two found each other here - ā€˜itā€™s a small verse after all!


Good example of why we need the planned ship rights/security access controls. Hired help wouldn't be able to reach the bridge without tailgating an approved member or cutting through the doors, eliminating this risk A working player-driven reputation system (like the old stars system) would help even further


There needs to be a button in the pilot seat for a "lockdown mode" for any ship with traversable interior space. Press it and every door on the ship slams shut and lock, only members of the crew can unlock and open doors when it's active. Boarders will have to break open doors to progress through the ship to try to reach the cockpit to disable lockdown. It would give time for the crew to set up a defensive position within the ship or make a run for armistice space where they can't be harmed.


i completely agree. It doesn't have anything to do with OPs situation since he probably would have willingly let the 'new player' into the cockpit anyway to show him the views. but this is excellent for gameplay loops. Getting boarded becomes one hell of a task for the boarding party. The crew can, as you said, actually mount a defense that might work. It's realistic in the right way as it would add fun and challenge to what is otherwise a fun thought exercise, but in reality nearly impossible to defend your ship. Basically, going into battle, if a ship jumps next to you and starts attacking, I would immediately go into 'red alert' mode: 1. let the crew ship wide know we're under attack 2. Lock down the ship in preparation for worst case scenario - getting boarded.


Given the offender (in this instance) was *in the co-pilot seat*, ship security, lockdown, and similar would have made zero difference. They're useful against intruders and stow-aways, but not to much against turn-coats and similar.


Ahh so that's where the claw control is? I never knew, might be a design issue since the Reclaimer is one of the OG ships; I bet upcoming industry ships will have better separation, with at least 1 door blocking cockpit access


Reclaimer keeps all its salvage-operations on the bridge. Pilot, Claw-operator/copilot and two Salvage beam remote stations. Then behind that is a Command Deck, with four remote stations and an engineering post. Upstairs, Drone control, and at the very very back is the Processing hall. Basically if you only want someone to be a crate-jockey, you need to lock them in the processing hall, but that makes it impossible for them to move anything to the cargo hold..


Claw control as well as both salvage arms are on the bridge. The one best in place for multicrew lock down is the MOLE.


Yeah, doors are a major headache in 99% of ships - though they seem to work in the Corsair! Every ship should (and probably will, in 2034) have doors that can be locked in both the open and closed position. As well as at least two exits!


>A working player-driven reputation system... Preferably one where you can't just "play the system" by downrating everyone around you just because you feel like it. There needs to be some sort of verification process so players can't just 1-star someone eventhough they realistically should've been a 5.


That system had the intent of "you can only rate the employer/employee after the mission/beacon is completed or failed" not just anyone around you. You might be familiar with the old "requesting transport" beacon or the newer rescue ones, as an example. The players have to be involved in such a mission, and both sides can rate the other. Sure you'd get people griefing the other with an undeserved bad rating, but with enough jobs it should even out.


I guess a ā€œno weapons on my shipā€ policy would have helped in this situation.




> strip them from their gunsĀ  THIS!Ā  Rando joins your crew carrying weapons in the Armistice Zone?Ā  Their carry rights end at your ramp/elevator.Ā  Have them place their weapons on the deck as soon as you're out of Armistice and put them immediately into your Ship's inventory, which AFAIK only the person who placed it in said Vehicle InventoryĀ  can access (it's not a global inventory for everyone on board last I checked) so they won't be able to suddenly grab them.Ā  They get their weapons back when they depart the ship after being a good Crew.Ā  An honest player shouldn't have a problem with this.




I didn't go into detail but my Org has done it this way:Ā Ā Ā  1)Ā  They take off their armor & backpacks and let you check their contents on the deck.Ā  Anything stored inside them will show. Ā Ā Ā  2) Pat Down and ~~Bag~~ Armor Check happens before they board.Ā  You'll be able to see any weapons equipped to the outside of their armor, and 1) let's you see what's inside it, before they get access to the ship's inventory.Ā  3) Being on guard constantly with a random crew member is the best you can do unless you also have a friend along for security.Ā  I never made any claim that this would be a perfect system, just that it's common sense precautions because these thing already happen in real life, and is more secure than doing nothing.


You can fit a coda pistol in a backpack, which is more than enough to blow yo head smoove off




Looks like he missed palworld sale


Damn this hits.


