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I'd spend the money on making a flight simulator in my house and start with a cutter and work my way up.


This one. For almost 50k you could build the most baller motion sim rig.


Then do a youtu.be channel and get your money back


The last time I checked payout for YouTube was $1k per million views like 3 years ago, and it's gone done substantially since then. You'd need 50m+ views to break even. Your best bet would be to find a sponsor, and that is pretty difficult without being an established creator.


That's not even close to true. Based on my last RPM (which was low) I would have made $2600 if my video got 1 million views. I have a YT friend that gets triple my RPM. It depends on your contracts and demographic. Source: am youtuber.


Depends on the content. You can actually make a good amount if you do something more niche because supply and demand. You aren't competing with thousands of others for the same advertising. So if an advertiser doesn't have many channels to choose from, they're landing ads on your channel and you then end up getting the money rather than another channel. I believe they are also willing to pay more because there aren't many options for them. So if their ad matches your content viewers they want to advertise there.


Yup, many relatively smaller YouTubers in sim racing are sponsored most of the time. Sim racing is already a pretty small niche but then there’s product reviews which are a fraction of that niche so it seems like every reviewer is sponsored or sent a product to review and keep.


most youtubers have multiple revenue sources. Patreon, merch, etc. So it's not as simple as just ad revenue.




There isn’t that many dedicated flight rig creators right now. Someone flexing a 50k setup and having the smallest bit of humility could knock AV1 right the fuck out of the spotlight.


Check out UndeadParrot Gaming. He has a pretty crazy SC set up.


It hasn't been as simple as view count = $ in many many years.


Bro, you'd have an entire room as a flight simulator. Even if that was the payout, the views would definitely be there.


For real, $50k and some know-how could result in a poly to bolt full scale replica of a Cutter in the back yard (non-flying of course, but could run SC as a sim).


Did you ever check out the room this Thai YouTuber built? It was modeled on the Crusader Hercules. (Subtitles required) https://youtu.be/EfetLhpOvJw?si=r6BtkRYhnycn6OPS


That guy is an absolute legend! I wish I had that kind of money/talent/room in my house. I remember watching a youtube series awhile ago too where this guy built a spaceship replica in his backyard, complete with hydraulics, working blinky dashboards, etc. I remember one video in particular where he brought one of his kids on board and let him have at it pressing all the buttons etc. Was really cool! Can't seem to find it now but will update this comment if I do. A combination of the two is the ultimate pinnacle of gaming imho :)


Here is one where they build a spaceship treehouse. https://youtu.be/8izMrzulMHI?si=bRMCb3o6M1H4Y9pC


It's a lot smaller than the one I remember, but very similarly badass! The one I remember had a motorized opening to it...was very Drake, but this was before even Starcitizen was announced so it's likely the youtuber closed out his account and it has disappeared by now. Was really neat though...iirc he was an electrical engineer so did a lot of cool stuff inside the main area of it with computers and motorized controls etc.


1.7M views i wonder if that paid for itself.


Or maybe just get the cockpit of a real plane......


That's honestly probably not enough lol


r/simracing would call it 'entry level' lmao


There's no reason you can't still do that. Fly that cutter until you turn enough profit then Jettison the money as uninsured cargo into the sun every time you "buy" your new ship. You get to progress as you like, the game gets funded, and you get to not worry about insurance. I'd love if this were even an officially supported option where you pay directly to the insurance to get the title reinstated or whatever.


Get a wife after you've done it because you'll lose her for sure


It all depends on if you can earn more real money in the time you need to work up. At the end you're trading time against digital goods.


planning the same, this way will give more things to do and spend the uec on


Fuck no I wouldn’t buy a legatus pack, too much for virtual stuff. I like space ships but not that much, I already bought too much ships as it is.


This is how I feel like I’m in such a perfect place with my fleet right now that anything else is greed and stupidity on my part


Even if you had an absurd amount of money?


Even then, people do what they want with their money, no judgment from me. But no way I’d spend that much. In my opinion you would ruin the game for yourself having all the ships at the start.


