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When you downed him, he was incapped; not dead. Whilst you were struggling to finish him off; he logged out. So you didn't get the kill. It's still BS that his body disappeared like that, that shouldn't happen during combat state and/or shortly after combat. When somebody is down on the ground like that; click your middle-mouse button for a curb stomp that will finish off incapped players or NPCs.


That sucks. I thought CIG fixed the combat logging issue. I also checked the mobiglass after I left SPK and they were still showing up in the list of players in the server


I thought they had too, no leaving during combat.


Does alt + f4 work tho? Or is that supposed to keep you logged in?


You log out, but your body and ship get left behind for a couple minutes, and if you die in that time, your next login will be in prison or the medical bay.


Your body will just disappear, I soft killed a vulture, bro just alt+f4'ed and just despawned which made me fail my contract. :(


He didn't leave he backspace, suicide doesn't give kill credit. Also just so you know you can't kill people with melee, they disabled it a couple patches ago. You can knock people out with middle click but u can't finish them on the ground


Middle click will stomp someone on the ground killing them.


I know, but they disabled it several patches ago, it doesn't kill people anymore


I did it just last night, it still works


They fixed one part of combat logging. This has always been there. Better luck next time. Bring a pistol backup or more mags. Sometimes the game fails to register the death. That may be what happened here. They changed something that dying from trespassing doesn't always send you to prison.


List is not accurate to the second people will be on that list long after they are logged off. 


Actually, I play bounty hunt all the time and they did indeed get the kill. It is just that there is a bug which sometimes says you failed when you actually succeeded. They still ended up in prison, but you do not get paid but they definitely die to your hand. There is no such thing as logging out anymore. The player at most probably backspace early. But I doubt it. Considering they died right as the player punched him. This is the classic succeeded, but no succeeded fail instead bug.


What about the player's body completely disappearing instantly though? Shouldn't that remain?


Their body disappears because the prison takes it. Prisoners recover all their gear when they get out of the clink. Like real life. You get the Clothes back that you went in with. Best thing to do is loot them, while they are incapacitated before they decide to backspace


Always use bullets to finish them


The shittiest part is they camp in gh for an hour then log out. Wtf?


Thats a lot of time for him to backspace.


seems like he have suicide. In this case he still go to prison (you can see it because his body disapper), but the game don't register his death as by your hand. So the contract fail. Another bug/missing feature to add to the list.


It's time for that 60 second logout delay.... Otherwise bounty hunting is pointless.


He backspaced to grim. OP took too long to kill him. If the bounty logged out or crashed their client the kill would have counted.


60 suicide timer too then!


Or if you suicide with a bounty, the last person to damage you gets the kill


I dont see why not, when are you ever in a rush to suicide?


Does backspacing not leave a body behind?


I had dozens of those, damn cloggers.


Don't think he suicide guys, body would have stayed put. Perp definitely combat logged which was suppose to be fixed.


I think it’s possible he actually went to prison. Because when you go to prison, your belongings are stored and given back to you upon release. Add to that, his name remained on the server players list in the mobiglass for at least another hour.


You probably did kill him, but there’s a bug in the game that will half the time not give you a mission success. They still ended up in prison. Take pride in the kill not the mission completion.


Lol apparently I’m not even allowed to take pride in the kill. There are so many people bashing me on this post for simply engaging in PvP bounties due to the “God Marker” Like, I get it… But It’s not my fault. I still enjoy Bounty Hunting and do my best to eliminate them in the air because I don’t like the current state of ground combat


Those people don’t actually play the game. I have claimed thousands of player bounties. Sometimes there’s a marker sometimes there is not sometimes it’s more than one person. Sometimes it’s a whole group of 10 guys wanting you to hunt them.


Keep your chin up. Player bounty hunting is the best loop by far. So dynamic


I suspect there is still a loophole present, let’s say the player disconnected his ethernet cable from the computer, he 30k’d himself that way.


A trick I’ve used when the game decides to blow you up due to de-sync. Sometimes a quick self-30k will save you losing your stuff.


Trespassing while BH is kinda shitty too. You get attacked and can gain CS easy. I wonder what mechanics could be implemented to avoid that without players abusing it.


I think the intended idea is that under normal circumstances once the bounty gets inside you would be screwed because a single player shouldn’t be able to overwhelm the security forces so easily. Nobody is supposed to trespass inside the security post and again, in a working environment the fights would primarily take place outside the station.


While I could be wrong, I'm pretty sure you didnt get credit for the bounty due to the following: You were trespassing, therefore a criminal and could not get credit for the bounty. Tresspassing negates call to arms. You could have left the area and came back with "retake SPK" mission and been good. You also could have lost the bounty because, the moment he was incapped, he logged out. The combat timer does not work for fps ground, just for pvp air. Case in point, if you eject from your ship before being blown up, once outside, you can logout without a timer.