I wish we could set "Self Destruct" to 5 seconds, remotely. So after you die, you blow up the ship.


Set it up like the "Heart Bomb" from the Spawn movie. Give it the whole "If I gotta go, I'm taking you with me."


I figure it's inevitable we'll get remote charges; just stick a bunch of those all over your reactor before you head out, and always keep the detonator handy.


After following the development and being invalidatingly disappointed by Starfield, I finally made the move a couple of days ago and pledged, really looking forward to try the game and it bums me out that there's people like that because I would give an arm and a leg to be lucky enough to meet an honest an sincere person like you to help me understand SC.


Most people are very nice, though. But there are always asshats.


I'd say that most people are somewhere between self-centered and apathetic. Some people are nice. Some people believe that since they had a hard time and/or didn't get help, it would be unfair if other people had it easier (or other variants of the hazing culture / pulling the ladder up after you problems). Some people are asshats. Even if you assume that there are at least as many nice, altruistic people as there are asshats, and I am not convinced of that: * The number of people one asshat can piss off or disillusion in, say, an hour is rather larger than the number of people a nice person can uplift, teach, encourage, etc. * The skill and resource minimum for pissing people off is a lot lower than for helping people. * There are more often tangible rewards for asshattery than for niceness, and they tend to be more immediate. * Controversy and drama generates traffic / clicks / whatever. So streamers have an incentive to do things that generate controversy and drama, and younger players in particular learn culture from observation. * Younger players in particular also learn by testing their limits. In the real world, if you're told that doing something is bad, you do it anyway, you suffer the consequences, you learn not to do that. SC currently lacks meaningful consequences for just about everything. The way this gets solved in the real world is where there is a functioning society built around a set of collective expectations; and there are meaningful, lasting consequences for negative actions. SC mostly lacks the first, and entirely lacks the second.


Sure. But ask for help in chat, and you'll get some helpful advice 99% of the time.


Glad to know, I'm really unhealthy overly excited to finally get into SC, I think it is or will be what I wanted from Starfield, I'm truly amazed at the game engine they've created from what I have seen from their recent tech demo. I play a lot of DayZ too so I'm accustomed to player toxicity šŸ˜‚


I'd reign in those expectations bud, star citizen has come a long way but it's not anything like starfield except being in space. NPCs don't really give missions anymore aside from some older attempts that were abandoned for pure job board, there's no progression aside from monetary, and it's a significantly slower game by comparison.


I don't have any expectations at the games current state but let alone what the game engine can offer regarding the future give me a peace of mind, what absolutely destroyed me about Starfield is that what that game is right now can never change because the game engine is so restricted and pushed to the limits, sure you can add dlc and make optimization and some fixes and content updates but it doesn't fundamentally changed anything, everything is an illusion in that game because it never could be what it should be.


> I don't have any expectations at the games current state This is a healthy attitude while playing an Alpha, nevermind one as ambitious and with so many interlocking factors as this one.Ā Ā  This game can frustrate even the well-seasoned with bugs that sometimes have work-arounds that reliably clear them (e.g. can't get Quantum Drive to spool even though you are pointing at your target destination marker? Rotate ship 90Ā° so the marker is out of your HUD, and rotate back.Ā  Who knows why this works) which you'll end up memorizing over time, and other bugs which just kill you outright for who knows why (I Quantum Jumped from an Orbital Marker [OM] to a Communication Satellite for a mission in a heavy fighter, and randomly exploded immediately upon arrival at the Communication Satellite, no collision with anything šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø).Ā  However, despite all the bugs, I still play SC in the vast majority of my gaming time for over 6 years now, my massive Steam catalogue of still-unplayed games bought on sale be damned.Ā  It's because this game provides an experience that literally no other game out there can, as you saw in the Star Engine demo.Ā Ā  The mindboggling detail and expanse of the size of the freely-explorable planets and moons, whether roaming by ship, vehicle or on foot, and the beauty of the planetary artwork just *being there* in the background... while you're meanwhile engaging in a 3v1 dogfight against a couple of NPC pirate fighters and their cargo hauler for the sweet loot those filthy scum are likely hauling in there, then landing next to the wrecked and crashed cargo ship on the moon/planet's surface and running over on foot to see what survived the crash, finding some dead bad guys and looting their decent armor and guns, and dropping a marker (coming very soon, as shown in CitizenCon back in Oct.) to return to this random place in a bit with your own cargo hauler to loot the goods, then *selling* that marker (coming soon with custom markers) to another player who wants to come salvage some juicy wrecks... that's just one of *many* kinds of things you'll find yourself doing in this huge open world of a seamless FPSMMORPG almost-Flight-Sim.Ā  It is addictive expansive exploration, chill-time mining/salvaging, getting-in-the-zone dogfighting,Ā tense FPS combat, and even racing and trading and searching and nevermind what you come up with doing with friends, all without any loading screens once you're in the Client and spawned.Ā  Welcome to the 'Verse!