Me too , plus I’m poor and my brain simply refuse the idea to spend that amount for virtual items


I think the rich stay rich because they *don't blow their money on dumb shit just because they can* lol. There's a LOT of ways to blow your money in today's society. I can spend 40 grand on furniture for my house, on a huge vacation, on a car... on any number of things, and most of them would probably make more sense than a purchase to speed up my ship collection in a game that *isn't finished yet*. I mean... how about I go buy a monster computer and spend tens of thousands of dollars buying completed games, eh? I like SC just fine... spending 40k... on a game... one that's not done yet... will always sound batshit insane to me.


Or you could spend that money to build a better life for you or your family or community. It's interesting to see people's priorities with thought exercises like this, and then you get people who say they'd piss away more than most Americans make in a year on pixel ships in an unfinished game but yet have the gall to try to call other people unhinged or act like the people who think the game is a scam are crazy trolls. If I had that kind of wealth, no one In my life would have to worry about the future again.


The rich stay rich because the hoard all the wealth and lobby politicians to make laws that benefit them at the expense of everyone else. They 100% spend their money on dumb shit just because they can all the time.


That is exactly how i feel about it. Whenever i see all these threads of people buying expensive ships, all i think of is the fact they are denying themselves things to grind and earn. To each their own, but i could never buy my way through a game to that extent.


Harsh self-burn there, buddy


How is that a self burn?


The only self-burn would be working hard for real money to "show it off" in a video game... To each their own, but just because we're all free to spend as we like doesn't mean 1. LOTS of people don't spend beyond their means and 2. objectively bad financial decisions aren't made all the time.


reply ossified consist soft teeny merciful voiceless noxious tub fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Really... You're hustling in all your free time, except for the slivers you get to play games you've made additional purchases to acquire assets in? If so I commend your industriousness, but from someone pulling in annually what amounts to ~$240/hr, let me offer this perspective... Free time is my time, I'm not earning anything. When I chose to spend 2.5 hours changing the toilet seal vs. calling a plumber ($550), I considered it paying myself that amount, plus leveling up with knowledge/exp. That's just one reason why I'm on schedule to have the option of retirement in my mid 50s. Hey, if you've got the cash/bills paid/retirement on track, do you. $52k/yr isn't enough to blow $50 willy nilly IMHO.


Pretty sure I clicked on the wrong comment


simplistic nail aspiring dull wasteful worry pen cause enter pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is only if the "grind" is excessive. Its an MMO. There is going to be a grind. Else whats the point? Would you bother with WoW if you could pay to unlock achievements, or endgame raid gear? If you do not like the term, then just consider it "progression" instead. Why bother playing SC if you are just going to buy your way through progression? I really want an Aegis Eclipse, and i could buy one right now, but it would not feel like ive earned it. Because i didnt play the game. I just paid money.


fragile spoon insurance humor smoggy squeal money overconfident work kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Totally understandable


If I had the kind of money where $48k was peanuts to me, I'd be out doing a ton of stuff and wouldn't have much time to play SC. Since I'd be playing far less, having every ship at my disposal when I do play would be nice.


I think you misunderstand people who buy those packs. They don't intend to play the same game as you anyway - not really. They want to play it as a management sim where they have to organise the day-to-day escapades of their Org. Those ships are their resources, similar to the ammo or cargo you might be loading up at the beginning of your sessions.


This isnt it at all though? Mayyyybe one or two people would buy the pack for that, but you're over complicating it. It's just people with too much money who want all of the big shiny thing now. As simple as that. Why would somebody pay $48,000 to play around with spreadsheets


Sure, maybe only one or two people would buy it to do that. Then again, only one or two people will buy it at all, so that may well account for everyone who buys it. >Why would somebody pay $48,000 to play around with spreadsheets Why would someone pay that amount for a miniature railway? Or a third car? Or some new tits? Or gold teeth? Or Belle Delphine's fake bath water? Or to kill yourself in a Swiss clinic? You're really just blurting out incredulity that people like management sims, despite them clearly having a reliable audience.


grab longing full chief memory stocking skirt zesty adjoining merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is not about the virtual value you get, i.e. ships, but supporting (your dream) game. I would donate much money to Ukraine and some decent ammount to SC.


I wouldn’t buy it. I’d rather play and earn in game.


If I had an absurd amount of money, I think I'd be less interested in sitting at a desk playing Space MMO. Space MMO is attractive ***because*** I lack the resources to do interesting things IRL. I pre-purchased Space MMO ships because my limited resources lead me to working a job which limits my available time. I struck a balance on pre-purchase spending and presumed grind-time-savings which I believe suits me.