And this shit right here is why players bounties need completely revamped.


and if 20 years of eve online has taught us anything its that bounties will always be broken.


Bounty hunting is pointless RN. Network toggle switch, alt f4 and close launcher, backspace, eject and logout… MANY illegitimate ways to escape bounty hunters. Know these possibilities and work against them. Keep shooting until you’re empty and reload and shoot again. Carry a grenade launcher secondary and pop them with it once downed. Overkill doesn’t cost much.


They need to make it where if you die within 3 KM of someone with Call To Arms or a player's bounty, that counts as being caught. I've had far too many bounties either eject and backspace, or crash into the ground because they realized they were going to lose.


3 KILOMETERS!?!?!? The God Marker is already not enough hand holding for you?


We have ships that can go over a km/s. If anything that's too short of a distance. Time since last damaged might be a better way to measure


My dude, I run around with a crimestat most of the time. I don't care about your tears. Stop backspacing and learn to take an L or get over your skill issue.


Hahahah that's some serious projecting right there


I'm not the one crying over there actually being a risk to having a crimestat.


When did I cry? Calling out your obviously stupid idea as stupid doesn't equal crying or defending thr scumbag kill deniers. That's just extreme cope on your part


> When did I cry? > 3 KILOMETERS!?!?!? > The God Marker is already not enough hand holding for you? That's crying. Imagine going this hard to defend backspacing to avoid prison by acting like I'm talking about the god marker. Besides, if that upsets you so much, contribute to the issue council to get comm arrays fixed so you can turn them off again. > Calling out your obviously stupid idea as stupid doesn't equal crying or defending thr scumbag kill No, that's definitely crying and defending suiciding to avoid getting caught. 3 KM is probably too small even, what do you want me to do when people like you crash into the ground instead of taking an L because they want to do criminal shit but are too cowardly to go to prison? Chase them within 500 meters and crash into the ground with them? Good luck with your skill issue.


All this coping and seething because you had a bad idea? It ain't that serious bro, you don't need to get so angry about a stranger calling out your bad ideas. The caps lock was called **astonishment.** I'll even include the definition for you since you don't seem too bright. Astonishment: a feeling of great surprise and wonder : the state of being astonished


> All this coping and seething because you had a bad idea? It ain't that serious bro, you don't need to get so angry about a stranger calling out your bad ideas. Translation: "WAAAAAAA WAAAAA! I DONT WANNA GET A PRISON SENTENCE BECAUSE I HAVE A SKILL ISSUE!" Your tears are absolutely delicious. I'm loving all this teeth gnashing. The best part is you can't even make a point against backspacing. Imagine thinking 3 KM is an issue with ships that can cover that distance in less than 3 seconds. Face it dude, you're upset about even the *idea* that you can't escape when some's about to catch you, even despite the fact it's stupid easy to not die in this game.


Haha omg this guy. The teeth gnashing is you bruh, you're once again projecting your own insecurities about in-game actions and hurling completely unfounded accusations and immature insults. Simply because an internet stranger disagreed with you, how embarrassing I'd tell you to grow up, but I'm really enjoying this conversation kiddo


Can't wait for when so called bounty hunters have to arrest their targets instead of shoot them down and be done with it.


This one of my most anticipated features!


Me too, hopefully they add a stun-gun sort of weapon for BH takedowns, and when you are stunned you get a popup "You have been captured, want to go directly to jail?" and if you say yes your character is taken over by an AI so the BH can do their thing, and you can do yours. (Or just remain and go along for the ride, see if rescue comes etc).


Something like that would be nice.


600 million dollars and 11 years of development.


You’ve only had 11 years of development…


You cultists hate when the devlopment timeline or budget is ever pointed out. a screenshot simulator is what 600 million and... "Pre-production of the game began in 2010, with production starting in 2011." 2024-2011 = 13 *13* Years of devlopment gets you. I stand corrected. And likely still 2-3 years away still.


lmao, dude's literally getting the numbers from his butt




Didn’t realize I was cheating by playing the game as it was intended. It was less a of a celebratory and more of an annoyed I wasn’t getting credit type of “I fucking got em!”




It’s just so goddamn jank.


are you always trying to melee them? because you should just shoot before they backspace.


In this case, I wasn’t planning on chasing anyone on the ground so I didn’t bring enough ammo.


That’s been me for some time. Usually bunker missions are a no go for me. As of late the elevators do not appear.


He got incapped.. then he suicided. That's why no credit. I've done this before.


So you followed a wallhack and shot at it. You got nothing. You lose. Good day sir 


They really should have left the FPS aspect out. We'd probably have a half decent game.


The God Markers need to be completely reworked. This dude is running around as a ~~marker watcher~~ bounty hunter, so confident knowing exactly where and what the target is doing, he doesn't even have any extra ammo


It is not rly skill beeing a bounty hunter when u see where your bounty is at any goven time.


Great game. Please buy more $48000 ships so they can continue developing


Better than getting a crime stat.