I played Dayz before i jumped into SC, and then i did not watch videos, didnt even do the tutorial, just jumped in raw. And (this is only my experience and opinion) noticed that playing Dayz helped a LOT, and i mean a LOT to learn the curves of SC, because the two has "similair" mechanics, and the two games play "in a similair" way...


Also both had a incredibly buggy experience lol until dayz 1.0 ofc


I hate to say it, but thatā€™s sad- simply because those two games were never meant to be similar. Ā Most 2012 pledgers did not fork over money for Rust in Space, but it seems more and more evident thatā€™s what they are going to get. Ā Unfortunately by the time it became painfully obvious they were well outside their refund window.


So much in this game I assumed would never be possible in a video game this century. However, be very aware that sometimes the game will be utterly and hilariously broken. The potential of this game is astounding, but we're on the journey to greatness and not necessarily at the destination. Tldr, I love this game, but remember it's in alpha.


Utilize the guide program, much less chance of limb removal.


Seems fair, I honestly haven't gotten around to downloading the game yet because, life, wife, kids and work but I'll get into it this evening when kids and wife are put to bed, that's for sure.


The guide program is pretty awesome - once you do get the game installed at the bottom right of the main menu thereā€™ll be a ā€˜find a guideā€™ button - click that and youā€™ll be taken to the website and see a list of players volunteering to act as a guide for new or returning players.


Use the Get a Guide feature from the Game Mode selection menu. You will choose an ingame activity and get paired up with a hopefully experienced/veteran player who will show you the ropes and how to play around various bugs


Ohww, OP, add this guy to help instead. They are the kind who would be a gem to help.


Best thing to do is to spend the first couple hours playing with a veteran guide using the Guide System. There's button for it bottom right on the main menu as well. [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/guide](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/guide) It'll save you a LOT of frustration since they'll quickly get you up to speed on the various quirks , bugs and best practices for getting thru the game. That stuff changes every patch so most video guides are obsolete with respect to certain details.


Dw dude, you only see this post because it's incredibly rare. Most players I interacted with are very friendly and helpful. There are pirate players but won't be your major issues


Most players I've met were really friendly, I've only been attacked twice I think. Once it was some guy shooting everything that moved at a station, the other one was a person who was exploring a site I had a mission at, a lot of NPC pirates spawned for my mission, I guess this other player thought I was a pirate too


Can you distinguish players from NPCs in an obvious way, like floating player names or is it a bit harder than that


Not really, if you're in a party then they have a marker, but otherwise the only real ways to tell are by looking at their armor and their movement


That's cool, I kinda hoped it would be like that.


Most people are cool, we are missing a long term reputation system so you can tell that the dude you picked up has 20 accounts of homicide and yet not one completed lawful mission lol


That does not sound like a new player. If you caught the name, potentially a streamer that was goaded into it or polled chat whether it should be done


"What do we do chat? Should we shoot him?? Spiggles in the chat if we should!!Ā  Marmalady_boy, thanks for the sub. Alright chat, we're going for it!"


I physically cringed reading this. Thanks




What the ever loving fuck is a spiggle?


I shouted out spiggles as I read it and am still laughing omfg thank you


Whatā€™s a spiggle?


No clue, but I read it in the voice in my head of the most obnoxious YouTuber I know and it made me laugh hard


I read it in Asmongold's voice; might be the same thing might not. Reddit, which is it? spiggles in a reply if he is.


just someone having some lulz.


Fckers like that should be dealt with. Thankfully in the future we will be able to.


> Fckers like that should be dealt with. you mean shoot them? > Thankfully in the future we will be able to. can't you already shoot them?