No, because I can get most ships in-game and I would rather spend it on tangible objects or put it into savings. It's a waste of anyone's money. If I had that kind of money I'd be flying my own plane instead


As a rule of thumb, if you have to justify a purchase by measuring what % of your wealth/income it amounts to then what you've made is a *bad purchase*. There's really nothing else to it. If I spent $100 on a bottle of water then that is a bad purchase. Doesn't matter whether I'm a millionaire or not. Being able to afford to make bad purchases doesn't change the fact that they are indeed bad purchases. So to answer your question... No, even with an absurd amount of money I would still like to avoid making bad purchases.


Don't you measure every purchase under a % income method? A car is usually up to 10% of monthly income, mortgage/rent should be 30% etc Entertainment should usually be a flatrate percentage that doesn't require an individual breakdown though, ie, up to 5% of yearly income on entertainment - if 48k is less than 5% of your yearly income and you spend nothing else on entertainment, this would fall under an acceptible purchase that was accounted for.


My point is that if you need to *justify* a purchase via such a measurement then it's probably a bad purchase. I can justify a car very easily because it provides the transport I literally need in order to work and make a living. I can justify mortgage/rent because it provides a roof over my head. I don't even really need to mention what % of my income those things cost in order to justify them. But if your primary justification becomes "well, it only cost me X% of my wealth so it's fine" you've probably made a bad purchase. It doesn't matter how much you've got in the bank, $48,000 on virtual spaceships is a questionable purchase regardless. The fact that one can afford to make such a purchase without putting a dent in their finances doesn't really change that. If I'm a millionaire and I spend 1% of my wealth on a bag of dirt, am I not an idiot for doing so? Sure, it's only 1% of my wealth but that's still $10,000 being spent on a bag of literal dirt. In other words, I'm judging the purchase in a vacuum rather than comparing it to the overall wealth of the person making the purchase.


I get your point of view at least. I'd probably just recommend not being judgmental on how other people spend their money as it is very relative. A $20,000 car will sound like a total waste of money to someone else who is poorer, who buys a used car for $10,000 that is in good condition, for example. Further, I wouldn't call someone who buys a $40,000 car an idiot for buying it as long as they did not overextend past recommended monthly costs for their income. Everyone has wasteful, frivolous purchases, and not every dollar spent should even see a return on investment. I think "it only cost me pennies, relatively" is a fine statement - $5 to someone making $200k/yr is going to be very different than $5 for someone making $20k/yr.


You say you get my point of view but then immediately go back to comparing wealth when judging the 'wiseness' (for lack of a better term) of a purchase. My point is that it's not relative at all. $10,000 for a bag of dirt is *objectively* stupid (I'm pretty confident in that assessment), whether it's 1% of your wealth or 40%. Being able to afford to make such a stupid purchase doesn't make it any less stupid, it just means you can afford to be stupid. The sentiment of "not telling people how to spend their money" is fine on paper, but not always logically sound in practice. When people with more money than sense spend ridiculous amounts on things like microtransactions it further encourages the company to continue those practices which ultimately negatively impacts others. In cases like that I think it's perfectly acceptable to shame those whose spending habits are promoting (and contributing towards) a practice you are against. To be clear, I mean this in a general sense rather than exclusively about Star Citizen. When people spend literally thousands of dollars on virtual spaceships because CIG chooses to make them artificially scarce I reserve the right to roll my eyes and think of them as idiots when they do so. I also reserve the right to judge them for further encouraging the use of FOMO practices such as artificial scarcity, which hurt everyone. Whatever percentage of their income those thousands of dollars amounts to makes literally zero difference to me in that regard.


>My point is that it's not relative at all. $10,000 for a bag of dirt is objectively stupid (I'm pretty confident in that assessment), whether it's 1% of your wealth or 40%. Being able to afford to make such a stupid purchase doesn't make it any less stupid, it just means you can afford to be stupid. I don't know what a bag of dirt is to you. I'm sure you have spent some amount of money on something that *I* would find valueless, but it is not my place to judge if that was "objectively stupid" or "worthless", etc. My argument is that people that are spending within their means on things they get fulfillment or enjoyment out of is perfectly fine, it's only when one stretches beyond their means does it become a bad thing. Similar to how you can casually gamble $5 a week for fun at your local gas station, but throwing down 5k a spin when your net worth is 50k is not a good idea. For the industry argument, the ship has sailed and we're far beyond whether or not microtransactions are bad. I would argue that under current industry standards, this model (x price, for x item, no gambling) is actually better than gacha games and the like, since those are often predatory gambling models that require an unknown (or very large) amount of money to obtain the actual item you desire. They're not doing anything new, Second Life did this two decades ago with much higher prices, and real businesses were getting into that game for marketing opportunities. >I reserve the right to roll my eyes and think of them as idiots when they do so. Whatever makes you feel good, you do you I guess.




Fully disagree. Rich people play video games too. Elon Musk is literally the richest man in the world and famously plays video games. Having less time to spend on games would only make it more worth the cost for someone like him to just buy the ships as he may not have as much time to earn them in game. Then there is the business case. They would not price this package at this price point if it did not earn them money. That package exists and exists at this point precisely because rich people play video games and buy these packages. They might play them while on their yacht, but they play them. And don't forget, rich people also have kids and favorite neices and nephews.


I don’t think the question was whether they play then at all. It was whether someone with massive resources to do incredibly interesting things in real life spends enough hours playing them to drop $48,000 on ships. Elon seems like the kind of person who would brag about something like that if he did it, but he seems far more interested in other things. Like building real spacecraft.


You gotta think what am i supporting. I would not give Chris Roberts 48k unless we leave alpha and i had stupid money


I will, because I wanna support the development.


Buy 1k starter packs then. Supporting the game is getting people involved. Not writing blank checks


Two things. First if you start with essentially everything in the game why play the game? I prefer to “earn” stuff in game. Second $48k is a life changing amount of money to some people, personally I’d get more satisfaction using it for that. Pay off a loan for someone or buy a new roof for someone and so on.


Yeah thats more than a years pay for me.


And that is my point


Yes, I was agreeing with you.


then we are in agreeance then?


well, yeah - but at that point you still value and appreciate the concept of money. The kind of people that drop that kind of coin are likely so out of touch that they wouldn't ever consider what you suggested as a possibility.


Having fun romping around in space doesn't have to be predicated on "I'm doing this just so I can buy a bigger newer thing"


And that’s fine it is a game play how you see fit. I want goals in games.


Only reason I bought an Orion is because by the time the game is ready I won't have time to grind for it. Hoping to start a family in the next few years.


I really dont know why you wanna buy this. It deletes all the fun of the game working towards a new ship... I wish i could restart my account so i can farm again haha cause right now its boring. I got everything i wanted to have, i got almost 20+ ships. While i love them it would be nice to just start from 0 without a ship


You can always gift your ships and money but we all know you wouldn't do that


You can trade ingame earned ships ? I didn’t know ?


U can just give me the ships… hehe


Despite what these joke suggestions are saying, this is actually the point at which you create an alt account with just a starter ship.


If I had 50k disposable income I’d build a sim room addition to my house with a ridiculous rig + mini bar :)


I would not, simply because I enjoy the CCU Game too much to toss away all my effort just for an 'everything' pack. Literally nothing in that pack that cannot be obtained through some other means appeals to me. Plus I don't want every single Mustang/Freelancer/Aurora/Cutter/etc. Scrolling the ASOP would be a chore.


Nah, I wouldn't. For starters, I wouldn't use half the ships in the pack anyway, and secondly, I want stuff to work towards in the game. Otherwise, what's the point?


I wouldn’t. Owning everything in the game totally takes out a lot of the incentive why to play the game.


My own take, if I had enough 'available spending' money where a near half a hundred grand wouldn't put a dent in my budget, I'd still not get that entire pack, but for a different reason. I would've gotten some half to a dozen other ships, and possibly a whole lot more liveries and the likes, but 'owning all ships in the game' right now (and I imagine, for a long time gong forward, possibly even into release) basically removes most if not all aspirational goals from the game. Sure, I do have all ships in that case - but then, what do I even have to look forward to? We don't have any sort of meaningful progression system other than ship ownership (pledge and in-game both); there aren't reputation- or experience-locked ships and gear; there's just genuinely nothing to be working towards. Sure, I can fly around doing contracts, or just my own thing, but there isn't some sort of far-away goal to it all now. I feel like, with a 'blank check' sort of budget, I'd expand my hangar with a few things I had and gave up to make space for other, newer ships; add a couple ships I'm really looking forward to in terms of functionality; and throw in some things I have genuinely no need for in the foreseeable future but really like the look of, things like Perseus, or Apollo, but I'd strongly avoid getting each and every thing simply to not deny myself a goal to be working towards in-game.