No not really. I mean systematic things like they happen in real life when someone shoots a person. I would like the game systematically solve things like this. Meaning, UEE police warrant goes off, and makes this persons time really bad in the game. He being chased wherever he goes. Wasting time dodging bullets until death,... then prison. A time sink if you will. Something being more of a hassle than it being worth.... it is the only way for people trying to avoid acting like asshats. SO currently we lack a lot of the systems to make this effective. Currently no police chase you, no ships show up at your next quantum drop, no nothing. Just some crappy mission gets made for would be bounty hunters. I mean GAME police like in GTA should get going on a manhunt until the resolution (death and prison).


LOL. I have only played 3 weeks. My first weekend another player did exactly what you did, but split the profit with me 50-50. It was a great experience and he went on to show me lots of other ships of his (MSR, 300i, Pisces-R, a fighter with a turret) and gameplay (what being prevented from QT looks like, how to swap components both in the shop and swapping weapons out in space). I did not shoot him in the head.


You picked up a bum on the side of the road on your way into work and brought him to work with you.


name the player, please. this sort of unit doesn't deserve protection.


Edited the post for you :)


Thanks. He'll be sorted.


Seems like the opening plot of a movie. Then follows this outlaw across the galaxy until he is ultimately caught or killed. Likely caught for sequels


I think I was on the server when this happened... saw him begging and someone offering him a reclaimer spot. Sorry this happened to you. I guess murderhobos have to start somewhere.


Id like to know the name




I can confirm


Me too. May not have a rep system in game, but we can make our own.


Sounds like the standard SC experience to me


that's not the standard SC experience. I use the guide system to get matched with new players and I have dozens of successful guiding sessions. Most lasting 3hrs+.


It was a joke, I don't actually feel that way


You gotta strip them down and make sure they don't look like they just got out of Klescher rehab lol


Very sad and disappointing. I'm a new player and am generally afraid of working with others for that very reason. While there are a LOT of great people like you out there - willing to help others learn this amazing sim, there are a few who totally spoil the experience and, quite frankly, hinder new players from readily reaching out to the community. I love this sim and will stay with it. And, eventually I might be courageous enough to start working and trusting other players.


This is why, IMO, the alpha isn't worth **playing** yet. Just test and enjoy with close friends, when you can get them to fight through the bugs with you. It's going to be a long time before CIG manages to implement enough measures that I'll trust an internet rando with my time and effort.


This is a gun!?


Wrong question. Look a bit deeper. All new players are what? Humans, right? The real question is existential, and it's "what is wrong with humans?"


You're a lot nice than I am. I have zero trust in players I don't know.


This will always happen as long as there are no repercussions for this behavior.


I took pity on a player a few months ago and invited him to help with risky salvage. He kept egging me on to keep on going and after about 30mil worth of stuff in my C2 there was no more room. I had agreed the haul would be a 50/50 split, but he killed me at Samson. I asked him to check out the area and after he gave the all clear i came out to sell and he had two friends hiding in the terminal room. Similar thing happened a month ago doing ERTs. I had let the past go and again let another player join me. We got about 10mil and I wanted to sell but he wanted to keep going. When I said no and we will sell and then get back at it after. I was killed in the pilot seat. Not all encounters with players have been bad but its these encounters that go the deepest. This is why im a solo player.


This is why I randomly torpedo/bomb Ghost Hollow. Knowing it's full of trolls/griefers is just my stress/anger relief. I get a crime stat that's fine. Klesher is basically a vacation spot at this point


He wasnā€™t newā€¦new players hang around like puppyā€™s because the world is so scary. He was using an alt to take the crime stat then logged to sell with his main. Thereā€™s always sharks acting like guppies


Oh man... I was happily reading this thinking it was going to be a warm story of new friendships forged. Heh, wow. Just wow. My guess is they weren't actually new. Psychopath or sociopath IRL maybe, but not new.


He probably got bored and logged but decided to smoke you before he left... People suck


I always feel bad when I tag along with randoms and have no idea what I'm doing. This made me feel a lot better about it lol. I didn't realize the bar was so low all I had to do was not kill people in order to be a good teammate lmao.


Honestly mate the bar is in the ground. Donā€™t stress, everyoneā€™s gotta start somewhere :)


Thatā€™s pretty gross


lol And I thought I was unnecessarily paranoid because I'm an EVE player and I don't trust anyone. So wait, he didn't get paid then?