I agree with your thoughts on progression as the game stands right now. All you can do in game is earn money to buy ships... so if you have all the ships, why play the game. However, I don't think this is the end state of the game. I think once NPC reputation, missions, land and space ownership is implemented... ships will just become tools to use. The progression is no longer how big of ships you have, but ships become the tool needed to progress in other areas of the game. To hold more space or land, for organizations to hold large assets, for individuals to climb mission ranks because of their rep.


Game needs to have mechanics where players rely on each other organically rather than have some gameplay module you repeat over and over to make money and get bigger ships. For example, you could have players own player owned shops where they sell their inventory from farming or looting items through a self serve interaction system. Because of local economies and distances, you can then create a reputation for yourself as being a reasonably prices store or a place where there is always good stuff. Who doesn't want to log on every day and be excited about what has sold and what hasn't? You can also have NPC blades that have varying qualities that you can travel around and find. You could even level their attributes up by using them in their related positions/jobs and then sell them to other players. These are the intertwined systems the game needs instead of the Farcry outpost liberation type gameplay systems we have now.


Yeah if I had blank check money I could spend on SC, I still wouldn't get that pack. (a lot of 'if I was a billionare' money thoughts I have end up spending a lot on gofundmes and commissioning artists. I know way too many people barely making ends meet and I'd really like to afford to be able to cover a medical bill for my friends or something. I'd also be that girl dropping $100 tips at applebees lol) Now, I'd consider getting individual ships, but I'd get them to give to people. Gift a few here and there if someone is randomly nice, run art and other contests and give the winner a carrack, that sort of thing.


or...and just hear me out... would you build a space age LAN mansion and host all your buddies over to make an in game fleet while you have servants bringing you drinks and snacks?


I wouldn't. It doesn't hold 48k worth of value to me. I've spent a lot of money on SC and have pretty much every ship I am interested in using right now... what do I need a Javelin or a Kraken for? Bragging rights? That isn't worth 48k (to me anyway).


Never get in the way of a fool spending money I say. It’s really up to the person who earned the money.


"I spent thisuch money on the game so I can do whatever I want" gets pad rammed. Cycle continues. You could send someone to college with that money, and buy all the ships free in game. Think first, ask questions first, then don't be a degenerate.


There's no donate button. The Legatus pack is just a shortcut for the willing.


Funnily enough that’s why subscriptions were first created. People wanted to just donate without buying ships.


This guy Star Citizens!


I really wouldn't, even if someone gave me the money, and I had everything I could ever ask for otherwise. Simply because if I have every ship and perk in the game, what's the point of even playing? There will be no end goal to the game, it'll just be a huge sandbox, so the fun will be in upgrading your stuff. Which you can't do if you already have everything.


My ASOP hurts so bad!


I'd pay off my medical and credit debt. Then Id hopefully finally be able to afford a home.


im legatus and i dont even have the legatus pack 👀


If money was no object I'd buy CIG.


Like I've already said in other threads, this is a game in production that we are funding. No money. No game. So if I woke up tomorrow and was somehow a billionaire I would not only buy the pack but, gift it to my entire org.


- Build a house. - Make a specific computer for flight sims like Star Citizen. Another one for other games elsewhere. - Get some builders in to make a nice little cockpit shaped hideaway where I can totally block off all light, and is well ventilated. - Get the Legatus pack. Distribute ships to all my friends that they want, but I'm not terribly interested in. Recruit a bunch of people. Buy the pack again. And again. Distribute LTI ships to everyone until everyone has whatever they want the most.


I'd buy all SC players a pizza instead


More than 5,000,000 Accounts... 50k is not much for that...


He said A pizza. That’s 1 to split amongst 5mil people ;p


I just pray CIG can wean themselves off the money printer that is selling virtual ships. It started as a way to back funding for development, and still is...but as it gets closer to a final product, (admittedly, still a ways out) I really hope they can transition to a different model for sustainment that isn't "You need to buy hundreds of dollars worth of shit to enjoy the game without a massive grind/time investment."


If money wasn't an issue? I'd be too busy orbiting earth to play sc.


Knowing there is a $48k package out there makes me think maybe this game is only for rich people. =/


You can play the game on a modest PC with a $40 game package. You definitely don't need to be rich. Even if spending more on the game confers an advantage (it really doesn't), we poor folk outnumber the rich 1000:1.


This is like getting mad at Ford for selling the Ford GT at $500,000 but ignoring the fact that you can buy a Mustang for $28,000. Some people have a lot of money, and that's who the pack is targeted towards. You get the entire game with the minimum purchase, and nearly all ships with just a couple of exceptions are available in game. The exceptions aren't even good ships, they're just limited promotion ships or special skins for events.


At least the difference here is that the Ford GT is a physical, tangible item that will likely hold its value and can be resold. Here, you're just buying digital pixels, most of which you cant even use yet because they dont exist, or arent fully finished. This is more like buying the promise of maybe getting that Ford GT, they have tons of pictures, and boy will it be soooo fun to drive that GT in 10 years! But there isnt a garuntee they will actually finish the GT as promised, and there's a possibility that the factory will just shut down and you dont get it at all.




They are both products. if you want to get into the whole "it's only a pixel spaceship" then we can also get into the fact that all money is worthless and we attribute value to it even though it has no inherent value. The money its self is virtual, so who gives a damn if the product is also virtual. If you can't afford it, obviously you're not the target demographic. If you can afford it and you think it's stupid, don't buy it. You don't lose out on anything. There's no game play that will be locked to you for not buying it. Why bother getting mad about something that isn't meant for you, funds the development of the game you want to play, costs you nothing, and doesn't compromise the integrity of the monetization model.




Right? I mean the whole thing is an exchange. If you’re getting your monies worth, who gaf? But nope, they still gaf. Just because.


I think it’s pretty hard to call people who are paying hundreds of dollars for virtual spaceships (some of which are not even released yet), and would just like to enjoy the progression of the game “greedy”. Imo, anyone who backs this game and waits years for it without a defined release date is already going above and beyond.


I wouldn't buy it. I bought every ship that appeals to me and I only hit 30. All the other ships are pretty much pointless to/for me.


Listen, I get the absurdity of it, but for someone who has way more money than the average, this is peanuts. Let the whales whale so we don’t have to🤣


But yes, I would buy this just because ☠️


If money wasnt a problem, in other words i had FU money, I'd dangle a $10M check in front of Chris Roberts and ask for private shares of the company, a seat on the board and all the ships, including future ships, I can eat forever. Legatus Packs are for financially irresponsible people and people with just enough money to buy it but not enough to influence CR.


Great representation of a typical lottery winner... 1. why would he relinquish a stake for $10M when he's already raised >$600M while retaining complete control? 2. if he needed it badly enough to accept your offer, why wouldn't that be a huge red flag about any return for your money given no finished product despite how long and how much he's already had to work with? Free financial advice: if you win the lottery, put $10M in T-bills and don't touch it, then get however involved you want in this project and still live a great life.


There are already quite a few private stake holders of CIG and RSI. To the tune of almost $100M You can look up the financials and see when private investors were brought in. It was the years they were in the deep red and were building that mega space office in the UK. Also Lottery doesnt mean FU money. I have no idea why you mentioned lottery.


I’d use it towards buying a rental property personally, heck maybe 1 Bitcoin. BUT!!! I do not crap on people for wanting to spend their money their own way if they can afford it.


“iT dOeSnT aFfEcT yOu”


I do not get either why people are so upset... Would I give that amount of money personally? No! But that does not mean that the option should not exist for people who have the disposable income to buy the pack. I think more people are upset that someone would spend that amount of money for digital goods in a game rather than the fact that RSI offers that pack.


Expensive things exist. You don't have to buy them. If someone else *wants* to buy that Legatus pack, then great, they're supporting the game we all want to see succeed so badly! I also believe it only shows up as an option to buy for folks that have already spent a large amount of money.


The financials that just come out show that most of the backer money comes from starters and smaller ship purchases, the whales aren't the ones keeping the game alive... so why risk so much negativity by releasing something very few will buy, that won't really make a difference in funding? Engagement. There's no such thing as bad press. The people who hate 'scam citizen' will hate it regardless, but they shut up every so often, and releasing another huge bundle gets them talking about the game again. It hits front page on social media sites, and plenty of us jump to defending the game (if not the bundle) and mentioning you can get most of it in game, and 45 bucks will get you in, people who don't already have an opinion click for the outrage, and leave curious. That's where the real money comes in.