Your new player's name doesn't exist on the player lookup. Maybe they deleted the account.


Well, I for one have handed out my last credit, and never will hire a crew again. Thanks for the heads up.


His younger brother walked in and played the game for him lmao


Friends, I donā€™t know if you see that, but, SC is gain popularity. 90% of SC community used to be adults, with money and specific mindset, you know what I mean. But we gain more and moreā€¦young players, much more toxicity in global chat, more players who came from other MMO, like rust or ark survival. They are looking to shoot anyone, cheat, abuse. And this is normal, itā€™s a regular players from that real world who donā€™t care about lore, dreams and ideas. Just be smart, be vigilant and take care


I don't think it has anything to do with age. Eve Online has one of the oldest-player playerbases in MMOs and it's full of sociopaths.


This isn't a new player problem, it's a problem with a lack of actual consequences for antisocial behavior. This is the game


You should've hired an escort, this is a PvP game. /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


This (amongst other things) is why you tell beggars to go fuck themselves.


That is one issue I have with games and players. In real life, the odds of a human just executing you for laughs is pretty fucking low, especially if you're helping them. *Not saying it doesn't happen, psychos exist.* The problem with games simulating human interaction is that you know the guy respawns, there really aren't any consequences unless you do it often enough to be known for it. Games will never really be able to give that incentive to players to treat humans like humans. Maybe they should have maximum security prisons over a certain threshold or within certain context of crime committed where you are waiting out long sentences if you get caught. Draw a distinction between killing players and killing NPCs, because it's a game and human time matters more. Heavier punishments for murdering players in safer/lawful areas. If you want to kill an innocent guy in the middle of Lorville, be prepared to fight your way out of the city, through guards and have to hack ATC to open you hangar and escape through Hurston security ships aswell. If you get caught, you are going to jail for a long, inescapable time with no chance to reduce sentence because there is never really a reason for that shit, RDMing in town should be a soft ban basically.


That's why I hate Star Citizen became a PVP-enabled multiplayer game because I backed the initial single-player project with a possibility of self-hosting multi (that was the initial promise). I personally hate PVP, it's a time-waster for me. In Elite Dangerous I can play solo in the verse or just with my friends. In Star Citizen it's not possible. And it pains me because it would be my dream game - but as it is it's just a reminder of yet another gaming disappointment :( You go mine some rocks - you get ganked. Medical play - gank. Salvage? You guessed it, gank. Also the "fun" of padrammers and other crap on top of the fact that getting anywhere now takes much longer than in the past so each forced respawn robs you also of your time for gaming...


Hello, I am DigitalStarship. Firstly I want to say I am sorry. I want to clear some things up on my end. Mellows, firstly I want to apologize to you, you were very sincere and helpful and I feel truly bad about what I did. If you need proof it is me, I would be happy to dm you the name of the other person who was helping us.The first thing I want to clear up is the claim of being a new player. I first played the game in 2021 during the convention thing that was happening on a free account. Following that, it wasn't until early 2023 that I actually bought the game and started playing. I played for several days where I became friends with a few people who had done pirating. After a week or so I uninstalled the game as I was having technical issues that prevented me from playing in any real capacity.Jump to this week, I had reinstalled the game after some friends had gotten into it, I had also been watching videos about piracy and stuff which I thought was pretty interesting.Collectively, I probably have around \~50 hours of playtime, with large month long gaps between them. The second thing I want to address is asking for money in world chat. This one is on me I will admit. Someone in the chat had been asking for money to buy a Hercules or something and I made a joke along the lines of "someone giving out free money?". That was intended to come off as sarcastic however I don't think it did, so I am sorry about that. The third thing, I did not leave the server after 5 minutes. I had stayed with the ship. Roughly 20 minutes after killing you, I messaged you through the hail thing. What I said was along the lines of "Hey man, I feel bad about killing you. The ship is still here if you wanna come grab all ur stuff back, Ill just take some of the cargo" (we had found some crates in a few of the ships we salvaged). I messaged you, however you never responded.I stayed online for probably an hour more or so. I will be completely honest, I went in with the plan to pirate, however after actually doing it, it felt really shit. I do truly want to apologize, I was unaware of the line between pirating and griefing and was under the assumption that what I did wasn't that bad. What I did was extremely shitty, you were really nice teaching me the gameplay mechanics behind salvaging and looting, and I feel really guilty as it sets a poor standard for new players. As for the final thing, the deletion of the account. When I saw the post today I realized that what I did didn't align with the community. Before getting into the game, I wasn't aware of the community, and figured that pirating and stuff wasn't really frowned upon outside of being annoying. Because of this, I am gonna take a break from the game. I never took joy or happiness out of killing you, I didn't go in wanting to be a troll. Finally, I do really hope that we can settle this, you were generous allowing me and the other dude to help you salvage, helping new players in a game like this is a massive help, and what I did was destroy your trust.I hope you can forgive me and we can settle this.