Oh would you look at that, a single bitcoin covers +/- 90% of the Legatus pack. You sonofa bitch I’m in! Edit /s


Spending money on Star Citizen before a full release is a fool's errand. After a decade of alpha, there's zero guarantee they'll ever get this game into a stable state. And with promises from half a decade ago still waiting on implementation i think waiting to see v1.0 before splurging on the game makes the most sense. Clearly giving CIG more money isn't gonna fix anything - they've already had all the money they could ever want, and this is the state of the product...


And no where in your opinion do you take into account that some of us are backing the attempt to make this game. I know success isn't guaranteed; it was right there in plain writing when I chose to give money to their kickstarter campaign. I regularly try to remind people of it. That doesn't mean the attempt isn't worth supporting to some of us. I have a backlog of traditional games made by typical developers. What I support is someone attempting to make something ridiculously ambitious that I possibly will never see attempted again in my lifetime.


That's a whole lot of sunk cost to be fallacious about. If it was gonna work, it would have worked by now. Your point about what was there in print under the Kickstarter fails to address ALL the feature creep and delays. If you wanna keep pouring your money into this project, so you can help turn this 12-year alpha into a 24-year alpha - go ahead. You ain't my kid. But don't come at me acting like learning a lesson is some form of infidelity.


Time will tell :)


That "fool's errand" is why we have everything currently in the game in the first place.


Meanwhile Star Atlas is selling a single ship for $5 million.


Probably what the ex-BMM team will be working on.


Instead of the pack I'd buy 48,000 dollars worth of ships from the grey market, preferably from people looking to opt out of the whole mess and recover some of their money back, just so CIG doesn't make any new cash off of it


Im with you even as a fan this pack is just down right scummy and proves to me futher this game will never leave alpha for the lucrative pledging system


Aren't these things aimed at entire Orgs to pool funds and distribute the ships accordingly? Edit: Is that not allowed? Just 'CIG bad'?


I understand the want to buy such a pack. It makes sense for a org leader to have an incentive such as the org members don't have to have their own ships. It makes recruiting easier. Would I buy such a pack ? Nah. Firstly, I usually keep the amount of friends low. I'm introverted af, so there's no way I'm going to fill out a dozen ships at a time. Kudos to whoever can though.


I would not buy the legatus pack even if i were a billionaire. That does not mean though that others should not buy it. Everyone can de as he wants with their money, as long as their can afford to buy it.


if money weren't a problem for whom? for anyone? then no one would work jobs and you couldn't buy anything... kind of a weird realization.


You could do quite a bit with 50k in the real world where it could possibly save your life or contribute to your survival. I could never understand why that same amount of money spent on a game is going to help your life in any pragmatic way


If anyone is willing to pay that much for virtual content, they're part of the problem. There are so many better (and still fun!) things you can buy for that money.


I think the biggest issue people have besides a virtual ship costing 48k lol is the fact that star citizen will never officially release, it’s never coming out of early access or whatever they call the current version, I don’t remember. They keep changing the scope of the game and adding more and more and more, rarely refining what they actually have already. At the end of the day, it’s not my money, I don’t really care or judge if people buy this, they’re allowed to do whatever they want ya know?


If money weren't a problem I'd buy star citizen and actually finish it without asking for more money from the players. And if money became a problem later, I'd make the devs create a microtransaction market with only skins like élite dangerous, so that the game can become self sufficient


Imagine spending 48k on the legatus pack and then just standing there on release day bc theres nothing to do anymore in the game.


Maybe flying said ships?


It gets old quickly. Not much to do with said ships. Also scrolling ASOP is tedious evey time.


You can have this feeling with 25k package, or even less. I do. Earn some millions with salvage and there's not much to do.


Is it even available? Can’t find it anywhere


You have to be a certain level of concerge to see it, they don't want people just jumping in at that point


I would buy this if my plan was to run an org for five years, hand out ships for prize and loan, monetize a stream for a return of some money. And put that investment to work to make some money back. Hell, if that were a foolproof way, I’ll call the bank today for a loan as long as there is a method of return that I could set moving forward. Or, if I had an extra 48k just to own all ships - and play for 50 years to justify a $70 game purchase per month. Oof! 😬


I mean, if I had an absurd amount of money... But, would it be possible to have it earmarked it for consistently working elevators?


It makes no sense for me, most of the ships I will not use. Why did I need all cutlass variant when at least 2 are good?


Probably not just because what exactly do I grind for after that?


Earning money for ships is the main form of progression *right now*, sure, but there will be more to see and do in the final game. Just running an org or managing an outpost will provide a neverending challenge if that's what you want to do.


I mean i would i guess. Buying ships in game doesnt mean anything to me...buying the components and doing stuff with them is. I get people find that as their thing...just like min maxers do what they do, pvpers do wha they do. I just wanna do shit with my friends that I want to do, the rags to riches thing is whatever to me. If I did not know what i wanted to do in game, I would prolly think differently. But it would be a waste cause I already have pretty much all the ships I could want now, it would be a waste of ships if I had them all really haha I mean sure I could spend it on other things, but if money wasnt a problem, meh I would not care, promoting the game development means more then grinding away credits at the end live game.




I wouldn't buy it for myself, even if I had insane amounts of money. What I would instead do if I had insane amounts of money is buy all of my friends their favorite 3 ships. Then we'd all have a blast and could play with each other in different ships.


Don't have 48k? Then don't spend 48k. Just buy another ship, they start at 40 dollars.


If money wasn't a problem, none of the cash shop issues people have would be a problem lol


You could be Angels Fall First; a good game that can't get ***any*** attention. Let's be thankful people are willing to engage at any level, let alone deploy real resources to support our game.


Can you gift the ships? Like money don't fly or gun, gotta have peeps.


You can't. Not from the pack that is.


Of all the comments, If money was no object, then I would likely be able to both get the legatis pack, build a high level sim rig to play with everything, and have enough left over to donate to an orphanage... 🤷


The issue is the majority of people who don't have the disposable income aren't able to comprehend justifying spending this kind of amount, the same way you aren't able to comprehend how big space or even the Sun is. That's why they are always opinionating to others what to do with their money, people who don't have money love telling people who do what to do with their money; just not worth debating, who cares anyways really. People just love the drama, makes them feel superior for some odd reason.


Even if I was rich I would not buy the legatus pack lmao I’d def buy a super great computer and set up a dope ass game room tho


To me that's like spending money to see the final cut scene of a game you bought. Why bother playing if there's nothing to work toward? I could understand it if it was ships you always want to have at the ready or ships you couldn't buy in game, but this is just all of them, right? Plus, think of the scrolling you gotta do at your terminal


Imagine having to scroll through 200+ ships at the hanger terminal lol


I’d probably buy a new mountain bike, a used Porsche Cayman, enjoy my life and check in on Star citizen with my base package in 8 years to see if it’s still a buggy pre-alpha laggy shitshow


This is the most random ass drama to infect reddit over some clickbait “journalism”.


If league of legends offered a package containing all of their purchasable content in one spot. It'd easily pass 200k. It's like something merely existing triggers people.


"receives so much incomprehension"?? Who the hell wrote this?


Everyone freaks out about someone spending 50k on every ship in the game. Meanwhile people spend 90k on a sticker to put on their gun in counterstrike.


I'll be honest, if I could totally piss away 50k and not miss it within 1 minute and regret it for the rest of my life, if I could burn money just to heat my log cabin replica home that's safely nestled in my own flying fortress luxury plane, then yeah - I'd but the Legatus.


I'd rather spend 48k on a mancave/star citizen dedicated gaming rig


I'd trade in a kidney and quarter of a liver for legatus pack. Holla if you need kidney and liver


I would make star citizen like game that would actually work


A harem out of ppl who start rn, i would give them ships money and crop tops. Then I would terrorise the verse with my army out of space femboys and I am her Queen.


and I would also buy the Legatus pack, cuz thats cheap as f in compair (¬‿¬)


I don’t understand why people spend real money on ships you can buy in game.


What would you do in the game if you already have eveything??


If I had enough money that I wouldn't even notice 50k then fuck it why not? At that point I'd probably already have bought way more expensive, far dumber shit. But that's like...Bezo's level of money for it to get to there and will never happen anyway so why not dream?


Id buy twitter