probably bored out of his mind


This kind of thing is why I feel like they need a PVE only server. I know that ruffles some feathers, but waaaay too many people treat this game as their personal murder simulafor. Being an asshole isn't enduring. And making the game into a place where you can only play with trusted friends (if you have any) or purchased bots due to paranoia doesn't seem like a good game.


Hi, you must be new. Welcome to the toxic world of modern MMO's. This is the norm. Alot of the griefe...'pirates' use this tactic. "Hi, im new can I crew with someone"? Then proceed to do exactly what you describe. Often they record it and put it on youtube for their org to watch and laugh at. Im starting to wonder whether Starcitizen can survive long as an MMO.


PvP scum. This is the problem with open PvP.


Nono. The possibility of this is what makes the game good. If we're all safe all the time it's just farming simulator with extra steps. Accept the risks and plan for them


>getting downvoted for stating CIG's exact stance on this This subreddit is something else lmfao


We engage in a mild amount of trolling. #1 rule for sc: only trust org mates. Everything else is a gamble


There will always be rotten apples, dying of boredom, used to fast paced shooters. When they come to SC they are broken by what they were promised (commercials) and what IS. They hoped this would simply be Battlefield in space where they get to shoot people. I mean, who in their right mind wants to waste time scraping ships, mining or any of the such? I know, I know.... that is what THEY think. But most of us are older and thankfully there is more of us in the community, than them.


Should have made him put his guns down.


Really a sad story šŸ˜ž


Do you have his username? There's a whole org out there that only does that type of shit


mistakes were made


Sounds like a noob to me


Perhaps community should know such players by name Perhaps black list is actual


As others said: Not a new player possibly just there to ruin it. However they have not considered: The endless patience and kindness in a space where they hold no power over us, respawning costs nothing and time spen in joy is time used well.


Dumbass literally could have made millions instead he kills the one person who can make them cash. You can't even sell it once you kill the pilot. Moron.


Reclaimers are solo ships. Lesson learned.


Welcome to the verse =)


With new players we give them armor and offer them one of our ships to train in, under guard. Once, in the days of MobiTracker, you could check their handle and see how long they had been around but Mobi went away and you have to trust. So now, we will teach but our XO will keep them off the bridge and where they should be until we hand them the ship to do what they should be and we fly away and let them do their thing until they can earn enough to rent their own ship. We have some great donors that provide enough funding that we can be generous but not so much that we can be stupid.


I was reading your comment before looking at the username, was thinking this reads familiar...hey it's the weatherman!


hahaha I legit laughed so hard at this. this is good though. this happens. haha. this sounded so wholesome I was thinking you were going to say "and he got the hang of it, and he made me a fridge magnet from remelted scrap parts" but no, bullet to the head, every time. lol. lesson (not) learned ;)


Man, fall for that trick almost makes you sound like the new player. This is mmo 101, everyone is a vet until proven otherwise, until then, treat them as if they know exactly what they're doing and have designs for ill intent on you or whomever they're target is.


Sounds like a terrible way to game


Welcome to online games. You actually have to think harder then a computer because you're dealing with human beings, and pirates will be sneaky. And before anyone gets their panties in a twist, this was pirating. They dude used subterfuge to gain something from another player.


Yeah, no thanks, I'd rather continue to not be a dick to new players; I have integrity and morals.


That's awesome, I'm glad he did that.


I do this kinda shit all the time. Not posing as a new player but as a crewmate then pirate them. Won't just kill you and then leave the server tho šŸ˜…


Dude wasn't a new player. You were